An open-source Java library for Constraint Programming



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Choco-solver is an open-source Java library for Constraint Programming.

Current stable version is 4.10.6 (11 Dec 2020).

Choco-solver comes with:

  • various type of variables (integer, boolean, set, graph and real),
  • various state-of-the-art constraints (alldifferent, count, nvalues, etc.),
  • various search strategies, from basic ones (first_fail, smallest, etc.) to most complex (impact-based and activity-based search),
  • explanation-based engine, that enables conflict-based back jumping, dynamic backtracking and path repair,

But also, facilities to interact with the search loop, factories to help modelling, many samples, etc.

Choco-solver is distributed under BSD 4-Clause License (Copyright (c) 1999-2020, IMT Atlantique).

Contact: Choco-solver on Gitter


// 1. Create a Model
Model model = new Model("my first problem");
// 2. Create variables
IntVar x = model.intVar("X", 0, 5);
IntVar y = model.intVar("Y", 0, 5);
// 3. Create and post constraints thanks to the model
model.element(x, new int[]{5,0,4,1,3,2}, y).post();
// 3b. Or directly through variables
// 4. Get the solver
Solver solver = model.getSolver();
// 5. Define the search strategy
solver.setSearch(Search.inputOrderLBSearch(x, y));
// 6. Launch the resolution process
// 7. Print search statistics

Documentation, Support and Issues

The latest release points to a tarball which contains the binary, the source code, the user guide (pdf) and the apidocs (zip).

You can get help on our google group. Most support requests are answered very fast.

Use the issue tracker here on GitHub to report issues. As far as possible, provide a Minimal Working Example.


Anyone can contribute to the project, from the source code to the documentation. In order to ease the process, we established a contribution guide that should be reviewed before starting any contribution as it lists the requirements and good practices to ease the contribution process.

And thank you for giving back to choco-solver. Please meet our team of cho-coders :

Supporting Choco with financial aid favors long-term support and development. Our expenses are varied: fees (GitHub organization, Domain name, etc), funding PhD students or internships, conferences, hardware renewal, ...


Download and installation


  • JDK 8+
  • maven 3+

Choco-solver is available on Maven Central Repository, or directly from the latest release.

Snapshot releases are also available for curious.

In the following, we distinguish two usages of Choco:

  • as a standalone library: the jar file includes all required dependencies,
  • as a library: the jar file excludes all dependencies.

The name of the jar file terms the packaging:- choco-solver-4.10.4-jar-with-dependencies.jar or - choco-solver-4.10.4.jar.

  • choco-solver-4.10.4-jar-with-dependencies.jar or
  • choco-solver-4.10.4.jar.

A Changelog file is maintained for each release.

Inside a maven project

Choco is available on Maven Central Repository. So you only have to edit your pom.xml to declare the following library dependency:


Note that if you want to test snapshot release, you should update your pom.xml with :


As a stand-alone library

The jar file contains all required dependencies. The next step is simply to add the jar file to your classpath of your application. Note that if your program depends on dependencies declared in the jar file, you should consider using choco as a library.

As a library

The jar file does not contains any dependencies, as of being used as a dependency of another application. The next step is to add the jar file to your classpath of your application and also add the required dependencies.


To declare continuous constraints, Ibex-2.8.7 needs to be installed (instructions are given on Ibex website).

Building from sources

The source of the released versions are directly available in the Tag section. You can also download them using github features. Once downloaded, move to the source directory then execute the following command to make the jar:

$ mvn clean package -DskipTests

If the build succeeded, the resulting jar will be automatically installed in your local maven repository and available in the target sub-folders.

Choco-solver dev team

  • QuickXplain in Choco

    QuickXplain in Choco


    I'm a beginner in using Choco so any help would be higly appreciated. I want to ask if QuickXplain algorithm is already implemented in Choco or not? If not, how to start with it, what to do, is there any functions that I can use that would make the implementation easier?


    opened by swEngineer4ever 28
  • Performance Issue having [ 404 vars -- 211 cstrs ]

    Performance Issue having [ 404 vars -- 211 cstrs ]

    Hi there! Iterating thru all the solution, choco gets stuck at arround solution 330.000 - is that a limitation of choco solver or did I do something wrong with declaring the constraint? Here's my code:

                Model model;
    	int[] solvingResult;
    	IntVar[] intVariables;
    	int[] cssCoeffs;
    	IntVar grossMargin;
    	int grossMargingResult = 0;
    	model = new Model("KEO");
    	solvingResult = new int[powerPlantDataList.size()];
    	intVariables = new IntVar[powerPlantDataList.size()];
    	cssCoeffs = new int[powerPlantDataList.size()];
    	for (int i = 0; i < solvingResult.length; i++) {
    		intVariables[i] = model.intVar("x" + i, 0, (int) powerPlantDataList
    	grossMargin = model.intVar("db", -1000000, 1000000);
    	int j = 0;
    	for (PowerPlantData ppd : powerPlantDataList) {
    		cssCoeffs[j] = (int) ppd.getCssHigh();
    	model.scalar(intVariables, cssCoeffs, "=", grossMargin).post();
    	for (int i = 0; i < powerPlantDataList.size() - 2; i += 2) {
    		model.arithm(intVariables[i], "=", intVariables[i + 1]).post();
    	model.setObjective(Model.MAXIMIZE, grossMargin);
    	System.out.printf("%s\n", model.toString());
    	Solver solver = model.getSolver();
    	int counter = 0;
    	while (solver.solve()) {
    		System.out.println(counter + ". Durchgang von solve()");
    		for (int i = 0; i < intVariables.length; i++) {
    			solvingResult[i] = intVariables[i].getValue();
    			grossMargingResult = grossMargin.getValue();
    	System.out.println("Deckungsbeitrag gesamt: " + grossMargingResult);
    	int a = 0;
    	for (PowerPlantData ppd : powerPlantDataList) {
    opened by Andreeew91 26
  • Finding all optimal solutions

    Finding all optimal solutions

    In general, a problem can have more than one solution where the objective is optimal. Currently the library only finds the first. Is it possible to add functionality to find all the optimal solutions?

    For example:

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Solver solver = new Solver();
        BoolVar a = VF.bool("a", solver);
        BoolVar b = VF.bool("b", solver);
   , "+", b, ">=", 1));
        solver.findOptimalSolution(ResolutionPolicy.MAXIMIZE, a);
        System.out.println(a + ":" + b);
        System.out.println(a + ":" + b);

    would print

    opened by JLiangWaterloo 24
  • How to get All optimal solutions?

    How to get All optimal solutions?

    Like the code below, I set a OBJ to minimize in my model, I do need to get the optimal OBJ, but I also want to get all optimal solutions. Furthermore, if I want to get all solutions corresponding to (OBJ + 1), how can I do this? I've already seen the Choco 4.0.0 documentation and Javadoc, but I still can't solve this two problems.

        model.setObjective(Model.MINIMIZE, OBJ);
        Solver solver = model.getSolver();
        int count = 1;
    	System.out.println("count = " + count);
    	System.out.print(OBJ + "\n");
    opened by csy1234 21
  • Scalar Constraint leads to wrong results

    Scalar Constraint leads to wrong results

    Hi there! When using the scalar constraint like model.scalar(intVarArray, COEFFS, "=", db).post(); The result is leading into wrong values when I'm having the Arrays intVarArray and COEFFS with an amount of values greater than 10 values. Is anything known about this issue or can anybody help solving it? Many thanks in advance!

    here's my code example:

    final int AMOUNT = 20;
    Model model = new Model("KEO");
    int[] solving = new int[AMOUNT];
    IntVar[] intVarArray = new IntVar[AMOUNT];
    for (int i = 0; i < AMOUNT; i++) {
    	intVarArray[i] = model.intVar("x" + i, 0, 440);
    IntVar db = model.intVar("db", -100000, 100000);
    // Entspraeche dem CSS
    int[] COEFFS = new int[AMOUNT];
    for (int i = 0; i < AMOUNT; i++) {
    	COEFFS[i] = (int) (Math.random() * 100 * Math.pow(-1, i));
    model.scalar(intVarArray, COEFFS, "=", db).post();
    model.setObjective(Model.MAXIMIZE, db);
    Solver solver = model.getSolver();
    int counter = 0;
    while (solver.solve()) {
    	System.out.println(counter + ". Durchgang von solve()");
    	for (int i = 0; i < AMOUNT; i++) {
    		solving[i] = intVarArray[i].getValue();
    for (int i = 0; i < AMOUNT; i++) {
    	System.out.println("Solving: " + solving[i] + " CSS: " + COEFFS[i]);
    opened by Andreeew91 20
  • Refactor factories

