A powerful, extendable, flexible yet simple to use commands annotation framework.



License: MIT


Building commands has always been a core concept in many applications, and, lots of times, a really boring and cumbersome one to pull off: Having to think of all the possible input from the user, all the mistakes they will make, validating input and then finally executing the actual command logic.

We aren't supposed to mess our hands up with so much of this. We really shouldn't get ourselves dirty with the highly error-prone string manipulation, nor are we supposed to repeat 3 lines of code a thousand times. We also should not be forced to think of all the edge cases and possible output of the user side. Developers should focus on what's important, not what isn't.

Then after all that, we really should make sure our code is clean, maintainable, extendable and flexible.

Building upon this belief, Lamp was born.

Lamp has taken responsibility upon itself to take all the crap of the command creation process: parsing input, validating arguments, auto completions, tokenizing and redirection, and leaves you only to the important part of your job here: the actual command logic.

Through annotations, parameter resolvers, command conditions, permissions, argument validators, cooldowns, dependency injection, auto-completers, Lamp not only makes the command creation process much easier, it also becomes more fun, intuitive and less error prone.

There are many commands frameworks out there, why should I use Lamp?

Glad you asked!

  • Lamp is small in size: The overall size of Lamp will not exceed 150 KB. Built to be lightweight, Lamp is convenient to package and ship.

  • Lamp is extendable: Lamp has been built thoroughly with this in mind. You can create custom annotations for commands, parameters, permissions and resolvers, with their very own functionality. This gives so much space for your own extendability, and also helps make sure the code you write is minimal.

  • Lamp is portable: Created with a high-level command API and an extendable codebase, Lamp has been produced to provide first-class support to as many platforms as possible. As of now, Lamp supports the following platforms:

    With the help of the built-in APIs for dispatching commands and auto-completions, it is possible to support almost any platform out-of-the-box.

  • Lamp is easy: Despite all the powerful features and extendability, getting started with Lamp couldn't be easier. Simply create a command handler for your appropriate platform, then proceed with creating your command with the main @Command and @Subcommand annotations, and finally registering it with CommandHandler#register().

  • Lamp is powerful: Lamp allows you to leverage some of the command features which would be otherwise too burdensome to build:


  • Allow invalid usernames (GeyserMC/Floodgate)

    Allow invalid usernames (GeyserMC/Floodgate)

    An user of my plugin using Lamp on a GeyserMC+Floodgate server is having this issue while trying to execute a command with a player selector: He sent me his Floodgate config:

    # Floodgate prepends a prefix to bedrock usernames to avoid conflicts
    # However, certain conflicts can cause issues with some plugins so this prefix is configurable using the property below
    # It is recommended to use a prefix that does not contain alphanumerical to avoid the possibility of duplicate usernames.
    username-prefix: '*'

    It seems like Lamp recognizes the star as an incorrect username character and completely blocks player selector from there. Is it possible to fix this, or at least have an option somewhere to allow "unsafe" usernames? Some plugins do have such options: LuckPerms have a allow-invalid-usernames boolean config option, and ChestChop have a VALID_PLAYERNAME_REGEXP regex option.

    opened by SkytAsul 10
  • Parent Command & Standalone Command simultaneously

    Parent Command & Standalone Command simultaneously

    Hey! Is it possible to have a command under a parent, and also be standalone simultaneously? If that doesn't make sense to you, here; let me show you a demonstration of the idea:

    public final class ExampleCommand {
        @Default // /parent
        public String defaultCommand() {
            return "default command";
        @Subcommand("sub") // /parent sub
        public String subCommand() {
            return "sub command";
        @Command("test") // /test
        @Subcommand("test") // /parent test
        public String subCommand2() {
            return "test command";

    If so, could you please show me how I could achieve such a thing? Thank you!

    opened by Tofpu 6
  • NoSuchElementException when dispatching command with ArgumentStack with empty String

    NoSuchElementException when dispatching command with ArgumentStack with empty String

    Error occurs with jda module. When user sends picture, or emote MessageReceivedEvent occurs, and MessageReceivedEvent#getMessage#getContentRaw returns empty string.

    at java.util.LinkedList.getFirst(LinkedList.java:244)
    at revxrsal.commands.core.BaseCommandDispatcher.eval([BaseCommandDispatcher.java:33](https://github.com/Revxrsal/Lamp/blob/5d00ebe8ec30e2f5f24db5d57717fc0a682c8eb2/common/src/main/java/revxrsal/commands/core/BaseCommandDispatcher.java#L33))
    at revxrsal.commands.core.BaseCommandHandler.dispatch([BaseCommandHandler.java:519](https://github.com/Revxrsal/Lamp/blob/5d00ebe8ec30e2f5f24db5d57717fc0a682c8eb2/common/src/main/java/revxrsal/commands/core/BaseCommandHandler.java#L519))

    I think it occurs because BaseCommandHandler#parseArguments returns ArgumentStack.empty() when string empty.

