Small set of tools for JVM troublshooting, monitoring and profiling.

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Profilers jvm-tools

Swiss Java Knife (SJK)

SJK is a command line tool for JVM diagnostic, troubleshooting and profiling.

SJK exploits standard diagnostic interfaces of JVM (such as JMX, JVM attach and perf counters) and adds some more logic on top useful for common troubleshooting cases. SJK can also be used as a library for building application specific diagnostic tools or to enhance your code with self monitoring features.

What you can do with SJK?

See full command reference.


Latest prebuild binaries Last Version

Starting sjk

java -jar sjk.jar <cmd> <arguments>
java -jar sjk.jar --commands
java -jar sjk.jar --help <cmd>

Below a few command from SJK (full command reference).


Pools thread CPU usage of the target JVM and periodically reports to the console.

  • can attach via PID or open JMX port
  • displays thread memory allocation rate and cumulative process allocation rate
  • displays safe point time consumption (only if attache via PID)

More details


Similar to jmap -histo.

  • plus can show a histogram of dead objects (histograms of all and live requested, then difference is calculated)
  • plus can show N top buckets in histogram

More details

stcap, stcpy, ssa and flame

These commands provide basic sample profiler capabilities. stcap produces hyper-dense stack trace dump (about 1000 compression rate compared to text format) and ssa provides few reports over dump files. stcpy can copy data in archives produced by stcap (e.g. merging dumps or filtering selected threads).

So far following reports are available:

  • sophisticated filtering (time, stack trace, thread name)
  • stack frame histogram with advanced filtering options
  • flame graph visualization (SVG or interactive HTML)
  • per thread summary (CPU usage, memory allocation, etc)
  • converting back to text format

Dump file can be also processed programatically.

More details


This command allows you to do basic operations with MBean from command line.

It can:

  • read MBean attributes
  • update MBean writeable attributes
  • invoke MBean operations (arguments are supported)
  • display composite and tabular data in a human readable format
  • use wild cards to shorten MBean names (e.g. *:*,name=CodeCacheManager instead of java.lang:type=MemoryManager,name=CodeCacheManager)
  • connect to local JVM processes by PID (e.i. any Java process, you do not need to enable JMX server)
  • connect to JMX using host:port (password authentication is supported)

More details


Similar to jps from JDK.

  • plus can display specific system properties of process in output
  • plus can display values of specific -XX for HotSpot JVM processes
  • plus can filter process java processes by their system properties

More details


Report information about GC in real time. Data is retrieved via JMX.

More details


Dumps all MBeans of target java process to JSON.

  • Failed to add tools.jar to classpath

    Failed to add tools.jar to classpath

    Java home points to D:\fuck\jdk1.8 make sure it is not a JRE path Failed to add tools.jar to classpath java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: at$ Source) at$ Source) at Method) at Source) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) at org.gridkit.lab.jvm.attach.AttachAPI.( at org.gridkit.lab.jvm.attach.AttachManager.( at org.gridkit.jvmtool.cmd.ProcListCmd$ at org.gridkit.jvmtool.cli.CommandLauncher.start(Comman

    .... but i can't undertand why?

    opened by 941112341 12
  • error while trying to access java program

    error while trying to access java program

    so while trying to use ttop I get a error strange thing is that jps detects it...

    thanks RF

    rferreira@graylog1-cab2:~$ sudo java -jar sjk-plus-0.4.2.jar jps
    25987   sjk-plus-0.4.2.jar jps
    23691   /usr/share/graylog-server/graylog.jar server -f /etc/graylog/server/server.conf -np
    rferreira@graylog1-cab2:~$ sudo java -jar sjk-plus-0.4.2.jar ttop -p 23691 -n 20 -o CPU
    Failed to access MBean server: 23691
    opened by rsff 8
  • retained size of objects issue

    retained size of objects issue

    I'm trying to use your nice library in order to compute the retained size of an object, because I have a huge hprof file.

    I used HeapFactory.createHeap(), because I see that getRetainedSize() is not implemeted for FastHprofHeap.

    It works, the only thing is that it gives a different result compared with Yourkit or Eclipse Memory Analyzer (those two give the exact same number of bytes each time).


                    Map<Integer, String> map = new HashMap<>();
    		for (int i = 0; i < numberOfItems; i++) {
    			map.put(i, Integer.toString(i));

    The bigger the numberOfItems, the bigger the difference in retained size between this api and the standard tools. E.g for 5 items, this library returns 730 and Yourkit and EMA return 544 for 10_000 items, this library returns 1,366,404 and Yourkit and EMA return 1,023,568

    Any ideas? Thank you!

    opened by jackmalkovick 6
  • Add more security to MXPR

    Add more security to MXPR

    it would be nice to add more security tomxpr, for example, ability to specify user name & password for remote connection.

