Eclipse OpenJ9: A Java Virtual Machine for OpenJDK that's optimized for small footprint, fast start-up, and high throughput.


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  • Eclipse OpenJ9 website - Learn about this high performance, enterprise-grade Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and why we think you want to get involved in its development.
  • Build instructions for JDK8, JDK11, and More - Here's how you can build an OpenJDK with OpenJ9 yourself.

If you're looking for ways to help out at the project (thanks!), we have:

If you're here to learn more about the project, read on ...

What is Eclipse OpenJ9?

Eclipse OpenJ9 is an independent implementation of a Java Virtual Machine. "Independent implementation" means it was built using the Java Virtual Machine specification without using any code from any other Java Virtual Machine.

The OpenJ9 JVM combines with the Java Class libraries from OpenJDK to create a complete JDK tuned for footprint, performance, and reliability that is well suited for cloud deployments.

The original source contribution to OpenJ9 came from the IBM "J9" JVM which has been used in production by thousands of Java applications for the last two decades. In September 2017, IBM completed open sourcing the J9 JVM as "Eclipse OpenJ9" at the Eclipse Foundation. Significant parts of J9 are also open source at the Eclipse OMR project. OpenJ9 has a permissive license (Apache License 2.0 or Eclipse Public License 2.0 with a secondary compatibility license for the OpenJDK project's GPLv2 license) that is designed to allow OpenJDK to be built with the OpenJ9 JVM. Please see our LICENSE file for more details.

Eclipse OpenJ9 is a source code project that can be built alongside Java class libraries. See the build instructions. Eclipse Foundation projects are not permitted to distribute, market or promote JDK binaries unless they have passed a Java SE Technology Compatibility Kit licensed from Oracle, to which the OpenJ9 project does not currently have access. See the Eclipse Adoptium Project Charter.

What is the goal of the project?

The long term goal of the Eclipse OpenJ9 project is to foster an open ecosystem of JVM developers that can collaborate and innovate with designers and developers of hardware platforms, operating systems, tools, and frameworks.

The project welcomes collaboration, embraces fresh innovation, and extends an opportunity to influence the development of OpenJ9 for the next generation of Java applications.

The Java community has benefited over its history from having multiple implementations of the JVM specification competing to provide the best runtime for your application. Whether adding compressed references, new Cloud features, AOT (ahead of time compilation), or straight up faster performance and lower memory use, the ecosystem has improved through that competition. Eclipse OpenJ9 aims to continue to spur innovation in the runtimes space.

How do I contribute?

Since we are an Eclipse Foundation project, each contributor needs to sign an Eclipse Contributor Agreement. The Eclipse Foundation operates under the Eclipse Code of Conduct to promote fairness, openness, and inclusion.

To get started, read our Contribution Guide.

If you think you want to contribute but you're not ready to sign the Eclipse Contributor Agreement, why not come along to our weekly Ask the OpenJ9 community calls to find out more about how we work. We talk about new ideas, answer any questions that get raised, and discuss project plans and status. We also do lightning talks on features and functions of the VM. Visit the #planning channel in our Slack workspace for information about upcoming community calls and minutes from previous meetings (Join here).

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Videos and Presentations

Copyright (c) 2017, 2020 IBM Corp. and others

  • JVMVRFY038 invokespecial on invalid target; class=die/verwandlung/GregorSamsa,

    JVMVRFY038 invokespecial on invalid target; class=die/verwandlung/GregorSamsa,

    Java -version output

    openjdk version "11.0.5" 2019-10-15 OpenJDK Runtime Environment AdoptOpenJDK (build 11.0.5+10) Eclipse OpenJ9 VM AdoptOpenJDK (build openj9-0.17.0, JRE 11 Mac OS X amd64-64-Bit Compressed References 20191016_371 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled) OpenJ9 - 77c1cf708 OMR - 20db4fbc JCL - 2a7af5674b based on jdk-11.0.5+10)

    Summary of problem

    When building ODPi egeria ( master, the build fails on a maven step using the Apache RAT plugin 0.13 with

    An API incompatibility was encountered while executing org.apache.rat:apache-rat-plugin:0.13:check: java.lang.VerifyError: JVMVRFY038 invokespecial on invalid target; class=die/verwandlung/GregorSamsa, method=template$dot$0(Lcom/sun/org/apache/xalan/internal/xsltc/DOM;Lcom/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/dtm/DTMAxisIterator;Lcom/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/serializer/SerializationHandler;I)V, pc=698 [ERROR] Exception Details: [ERROR] Location: [ERROR] die/verwandlung/GregorSamsa.template$dot$0(Lcom/sun/org/apache/xalan/internal/xsltc/DOM;Lcom/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/dtm/DTMAxisIterator;Lcom/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/serializer/SerializationHandler;I)V @698: JBinvokespecial [ERROR] Reason: [ERROR] The method invoked via invokespecial is invalid.

    This was when attempting to reproduce #7539 (my environment doesn't yet have the fix), but I had also cleaned up my build environment by removing all of my ~/.m2 - as well as pulled current updates from master. I had previously only seen this failure with a nightly build

    Diagnostic files

    Full log from the exceptions is posted to

    comp:jit userRaised arch:x86 
    opened by planetf1 155
  • Replace mingw with clang in compilation

    Replace mingw with clang in compilation

    The change is to modify all scripts/code involved to ensure we use Clang in the place of mingw to compile the bytecode interpreter on Windows.

    depends on

    Signed-off-by: CHENGJin [email protected]

    opened by ChengJin01 135
  • OpenJ9 / OMR fails to build on AIX when using latest XLC v16.1

    OpenJ9 / OMR fails to build on AIX when using latest XLC v16.1

    In OpenJDK jdk branch (jdk13) and hence the jdk13 extensions repository there have been changes to use xlclang/xlclang++ if available on AIX systems.

    If XLC 16.1 is installed then xlclang/xlclang++ is provided and used when building OpenJ9/OMR. When using xlclang/xlclang++ there are quite a lot of compiler/linker options that are not supported anymore and cause the build to fail.

    This website shows all the options that are unsupported:

    The makefiles for OpenJ9 and OMR need to be modified to not use these unsupported options.

    comp:build userRaised 
    opened by groeges 120
  • OpenJ9 startup performance on a Spring Boot application

    OpenJ9 startup performance on a Spring Boot application

    Java -version output

    openjdk version "1.8.0_212"
    OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_212-b04)
    Eclipse OpenJ9 VM (build openj9-0.14.2, JRE 1.8.0 Windows 10 amd64-64-Bit Compressed References 20190521_368 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled)
    OpenJ9   - 4b1df46fe
    OMR      - b56045d2
    JCL      - a8c217d402 based on jdk8u212-b04)

    Summary of problem

    I'm experimenting with both AdoptOpenJDK and openJ9 but I'm having weirdly poor performance with our Spring Boot based application in comparison to OpenJDK and HotSpot.

    The exact version of AdoptOpenJDK is:

    C:\Program Files\Java>"jdk-12.0.1+12\bin\java.exe" -version
    openjdk version "12.0.1" 2019-04-16
    OpenJDK Runtime Environment AdoptOpenJDK (build 12.0.1+12)
    Eclipse OpenJ9 VM AdoptOpenJDK (build openj9-0.14.1, JRE 12 Windows 10 amd64-64-Bit Compressed References 20190418_57 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled)
    OpenJ9   - 412258978
    OMR      - 4a4278e6
    JCL      - 9fad1c64af based on jdk-12.0.1+12)

    And the version of OpenJDK is:

    C:\Program Files\Java>jdk-12.0.1\bin\java -version
    openjdk version "12.0.1" 2019-04-16
    OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 12.0.1+12)
    OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 12.0.1+12, mixed mode, sharing)

    I know the following results are not real benchmarks or anything but just to give an idea of the magnitude how much slower the openJ9 is in comparison.

    With HotSpot:

    20:42:12.197 [main] INFO  c.y.p.application.Application        - Starting Application on ...
    20:42:20.064 [main] INFO  org.reflections.Reflections          - Reflections took 92 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 1 values 
    20:42:25.918 [main] INFO  c.y.p.application.Application        - Started Application in 14.462 seconds (JVM running for 16.663)

    And then with openJ9:

    20:37:33.995 [main] INFO  c.y.p.application.Application        - Starting Application on ...
    20:39:01.341 [main] INFO  org.reflections.Reflections          - Reflections took 3333 ms to scan 1 urls, producing 1 keys and 1 values 
    20:40:05.520 [main] INFO  c.y.p.application.Application        - Started Application in 161.122 seconds (JVM running for 168.174)

    I am launching the openJ9 version with flags -Xms256m -Xmx1G -Xshareclasses -Xquickstart.

    Also, partial output of systeminfo cmd:

    $ systeminfo
    Host Name:                 xxx
    OS Name:                   Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
    OS Version:                10.0.17763 N/A Build 17763
    OS Manufacturer:           Microsoft Corporation
    OS Configuration:          Standalone Workstation
    OS Build Type:             Multiprocessor Free
    Registered Owner:          Jani
    Registered Organization:   Microsoft
    Product ID:                00330-80000-00000-AA476
    Original Install Date:     21.2.2019, 16.44.02
    System Boot Time:          28.5.2019, 21.27.11
    System Manufacturer:       Dell Inc.
    System Model:              XPS 15 9550
    System Type:               x64-based PC
    Processor(s):              1 Processor(s) Installed.
                               [01]: Intel64 Family 6 Model 94 Stepping 3 GenuineIntel ~2601 Mhz
    BIOS Version:              Dell Inc. 1.3.0, 11.8.2017
    Windows Directory:         C:\WINDOWS
    System Directory:          C:\WINDOWS\system32
    Boot Device:               \Device\HarddiskVolume1
    System Locale:             en-us;English (United States)
    Input Locale:              fi;Finnish
    Time Zone:                 (UTC+02:00) Helsinki, Kyiv, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius
    Total Physical Memory:     32 630 MB
    Available Physical Memory: 23 378 MB
    Virtual Memory: Max Size:  44 553 MB
    Virtual Memory: Available: 34 241 MB
    Virtual Memory: In Use:    10 312 MB
    Page File Location(s):     C:\pagefile.sys

    Any tips or pointers what could be wrong with my setup here? Thanks!

    Some followup discussion can be found from openj9 slack #newcomers:

    perf userRaised 
    opened by jsimomaa 109
  • AIX OOMs in extended.system SharedClasses MultiThread testing

    AIX OOMs in extended.system SharedClasses MultiThread testing

    "java/lang/OutOfMemoryError" "Failed to create a thread: retVal -1073741830, errno 11" 11 EAGAIN The limit on the number of threads per process has been reached. -1073741830 == 0xBFFFFFFA, negated is 0x40000006 J9THREAD_ERR_THREAD_CREATE_FAILED 6 J9THREAD_ERR_OS_ERRNO_SET 0x40000000 aix71-p8-4 SharedClasses.SCM01.MultiThread_0 SharedClasses.SCM23.MultiThread_0 aix71-p8-1 SharedClasses.SCM01.MultiThread_0 SharedClasses.SCM23.MultiThread_0 SharedClasses.SCM23.MultiThreadMultiCL_0 SharedClasses.SCM01.MultiThread_0 SharedClasses.SCM23.MultiThread_0

    Changes from previous passing build (from jdk11).

    test failure 
    opened by pshipton 96
  • Loom: JVMTI support

    Loom: JVMTI support

    Depends on


    • can_support_virtual_threads //new capbility
    • Suspend/ResumeAllVirtualThreads //new APIs
      • finds all vthreads and suspends or resumes them
    • StopThread
      • disallowerd on vthreads
    • GetThreadInfo
      • vthread is always daemon
      • vthread priotity is always normal
    • RunAgentThread
      • cannot be vthread
    • GetThreadGroupChildren
      • does not include vthreads
    • GetAllStackTraces
      • does not include vthreads
    • PopFrame/ForceEarlyReturnXXX/SetLocalXXX
      • allowed to fail if vthread
      • intial approach, do not allow for unmounted vthreads
      • if mounted, should just work, although should behave as pinned
        • cant modify pin state here, since effectively threadlocal
    • GetCurrentThreadCpuTime/GetThreadCpuTime
      • disallowed on vthreads
      • includes sleep state for vthreads


    comp:vm project:loom 
    opened by tajila 81
  • Segfault at checkCast on Java 17 when running multiple `RedefineClasses` threads

    Segfault at checkCast on Java 17 when running multiple `RedefineClasses` threads

    Crash happens during MemberName.clone(). Sample failure link:

    Running test cmdLineTester_jvmtitests_hcr_OSRG_nongold_0 ...
    cmdLineTester_jvmtitests_hcr_OSRG_nongold_0 Start Time: Mon Nov 22 20:22:38 2021 Epoch Time (ms): 1637626958276
    variation: Mode107-OSRG
    JVM_OPTIONS:  -Xgcpolicy:optthruput -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8888,server=y,,launch=echo -Xjit:enableOSR,enableOSROnGuardFailure,count=1,disableAsyncCompilation
    Output from test:
     [OUT] *** Testing [1/2]:	testAnnotatedTypes
     [ERR] Unhandled exception
     [ERR] Type=Segmentation error vmState=0x00000000
     [ERR] J9Generic_Signal_Number=00000018 Signal_Number=0000000b Error_Value=00000000 Signal_Code=00000001
     [ERR] Handler1=00003FFFAE285BA0 Handler2=00003FFFAE1BC300
     [ERR] R0=0000000000000000 R1=00003FFEBD9C9F80 R2=00003FFFAE496D00 R3=FFFFFFFFFFFFFC28
     [ERR] R4=00003FFFAE3420C4 R5=00000000000B12E8 R6=00000000005304F0 R7=0000000000000001
     [ERR] R8=0000000000101350 R9=0000000000102400 R10=000000000000000E R11=0000000000000000
     [ERR] R12=0000000028222422 R13=00003FFEBD9D6900 R14=0000000000530480 R15=0000000000367400
     [ERR] R16=00003FFF84B30038 R17=FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF R18=00003FFEBD9CF900 R19=0000000000090000
     [ERR] R20=00003FFEBD9CA8A0 R21=0000000000000000 R22=0000000088ADA180 R23=0000000000000000
     [ERR] R24=00003FFF4D4E561C R25=00003FFEBD9CA9D8 R26=00000000005304C8 R27=00003FFF00002200
     [ERR] R28=FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFD R29=0000000000101008 R30=0000000000367400 R31=0000000000000001
     [ERR] NIP=00003FFFAE377640 MSR=800000010280F033 ORIG_GPR3=00000000000081C8 CTR=00003FFFAE3460F0
     [ERR] LINK=00003FFFAE3AE960 XER=0000000020000000 CCR=0000000028222424 SOFTE=0000000000000001
     [ERR] TRAP=0000000000000300 DAR=000000000000000E dsisr=0000000040000000 RESULT=0000000000000000
     [ERR] FPR0 0000000000000001 (f: 1.000000, d: 4.940656e-324)
     [ERR] FPR1 40469ae0a0000000 (f: 2684354560.000000, d: 4.520998e+01)
     [ERR] FPR2 74736e6f435f7463 (f: 1130329216.000000, d: 8.903897e+252)
     [ERR] FPR3 5f6176616a4c335f (f: 1783378816.000000, d: 2.858067e+151)
     [ERR] FPR4 3fe3333340000000 (f: 1073741824.000000, d: 6.000000e-01)
     [ERR] FPR5 bfdec82840000000 (f: 1073741824.000000, d: -4.809666e-01)
     [ERR] FPR6 3fe5555560000000 (f: 1610612736.000000, d: 6.666667e-01)
     [ERR] FPR7 3f1c7e7740000000 (f: 1073741824.000000, d: 1.086960e-04)
     [ERR] FPR8 4028000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 1.200000e+01)
     [ERR] FPR9 3fd9999b80000000 (f: 2147483648.000000, d: 4.000005e-01)
     [ERR] FPR10 3f65970b40000000 (f: 1073741824.000000, d: 2.635500e-03)
     [ERR] FPR11 bfb2bd7340000000 (f: 1073741824.000000, d: -7.320328e-02)
     [ERR] FPR12 3fc7565060000000 (f: 1610612736.000000, d: 1.823216e-01)
     [ERR] FPR13 3fdb9b2820000000 (f: 536870912.000000, d: 4.313450e-01)
     [ERR] FPR14 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
     [ERR] FPR15 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
     [ERR] FPR16 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
     [ERR] FPR17 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
     [ERR] FPR18 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
     [ERR] FPR19 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
     [ERR] FPR20 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
     [ERR] FPR21 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
     [ERR] FPR22 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
     [ERR] FPR23 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
     [ERR] FPR24 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
     [ERR] FPR25 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
     [ERR] FPR26 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
     [ERR] FPR27 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
     [ERR] FPR28 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
     [ERR] FPR29 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
     [ERR] FPR30 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
     [ERR] FPR31 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
     [ERR] Module=/home/jenkins/workspace/Test_openjdk17_j9_extended.functional_ppc64le_linux_Personal_testList_0/openjdkbinary/j2sdk-image/lib/default/
     [ERR] Module_base_address=00003FFFAE240000
     [ERR] Target=2_90_20211122_74 (Linux 3.10.0-1160.25.1.el7.ppc64le)
     [ERR] CPU=ppc64le (8 logical CPUs) (0x1de290000 RAM)
     [ERR] ----------- Stack Backtrace -----------
     [ERR] (0x00003FFFAE1B69E4 [])
     [ERR] (0x00003FFFAE1BD708 [])
     [ERR] (0x00003FFFAE1B6AA8 [])
     [ERR] (0x00003FFFAE1B6C10 [])
     [ERR] (0x00003FFFAE1B66E4 [])
     [ERR] (0x00003FFFAE1BD708 [])
     [ERR] (0x00003FFFAE1B67D8 [])
     [ERR] (0x00003FFFAE285A20 [])
     [ERR] (0x00003FFFAE1BD708 [])
     [ERR] (0x00003FFFAE285D54 [])
     [ERR] (0x00003FFFAE1BC560 [])
     [ERR] __kernel_sigtramp_rt64+0x0 (0x00003FFFAF340478)
     [ERR] (0x00003FFFAE34F1EC [])
     [ERR] (0x00003FFFAE3AE960 [])
     [ERR] (0x00003FFFAE25DD64 [])
     [ERR] (0x00003FFFAE2D38A4 [])
     [ERR] (0x00003FFFAE36B004 [])
     [ERR] (0x00003FFFAE3AE960 [])
     [ERR] (0x00003FFFAE259E30 [])
     [ERR] (0x00003FFFAE2F6C70 [])
     [ERR] (0x00003FFFAE1BD708 [])
     [ERR] (0x00003FFFAE2F1E04 [])
     [ERR] (0x00003FFFAE1513E8 [])
     [ERR] (0x00003FFFAF278CD4 [])
     [ERR] clone+0xe4 (0x00003FFFAF177F14 [])
     [ERR] ---------------------------------------
     [ERR] JVMDUMP039I Processing dump event "gpf", detail "" at 2021/11/22 20:23:55 - please wait.
     [ERR] 0000000000367400: Object neither in heap nor stack-allocated in thread pool-1-thread-92
     [ERR] 0000000000367400:	O-Slot=00000000005304C8
     [ERR] 0000000000367400:	O-Slot value=000000000000000E
     [ERR] 0000000000367400:	PC=00003FFF4D4E561C
     [ERR] 0000000000367400:	framesWalked=0
     [ERR] 0000000000367400:	arg0EA=00000000005304F0
     [ERR] 0000000000367400:	walkSP=00000000005304C8
     [ERR] 0000000000367400:	literals=0000000000101008
     [ERR] 0000000000367400:	jitInfo=0000000000000000
     [ERR] 0000000000367400:	method=0000000000101008 (java/lang/invoke/MemberName.clone()Ljava/lang/invoke/MemberName;) (Interpreted)
     [ERR] 0000000000367400:	stack=000000000052B480-0000000000530D20

