Core part of Jackson that defines Streaming API as well as basic shared abstractions



This project contains core low-level incremental ("streaming") parser and generator abstractions used by Jackson Data Processor. It also includes the default implementation of handler types (parser, generator) that handle JSON format. The core abstractions are not JSON specific, although naming does contain 'JSON' in many places, due to historical reasons. Only packages that specifically contain word 'json' are JSON-specific.

This package is the base on which Jackson data-binding package builds on. It is licensed under Apache License 2.0.

Alternate data format implementations (like Smile (binary JSON), XML, CSV, Protobuf, and CBOR) also build on this base package, implementing the core interfaces, making it possible to use standard data-binding package regardless of underlying data format.

Project contains versions 2.0 and above: source code for earlier (1.x) versions can be found from Jackson-1 github repo.


Build Status Maven Central Javadoc Tidelift

Get it!


Functionality of this package is contained in Java package com.fasterxml.jackson.core.

To use the package, you need to use following Maven dependency:


or download jars from Maven repository or links on Wiki. Core jar is a functional OSGi bundle, with proper import/export declarations.

Package has no external dependencies, except for testing (which uses JUnit).


For non-Maven use cases, you download jars from Central Maven repository.

Core jar is also a functional OSGi bundle, with proper import/export declarations, so it can be use on OSGi container as is.

Use it!


Usage typically starts with creation of a reusable (and thread-safe, once configured) JsonFactory instance:

JsonFactory factory = new JsonFactory();
// configure, if necessary:

Alternatively, you have a ObjectMapper (from Jackson Databind package) handy; if so, you can do:

JsonFactory factory = objectMapper.getFactory();

Usage, simple reading

All reading is by using JsonParser (or its sub-classes, in case of data formats other than JSON), instance of which is constructed by JsonFactory.

An example can be found from Reading and Writing Event Streams

Usage, simple writing

All writing is by using JsonGenerator (or its sub-classes, in case of data formats other than JSON), instance of which is constructed by JsonFactory:

An example can be found from Reading and Writing Event Streams


Community support

Jackson components are supported by the Jackson community through mailing lists, Gitter forum, Github issues. See Participation, Contributing for full details.

Enterprise support

Available as part of the Tidelift Subscription.

The maintainers of jackson-core and thousands of other packages are working with Tidelift to deliver commercial support and maintenance for the open source dependencies you use to build your applications. Save time, reduce risk, and improve code health, while paying the maintainers of the exact dependencies you use. Learn more.

Further reading

Differences from Jackson 1.x

Project contains versions 2.0 and above: source code for the latest 1.x version (1.9.13) is available from FasterXML/jackson-1 repo (unmaintained).

Note that the main differences compared to 1.0 core jar are:

  • Maven build instead of Ant
  • Annotations carved out to a separate package (that this package depends on)
  • Java package is now com.fasterxml.jackson.core (instead of org.codehaus.jackson)


  • Project Wiki has JavaDocs and links to downloadable artifacts
  • Jackson (portal) has links to all FasterXML-maintained "official" Jackson components
  • Jackson Docs is the portal/hub for all kinds of Jackson documentation
  • Add mechanism for forcing `BufferRecycler` released (to call on shutdown)

    Add mechanism for forcing `BufferRecycler` released (to call on shutdown)

    We see a class loader memory leak by using Jackson: on redeployment of our application in WebSphere we see an increase of heap usage of a couple of hundred MB's en after several redeployments heap usage becomes close to the heap size and garbage collection takes a lot of CPU. Note that most extra heap is taken by the BufferRecyclers retaining char[][]'s.

    SoftReferences may help to prevent out of memory errors, it doesn't help for gc overhead (including long compaction pauses.) In addition, the BufferRecycler classes of previous deployed versions of the app are still in the ThreadLocals of all threads of the threadpool and prevent the classloader with all its classes to be unloaded. See here: for more on classloader leaks.