    Refactor factories

    There are many factories and finding the right element becomes difficult. To solve this issue, we propose to use the following factories:

    Vars : to declare all variables (merges VF and VariableFactory) Cstrs : to declare all constraints (merges ICF, IntConstraintFactory, LCG, LogicalConstraintFactory, SCF, SetConstraintFactory) Search: to declare how to explore the search space (merges ISF, IntStrategyFactory, SSF, SetStrategyFactory, RSF, RealStrategyFactory, SearchMonitorFactory, SearchLoopFactory, LNSFactory)

    opened by jgFages 19
  • Please publish the parent POM org.choco-solver:choco:4.10.3

    Please publish the parent POM org.choco-solver:choco:4.10.3

    Expected behavior

    All choco dependencies can be resolved from Maven Central.

    Actual behavior

    Neither Gradle nor Maven are able to download org.choco-solver:choco-solver:4.10.3 because it Could not find artifact org.choco-solver:choco:pom:4.10.3 in central ( Gradle fails with:

    > Could not resolve all files for configuration ':compileClasspath'.
       > Could not resolve org.choco-solver:choco-solver:4.10.3.
         Required by:
             project :
          > Could not resolve org.choco-solver:choco-solver:4.10.3.
             > Could not parse POM
                > Could not find org.choco-solver:choco:4.10.3.
          > Could not resolve org.choco-solver:choco-solver:4.10.3.
             > Could not parse POM
                > Could not find org.choco-solver:choco:4.10.3.

    The POM of the 4.10.3 release contains an additional <parent> element which is not present in the 4.10.2 release:

    • POM 4.10.3:
    • POM 4.10.2:

    Possible Solution

    Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <project xmlns=""

    Perhaps you have to remove the choco files from your local .m2 to reproduce this issue.


    I've tried update from 4.10.2 to 4.10.3.


    • Choco-solver version: 4.10.3
    • Java version: 11.0.8
    opened by thetric 18
  • Problem in resetting choco solver/model

    Problem in resetting choco solver/model


    I am using choco solver 4. I am constructing a tree with choco model at each node. For some purpose I need to make multiple copies of the same tree having choco model. within nodes When I solve the first tree, by providing some constraints it gives me correct solution. However, for next tree, when I change the constraints, the solver does not provide the correct solution. How can I reset the solver as well as the complete model so that it can execute from the beginning?

    I used solver.reset() but it does not work either.

    opened by ritika2734 18
  • ICF.mod returns the wrong number of solutions

    ICF.mod returns the wrong number of solutions

    There still seems to be two issues with the current implementation in 3.3.1-SNAPSHOT develop branch. The following code will find many duplicate solutions.

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
            Solver s = new Solver();
            IntVar d = VF.enumerated("d", -4, 3, s);
            IntVar e = VF.enumerated("e", -1, 3, s);
            IntVar f = VF.enumerated("f", -1, 4, s);
  , e, f));
            s.set(ISF.random_value(s.retrieveIntVars(), System.currentTimeMillis()));
            Set<String> x = new HashSet<>();
            if (s.findSolution()) {
                do {
                    String z = d.getValue() + " % " + e.getValue() + "  = " + f.getValue();
                    if (!x.add(z)) {
                        System.out.println("Duplicate solution: " + z);
                } while (s.nextSolution());

    In the next example, the constraint is "(d % e = f) || (e = 0)". I expected at least one solution where "e = 0" but no solution is returned.

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Solver s = new Solver();
        IntVar d = VF.enumerated("d", new int[]{1, 2}, s);
        IntVar e = VF.enumerated("e", new int[]{0, 5}, s);
        IntVar f = VF.enumerated("f", new int[]{3, 4}, s);, e, f), ICF.arithm(e, "=", 0)));
    opened by JLiangWaterloo 17
  • [BUG] Set constraint `setLe` and `setLt` do not behave as expected

    [BUG] Set constraint `setLe` and `setLt` do not behave as expected

    Describe the bug

    The lexicographic ordering is applied to a boolean representation of the set, in the form: [b0, b1, b2, b3], where b0 is the lexicographically smallest possible number in the set (from UB) and b3 is the largest. For example, if we have a set variable s that takes its values in [ {}, {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} ], the value {1, 2} is represented as 01100.

    The problem is that the lexical ordering of this representation is not equivalent to the lexicographic ordering of the sorted set elements. For example (with the same domain [ {}, {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} ]), if s1 = {4} and s2 = {3}, s1 > s2 according to the lexicographic ordering of the sorted set elements. But with the boolean representation we have: s1 = 00001 and s2 = 00010, thus s1 < s2.

    Possible solution

    One possible solution could be to reverse the boolean representation, with the previous example we would have:

    s1 = {4} -> 10000 s2 = {3} -> 01000

    opened by dimitri-justeau 16
  • model.sum().post() not work

    model.sum().post() not work

    Model model = new Model("landing"); IntVar[][] y = model.intVarMatrix("runways", N, R, new int[]{0,1}); IntVar[] runways = ArrayUtils.flatten(y);

    model.sum(y[i], "=", 1).post();


    then print y, all the value of y is 0, why?

    opened by tao0708 14
  • Bump testng from 7.5 to 7.7.1

    Bump testng from 7.5 to 7.7.1

    Bumps testng from 7.5 to 7.7.1.

    Release notes

    Sourced from testng's releases.

    TestNG v7.7.1

    What's Changed

    Full Changelog:

    TestNG v7.7.0

    What's Changed

    New Contributors

    ... (truncated)


    Sourced from testng's changelog.

    7.7.1 Fixed: GITHUB-2854: overloaded assertEquals methods do not work from Groovy (Krishnan Mahadevan)

    7.7.0 Fixed: GITHUB-2852: [SECURITY] Fix Zip Slip Vulnerability (Jonathan Leitschuh) Fixed: GITHUB-2792: JUnitTestClass sets XmlTest as null when running JUnit 4 Tests using TestNG (Krishnan Mahadevan) Fixed: GITHUB-2847: Deprecate support for running JUnit tests (Krishnan Mahadevan) Fixed: GITHUB-2844: Deprecate support for running Spock Tests (Krishnan Mahadevan) Fixed: GITHUB-550: Weird @​BeforeMethod and @​AfterMethod behaviour with dependsOnMethods (Krishnan Mahadevan) Fixed: GITHUB-893: TestNG should provide an Api which allow to find all dependent of a specific test (Krishnan Mahadevan) New: Added .yml file extension for yaml suite files, previously only .yaml was allowed for yaml (Steven Jubb) Fixed: GITHUB-141: regular expression in "dependsOnMethods" does not work (Krishnan Mahadevan) Fixed: GITHUB-2770: FileAlreadyExistsException when report is generated (melloware) Fixed: GITHUB-2825: Programmatically Loading TestNG Suite from JAR File Fails to Delete Temporary Copy of Suite File (Steven Jubb) Fixed: GITHUB-2818: Add configuration key for callback discrepancy behavior (Krishnan Mahadevan) Fixed: GITHUB-2819: Ability to retry a data provider in case of failures (Krishnan Mahadevan) Fixed: GITHUB-2308: StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in findClassesInPackage - Surefire/Maven - JDK 11 fails (Krishnan Mahadevan) Fixed: GITHUB:2788: TestResult.isSuccess() is TRUE when test fails due to expectedExceptions (Krishnan Mahadevan) Fixed: GITHUB-2800: Running Test Classes with Inherited @​Factory and @​DataProvider Annotated Non-Static Methods Fail (Krishnan Mahadevan) New: Ability to provide custom error message for assertThrows\expectThrows methods (Anatolii Yuzhakov) Fixed: GITHUB-2780: Use SpotBugs instead of abandoned FindBugs Fixed: GITHUB-2801: JUnitReportReporter is too slow Fixed: GITHUB-2807: buildStackTrace should be fail-safe (Sergey Chernov) Fixed: GITHUB-2830: TestHTMLReporter parameter toString should be fail-safe (Sergey Chernov) Fixed: GITHUB-2798: Parallel executions coupled with retry analyzer results in duplicate retry analyzer instances being created (Krishnan Mahadevan)