    To reproduce, run RedefineClasses threads (e.g. in in a loop, adding and removing a static field from a class. The threads must not be joined one by one otherwise the crash will not happen. See Also note that this happens without the non-test changes in #13836

    comp:vm comp:jit blocker jdk17 
    opened by EricYangIBM 81
  • Fix inconsistency between J9Class and annotation data when redefine

    Fix inconsistency between J9Class and annotation data when redefine

    If a class is redefined between annotation fetch and parse, a Wrong type at constant pool index or Constant pool index out of bounds exception may be thrown due to inconsistency between the annotation data and J9Class. Pass the J9ConstantPool along with the annotation data to ensure that parseAnnotations looks up the correct constant pool.

    • Add new class InternalConstantPool that ConstantPool will hold an instance of (instead of InternalRamClass)
    • Change getConstantPool to take InternalConstantPool or Class (if Class, create InternalConstantPool from it).
    • Change sun/reflect/ConstantPool natives to take an InternalConstantPool argument so that the correct constant pool is looked up (e.g. after HCR)
    • Add a jithelper to get J9ConstantPool from J9Class
    • Add test that redefines a class while fetching its annotations

    Closes: #10026 Signed-off-by: Eric Yang [email protected]

    opened by EricYangIBM 81
  • jdk15+36: java/foreign/ J9 Crash

    jdk15+36: java/foreign/ J9 Crash

    Failure link java/foreign/ Fails on platforms: Platforms: pLinux, xLinuxXL

    Optional info

    • intermittent failure (yes|no): possibly
    • regression or new test: Regression
    • if regression, what are the last passing / first failing public SHAs (OpenJ9, OMR, JCL) :

    Failure output (captured from console output)

    14:13:28  testDifferentValues s1:MemorySegment{ id=0x6c3ff368 limit: 1 }, s2:MemorySegment{ id=0x266c2bbe limit: 1 }
    14:13:28  test TestMismatch.testDifferentValues(jdk.internal.foreign.HeapMemorySegmentImpl@6bd39stderr:
    14:13:28  Unhandled exception
    14:13:28  Type=Segmentation error vmState=0x00000000
    14:13:28  J9Generic_Signal_Number=00000018 Signal_Number=0000000b Error_Value=00000000 Signal_Code=00000001
    14:13:28  Handler1=0000794DBD6EA980 Handler2=0000794DBD5479A0
    14:13:28  R0=0000000080000009 R1=0000794D9F01AC50 R2=0000000000000000 R3=0000794D36000000
    14:13:28  R4=FFFFFFFFFC000000 R5=0000000000000000 R6=0000794DBE4701C8 R7=0000000000000000
    14:13:28  R8=0000000000000001 R9=0000000000000020 R10=0000000000000000 R11=FFFFFFFFFFFFF001
    14:13:28  R12=0000000000000000 R13=0000794D9F0268E0 R14=0000000000324DC0 R15=000000000031F900
    14:13:28  R16=0000794D9D020038 R17=FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF R18=0000794D9F01AE70 R19=0000000000000000
    14:13:28  R20=0000000000324F90 R21=00000000002C0000 R22=000000000031F900 R23=0000000000000001
    14:13:28  R24=0000000080000009 R25=0000000000000000 R26=0000794CB5FF0040 R27=0000000080000009
    14:13:28  R28=0000000000055160 R29=00000000002C0000 R30=0000000080000009 R31=0000000000000001
    14:13:28  NIP=0000794D9F771FD4 MSR=800000000280D033 ORIG_GPR3=C000000000337DB4 CTR=FFFFFFFFF7FFF802
    14:13:28  LINK=0000794D9F771F84 XER=0000000020000000 CCR=0000000048004282 SOFTE=0000000000000001
    14:13:28  TRAP=0000000000000300 DAR=0000794D36000000 dsisr=0000000042000000 RESULT=0000000000000000
    14:13:28  FPR0 0000794d3d8b09b9 (f: 1032522176.000000, d: 6.589485e-310)
    14:13:28  FPR1 40452f4e40000000 (f: 1073741824.000000, d: 4.236958e+01)
    14:13:28  FPR2 4059000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 1.000000e+02)
    14:13:28  FPR3 3fee666660000000 (f: 1610612736.000000, d: 9.500000e-01)
    14:13:28  FPR4 3fce840b4ac4e4d2 (f: 1254417664.000000, d: 2.384047e-01)
    14:13:28  FPR5 bfe7154748bef6c8 (f: 1220474624.000000, d: -7.213475e-01)
    14:13:28  FPR6 3fe62e42fefa39ef (f: 4277811712.000000, d: 6.931472e-01)
    14:13:28  FPR7 3fbc5e53aa362eb4 (f: 2855677696.000000, d: 1.108143e-01)
    14:13:28  FPR8 006f0076006e0049 (f: 7209033.000000, d: 1.379626e-306)
    14:13:28  FPR9 002000720065006b (f: 6619243.000000, d: 4.450632e-308)
    14:13:28  FPR10 3809c01c80000000 (f: 2147483648.000000, d: 9.459216e-39)
    14:13:28  FPR11 0000000000000040 (f: 64.000000, d: 3.162020e-322)
    14:13:28  FPR12 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    14:13:28  FPR13 0000000000000001 (f: 1.000000, d: 4.940656e-324)
    14:13:28  FPR14 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    14:13:28  FPR15 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    14:13:28  FPR16 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    14:13:28  FPR17 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    14:13:28  FPR18 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    14:13:28  FPR19 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    14:13:28  FPR20 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    14:13:28  FPR21 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    14:13:28  FPR22 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    14:13:28  FPR23 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    14:13:28  FPR24 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    14:13:28  FPR25 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    14:13:28  FPR26 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    14:13:28  FPR27 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    14:13:28  FPR28 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    14:13:28  FPR29 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    14:13:28  FPR30 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    14:13:28  FPR31 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    14:13:28  Compiled_method=jdk/internal/foreign/NativeMemorySegmentImpl.makeNativeSegment(JJ)Ljdk/incubator/foreign/MemorySegment;
    14:13:28  Target=2_90_20200911_34 (Linux 4.15.0-45-generic)
    14:13:28  CPU=ppc64le (4 logical CPUs) (0x1fe0c0000 RAM)
    14:13:28  ----------- Stack Backtrace -----------
    14:13:28  (0x0000794D9F771FD4 [<unknown>+0x0])
    14:13:28  (0x0000794DBD6D23AC [])
    14:13:28  (0x0000794DBD6D36D8 [])
    14:13:28  (0x0000794DBC4E55C4 [])
    14:13:28  JVM_InvokeMethod+0x40 (0x0000794DBD872970 [])
    14:13:28  JVM_InvokeMethod+0x34 (0x0000794DBE216884 [])
    14:13:28  Java_jdk_internal_reflect_NativeMethodAccessorImpl_invoke0+0x24 (0x0000794D9CC9BFA4 [])
    14:13:28  (0x0000794D9F4F59A4 [<unknown>+0x0])
    14:13:28  (0x0000794DBD6D23AC [])
    14:13:28  (0x0000794DBD6D36D8 [])
    14:13:28  (0x0000794DBC4E55C4 [])
    14:13:28  JVM_InvokeMethod+0x40 (0x0000794DBD872970 [])
    14:13:28  JVM_InvokeMethod+0x34 (0x0000794DBE216884 [])
    14:13:28  Java_jdk_internal_reflect_NativeMethodAccessorImpl_invoke0+0x24 (0x0000794D9CC9BFA4 [])
    14:13:28  (0x0000794D9F4F59A4 [<unknown>+0x0])
    14:13:28  (0x0000794DBD6CD6B4 [])
    14:13:28  (0x0000794DBD740C30 [])
    14:13:28  (0x0000794DBD548DA8 [])
    14:13:28  (0x0000794DBD73C264 [])
    14:13:28  (0x0000794DBD611248 [])
    14:13:28  (0x0000794DBE4B885C [])
    14:13:28  clone+0x98 (0x0000794DBE3A9028 [])
    14:13:28  ---------------------------------------
    prio:high comp:jit test failure arch:power segfault 
    opened by andrew-m-leonard 79
  • Convert PullRequests to pipeline of jobs

    Convert PullRequests to pipeline of jobs

    • PRs currently run in separate, stand-alone jobs and this is not maintenance friendly.
    • There are many benefits to switching to the common workflow of "pipeline of jobs" used by all other builds.
    • This PR adds support for PR builds to use Pipeline-Build-Test-All as a top-level job.
    • This also adds support in pipeline-functions to accomodate various functionality needed by PRs.
    • New features:
      • Github commit status updates before and after a Compile or Test job
      • Auto-Cancel Test jobs when new ones are launched from the same PR
      • New Parameter BULD_IDENTIFIER which is useful for determining what a build belongs to (Nightly, OMR, PR#123 etc)

    Issue #2728 [skip ci]

    Signed-off-by: Adam Brousseau [email protected]

    opened by AdamBrousseau 78
  • JTReg VM Failure: java/nio/charset/coders/

    JTReg VM Failure: java/nio/charset/coders/

    Failure link fails on JDK11-openj9 AIX

    • test category, openjdk
    • OS/architecture, ppc64_aix
    03:11:02  openjdk version "11.0.7" 2020-04-14
    03:11:02  OpenJDK Runtime Environment AdoptOpenJDK (build 11.0.7+4-202002250055)
    03:11:02  Eclipse OpenJ9 VM AdoptOpenJDK (build master-f262649, JRE 11 AIX ppc64-64-Bit Compressed References 20200224_503 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled)
    03:11:02  OpenJ9   - f262649
    03:11:02  OMR      - 00c57af
    03:11:02  JCL      - f4e1e81 based on jdk-11.0.7+4)

    Optional info

    • New test

    Failure output (captured from console output)