    So if we add something like this to the BaseCommandDispatcher#eval:

    if(arguments.isEmpty()) throw new InvalidCommandException("", "");

    Everything will be fine

    opened by U61vashka 4
  • add NamespacedKey resolver

    add NamespacedKey resolver

    this PR adds value resolver for org.bukkit.NamespacedKey with resource_location brigadier type to support nice client-side formatting

    bumped Lamp version to 3.0.4-SNAPSHOT

    opened by Grabsky 4
  • default argument type resolvers do not make sense to me.

    default argument type resolvers do not make sense to me.

    each default arg type bound like this: image but the type does not do anything at all in the bind method: image and the parameter's class type hasn't check in the argument resolver too: image and looks like it does support nullable too: image so i've made the string resolver like this:

    public interface CommandFactory {
      static BukkitCommandHandler commandManager(@NotNull final Plugin plugin) {
        final var handler = BukkitCommandHandler.create(plugin);
            parameter -> {
              if (parameter.getType() != String.class) {
                return null;
              if (parameter.getType().isAnnotationPresent(Quoted.class)) {
                return StringArgumentType.string();
              if (parameter.consumesAllString()) {
                return StringArgumentType.greedyString();
              return StringArgumentType.word();
        return handler;

    am i wrong with the returning null if the parameter is not a string? because looks like if it does not find any resolver, returns string already so it should check the parameter type first.

    opened by portlek 3
  • feat: minecraft brigadier argument types

    feat: minecraft brigadier argument types

    Lamp currently supports arguments provided by Brigadier library directly. There are, however more Minecraft-specific arguments included in game internals. All of them are handled by the client to support completions etc. (see wiki)

    They can be accessed with a bit of reflection or NMS on supported platforms. Do note there is a Paper PR (https://github.com/PaperMC/Paper/pull/6695) open to expose them directly to the API which may, or may not be merged in the future.


    • Some existing arguments would need to be handled differently to mimic their brigadier parser behavior.
      • Lamp uses StringArgumentType for String which expects validation (see this)
      • EntitySelector<T> should refer to internal minecraft:entity type to support rich client-side completions.
    • Supporting some arguments (eg. minecraft:vec2 and vec3) could be a bit hacky and would most likely require internal changes.


    Since that have more side effects than it sounds, I think that addition of BrigadierCommandHandler (or similar) is necessary. This would keep current users unaffected by these changes and also make brigadier easier to maintain.


    I know nothing about Sponge and can't really suggest anything in that regards. I can only say that since all (minecraft) platforms can use Brigadier, maybe a new module structure is needed. (example)

    MinecraftCommandHandler<T> extends CommandHandler<T> { ... }
    BrigadierCommandHandler<T> extends MinecraftCommandHandler<T> { ... }
    MinecraftCommandHandler<Bukkit> handler = ... // for simple commands
    BrigadierCommandHandler<Bukkit> handler = ... // for brigadier commands
    MinecraftCommandHandler<Sponge> handler = ... // for simple commands
    BrigadierCommandHandler<Sponge> handler = ... // for brigadier commands
    opened by Grabsky 3
  • Fixed the jitpack build not being found

    Fixed the jitpack build not being found

    At the moment, the 3.0.1 release is currently not available on JitPack due to the error below, this PR solves the following issue:

    ⚠️ ERROR: No build artifacts found Expected artifacts in: $HOME/.m2/repository/io/github/revxrsal/bukkit/3.0.1

    You can view the live result of this PR at https://jitpack.io/#Tofpu/Lamp/3.0.2

    opened by Tofpu 3
  • Parent commands do not allow non-subcommand overload

    Parent commands do not allow non-subcommand overload

    i.e. if I have the following commands:

    mycom list
    mycom add

    The only command that shows up is mycom. (Each is its own method, and the path is specified in full via @Command) I am currently working on a plugin that would benefit from this functionality, so it would be best if Lamp supported it.

    opened by ghost 3
  • get missing permission from NoPermissionException handler

    get missing permission from NoPermissionException handler

    Hi, i have a question. Is it possible to get missing permission from NoPermissionException handler? if so how to do it?

    my code: commandHandler.registerExceptionHandler(NoPermissionException.class, (actor, ex) -> { TextBuilder.builder() .text("&7You dont have permission to execute this command! &7(&c{PERM}&7)") .placeholder("{PERM}", I WANT TO GET MISSING PERMISSION HERE ) .send(((BukkitCommandActor) actor).getSender()); });

    opened by megagigakox 2
  • Paper 1.19.2 brigadier no argument command issue

    Paper 1.19.2 brigadier no argument command issue


    I've encountered an issue with paper brigadier using latest Lamp version (from latest commit) on Paper 1.19.2.

