Socket.IO Client Implementation in Java


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Socket.IO-Client for Java is an easy to use implementation of for Java.

It uses Weberknecht as transport backend, but it's easy to write your own transport. See description below. An XHR-Transport is included, too. But it's not functional in its current state.

The API is inspired by


  • transparent reconnecting - The API cares about re-establishing the connection to the server when the transport is interrupted.
  • easy to use API - implement an interface, instantiate a class - you're done.
  • output buffer - send data while the transport is still connecting. No problem, handles that.
  • meaningful exceptions - If something goes wrong, SocketIO tries to throw meaningful exceptions with hints for fixing.

Status: Connecting with Websocket is production ready. XHR is in beta.

How to use

Using is quite simple. But lets see:

Checkout and compile the project:

git clone git://
ant jar
mv jar/socketio.jar /path/to/your/libs/project

If you're using ant, change your build.xml to include socketio.jar. If you're eclipse, add the jar to your project buildpath.

Afterwards, you'll be able to use this library:

		SocketIO socket = new SocketIO("");
		socket.connect(new IOCallback() {
			public void onMessage(JSONObject json, IOAcknowledge ack) {
				try {
					System.out.println("Server said:" + json.toString(2));
				} catch (JSONException e) {

			public void onMessage(String data, IOAcknowledge ack) {
				System.out.println("Server said: " + data);

			public void onError(SocketIOException socketIOException) {
				System.out.println("an Error occured");

			public void onDisconnect() {
				System.out.println("Connection terminated.");

			public void onConnect() {
				System.out.println("Connection established");

			public void on(String event, IOAcknowledge ack, Object... args) {
				System.out.println("Server triggered event '" + event + "'");
		// This line is cached until the connection is establisched.
		socket.send("Hello Server!");

For further informations, read the Javadoc.


  • with git

     git clone git://
  • with mercurial

     hg clone 

Both repositories are synchronized and up to date.


to build a jar-file:

ant jar
ls jar/socketio.jar

You'll find the in jar/socketio.jar


Please report any bugs feature requests to the Github issue tracker


This Library was designed with portability in mind.

  • Android is fully supported.
  • JRE is fully supported.
  • GWT does not work at the moment, but a port would be possible.
  • Java ME does not work at the moment, but a port would be possible.
  • ... is there anything else out there?


There comes a JUnit test suite with Currently it's tested with Eclipse.

You need node installed in PATH.

  • open the project with eclipse
  • open tests/io.socket/
  • run it as JUnit4 test.


  • needs more unit-tests.
  • XhrTransport needs to pass all tests.
  • If websockets are failing (due to proxy servers e.g.), use XHR automaticly instead.

License - the boring stuff...

This library is distributed under MIT Licence.

Sounds so interesting...

You'll find further documentation at the Github Wiki

  • Connecting with query parameters

    Connecting with query parameters


    I had problems using your api when the url I needed to connect to had ?key=val

    I am currently just trying to get a project working in my spare time so I have take your source into my project and fixed it. But my fix is pretty crude and might not working all cases.

    The crux of the fix is in the handshake() method in IOConnection, to do something like this:

            URL origin = getOrigin();
            if (IOConnection.this.url.getQuery() != null && IOConnection.this.url.getQuery() != "") {
                url = new URL(origin.toString() + SOCKET_IO_1 + "?" + IOConnection.this.url.getQuery());
            } else {
                url = new URL(origin.toString() + SOCKET_IO_1);

    When you set the url field in IOConnection you only set the origin (there might be a good reason for this...!). Instead I changed it to set the full URL and then wrote a getOrigin method which I called in the right places.

    private URL getOrigin() throws MalformedURLException {
        return new URL(IOConnection.this.url.getProtocol() + "://" + IOConnection.this.url.getHost());

    This seems to work, apologies if I have misunderstood your api, thanks for writing it though :)


    opened by peenuty 8
  • socket blocks on disconnect.

    socket blocks on disconnect.

    First of all thanks for this library.

    I am trying to use it in one of my android app. I am having some issue with disconnection.