    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,085] Agent[1]: stderr: Unhandled exception
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,086] Agent[1]: stderr: Type=Segmentation error vmState=0x00020011
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,086] Agent[1]: stderr: J9Generic_Signal_Number=00000018 Signal_Number=0000000b Error_Value=00000000 Signal_Code=00000032
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,086] Agent[1]: stderr: Handler1=09001000A0731BB0 Handler2=09001000A067CF10
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,086] Agent[1]: stderr: R0=000000003069A000 R1=0000010023E7AB00 R2=08001000A01D5ED8 R3=0000010022D59DB0
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,086] Agent[1]: stderr: R4=0000000000000000 R5=0000000099669966 R6=000001001046D570 R7=000001001046D940
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,086] Agent[1]: stderr: R8=0000000000000000 R9=00000000000003D0 R10=0000000000000000 R11=0000000000000000
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,086] Agent[1]: stderr: R12=00000100230B2A38 R13=0000010023E87800 R14=00059F6057AB6D57 R15=09001000A04E7480
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,086] Agent[1]: stderr: R16=0000000000000000 R17=08001000A01D57E8 R18=0000000000001628 R19=00000000000F0000
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,086] Agent[1]: stderr: R20=0000000000000001 R21=0000000000000000 R22=00000100100DA400 R23=00000100100D8B48
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,086] Agent[1]: stderr: R24=00000000000015E8 R25=00000000000000C0 R26=0000010022D59DB0 R27=00000100104E34E0
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,086] Agent[1]: stderr: R28=0000000000000018 R29=0000000000000000 R30=00000100103FDF18 R31=00000100104E3420
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,087] Agent[1]: stderr: IAR=0900000006F93EB8 LR=0900000006FAAF1C MSR=A00000000200D032 CTR=0000000000000000
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,087] Agent[1]: stderr: CR=4200024000000000 FPSCR=8202000000000000 XER=0000000082020000
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,087] Agent[1]: stderr: FPR0 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,087] Agent[1]: stderr: FPR1 c3e0000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: -9.223372e+18)
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,087] Agent[1]: stderr: FPR2 41cdcd6500000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 1.000000e+09)
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,087] Agent[1]: stderr: FPR3 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,087] Agent[1]: stderr: FPR4 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,087] Agent[1]: stderr: FPR5 c3e0000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: -9.223372e+18)
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,087] Agent[1]: stderr: FPR6 402e000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 1.500000e+01)
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,087] Agent[1]: stderr: FPR7 412e848000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 1.000000e+06)
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,087] Agent[1]: stderr: FPR8 4058400000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 9.700000e+01)
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,087] Agent[1]: stderr: FPR9 4530000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 1.934281e+25)
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,087] Agent[1]: stderr: FPR10 412e848000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 1.000000e+06)
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,087] Agent[1]: stderr: FPR11 43300000000f4240 (f: 1000000.000000, d: 4.503600e+15)
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,087] Agent[1]: stderr: FPR12 4530000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 1.934281e+25)
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,087] Agent[1]: stderr: FPR13 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,087] Agent[1]: stderr: FPR14 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,087] Agent[1]: stderr: FPR15 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,087] Agent[1]: stderr: FPR16 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,088] Agent[1]: stderr: FPR17 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,088] Agent[1]: stderr: FPR18 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,088] Agent[1]: stderr: FPR19 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,088] Agent[1]: stderr: FPR20 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,088] Agent[1]: stderr: FPR21 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,088] Agent[1]: stderr: FPR22 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,088] Agent[1]: stderr: FPR23 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,088] Agent[1]: stderr: FPR24 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,088] Agent[1]: stderr: FPR25 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,088] Agent[1]: stderr: FPR26 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,088] Agent[1]: stderr: FPR27 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,088] Agent[1]: stderr: FPR28 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,088] Agent[1]: stderr: FPR29 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,088] Agent[1]: stderr: FPR30 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,088] Agent[1]: stderr: FPR31 0000000000000000 (f: 0.000000, d: 0.000000e+00)
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,088] Agent[1]: stderr: Module=/home/jenkins/workspace/Test_openjdk11_j9_sanity.openjdk_ppc64_aix/openjdkbinary/j2sdk-image/lib/compressedrefs/
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,088] Agent[1]: stderr: Module_base_address=0900000006149000
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,089] Agent[1]: stderr: Target=2_90_20200224_503 (AIX 7.1)
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,089] Agent[1]: stderr: CPU=ppc64 (16 logical CPUs) (0x200000000 RAM)
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,089] Agent[1]: stderr: ----------- Stack Backtrace -----------
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,089] Agent[1]: stderr: (0x0900000006FAAF1C [])
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,089] Agent[1]: stderr: J9HookDispatch__FPP15J9HookInterfaceUlPv+0x1c8 (0x090000000133144C [])
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,089] Agent[1]: stderr: cleanUpClassLoader+0x330 (0x090000000116A5F4 [])
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,089] Agent[1]: stderr: cleanUpClassLoaders__21MM_ClassLoaderManagerFP18MM_EnvironmentBaseP13J9ClassLoaderPP15J9MemorySegmentPP13J9ClassLoaderPVb+0x29c (0x09000000014CBE20 [])
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,089] Agent[1]: stderr: unloadDeadClassLoaders__26MM_GlobalCollectorDelegateFP18MM_EnvironmentBase+0x174 (0x0900000001544878 [])
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,089] Agent[1]: stderr: postMarkProcessing__26MM_GlobalCollectorDelegateFP18MM_EnvironmentBase+0x70 (0x09000000015443B4 [])
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,089] Agent[1]: stderr: masterThreadGarbageCollect__19MM_ParallelGlobalGCFP18MM_EnvironmentBaseP22MM_AllocateDescriptionbT3+0x234 (0x09000000015AA6B8 [])
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,089] Agent[1]: stderr: internalGarbageCollect__15MM_ConcurrentGCFP18MM_EnvironmentBaseP17MM_MemorySubSpaceP22MM_AllocateDescription+0x4c (0x090000000159B130 [])
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,089] Agent[1]: stderr: garbageCollect__12MM_CollectorFP18MM_EnvironmentBaseP17MM_MemorySubSpaceP22MM_AllocateDescriptionUiP28MM_ObjectAllocationInterfaceT2P20MM_AllocationContext+0x2e8 (0x09000000015312EC [])
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,089] Agent[1]: stderr: garbageCollect__17MM_MemorySubSpaceFP18MM_EnvironmentBaseP22MM_AllocateDescriptionUi+0x120 (0x09000000014F5B04 [])
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,089] Agent[1]: stderr: percolateGarbageCollect__17MM_MemorySubSpaceFP18MM_EnvironmentBaseP22MM_AllocateDescriptionUi+0x7c (0x09000000014F56C0 [])
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,089] Agent[1]: stderr: percolateGarbageCollect__12MM_ScavengerFP18MM_EnvironmentBaseP17MM_MemorySubSpaceP22MM_AllocateDescription15PercolateReasonUi+0x124 (0x090000000166D1A8 [])
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,089] Agent[1]: stderr: internalGarbageCollect__12MM_ScavengerFP18MM_EnvironmentBaseP17MM_MemorySubSpaceP22MM_AllocateDescription+0x160 (0x09000000016602E4 [])
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,089] Agent[1]: stderr: garbageCollect__12MM_CollectorFP18MM_EnvironmentBaseP17MM_MemorySubSpaceP22MM_AllocateDescriptionUiP28MM_ObjectAllocationInterfaceT2P20MM_AllocationContext+0x2e8 (0x09000000015312EC [])
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,089] Agent[1]: stderr: allocationRequestFailed__26MM_MemorySubSpaceSemiSpaceFP18MM_EnvironmentBaseP22MM_AllocateDescriptionQ2_17MM_MemorySubSpace14AllocationTypeP28MM_ObjectAllocationInterfaceP17MM_MemorySubSpaceT5+0x408 (0x090000000167C98C [])
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,089] Agent[1]: stderr: allocateTLH__24MM_MemorySubSpaceGenericFP18MM_EnvironmentBaseP22MM_AllocateDescriptionP28MM_ObjectAllocationInterfaceP17MM_MemorySubSpaceT4b+0x2d8 (0x09000000016B2E9C [])
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,090] Agent[1]: stderr: refresh__23MM_TLHAllocationSupportFP18MM_EnvironmentBaseP22MM_AllocateDescriptionb+0x6ec (0x09000000016BDB90 [])
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,090] Agent[1]: stderr: allocateFromTLH__23MM_TLHAllocationSupportFP18MM_EnvironmentBaseP22MM_AllocateDescriptionb+0x178 (0x09000000016BE0DC [])
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,090] Agent[1]: stderr: allocateObject__25MM_TLHAllocationInterfaceFP18MM_EnvironmentBaseP22MM_AllocateDescriptionP14MM_MemorySpaceb+0x508 (0x09000000016BC12C [])
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,090] Agent[1]: stderr: allocateArrayletSpine__25MM_TLHAllocationInterfaceFP18MM_EnvironmentBaseP22MM_AllocateDescriptionP14MM_MemorySpaceb+0x2c (0x09000000016BC2F0 [])
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,090] Agent[1]: stderr: OMR_GC_AllocateObject__FP12OMR_VMThreadP25MM_AllocateInitialization+0x204 (0x090000000153A408 [])
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,090] Agent[1]: stderr: J9AllocateIndexableObject+0xdd4 (0x0900000001539038 [])
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,090] Agent[1]: stderr: old_slow_jitNewArray+0x218 (0x09000000062EB53C [])
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,090] Agent[1]: stderr: (0x09000000062D5C20 [])
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,090] Agent[1]: stderr: sidecarInvokeReflectMethodImpl+0x4b0 (0x0900000001126C34 [])
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,090] Agent[1]: stderr: sidecarInvokeReflectMethod+0x30 (0x0900000001129134 [])
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,090] Agent[1]: stderr: JVM_InvokeMethod_Impl+0xb0 (0x0900000001BF8614 [])
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,090] Agent[1]: stderr: JVM_InvokeMethod+0x64 (0x090000000106C768 [])
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,090] Agent[1]: stderr: JVM_InvokeMethod+0x6c (0x0900000000FCD4F0 [])
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,090] Agent[1]: stderr: JVM_InvokeMethod+0x6c (0x0900000000F924F0 [])
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,090] Agent[1]: stderr: (0x09000000026EEB9C [])
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,090] Agent[1]: stderr: (0x0000010010588230)
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,090] Agent[1]: stderr: runJavaThread+0x1d4 (0x0900000001127C38 [])
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,090] Agent[1]: stderr: javaProtectedThreadProc+0x11c (0x09000000010BFAA0 [])
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,090] Agent[1]: stderr: omrsig_protect+0x488 (0x09000000013A1ACC [])
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,091] Agent[1]: stderr: javaThreadProc+0x68 (0x09000000010BF88C [])
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,091] Agent[1]: stderr: thread_wrapper+0x33c (0x0900000001008700 [])
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,091] Agent[1]: stderr: _pthread_body+0xf0 (0x0900000000570E14 [libpthreads.a+0x3e14])
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,139] Agent[1]: stderr: ---------------------------------------
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,139] Agent[1]: stderr: JVMDUMP039I Processing dump event "gpf", detail "" at 2020/02/25 01:10:20 - please wait.
    06:10:25  [2020-02-25 01:10:20,139] Agent[1]: stderr: JVMDUMP032I JVM requested System dump using '/home/jenkins/workspace/Test_openjdk11_j9_sanity.openjdk_ppc64_aix/openjdk-tests/TKG/test_output_15826004162219/jdk_nio_0/work/scratch/core.20200225.011020.26542160.0001.dmp' in response to an event
    06:10:26  [2020-02-25 01:10:25,873] Agent[1]: stderr: JVMDUMP010I System dump written to /home/jenkins/workspace/Test_openjdk11_j9_sanity.openjdk_ppc64_aix/openjdk-tests/TKG/test_output_15826004162219/jdk_nio_0/work/scratch/core.20200225.011020.26542160.0001.dmp
    06:10:26  [2020-02-25 01:10:25,874] Agent[1]: stderr: JVMDUMP032I JVM requested Java dump using '/home/jenkins/workspace/Test_openjdk11_j9_sanity.openjdk_ppc64_aix/openjdk-tests/TKG/test_output_15826004162219/jdk_nio_0/work/scratch/javacore.20200225.011020.26542160.0002.txt' in response to an event
    06:10:26  [2020-02-25 01:10:26,064] Agent[1]: stderr: JVMDUMP010I Java dump written to /home/jenkins/workspace/Test_openjdk11_j9_sanity.openjdk_ppc64_aix/openjdk-tests/TKG/test_output_15826004162219/jdk_nio_0/work/scratch/javacore.20200225.011020.26542160.0002.txt
    06:10:26  [2020-02-25 01:10:26,064] Agent[1]: stderr: JVMDUMP032I JVM requested Snap dump using '/home/jenkins/workspace/Test_openjdk11_j9_sanity.openjdk_ppc64_aix/openjdk-tests/TKG/test_output_15826004162219/jdk_nio_0/work/scratch/Snap.20200225.011020.26542160.0003.trc' in response to an event
    06:10:26  [2020-02-25 01:10:26,166] Agent[1]: stderr: JVMDUMP010I Snap dump written to /home/jenkins/workspace/Test_openjdk11_j9_sanity.openjdk_ppc64_aix/openjdk-tests/TKG/test_output_15826004162219/jdk_nio_0/work/scratch/Snap.20200225.011020.26542160.0003.trc
    06:10:26  [2020-02-25 01:10:26,168] Agent[1]: stderr: JVMDUMP007I JVM Requesting JIT dump using '/home/jenkins/workspace/Test_openjdk11_j9_sanity.openjdk_ppc64_aix/openjdk-tests/TKG/test_output_15826004162219/jdk_nio_0/work/scratch/jitdump.20200225.011020.26542160.0004.dmp'
    06:10:26  [2020-02-25 01:10:26,168] Agent[1]: stderr: JVMDUMP010I JIT dump written to /home/jenkins/workspace/Test_openjdk11_j9_sanity.openjdk_ppc64_aix/openjdk-tests/TKG/test_output_15826004162219/jdk_nio_0/work/scratch/jitdump.20200225.011020.26542160.0004.dmp
    06:10:26  [2020-02-25 01:10:26,168] Agent[1]: stderr: JVMDUMP013I Processed dump event "gpf", detail "".
    TEST RESULT: Error. Agent communication error:; check console log for any additional details
    06:10:26  --------------------------------------------------
    06:11:41  [2020-02-25 01:11:31,924] Agent[4]: stdout: Filesystem    512-blocks      Free %Used    Iused %Iused Mounted on
    06:11:41  [2020-02-25 01:11:31,928] Agent[4]: stdout: /dev/hd4        20971520  19642240    7%    35689     2% /
    06:11:41  [2020-02-25 01:11:31,928] Agent[4]: stdout: /dev/hd2        41943040  25398472   40%    84055     3% /usr
    06:11:41  [2020-02-25 01:11:31,928] Agent[4]: stdout: /dev/hd9var     20971520  19553888    7%     4873     1% /var
    06:11:41  [2020-02-25 01:11:31,928] Agent[4]: stdout: /dev/hd3        62914560  60025760    5%   259165     4% /tmp
    06:11:41  [2020-02-25 01:11:31,928] Agent[4]: stdout: /dev/hd1        83886080  57176872   32%   260315     4% /home
    06:11:41  [2020-02-25 01:11:31,928] Agent[4]: stdout: /dev/hd11admin     524288    523488    1%        7     1% /admin
    06:11:41  [2020-02-25 01:11:31,928] Agent[4]: stdout: /proc                  -         -    -        -      - /proc
    06:11:41  [2020-02-25 01:11:31,928] Agent[4]: stdout: /dev/hd10opt    41943040  37939080   10%    33750     1% /opt
    06:11:41  [2020-02-25 01:11:31,928] Agent[4]: stdout: /dev/livedump     524288    523552    1%        4     1% /var/adm/ras/livedump
    06:11:41  [2020-02-25 01:11:31,928] Agent[4]: stdout: /aha                   -         -    -       33     1% /aha


    comp:jit test failure segfault 
    opened by M-Davies 76
  • J9 accepts an invalid class(openjdk version:8,11,17)

    J9 accepts an invalid class(openjdk version:8,11,17)

    Java -version output

    openjdk version "1.8.0_352"
    IBM Semeru Runtime Open Edition (build 1.8.0_352-b08)
    Eclipse OpenJ9 VM (build openj9-0.35.0, JRE 1.8.0 Mac OS X amd64-64-Bit Compressed References 20221031_543 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled)
    OpenJ9   - e04a7f6c1
    OMR      - 85a21674f
    JCL      - b213334935 based on jdk8u352-b08)
    openjdk version "11.0.17" 2022-10-18
    IBM Semeru Runtime Open Edition (build 11.0.17+8)
    Eclipse OpenJ9 VM (build openj9-0.35.0, JRE 11 Mac OS X amd64-64-Bit Compressed References 20221031_510 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled)
    OpenJ9   - e04a7f6c1
    OMR      - 85a21674f
    JCL      - a94c231303 based on jdk-11.0.17+8)
    openjdk version "17.0.5" 2022-10-18
    IBM Semeru Runtime Open Edition (build 17.0.5+8)
    Eclipse OpenJ9 VM (build openj9-0.35.0, JRE 17 Mac OS X amd64-64-Bit Compressed References 20221018_304 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled)
    OpenJ9   - e04a7f6c1
    OMR      - 85a21674f
    JCL      - 32d2c409a33 based on jdk-17.0.5+8)

    Output from java -version.

    Summary of problem

    public class AcceptInvalid01 {
        public AcceptInvalid01() {
            this.field = new InputMethodEvent((Component)null, -100, (TextHitInfo)null, (TextHitInfo)null);
        public static void main(String[] var0) {

    The above decompiled class is an invalid class, which was generated by a jasm file. However, for this invalid class file, J9 accepts it normally, even we specify the -Xfuture or -Xverify:doProtectedAccessCheck option.

    Diagnostic files

    opened by Brad0309 0
  • J9 crashes on a VerrifyError class (openjdk version:8,11,17)

    J9 crashes on a VerrifyError class (openjdk version:8,11,17)

    Java -version output

    openjdk version "1.8.0_352"
    IBM Semeru Runtime Open Edition (build 1.8.0_352-b08)
    Eclipse OpenJ9 VM (build openj9-0.35.0, JRE 1.8.0 Mac OS X amd64-64-Bit Compressed References 20221031_543 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled)
    OpenJ9   - e04a7f6c1
    OMR      - 85a21674f
    JCL      - b213334935 based on jdk8u352-b08)
    openjdk version "11.0.17" 2022-10-18
    IBM Semeru Runtime Open Edition (build 11.0.17+8)
    Eclipse OpenJ9 VM (build openj9-0.35.0, JRE 11 Mac OS X amd64-64-Bit Compressed References 20221031_510 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled)
    OpenJ9   - e04a7f6c1
    OMR      - 85a21674f
    JCL      - a94c231303 based on jdk-11.0.17+8)
    openjdk version "17.0.5" 2022-10-18
    IBM Semeru Runtime Open Edition (build 17.0.5+8)
    Eclipse OpenJ9 VM (build openj9-0.35.0, JRE 17 Mac OS X amd64-64-Bit Compressed References 20221018_304 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled)
    OpenJ9   - e04a7f6c1
    OMR      - 85a21674f
    JCL      - 32d2c409a33 based on jdk-17.0.5+8)

    Output from java -version.

    Summary of problem

    The upload class SegErr01.class contains a VerrifyError, which was correctly detected by hotspot and graalvm. However, J9 seems failed to handle this error properly and throws Segmentation Error.

    Diagnostic files

    opened by Brad0309 0
  • WIP: Handle multi-dimensional stable arrays

    WIP: Handle multi-dimensional stable arrays

    • derive array dimension from the signature
    • create known object with a stable array rank that is equal to array's dimension
    • when dereferencing stable array, create a known object that is stable array with rank-1 (unless new rank is 0).
    opened by gita-omr 1
  • Performance issues in 0.36

    Performance issues in 0.36

    There are some significant cross platform performance regressions in multiple categories identified against the next IBM Java 8 release, which would most likely affect OpenJ9/Semeru builds as well since the change has so far been identified as something in the J9 component. The cause will shortly be narrowed further, and we can determine what needs to be done for the 0.36 release, if anything.

    opened by pshipton 0
  • JVMTI Extension Functions: GetVirtualThread and GetCarrierThread

    JVMTI Extension Functions: GetVirtualThread and GetCarrierThread

    The following JVMTI extension functions are implemented:

    • GetVirtualThread: Gets the virtual thread corresponding to a carrier thread.
    • GetCarrierThread: Gets the carrier thread corresponding to a virtual thread.