    Commands with multiple arguments (including optional ones) work as intended. But when I create a command with no arguments, brigadier expects an argument (which shouldn't be happening).

    Code example:

    public void execute(Player player) { ... }

    Result in-game: In-game screenshot

    I should note that the same issue is with subcommands - if subcommand doesn't have arguments, same issue occurs.

    opened by airoons 2
  • Args in command (not at the ending)

    Args in command (not at the ending)

    Hey, I've been playing with Lamp for a while and I am trying something, but I can't figure out how.

    Is ist possible to set args at a specific position in the (sub)command? Like "user <name> changePassword <password>" and not having all args at the end?

    opened by wasn325 2
  • feat: Flag and Switch aliases

    feat: Flag and Switch aliases


    A neat suggestion I think would be nice for Lamp is the option for @Flag and @Switch annotations to support aliases. I'm unsure if this is natively supported by brigadier since I've never worked with commands before, but it would be cool to use.

    Perhaps the inputted array could override all of the names for the switch/flag, or add on upon the inputted parameter name (that could be an option in the CommandHandler). The original message is available on the Lamp Discord.

    Something like this:

    public void send(Player sender, @Flag({"sendtype", "sendingtype", "st"}) SendType type, @Switch({"broadcast", "sendall"}) boolean sendAll) {
       // ...

    @SkytAsul (their original message) also recommended the option to mix flags and/or switches together, as in some Unix commands, such as:

    rm -r -f
    # Becomes...
    rm -rf


    opened by GamerCoder215 1
  • Not working

    Not working "switch" arguments only for players

    With those two commands:

    	public void test(int dumbArg, @Optional Player optionalArg, @Switch boolean switchArg) {}
    	public void test2(int dumbArg, @Switch boolean switchArg) {}

    It's working normally when I do:

    /mycommand test2 4 /mycommand test 5 /mycommand test 5 -switchArgs

    But I am getting this: image when executing:

    /mycommand test2 4 -switchArg /mycommand test 5 SkytAsul -switchArg

    But if I execute all of these commands in console, I get no issue. It's only for players. I also get normal syntax coloring in chat when typing the 2 failing commands, it only fails after I hit enter.

    I can't find a reason why those two commands are failing.

    opened by SkytAsul 1
  • 3.1.1(Dec 14, 2022)

    • Fixed flag parameters getting incorrect type in Brigadier
    • Fixed player suggestions being half-broken when Brigadier is supported
    • Added BukkitBrigadier#disableNativePlayerCompletion() to disable native player completions on Brigadier
    • Italian translation by @HornMCPE
    • Minor optimizations to Brigadier node parser

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/Revxrsal/Lamp/compare/3.1.0...3.1.1

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.1.0(Oct 17, 2022)

    This version implements native Brigadier support on Minecraft 1.19+.

    • Players can't see commands they don't have access to
    • Certain parameter errors (such as ranges) that are handled by Brigadier will receive Brigadier errors, just like normal Minecraft commands image
    • Commands are handled entirely by brigadier now. So unknown subcommands will receive Brigadier errors.
    • ArgumentTypeResolvers are no longer bound to types
    • New Either type 🎉
    • Code cleanups
    • Brigadier cleanup
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.0.8(Aug 14, 2022)

  • 3.0.71(Jul 14, 2022)

  • 3.0.7(Jun 16, 2022)

    • Remove ArgumentTypes utility for 1.19 support
    • Added MinecraftArgumentType enum for accessing and creating Minecraft's argument types
    • Replaced brigadier.bind(Class, String) with brigadier.bind(Class, MinecraftArgumentType)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.0.6(Jun 11, 2022)

    • Remove ktx module and migrate it to common
    • Add adventure APIs to Bukkit
      • BukkitCommandHandler#enableAdventure() and BukkitCommandHandler#enableAdventure(BukkitAudiences)
      • BukkitCommandActor#audience()
      • BukkitCommandActor#reply(ComponentLike)
      • Use Audience as a sender in commands
      • Returning Components from methods will be sent to the command actor
    • Add Kotlin extensions to Bukkit
      • bukkitCommandHandler {} DSL
      • brigadier {} DSL
      • CommandActor.sender: CommandSender
      • CommandActor.player: Player
      • CommandActor.playerOrNull: Player?
      • brigadier.bind<Type>(argumentType)
      • brigadier.bind<Type>(argumentTypeResolver)
      • brigadier.bind<Type>(String)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.0.6-SNAPSHOT(Jun 9, 2022)

