The project is a simple vulnerability Demo environment written by SpringBoot



In general, the triggering method of the vulnerability described in the following is relatively difficult, unless the following conditions can be met:

  1. The configuration file of logback can be modified or overwritten
  2. Able to make the modified configuration file take effect


Affected version

logback-classic <=1.2.7


SpringBoot 2.6.1 

JDK8u111(Please note the available versions of JNDI)

Project address

The project is a simple vulnerability demo environment in springboot, The key function is upload:

public String upload(@RequestParam("file") MultipartFile file) {  
    if (file.isEmpty()) {  
        return "Upload failed, please select a file!!";  
    String fileName = file.getOriginalFilename();  
    String filePath = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource("").getPath();;  
    File dest = new File(filePath,fileName);  
    try {  
        file.transferTo(dest); "Upload succeeded!!");  
        return "Upload succeeded!!";  
    } catch (IOException e) {  
        LOGGER.error(e.toString(), e);  
    return "Upload failed!!";  

The main function of this method is to upload files.

The configuration file of logback in the project is as follows:


The key point is the scan attribute, which is used by logback to periodically scan the configuration file for changes.

If the configuration file is detected to change, it will update and load the configuration file in real time.

In this project, I deliberately wrote a vulnerability environment with arbitrary file uploads, and then used the scan attribute in the loghack configuration file to cooperate with the logback vulnerability to implement RCE

Note: the upload here is the code I deliberately wrote with file upload vulnerability. It is proposed to propose a possible scenario. It is not the problem of logback itself. Logback only needs this vulnerability to trigger rce. If other vulnerabilities are not used, logback itself is safe

Vulnerability analysis


In logback, it is also similar to the Appender of JDBCAppender in log4j1.x —— that is DBAppender

There is an interface called ConnectionSource in DBAppender.

This interface provides a pluggable way to obtain a JDBC connection using the logback class of java.sql.Connection

There are currently three implementation classes: DriverManagerConnectionSource, DataSourceConnectionSource and JNDIConnectionSource.

Each of these three implementation classes can be used to achieve RCE.

But unlike the other two implementation classes, the way JNDIConnectionSource implements RCE is more convenient, because it can implement RCE without relying on other component-dependent gadgets, and only rely on the mechanism provided by the application (JNDI), but DriverManagerConnectionSource and DataSourceConnectionSource must rely on JDBC deserialization vulnerabilities to be able to implement RCE. The restrictions are relatively large, so I will not demonstrate here.

JNDIConnectionSource is logback's own method, as you can see from the name, it obtains javax.sql.DataSource through JNDI, and then obtains java.sql.Connection instance

In fact, you can find out by observing the code of the getConnection method in


If dataSource is empty, then let dataSource = lookupDataSource();

Then trigger lookup in lookupDataSource():


Vulnerability recurrence

First download the reproduced source code, and then run the main function of the RceDemoApplication project:


Then open the browser and type in the address bar: http://localhost:8080, you can visit the project homepage


This means that your vulnerability environment has been built.

Then create a configuration file of logback-spring.xml locally, the content of the file is as follows:

                   %-4relative [%thread] %-5level %logger{35} - %msg %n           ldap://                ">
                %-4relative [%thread] %-5level %logger{35} - %msg %n  

Then visit http://localhost:8080/upload.html, select the file and click the upload button, use BurpSuite to capture the package, you can see that the file is uploaded successfully:


After waiting ten seconds, RCE can be executed successfully



In addition to JNDIConnectionSource, there is actually another configuration that can implement JNDI injection——insertFromJNDI

is the configuration tag of logback, which is used to set the range of attributes. It supports obtaining attribute values through JNDI. Similarly, if you modify the content of the tag, you can also achieve JNDI injection

When the tag is used, it means that the begin method in the file will be called, and the JNDIUtil.lookup method will be used , thereby triggering the vulnerability:


Vulnerability recurrence

The reproduction steps are roughly the same as in #JNDIConnectionSource, except that the payload used in the uploaded file needs to be changed, as follows:

                   %-4relative [%thread] %-5level %logger{35} - %msg %n                          ">

             %-4relative [%thread] %-5level %logger{35} - %msg %n


Upload the configuration file:


Similarly, after waiting for 10 seconds, RCE can be triggered:


In fact, in addition to these two, the begin in JMXConfiguratorAction can also be used for malicious purposes.


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