Dynamic Configuration Capability for SpringBoot Application


Spring Boot Dynamic Config

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Hot-reload your SpringBoot configurations, with just a '@DynamicConfig' annotation, the simplest solution, ever.

English 简体中文

  • ❤️ Non-intrusive, compatible with SpringBoot native ways (@Value, @ConfigurationProperties)
  • Lightweight & Blazing Fast, depend on nothing but SpringBoot core libs
  • 😀 Extremely easy to use, only provide an annotation: @DynamicConfig, an event: ConfigurationChangedEvent
  • Perfect solution for hot-reloading configuration of SpringBoot application on Kubernetes, with K8S ConfigMap

Compare with spring-cloud-starter-config

  • No need for config server
  • No SpringCloud dependency and @RefreshScope annotation, won't destroy and rebuild beans

Compare with Alibaba Nacos / Ctripcorp Apollo

  • No need for Nacos/Apollo server
  • No need for learning Annotations, Client APIs, etc.



Getting Started

Step1. Add spring-boot-dynamic-config Dependency




implementation 'top.code2life:spring-boot-dynamic-config:1.0.7'

Step2. Add @DynamicConfig Annotation

Option1: Add @DynamicConfig annotation on class which contains @Value field.

import lombok.Data;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import top.code2life.config.DynamicConfig;

import java.util.Set;

@DynamicConfig // add annotation here !
public class DynamicFeatures {

    private String plainValue;

    private Set<String> someBetaFeatureConfig;

    // @DynamicConfig // adding annotation here also works!
    @Value("#{@testComponent.transform(${dynamic.transform-a:20}, ${dynamic.transform-b:10})} ")
    private double transformBySpEL;

    public double transform(double t1, double t2) {
        return t1 / t2;

// file: application-profile.yml
// ============================
// dynamic-test-plain: someVal # kebab-case is recommended
// dynamicFeatureConf: a,b,c  # camelCase compatible
// dynamic:
//   transform-a: 100
//   transform-b: 10

Option2: Add @ConfigurationProperties annotation on configuration class.

import lombok.Data;
import org.springframework.boot.context.properties.ConfigurationProperties;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import top.code2life.config.DynamicConfig;

import java.util.Map;

@DynamicConfig  // add annotation here !
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "my-prop")
public class TestConfigurationProperties {

    private String str;

    private Double doubleVal;

    private Map<String, Object> mapVal;

// file: application-another-profile.yml
// ============================
// my-prop:  # or myProp, relax binding supported 
//   str: someVal
//   double-val: 100.0
//   mapVal:
//     k: v

Step3. Run Application with Configuration Location

java -jar your-spring-boot-app.jar --spring.config.location=/path/to/config

Then, modifications on /path/to/config/application-.yml will take effect and reflect on @DynamicConfig beans immediately.

Best Practices

  • Configuration as Code, Everything as Code
  • Configurations should be maintained in Git, rather than any GUI system.
  • Configurations should be applied to dev/production environments by Continuous Integration system.
  • Git-Based DevOps workflow is the modern way of operating services, at scale.


  1. Bean 'DynamicConfigPropertiesWatcher' will be initialized if 'spring.config.location' is specified
  2. Bean 'DynamicConfigBeanPostProcessor' will be initialized if 'DynamicConfigPropertiesWatcher' exists
  3. DynamicConfigBeanPostProcessor collects beans' metadata after initializing
  4. DynamicConfigPropertiesWatcher watches configuration directory, then replace PropertySource in Environment on changes
  5. DynamicConfigPropertiesWatcher publishes 'ConfigurationChangedEvent'
  6. DynamicConfigBeanPostProcessor listens 'ConfigurationChangedEvent', calculate diff
  7. For each changed key, DynamicConfigBeanPostProcessor will use preserved bean metadata to check if it's related
  8. After filtering related beans, it will use reflect API or ConfigurationPropertiesBindingPostProcessor API to modify fields of existing bean


Any SpringBoot/SpringCloud application within following SpringBoot version can use this lib.

  • √ SpringBoot 2.5.x and Above
  • √ SpringBoot 2.4.x
  • √ SpringBoot 2.3.x
  • √ SpringBoot 2.2.x
  • √ SpringBoot 2.1.x
  • √ SpringBoot 2.0.x
  • X SpringBoot 1.5.x and Lower


  • For SpringBoot 2.0.x, use Junit4 rather than Junit5.
  • This lib does not depend on ANY other libs except SpringBoot core libs.


Spring Boot Dynamic Config is Open Source software released under the Apache 2.0 license.

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