    We would like Jackson to release/remove the BufferRecyclers from the ThreadLocals on shutdown, by calling a shutdown method on e.g. JsonFactory. See also:

    opened by jborgers 39
  • Add support for non-blocking (

    Add support for non-blocking ("async") JSON parsing

    (migrated from -- note, high vote count)

    (suggested by Dimitri M on user list)

    There are use cases where it'd be good to be able to feed input to parser, instead of trying to provide an input stream for parser to read from. This would cover use cases where input comes in chunks; for example, part of logical document in one chunk, then after a delay (perhaps in a separate request) another one and so forth. In these cases it may be difficult to implement InputStream (Reader etc) abstraction; instead, it would be better if application could feed (push) data to parser. But if so, parser must be able to indicate cases where no data is YET available (but may become available).

    This is similar to how Aalto Xml processor ( operatesd in its async mode. However, since Json is much simple format than xml, implementation might be simpler.

    Based on my experiences with Aalto, implementation is a non-trivial thing however. One problem is that even UTF-8 decoding needs to be somewhat aware of chunk boundaries, so in the end a separate parser may be required: this because current parser uses blocking to handle these split cases. A smaller problem is that of indicating "not-yet-available" case – this can probably be handled by introducing a new member in JsonToken enumeration.

    opened by cowtowncoder 39
  • get rid of String.intern

    get rid of String.intern

    InternCache is used in jackson for json property names only and solves the problem of extra memory footprint. In the same time it uses String.intern - that is not an issue rather than misusage of it. The purpose of using string.intern is jvm specific: usually it maintains string literal pool (and covers internal jvm cases).

    There are several known drawbacks of using intern:

    • String pool Hashtable is non-resizable table. That means: we suffer of hash code collisions when table will have items more than its size (suffer as much as many items in string.intern pool)
    • The other drawback is involve GC into that: string intern pool is subject for minor collection too. So, app suffers of using string.intern implicitly via GC phases.

    There is no use cases of check the equality of strings using == and therefore no any reasons of using String.intern - the biggest profit is to have string deduplication (already achieved).


    --- src/main/java/com/fasterxml/jackson/core/util/  (revision 489becbfb28a41980f0d5147d6069b30fa3b5864)
    +++ src/main/java/com/fasterxml/jackson/core/util/  (revision )
    @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
    -        result = input.intern();
    +        result = input;
             put(result, result);
             return result;

    Test case

    The general idea behind syntenic json is used in test (a flat json structure with 10000 properties with prefix someQName) is provide lots of different property names to trigger usage of string.intern within InternCache - that is close to real apps use cases where amount of unique property names is on a scale from hundreds to thousands.

        "someQName0": 0,
        "someQName1": 1,
        "someQName9999": 9999

    JMH test

    Let's measure performance of a single json parse with interting and w/o it:

    Benchmark                   Mode  Cnt     Score     Error  Units
    -PerfInternCache.intern      avgt    5  4098.696 ± 164.484  us/op
    +PerfInternCache.noIntern    avgt    5  2320.159 ± 204.301  us/op


    Another test is to measure how intern is affecting implicitly via GC: handle 10k the same jsons as we use in previous test (the use case is very very close to real one in real apps like web service / microsevices): InternCache GC timings java test

    Run it with -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails -Xloggc:gc.log

    and after that get the total GC pause time $ grep "GC" gc.log | grep "Times: " | awk '{S+=$8}END{print S}'

    -intern      0.1907254 +- 0.00469 sec
    +w/o intern  0.07665   +- 0.00498 sec


    Using intern harms application performance as explicitly via more expencive InternCache.intern and implicitly via GC. In the same time we keep memory footprint on the same low possible level.

    opened by vladimirdolzhenko 38
  • Allow use of faster floating-point number parsing (Schubfach) with `StreamReadFeature.USE_FAST_DOUBLE_PARSER`

    Allow use of faster floating-point number parsing (Schubfach) with `StreamReadFeature.USE_FAST_DOUBLE_PARSER`

    Jsoniter project ( has many impressive performance optimizations; linked f.ex from here:

    Of ones included, number-parsing would be relevant for this repo.

