Cloud native multi-runtime microservice framework


Femas: Cloud native multi-runtime microservice framework

The repository address has been transferred to PolarisMesh

English | 简体中文


Femas is an open source product form of Tencent Cloud's microservice platform TSF . It focuses on the running state of microservices and provides one-stop microservice management and control capabilities such as multi-frame unified service discovery, north-south and east-west traffic management, service observability, and configuration management. In the service architecture transformation, the core issues are difficult to reuse heterogeneous frameworks, difficult to manage and control surge traffic, and time-consuming for troubleshooting and recovery.

  • data plane: Femas uses the multi-runtime architecture design to standardize and modularize the underlying core capabilities of microservices, and assemble the basic components split in the microservice field through a reasonable architecture to meet diversified microservice scenarios. , lightweight, portable, low-cost, cloud-free vendor binding.
  • control plane: Femas provides a unified control plane standard protocol, a set of governance protocols, and multi-language and multi-data plane distribution.



  • Registry manage: Femas implements the management of open source registries (currently supports Consul, nacos, eureka), including cluster management and service management. Users can configure the registry cluster on the Paas platform to view the cluster status and service list.
  • Service governance: Authentication, API management, Fuse downgrade, Access current limit, Service registration discovery, Service routing, Service event.
  • Service configuration: application configuration management, configuration hot update, Femas implements a set of standard configuration API interface, configuration is divided into governance rules,application configuration, open source side supports directly issuing governance rules through Paas platform , do not rely on other third-party components.
  • Service registration discovery: Femas implements a set of standard registration discovery API interfaces, and users can directly use the SDK provided by Femas to register and discover to mainstream open source registry centers.
  • Service monitoring:
    • Metrics: Femas implements a set of standard API interfaces for business metrics. Femas uses micrometer to implement business metrics statistics by default.

    • Tracing: Femas implements a set of standard tracing API interfaces. The SDK side is responsible for formulating OpenTracing log specifications and link collection. By default, Opentelemtry is used to collect Tracing


  • Provide SDKs for Java and Go to help users realize multi-language unified management on the same Paas platform.
  • Femas standardizes and encapsulates microservice capabilities and provides unified access to the Layer layer of irrelevant protocols, which facilitates the integration of a full set of capabilities into any protocol, and realizes the unified management of multi-protocol.
  • Femas abstracts the capabilities that a microservice application may need to use in the running process into standard API components, which are convenient for expansion and compatible with other open source component ecosystems.
  • Femas does not bind any other components, which is convenient for users at all levels to learn, use and secondary development.
  • Femas's low-level capabilities are plug-in, easy to expand, and users can flexibly combine and match the microservice capability matrix according to their needs.
  • Sink-type non-intrusive access, zero cost for user transformation.
  • Agent bytecode injection (TODO)
  • ServiceMesh service mesh
  • Femas hopes to summarize Tencent's microservice product center's understanding of microservices into a platform to help users quickly build an enterprise-level microservice ecosystem.
  • Femas supports Tencent's internal ecosystem of billions of users.

Quick start

Install the server

The operating environment depends on:

64 bit OS, support Linux/Unix/Mac/Windows, script start support Linux/Unix/Mac;

64 bit JDK 1.8+;

Maven 3.2.x+;

APM monitoring tool Skywalking

Metrics monitoring tools promethus, grafana

External database Mysql (optional)

Stand-alone deployment

Source code compilation method

mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean install -U

cd femas-admin-starter/target/femas-admin-starter-$version/femas-admin/bin

Start with the embedded database: The embedded database only supports stand-alone deployment, and cluster deployment is not currently supported. The embedded database data disk path is ${user.home}/rocksdb/femas/data/


Start with an external database:

sh external

Download compression method Press file

tar -zxvf femas-admin-starter-$version.tar.gz

cd femas-admin-starter-$version/femas-admin/bin

Startup script, embedded database


Configuration file:

The project configuration file is in the femas-admin/conf directory

cd femas-admin-starter-$version/femas-admin/conf

Configure skywalking backend address

      addr: http://IP:PORT
#Configure Metrics grafana address
      addr: http://IP:PORT

Cluster deployment

Cluster deployment is the same as single-machine deployment, the only difference is that the data source must be an external data source The start command is

sh external

Configuration file configuration data source

    url: jdbc:mysql://IP:3306/adminDb?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8&rewriteBatchedStatements=true&useSSL=false&serverTimezone=Asia/Shanghai
    username: username
    password: password
      driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver

Visit http://localhost:8080/index

Springcloud access

Add dependency
<!-- Native dependency of registry -->
<!-- femas middleware dependency -->
Configuration file
  port: 18001
      port: 8500
        serviceName: femas-springcloud-consumer
        instanceId: ${}-${server.port}-${}
          enabled: true
# nacos:
# discovery:
# server-addr:
# Is to configure the paas backend if there is no configuration, then obtain the rules from the local configuration file
# Use the method provided by Femas to access the registration center
femas_registry_port: 8500
femas_registry_type: consul
Start service command
-javaagent:"{skywalking agent absolute path}/agent/skywalking-agent.jar"
-Dfemas_namespace_id=Namespace ID
-Dfemas_prog_version=Service version
-Dskywalking.agent.service_name=The name of the service registered on skywalking, which needs to be consistent with the name of the registration center
-Dskywalking.collector.backend_service=skywalking backend address, which can override the agent's conf configuration
  1. Reference agent probe of skywalking
  2. The service needs to specify its own namespace
  3. Specify the group to which the service belongs, and cooperate with the realization of service governance on the SDK side
  4. The service name registered to skywalking must be the same as the name registered to the registration center, otherwise the tracing link observation will not find the corresponding service.

Dubbo access


For details, see the official document below


Official Document


Contribution Manual

Code of Conduct

Participate in Contribution

  • Actively participate in the discussion of the Issue, such as answering questions, providing ideas, or reporting unsolvable errors (Issue)
  • Write and improve project documentation (Wiki)
  • Submit patch optimization code (Coding)

You will get

  • Join the list of contributors to Tencent open source projects and display them on Tencent open source official website
  • Write for specific items
  • Tencent open source contributor certificate (electronic version & paper)
  • Become a special guest of offline technology conference/salon
  • Q coins and souvenirs

contact us



BSD v3.

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