A Java library designed to make making decisions based on the current operating system easier.


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Java OS Independence

...or JOSI for short, is a simple and lightweight Java library designed to make making decisions based on the current operating system easier.

Getting Started




dependencies {
  implementation 'io.github.cegredev:josi:0.4.1'

Or download the jars directly from Maven Central.

How's it work?

The OS enum is the heart of the library and contains the current operating system:

OS os = OS.current();

...which can be anything from to WIN_7 to MAC_OS_BIG_SUR to UBUNTU.

The more useful information is the Family of the operating system, i.e. WINDOWS, MAC, LINUX or OTHER. You can get it like this:

OS.Family family = os.getFamily();

...and then use it to execute code based on it like this:

switch (family) {
	case WINDOWS:
		// ...
	case MAC:
		// ...
	case LINUX:
		// ...
	case OTHER:
		// ...

This is pretty much all you need to know, but I strongly encourage you to take a look at the other examples below and the documentation to explore some of the utility methods JOSI has to offer!


Check whether an operating system is a specific one:

// Checks whether the OS is any of the given ones
boolean isHated = OS.current().is(OS.WIN_8, OS.WIN_8_1);

// Checks whether the OS is part of the given families
boolean isUnixBased = OS.current().isFamily(OS.Family.MAC, OS.Family.LINUX);

Enforce a specific operating system:

// Throws an exception if the operating system is one of the given ones
OS.current().enforceNot(OS.WIN_95, OS.WIN_98, OS.WIN_XP);

// Throws an exception if the operating system family is not part of the given ones
OS.current().enforceFamily(OS.Family.WINDOWS, OS.Family.MAC);

// Only returns the value if the current operating system is Windows, otherwise throws an exception.
// Useful for one-liners where you want to assign a value and check for the OS in the same step.
boolean gamer = OS.current().pickWindows(true);

Choose a value based on the current operating systems's family:

// Chooses the correct value based on the current operating system:
// On Windows: "Windows", on Mac: "Mac", on Linux: "Linux", on other: "Other"
String currentOS = OS.current().pick("Windows", "Mac", "Linux", "Other");

// Chooses the correct value between Mac, Linux or anything else, for example:
// On Windows: "other", on Mac: "creative", on Linux: "techy", on other: "other"
String character = OS.current().pickMacLinuxAny("creative", "techy", "other");

// Chooses the correct value between Linux and anything else, for example:
// On Linux: false, on Windows, Mac or anything else: true
boolean filthyCasual = OS.current().pickLinuxAny(false, true);

// There is one of these methods for every single combination, all following the same naming scheme,
// so you can probably even guess their names with looking at the... d o c u m e n t a t i o n .

Execute code based on the current operating system:

// There are basically two ways to achieve this. The first and simplest is the following:
// Since we often don't care about which exact version of an operating system we are running, we are
// just using the family of the current OS, which can be one of the below values.
switch (OS.current().getFamily()) {
	case WINDOWS:
	case MAC:
	case LINUX:
	case OTHER:

// If you need more control, you can of course switch on the OS itself as well. However, this is more
// error-prone as there are lots more enum constants for the OS datatype, so you should use the family
// whenever possible.
switch (OS.current()) {
	case WIN_95:
		System.out.println("Upgrade your PC, my god!");
	case WIN_8:
	case WIN_8_1:
		System.out.println("You are... special!");
	case WIN_7:
	case WIN_10:
		System.out.println("You are awesome!");


Here are some of the things you could do:

Add a new operating system for the OS enum: If you happen to be running one not present already, please add it! Since I'm a solo-developer running Windows, I can't possibly test and add every single one there is, so every little bit of help is appreciated! If you want to know more, take a look at this guide.

Add a new utility method to the OS enum, but only if you are convinced that it can be useful in many circumstances, as the library should be kept lightweight and not be bloated.

Test the code on your machine, i.e. check if it actually returns the correct operating system for you.

Make suggestions, i.e. if you want to contribute larger changes to the project, create a pull requets or issue and if it fits, I'll be glad to implement it!


Take a look at the documentation or feel free to open an issue, I'm happy to help!


This project is licensed under the MIT License, but if you don't credit me in your project, that's fine.

I do not believe this library is a unique or noteworthy accomplishment, but rather just an attempt at standardizing something people did on their own for a long time anyways and therefore don't feel like I deserve any more more credit than owning the repository. On the other hand I ask you to please contribute any changes you make to the code and others may benefit from back to the project, so it can continue to grow.

Note: The first major release 0.1.0 was licensed under the Apache 2.0 license by accident and although the abovementioned philosophy is the same, the legal aspects of course still apply in theory, so keep that in mind.