    I am able to connect, emit and receive data, and sometimes successfully disconnect. But most time, the execution blocks on disconnect method call


    and onDisconnect() or onError() not getting called in this case, and app freezes. I debugged with breakpoint and I can confirm that execution blocks on above given line.

    public void setupLiveSocketIO(){
        try {
            mLiveSockIO =   new SocketIO("http://" + mStreamHost + ":" +mStreamPort+"/");
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        mLiveSockIO.connect(new IOCallback() {
            public void onMessage(JSONObject arg0, IOAcknowledge arg1) {
                AppConstants.log(mHostName + " On Message json " + arg0.toString()); 
            public void onMessage(String arg0, IOAcknowledge arg1) {
                AppConstants.log(mHostName + " On Message String " + arg0.toString());
            public void onError(SocketIOException arg0) {
                AppConstants.log("live sock io onError");
            public void onDisconnect() {
                AppConstants.log(mHostName + "live sock io onDisconnect");
            public void onConnect() {
                AppConstants.log("live sock io on Connect");
            public void on(final String arg0, IOAcknowledge arg1, Object... arg2) {
                for(int i = 0 ;i < arg2.length ;i++){
                    final String response       =   arg2[i].toString();
                    Thread thread               =   new Thread(new Runnable() {
                        public void run() {
                            JSONParser  parse   =   new JSONParser(response, mContext,arg0);
                            String result       =   parse.startParsing();
                            postNotificationString(AppConstants.PARSE_SUCCESSFULL, result, arg0);

    And my disconnect call

    public void disconnect(){
        AppConstants.log(" disconnect called");
        if(mLiveSockIO != null && mLiveSockIO.isConnected()){
            mIsDisconnected                 =   true;
        AppConstants.log(" socketio disconnected");
        AppConstants.log(" dictionaries clear");

    Well I am getting log

    07-30 14:19:23.448: E/DEBUG(17969): disconnect called

    and thats all.. Lines below


    never get executed. I am not getting any exception.. I am not sure what is causing this behaviour..

    1. I am connecting and disconnecting in the same thread (UI thread in this case). I somewhere read that is necessary
    2. There might be chance that, when the time disconnect gets called, there are data to be received on the socket. In my case , once disconnect is called I dont want to receive any pending data. But I couldn't find anyway to flush out the data before disconnecting.
    3. I am not using any synchronisation or lock mechanisms, that might cause such a block. There are no exception either.
    4. The server part is working fine.. A client code in iphone is connecting to the same server and getting disconnected successfully.
    opened by ghost 7
  • 'ant jar' doesn't build

    'ant jar' doesn't build

    Following the instruction on README, doing 'ant jar' I'm currently getting the following:

    Target "jar" does not exist in the project "". 
    opened by foodpoison 5
  • Intermittent ConnectThread Exception

    Intermittent ConnectThread Exception

    I intermittently encounter the following fatal exception after I connect to my server. I've attached the crash logs to help identify the issue. Is there something I'm doing incorrect here?

    05-21 16:23:10.367: I/System.out(7412): Connection established 05-21 16:23:10.375: W/dalvikvm(7412): threadid=17: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x4001e560) 05-21 16:23:10.375: E/AndroidRuntime(7412): FATAL EXCEPTION: ConnectThread 05-21 16:23:10.375: E/AndroidRuntime(7412): java.lang.IllegalStateException: TimerTask is canceled 05-21 16:23:10.375: E/AndroidRuntime(7412): at java.util.Timer.scheduleImpl( 05-21 16:23:10.375: E/AndroidRuntime(7412): at java.util.Timer.schedule( 05-21 16:23:10.375: E/AndroidRuntime(7412): at io.socket.IOConnection.resetTimeout( 05-21 16:23:10.375: E/AndroidRuntime(7412): at io.socket.IOConnection.transportConnected( 05-21 16:23:10.375: E/AndroidRuntime(7412): at io.socket.WebsocketTransport.onOpen( 05-21 16:23:10.375: E/AndroidRuntime(7412): at de.roderick.weberknecht.WebSocketConnection.connect( 05-21 16:23:10.375: E/AndroidRuntime(7412): at io.socket.WebsocketTransport.connect( 05-21 16:23:10.375: E/AndroidRuntime(7412): at io.socket.IOConnection.connectTransport( 05-21 16:23:10.375: E/AndroidRuntime(7412): at io.socket.IOConnection.access$300( 05-21 16:23:10.375: E/AndroidRuntime(7412): at io.socket.IOConnection$

    opened by dbzhang 5
  • Error while handshaking -

    Error while handshaking -

    I'm using v1.0.4 on the server, and the current version fo this client.

