A spigot plugin for spawning a chest when the player dies



A spigot plugin for spawning a chest when the player dies. It supports Holographic Displays, Decent Holograms, ProtocolLib, WorldGuard, and PlotSquared for additional features


The configuration file lays in plugins/DeathChest.


This plugin supports particle spawning in a circle around the chest. In the future it will be fully customizable but currently you can only customize the radius, particle count and the speed.


You can customize the inventory which opens by right-clicking the chest. Properties like title and size are customizable in the configuration file.



This plugin has a support for Holographic Displays and Decent Holograms for spawning a hologram above the chest which is fully customizable in the configuration file. It has also a support with specific placeholders like {player_name}, {player_displayname} and {duration}.

Block break animation

This plugin has a support for ProtocolLib which is needed to activate the block breaking animation.

  • Vault Hard Dependancy

    Vault Hard Dependancy

    Hi, is it possible for a release to be maintained without the Vault plugin hard dependancy? I don't mind sticking with 1.5.4 while I can but just wanted to ask anyway. Many thanks! All your work is greatly appreciated!!!

    opened by AndrewChqng 8
  • Higher than usual resource drain?

    Higher than usual resource drain?

    https://spark.lucko.me/p86MimpATf Hi, terribly sorry but just thought I'd check as in the plugins section of the Spark report it suggests Death-Chest is using almost 14%? The server was idling the whole time so not too sure but it seems extremely high compared to the other plugins. If it's intended it's absolutely fine but thought I'd check just in case.

    bug enhancement 
    opened by AndrewChqng 4
  • [1.5.3 - WorldGuard Flag Bug] - softcrash when using the plugin without worldguard being present.

    [1.5.3 - WorldGuard Flag Bug] - softcrash when using the plugin without worldguard being present.

    Update: Please see the comment below as to why I beleive this is happening and a suggested fix for the issue.

    Death Chest: v1.5.3 Server: PaperMC 1.19.23 Build 232 (any build that supports running this plugin)

    There appaears to be a softcrash happening upon server start up when using this plugin with out the preseance of the worldguard plugin.

    [16:29:11] [Server thread/INFO]: [DeathChest] Loading DeathChest v1.5.3
    [16:29:11] [Server thread/ERROR]: [org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_19_R1.CraftServer] com/sk89q/worldguard/protection/flags/Flag initializing DeathChest v1.5.3 (Is it up to date?)
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sk89q/worldguard/protection/flags/Flag
    	at de.helixdevs.deathchest.DeathChestPlugin.onLoad(DeathChestPlugin.java:80) ~[death-chest-1.5.3-all.jar:?]
    	at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_19_R1.CraftServer.loadPlugins(CraftServer.java:429) ~[paper-1.19.2.jar:git-Paper-235]
    	at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.initServer(DedicatedServer.java:278) ~[paper-1.19.2.jar:git-Paper-235]
    	at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer(MinecraftServer.java:1100) ~[paper-1.19.2.jar:git-Paper-235]
    	at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0(MinecraftServer.java:305) ~[paper-1.19.2.jar:git-Paper-235]
    	at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:833) ~[?:?]
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sk89q.worldguard.protection.flags.Flag
    	at org.bukkit.plugin.java.PluginClassLoader.loadClass0(PluginClassLoader.java:177) ~[paper-api-1.19.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
    	at org.bukkit.plugin.java.PluginClassLoader.loadClass(PluginClassLoader.java:124) ~[paper-api-1.19.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
    	at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:520) ~[?:?]
    	... 6 more

    Marked as a softcrash as the plugin appears to finish loading later on in the server startup process.

    opened by Terminal-Access 4
  • Item got duped when you break the chest

    Item got duped when you break the chest

    How to produce

    1. kill yourself
    2. go to your death location
    3. break the death chest
    4. voila

    i have tried this for like 10 more times image

    other behaviour (open the chest -> take all item -> chest break/disappear automaticaly) work as intended