    EDIT: also see (from the comment below)

    "Unrelated to jsoniter but this recent port of Lemire's Double parser:

    and the original paper also relevant"

    performance 2.14 
    opened by cowtowncoder 26
  • NPE at BytesToNameCanonicalizer

    NPE at BytesToNameCanonicalizer

    Heya, updated to 2.4.1, and started to get the following exception:

        at com.fasterxml.jackson.core.sym.BytesToNameCanonicalizer$Bucket.access$000(
        at com.fasterxml.jackson.core.sym.BytesToNameCanonicalizer.findBestBucket(
        at com.fasterxml.jackson.core.sym.BytesToNameCanonicalizer._addSymbol(
        at com.fasterxml.jackson.core.sym.BytesToNameCanonicalizer.addName(
        at com.fasterxml.jackson.core.json.UTF8StreamJsonParser.addName(
        at com.fasterxml.jackson.core.json.UTF8StreamJsonParser.findName(
        at com.fasterxml.jackson.core.json.UTF8StreamJsonParser.parseMediumName(
        at com.fasterxml.jackson.core.json.UTF8StreamJsonParser._parseName(
        at com.fasterxml.jackson.core.json.UTF8StreamJsonParser.nextToken(
        at org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.json.JsonXContentParser.nextToken(
        at org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentHelper.convertToMap(
        at org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentHelper.convertToMap(
        at org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.DocumentMapperParser.parseCompressed(
        at org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.MapperService.parse(
        at org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.MapperService.merge(
        at org.elasticsearch.indices.cluster.IndicesClusterStateService.processMapping(
        at org.elasticsearch.indices.cluster.IndicesClusterStateService.applyMappings(
        at org.elasticsearch.indices.cluster.IndicesClusterStateService.clusterChanged(
        at org.elasticsearch.cluster.service.InternalClusterService$
        at org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.PrioritizedEsThreadPoolExecutor$
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$

    This seems to happen with very large documents, with many different field names. I tried loading the document and recreating the failure, but it doesn't seem to fail... . I suspect maybe this is caused by many different threads parsing at the same time? I do not know.

    For reference, here is a sample document that it fails on:

    opened by kimchy 24
  • JsonStringEncoder should take CharSequence parameters

    JsonStringEncoder should take CharSequence parameters

    It would be useful if the public methods in declare its input parameter as CharSequence rather than String.

    To me, it seems to be trivial to fix since the code only uses methods on the input parameter which are in CharSequence (length and charAt).

    opened by mikaelstaldal 22
  • Jackson bundles are missing OSGi's osgi.serviceloader metadata

    Jackson bundles are missing OSGi's osgi.serviceloader metadata

    Bundles need to include extra metadata to support java.util.ServiceLoader inside an OSGi framework. Jackson's bundles are all missing this metadata.

    In theory, it should just be a matter of applying Bnd's @ServiceConsumer and @ServiceProvider annotations in the correct places as described here, where these annotations can be provided like this:

    diff --git a/base/pom.xml b/base/pom.xml
    index 6235a67..4972957 100644
    --- a/base/pom.xml
    +++ b/base/pom.xml
    @@ -30,9 +30,17 @@ of Jackson: application code should only rely on `jackson-bom`
              parent pom, and then also allow override as need be
    +    <version.bnd.annotation>6.3.1</version.bnd.annotation>
    +    <dependency>
    +      <groupId>biz.aQute.bnd</groupId>
    +      <artifactId>biz.aQute.bnd.annotation</artifactId>
    +      <version>${version.bnd.annotation}</version>
    +      <scope>provided</scope>
    +    </dependency>
         <dependency> <!-- all components use junit for testing -->

    I am struggling to wrap my head around your myriad of separate repositories, and so you may have a better way of providing this dependency.

    opened by chrisr3 20
  • use fastdoubleparser jar

    use fastdoubleparser jar

    Relates to

    Should lead to better performance on newer JDKs. Up until now, the code that was copied into jackson-core was optimised for Java8.

    Shade the fastdoubleparser classes and bundle into jackson-core jar.

    opened by pjfanning 19
  • Stricly name module for JPMS

    Stricly name module for JPMS

    Please can you strictly name the jackson modules so that automatic naming is not used in JPMS

    This will enable the following functionality in

    	requires transitive com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation;
    	requires transitive com.fasterxml.jackson.core;
    	requires transitive com.fasterxml.jackson.databind;

    etc.. This way boot/base modules do not need to explicitly define the automatic module name in the libraries

    The moditect plugin can perform this function for JDK 7 and JDK 8 builds via the following

    I haven't created a PR because it would be needed across all the projects, but it is very simple to implement.

    opened by GedMarc 19
  • TypeFactory.fromType(Type type, Type... typeParameters)

    TypeFactory.fromType(Type type, Type... typeParameters)

    This will allow users to specify multiple type parameters, as well it will allow them to easily mix simple (URL) and compound type (List<URL>) parameters with ease. Finally, by having JavaType extend java.lang.reflect.Type we will be able to tunnel JavaType through Jersey's Client.get(Type) method.