    7.6.1 Fixed: GITHUB-2761: Exception: ERROR java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: /tmp/testngXmlPathInJar-15086412835569336174 (Krishnan Mahadevan) 7.6.0 Fixed: GITHUB-2741: Show fully qualified name of the test instead of just the function name for better readability of test output.(Krishnan Mahadevan) Fixed: GITHUB-2725: Honour custom attribute values in TestNG default reports (Krishnan Mahadevan) Fixed: GITHUB-2726: @​AfterClass config method is executed for EACH @​Test method when parallel == methods (Krishnan Mahadevan) Fixed: GITHUB-2752: TestListener is being lost when implenting both IClassListener and ITestListener (Krishnan Mahadevan) New: GITHUB-2724: DataProvider: possibility to unload dataprovider class, when done with it (Dzmitry Sankouski) Fixed: GITHUB-217: Configure TestNG to fail when there's a failure in data provider (Krishnan Mahadevan) Fixed: GITHUB-2743: SuiteRunner could not be initial by default Configuration (Nan Liang) Fixed: GITHUB-2729: beforeConfiguration() listener method should be invoked for skipped configurations as well(Nan Liang) Fixed: assertEqualsNoOrder for Collection and Iterators size check was missing (Adam Kaczmarek) Fixed: GITHUB-2709: Testnames not working together with suites in suite (Martin Aldrin) Fixed: GITHUB-2704: IHookable and IConfigurable callback discrepancy (Krishnan Mahadevan) Fixed: GITHUB-2637: Upgrade to JDK11 as the minimum JDK requirements (Krishnan Mahadevan) Fixed: GITHUB-2734: Keep the initial order of listeners (Andrei Solntsev) Fixed: GITHUB-2359: Testng @​BeforeGroups is running in parallel with testcases in the group (Anton Velma) Fixed: Possible StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in XmlReporter (Anton Velma) Fixed: GITHUB-2754: @​AfterGroups is executed for each "finished" group when it has multiple groups defined (Anton Velma)

    • b94395d Bump version to 7.7.1 for release
    • 89dc584 Streamline overloaded assertion methods for Groovy
    • 5ac0021 Adding release notes
    • c0e1e77 Adjust version reference in deprecation msgs.
    • 011527d Bump version to 7.7.0 for release
    • 7846c44 Deprecate support for running JUnit tests
    • 8630a7e Ensure ITestContext available for JUnit4 tests
    • 7070b02 Streamline dependsOnMethods for configurations
    • d7e0bb1 Deprecate support for running Spock Tests
    • ca7a3a2 Ensure All tests run all the time
    • Additional commits viewable in compare view

    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • Bump xchart from 3.8.2 to 3.8.3

    Bump xchart from 3.8.2 to 3.8.3

    Bumps xchart from 3.8.2 to 3.8.3.

    • ea7138f [maven-release-plugin] prepare release xchart-3.8.3
    • efacc0e prepare for 3.8.3 release
    • aa28b8c Merge branch 'develop' of into develop
    • 3c9ef7e Merge pull request #705 from knowm/dependabot/maven/org.apache.maven.plugins-...
    • ea8afeb Bump maven-gpg-plugin from 1.6 to 3.0.1
    • 759b4c3 junit ==> 5.9.1
    • 1f31cce convert all unit tests to JUnit5, format code
    • 826699f Merge branch 'develop' of into develop
    • dda1ba9 Merge pull request #711 from zhzzang/add-test
    • 8a78d1c Merge branch 'develop' of into develop
    • Additional commits viewable in compare view

    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • Make possible to rewrite discrete expressions with rules

    Make possible to rewrite discrete expressions with rules

    This pull request address makes it possible to define rewriting rules to transform an expression. One has to define one or more couples, each composed of a predicate (to detect a pattern) and a function (to transform the expression detected). Then a call to e.rewrite(...) transform in-place the expression.

    I also (started to) define some pre-defined predicates and functions, like Rule.isOperator(...) and Rule.twoIdentical(...).

    Basic example:

    Model model = new Model("rewrite1");                                       
    IntVar x = model.intVar("x", 0, 10);                                       
    IntVar y = model.intVar("y", 0, 10);                                       
    List<Rule<ArExpression>> rules = new ArrayList<>();                        
    rules.add(new Rule<>(                                                      
            Rule.twoIdentical(e -> e.mul(2))));                                
    rules.add(new Rule<>(                                                      
            Rule.twoIdentical(e -> model.intVar(0))));                         
    ReExpression exp = x.add(x).eq(y.sub(y)).rewrite(rules);                                  
    System.out.printf("%s\n", exp);                                            

    Related to: #979 #953 @arnaud-m if you want to play with the branch, you're welcome, this is a draft PR, waiting for feedbacks.

    opened by cprudhom 0
  • [BUG] Incomplete bounding of expressions with products or powers

    [BUG] Incomplete bounding of expressions with products or powers

    Describe the bug

    The computation of bounds of the auxiliary variable is not accurate for mul or pow expressions. It raises an exception because it does not take into account the right member of the relation.

    However, the constraint times does not meet the same issue.

    To Reproduce

    Define the model below.

    Model m = new Model();
    IntVar[] x = m.intVarArray("x", 3, 0, IntVar.MAX_INT_BOUND);        
    model.times(x[0], x[1], x[2]).post(); // Valid and posted
    x[0].mul(x[1]).eq(x[2]).post(); // Valid, but raise an exception

    The issue is also encountered with pow expression.

    x[0].pow(x[1]).eq(x[2]).post(); // Valid, but raise an exception

    Expected behavior No exception.

    opened by arnaud-m 1
  • Do not define unnecessary auxiliary variables

    Do not define unnecessary auxiliary variables

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Some auxiliary variables are introduced when building arithmetic and relational expressions. This are very useful allowing to easily define complex expressions. However, they are defined when not required.

    Model m = new Model();
    IntVar[] x = m.intVarArray("x", 3, 0, 1000);
    model.times(x[0], x[1], x[2]).post(); 
    x[1].mul(x[1]).eq(x[2]).post(); // Introduce an unnecessary auxiliary variable.

    Describe the solution you'd like Not creating the auxiliary variable mul_exp_1.

    Describe alternatives you've considered The user can post a times constraint instead of defining an expression.

    opened by arnaud-m 0
  • [BUG] Bounds are not checked on variable definition

    [BUG] Bounds are not checked on variable definition

    Describe the bug The lower and upper bounds are not checked on variable definition.

    To Reproduce Define a variable with invalid bounds.

    m.intVar( 2 * IntVar.MIN_INT_BOUND, 2 * IntVar.MAX_INT_BOUND); 

    Expected behavior

    I am unsure, but the behavior should depend on the nature of the variable : decision or auxiliary.

    • One can ask the user to bound decision variables.
    • However, auxiliary variables can be assigned large values even in a small search space. It is the case for a product or power constraints, or more generally arithmetic expressions.