    Fixes: #16168 Fixes: #16203

    Signed-off-by: Babneet Singh [email protected]

    comp:vm jdk20 comp:jvmti 
    opened by babsingh 1
  • openj9-0.35.0(Oct 28, 2022)

    Eclipse release plan: Release notes:

    Release details:

    Branch name: v0.35.0-release Tag: openj9-0.35.0

    Repo SHAs:

    OpenJ9: e04a7f6c1c3 OMR: 85a21674fdf

    Security Vulnerabilities Resolved CVE-2022-3676

    JITServer Helm Chart - Easier deployment of JITServer technology in a Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster

    For details about the release and release candidates, please see:

    For the list of OMR changes see

    OpenJ9 Changes

    e04a7f6c1c3 (0.35) Disallow nop guards for interface call sites Devin Papineau 2e24c0da7ab (0.35.0) Revert "Preserve ymm/zmm registers on x" BradleyWood 0e1ac1c7e0e (0.35.0) Add missing bounds check to deleteCharAt and fix docs for delete Mike Zhang d8f6fe2f5fd (0.35.0) AArch64 macOS: Re-acquire execution permission in compilation threads KONNO Kazuhiro 6d7886cdac1 (0.35) Check whether array index variable is an induction variable Henry Zongaro 0539d1c21f1 (v0.35.0) Readd getConstantPool() method to Mike Zhang 7dd982ba7c2 (0.35) Add standalone JIT option -XX:[+|-]PerfTool Ravali Yatham 1de4f14ba94 (0.35) Add java.specification.maintenance.version=4 jdk8 system property Peter Shipton 420682e827c (0.35) Update zlib to fix CVE-2022-37434 Peter Shipton f8c5cbdebff Fix the broken URL in Hang Shao 83a6c39edf7 Match jdk8 runFinalizersOnExit() and phantom reference behavior Peter Shipton e53d18b81b7 Remove unused JVM_Exit() function Keith W. Campbell de08fa8fdad Update build instructions for Windows Keith W. Campbell c14fe746ea7 Add thread local storage to java thread objects Eric Yang 1719d2e0125 Compile Windows jdk11 with VS2019 Peter Shipton 7f988240fa1 Update jvmtiGetThreadInfo for Loom Eric Yang fbfa619e3c3 Block Virtual Threads for JVMTI Inspection Babneet Singh 861ea616fa5 Correct implementation of J9DDRImageProcess.getSignalNumber() Keith W. Campbell 9d2a04c17b1 Remove jdk18 from support in 0.35 release notes Peter Shipton a96598460ea Created draft release note for 0.35.0 Sreekala Gopakumar 200e81160b6 Fix virtual thread test setup for jdk 20 Eric Yang ae6f910e025 Check for vector support on Z in supportedForPlatform Rahil Shah 984612f68ad Check if instanceDescription is an immediate value in loop Annabelle Huo edfac4ab836 Add class for OSR redefinition when removing a merged HCR guard Devin Papineau b4e513f0add Stop registering class extend assumptions for HCR guards Devin Papineau 825c687c4b5 Check VFT bounds in TR_J9VMBase::getVFTEntry() Devin Papineau 598debbe49a Update 0.33 release notes to support 0.33.1 Peter Shipton b1a406d05ee Add Continuation direct transition support Jack Lu 3ca0a674a36 Fix function header comments Tobi Ajila 9b687da76ab Delay LocalSyncCompiles option parsing Christian Despres 171c697ff84 Add more remote recompilation guards Christian Despres 1931838dac2 Fix checkpointAllowed check and add nonportable restore option Zainab Fatmi 2e16a404036 [Part 1] FFI Upcall: creating the upcall stub (native) Cheng Jin 6daf44c2d76 Add release notes for 0.33.1 Peter Shipton 022441e8a1b Fix EA bug in generating VSPLATS Rahil Shah c0d5f9cbfed Add options to control resolution of native stack symbols in java dumps Keith W. Campbell 0f98b16780b Correct signature of JVM_VirtualThread functions Keith W. Campbell 2355e8bd1ba Fix node reference counts in VectorAPIExpansion Gita Koblents 2c0e3b2b7bb Deleted an unnecessary assert Manasha Vetrivelu 39a41b8ef1c Disable AVX register preservation on x86 BradleyWood 3bb2dcc390e Remove unused dump macros Keith W. Campbell a95344ad7bf Return JVMTI_ERROR_OPAQUE_FRAME from ForceEarlyReturn* and PopFrame Babneet Singh 6a7bda29c9e Enable FMA extensions on x86 BradleyWood 4f12e031ae6 Force a GC pre-checkpoint Part1 Tobi Ajila 5a9f1569a85 Add SIGUSR2 handler and matching -Xdump event Kevin Grigorenko 59e834857b5 Enable VirtualThread natives by default Eric Yang cb0bf58fd85 Fix incorrect free in ensure hashed parsing Graham Chapman cde425e5de0 Load default value instance if the class is initialized Annabelle Huo 92da2c631ff Add extra assertions for unexpected Card states Dmitri Pivkine 4d0afbf798c Fix race condition related to IProfiler info persistence Marius Pirvu 7fb9630591a Remove AVX512F from features supported by portable CPU Marius Pirvu 931844b7706 Fix build errors in jdk20 Keith W. Campbell 4235965a052 Prefer local compilations in more cases Christian Despres 0dc90544449 Disable LocalSyncCompiles under FullSpeedDebug Christian Despres 46a6d02160f Add VirtualThread native stubs and the active VirtualThread list Eric Yang d31ce9c6b2f Update jvmtiGetThreadGroupChildren for java 19 Eric Yang 8c885cbb934 Fix JIT System.nanoTime() in checkpoint mode Younes Manton 0cca47204e0 Call setContinuation before/after entry Jack Lu 2eedf1bb441 Update classpath for JAVA20 Keith W. Campbell fc5ae4e6892 Delete unused methods TR_MultipleCallTargetInliner::walkCallSites Devin Papineau 2accaf9d998 Disable testSystemNanoTime due to intermitten criu failures Tobi Ajila 46fe3853166 Add option to decompress() for variable length Mike Zhang 7da0d0b85b0 Refactor TR::DefaultCompilationStrategy::processJittedSample Irwin D'Souza c55f84f8436 Enable JITServer in CRIU non-portable mode Younes Manton 220f1163cd3 Fix the crash issue with the error message framework in Verifier Cheng Jin 31b10dbc664 Add -Xint to testVirtualThread, re-enable test Jack Lu 6334b319fb9 Add DDR support for known method attributes Tobi Ajila fd3d5d09172 CRIU delay Thread.interrupt() in single thread mode Jason Feng 81e4fd90f25 Ensure lock contentions for CRIU single thread mode tests Jason Feng 41430ff2049 Change how TR_IPBCDataCallGraph entries are persisted into SCC Marius Pirvu 5acec468022 Implement Access.executeOnCarrierThread() Jason Feng e94beed5881 Fix cmdLineTester_criu_keepCheckpoint Longyu Zhang 7e78c786694 Fix a message in TR_DynamicLiteralPool::addNewAloadChild() KONNO Kazuhiro 75be95f6476 Allow for incompatible caches in JVMTI shared cache management test Peter Shipton 7ae33311f57 Enhance assertion to simplify debugging Dmitri Pivkine 4f2f995f461 Show owner of J9VMInternals$ClassInitializationLock in javacore Ravali Yatham 06049c5d8bf Avoid costly native symbol resolution for java dumps Keith W. Campbell 827e35fef88 Exclude Jep425Tests_testVirtualThread Jason Feng 21749c7ff9d Add API getDefaultValueSlotAddress Annabelle Huo 4eafe93f1d4 Allow verifier to run in valuetype tests Ehren Julien-Neitzert 6262c894620 Ignore VirtualThreads in jvmtiGetAllThreads and Thread.getThreads Babneet Singh 2d8e006e0ce Ensure class flags are set before class is visible Graham Chapman eadcae45c36 Continuation Pinning Support Babneet Singh 889c90c80c9 Fix issue in java.lang.Thread.getThreads Devin Nakamura d47d53ff767 Fix issues with non-SVM aconst_init AOT compilation Annabelle Huo 8cc2ecda50c Walk threads that run java code only in closeScope0 Eric Yang c081b610621 Disable multiple checkpoints test Tobi Ajila d4f0a0c14b2 Cleaning for Concurrent Scavenger initialization Dmitri Pivkine 9ba0516a3c5 Clone jvmti test exclusions from 19 for 20 Keith W. Campbell 6b0bcfa142e Update ignored eclipse resources Keith W. Campbell a57e6d99bb5 Move from OpenJ9 to extension repo Jason Feng 217f0151145 Add space before method hotness Keith W. Campbell f98284648fb Handle EINTR errors in JITServer networking Christian Despres e70b783782a CRIU throws UnsupportedOperationException when UnsatisfiedLinkError Jason Feng e1ce5d219fb Abstract JIT GPR spill area Graham Chapman 9b8f3c6a125 Remove setting of Vector Supports in Linkage Rahil Shah 901107c2947 Apply performance and functional fixes to VectorAPIExpansion Gita Koblents 66fd828920d Fix obsolete link Hang Shao 8b70dfc1438 Remove musl license and update OpenJ9/OMR start copyright date Peter Shipton 9a384510604 Add AVX2 to supported feature tests BradleyWood 8300ed72389 Fix compilation thread number parsing error Christian Despres d0075e6691c Check VFE1 feature instead of flag when generating Math.fma on Z Spencer Comin 85d9b499135 Update SysPropTest to work on AIX with jdk18.0.2 Peter Shipton 5f3e8bf65f8 Continuation isPinned implementation Babneet Singh 54d3c537193 Deadlock prevention on @NotCheckpointSafe frames Tobi Ajila e144035ec0f Improve JITServer handling of socket timeouts Christian Despres faffab9abea Add basic testing for Continuation Jack Lu 1a92d685270 Obey @DontInline annotations in inliner Devin Papineau 81d749041b5 Stop trusting parameter types for bastore in DLT Devin Papineau 184a01b589c Use internalRunStaticMethod to pass object pointer arguments Jason Feng dc61549a882 Factor out SSL context creation, improve SSL log message Christian Despres e0f9da3ef9b NPE extended message generation missed j9mem_free_memory calls Jason Feng ed0c6ecaa84 [Part 1/JDK19] FFI Upcall: creating the upcall stub (java part) Cheng Jin 329403cc75a Fix compiler warning Keith W. Campbell 50dc5e987b4 Add UMA makefile filter flag for ContinuationHelpers.cpp/hpp Jack Lu b293a60b451 Add new JITServer features in the 0.33.0 release notes Marius Pirvu 8ff390d2b58 Relocate clearNonZAAPEligibleBit implementation to vm_scar.c Joran Siu 52a68e6c8ad Basic Continuation support Jack Lu bbc8d954614 Avoid NullPointerException reading SONAME Keith W. Campbell 2e4e8f96e41 Loom Pinning: Manage J9VMThread->callOutCount Babneet Singh 96dca6cfdc4 Loom Pinning: Manage J9VMThread->ownedMonitorCount Babneet Singh 8ead00aa627 Fix reference array element alignment test for stable arrays Gita Koblents 013beb6a315 Remove assert invalidated by "Recognize Class.cast and transform calls to it into checkcast" Spencer Comin 2eb2b9c607f Add openj9 exclude file for Java 20 Jason Feng f0063068528 Correct J9NLS_CFR_ERR_NEST_MEMBER_INVALID_REFERENCETYPE_DESCRIPTOR Keith W. Campbell 4ac8e6aa9f7 Add cmdLineTester_criu_keepCheckpoint test Longyu Zhang 465825d46dc AArch64: Enable Vector API Expansion Akira Saitoh f0bbb096065 CRIU add single parameter exception constructors to support native setCurrentExceptionUTF() Jason Feng b7131525f4e Add verification for primitive objects Ehren Julien-Neitzert bb9bbff8e09 Do not set backfillOffset of VT to -1 Hang Shao e77d2a5d53a Remove unwanted definition of JVMTI_VERSION_15 Keith W. Campbell 71d0ae47151 Re-order the shutdown hook sequence Tobi Ajila 6807a9bc9b4 Add python3 capabilities for CRIU to docker container Violeta Sebe 956703309a2 Add missing NULL-check for jitConfig Keith W. Campbell f331cbb3c64 Use OpenSSL 1.1.1p for xmac Peter Shipton 7513460d036 Move Mac x86 compiles to 10.15 systems Joe deKoning a75addc09ce Disable libpathTestRtfChild on headless platforms Sophia Guo da5a9b263e4 Set Java main thread name Jason Feng e102f308bbd Make BoolArrayStoreTransformer iterate CFG for DLT compiles BradleyWood 6b4a2db09b1 Fix padding in jvmtiCapabilities