    See issue #41 for more information.

    opened by cowwoc 19
  • JsonGenerator#writeTypePrefix writes an id

    JsonGenerator#writeTypePrefix writes an id "null" and cannot be set up to skip the id completely

    I have a TypeIdResolver implementation which works around generic type erasure to allow marshaling/unmarshaling of a parameterized type. This works fine when the underlying parameterized type maps directly onto a JSON type e.g. java.lang.Double but when it's a type that needs to be converted to a JSON string e.g. java.time.LocalDate then my TypeIdResolver is asked for a type and I can either return the String "java.time.LocalDate" or a null value.

    If I return a null then TypeSerializerBase#handleMissingId currently does nothing as per but it looks like the control of how to write the typeId is now handed off to JsonGenerator#writeTypePrefix @

    It would be great if writeTypePrefix did nothign if is null - I don't want to monkey-patch this unless it's going to make it into master...

    opened by jonfreedman 18
  • Allow FilteringParserDelegate to skip last elements in array

    Allow FilteringParserDelegate to skip last elements in array

    FilteringParserDelegate when parsing ID_END_ARRAY or ID_END_OBJECT of the skipped element (when _headContext.isStartHandled() == false should be able to exit the loop and continue parsing next tokens.

    This logic was changed accidentally removed in


    opened by pgomulka 0
  • Allow TokenFIlter to skip last elements in arrays

    Allow TokenFIlter to skip last elements in arrays

    When the last element in array is an array or object and that element is skipped, the FilteringParserDelegate will end up in a loop from which it cannot exit. This means that the rest of the input will be skipped too. This results in incorrect JSON.

    This behaviour exists since 2.9+ I believe this is due to where the if (gotEnd) conditions where removed. I think this should be added as currently the logic is:

     boolean gotEnd = (_headContext == buffRoot);
                        boolean returnEnd = gotEnd && _headContext.isStartHandled();
                        _headContext = _headContext.getParent();
                        _itemFilter = _headContext.getFilter();
                        if (returnEnd) {
                            return t;

    and that means that it can only exit when _headContext.isStartHandled() is true. For skipped elements this is false.

    This can be easily reproduced with this testcase

        public void testCustomIncludesWithMultipleObjectsInArrayMissLast() throws Exception {
            var factory = new JsonFactory();
            var baseParser = factory.createParser("{\"foo\":[{\"bar\":\"baz\"},{\"bing\":\"boom\"}]}");
            var filteredParser = getFilteredParser(baseParser, filter("foo", "bar"));
            var writer = new StringWriter();
            var generator = factory.createGenerator(writer);
            Assertions.assertEquals("{\"foo\":[{\"bar\":\"baz\"}]}", writer.toString());
            //Expected :{"foo":[{"bar":"baz"}]}
            //Actual   :{"foo":[{"bar":"baz"} 

    cc @tvernum who coauthored the fix and the testcases

    opened by pgomulka 0
  • no added  @JsonFilter(

    no added @JsonFilter("baseFilter") globally filter the fields I don't want

    I did the following test, is it possible without adding @JsonFilter("baseFilter") get the result I expected