    For now, the practical issue is that the behavior is hard to predict. Some later checks can raise an exception, or not, when building a model with arithmetic expressions.

    opened by arnaud-m 6
  • v4.10.10(Oct 11, 2022)

    4.10.10 - 11 Oct 2022

    Major features:

    • Fix performance issue of ViewDeltaMonitor
    • Fix lack of filtering in STR2+ when domain is bounded
    • Fix issue relative to OR and AND in LogOp
    • Add missing checks in OneWordS32BitSet and OneWordS64BitSet + update constructors
    • Add new API to VariableUtils
    • Add CITATION.cff
    • Update

    Other closed issues and pull requests:

    See milestone 4.10.10

    Contributors to this release:

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    choco-parsers-4.10.10-light.jar(5.62 MB)
    choco-parsers-4.10.10-sources.jar(177.35 KB)
    choco-parsers-4.10.10.jar(400.41 KB)
    choco-solver-4.10.10-jar-with-dependencies.jar(10.32 MB)
    choco-solver-4.10.10-sources.jar(1.27 MB)
    choco-solver-4.10.10.jar(1.92 MB)
  • 4.10.9(Aug 22, 2022)

    4.10.9 - 22 Aug 2022

    Major features:

    • It is now possible to declare hints to help the search finding a first solution. See solver.addHint(var, val).
    • Add Solver.tableSampling resolution policy which returns a stream of Solution randomly sampled.
    • Add increasing and decreasing constraints
    • Add costFlow constraint, which is composed of scalar products and a MinCostMaxFlow propagator
    • Revamp pow constraint
    • Add threshold for element with array of variables signature
    • Add a propagator for 0/1-knapsack (thanks to @PoltyPoltou)
    • Remove CPProfiler since the project is not active anymore.
    • Make possible to deal with large domains for some constraints (#894)
    • Add a LinearProgram class to deal with linear program (!) and a two-phase Simplex (not connected yet)
    • Fix bug related to delta in boolean views
    • Improvements relative to reified propagators
    • Change signature of AtLeastNValues
    • Record time to best in Measures(IMeasures measures) constructor

    Change the way propagators are stored in variables to ease swapping (#889)

    Each variable is in charge of scheduling its propagators. This impacts the way propagators are stored in a variable. Consequently, the getPropagators() and getPropagator(int) methods are deprecated, streamPropagators() replaces them. Unless otherwise stated, a propagator that can be entailed is automatically swapped in its variables' internal structure.


    • Extend some black-box strategies to SetVar
    • Add union(SetVar unionSet, SetVar indices, SetVar[] sets) constraint
    • Add free strategy for SetVar (RegParser and ParallelPortfolio)
    • Fix SetVar#getDomainSize
    • Add SetDomainMax
    • Add 'setLe' and 'setLt' constraint (as a decomposition) in ISetConstraintFactory

    Flatzinc, XCSP3 and MPS

    • Change default search of Flatzinc
    • Increase interval for Flatzinc unbounded intvar
    • Remove default ANSI in parsers
    • Update FZN grammar to deal with 'set of int'
    • Flatzinc: deal with warm_start
    • Add ignored search annotation warning in FGoal
    • Update XCSPParser + add model.amongDec

    JAR Files

    Since 4.10.9, a new jar file is available for download. This is a lighter version of the one with dependencies, namely choco-parsers-light-VERSION.jar. The following dependencies have been excluded from this archive:

    • org.apache.pdfbox:pdfbox
    • org.apache.fontbox:fontbox

    This results in 82% smaller archive. Note that the non-alleged versions are still available for download.

    Deprecated API (to be removed in next release):

    • IOutputFactory.outputSearchTreeToCPProfiler(boolean domain)

    Other closed issues and pull requests:

    See milestone 4.10.9

    Contributors to this release:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    choco-parsers-4.10.9-jar-with-dependencies.jar(27.96 MB)
    choco-parsers-4.10.9-light.jar(5.62 MB)
    choco-parsers-4.10.9-sources.jar(177.35 KB)
    choco-parsers-4.10.9.jar(392.24 KB)
    choco-solver-4.10.9-jar-with-dependencies.jar(10.32 MB)
    choco-solver-4.10.9-sources.jar(1.27 MB)
    choco-solver-4.10.9.jar(1.92 MB)
  • 4.10.8(Jan 10, 2022)

    4.10.8 - 07 Jan 2022

    Major features:

    • Propagation is now observable, solver.observePropagation(PropagationObserver). Consequently, it is now possible to profil the propagation by calling solver.profilePropagation(). See Javadoc for details and usages (#832).
    • Release 4.10.7 introduces a bug related to delta monitors, which is now fixed (#837).
    • Add new black-box strategy: failure based variable ordering heuristics (@lihb905)
    • Add model.streamVars() and model.streamCstrs()
    • Bounded domains checking for table constraints
    • Change complementary search in FlatZincParser
    • Bump XCSP3

    Other closed issues and pull requests:

    See milestone 4.10.8

    Contributors to this release:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    choco-parsers-4.10.8-jar-with-dependencies.jar(28.48 MB)
    choco-parsers-4.10.8-sources.jar(175.72 KB)
    choco-parsers-4.10.8.jar(387.95 KB)
    choco-solver-4.10.8-jar-with-dependencies.jar(10.85 MB)
    choco-solver-4.10.8-sources.jar(1.23 MB)
    choco-solver-4.10.8.jar(1.86 MB)
    examples-4.10.8-src.tar.bz2(130.35 KB)
    examples-4.10.8-src.tar.gz(139.05 KB) KB)
  • 4.10.7(Oct 11, 2021)

    4.10.7 - 11 Oct 2021

    Major features:

    • Simplify the way deltamonitors work. There is no need to freeze and unfreeze them before calling forEach... methods. But, a call to forEach... consumes all values stored.
    • Fix a bug related to incremental propagators, views and missing events.
    • STR2+ now deals with STAR tuples. Can be used when CT+ is not efficient (mainly due to very large domain size)
    • Resetting cutoff strategies now possible
    • Change restart behavior to reset cutoff on solutions (can be disabled though, calling solver.setRestarts(..) API).
    • Display occurrences of variable types and occurrences of propagator types
    • Now IntDomainBest offers API to break ties (see Search.ValH.BLAST for an example).
    • Add solver.defaultSolution() which creates lazily a solution recording everything, plugs it and returns it. This is helpful when a Solution object is required in many places.
    • Modification of the management of expressions in order to reduce the number of created variables (WIP).
    • Add that streams a variable's values (in increasing order)
    • Add Search.ValH.BMIN and Search.ValH.BLAST
    • Add DIMACS CNF parser (org.chocosolver.parser.mps.ChocoDIMACS)
    • Add Logger (solver.log()) to trace from Model/Solver.
    • Change some default settings
    • Revamp Settings, now is defined as a factory pattern + add and profiles.
    • Make half reification possible. Seed c.implies(b) or c.impliedBy(b) where c is a Constraint and b a BoolVar.
    • Update MiniZinc constraints definition + flatzinc files (for testing).
    • Update choco.msc (for MiniZinc IDE) + ./minizinc/
    • Add Argmax and Argmin constraints
    • Add IfThenElse as a decomposed constraint
    • Improvement of solver.findParetoFront()

    Deprecated API (to be removed in next release):

    Other closed issues and pull requests:

    See milestone 4.10.7

    Contributors to this release:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    choco-parsers-4.10.7-jar-with-dependencies.jar(26.13 MB)
    choco-parsers-4.10.7-sources.jar(173.69 KB)
    choco-parsers-4.10.7.jar(382.03 KB)
    choco-solver-4.10.7-jar-with-dependencies.jar(10.81 MB)
    choco-solver-4.10.7-sources.jar(1.21 MB)
    choco-solver-4.10.7.jar(1.81 MB)
    examples-4.10.7-src.tar.bz2(129.91 KB)
    examples-4.10.7-src.tar.gz(138.96 KB) KB)
  • 4.10.6(Dec 11, 2020)

    4.10.6 - 11 Dec 2020

    Major features:

    • Add new resolution helper in Solver, namely findOptimalSolutionWithBounds. See Javadoc for details and usages.
    • ParallelPortfolio now allows to add unreliable models, that is models whose resolution is deliberately made incomplete. These models should not stop the parallel resolution process when they no longer find a solution. Only complete models can inform the portfolio that they have proven the full exploration of the search space.
    • Add class, and a first preprocessing rule: equalities detection
    • Upgrade ibex integration to support ibex-java v1.2.0. Fixes for issues #653 and #740.
    • Add QuickXPlain algorithm to find the Minimum Conflicting Set (see issue #509)
    • Update XCSP3 parser.
    • Fix InDomainMedian when domain size is even
    • Add new way to watch solving: solver.verboseSolving()
    • Deal with annotations for some Flatzinc constraints (allDifferent and inverse)
    • Add MultiArmedBandit strategy sequencer

    Deprecated API (to be removed in next release):

    Other closed issues and pull requests:

    See milestone 4.10.6

    Contributors to this release:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    choco-parsers-4.10.6-jar-with-dependencies.jar(25.58 MB)
    choco-parsers-4.10.6-sources.jar(169.41 KB)
    choco-parsers-4.10.6.jar(287.01 KB)
    choco-solver-4.10.6-jar-with-dependencies.jar(10.43 MB)
    choco-solver-4.10.6-sources.jar(1023.66 KB)
    choco-solver-4.10.6.jar(1.47 MB)
    examples-4.10.6-src.tar.bz2(124.95 KB)
    examples-4.10.6-src.tar.gz(132.91 KB) KB)
  • 4.10.5(Oct 2, 2020)

    4.10.5 - 02 Oct 2020

    Major features:

    • add IN arithmetic int expression.