    It would be also useful to add SSL, but it could be too much work.

    opened by alexott 5
  • Editable JMX connection string

    Editable JMX connection string

    Hello, Alexey.

    I have a topic to discuss and JMX connection string customization is a subject.

    Recent applications servers, for instance Wildfly, offers JMX connection over http-remoting-jmx. As jvm-tools has RMI hard coded in the connection string at, a code change has to be made in order to change the connection type.

    I need to know your opinion as for customization of a protocol string, mostly designing related question. final String uri = "service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://" + host + ":" + port + "/jmxrmi";

    Have I to implement customization in one of the preferable ways while using -cp with provider's protocol realization:

    • Override service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi:// with my own hardcoded string service:jmx:remoting-jmx:///jndi/rmi:// while always using WildFly http-jmx interface?
    • Allow for override of JMX protocol string with the property setting via -D flag?
    • Use -s flag value as fully overriding JMX connection string?
    • Add new flag to have a chance to form own JMX connection string?

    Please, let me know if I need to issue a pull request. Thank you for your job!

    opened by kyxap1 5
  • Question about GC CPU Utilization

    Question about GC CPU Utilization

    Hi Alexey,

    Many thanks for this great tool!

    I have a question. I noticed an interesting metric about GC CPU utilization in the output of the 'ttop' tool:

    2016-06-29T15:44:56.789+0200 Process summary process cpu=12.74% application cpu=10.03% (user=9.55% sys=0.47%) other: cpu=2.71% GC cpu=0.05% (young=0.05%, old=0.00%)

    Question: is this the actual amount of CPU that is consumed by the JVM GC threads?

    If so, I wonder where does it come from. I have seen this metric in GC logs (i.e. Times usr= sys=), is it the same? Was not aware that it was exposed also via JMX...

    opened by stefanodoni 4
  • java.rmi.UnmarshalException: error unmarshalling return

    java.rmi.UnmarshalException: error unmarshalling return


    Thanks for a great program. When I try to use the mxdump feature, I run into this (see the error message at the bottom)

    $ java -jar ./scripts/sjk-plus-0.11.jar mxdump -s some-server:30648 
      "beans" : [ {
        // (...a lot of data redacted)
        "name" : "Catalina:type=WebResourceRoot,host=localhost,context=/myapp",
        "modelerType" : "org.apache.tomcat.util.modeler.BaseModelMBean",
        "cachingAllowed" : true,
        "stateName" : "STARTED",
        "trackedResources" : "[]",
        "trackLockedFiles" : false,
        "allowLinking" : true
      }, {
        "name" : "Catalina:type=SSLHostConfig,ThreadPool=\"https-openssl-nio-8443\",name=\"_default_\"",
        "modelerType" : "org.apache.tomcat.util.modeler.BaseModelMBean",
        "certificateChainFile" : null,
        "hostName" : "_default_",
        "enabledProtocols" : [ "TLSv1", "TLSv1.2", "SSLv2Hello", "TLSv1.1" ],
        "disableCompression" : true,
        "truststoreType" : "JKS",
        "certificateRevocationListPath" : null,
        "caCertificatePath" : null,
        "configType" : "EITHER",
        "keyManagerAlgorithm" : "SunX509",
        "truststorePassword" : null,
        "certificateKeyAlias" : null,
        "certificateKeystoreType" : "JKS",
        "trustManagerClassName" : null,
        "honorCipherOrder" : null,
        "ciphers" : "HIGH:!aNULL:!eNULL:!EXPORT:!DES:!RC4:!MD5:!kRSA",
        "disableSessionTickets" : false,
        "certificateVerificationDepthConfigured" : false,
        "truststoreAlgorithm" : "PKIX",
        "certificateRevocationListFile" : null,
        "caCertificateFile" : null,
        "openSslConf" : null,
        "insecureRenegotiation" : false,
        "truststoreProvider" : null,
        "certificateKeyFile" : null,
        "certificateKeystoreFile" : "/var/lib/tomcat8/.keystore",
        "revocationEnabled" : false,
        "certificateKeystoreProvider" : null,
        "sessionCacheSize" : 0,
        "openSslConfContext" : 0,
        "openSslContext" : 140587870744736,
        "certificateKeystorePassword" : "<removed>",
        "objectName" : "Catalina:type=SSLHostConfig,ThreadPool=\"https-openssl-nio-8443\",name=\"_default_\"",
        "sslProtocol" : "TLS",
        "sessionTimeout" : 86400,
        "truststoreFile" : null,
        "certificateFile" : null,
        "certificateVerificationDepth" : 10,
        "certificateKeyPassword" : null
      }, {
        "name" : java.rmi.UnmarshalException: error unmarshalling return; nested exception is: writing aborted; org.apache.coyote.RequestGroupInfo

    The process in question is a Tomcat 8 process running on Linux.