    06-10 12:56:04.799: W/System.err(31384): io.socket.SocketIOException: Error while handshaking 06-10 12:56:04.819: W/System.err(31384): at io.socket.IOConnection.handshake( 06-10 12:56:04.819: W/System.err(31384): at io.socket.IOConnection.access$600( 06-10 12:56:04.829: W/System.err(31384): at io.socket.IOConnection$ 06-10 12:56:04.829: W/System.err(31384): Caused by: 06-10 12:56:04.829: W/System.err(31384): at 06-10 12:56:04.829: W/System.err(31384): at io.socket.IOConnection.handshake(

    opened by asuej28 4
  • Missing org.java_websocket.client dependency

    Missing org.java_websocket.client dependency

    (after 594a0e5842cc9cc146b63aa0b32796c714b5a314, which switched from Weberknecht to Java-Websockets)

    (The workaround is to build @ b01ff2c7cbfdd55962058e44bbd70285b2989c78 (previous commit) or add the dependency.)

    drhop@hexxer:~/dev/otartc/third_party/$ ant jar Buildfile: /home/drhop/dev/otartc/third_party/

    init: [mkdir] Created dir: /home/drhop/dev/otartc/third_party/

    build-project: [echo] /home/drhop/dev/otartc/third_party/ [javac] /home/drhop/dev/otartc/third_party/ warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for repeatable builds [javac] Compiling 9 source files to /home/drhop/dev/otartc/third_party/ [javac] /home/drhop/dev/otartc/third_party/ package org.java_websocket.client does not exist [javac] import org.java_websocket.client.DefaultSSLWebSocketClientFactory; [javac] ^ [javac] /home/drhop/dev/otartc/third_party/ package org.java_websocket.client does not exist [javac] import org.java_websocket.client.WebSocketClient; [javac] ^ [javac] /home/drhop/dev/otartc/third_party/ package org.java_websocket.handshake does not exist [javac] import org.java_websocket.handshake.ServerHandshake; [javac] ^ [javac] /home/drhop/dev/otartc/third_party/ cannot find symbol [javac] symbol: class WebSocketClient [javac] class WebsocketTransport extends WebSocketClient implements IOTransport { [javac] ^ [javac] /home/drhop/dev/otartc/third_party/ cannot find symbol [javac] symbol : class ServerHandshake [javac] location: class io.socket.WebsocketTransport [javac] public void onOpen(ServerHandshake handshakedata) { [javac] ^ [javac] /home/drhop/dev/otartc/third_party/ io.socket.WebsocketTransport is not abstract and does not override abstract method send(java.lang.String) in io.socket.IOTransport [javac] class WebsocketTransport extends WebSocketClient implements IOTransport { [javac] ^ [javac] /home/drhop/dev/otartc/third_party/ incompatible types [javac] found : io.socket.WebsocketTransport [javac] required: io.socket.IOTransport [javac] return new WebsocketTransport(uri, connection); [javac] ^ [javac] /home/drhop/dev/otartc/third_party/ cannot find symbol [javac] symbol : class DefaultSSLWebSocketClientFactory [javac] location: class io.socket.WebsocketTransport [javac] this.setWebSocketFactory(new DefaultSSLWebSocketClientFactory(context)); [javac] ^ [javac] /home/drhop/dev/otartc/third_party/ cannot find symbol [javac] symbol : method close() [javac] location: class io.socket.WebsocketTransport [javac] this.close(); [javac] ^ [javac] /home/drhop/dev/otartc/third_party/ method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [javac] @Override [javac] ^ [javac] /home/drhop/dev/otartc/third_party/ method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [javac] @Override [javac] ^ [javac] /home/drhop/dev/otartc/third_party/ method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [javac] @Override [javac] ^ [javac] /home/drhop/dev/otartc/third_party/ method does not override or implement a method from a supertype [javac] @Override [javac] ^ [javac] 13 errors

    opened by drhops 4
  • Deadlock involving IOConnection instance and outputBuffer

    Deadlock involving IOConnection instance and outputBuffer

    I'm running into deadlocks every now and then. Taking a thread dump revealed the objects involved. A thread called "ConnectThread" calls IOConnection.connectTransport, which locks, in this order