    Deprecated API (to be removed in next release):

    • Settings.enableACOnTernarySum() removed
    • Settings.setEnableACOnTernarySum(boolean) removed

    Other closed issues and pull requests:

    See milestone 4.10.5

    Contributors to this release:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    choco-parsers-4.10.5-jar-with-dependencies.jar(25.55 MB)
    choco-parsers-4.10.5-sources.jar(169.24 KB)
    choco-parsers-4.10.5.jar(285.98 KB)
    choco-solver-4.10.5-jar-with-dependencies.jar(10.40 MB)
    choco-solver-4.10.5-sources.jar(1003.37 KB)
    choco-solver-4.10.5.jar(1.44 MB)
    examples-4.10.5-src.tar.bz2(124.41 KB)
    examples-4.10.5-src.tar.gz(132.78 KB) KB)
  • 4.10.4(Sep 9, 2020)

    4.10.4 - 08 Sep 2020

    Major features:

    • Change search strategies in ParallelPortfolio
    • Make "CT+" available to binary table constraint
    • Update Dockerfile, now automatically released in
    • Migrate to ANTLR 4.8-1
    • Support nested seq_search in FlatZinc file
    • Add missing operations in model.unpost(c)
    • Add new constraint, named conditional, that posts constraints on condition
    • Merge cutoffseq in solver
    • Merge pf4cs in parsers
    • Remove geost from parsers

    Deprecated API (to be removed in next release):

    Other closed issues and pull requests:

    #692, #698, #700, #702, #703, #704, #705

    Contributors to this release

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    choco-parsers-4.10.4-jar-with-dependencies.jar(25.55 MB)
    choco-parsers-4.10.4-sources.jar(168.62 KB)
    choco-parsers-4.10.4.jar(284.09 KB)
    choco-solver-4.10.4-jar-with-dependencies.jar(10.40 MB)
    choco-solver-4.10.4-sources.jar(1000.58 KB)
    choco-solver-4.10.4.jar(1.44 MB)
    examples-4.10.4-src.tar.bz2(124.39 KB)
    examples-4.10.4-src.tar.gz(132.76 KB) KB)
  • 4.10.3(Jul 3, 2020)

    Multi-modules and JPMS-ready.

    Major features:

    • Move cutoffseq, choco-sat, choco-solver, pf4cs, choco-parsers and samples projects into a (maven) multi-modules project
    • JPMS-ready

    Choco-solver can now be run with either JDK 8 or JDK 9+.


    • Add Conflict History Search ("Conflict history based search for constraint satisfaction problem." Habetand Terrioux,SAC 19 (#676)
    • Add dom/wdeg with refinement ("Refining Constraint Weighting." Wattez et al. ICTAI 2019.)
    • Default AC algorithm for AllDifferent is now from IJCAI-18 "A Fast Algorithm for Generalized Arc Consistency of the Alldifferent Constraint", Zhang et al. (#644)
    • Add a pure java alternative to Ibex (#666)
    • LNS can now be defined with a solution as bootstrap.
    • Add simplify API for current Solver operations (#659)
    • Simplify code for the nValues constraint (using a watching/witnessing reasoning) (#674)
    • Replace former Bin Packing propagators by Paul Shaw propagator (#671)
    • Improving PropDiffN performance (#663)
    • Add nogood stealing for ParallelPortfolio (#669)
    • Adding of new constructors for Task objects (#662)


    • Remove JSON writer/parser (which was actually partially supported and not maintained) (#664)

    Deprecated API (to be removed in next release):

    • Task(IntVar s, IntVar d, IntVar e, boolean declareMonitor)
    • AbstractProblem.readArgs(String... args)

    Other closed issues and pull requests:

    #617, #633, #637, #639, #645, #646, #647, #648, #658, #665, #667, #678, #682, #686, #689, #691

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    choco-parsers-4.10.3-jar-with-dependencies.jar(25.71 MB)
    choco-parsers-4.10.3.jar(283.60 KB)
    choco-solver-4.10.3-jar-with-dependencies.jar(10.43 MB)
    choco-solver-4.10.3-sources.jar(996.89 KB)
    choco-solver-4.10.3.jar(1.44 MB)
    examples-4.10.3-src.tar.bz2(124.48 KB)
    examples-4.10.3-src.tar.gz(132.86 KB) KB)
  • 4.10.2(Oct 14, 2019)

  • 4.10.1(Jun 26, 2019)

    Major features:

    • LNS on other variables (e.g. SetVarLNS)
    • Continuous integration fixed
    • IntDomainMiddle now allows an external definition of what middle is, thanks to ToDoubleFunction<IntVar>
    • Add specific propagators for modulo
    • Add views of differences between solutions (see solver.printDistance(...) and solver.printDifferenceMatrix(...))

    Deprecated API (to be removed in next release):

    Closed issues and pull requests:

    #538, #600, #611, #612, #613, #614, #615, #617, #619, #627, #630

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • 4.10.0(Dec 12, 2018)

    This release comes with several major modifications. The most important one is related to explanations. The previous framework is replaced by a new one based on "A Proof-Producing CSP Solver", M.Vesler and O.Strichman, AAI'10.

    See notebooks for an example of use.

    Major features:

    • Update statistic dashboard (see solver.showDashboard())
    • Fix Settings.load on missing property
    • Fix issue in Cumulative simplified API
    • Add additional views model.intEqView(x,c), model.intNeView(x,c), model.intLeView(x,c) and model.intGeView(x,c)
    • Detect when the same views is created twice on the same pair <variable, value?>
    • Revamp the way LNS' neighbor is declared (simplication)
    • Add AbstractStrategy.remove() method to remove a declared strategy and its dependencies
    • Add new strategies to Search
    • Add new decomposition to IDecompositionFactory
    • Improve initialization of CT+ and CT*
    • Improve IntVar#isInstantiatedTo(int)

    Deprecated API (to be removed in next release):

    • INeighbor interface is deprecated and replaced by Neighbor abstract class
    • INeighborFactory#explanationBased(IntVar...) is deprecated, no replacement.
    • ILearnFactory#setCBJLearning(boolean,boolean) and ILearnFactory#setDBTLearning(boolean,boolean) are deprecated, see ILearnFactory#setLearningSignedClauses() instead

    Closed issues and pull requests:

    #604, #605, #606

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • 4.0.9(Oct 30, 2018)

    Minor release

    Major features:

    • Offer possibility to store and load Settings from a property file.
    • Add API for cumulative when only starts are variable
    • Add decomposition of cumulative: model.cumulativeTimeDecomp(...)
    • Logical expression XOR manages more than 2 variables
    • Add new API to IOutputFactory (to Gephi and to Graphviz)
    • Add constraint network output (to gexf format), see solver.constraintNetworkToGephi(file)
    • add ParallelPortfolio.streamSolutions (#579)

    Deprecated API (to be removed in next release):

    Closed issues and pull requests:

    #596, #600, #601, #602

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • 4.0.8(Jul 23, 2018)

  • 4.0.7(Jul 19, 2018)

    JAR file names have changed:

    • the suffix 'with-dependencies' disappears,
    • the suffix '-no-dep' (for no dependencies) appears.

    This should intends to clarify the selection for new comers.

    Add a PayPal button for donations.

