Simple springboot API for addressBook. Supports all REST controllers and have custom error handling for every specific case, also supports redis caching.



Simple Springboot API for addressBook with redis cache. Supports all REST controllers and have custom error handling for every specific case. All of the releases, remote SQL, Kafka servers and redis-server will be made unavailable as soon as this assignment passes it's final stage.

Redis cache working on remote server gif is available @

Kafka WEB UI available here


* 24-Jan-2022 (v0.0.4)
   - Added apache kafka for now it have both producer and consumer with 3 topics.
   - New get API that generates analytics from JSON data gather by Kafka producer (localhost:7090/api/analytics).
   - Kafka for now have 2 broker in different DC with replication factor of 2 to prevent data loss in case one Kafka broker is down.
   - As well as, 3 partitions for each topic to load balance messages between servers and have better horizontal scaling.
* 21-Jan-2022 (v0.0.3)
   - Changed default caching to redis cache.
   - On testing using remote redis server, I found 2-5ms overhead verse testing on local redis server.
* 20-Jan-2022 (v0.0.2)
   - Added support to get by phoneNo to method that gets record by either Id or email.
   - Changed getMapping from /api/get/ to /api/
   - Improved code to get records by id/email/phoneNo (all 3 are unique)
   - Added cache to more methods with cacheEvict key entries on save/saveAll/Update/delete.


  • Assumed that in an addressBook, email and PhoneNo will always be unique. And per record can have atmost 1 phoneNo and Email.
  • And that no one is using existing database with duplicate entries.
  • Any record in the database is unique for field email and phoneNo.
  • For now phoneNo field doesn't have any number validation regex, which I do plan on adding it in next update cycle. So with that said, one can input email or any other field as PhoneNo, that might contradict with findBy methods. I hope atleast until v.0.3 no one does :3


  1. Clone the application

    git clone
    cd AddressBook-SpringBoot-API
  2. Create MySQL database

    create database assign3rd
  3. Change MySQL username and password as per your MySQL installation

    • open src/main/resources/ file.

    • change spring.datasource.username and spring.datasource.password properties as per your mysql installation

  4. Run the app

    You can run the spring boot app by typing the following command -

    mvn spring-boot:run

    The server will start on port 7090. And can be changed from

    You can also package the application in the form of a jar file and then run it like so -

    mvn package
    java -jar target/addressBook-0.0.3-SNAPSHOT.jar
  5. Generate Logs (Optional) pip install pyperclip

    Run Change these variables as needed

    count = 20 # generate count no of random records

    It'll generate List of POST req and copy to your clipboard. Finally, paste it on POSTMAN...

Further Improvements

  • Implement findByPhoneNo to GET,PUT,DELETE req. (Added 20-Jan-22 update)
  • Improve queries to saveAll

Error codes

   GET Mapping 
	G100 : No records by id.
	G101 : No records by Email.
	G102 : No records by PhoneNo.
	G103 : No records by Name(First And/Or Last).

   POST Mapping (RequestBody validation)
	P100 : firstName is required and can not be null or empty. { "firstName" : "yourName"}
	P101 : lastName is required and can not be null or empty. { "lastName" : "yourName"}
	P102 : Email is required and can not be null or empty. { "email" : "valid@email"}
	P103 : phoneNo is required and can not be null or empty.
	P104 : address is required and can not be null or empty.

	P111 : Not a valid email.
	P112 : Duplicate email found.
	P121 : Duplicate PhoneNo found.

   PUT Mapping
	U100 : No record found to update [id/email].

   DELETE Mapping
	D100 : Parameter not in id or email.

API supports all REST mappings (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)

All of the requests made in these screenshot are from remote database with about 200ms ping, so response is slow.

GET requests

  • Get all records saved in the addressBook.



  • Get By ID or EmailAddress or PhoneNo(all are Unique field)



  • Get By FirstName or LastName or both ``` localhost:7090/api/getName/{param}

     param here can be single word, that is it will find that word in both firstName and LastName.
     or it can have single space {ex. Adam Evee} then it'll find all matching records having firstName as 'Adam' and lastName as 'Evee'.
  • Get By Address localhost:7090/api/getAddress/{param} Finds all records matching the param in address field of database.

POST requests (with error handling)

  • Add single record

     	"firstName" : "firstName",
     	"lastName" : "lastName",
     	"email" : "valid@email",
     	"address" : "Any address???",
     	"phoneNo" : "000000000"


  • Add multiple records

     	"firstName" : "firstName",
     	"lastName" : "lastName",
     	"email" : "valid@email",
     	"address" : "Any address???",
     	"phoneNo" : "000000000"
     	"firstName" : "firstName",
     	"lastName" : "lastName",
     	"email" : "valid@email",
     	"address" : "Any address???",
     	"phoneNo" : "000000000"


    Tested on same server as mysql-server

    tested on same server as mysql

DELETE requests (Support delete by either id or email)



PUT requests (need id or email to not be null)



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