  • 3.0.5(Jun 8, 2022)

    • minor "no-subcommand-specified" translation fix by @alisson0022 in https://github.com/Revxrsal/Lamp/pull/22
    • Lamp is now truly 100% dependency-less
    • bukkit's module no longer depends on commodore and instead embeds a stripped-down version of it (to change certain behaviour in it as well)
    • bukkit's module also no longer depends on the brigadier module for Brigadier support
    • Introduced new Brigadier API for Bukkit, allowing to register custom argument types for parameters
    • Fixed Brigadier's usage not displaying
    • Player arguments on 1.13.2+ will now be auto-completed by vanilla, allowing selectors to be used on them directly
    • ArgumentStack can be used as a parameter type to access the command input
    • Added SelfHandlingException interface for exceptions that wish to immediately handle themselves
    • General code cleanups
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.0.4(Apr 27, 2022)

    • Help entries will now include all sibling commands and children of siblings
    • ExecutableCommand and CommandCategory now implement Comparable, to allow them to be sorted according to the alphabetical order
    • Help entries will automatically be sorted in alphabetical order
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.0.3(Apr 18, 2022)

    Warning: This release introduces breaking changes to ArgumentStack.

    • French translation by @SkytAsul
    • Fix MissingArgumentException was not thrown with a missing flag value (#20)
    • Fixed annotation priorities when an annotation is present on both the class and method
    • Added CommandHandler.unregisterAllCommands()
    • @AutoComplete annotations can now accept * for a parameter to reference the default auto-completer
    • Use a supplier for Bukkit's config to avoid loading it (which would throw an error if the config had any problems)
    • Fixed flags not working correctly with Brigadier
    • Fixed flag completion being semi-broken
    • Introduced the ArgumentParser API
    • Added CommandHandler.getArgumentParser(), CommandHandler.setArgumentParser(ArgumentParser), CommandHandler.parseArguments(String...) and CommandHandler.parseArgumentsForCompletion(String...)
    • Fixed Brigadier commands being registered on the minecraft: namespace
    • Improved Brigadier support

    ArgumentStack changes:

    • Removed ArgumentStack#of(String...)
    • Removed ArgumentStack#of(Collection<String>)
    • Removed ArgumentStack#forAutoCompletion(String...)
    • Removed ArgumentStack#fromString(String)
    • Renamed ArgumentStack#exactly(Collection<String> to #copy(Collection<String>)
    • Added ArgumentStack#copy(String...)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.0.2(Mar 25, 2022)

  • 3.0.1(Mar 25, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Added Portuguese language support by @alisson0022 in https://github.com/Revxrsal/Lamp/pull/9
    • Fix odd issue in English messages by @TehNeon in https://github.com/Revxrsal/Lamp/pull/10
    • Update from Gradle 6.8 to 7.4.1 by @TehNeon in https://github.com/Revxrsal/Lamp/pull/12
    • Add auto-completer extensions for Kotlin https://github.com/Revxrsal/Lamp/issues/11 and annotation replacer extensions https://github.com/Revxrsal/Lamp/pull/15/
    • Support Kotlin's suspend functions
    • Fix locale issues on Bukkit 1.8.X https://github.com/Revxrsal/Lamp/issues/17

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/Revxrsal/Lamp/compare/3.0.0...3.0.1

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.0.0(Mar 16, 2022)

  • 2.9.6(Mar 8, 2022)

  • 2.9.5(Feb 27, 2022)

  • 2.9.4(Feb 19, 2022)

  • 2.9.3(Feb 17, 2022)

  • 2.9.2(Feb 16, 2022)

  • 2.9.1(Feb 14, 2022)

  • 2.9(Feb 13, 2022)

  • 2.8(Feb 13, 2022)

  • 2.6(Feb 11, 2022)

  • 2.5(Feb 6, 2022)

    • Added the new OrphanCommand API, which allows resolving paths for commands at runtime
    • Added CommandHandler.setMessagePrefix() for setting prefixes for messages
    • Fixed newly registered resolvers and suggestion factories not taking precedence over default ones
    • Added SuggestionProvider.of(Supplier<Collection>)
    • Added a default suggestion factory for enums
    • Prevent unauthorized commands from appearing in suggestions


    • Allow CommandActor.getUniqueId() for console and command blocks
    • Removed PlayerSelector in favor of the more versatile EntitySelector
    • Updated commodore to support Minecraft 1.18
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.8(Oct 18, 2021)

  • 1.7.2(Oct 14, 2021)

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