    Move to Ibex-2.6.5.

    Major features:

    • Revamp Settings: no default method anymore, add setters. A concrete class DefaultSettings provides the default behavior.
    • IViewFactory.intScaleView now manages negative constants,
    • IViewFactory.intAffineView is now available
    • add new constraint for mixed linear equation (over real/int variables and double/int coefficients)
    • Dow/WDeg now manages variables in a bipartite set (instantiated variables are swaped)
    • Assert that a propagator that is passive is not allowed to filter anymore
    • An exception is thrown when a sum (or scalar) constraint is candidate for integer over/underflow (an alternative should be provided later)
    • BoolVar now handles modifications in different way (may impact performances)
    • Propagation engine has changed: no alternative to seven-queue one anymore + simplification of code (may impact performances)
    • add new relation expression ift(e1,e2)

    Deprecated API (to be removed in next release):

    • Model.set(Settings) is deprecated. Now settings are declared in the Model constructor.
    • Settings.debugPropagation() is deprecated. There is no alternative.

    Closed issues and pull requests:

    #527, #564, #569, #576, #578, #581, #586

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • 4.0.6(Nov 23, 2017)

    Move to Ibex-2.6.3.

    Major features:

    • Ibex instance is no longer static, that offers better stability and reduce memory consumption when adding/removing functions. Reification no longer managed by Choco but delegated to Ibex.
    • Search.realVarSearch(...) offers possibility to define minimal range size, known as epsilon
    • Search.ibexSolving(model) let Ibex iterates over solutions once all integer variables are instantiated
    • add detection of min/max sub-cases
    • add simple dashboard in Swing to show resolution statistics, see solver.showDashboard()

    Deprecated API (to be removed in next release):

    • IntEqRealConstraint will be removed in next release, Ibex managed this concept (int to real)
    • Model.getIbex() should not be used. A IbexHandler manages Ibex instances (one per model).

    Closed issues and pull requests:

    #558, #561, #565, #566, #568, #570

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • 4.0.5(Sep 28, 2017)

    The current release was submitted to MiniZinc Challenge 2017 and at XCSP3 Competition 2017 and won medals.

    choco-parsers provides utility to export a Model to JSON format and or import JSON data into a Model.

    Major features:

    • Compact-Table now deals with short tuples (#531)
    • Checking if a created constraint is free (neither posted or reified) is now possible with Settings.checkDeclaredConstraints()
    • Improvements on BoolVarImpl and BoolNotView.
    • Remove code deprecated in last release.
    • Fix error in Views.
    • Add scalar detection in BiReExpression
    • fix errors in Impact-based Search
    • update Search.intVarSearch() + Search.defaultSearch(Model)
    • update ParallelPortfolio default strategies

    Deprecated API (to be removed in next release):

    Closed issues and pull requests:

    • fix bug in PropNogoods when dealing with negative values (impact solver..setNoGoodRecordingFromRestarts() and solver..setNoGoodRecordingFromSolutions(...))
    • fix bug in model.sum(...) and model.scalar(...) when dealing with arity greater than 100 and all operators except =
    • fix bug in model.table(...) with binary scope and universal value
    • fix bug related to Ibex and GC.

    #531 ,#545, #546.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • 4.0.4(Apr 28, 2017)

    Major features:

    • add logical operator to expression (#520). Now it is possible, f-ex., to declare expression like: x.eq(y.add(1)).or(x.eq(y).and(x.eq(1)))
    • add new API to Solver to print features in a single line
    • enable ignoring passivate propagators when iterating over propagators of a modified variable (false by default; see Settings)

    Deprecated API (to be removed in next release):

    • IPropagationEngine.fails(c,v,m) is replaced by Solver.throwsException(c,v,m) (#524)
    • IPropagationEngine.getContradictionException() is replaced by Solver.getContradictionException() (#524)
    • MathUtils.bounds(values) is replaced by a call to MathUtils.min(values) and MathUtils.max(values)

    Remove dead code:

    • SparseSet
    • IFeatures, Features, IAttribute and Attribute

    Closed issues and pull requests:

    #516, #517, #518, #519, #520, #521, #524.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • 4.0.3(Mar 31, 2017)

    Major features:

    • arithm(IntVar,String,IntVar,String,int) and arithm(IntVar,String,IntVar,String,IntVar) manage '*' and '/'
    • add new APIs to ArrayUtils
    • fix error in PropBoolMin and PropBoolMax

    Deprecated API:

    Closed issues and pull requests:

    #500, #502, #507, #510, #512, #514, #515.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • 4.0.2(Jan 20, 2017)

    4.0.2 - 20 Jan 2017

    Major features:

    • restrict calls to Solver.setEngine(...) when propagation started. See javadoc for details.
    • remove global constructive disjunction, only local constructive disjunction is allowed.
    • add Solution.restore() to restore a solution (#354).
    • deep reset of Solver (#490, #491)

    Deprecated API:

    • Solver.getState() (#485)
    • Measures.IN_SEC (related to #486)
    • Settings.outputWithANSIColors, IOutputFactory.ANSI_*
    • IMoveFactory.setLubyRestart(int, int, ICounter, int)

    Closed issues and pull requests:

    #468, #479, #480, #481, #484, #487, #488, #489, #492, #493, #494, #495, #496, #497, #499.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • choco-4.0.1(Dec 16, 2016)

  • choco-4.0.0(Sep 13, 2016)

    This release is mainly dedicated to API migration. In the following, the major modifications are reported in order to ease code migration.

    See also closed issues.

    Even though we first wanted to provide an automatic script to help migration, we finally preferred to list the code modifications needed to move from 3 to 4. The documentation is up-to-date and may be a good starting point.

    Note that most IDEs now provide helpful tools to help code migration.

    At a glance

    In order to distinguish resolution steps, Solver and SearchLoop now move to respectively Model and Solver.

    • Model aims at declaring a problem on the basis of variables and constraints, and replaces the dedicated factories.
    • Solver mainly focuses on the resolution of the declared problem, using less factories .

    In details


    | v3.3.3 | v4.0.0 | | --- | --- | | Solver solver = new Solver("my problem"); | Model model = new Model("my problem"); |


    Any BoolVar is now created thanks to model.boolVar(...) APIs.

    | v3.3.3 | v4.0.0 | | --- | --- | | BoolVar x = VF.bool("X", solver); | BoolVar x = model.boolVar("X"); | | | BoolVar x = model.boolVar(); | | BoolVar[] xs = VF.boolArray("XS", 4, solver); | BoolVar[] xs = model.boolVar Array("XS", 4); | | BoolVar[] xs = VF.boolMatrix("XS", 3, 4, solver); | BoolVar[] xs = model.boolVar Matrix("XS", 3, 4); |


    Any IntVar is now created thanks to model.intVar(...) APIs.


    | v3.3.3 | v4.0.0 | | --- | --- | | IntVar x = VF.integer("X", 0, 10, solver); | IntVar x = model.intVar("X", 0, 10); | | | IntVar x = model.intVar(0, 10); | | IntVar[] xs = VF.integerArray("XS", 4, 0, 10, solver); | IntVar[] xs = model.intVarArray("XS", 4, 0, 10); | | IntVar[] xs = VF.integerMatrix("XS", 3, 4, 0, 10, solver); | IntVar[] xs = model.intVarMatrix("XS", 3, 4, 0, 10); |

    When one wants to chose between bounded or enumerated, he/she has to set the bounded domain boolean.