    import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonFilter;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializationConfig;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.impl.SimpleBeanPropertyFilter;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.impl.SimpleFilterProvider;
    import lombok.Data;
    import lombok.SneakyThrows;
    import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
    import java.util.Date;
    import java.util.UUID;
    public class JacksonIgnoreFieldTest {
        private static String[] IGNORE_FIELD = {"delFlag", "createBy", "createTime"};
        private static SimpleBeanPropertyFilter MY_FILTER = SimpleBeanPropertyFilter.serializeAllExcept(IGNORE_FIELD);
        private static ObjectMapper objectMapper() {
            return new ObjectMapper();
        public void serializationConfigTest() {
            ObjectMapper mapper = objectMapper();
            SerializationConfig serializationConfig = mapper.getSerializationConfig().withFilters(new SimpleFilterProvider().setDefaultFilter(MY_FILTER));
            User user = new User();
            // expect: {"userId":"9f452b3a-5962-45a9-b16c-e5cb92c3baf1_userId","userName":"fa566a27-f855-4c21-9dda-2b48590f0944_userName"}
            // actual: {"userId":"9f452b3a-5962-45a9-b16c-e5cb92c3baf1_userId","userName":"fa566a27-f855-4c21-9dda-2b48590f0944_userName","delFlag":"0","createBy":"cf6cfb21-5f14-4b4a-8268-f453ce991fdb_createBy","createTime":1672133883455}
        public void writerFilterProviderDefaultFilter() {
            ObjectMapper mapper = objectMapper();
            mapper.writer(new SimpleFilterProvider().setDefaultFilter(MY_FILTER));
            User user = new User();
            // expect: {"userId":"9f452b3a-5962-45a9-b16c-e5cb92c3baf1_userId","userName":"fa566a27-f855-4c21-9dda-2b48590f0944_userName"}
            // actual: {"userId":"9f452b3a-5962-45a9-b16c-e5cb92c3baf1_userId","userName":"fa566a27-f855-4c21-9dda-2b48590f0944_userName","delFlag":"0","createBy":"cf6cfb21-5f14-4b4a-8268-f453ce991fdb_createBy","createTime":1672133883455}
        public void addFilterAddAnnotation() {
            ObjectMapper mapper = objectMapper();
            mapper.setFilterProvider(new SimpleFilterProvider().addFilter("baseFilter", MY_FILTER));
            Role role = new Role();
            // expect: {"roleId":"313cb8b2-0568-410c-b987-2e4f6e5e3cfb_roleId","roleName":"cb88e09f-2b49-4544-be7d-beea9187c2b0_roleName"}
            // actual: {"userId":"2000c23d-c9f0-42f5-b599-263a1b5e41ff_userId","userName":"c9a221f2-1b5a-4ebf-bba2-8119878c32a4_userName","delFlag":"0","createBy":"7d4fc42c-461a-42b1-ad3d-5f3a2dfb0215_createBy","createTime":1672134420799}
        public void addFilterNoAnnotation() {
            ObjectMapper mapper = objectMapper();
            mapper.setFilterProvider(new SimpleFilterProvider().addFilter("baseFilter", MY_FILTER));
            User user = new User();
            // expect: {"userId":"9f452b3a-5962-45a9-b16c-e5cb92c3baf1_userId","userName":"fa566a27-f855-4c21-9dda-2b48590f0944_userName"}
            // actual: {"userId":"2000c23d-c9f0-42f5-b599-263a1b5e41ff_userId","userName":"c9a221f2-1b5a-4ebf-bba2-8119878c32a4_userName","delFlag":"0","createBy":"7d4fc42c-461a-42b1-ad3d-5f3a2dfb0215_createBy","createTime":1672134420799}
        public static class User {
            private String userId;
            private String userName;
            private String delFlag;
            private String createBy;
            private Date createTime;
            public User() {
                userId = UUID.randomUUID() + "_userId";
                userName = UUID.randomUUID() + "_userName";
                delFlag = "0";
                createBy = UUID.randomUUID() + "_createBy";
                createTime = new Date();
        public static class Role {
            private String roleId;
            private String roleName;
            private String delFlag;
            private String createBy;
            private Date createTime;
            public Role() {
                roleId = UUID.randomUUID() + "_roleId";
                roleName = UUID.randomUUID() + "_roleName";
                delFlag = "0";
                createBy = UUID.randomUUID() + "_createBy";
                createTime = new Date();
    opened by authub 2
  • consider inlining BigDecimal toDouble and toFloat improvements

    consider inlining BigDecimal toDouble and toFloat improvements

    Even if these changes are merged soon, they will only go into Java 20 or 21. If we inline them in jackson-core, even Java 8 users benefit. jackson-core already has fast float and double writing code that is borrowed straight from Raffaello Giulietti's fantastic work speeding up Java number support.

    Probably best to wait until the PR above is ready to be merged.

    Based on

    opened by pjfanning 0
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