    1. this (as connectTransport() is synchronized)
    2. outputBuffer (explicitly in IOConnection.transportConnected()

    Now my own thread calls SocketIO.emit, which locks, in this order

    1. outputBuffer (explicitly in IOConnection.sendPlain())
    2. this (by calling getState() which is synchronized)

    Still not having had the time to go read the code, the quick fix for me was to make IOConnection.sendPlain(String) synchronized, which reverses the order that sendPlain() takes those 2 locks, thus averting the deadlock.

    It works great for me so far (I'm creating 5000 client instances in a single JVM in a matter of seconds now), but there might be better ways to fix it for those who know the code. In any event, here are the relevant bits from the thread dump (line numbers seem to be off by 1, and maybe by more due to my local changes, so it's probably easier to just use the method names).

    Found one Java-level deadlock:

    "Thread-5789": waiting to lock monitor 0x00002aab9be10e48 (object 0x0000000785ebcde0, a java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue), which is held by "pool-1-thread-16" "pool-1-thread-16": waiting to lock monitor 0x00002aab9be07670 (object 0x0000000785ebcba0, a io.socket.IOConnection), which is held by "ConnectThread" "ConnectThread": waiting to lock monitor 0x00002aab9be10e48 (object 0x0000000785ebcde0, a java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue), which is held by "pool-1-thread-16"

    Java stack information for the threads listed above:

    "Thread-5789": at io.socket.IOConnection.sendPlain( - waiting to lock <0x0000000785ebcde0> (a java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue) at io.socket.IOConnection.transportMessage( at io.socket.WebsocketTransport.onMessage( at "pool-1-thread-16": at io.socket.IOConnection.getState( - waiting to lock <0x0000000785ebcba0> (a io.socket.IOConnection) at io.socket.IOConnection.sendPlain( - locked <0x0000000785ebcde0> (a java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue) at io.socket.IOConnection.emit( at io.socket.SocketIO.emit(
    at benchmark.Benchmarker.RegisterInner( at benchmark.Benchmarker.access$100( at benchmark.Benchmarker$ at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun( at at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$301( at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask( at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ at "ConnectThread": at io.socket.IOConnection.transportConnected( - waiting to lock <0x0000000785ebcde0> (a java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue) at io.socket.WebsocketTransport.onOpen( at de.roderick.weberknecht.WebSocketConnection.connect( at io.socket.WebsocketTransport.connect( at io.socket.IOConnection.connectTransport( - locked <0x0000000785ebcba0> (a io.socket.IOConnection) at io.socket.IOConnection.access$200( at io.socket.IOConnection$

    Found 1 deadlock.

    opened by EugenDueck 4
  • onMessage does not called

    onMessage does not called

    When message recieve, IOCallback on(java.lang.String event, IOAcknowledge ack, java.lang.Object... args) is called.

    But neither onMessage(java.lang.String data, IOAcknowledge ack)
    nor onMessage(org.json.JSONObject json, IOAcknowledge ack) being called.



    opened by mike-aungsan 3
  • server reconnection issue

    server reconnection issue

    Hi guys, I ran into an issue with the server reconnection. When the server goes down and then comes up again I get this exception on the client:

    I/io.socket(  333): < 7:::1+0
    I/System.out(  333): an Error occured
    W/System.err(  333): io.socket.SocketIOException: 1+0
    W/System.err(  333):    at io.socket.IOConnection.transportMessage(
    W/System.err(  333):    at io.socket.WebsocketTransport.onMessage(
    W/System.err(  333):    at org.java_websocket.client.WebSocketClient.onWebsocketMessage(
    W/System.err(  333):    at org.java_websocket.WebSocketImpl.deliverMessage(
    W/System.err(  333):    at org.java_websocket.WebSocketImpl.decodeFrames(
    W/System.err(  333):    at org.java_websocket.WebSocketImpl.decode(
    W/System.err(  333):    at org.java_websocket.client.WebSocketClient.interruptableRun(
    W/System.err(  333):    at
    W/System.err(  333):    at
    I/io.socket(  333): Cleanup
    opened by mkuklis 3
  • Any way to set some custom headers?