    | v3.3.3 | v4.0.0 | | --- | --- | | IntVar x = VF.bounded("X", 0, 10, solver); | IntVar x = model.intVar("X", 0, 10, true); | | | IntVar x = model.intVar(0, 10, true); | | IntVar[] xs = VF.boundedArray("XS", 4, 0, 10, solver); | IntVar[] xs = model.intVarArray("XS", 4, 0, 10, true); | | IntVar[] xs = VF.boundedMatrix("XS", 3, 4, 0, 10, solver); | IntVar[] xs = model.intVarMatrix("XS", 3, 4, 0, 10, true); |


    | v3.3.3 | v4.0.0 | | --- | --- | | IntVar x = VF.enumerated("X", 0, 10, solver); | IntVar x = model.intVar("X", 0, 10, false'); | | | IntVar x = model.intVar(0, 10, false'); | | IntVar x = VF.enumerated("X", new int[]{0,2,4}, solver); | IntVar x = model.intVar("X", new int[]{0,2,4}); | | | IntVar x = model.intVar(new int[]{0,2,4}); | | IntVar xs = VF.enumeratedArray("XS", 4, 0, 10, solver); | IntVar x = model.intVarArray("XS", 0, 10, false'); | | IntVar xs = VF.enumeratedArray("XS", 4, new int[]{0,2,4}, solver); | IntVar x = model.intVarArray("XS", new int[]{0,2,4}); | | IntVar xs = VF.enumeratedMatrix("XS", 3, 4, 0, 10, solver); | IntVar x = model.intVarMatrix("X", 3, 4, 0, 10, false'); | | IntVar xs = VF.enumeratedMatrix("XS", 3, 4, new int[]{0,2,4}, solver); | IntVar x = model.intVarMatrix("X", 3, 4, new int[]{0,2,4}); |


    The way constants are declared does not depend on the type (fixed or variable) but on the kind (integer, set, ...).

    | v3.3.3 | v4.0.0 | | --- | --- | | IntVar zero = VariableFactory.fixed(0, solver); | IntVar zero = model.intVar(0); | | IntVar zero = VariableFactory.fixed("0", 0, solver); | IntVar zero = model.intVar("0", 0); |

    SetVar and RealVar

    Similar modifications were applied to SetVar and RealVar declaration, e.g.:

    | v3.3.3 | v4.0.0 | | --- | --- | | SetVar s = VariableFactory.set("S", new int[]{0,3}, new int[]{0, 1, 2, 3}, solver); | SetVar s = model.setVar("S", new int[]{0,3}, new int[]{0, 1, 2, 3}); | | RealVar r = VariableFactory.real("R", 0.1d, 2.2d, solver); | RealVar r = model.realVar("R", 0.1d, 2.2d); |


    A TaskVar now have to be created calling new Task(IntVar start, IntVar duration, IntVar end).


    Ways to create views evolved too, the signature are now :

    • model.intAbsView(IntVar),
    • model.intMinusView(IntVar),
    • model.intOffsetView(IntVar),
    • model.intScaleView(IntVar),
    • model.boolNotView(IntVar),
    • model.realIntView(IntVar)


    Constraints can be created thanks to a model. For example,;

    now becomes:;

    or, in a more convenient way:


    Most of the names and signatures remain the same between the two versions (but not all, see for instance alldifferent is now allDifferent).


    Nothing really change here, expect the way constraints are created:

    BoolVar b = model.allDifferent(xs).reify();

    Note that Model provides APIs like model.ifThenElse(Constraint, Constraint, Constraint).


    Model offers possibilities to directly add clauses to the clause-store, like model.addClauses***(...) where *** indicates the expression to turn into clauses.


    SearchLoop now becomes Solver.

    Solver solver = model.getSolver();

    This class provides APIs to configure the search and the resolution process.

    v3.3.3 APIs to solve problem, like solver.findSolution(). However, the returning value has changed, from boolean to Solution.

    Solver now provides another API to solve a problem, named solve() which looks for a feasible solution. It can be called as long as it returns true. In that case, the resolution process stops on a solution state, which means that variables are instantiated and their domain can be read.

    Printing solutions or resolution statistics is not done thanks to a factory anymore, but directly with the solver, e.g.: solver.showDecisions();

    The same goes with measures, directly reachable from the solver, e.g: solver.getBackTrackCount();

    Solver hasReachedLimit() moved to isStopCriterionMet() (since limit were renamed criterion so far, both method act similarly). Moreover, Solver.getState() which returns one of those states:

    • NEW: when the problem is established but the resolution has not been triggered yet ;
    • RUNNING: when the solver is searching for a solution ;
    • TERMINATED: the search ends normally, a solution is found or the entire search tree was explored without finding any solution ;
    • STOPPED : the search was stopped by a limit ;
    • KILLED : the resolution was killed from the outside (eg, thread interruption, JVM killed)

    Solver's setters signatures have changed to be more accurate, e.g.: solver.set(mySearchStrategy) becomes solver.setSearch(mySearchStrategy)

    IntSearchStrategy and similar were merged into Search, which provides widely used search strategies. Making dedicated combination of variable selector and value selector may imply to create object calling new instruction.

    Closed issues

    #427, #433, #438, #448, #450, #456

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • 4.0.0.a(Jun 13, 2016)

  • choco-3.3.3(Dec 22, 2015)

    3.3.3 - 22 Dec 2015


    • remove deprecated interfaces, classes and methods.


    • add new APIs with an argument named restoreLastSolution which allow to indicate whether or not the last solution found, if any, should be restored on exit; Previous APIs (without the argument) restore the last solution by default (#354)
    • update javadoc (in particular: #347)
    • add default name to Solver + setter, modify measures printing to include the name.
    • SetVar toString implementation has changed


    • refactor PropNogoods to deal with generalized no-goods

    Bug fixes:

    #346, #348, #349, #350, #351, #352, #353, #354, #355, #356, #357, #358, #359

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB) MB)
  • choco-3.3.2(Nov 17, 2015)

    3.3.2 - 17 Nov 2015


    • ISolutionRecorder implementations do not restore automatically the last/best solution found on exit. This now has to be done calling either solver.restoreLastSolution() or solver.restoreSolution(Solution).
    • remove MasterSolver and SlaveSolver (#293)
    • Solver.duplicate(), Propagator.duplicate(Solver solver, THashMap<Object, Object> identitymap) and Variable.duplicate(Solver solver, THashMap<Object, Object> identitymap) has been removed. The expected way to duplicate a model is to create a method which creates a Solver, fills it with variables and contraints and returns it. Doing so, the models are sure to the same and reduces the risk of errors
    • add a search monitor helper for parallel resolution with Java8 lambda (#293)
    • lazy creation of ZERO, ONE, TRUE and FALSE through methods of Solver (#293)
    • refactor Solution (#306)
    • improve propagator iteration in propagation engine
    • revamp IMeasures to avoid declaring its concrete class as monitor
    • remove deprecated classes: GenerateAndTest, LastConflict_old
    • add new API to Solver to declare eagerly the objective variable(s) and the precision
    • enable printing decisions and solutions in ANSI colors (see Settings.outputWithANSIColors())
    • add connection to cp-profiler (#341)


    • Deeply revamp the search loop to offer more flexibility
    • SearchLoop.interrupt()is now forbidden
    • AbstractStrategy.init() cannot throw ContradictionException anymore but returns false instead
    • revamp decisions to enable IntMetaDecision
    • change Decision's API, getDecisionVariable() becomes getDecisionVariables()
    • move FastDecision to ../IntDecision
    • revamp IntDecision.toString()
    • set DecisionOperator as an interface (instead of an abstract class)
    • and its concrete class have been revisited, a Solver is now needed to create them.


    • add IntVar.removeValues(IntIterableSet, ICause), IntVar.removeAllValuesBut(IntIterableSet, ICause) and IntVar.updateBounds(int, int, ICause) (#270)
    • improve IntVar.removeInterval(int, int, ICause) for enumerated domain integer variables
    • prevent the user from using ISF.random_value on bounded vars


    • add keysorting() constraint
    • add int_value_precede_chain() constraint
    • improve "DEFAULT" option for ICF.alldifferent()
    • revamp scalar and sum (#324)
    • fix lack of filtering in PropMin
    • simplify and improve basic element propagator (#325)
    • remove aCause from Propagator, should be replaced by this
    • simplify Propagation.contradiction(...)
    • add new setting to Settings to allow to not clone variables array input to Propagator's constructor
    • Propagator.getPropagationConditions() becomes public


    • deal with unary decision (when once is set to true)
    • add PoolManager for Rules and Propagators
    • explain PropCount_AC
    • fix lack of explanations in SatSolver
    • fix PropLessOrEqualXY_C to add the right rule

    Bug fixes:

    #152, #153, #164, #176, #296, #297, #298, #301, #303, #309, #311, #313, #314, #317, #320, #323, #326, #327, #331, #333, #334, #337, #338, #342

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB) MB)
  • choco-3.3.1(May 11, 2015)

    3.3.1 - 11 May 2015

    Java 7 compliant jars are available in the file.