  • Add Maven Wrapper, Github Actions, Dependabot

    Add Maven Wrapper, Github Actions, Dependabot

    Adds Maven Wrapper from https://github.com/takari/maven-wrapper

    • This is supposed to be included in Maven 3.7.0+ but doesn't work there, using the latest version

    Adds Dependabot to keep pom.xml and github action dependencies up to date

    Adds configuration for Github actions

    • CI to run mvn test automatically
    • Deploy snapshots to sonatype: requires you to add appropriate sonatype user/password in your github setting "Secrets"

    Fixes #8

    opened by dbwiddis 20
  • Add isAtLeast(OS) method

    Add isAtLeast(OS) method

    Fixes #3

    Makes the assumption the "Unknown" versions are newer, which might not be true but is more likely to be true than not.

    Used your same formatting with tabs, which are evil. ;)

    opened by dbwiddis 7
  • Determine specific versions of Mac OS

    Determine specific versions of Mac OS

    Hi! Really awesome library, I love how lightweight it is.

    I wanted to contribute to adding specific versions of Mac OS.

    From this doc, I found the os.version property. For Mac, this returns a string in the form 10.x.x. I matched that up to the version names from here.

    Please let me know what you think!

    opened by RohanNagar 4
  • Handle Mac OS version 11.x

    Handle Mac OS version 11.x

    As a follow up to #2, @dbwiddis pointed out that os.version on macOS Big Sur could return 11.x.

    My machine doesn't do this so I can't completely verify, but this should work.

    opened by RohanNagar 3
  • Add macOS Monterey to OS enum

    Add macOS Monterey to OS enum

    macOS Monterey was announced yesterday. I can't actually test this yet since I don't have access, but this is macOS version 12.x. I'm assuming that sometimes java will return 10.17, similar to what they do for Big Sur.

    Feel free to merge or wait until Monterey is publicly available.

    opened by RohanNagar 1
  • Setup GitHub Actions to handle testing PRs and conducting snapshot deployments

    Setup GitHub Actions to handle testing PRs and conducting snapshot deployments

    Checking whether PRs break tests is currently done manually. GitHub Actions are easy to set up, very capable, and helpful to automate testing and other things. You could easily:

    • Run unit tests on every push to a PR or merge to the main branch (and test across multiple JDK versions)
    • Deploy SNAPSHOT versions on every merge to the main branch
    • Send your code to static analysis tools like Coverity and Sonarcloud

    Happy to submit a PR to get you started on this if you'd like.

    opened by dbwiddis 1
  • Is (version) or greater helper methods

    Is (version) or greater helper methods

    Feature request: a common version use case is determining a minimum and/or maximum range of versions. It would be useful for you to add a few helper methods that do not require an explicit list.

    For example, you currently have public boolean is(OS... operatingSystems). I'd suggest adding public boolean isAtLeast(OS operatingSystem).

    opened by dbwiddis 1
  • Unix is not Linux

    Unix is not Linux

    See the backronym for GNU.

    Interestingly, Current OpenJDK versions only include os.name for AIX in the Unix category, having dropped support for Solaris; but it's definitely distinct from Linux. Looking in the history, they did previously include Solaris and AIX as distinct OS Types from Linux.

    There should either be a separate Family for UNIX under which Solaris should fall, as well as AIX, and any other Unix flavors you want to support, or if you only want to support AIX and Solaris (matching pre-2020 OpenJDK with Solaris support) then you should add a separate family for AIX.

    Should you choose to group UNIX separately, you might include the following values from os.name in older closed-source JDK versions, or versions ported to the respective OS's: FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, DragonflyBSD, HP-UX, AIX, Solaris (also SunOS).

    I'm sure the z/OS people want support too but I can't find it definitively.

    opened by dbwiddis 2
  • Support Windows Server versions

    Support Windows Server versions

    The current implementation only includes "NT Workstation" (e.g., personal) versions and doesn't work for Windows Server versions. See JDK Source for a list of possible values for the os.name property.

    There are a few tricky points to consider here:

    • Some server versions are the same as the corresponding workstation version and for the purpose of matching versions, should match. For example, Vista and Server 2008 have the same feature set, so could possibly share the same enum value.
    • But sharing the enum may not work for Server 2016 vs. Server 2019 where there's a distinction based on the build number
    • If we do have separate enums for server version that introduces a question on how to handle the isAtLeast() checks based on enum ordering; indicating perhaps we should be keeping major/minor available for this check. But that's hard without exposing it to the API.
    • Taking a look at the official Windows API for comparing versions, however, they don't handle the servers separately, they stick with essentially the same enum list you have, suggesting that for isAtLeast() the existing enum ordering is sufficient and we should just add the server versions as equivalent case staements, e.g., map "server 2008" to "vista" and so on, and consider Server 2016 and Server 2019 equivalent.
    opened by dbwiddis 2
  • v0.4.1(Apr 26, 2021)

    BUG FIX: Previously, if, for some reason, the ID value of /etc/os-release was missing but ID_LIKE wasn't, OS.determine would just ignore it. This is now fixed.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.4.0(Apr 25, 2021)

    Finally added support for more Linux based operating systems, such as UBUNTU, GENTOO or FEDORA.

    Also added SOLARIS as a member of the OTHER family.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.3.0(Apr 23, 2021)

  • v0.2.0(Apr 21, 2021)

  • v0.1.0(Apr 20, 2021)

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