    # The Configuration file of Death Chest
    #    In this file you can customize the plugin.
    # Do not touch this!
    config-version: 2
    # I recommend leaving this on true to receive notification when I have performance improvements.
    update-checker: true
    duration-format: 'mm:ss'
    # The expiration of the chest in seconds.
    # You can deactivate the expiration by setting the value to -1
    expiration: 1800
    # If this feature is enabled all caught items will be dropped if the chest is expired.
    drop-items-after-expiration: true
    # Here you can modify the inventory which opens when you right-click the death chest. You can use color codes with '&'
    # in the title and change the inventory size by changing the size value.
      title: 'Death Chest'
      # Possible values are: constant and flexible
      # constant: the size of the inventory is always 45 slots large
      # flexible: the size of the inventory depends on the items which had the player in the inventory.
      size: flexible
    # This section is for handling the hologram function in this plugin. You can remove this section to disable the feature,
    # or you set the 'enabled' option to false
    # This feature is only available if you have a supported hologram plugin installed.
      enabled: true
      # If you add lines you have to increase this value. This values depends on the hologram
      # plugin and the distance between the plugin
      height: 2.3
      # Support for {player_name}: Name
      #             {player_displayname}: Displayname
      #             {duration}: Time left
        - '&7&lR.I.P'
        - '${player_name}'
        - '&3-&6-&3-&6-&3-&6-&3-'
        - '${duration}'
    # This section is for handling the particle function in this plugin. You can remove this section to disable the feature,
    # or you set the 'enabled' option to false
      enabled: true
      radius: 1.0
      count: 32
      # Maximum is 20
      speed: 20.0
    # This section is for handling the block breaking function in this plugin. You can remove this section to disable the feature,
    # or you set the 'enabled' option to false
    # This feature is only available if you have ProtocolLib installed.
      enabled: true
      view-distance: 20.0
    # This section is for handling the notification function in this plugin. You can remove this section to disable the feature,
    # or you set the 'enabled' option to false.
    # This feature sends a message to the dead player. Here you can inform the player about the chest and their expiration.
    # You can send the death coordination by using the placeholders: ${x} ${y}, ${z} and ${world}
      enabled: true
      message: |-
        &7You died. Your items were put into a chest which disappears after &c30 minutes&7! ${world}: ${x} ${y} ${z} 
    # Available Placeholders:
    # ${player_name} : shows the player name
    # ${player_displayname} : shows the player display name (Maybe with prefix)
    # ${x}, ${y}, ${z}, ${world} : shows the coordinates of the death location
      enabled: false
      message: |-
        &7${player_name} died at ${x} ${y} ${z} in ${world}
    # Available Placeholders:
    # ${player_name} : shows the player name
    # ${player_displayname} : shows the player display name (Maybe with prefix)
    # ${x}, ${y}, ${z}, ${world} : shows the coordinates of the death location
    # To disable the death message change "enabled" to true and remove the message option.
      enabled: false
      message: |-
        &7${player_name} died at ${x} ${y} ${z} in ${world}
    # This section configures the activation of this plugin for specific worlds.
      # Possible values: blacklist, whitelist
      filter: blacklist
        - disabled_world
    # Set this option to true if you want to protect the death chests against explosions.
    blast-protection: true
    # This option protects the death chest against thieves if the player has the specific permission and the thief
    # not the bypass permission.
    # For this option is Vault required.
      enabled: false
      permission: deathchest.thiefprotected
      bypass-permission: deathchest.thiefprotected.bypass
      # On this website you can find a list of all sounds which is implemented in SpigotMC
      # @see https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Sound.html
      # If you want to disable the sound or the message, you can delete this options
      sound: BLOCK_CHEST_LOCKED;1.0;1.0
      message: |-
        &cYour are not permitted to open this chest```
    opened by cupang-afk 3
  • GriefPrevention support

    GriefPrevention support

    Hello this plugin is good plugin for survival game type

    a lot of survival servers use plugin GriefPrevention

    if you can only allow player's death chest to be spawned ONLY and ONLY if: player is in nobody's protected region OR is in his own region (and maybe, think of adding support for plugin Parties too because GriefPrevention don't have team system but using Parties plugin you can create one as each other support themselves, so you can check if player who died is either in: 1. nobody's region (wild); 2. his own region; 3. in region from player who is in the same party like him)

    thank you so much.

    opened by TheJoshue 3
  • Persistent chests (server reload/restart)

    Persistent chests (server reload/restart)

    Hello there ! Good job on that awesome plugin, which seems to work really well πŸ‘Œ

    I've seen the following lines in the config

    # The expiration of the chest in seconds.
    # You can deactivate the expiration by setting the value to -1,
    #  but warning: The chest will still disappear after a server reload/restart

    And I was wondering if we could find a way to avoid loosing a player's stuff if the server is reloaded/restarted ? Is it planned ? Do you have any ideas ? I believe it means that the plugin should be able to create a file (or a database, but that's heavier of course), to store the data ?

    I'll be honest, I didn't check the source code for now to see how you store the chest inventory, but I'll do it !

    Thanks in advance for your answer πŸ˜‰

    opened by TBG-FR 2
  • Chest protection

    Chest protection

    The branch adds a chest protection to the project. You are able to change some properties in the config file like a sound which should be played and a specific message which send if a player without enough permission tries to open the chest.

    opened by DevCyntrix 0
  • A huge configuration file improment

    A huge configuration file improment

    You should reconfigure the configuration file if you use this version. The previous configuration file will be renamed to config.yml.old and the plugin creates a new config.yml. The structure and design is completly different to the config before. Also I added a particle effect. In the future you should make the particle effect customizable in the config.

    opened by DevCyntrix 0
  • Replace the circle calculation with the midpoint circle algorithm

    Replace the circle calculation with the midpoint circle algorithm

    Currently the project uses sinus and cosinus to calculate the circle in the particle animation. To improve the performance of the plugin I would recommend to replace the algorithmen with the midpoint circle algorithmen.

    opened by DevCyntrix 0
  • Chest randomly disappear

    Chest randomly disappear

    while testing this bug #24 my friend somehow find his death chest was disappeared

    he says quoted "i just death and opened the chest, and it disappeared"

    fortunately hologram is enabled in the config, and it create this behaviour image

    a note: i cant reproduce this bug im sorry

    opened by cupang-afk 4
  • [v1.5.2+ Config Update Bug] - Blast protection config option not being updated to existing config's after update.

    [v1.5.2+ Config Update Bug] - Blast protection config option not being updated to existing config's after update.

    Death Chest: v1.5.2 and above Server: PaperMC 1.19.2 Build 232 (any build that support the plugin really)

    Upon updating the plugin from a previous version, where a config.yml file has alredy been generated, the plugin failes to update the pre-existing config.yml to include the new "blast protection settings".

    opened by Terminal-Access 2
  • 2 suggestions

    2 suggestions

    1- If player has a specif permission, the chest will be protected from other player take items 2- Option to add a custom head textures or another block to change the death chest

    opened by cantorthiagofelipe 5
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