GithubReleases4J - GitHub Releases for Java , based on GitHub RESTful API .

  _____ _ _   _           _     _____      _                          _  _       _ 
 / ____(_) | | |         | |   |  __ \    | |                        | || |     | |
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 \_____|_|\__|_| |_|\__,_|_.__/|_|  \_\___|_|\___|\__,_|___/\___||___/  |_| \____/ 



version License workflow CodeSize Support

GitHub Releases for Java , based on GitHub REST API .

To provide an easy way to fetch updates and download assets.


  • Release Info
    • Tag Name
    • Release Name
    • Release Descriptions
    • ...
  • Release's Author Info
    • Login ID
    • AvatarURL
    • ...
  • Release's Assets Info
    • Name
    • Size
    • ...
  • Release's Assets Download
  • Update check methods. (See demo)

Dependency Usage

Maven dependency
            <name>GitHub Packagesname>

            <version>[LATEST RELEASE]version>

Gradle dependency
repositories {
    // Using github packages.
    maven { url '' }

dependencies {
    api "cc.carm.lib:githubreleases4j:[LATEST RELEASE]"


Please click here to read the demo codes.

Open Source License.

The project using The MIT License .

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