structure Eric Yang d8e08932f1f Add the implementation of JNI IsVirtualThread Babneet Singh f26f84542f5 Add dependency for cmdline_options_testresources Longyu Zhang a9bdd6d1aee Update OpenSSL to 1.1.1q Peter Shipton 8a8d3569127 Modify the translated PII files in nlsfolder 2022-07-05 Dong Chen 2a82c5db845 Prevent contended monitor enters at CRIU single thread mode Jason Feng 0e480f25e28 Continuation: pin and unpin implementation Babneet Singh 79f0b73fab3 Improve Test_Thread Keith W. Campbell f9c5836bd78 Switch VectorAPI support to Java 19 Gita Koblents 2d9318c156f Add j.l.Thread.setCurrentThread() inline & fast jni natives Jason Feng c45269360a1 Fix vector reduction for Float and Double Gita Koblents a4776b219b0 Add support for JNI_VERSION_19 Keith W. Campbell 6c957c8b2fb jilconst: don't redefine OMR_GC_CONCURRENT_SCAVENGER Keith W. Campbell 3f2d18cde72 Modify the translated PII files in nls folder 06292022 Dong Chen 7f641d9bb1e Enable prehashing of j.l.Thread and Class Tobi Ajila 453f49a35b4 Add optional encryption to the JITServer metrics server Christian Despres 07be89b564f Add Optimizer Design Feature Document Annabelle Huo 65def5d2623 Fix tracepoints: entry tracepoint used as exit tracepoint Babneet Singh cfdf88e3e0e Revert "jilconst: don't redefine OMR_GC_CONCURRENT_SCAVENGER" Peter Shipton f2960b6ee91 Fix zeroReg initialization when disableBatchClear is set Bhavani SN 8ee5cd07ef2 Correct spelling of monotonic Keith W. Campbell 483e879d91b Add error handling for JVMTI functions for Loom Eric Yang cd6d9811352 Adjust j9time_nano_time according to different starting points Jason Feng bbed282973e Revert "Refactor TR::DefaultCompilationStrategy::processJittedSample" Peter Shipton 9581a020aee Fix windows compile failure Tobi Ajila da77f9f134b Check for duplicate class definitions when creating rom class Devin Nakamura 7b717f70683 Un-exclude gcRegression check for memory corruption tests Peter Shipton cad7081ed8b Re-include "Unload lots of classes" GC regression tests on jdk19 Peter Shipton 969132265cb Add build spec for alinux gcc11 Peter Shipton aa1e4d5eb9c Improve DDR deadlock tests Keith W. Campbell 43258c1b2ad Add tests in FIPS mode Jinhang-Zhang 0da6c93e98e Fix operator precedence in copyStringCritical Mike Zhang 58c648d7644 Loom Support: Pin Counters Babneet Singh 48b89002c07 Class.arrayType() throws UnsupportedOperationException in jdk19+ Peter Shipton 227adc67ad3 Refactor TR::DefaultCompilationStrategy::processJittedSample Irwin D'Souza 05eeda55e51 jilconst: don't redefine OMR_GC_CONCURRENT_SCAVENGER Keith W. Campbell 85e1e3aa6b7 Reduce unnecessary copying in JITServer code handling received messages Alexey Khrabrov a0e7faf9cfa Fix unused arguments, declarations in SSL code Christian Despres 9ab139c0777 Correctly handle JIT client option -Xjit:reconnectWaitTimeMs=0 Alexey Khrabrov e1f6d1fe30e Correctly close SSL connections in JITServer code Alexey Khrabrov ac82c9067c5 Fix conversion to UTF8 in encodeUTF8CharI8 Mike Zhang 0f8139aa330 Document J9SW_JIT_STACK_SLOTS_USED_BY_CALL Jan Vrany e8bf2717a86 Fixing errors present when creating a build with PROD_WITH_ASSUMES enabled Manasha Vetrivelu 767229ad465 Delete obsolete zos jenkins specs for cm, uma, xl, mixed Peter Shipton 9b0cc86d1a5 CRIU fix Timer.schedule test and show checkpointRestoreTimeDelta value Jason Feng 4169fa03ede Prevent improper removal of static store in idiom recognition Devin Papineau 9215698a454 Update openssl to version 1.1.1p Keith W. Campbell 6ff1c3356f7 RISC-V: add CFI to c_cInterpreter Jan Vrany ceac5c24468 Prevent AutoSIMD seg-fault on defs from method entry BradleyWood 90ca445ade9 Delete AArch64 macOS field watch from known issues in release notes KONNO Kazuhiro 7fc73ffef95 Add JNI_VERSION_19 for Java 19+ Keith W. Campbell 846e54ccfa3 Update ClassScanner to use ASM9 for Java 19+ Keith W. Campbell ce831990571 Modify the translated PII files in nls folder 20220620 Dong Chen 10ef9ca2caa Correct reading BuildVersionCommand from OSX core files Keith W. Campbell dbe20714aa6 add JVMTI callback/hook for virtualThread Jack Lu cddb8bf6b53 Cache Class.toString name Tobi Ajila 06196de5118 AArch64 macOS: Call fieldWatchHelper in rewriting data in snippets KONNO Kazuhiro 6a2aac87ec4 Add initial VM structure and JCL stub for Continuation Jack Lu 1698e8825ca Improve robustness of scanning SFXM chains Keith W. Campbell 0a5628775fc CRIU throws RestoreException when checkpointRestoreTimeDelta is negative Jason Feng 634a7b6a9a2 Refactor Thread.yield API Jack Lu 5e16537b447 Add all vector opcodes except related to masks and shuffles Gita Koblents 4272a7be342 Simplify Class.forName(String, Class) Peter Shipton 80cca9df92f Use safePoint access in single thread mode when available Tobi Ajila e5cd3ba221d Return early in String.indexOf if substring is longer than string Mike Zhang d6e3cbabe89 Docker: Add support for Java 19 Keith W. Campbell 4ca209b5438 jdk19 Class.forName(String) use system class loader for null caller Peter Shipton 84a84e6bf77 Fix a couple misspellings of J9ClassLoader Keith W. Campbell dfb2aa10052 Allow gcc11 specs to run on any version Peter Shipton 7d18a4cd5ca Remove hard coded pipeline-build-test-spec timeout of 20 hours Peter Shipton a6df5cb4f05 ClassLoader.registerAsParallelCapable() must handle null caller Peter Shipton 4c4e153caaf Disable Inlining of VectorIntrinsic Methods Rahil Shah 802995c46ea Cache extensions repositories on setup nodes Violeta Sebe 920c3682ec9 Add JAVA20 preprocessor configuration Keith W. Campbell c4f67843cb7 Add build spec support for jdk19 Peter Shipton 7d31532de60 Add a note about cgroup v2 support in the 0.33 release Babneet Singh 7c5c4148460 jdk19 registerAsParallelCapable() may throw IllegalCallerException Peter Shipton 20c2e832287 Prevent hangs when preparing the JIT for checkpoint Irwin D'Souza 3d06b2f9c2c Enable x86 CPU features for vector API BradleyWood dfe431929bd Fix SysPropTest for jdk19 Peter Shipton c837effa722 Correct reference to FIPS Keith W. Campbell e43be5b135b Add newInstanceImpl check guard for profile guided devirtualization on Z JIT Spencer Comin fac52b93246 Don't let JIT compile the methods we need to find in tests Keith W. Campbell e8e6f5ea5f6 AArch64: Handle interface call case when patching call site on recompilation Akira Saitoh b8b68fd9224 Create verbose option for VectorAPIExpansion Gita Koblents 897883f2c9a Move AArch64 macOS from "Notable changes in this release" KONNO Kazuhiro 26653e2b96a Skip halt check after explict GC, with external exclusive VM access Aleksandar Micic 8f40ad821e2 disable failing testcases related to Loom Jack Lu d2e1f22d764 Exclude the FFI specific java code(Incubator) from Java19 Cheng Jin 0414be65436 Disable regex usage since cmdlinetester does not correctly process it Babneet Singh 65f6cc51f75 Increase timeout for decompilation tests Babneet Singh d4df04f898b Update ScopedMemoryAccess.closeScope0 for JDK19 Babneet Singh 8e6736cc460 JDK19 unparkVirtualThread adopts BaseVirtualThread Jason Feng 816c5f8c702 Update j.l.invoke.Invokers methods for JDK8 compatibility Nazim Bhuiyan d77d84df755 Add j.l.Access.parkVirtualThread methods Jason Feng be552e7fd53 [Part 1] FFI Upcall: creating the upcall stub (java part) Cheng Jin cb43697d1eb Update build instructions and release notes for jdk8 VS2017 Peter Shipton 14b70fd187c Deprecate -XX:+AllowNonVirtualCalls Peter Shipton 4b548aa58c6 Implement loom native methods Jason Feng 53686e8d41f Compile Windows jdk8 with VS2017 Peter Shipton 9890a9d1965 Create initial 0.33 release notes Peter Shipton efc14ea0ccf Modify the translated PII files in nls folder 20220606 Dong Chen af202f227d0 Fold instance final fields of Boolean and Reflection classes Nazim Bhuiyan e6744487bda Fix halted thread being allowed to continue execution v2 Aleksandar Micic eecd210f887 Revert "Fix halted thread being allowed to continue execution" Peter Shipton c4d39a3f090 Implement vmin and vmax IL Opcodes midronij ff19ef3a35e When -Xcompressedrefs is specified, use that mode regardless of -Xmx Peter Shipton abfb5304dab Fix halted thread being allowed to continue execution Graham Chapman aad1418f0ec Initial changes to support Project Loom in Java 19 Jack Lu 6814cc0e230 Add jdk19 support for stdout.encoding and stderr.encoding Peter Shipton 6335127afcf Ensure calls to feGetEnv are cached James Kingdon 6cc63c8e2bd Improve checkcast/instanceof performance for interfaces on x86/x64 Daryl Maier 6c2f1ddb581 Add InternalCRIUSupport native method declarations Jason Feng 0f1eeb97106 Recognize Class.cast and transform calls to it into checkcast Devin Papineau 6f13f0b2a6e Add InternalCRIUSupport.getCheckpointRestoreTimeDelta() & tests Jason Feng 792a28f15e3 Use playlist.xml to exclude test in VT standard build Hang Shao 318c9aac507 Paremeterize Pull Request related jobs Violeta Sebe a091bb4e573 Improve error message when loading an invalid class version Gengchen Tuo eeedfa4d2c4 Only add memory segments from core file to process view Keith W. Campbell 3a853c25357 Prevent use of vsplats opcode for unsupported datatype BradleyWood d55522d5442 z/OS for jdk18+ should use native.encoding like other platforms Peter Shipton 799203e93bd Simplify address comparisons via Long.compareUnsigned() Keith W. Campbell 50b14690fed Remove dependencies on J9JavaAccessFlags.J9AccPermitsValue Keith W. Campbell 8cc7b5d8c26 Fix usage of pTOC with portableSCC code run in P10 container Bhavani SN 9ecb020b953 Update the value of ACC_VALUE and remove j.l.IdentityObject Hang Shao a7ac49bffdf Update the declaration of struct for FFI downcall tests Cheng Jin fda5fb3c9d9 Disable the FFI specific test suites in Java 19 Cheng Jin 45311fdd46a Modify the translated PII files in nls folder 20220530 Dong Chen de68036fb08 Expand PR build depends pattern Keith W. Campbell 92d45eedc0b Remove duplicate typedef in tests downcall.h Peter Shipton 768fb7232cf Disable known object table in AOT compilation KONNO Kazuhiro 1392faa969b Remove deprecated MXBean APIs & internal methods in Java 19 and 20 Peter Shipton 86722504915 Make getDefaultValueSlotAddress available on non-valhalla builds Ehren Julien-Neitzert 9a4dd7fcd45 AArch64 macOS: Enable DDR build KONNO Kazuhiro 0b75297a0d1 Fix generateSystemDump() to make "J9NO_DUMPS" work KONNO Kazuhiro 16f8f1cbf42 Freetype is not required on OS for AIX with jdk11+ Peter Shipton 64f613590a6 Prefer TR::snprintfNoTrunc() over snprintf() Keith W. Campbell 2dd7b7c3c24 Add missing # END NON-TRANSLATABLE in cfserr.nls Peter Shipton e929d6b4244 Avoid GREATER_EQUAL in CMake files Babneet Singh 3037b9fc9d7 Add CRIU issue template and delete snapshot template Irwin D'Souza afc8574686c OJDK MH Support for JDK8 Babneet Singh f755d65c8a0 AArch64 macOS: Include pthread.h explicitly KONNO Kazuhiro 18b0f789187 CRIU j9time_nano_time skips the elapsed time between Checkpoint/Restore Jason Feng 00bc246e268 Rename resetDigests to a generic resetCRIUSEC Alon Shalev Housfater