    Any way to set some custom headers?

    It would be really useful for me to be able to pass in some custom headers during the connection. This is something that could be read on the authorization event on socket io? Any way to do this?

    opened by cendrizzi 3
  • Timeout not working correctly

    Timeout not working correctly

    Why do you call cleanup() here: ?

    Calling error() after cleanup() is useless, isn't it?

    I guess there should be called only error(...) method.

    opened by ivankosdy 3
  • Null pointer exception when emmiting to socket

    Null pointer exception when emmiting to socket

    This code throws an NPE for some reason , although I dont use any null values

    ` import java.awt.AWTException; import java.awt.HeadlessException; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.Robot; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import; import java.util.Base64;

    import javax.imageio.ImageIO;

    import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject;

    import io.socket.*; import io.socket.IOCallback; public class Main{ //implements IOCallback {

    /*public static byte[]  snap(String name) throws HeadlessException, AWTException, IOException{
    	BufferedImage image = new Robot().createScreenCapture(new Rectangle(Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize()));
    	ImageIO.write(image, "jpg", new File(name));
    	ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    public static String snap() throws IOException  {
        Rectangle screen = new 
        BufferedImage screenCapture = null;
        String base64Encoded = "";
        try {
            screenCapture = new Robot().createScreenCapture(screen);
            ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            ImageIO.write(screenCapture, "jpg", baos);
            byte[] encodedBytes = Base64.getEncoder().encode(baos.toByteArray());
            base64Encoded = new String(encodedBytes);
        } catch (AWTException e) {
        return base64Encoded;
    public static int BasicExample(String img) throws IOException {
    	SocketIO socket = new SocketIO("");
    	// Sends a string to the server.
    	// Emits an event to the server.
    	return 3;
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, HeadlessException, AWTException {
    	for (int i = 0; i<10; i++){
    		//String name = "./ScreenShot" + Integer.toString(i) + ".jpg";
    		 int w = BasicExample(snap());
    	//SocketIO socket = new SocketIO("");


    opened by Mcilie 0
  • FileNotFoundException FileNotFoundException

    Hi I try to connect node.js .I wrote some code

     try {
            SocketIO socket = new SocketIO("");
            socket.connect(new IOCallback() {
                public void on(String event, IOAcknowledge ack, Object... args) {
                    if ("echo back".equals(event) && args.length > 0) {
                        Log.d("SocketIO", "" + args[0]);
                public void onMessage(JSONObject json, IOAcknowledge ack) {
                public void onMessage(String data, IOAcknowledge ack) {
                public void onError(SocketIOException socketIOException) {
                public void onDisconnect() {
                public void onConnect() {
            socket.emit("echo", "hello");
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {

    When i run my app i have FileNotFoundException . Error message is : Caused by: as you can see added automaticly in url ngrok url working correct.I tested it in brower

    opened by Bekakk 4
  • Windows 10 not working

    Windows 10 not working

    io.socket.SocketIOException: Error while handshaking at io.socket.IOConnection.handshake( at io.socket.IOConnection.access$600( at io.socket.IOConnection$ Caused by: Read timed out at Method) at at at at at at at at at io.socket.IOConnection.handshake( ... 2 more Jun 22, 2016 12:24:32 PM io.socket.IOConnection cleanup INFORMACIÓN: Cleanup

    Server starting without error, but client can`t connect

    Any comment ?

    opened by jjsainzc 0
  • Configure path to the resource

    Configure path to the resource

    Hi! I was using the library when I realized that I can't configure the path/resource to the Now the variable SOCKET_IO_1 is fixed to /socket/1, but in some environments and projects it could be possible that the path to the socketio is something like /xxxx/socket/1. So I propose to add the option to configure it, I can make the PR

    opened by marclr 0
  • Issue in running the project

    Issue in running the project

    Hi I just downloaded this and imported it into eclipse, but when I try to run the I get,

    Error while handshaking Server returned HTTP response code: 400 for URL: http://localhost:3000/

    Any suggestion?

    1. Not behind proxy.
    2. Node server is running on same port 3000(changed in both .js an .java)
    opened by ghost 2
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