    Maybe it would be better for SJK to ignore non-serializable objects like org.apache.coyote.RequestGroupInfo? Perhaps logging a message about them if debugging is enabled or something.

    opened by perlun 3
  • Add documentation about connecting to JVMs

    Add documentation about connecting to JVMs

    As a newcomer, I wish I had read some advice to troubleshoot connection between sjk and my app:

    $ java -jar sjk.jar ttop -p <pid>
    Failed to access MBean server: <pid>
    • Always use the same user to run sjk as the application: sudo -u elasticsearch java -jar sjk.jar ttop -p <elasticsearch pid> and test the connection with jstack before using sjk
    • Disable firewalls (iptables and the like): even if you're connecting locally using a PID, sockets are still used for communication.

    This would have saved me hours of investigation.

    opened by gquintana 3
  • Does SSA use asyncgetcalltrace or JVMTI getCallTrace to walkthrough Java stack trace

    Does SSA use asyncgetcalltrace or JVMTI getCallTrace to walkthrough Java stack trace


    Thanks for creating this project. The tools developed were really useful particularly ssa with flamegraphs. But we would like to know whether ssa uses asyncgetcalltrace(AGCT) or JVMTI getCallTrace to walkthrough Java stack trace. Since AGCT output would be accurate in walking through stack asynchronously not impacted by safepoint bias.


    opened by sattishv 2
  • String fix for Java 10 (PR 35)

    String fix for Java 10 (PR 35)


    I am using your library in a Java-based OS to find memory leaks automatically.

    One small thing. I believe the library is not fully adapted to Java 10? It generally seems to work, don't get me wrong :+1:

    The issue I have is with the method org.gridkit.jvmtool.heapdump.HeapWalker.stringValue():

        public static String stringValue(Instance obj) {
            if (obj == null) {
                return null;
            if (!"java.lang.String".equals(obj.getJavaClass().getName())) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Is not a string: " + obj.getInstanceId() + " (" + obj.getJavaClass().getName() + ")");
            char[] text = null;
            int offset = 0;
            int len = -1;
            for(FieldValue f: obj.getFieldValues()) {
                Field ff = f.getField();
                if ("value".equals(ff.getName())) {
                    PrimitiveArrayInstance chars = (PrimitiveArrayInstance) ((ObjectFieldValue)f).getInstance();
                    text = new char[chars.getLength()];
                    for(int i = 0; i != text.length; ++i) {
                        text[i] = ((String)chars.getValues().get(i)).charAt(0);
                // fields below were removed in Java 7
                else if ("offset".equals(ff.getName())) {
                    offset = Integer.valueOf(f.getValue());
                else if ("count".equals(ff.getName())) {
                    len = Integer.valueOf(f.getValue());
            if (len < 0) {
                len = text.length;
            return new String(text, offset, len);

    which clearly is pre-JDK 10 code. Any intention to upgrade this?

    Many greetings, Stefan

    Edit: In fact, I might just do this myself...

    opened by stefan-reich 2
  • sjk 0.10 doesn't handle jfr.

    sjk 0.10 doesn't handle jfr.

    Locally builded sjk-plus 0.10 or downloaded from maven central doesn't handle java flight recording. Version 0.9.3 works.

    java -jar sjk-0.10.jar ssa -f node.jfr --histo Unable to parse file '.\node.jfr'. Parser config: SJK Thread Dump (Magic: TRACEDUMP_1, TRACEDUMP_2), SJK Genereic Event Dump (Magic: EVENTDUMP_1), JStack dump parser Stream reader error: Invalid magic No data

    java -jar sjk-0.9.3.jar ssa -f node.jfr --histo Trc(%) Frm N Term(%) Frame 8 100% 8 0 0% io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$ 8 100% 8 0 0% 7 87% 7 0 0% 4 50% 4 0 0%

    opened by ivandasch 2
  • fix(sec): upgrade org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-core to 2.17.1

    fix(sec): upgrade org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-core to 2.17.1

    What happened?