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • openj9-0.33.1(Aug 18, 2022)

    Eclipse release plan: Release notes:

    Release details:

    Branch name: v0.33.1-release Tag: openj9-0.33.1

    Repo SHAs:

    OpenJ9: 1d9d16830f7 OMR: b58aa2708c0

    Security Vulnerabilities Resolved N/A

    JITServer Helm Chart - Easier deployment of JITServer technology in a Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster

    For details about the release and release candidates, please see:

    For the list of OMR changes see

    OpenJ9 Changes

    04a55b4..1d9d168 1d9d16830f Avoid NullPointerException reading SONAME Keith W. Campbell e8f24e99b2 (0.33.1) Remove AVX512F from the features supported by our portable CPU description Marius Pirvu 47389a5736 (0.33.1) Disable AVX register preservation on x86 BradleyWood

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • openj9-0.33.0(Aug 5, 2022)

    Eclipse release plan: Release notes:

    Release details:

    Branch name: v0.33.0-release Tag: openj9-0.33.0

    Repo SHAs:

    OpenJ9: 04a55b45b3a OMR: b58aa2708c0

    Security Vulnerabilities Resolved N/A

    JITServer Helm Chart - Easier deployment of JITServer technology in a Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster

    For details about the release and release candidates, please see:

    For the list of OMR changes see

    OpenJ9 Changes

    9a84ec34ed3..04a55b45b3a 04a55b45b3 (0.33) Remove musl license and update OpenJ9/OMR start copyright date Peter Shipton 38f835399c (0.33) Update SysPropTest to work on AIX with jdk18.0.2 Peter Shipton 8cb5279407 (0.33) NPE extended message generation missed j9mem_free_memory calls Jason Feng 124430efbb (0.33) Add missing NULL-check for jitConfig Keith W. Campbell e7fc0d2f14 (0.33) Update OpenSSL to 1.1.1q Peter Shipton 2acb242ac6 (0.33) Modify the translated PII files in nlsfolder 2022-07-05 Dong Chen afed0dc9d4 Modify the translated PII files in nlsfolder 06292022 Dong Chen 20ad47cc0e (0.33) Prevent improper removal of static store in idiom recognition Devin Papineau c1005f3490 (v0.33.0)Fix operator precedence in copyStringCritical Mike Zhang 3b1816a35a (v0.33.0)Fix conversion to UTF8 in encodeUTF8CharI8 Mike Zhang 45d4f197e5 (0.33.0) Prevent AutoSIMD seg-fault on defs from method entry BradleyWood 3fd8969acb (0.33) Update openssl to version 1.1.1p Keith W. Campbell bbd7db50e9 (0.33.0) Return early in String.indexOf if substring is longer than string Mike Zhang e72d7ba0df (0.33) Modify the translated PII files in nls folder 20220620 Dong Chen 6549ca01bf (0.33) Correct reading BuildVersionCommand from OSX core files Keith W. Campbell 0934d31017 (0.33.0) AArch64 macOS: Call fieldWatchHelper in rewriting data in snippets KONNO Kazuhiro 639dbd27a8 (0.33) Improve robustness of scanning SFXM chains Keith W. Campbell 76c3160ef5 (0.33) AArch64: Handle interface call case when patching call site on recompilation Akira Saitoh 0aa1511e96 (0.33) Check for newInstanceImpl before doing profile guided devirt on Z JIT Spencer Comin bed45ec8c4 (0.33) Don't let JIT compile the methods we need to find in tests Keith W. Campbell c1ac36c5bf (0.33) Modify the translated PII files in nls folder 20220606 Dong Chen cd86de139e (0.33) Compile Windows jdk8 with VS2017 Peter Shipton ed2b037524 (0.33) When -Xcompressedrefs is specified, use that mode regardless of -Xmx Peter Shipton bf978d5030 (0.33) Fix usage of pTOC with portableSCC code run in P10 container Bhavani SN 39073b3eda (0.33) Improve error message when loading an invalid class version Gengchen Tuo a6133fabaf (0.33) Merge the latest NLS changes to the 0.33 branch Dong Chen c9a3773908 (0.33) Only add memory segments from core file to process view Keith W. Campbell 8bb1a164a8 (0.33.0) Fix generateSystemDump() to make "J9NO_DUMPS" work KONNO Kazuhiro 02a21c7927 (0.33.0) AArch64 macOS: Enable DDR build KONNO Kazuhiro c984fe3963 (0.33.0) Disable known object table in AOT compilation KONNO Kazuhiro 58258d0d12 Use System.nanoTime() for elapsed time measurement Jason Feng 056d987ce5 ClassLoader.getParent() should return null without security check Peter Shipton 2181a2ae9c Invoke SharedSecrets.setJavaLangAccess() before ensureProperties() Jason Feng cb69072434 UMA: Enable DDR for platforms with no JIT compiler Keith W. Campbell 7166082f51 Modify the translated PII files in nls folder 20220520 Dong Chen 45e4b0bd91 Remove tech preview message for JITServer on Z Dhruv Chopra 79a9781a26 Enable DDR for platforms with no JIT compiler Keith W. Campbell d1fe7e46a0 Thread.getContextClassLoader() should return null without security check Peter Shipton 739cf71452 Set gcc 10.3 compiler for JDK17+ on Linux platforms Violeta Sebe 2aff6afe0a Implement vabs and sqrt IL Opcodes midronij 57daad735b Add temporary Linux GCC11 specs to pipeline build Violeta Sebe 0f7633cab4 fix objectFieldOffset1 API for static fields Jack Lu c3cf96ce18 Allow jenkins to specify github URL prefix Keith W. Campbell eb81bd7da6 Add getDefaultValue helper function Ehren Julien-Neitzert cd8d7a2033 Remove special.system excludes from defaults.yml Peter Shipton e9e305a509 Replace VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL with NOT VERSION_LESS in gnu.cmake Devin Papineau 4c14832bc2 Set parallel numbers for jck lanxia 8539de26c1 Don't regress the default stack size in non-OpenJ9 builds Peter Shipton b655207b2b Only enable extended register support on JDK17+ Tobi Ajila f558bb9018 Add late-phase SCC disclaiming Christian Despres b671e69f42 Add optimization summary documents Annabelle Huo 6e6bc65cd3 Add CRIU security hooks Zainab Fatmi 19c3dc4984 Add CompilationInfo pointer into the J9JITConfig Manasha Vetrivelu 3c82c45fd6 Build jdknext with Semeru jdk18 now it's available Peter Shipton f2fe4b04aa Refactor CRIUConfigurator Tobi Ajila bb168d52e5 Correct list of functions exported by JVM Keith W. Campbell 91e41aeb0e Tests for final fields of hidden class, regular class, and interface Gengchen Tuo 8578238d13 Correctly use the return value of checkForCyclicalVerification() Hang Shao 4f26e7b300 Transform old vector opcodes into new ones Gita Koblents d016af902c Always call classMatchesCachedVersion in rememberClass Irwin D'Souza e8e52fd161 Add support for Jenkins built-in node Violeta Sebe 8f680f81d4 Add main thread stack size issue to the 0.32 release notes Peter Shipton f7ab2c6672 Correct usage of x86 directCallRequiresTrampoline() API Daryl Maier 0314f51a07 Support instruction encoding override on x86 BradleyWood 7202b6027b Extract the obfuscation change logs from build Gregory-Cernera 76f325cbc5 Add document for auto excluding multiple tests renfeiw d8b31c7405 cmdLineTester_AutoModuleClassloaderTest only runs at JDK 11+ Jason Feng 381e8c7ca1 Fix tracepoint matching Keith W. Campbell 9ccbcdb310 loadClass throws CNFE if findClass via bootstrapClassLoader not succeed Jason Feng 29e80bfd2d OpenJDK 11.0.16 AIX compilation requires xlc 16 Peter Shipton 7ce223882e Halt threads that are being attached in single thread mode take 2 Tobi Ajila dfb15c0979 Do not try to activate compilation thread during shutdown Marius Pirvu ed2acd5b94 Revert "Halt threads that are being attached in single thread mode" Peter Shipton a2b3ec4f3b Halt threads that are being attached in single thread mode Tobi Ajila f36b528daa Ignore case when comparing -Xtrace trigger component names Keith W. Campbell c9b514eb26 Jenkins: Detect full url in Pull Request depends Adam Brousseau 6a9ff6522c Add CRIU to the OpenJ9 docker file Violeta Sebe 8200834546 CMake: No need to build JPP a second time Keith W. Campbell 3e402e8748 Remove duplicate slash in URL for debug-image Keith W. Campbell 96b1e95e98 Suppress inlining of recognized methods without a call node Devin Papineau 1a50ea42cf Continue using DWARF version 4 even in gcc 11+ Keith W. Campbell 3549e2444d Update to OpenSSL 1.1.1o Keith W. Campbell ffc497e337 Fix warnings in Keith W. Campbell 83fdaf8d10 Add Compilation Control doc Irwin D'Souza 53e17d45be Rename configuration DDR_VM to GENERIC for extension repo closed dir Jason Feng 0bb7ce2d46 Re-enables JNI-direct for AOT on Power Bhavani SN d5f1557d35 Add OpenSSL 3 support to JITServer Christian Despres 7f4fdc29cf Fix Vector API method table entry for ternary ops Akira Saitoh c4f72ceaa0 Update release-process document to reflect current practices Peter Shipton 78a2268e24 Add support for primitive value type classes to JIT compiler Henry Zongaro 42f8029729 Remove references to non-existent package Keith W. Campbell 67385ce342 Add verification for value objects Ehren Julien-Neitzert e74e3c362c Implement DDR support for AArch64 macOS KONNO Kazuhiro 5c70620419 Improve java thread test for dynamic heapification Graham Chapman e6116c62aa Adopt RI java.lang.Thread Jason Feng 54fa5854c9 Capture trace output mask for reuse in auxiliary tracepoints Keith W. Campbell d75b44d99f Update doc about JITServer support on Linux on Z Marius Pirvu cbc6306559 Updated 0.31 and 0.32 release notes due to skipping 0.31 Release Sreekala Gopakumar f8c102339a Add CRIU tests Tobi Ajila 4eecc46a0f Mark unused tracepoint 'obsolete' Keith W. Campbell 9b82fccf82 Move J9 specific i386 evaluators to OpenJ9 BradleyWood 9bce816570 Prevent pushing null appendix object for invokedynamic and invokehandle Nazim Bhuiyan 56fe4ecc86 Fix compilation errors in the JIT in debug mode Alexey Khrabrov 5dcad738cc Enable profile directed guarded devirtualization by default in Z Spencer Comin 59f6494214 Adopt java.util.HashMap.newHashMap(numMappings) Jason Feng 2253949542 Update j9vm build dependencies for CRIU Tobi Ajila 20ba075915 Add Relocation Error Codes Irwin D'Souza 6663832596 Halt all non GC and JIT threads in single thread mode Tobi Ajila f1a031fbc2 Fix spill of hidden virtual-reg in StringLatin1.inflate BradleyWood 1e2542b0e0 Include criu.cpp when J9VM_OPT_CRIU_SUPPORT is enabled Jason Feng 0ec39086d2 Revert "Re-enables JNI-direct for AOT on Power" Peter Shipton 98ae8934d8 Added "jitserver" prefix to metric names suported by JITServer Marius Pirvu 0db32ff1de Invoke isCRIUSupportEnabled()/isCheckpointAllowed() w/o loading j9criu Jason Feng 13d99bd0df Inline comparison of VTs with either a single field or multiple integral fields in VP Annabelle Huo 4e80e32772 Improve JITServer message statistics Alexey Khrabrov 2b6177e09d Handle masks in VectorAPIExpansion Gita Koblents bb0b566606 Re-enables JNI-direct for AOT on Power Bhavani SN 2fd77d98c2 Add the exception check for initializeClassIfNeeded() Cheng Jin 0e17b98973 Remove unused J9VMThread fields Graham Chapman 10bf2cde0e JITServer AOT cache vlog improvements Alexey Khrabrov 319d8f7960 Don't return dark matter objects in DTFJ's JavaHeap.getObjects Kevin Grigorenko 6119547020 Fix unconditional JIT trace log updates from separateNullCheck Daryl Maier b894444c8b Include error details in JITServer network exception messages Alexey Khrabrov 3411281c1f Implement new vector opcodes Gita Koblents e14e2105f9 Print time spent in compilation queue in JIT performance vlogs Alexey Khrabrov 52ba2c014c Replace uses of structureRegion() with structureMemoryRegion() Daryl Maier af287d88f3 Add a TOC for compiler documents Annabelle Huo 3db1d838cc Add two APIs in ClassEnv Annabelle Huo 0b1e2ae289 TestSharedCacheEnableBCI fails periodically, raise # of classes diff Peter Shipton afa5334f99 Modify the translated PII files in nls folder 20220414 Dong Chen 8c1840d808 Add support for CRIU builds of jdk17-19 on x86-64_linux Keith W. Campbell cd9f62398f AArch64: Suppress compiler warnings in ExternalRelocation KONNO Kazuhiro f7150d3c51 Propagate return types for compare and blend vector intrinsics Gita Koblents 898b75c5be Fix behiavor of DREM bytecode with denormals Devin Nakamura 5939d39067 Fix typo - understand is one word Keith W. Campbell c39a91b422 APIs in should search VT method as constructor Hang Shao bd46a2f606 Share implementation of AOT processRelocations() across platforms Daryl Maier eb8be69132 Weaken subtyping assertion for invokevirtual of an interface method Devin Papineau e4cea4ada4 Remove useless version constraints from playlist.xml files Keith W. Campbell 52f4f77546 AArch64 macOS: Disable J9VM_INTERP_TWO_PASS_EXCLUSIVE KONNO Kazuhiro 9f0377ca05 Separate tests that rely on SecurityManager (Jsr292) Eric Yang 8a7ca229b6 Fix jdk/internal/misc/Unsafe.copyMemory crash without value propagation BradleyWood 194ae71190 Throw UnsatisfiedLink from System.loadLibrary() when library has a path Peter Shipton 43ba34deef Add missing java preprocessor flag for wi32 platform Keith W. Campbell fdd21ce2dc Stop running sysinfo_test_sysinfo_set_limit_ADDRESS_SPACE on OSX Peter Shipton 5aa160cb80 Initialize the cause of IllegalStateException in Throwable.initCause() Peter Shipton 691f52a58d AArch64 macOS: Disable J9VM_INTERP_ATOMIC_FREE_JNI_USES_FLUSH KONNO Kazuhiro 955459067e Do unprivileged CRIU dump if requested+supported Younes Manton 5415d5211d Remove criu spec suffix lanxia 3a0351b310 Move Thread.completeInitialization() into J9VMInternals Jason Feng e883388100 Remove redundant synchronization Keith W. Campbell 381caf7479 Delay loading JNI refs Tobi Ajila 0b2451b33d Add compiler option "-qnogonumber" on z/OS Keith W. Campbell 36be852d7f Fix incorrect offset for null terminated string Marius Pirvu 0cee33e559 Add temporary Linux GCC10 specs to pipeline build Violeta Sebe 0ddf81a822 Keep constants sorted alphabetically Keith W. Campbell 56da7ab3dc Enable AVX512 support BradleyWood a82f074d3a Remove obsolete content relating to zvarmaps.h Keith W. Campbell 3991785678 Support value classes Hang Shao 505015a71a Add skip hidden frame logic to getOwnedObjectMonitorsIterator Jack Lu da8311db8c Update the version and copyright date for libFFI Cheng Jin 4d7ae09728 Update document dates missed when updating to zlib 1.2.12 Peter Shipton 7e2ae51033 Improve openj9.sharedclasses Keith W. Campbell a935a72f0a Implement new vector types Gita Koblents 3745d393d5 Add AOT testing support for aarch64 platforms Peter Shipton cd0c55f57c Fix variable set but not used compile errors Kevin Grigorenko 01e12a87d7 Remove long disabled AOT code generator diagnostics Daryl Maier 5f38d87bad Separate tests that rely on SecurityManager (JLM_Tests) Eric Yang c61a5d4753 Update to zlib 1.2.12 Peter Shipton 02f383b464 Adding StringUTF16.putChar to unsafeFastPath opt jimmyk 308b057041 Simplify cast methods and remove redundant cast method calls Henry Zongaro 57e47c13bd Add support for a new offload type Peter Shipton fce9126c4d Add doc for AOT Debugging & fix bug in offset printing code Irwin D'Souza 2e63c71f72 Fix register spill issue in StringLatin1.inflate BradleyWood 6be84dfb59 On jdk11+ set sun.nio.MaxDirectMemorySize to -1 by default Peter Shipton 24f774b87c Remove unused stack depth parameters Keith W. Campbell 72cb416287 Consume new capture command line Java options Mike Zhang 28e439002e Enable stackprotect on z/OS with cmake Peter Shipton 83b2d95155 Introduce defineclass.c workaround for a jdk8 z/OS 64-bit compiler issue Peter Shipton a6a0c1c55e Update test document for feature tag renfeiw 4a697cc6c1 Add Java option to disable capturing command line Mike Zhang cc7d5cd87b Remove limit on maxStackFrames during getStackFramePCs Jack Lu bc954034d1 Average Copy Forward Rate fix Aleksandar Micic 0575e93e6c Reenable Nestmate_virtual_private test on z/OS Spencer Comin 08ef861730 JITServer custom metrics exporter for Prometheus Marius Pirvu d7cc96ddd4 Use scalar instructions for fma method on Z by default Spencer Comin e20b061344 SATB: TLH Batch Mark and Inline allocations Salman Rana cc41409c30 Fix typo, remove redundant spacing Keith W. Campbell 6d33d129b7 Only CONSTANT_Methodref requires the void return type check Babneet Singh 8328690c86 Temporarily disable capturing the command line on z/OS Keith W. Campbell 2ea2b1ea4c InternalCRIUSupport & APIs are available for all builds Jason Feng cd3465ad82 Disable AOT compilation when SCC is read only KONNO Kazuhiro cc390f8cef Enable CRIU simple test Longyu Zhang 2ceddd9dd3 Set SDK_RESOURCE in pipeline Nadeen aec8396348 Use named type for unsafe.inlineTypesLock Ehren Julien-Neitzert a12f4ec4ca Run xlinux criu build on bare cent7 Adam Brousseau 1c65238f8e Fix limited doPrivilegedWithCombiner calls Mike Zhang 3d4cf5327f Add tests for compareAndSetValue and related unsafe APIs Ehren Julien-Neitzert 49885948ee Tune z/OS compilation to 12 (z14) Peter Shipton cc586f03bd Delay lock-related operations in single thread mode Tobi Ajila a5549a14ee CMake: Add riscv cache files Devin Nakamura 1621137e34 Fix findstackvalue DDR command Keith W. Campbell 3d78120fea Implement compareAndSetValue and related Unsafe APIs Ehren Julien-Neitzert 2e10536c04 jdk11: adjust signature of JVM_LoadLibrary() Keith W. Campbell 58ee060567 AttachAPI improves selfAttach w/o notification & Reply files Jason Feng 70fb4f1eb2 Remove CALL_BUNDLED_FUNCTIONS_DIRECTLY Keith W. Campbell 9f55c40e23 HCR dynamic heapification improvements Graham Chapman b7b862e66d Reapply improved IL for transformed value types helper calls in Value Propagation Henry Zongaro da68595b0f Print compressedPointersShift to the Vlog Christian Despres 704a62aa75 Replace CFR_ACC_ATOMIC with CFR_ACC_PERMITS_VALUE Hang Shao be6646a904 Add tracepoints to the shared cache impl, and tweak CacheFullTests Peter Shipton 03617005cd Fix >4k field offset path for unresolved field load/store in Z codegen Kevin Langman ab898f2ac0 Temporary compile fix for VT builds Graham Chapman 8b96cd5c26 Update to OpenSSL 1.1.1n Keith W. Campbell 425ce05318 Revert "Improve IL for array load and store helpers for value types support" Peter Shipton 34b599fd97 Improve IL for array load and store helpers for value types support Henry Zongaro ec37a75627 Skip hidden frames during iterateStackTrace call Jack Lu 0cf9854047 Replace powerpc/libffi with the latest version in GitHub Cheng Jin 467473b120 Tidy up m4 assembler source Keith W. Campbell 4c7c08c8d8 Update freetype prereq on AIX to be 2.8-1 Peter Shipton 0575fb08d3 Add diagnostics to compInfoPT assertion Christian Despres 3262dbe447 First cut of HCR dynamic heapification Graham Chapman 5109e0ed91 RISC-V: backport libffi commit aa3fce08 Jan Vrany 95981b1352 Preserve ymm/zmm registers on x Devin Nakamura 0654396917 Remove specializations for obsolete TreeMap methods Daryl Maier e1e0401e2f Use auto include for variable JAVA_SECURITY_MANAGER in testing renfeiw 4b916e1d9e Address potential race condition at checkpoint during shutdown Irwin D'Souza 5059d51186 Add AArch64 macOS known issues to v.0.31.0 / v.0.32.0 release notes KONNO Kazuhiro ac4ea82df2 loadClass() continues if findClass via bootstrapClassLoader not succeed Jason Feng 67cddd7a17 Move CRIU.isCRIUSupportEnabled() & related APIs into java.base Jason Feng 2375a97699 Remove inherited command line from environment Keith W. Campbell 86828e9f18 Capture Thread.contextClassLoader in javadumps Keith W. Campbell 4953ba9aa6 Handle Compilation Threads at checkpoint/restore Irwin D'Souza 39519dd8e0 Fix printing in printCompYieldStats Christian Despres e21b7d855e Add build instructions for jdk18 Peter Shipton 0660567ec1 Enable inlineEncodeASCII optimization for Java 17 Dhruv Chopra 9899dd5eed Add 0.32 initial release notes Peter Shipton 2315c5515e Add release note for new SharedClassStatistics API Peter Shipton df2e6b85b7 CMake: Don't build the jit on riscv Devin Nakamura ff131a501e Add criu label for testing lanxia 03b656440d Improve conceptual integrity of SVM nomenclature Irwin D'Souza 910b03a8ff AArch64: Implement Locals Compaction Akira Saitoh 6c4b1d4226 Enable cmdLineTester_jvmtitests_* on AArch64 macOS KONNO Kazuhiro 120e127a2c Update README for Jenkins jobs KONNO Kazuhiro 3c2401c706 Adjust for signature change to NativeLibraries.load() in Java 19 Keith W. Campbell 931d428d8f CMake: Update jit compiler defines Devin Nakamura 16a1927c44 Build-Test-All remove 8 from aarch64_mac, and add aarch64_mac to all Peter Shipton 6ab736265b Inline StringCoding.encodeASCII on Z Dhruv Chopra eaf334b3f7 Use va_list for arguments in JVMTI variadic functions KONNO Kazuhiro 8c61cbd25a Remove -XX:+EnableValhalla and -XX:-EnableValhalla Hang Shao 66e23720be AArch64 macOS: Add calls to pthread_jit_write_protect_np() KONNO Kazuhiro 1f29b7e4ef Add release note for -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize change in Java 11+ Peter Shipton cc42691db1 Fix reference to array that is out of scope Keith W. Campbell afec27560d Separate tests that rely on SecurityManager (Java8andUp) Eric Yang b83061b060 Workaround a compile problem with VectorAPIExpansion.cpp on z/OS Keith W. Campbell 93fef02044 Fix Xmns value under -Xtune:throughput Marius Pirvu 15740a52fb Capture command line on z/OS Keith W. Campbell 435a003041 Remove MaxDirectMemorySize default size in JDK11+ Tobi Ajila f99336c862 Implement SVM J2I thunk validation and guarantee resolved virtual dispatch under SVM on x86 Devin Papineau 113ff54c48 Enable Idiom Recognition outside of jitserver Henry Zongaro a501c1e156 Stop extending boolean to uint32 in JNI calls KONNO Kazuhiro 0404f71691 Set DYNAMIC_COMPILE to false for valhalla lanxia 0364f4db0a Fix for increased tlhSurvivorDiscardThreshold for PGC Aleksandar Micic 245cd10a22 CRIU internal hook functions require current thread Jason Feng d4ac696084 Remove unflattened test cases for get/putValue Ehren Julien-Neitzert 84e6f5ffa8 Minor cmake clean-up Keith W. Campbell

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • openj9-0.32.0(Apr 22, 2022)

    Eclipse release plan: Release notes:

    Release details:

    Branch name: v0.32.0-release Tag: openj9-0.32.0

    Repo SHAs:

    OpenJ9: 9a84ec34ed3 OMR: ab24b666659

    Security Vulnerabilities Resolved CVE-2021-41041

    JITServer Helm Chart - Easier deployment of JITServer technology in a Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster

    For details about the release and release candidates, please see:

    For the list of OMR changes see

    OpenJ9 Changes

    9dccbe076db..9a84ec34ed3 9a84ec34ed3 (0.32) Add the exception check for initializeClassIfNeeded() Cheng Jin d7362b6d29f (0.32.0) Disable StringLatin1.inflate on x86. BradleyWood ef249cfd5ac (0.32.0) Weaken subtyping assertion for invokevirtual of an interface method Devin Papineau 3120c68e863 (0.32) AArch64 macOS: Disable J9VM_INTERP_ATOMIC_FREE_JNI_USES_FLUSH KONNO Kazuhiro 959fc503030 (v0.32.0) Add skip hidden frame logic to getOwnedObjectMonitorsIterator Jack Lu 98ba3d55f0f (v0.32)Update the version and copyright date for libFFI Cheng Jin f7474c2e40d (0.32) Update document dates missed when updating to zlib 1.2.12 Peter Shipton 658563d073f (0.32) Update to zlib 1.2.12 Peter Shipton 32ed3173b66 (0.32) On jdk11+ set sun.nio.MaxDirectMemorySize to -1 by default Peter Shipton f9db7506b62 (v0.32.0) Consume new capture command line Java options Mike Zhang aba71a72d41 (v0.32.0) Average Copy Forward Rate fix Aleksandar Micic 4f045b72844 (v0.32.0) Remove limit on maxStackFrames during getStackFramePCs Jack Lu b51be4d94f8 [0.32] Only CONSTANT_Methodref requires the void return type check Babneet Singh c4369c5e078 (v0.32.0) Add Java option to disable capturing command line Mike Zhang dd29a39d406 (v0.32.0)Fix limited doPrivilegedWithCombiner calls Mike Zhang c2ebb241fd1 (0.32.0) jdk11: adjust signature of JVM_LoadLibrary() Keith W. Campbell 160f148a0a8 (0.32.0) Update to OpenSSL 1.1.1n Keith W. Campbell 6dbe50f27f3 (0.32.0) Update skip Hidden frames logic in stacktrace Jack Lu 062a2166661 (v0.32.0-release) loadClass() continues if findClass via bootstrapClassLoader not succeed Jason Feng d4546b276f8 (0.32.0) Capture Thread.contextClassLoader in javadumps Keith W. Campbell 751761f1a7a (0.32.0) Inline StringCoding.encodeASCII and String.encodeASCII on Z Dhruv Chopra a467385add4 (0.32.0) Enable JVMTI tests on AArch64 macOS KONNO Kazuhiro 15ddff56c24 (0.32.0) Use va_list for arguments in JVMTI variadic functions KONNO Kazuhiro 708e710eae1 (0.32.0) Fix reference to array that is out of scope Keith W. Campbell 185c88f51cc (0.32) Remove MaxDirectMemorySize default size in JDK11+ Tobi Ajila 344cc9415c7 Handle compare() and blend() intrinsics in VectorAPIExpansion Gita Koblents f4b469e1391 Use C-style comments Keith W. Campbell 9fffff964d6 Use IBM_JAVA_COMMAND_LINE if OPENJ9_JAVA_COMMAND_LINE is not defined Keith W. Campbell 852c026a12e Revert "auto exclude test jit_compareAndBranch_0 testflag=aot" Devin Papineau ae780a144dc AArch64 macOS: Stop extending boolean to uint32 in JNI calls KONNO Kazuhiro 68f2d9d26b7 Enable DYNAMIC_COMPILE=true for functional and external testing lanxia 038e6898377 Exclude testSharedCacheJvmtiAPI on AArch64 macOS KONNO Kazuhiro 016ce8a1e28 AArch64 macOS: Add calls to pthread_jit_write_protect_np() KONNO Kazuhiro b94daae4090 Fix missing condition for scrubbing reference of unamedModuleObject Lin Hu c67548fb3c7 Add implementation of Class.isValue() Hang Shao 40dcefdd95e Update SystemPropertiesTest to work on AIX Peter Shipton a245e34090b Simplify -Xaggressive code Marius Pirvu e21d9431220 Allow more expensive hot compilations under -Xtune:throughput Marius Pirvu 934d6561d9d Fix a typo in handling vsplats Gita Koblents ce1c984f065 Replaces uses of currentThread with walkThread in jswalk (v2) Tobi Ajila 500e0a26e2c Update JITServer minor version Irwin D'Souza c0f57714201 AArch64 macOS: Handling 8/16-bit integer arguments for JNI KONNO Kazuhiro a3bfd1b0551 Revert "Replaces uses of currentThread with walkThread in jswalk" Peter Shipton d7974d2318c Replaces uses of currentThread with walkThread in jswalk Tobi Ajila 43f2abff14f JDK19 uses NativeLibraries.newInstance() API Jason Feng 5406970f291 Avoid r11 in iTable offset tag bits check on Power Younes Manton c16fbc62c87 Minor CRIU fixes Keith W. Campbell 21f8750e337 Capture command line on macOS Keith W. Campbell ed430d715a4 CRIU implement internal hooks mechanism Jason Feng 315c6016407 Fix JVMTI objectMonitorEnter return status code check Jason Feng 412e2dbd8d7 Fix iTable offset tag bits check on Power Younes Manton 39c490eafca Capture command line on AIX Keith W. Campbell 3473378782f Fix scalarization of broadcast for byte and short Gita Koblents ec5174ea70a Capture command line in environment on Linux and Windows Keith W. Campbell 7a8eb84e43b Guard JITServer version printing Christian Despres 49c68d7f12d Eliminate VM_isString1 messages from JITServer Christian Despres 31aa58b5dde Exclude cmdLineTester_fieldwatchtests on AArch64 macOS KONNO Kazuhiro 24e96f0dca2 Fix AArch64 cache line size in ContendedFieldsTests KONNO Kazuhiro 5efd8bf8031 Run RAS API tests with GC policy optthruput and a fixed 1500MB heap Keith W. Campbell 2211e648167 Avoid shadowing local variable Keith W. Campbell d212ef8ffc0 Update JNI Target relocation record to have offset to the reloLocation. Irwin D'Souza 468fc46a167 SysPropTest constructs String w/ native.encoding Jason Feng 1d86fec94cd Add new string table for jdk19 annotation tests Mike Zhang ab911c81be9 auto exclude test Jep389Tests_testClinkerFfi_DownCall_0 testflag=aot dsouzai 1a2a30ae434 Eliminate the effect -Xaggressive has on switching to profiling Marius Pirvu f1a8358006b AArch64: Preserve vector registers across helper calls Akira Saitoh a4bf608ddd7 Add new flag for ACC_PRIMITIVE Hang Shao c462b8b9d0c Add USE_EXTENDED_VECTOR_REGISTERS runtime flag. Devin Nakamura 48aad48d28b Rename bytecode defaultValue to aconst_init Hang Shao 8c517014d87 Add deserialized method flag to method MetaData Christian Despres b1d9e942c74 Modify JITServerTest to retry finding open ports Christian Despres db397176c2b Recognize ternaryOp VectorAPI intrinsic and simplify using vcall Gita Koblents 0fee70b8098 Small changes to vlog output for various failing conditions Marius Pirvu 66af81fa95c Add missing BIO_free_all() call when SSL certificate verification fails Alexey Khrabrov cfef96b343f AArch64 macOS: Add OpenSSL options KONNO Kazuhiro 14966d1f3e7 Add missed rememberReferenceIfRequired call Dmitri Pivkine 1e35da78c04 Rename flag OJDKTHREAD_SUPPORT to OPENJDK_THREAD_SUPPORT Keith W. Campbell 4c1178cdfe5 Use to disable known AOT tests Irwin D'Souza 4559bed897b Handle TLHRemainders inside CopyForward - recycle Lin Hu 84a47f41bae Create release notes for 0.30.1 and update 0.30 Peter Shipton aa7d7257479 Revert "Preserve ymm/zmm registers on x" Peter Shipton 95ef62d445b Use feature tag for aot information renfeiw bf32714c9c0 Preserve ymm/zmm registers on x Devin Nakamura 1a9c89a8374 Add release documentation for -XX:[+|-]ShowHiddenFrames Jack Lu bebad2c9083 Replace forceUnresolvedDispatch() with isResolved*DispatchGuaranteed() Devin Papineau 99077564bf9 auto exclude test jit_compareAndBranch_0 testflag=aot renfeiw ddcabd22fcb RISC-V: improve / fix riscvnathelp.m4 and riscvhelpers.m4 Jan Vrany 19b2dc1c545 Remove unused exports in java.base/ Peter Shipton 90a85f79502 AArch64: Preserve vector registers across calls Akira Saitoh a8f9946f1ca Correctly throw UOE from setSecurityManager Babneet Singh 2941a0ff7bc Update gcRotatingVerbose comments Longyu Zhang 35ee29bd08b Avoid leading tabs in makefiles outside of recipes Keith W. Campbell f439243d420 Relax overly strict assertions Keith W. Campbell ecc33af2491 Fix JIT code breakpoints on x86 Daryl Maier 6a442751a9e Add tests for getValue, putValue, and getObjectSize Unsafe apis Ehren Julien-Neitzert 88c97662c8a Option to print JITServer malloc statistics at JIT dump on Linux Alexey Khrabrov fb9389e0d36 Remove runAqaConfig.json Nadeen 08c227fdda9 AArch64 macOS: Exclude functional tests on AArch64 macOS KONNO Kazuhiro 61b69ecc875 JDK19 adds JVM_LoadZipLibrary stub method Jason Feng 597313ae5fe Balanced GC resizing Aleksandar Micic 41eba143a34 Reset gcRotatingVerboseLogTests GC cycle file number Longyu Zhang 9398b11019e Update behaviour Babneet Singh 9073fbc36cd Build functional tests without failing when DDR is not supported KONNO Kazuhiro b2ff8022051 Fix check in trcModulesAddReadsModule function Mike Zhang dfef5e77565 Don't set remoteCompReq flag if AOT load Dhruv Chopra 3c7eeeb714b PGC consumption rate Aleksandar Micic 457f49932c3 Mark receivers of all constructors as oslots Tobi Ajila ee6bbaabd03 Modify initial invocation counts at high occupancy Christian Despres 4147199d769 Don't use '-rdynamic' on Linux by default Keith W. Campbell 311051a0fdd Enable GCRotatingVerboseLogTests for ibm 8 Longyu Zhang fbf1a859647 JDK19 fix doclint:reference Jason Feng e5de7d030c6 Initial Add Mac Aarch64 to pipelines Adam Brousseau 87dac449074 Throw an exception in arrayIndexScale when index scale is not a power of 2 Ehren Julien-Neitzert 739de03a5b0 Add stub VT method to unblock Valhalla builds Hang Shao 3b4b997b371 Enable GC rotating verbose log tests for jdk 11 and up Longyu Zhang 0d09d580887 Remove useless Keith W. Campbell bddca612631 Thread refactoring to match ibmruntime jdk extension repo PR #387 Jason Feng 85c437d9606 Transform flattened array element load and store in VP Annabelle Huo da7a1cfae09 Remove TR_ResolvedJ9JITServerMethod::fieldOrStaticName() Alexey Khrabrov 1bb8b61d985 Do not wait for message under lock in TR_J9ServerVM::classHasBeenExtended() Alexey Khrabrov a2375a8cab1 Create initial release notes document for 0.31 Peter Shipton 91a8223abd7 Remove obsolete specs XL,mixed & cmake/uma Adam Brousseau e33633fe77b Exclude functional tests on AArch64 macOS KONNO Kazuhiro 2153d7a83c3 Remove whitespace in RootScanner Tobi Ajila 17f9c389be6 [JEP416] Add caller sensitive adapter methods in java.lang.Class Babneet Singh 82a44d33d85 AArch64 macOS: Add calls to pthread_jit_write_protect_np() KONNO Kazuhiro dddb90f4e60 Fix inappropriate error about case-insensitive file match found Keith W. Campbell 52759a09b66 Make JITServer reconnection wait time configurable Alexey Khrabrov 2e8d6bfbb72 Reformat [IF JAVA_SPEC_VERSION >= 18] macros Babneet Singh 72e46857b55 Rename array shape constants Ehren Julien-Neitzert 174e82d8eee Throw correct exception when initialization already failed Eric Yang bdf0b3d46fd Convert AUTOMATIC_GENERATION to boolean lanxia 5e9bd4ea031 AArch64 macOS: Enable JIT and AOT KONNO Kazuhiro d4353ee5adf Fix debug build of the compiler component Alexey Khrabrov b9c912a133c Add bootloader unnamed module to root set Tobi Ajila f9835f865f2 Support -XX:[+/-]ShowHiddenFrames option Jack Lu 3014733705f Switch to Java 18 method signatures for Vector API Gita Koblents 3c07037b8b0 Change GCRQueuedThresholdForCounting value for JITServer AOT cache Marius Pirvu 950dca91912 AArch64 macOS: Call pthread_jit_write_protect_np() KONNO Kazuhiro 729fc428fc8 JEP389/419 Foreign Linker API: DownCall (Phase 2 & 3 / struct support) Cheng Jin f07b484d053 Use --with-openssl=fetched on Windows Keith W. Campbell bb7bc817960 Update copyright Dhruv Chopra c15bc4a570d Set parameters for generating test jobs lanxia 2a80e4c17a3 Cache client array class element size Christian Despres 4660d4241a6 Change signatures in JDK17 Keith W. Campbell 77e6bb228f7 Update JITServer docs about actions needed when extending ClientSessionData Marius Pirvu 9c4eb46f3d6 Clean up Keith W. Campbell 39940360f2e Run VectorAPIExpansion earlier in hot, scorching, and AOT strategies Gita Koblents 3216906e8ea Implement getObjectSize Unsafe API Ehren Julien-Neitzert 8fb5d4ddfa8 Add tests for valueHeaderSize and uninitializedDefaultValue Unsafe apis Ehren Julien-Neitzert c38709195b1 JDK17 adds Access.encodeASCII() & NativeLibraries.load() Jason Feng 1b529c00f8a Revert "JEP389/419 Foreign Linker API: DownCall (Phase 2 & 3 / struct support)" Peter Shipton d877c3fae88 JEP389/419 Foreign Linker API: DownCall (Phase 2 & 3 / struct support) Cheng Jin fa682a6b708 Remove unused frontend function isString(uintptr_t objectPointer) Marius Pirvu 5c28e8a2a72 JDK18 deprecates getObjectPendingFinalizationCount & runFinalization Jason Feng 5aac7ed1692 Separate console encoding tests that aren't supported on jdk18 Peter Shipton 536acc0959f Use omrstr_current_time_zone in javadump, emit time zone in the jitserver verbose log Christian Despres 5e8d8ce5753 Updates to AsyncGetCallTrace Graham Chapman 4ba73dfa870 Set an appropriate -Xmx for testing RAS Peter Shipton 1523f60f311 Create -Xtune:throughput option and set options that favor throughput plus other cleanup Marius Pirvu a8242cf13af Modify getObjectAlignmentInBytes for jitserver Christian Despres d59a197aac6 Process aladd offsets that can fit in 32 bits Vijay Sundaresan 2eaaf65ed2a [JEP416] Add caller sensitive adapter method in java.lang.ClassLoader Babneet Singh 394279b057f AArch64: Load function pointers from memory using a macro KONNO Kazuhiro c1d49f52658 Set a small -Xmx for testing RAS Peter Shipton e7aecc727d6 Auto-download OpenSSL on Windows Adam Brousseau b19c509f67d Add missing release note and known problem Peter Shipton dee8abf3776 Validate the count field when deserializing StringBuffer/StringBuilder Jason Feng 43e234f72ac Resolve in zlib Peter Shipton 1649081119f JDK18+ disable finalization accordingly to command line option Jason Feng d50d7c16e3b JEP 400 maps -Dfile.encoding=COMPAT to platform encoding Jason Feng 236f72f215f Fix native.encoding and properly initialize the console charset Peter Shipton 4a7e167e63a Fix the start of internal control flow and deps in inlining StringLatin1Inflate Annabelle Huo 99609bce41b Provide default stack size from VM Mike Zhang 139b3ad8477 Add parameters to run specific aqa-tests releases lanxia 957f6f99ccc Fix verbose output for safeReservePhysicalMemoryValue KONNO Kazuhiro 15e3a021ea5 Fix UMA builds for Java 18+ Keith W. Campbell b1b48b4ce82 RISC-V: fix UMA-based build to build and run constgen Jan Vrany 22ecd784c6a Fix javadoc for hook registration methods Thomas Watson 3f123a16aa4 Emit the start time in the jitserver verbose log Christian Despres ea3e7c279e0 Implement putValue and getValue Unsafe APIs Ehren Julien-Neitzert 32e330c2cd5 Add CRIU support system property Tobi Ajila 7f25c63ac21 Make the JIT use a single consistent vmentry for each MethodHandle Devin Papineau 0ad68208b73 Fix ddr modularity test, jdk17+ doesn't support --illegal-access option Peter Shipton 31009af858e Update some instances of AdoptOpenJDK to Adoptium Peter Shipton 1da92fef0dc Update release_process with time line guidance Peter Shipton 22a87913ef3 Update top level OpenJ9 and OMR copyrights to 2022 Peter Shipton 34bb0a7d3f6 Thread.stop() is deprecated for removal in jdk18 Peter Shipton 2090eddb873 Use String.isEmpty() for Java 8 compatibility Jason Feng f77aa0b4965 Cache the result of objectAlignmentInBytes Amarpreet Singh d693065a767 AArch64: Add support for macOS in JNILinkage KONNO Kazuhiro fa69dafd009 Re-organize TestUtilities Shelley Lambert 9bed0bf3049 Move the check on the constant module/package flag to checkPool() Cheng Jin 1bfc2a5319f AArch64: Disabling Subrange Overlap test Siri Sahithi Ponangi 31a83610890 Simplify capacity of HashMap Keith W. Campbell fc95e91365b Add criu build targets Tobi Ajila baf669d39b7 Tune JITServer AOT cache Marius Pirvu df9cb7be94d Open RT Log per compilation thread Irwin D'Souza 107eaa30bce Replace vlogAcquire()/vlogRelease() pairs with CriticalSection Devin Papineau 1ca232b131f Fix GPUAssist enablement test Keith W. Campbell 407f86f1493 Minor improvements to java.lang.System Keith W. Campbell 61b8fe6692e Replace delayedErrorCode with errorCode for the bad offset in stackmaps Cheng Jin 258ff43b2f5 Fix GPUAssist enablement Keith W. Campbell 1862845ebc0 Shared cache - fix comparison > 0 after nattach declaration change Peter Shipton e5c848efa91 Throw the VerifyError in the case of the bad offset in stackmaps Cheng Jin 668a2b12572 Adopt RI java.lang.Thread/ThreadGroup w/ opt_ojdkThreadSupport Jason Feng 9491e75aa02 AArch64: Use factory methods for creating MemoryReference Akira Saitoh da072298185 AIX: correct a variable declaration by removing the keyword volatile aixtools aka Michael Felt 3cf0509e7e0 Implement SharedClassStatistics.numberAttached(), cachePath(), etc. Peter Shipton e93a9a67873 Update license copyrights missed by previous commits Peter Shipton 202f718b04f Run GCCheck test on Metronome with noobjectheap option Peter Shipton 7fe68f5ae7d AArch64: Provide factory methods for MemoryReference objects Akira Saitoh 0e968d45567 Implement valueHeaderSize and uninitializedDefaultValue Unsafe apis Ehren Julien-Neitzert c3284bd2e4e Unify the code of hashing function signature & arguments in downcall Cheng Jin ffe24a393ba Remove --enable-preview for JEP 358/360/384/389/397 tests Jason Feng ca2a78c3b57 Add calculate element address with element stride Annabelle Huo 5a290166a99 Use correct add instruction in inlineStringLatin1Inflate Dhruv Chopra 3ba8c916bf8 Prevent recognition of J9VMInternals.getSuperclass under FSD Daryl Maier 4fb0936fbdf Add latest_exclude_19.txt Jason Feng f98ef331a5e Add jvmtitests_excludes_19.xml Jason Feng 14e47626003 JDK19 bringup Jason Feng 31c72bd4ca4 VMCPTool adds a NOT operator ! for J9 flags Jason Feng f84f5b65b20 Add jdk18 to pipelines Adam Brousseau 54ffa035950 Update OpenSSL except Windows to 1.1.1m Peter Shipton db3d8519853 JDK18 specifies file.encoding UTF-8 when w/o command line defines Jason Feng 338146f5817 Scan hidden fields for instance description bits Tobi Ajila 4bdd2a99db1 Don't create non-relocatable table during AOT in IdiomRecognition Gita Koblents 1eee7848566 Add user hooks capabilities Tobi Ajila ab7adf91d3f Rewrite MN.resolve logic on updating method flags Jack Lu 2871b64e323 JDK18 isReflectionMethod checks Method.invoke(Object,Object[],Class<?>) Jason Feng ff268e520c9 Add a test case in ShareClassesCML with verbose output enabled Hang Shao 2736f740ef0 Add findOrFabricateFlattenedArrayElementFieldShadowSymbol Annabelle Huo 9f6e55d3a25 Mark Object.finalize() for removal in Java 18+ Keith W. Campbell d77dbd9fd65 Temporarily disable Java16andUp tests on hotspot renfeiw 75fed062b46 Add tracepoints to decompilation paths Tobi Ajila 2e04a33816e Update the FFI downcall code for primitives against JEP419 in Java18 Cheng Jin 5b77388bdb2 JDK18 adds --finalization=[enabled|disabled] Jason Feng 95691ded2b5 Standard SATB Barrier Implementation Salman Rana 6ee956033d7 Define JVM_IsFinalizationEnabled() for Java 18+ Keith W. Campbell f5069c6c95d Update docker script Keith W. Campbell 63d3fba981d Clarify J9Class.ramConstantPool Keith W. Campbell ff49abb14c5 Correct URLs targeting Keith W. Campbell 9bccda0da34 Add 0.29.1 release notes Peter Shipton 2b04806e52c Prevent VP Object.clone transformation under involuntary OSR Devin Papineau 30224204f34 Compile MHInterpreter code only if OPT_METHOD_HANDLE Keith W. Campbell 5afc033b29e Fix inconsistency between J9Class and annotation data when redefine (take 2) Eric Yang bd8ad84fc38 JDK8 Thread.cleanup requires TerminatingThreadLocal.threadTerminated() Jason Feng 0f92184aec1 Add release documentation for java option -XX:[+|-]EnsureHashed Eric Yang eba5fd4094c Prevent FPE in scaleSizeBasedOnBlockFrequency() float to int32 cast Kevin Langman 3cbebb1ab73 Impose a limit on the compilation queue size Marius Pirvu 376e221fec3 Fix GCCheck class not found error Longyu Zhang 7d365bcf52d Revert "Fix inconsistency between J9Class and annotation data when redefine" Peter Shipton eb2bd2a183b Omit non-applicable items from generated constant pool Keith W. Campbell e7f15177007 Avoid scanning the compilation queue for duplicates Marius Pirvu 7257cb535b0 Fix inconsistency between J9Class and annotation data when redefine Eric Yang d80f4dee7e7 Add java option to ensure classes are hashed Eric Yang 8b18a989f32 Avoid locking the CHTable at end of compilation if possible Marius Pirvu 5fc5eef7f1c Update getMemberVMInfo behavior to match RI Jack Lu 95066f40172 Ensure MessageTypes.hpp sees the definition of J9VM_OPT_METHOD_HANDLE Marius Pirvu