    • Change the default propagation engine (default is now SevenQueuesPropagatorEngine)
    • Add clause_channeling constraint
    • Remove IntVar.wipeOut(...)
    • Enable hot variable addition to propagator
    • Move nogood recording from solution and restart from constraint pkg to monitor +(revamp) + SMF API (#261)
    • Explanations are enabled on initial propagation (#247)
    • Improvement of the solution object (#254)
    • add DBT for explanations
    • Improve explanation engine
    • Add an additional "worldPush" instruction after initial propagation to be coherent with restarts (#55)
    • Remove restarts from ABS (#282)
    • one-shot decision are not reinitialized (#283)
    • Remove Propagation count (#284)
    • Change the default search strategy (#290)
    • Add possibility to complete the declared search strategy (#291)
    • Add new methods to Chatterbox (#292)

    Bug fixes: #168, #221, #239, #259, #262, #264, #265, #267, #269, #271, #273, #275, #279, #281, #295

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB) MB)
  • choco-3.3.0(Dec 4, 2014)

    3.3.0 - 04 Dec 2014

    • Preparation to MCR (#248)

    A script is available ( to ease migration of your code.

    Remove deprecated methods from Variable and SearchMonitorFactory.

    • Update User Guide (#226, #243, #245)
    • Add modifiable settings (#250)
    • Simplify search binder (#229)
    • All propagators of constraint factory allow duplication (#217)
    • Update license and header (#241)
    • Rollback to old release process (#246)
    • Change the default propagation engine (from SevenQueuesProapgatorEngine to TwoBucketPropagationEngine)

    Bug fixes: #215, #252, #253, #255, #256, #258

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB) KB)
  • choco-3.2.2(Nov 17, 2014)

    3.2.2 - 17 Nov 2014

    • Fix #240: add notmember(IntVar, SetVar) constraint (more efficient than not(member))
    • Fix #225: fix PropCostRegular, wrt to S.Demassey instructions.
    • Fix #229: create MasterSolver and SlaveSolver classes to deal with multi-thread resolution + add external configuration of the search strategy through a binder
    • Fix #227: deal with initial propagation
    • fix #230: update release script
    • fix #231: correct addTrue in SatFactory
    • fix #234: improve reification (presolve and less overheads). As a side effect, reification constraints are automatically posted and cannot be reified directly.
    • fix #233: remove java8 compliant code (temporary)
    • Add a MDD-based propagator (ICF.mddc).
    • fix #235: refactor logging fmwk. Add Chatterbox class as a unique entry point for messaging. Logging still relies on SLF4J.
    • fix #236: bug in SatSolver
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • choco-3.2.1(Oct 13, 2014)

    • Graph vars externalized into choco-graph module (
    • Fix PropSymmetric (set vars)
    • Fix #206: fix lack of robustness in eucl_div
    • Better circuit constraint
    • incremental and coarse propagation of graph variable degrees
    • better samples for Hamiltonian cycle problems
    • NValue now split into atleast and atmost
    • fix LOGGER usage in parser (allows different levels of logging)
    • integer signature for the Lagrangian 1-tree relaxation constraint (good for solving the TSP)
    • Table constraint refactoring (STR2+) (seems to be not idempotent however)
    • Table reformulation of small scalar products
    • Minimum and Maximum over boolean arrays
    • Issue #215: Fix generation of relation based on tuples
    • Fix #214: Fix problems related to propagators dynamic addition and deletion
    • Add a GenerateAndTest search strategy which can be combined with others
    • Fix #218: return null when all variables are instantiated
    • Fix #219: fix range iterator of enumerated integer variable
    • Refactor IEventType (use interface and a concrete implementation for each variable type)
    • Fix bug in CoupleTable due to wrong range use
    • Issue #191: disable buildFakeHistory by default (add a condition to build fake history)
    • Space are not filtered anymore from Operator
    • Remove vars.clone() in Propagator constructor.
    • Remove DSLEngine and dependencies
    • Add a set constraint to get the set of values of an array of integer variables (SCF.int_values_union)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • choco-3.2.0(Aug 26, 2014)

    • Fix #148: update release script
    • Refactoring #149
    • Less Java Genericity:
    • Remove Delta type from Variable
    • Remove Propagator type from Constraints
    • Remove Variable type from views
    • StrategySequencer now created automatically
    • Strong constraints refactoring: A Constraint is defined as a set of propagators which can be reified
    • propagators must all be given to the super constructor
    • Remove IntConstraint
    • Remove many constraint classes
    • Remove isEntailed() from Constraint (isSatisfied does the job)
    • RealConstraint slightly changes
    • Move obsolete code to extra module
    • Associate variables with the solver in AbstractVariable super constructor
    • Unique ObjectiveManager (merge of IntObjectiveManager and RealObjectiveManager)
    • Default implementation of Propagator.getPropagationConditions(int vIdx) which reacts to all kinds of fine event.
    • Fix #146: a new propagation engine is now available which manages coarse propagations
    • Fix #159: avoid stackoverflow using GCC_fast
    • Fix #160: speed up count propagator
    • Fix #161: Propagator: fine_evt and default implementation of propagate(int,int)
    • Fix #162: update filtering algorithm of PropFivXYZ
    • Fix #163: Constraint#isSatisfied() handles stateless propagators
    • Fix #158 fix bug in PropMemberEnum
    • Fix #165: reset AbstractSearchLoop.decision on a call to reset()
    • Fix #152: manage dynamic (temporarily and permanently) addition of constraints
    • Fix #167: ObjectiveManager toString able to handle real values
    • new implementation of Among propagator
    • Fix #176: bug fixed in PropMin/PropMax
    • Fix #175: IMeasure objects can be cloned
    • Fix #182: Set propagators manage ISetDeltaMonitors
    • Fix #183: change release script
    • Fix #177-#179: add a ContradictionException to NoPropagatioEngine to handle with empty domain variables
    • Fix #173: modify default failure message in initial propagation
    • Fix #172: fix retriveXXXvars() + tests
    • Fix #171: define VF.MIN_INT_BOUND and VF.MAX_INT_BOUND
    • Fix #170: update dependencies
    • Fix #95-#186: simplify search strategies and enable tie breaking
    • Fix #187: patch Once
    • Fix #174: a default search strategy is now available, dealing with each type of variables present
    • Fix #189: Added methods to enumerate and store all optimal solutions
    • Fix #190: Entailment of PropBoolChannel
    • Fix #191: Enable dynamic addition of variables during the resolution (cf. Pareto)
    • Start documentation (see user_guide.pdf and
    • NogoodFromRestart now trigger propagation fixpoint
    • Fix #192: NogoodFromSolution now available (only for integer variables)
    • Fix #193: VF.enumerated() now copies the input array of values
    • Strong refactoring of IntStrategyFactory (access to variable and value selectors, decision operators, and more simple to understand search names).
    • Stronger AtMostNValue constraint with automatic detection of disequalities
    • Fix #114: Enable to specify a time unit in time limits (ms, s, m or h)
    • Fix #195: fix bug while using IntViews over BoolVar
    • Fix #17: propagator annotations (PropAnn) have been removed
    • Fix #127: a specific view problem remains (new issue opened)
    • Fix #166: remove constants from default search strategy
    • Fix #196: fix view awakening problem
    • Views are now safe
    • Possibility to reformulate views with channeling constraints
    • Catch some particular cases of times in the factory
    • AC guaranteed for times(X,Y,Z) constraint when Y is a constant
    • Add path and subpath constraints, holding on integer variables
    • Add SORT constraint
    • Changes measure, times are now in second
    • Fix#199: some deltamonitors were desynchronized with delta
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    choco-parser-3.2.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar(8.49 MB)
    choco-samples-3.2.0-sources.jar(202.75 KB)
    choco-solver-3.2.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar(4.97 MB)
    user_guide-3.2.0.pdf(974.73 KB)
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