    There are 1 security vulnerabilities found in org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-core 2.14.1

    What did I do?

    Upgrade org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-core from 2.14.1 to 2.17.1 for vulnerability fix

    What did you expect to happen?

    Ideally, no insecure libs should be used.

    The specification of the pull request

    PR Specification from OSCS

    opened by HundredBai 0
  • Using TCK Tested JDK builds of OpenJDK

    Using TCK Tested JDK builds of OpenJDK

    The AdoptOpenJDK has been discontinued since July 2021 ( Switch the distribution to Azul Zulu. When using Zulu you get all the latest updated (TCK Tested) builds for all versions of OpenJDK.

    Also added are fixed (major) release version(s) such as JDK 11.0.3. This is often a good practice whenever a build/test triggers (push/pull events) that help determine if the latest (JDK 11) had failed the from the latest build vs something in your code caused (introduced). In addition to the workflow I consolidated the job by using a build matrix. :-)

    For example, when building with JDK 11.0.3 (fixed version) the build/tests passes (Green) and JDK 11 fails (Red) will mean that the latest JDK 11 was the cause and not your code.

    Note: Other distributions such as Temurin do not support archived fixed releases prior to Sept. 2021 and many non LTS (long term support) releases if you plan to try out newer features in the language.

    opened by carldea 0
  • Wrong usage of Java home

    Wrong usage of Java home

    When calling the program, e.g.

     java -jar sjk.jar hh -p 12556

    the first output is:

    Java home points to C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_202 make sure it is not a JRE path

    However, my JAVA_HOME variable is set as follows (result of set JAVA_HOME):

    JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_202

    So apparently the tool uses some other Java home, which I don't know how to change. I'd suggest to use the value of the JAVA_HOME environment variable instead. Currently I am unable to use the tool at all.

    I downloaded the newest version using wget -O sjk.jar. My OS is Microsoft Windows 10 Pro (Version: 10.0.19042 Build 19042) and I tried cmd and Powershell. Please let me know if you need any further information.

    opened by MetaColon 1
  • Vulnerable Dependency: jcommander 1.30

    Vulnerable Dependency: jcommander 1.30 jcommander 1.30 is from 2012 and has a number of vulnerabilities. Should update to either jcommander 1.78 or 1.80

    opened by sirkojac 0
  • Unable to parse visualvm nps generated by visualvm 2.0.1

    Unable to parse visualvm nps generated by visualvm 2.0.1

    Hi, I ran into issue where sjk seems unable to understand nps format.

    VisualVM: v2.0.1 Jdk: v14

    Unable to parse file './profiler-snapshot2.nps'. Parser config: SJK Thread Dump (Magic: TRACEDUMP_1, TRACEDUMP_2), SJK Genereic Event Dump (Magic: EVENTDUMP_1), JStack dump parser
    Input files
    Unable to parse file './profiler-snapshot2.nps'. Parser config: SJK Thread Dump (Magic: TRACEDUMP_1, TRACEDUMP_2), SJK Genereic Event Dump (Magic: EVENTDUMP_1), JStack dump parser
    Stream reader error: Invalid magic Invalid magic
    	at org.gridkit.jvmtool.stacktrace.MagicReader.readMagic(
    	at org.gridkit.jvmtool.stacktrace.ThreadEventCodec.createEventReader(
    	at org.gridkit.jvmtool.AbstractEventDumpSource.openReader(
    	at org.gridkit.jvmtool.AbstractThreadDumpSource.openReader(
    	at org.gridkit.jvmtool.AbstractEventDumpSource$1.produceNext(
    	at org.gridkit.jvmtool.event.ChainedEventReader.hasNext(
    	at org.gridkit.jvmtool.event.ShieldedEventReader.seekNext(
    	at org.gridkit.jvmtool.event.ShieldedEventReader.hasNext(
    	at org.gridkit.jvmtool.event.ShieldedEventReader.seekNext(
    	at org.gridkit.jvmtool.event.ShieldedEventReader.hasNext(
    	at org.gridkit.jvmtool.event.MorphingEventReader.hasNext(
    	at org.gridkit.jvmtool.hflame.JsonFlameDataSet.feed(
    	at org.gridkit.jvmtool.hflame.cmd.FlameGraphGeneratorCmd$
    	at org.gridkit.jvmtool.cli.CommandLauncher.start(
    	at org.gridkit.jvmtool.SJK.main(
    0 samples processed
    No data omit report generation```
    opened by crzyjcky 4
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