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • openj9-0.30.1(Feb 8, 2022)

    Eclipse release plan: Release notes:

    Release details:

    Branch name: v0.30.1-release Tag: openj9-0.30.1

    Repo SHAs:

    OpenJ9: 9dccbe076db OMR: 56c3376ba05

    Security Vulnerabilities Resolved N/A

    JITServer Helm Chart - Easier deployment of JITServer technology in a Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster

    For details about the release and release candidates, please see:

    For the list of OMR changes see

    OpenJ9 Changes


    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • openj9-0.30.0(Jan 28, 2022)

    Eclipse release plan: Release notes:

    Release details:

    Branch name: v0.30.0-release Tag: openj9-0.30.0

    Repo SHAs:

    OpenJ9: 9dccbe076db OMR: dac962a283a

    Security Vulnerabilities Resolved CVE-2022-21293

    JITServer Helm Chart - Easier deployment of JITServer technology in a Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster

    For details about the release and release candidates, please see:

    For the list of OMR changes see

    OpenJ9 Changes

    7d055dfcb71..9dccbe076db 9dccbe076d (v0.30.0-release) Set parameters for generating test jobs lanxia #14348 f441547b87 (0.30.0) Change signatures in JDK17 Keith W. Campbell #14341 985570d1d8 (v0.30.0-release) JDK17 adds Access.encodeASCII() & NativeLibraries.load() Jason Feng #14337 64de14a314 Set an appropriate -Xmx for testing RAS Peter Shipton #14320 bebfe68429 (0.30.0) Add release documentation for java option -XX:[+|-]EnsureHashed Eric Yang #14306 3e9e8e0c86 (0.30.0) Add missing release note and known problem Peter Shipton #14317 cc4a06b4aa (0.30.0) Auto-download OpenSSL on Windows Peter Shipton #14316 c6409635c8 (v0.30.0-release) Validate the count field when deserializing StringBuffer/StringBuilder Jason Feng #14315 c6d2d6bb16 (0.30.0) Resolve in zlib Peter Shipton #14313 82885335a1 (0.30.0) Fix the start of internal control flow and deps Annabelle Huo #14294 3953acb822 (0.30.0) Add parameters to run specific aqa-tests releases lanxia #14295 6847177666 (0.30.0) AIX: correct a variable declaration by removing the keyword volatile aixtools aka Michael Felt #14214 367f8190c5 (0.30.0) Update license copyrights missed by previous commits Peter Shipton #14162 bebc94a290 Use correct add instruction in inlineStringLatin1Inflate Dhruv Chopra #14181 f2257990eb (0.30.0) Prevent recognition of J9VMInternals.getSuperclass under FSD Daryl Maier #14164 9d421c925d (0.30.0) Update OpenSSL except Windows to 1.1.1m Peter Shipton #14160 2ca10abbb2 (0.30.0) Don't create non-relocatable table during AOT in IdiomRecognition Gita Koblents #14151 eead766b3c (0.30.0) Ensure MessageTypes.hpp sees the definition of J9VM_OPT_METHOD_HANDLE Marius Pirvu #14156 ebcfd68c8c (0.30.0) Prevent VP Object.clone transformation under involuntary OSR Devin Papineau #14105 f55998fdac (0.30.0) Add tracepoints to decompilation paths Tobi Ajila #14121 0097e93c47 (0.30.0) Fix inconsistency between J9Class and annotation data when redefine Eric Yang #14059 0034e9e3fd (v0.30.0-release) JDK8 Thread.cleanup requires TerminatingThreadLocal.threadTerminated() Jason Feng #14070 f601c03376 (0.30.0) Add java option to ensure classes are hashed Eric Yang #14057 8158af43b4 j9gc_createJavaLangString() must use Unicode length for Unicode strings Peter Shipton #14041 4d741e5d40 Implement Stable annotations for arrays Gita Koblents #13926 eb988ed5e5 Use an object of java.lang.Thread to test Class.descriptorString() Hang Shao #14003 ab061fae56 Remove redundant check of non-Windows platform Keith W. Campbell #14033 13ca3998af Add testing for isFlattened and IsFlattenedArray Unsafe methods Ehren Julien-Neitzert #13961 80d27b0248 Handle unaryOp intrinsic in VectorAPIExpansion Gita Koblents #13912 ea06f7479e Account for AOT cache hits in JITServer message statistics Alexey Khrabrov #14017 323cb8e43e Disable stackMap cache during ASGCT Graham Chapman #14023 921f1f8245 AArch64: Implement JIT field watch support Akira Saitoh #13989 9366ec94dd Revert "Disable stackMap cache during ASGCT" Peter Shipton #14020 1e419ae07d Check for NULL before using the APIs in TR_J9SharedCache Irwin D'Souza #14018 161b2251e7 Disable stackMap cache during ASGCT Graham Chapman #14007 73bf9f0ae9 CMake enablement for libjvm31 shim library Joran Siu #13365 73dac1a16e Move new fields from TR_MethodToBeCompiled to CompilationInfoPerThreadRemote Alexey Khrabrov #13962 5cbb9292dd Move ASGCT resolve frame to proper scope Graham Chapman #13979 014646160e Fix link warnings on Windows Keith W. Campbell #14006 bf11aca8a4 AArch64: Fix the check for value type monitorEnter/Exit KONNO Kazuhiro #13928 f9983ad966 Update method description to match Javadoc Babneet Singh #13991 c3e6fede07 Remove functions related to non-existent JITHelpers features Keith W. Campbell #13971 f73492aba2 Visit enclosed inner classes in the ROMClass walk Cheng Jin #13973 a624728492 Disable JIT cache earlier in ASGCT Graham Chapman #13972 c37e61a9d5 Add initial 0.30.0 release notes Keith W. Campbell #13976 07362270e9 Print unaligned class value Graham Chapman #13969 fc2d3d10d5 GetExtendedNPEMessage skips hidden frames and recognizes MH newInstance Jason Feng #13952 fb298740f2 Remove nonexistent data from relo log format string Irwin D'Souza #13960 644b652b62 Refactor classesOnHeap Amarpreet Singh #13884 a178e38234 Simplify relo header initialization process Irwin D'Souza #13942 f00b992d74 OpenJ9 build image improvements Irwin D'Souza #13945 1e7404f4ac Add isFlattened and IsFlattenedArray Unsafe methods Ehren Julien-Neitzert #13924 c4da870822 Cache the packageName to which receiver belongs Rahil Shah #13923 0f828acf43 Override TR_J9VMBase::isJavaLangObject at JITServer Marius Pirvu #13958 d67c00f7b0 Move JCL platform encoding initialization to afterClinitInitialization() Jason Feng #13963 b16777a85c Check the InnerClass attribute of the enclosing class Cheng Jin #13199 7561d93e5a Allow inline allocation for value types Annabelle Huo #13889 a3741058cc Disable VarHandleMethodType lookup table code for OJDK MH Eric Yang #13858 6aa5399207 Pass buffer size to getTRPID() in JITServer Devin Papineau #13955 753ab85bf2 Coordinated SATB Changes Salman Rana #13831 efb761854d Fix compilation errors on AIX and Mac Alexey Khrabrov #13956 636c94e5dd Implement evaluator for inlining of StringLatin1.inflate BradleyWood #12657 1c72aaf502 CMake: add guards on compiler arch includes Devin Nakamura #13930 6f4eb2ad22 Push/pop the array object into/from special frame in slow path Hang Shao #13935 1fff3edef7 Revert "Infrastructure for creating JITServer AOT cache records during compilation" Peter Shipton #13953 d03f3b81e4 Fix close scope test failure jdk17 Eric Yang #13205 9a7814387e Update JITServer protocol version Alexey Khrabrov #13907 4a7c1cd0b6 Fix annotation of 1TIPREPSTATE in javacore dumps Keith W. Campbell #13944 97e529ff5b Improve parsing flow for -Xmint and -Xmaxt Cedric Hansen #13552 5bd7e262a0 Tidy up CRIU support Keith W. Campbell #13934 257950298e Don't override counts if specified by user in subset Irwin D'Souza #13938 74db017087 Add extensions repository for Valhalla to Jenkins builds Violeta Sebe #13822 edad67e0b2 Revert "Add java option to ensure classes are hashed" Peter Shipton #13940 69ff1a02db Add root values to walkStackFrames entry tracepoint Graham Chapman #13933 902c34f8ca AArch64: Load heap size from vmstruct on AOT compilation Akira Saitoh #13927 71c7f386b3 Add java option to ensure classes are hashed Eric Yang #13338 7999af192b Add assertions to stack walker caching Graham Chapman #13915 7ce2fd8669 JDK18 adds java.lang.invoke.MethodHandleNatives as requiredClasses Jason Feng #13922 8b38c818d2 Remove JPP configuration for Java 16 Keith W. Campbell #13918 d13611eb26 Fix jvmnativestest test_EnsureWallClockTime() Keith W. Campbell #13913 bfcacfa624 Indent consistently and make other minor whitespace changes Keith W. Campbell #13909 a3d184ef49 Update BootJDK 17 to 0.29.1 M1 Adam Brousseau #13911 c4bbd378d3 Allow Value Propagation to transform an array store if the value assigned is known not to be a value type Henry Zongaro #13403 2022b38529 Vectorize or scalarize VectorSupport.broadcastCoerced Gita Koblents #13622 239de6af13 Use ReflectionFactory helpers to adopt JEP 416 MH changes Jason Feng #13899 d5a0a25040 Revert "Fix jvmnativestest test_EnsureWallClockTime()" Peter Shipton #13903 3a853bd6c9 jdk18: adjust signature of JVM_LoadLibrary() Keith W. Campbell #13898 8b59e5cd84 Update comment about signature of NativeLibraries.load() Keith W. Campbell #13900 4911a34ab7 Unblock JDK-next (JDK18) acceptance build Babneet Singh #13890 880652958f Fix jvmnativestest test_EnsureWallClockTime() Keith W. Campbell #13896 2545e68253 Ensure log trace message is guarded Daryl Maier #13886 c525658217 Fix inconsistent heap size reporting in verbose gc Lin Hu #13820 b466f9fa0e Cache fact that FlushCandidate has no stack allocation candidate Henry Zongaro #13885 745b2e5ebf Fix getOriginalROMMethod() crash indexing off the end of the J9Class VFT Kevin Langman #13668 48cba43acd AArch64: Kill placeholder registers for arraycopy Akira Saitoh #13873 c41adf1c08 Remove vestigal setStackSizeCheckNeeded() calls Daryl Maier #13887 1481aed1c8 Do not enter the write mutex after the read mutex Hang Shao #13882 492c50a08e Only enable verbose gc log for -Xlog levels trace, debug, info Peter Shipton #13866 3f6696680f Use the dot naming convention in exception stack traces Tobi Ajila #13883 b327826f46 Remove useless field aliases Keith W. Campbell #13881 4fe6728fdc Extend usage of ForceInline annotation in JIT Gita Koblents #13670 bc782017bf Port library startup should not return -1 Peter Shipton #13872 92e2e86377 Fix hangTest failure with dynamic compile Longyu Zhang #13870 c35516b686 Add testing for ConstantPool class load behaviour Eric Yang #13753 6786a4f8cb AArch64: Implement a helper for Patchable GCRs Akira Saitoh #13867 4fc70b19f2 Add assertions to JCL startup failures Jason Feng #13864 4ad6315d77 Support StaticMethodRef alias Jason Feng #13869 301530ff90 RISC-V: reimplement c_cInterpreter Jan Vrany #12982 bad687ee7a Cleanup of Env file processing Thomas Watson #13857 0cfbd9f7d8 Improve implementation of Reference.refersTo() Keith W. Campbell #13854 0b3d232205 Remove unused UTF8 constants related to completeInitialization() Keith W. Campbell #13859 a1220a2cdf Use vcall for Vector API intrinsics Gita Koblents #13493 1318614438 Add missing null check for envFile Tobi Ajila #13833 04a797a2e4 JDK18+ returns os.version before System.systemProperties is initialized Jason Feng #13849 c9781c2a59 Improve redirector Keith W. Campbell #13853 a6e96168ce Convert CRIU files to cpp Tobi Ajila #13834 0960bc23f8 Add placeholder defines for unused public flags Graham Chapman #13851 9e95fe9f61 Update github URLs Keith W. Campbell #13850 d2170de364 Add more info to compilation failure lines in vlog Marius Pirvu #13840 2fa24f2044 Update VT implementation to unblock valhalla builds Hang Shao #13819 030966347e Print compilation thread shutdown message Amarpreet Singh #13784 c50ad0460d Modify JITServerTest to use a new port for each subtest Dmitry Ten #13821 316bdc39aa Replace classNameToSignature with the define in ClassEnv Annabelle Huo #13786 a1c7cdb1bc Add pre-processor checks for openj9.criu Tobi Ajila #13832 6de0c9dc71 Add invalid size to NegativeArraySizeException AlexeyAnufriev #13765 044c20756a Revert "Fix inconsistency between J9Class and annotation data when redefine" Peter Shipton #13835 ed1b263301 Add classNameToSignature to ClassEnv Annabelle Huo #13785 ba99b8faf8 Fix methods visibility in SwitchTest AlexeyAnufriev #13741 30c16bbe49 CRIU: Add env variables support Tobi Ajila #13638 ff877b793b Add VMStart event & can_generate_early_vmstart tests Jason Feng #13780 c430223380 Fix inconsistency between J9Class and annotation data when redefine Eric Yang #13424 4fc1b66fdf Fix a build break with trailingZeroes() KONNO Kazuhiro #13800 f0fc872077 Notify JIT of class redefinitions that used HCR extensions Dmitry Ten #13566 4b21d825cf Define OPENJDK_METHODHANDLES for jdk17+ Keith W. Campbell #13798 a58d1175c4 Include symbolic links in archive Keith W. Campbell #13799 b4deb93417 Allow comments in superset format files Keith W. Campbell #13783 c003fe524f Replace sensitive terms "black/white list" Peter Shipton #13779 7c9694c4d7 Reduce ClientStream::INCOMPATIBILITY_COUNT_LIMIT to 1 Marius Pirvu #13777 89e5db5065 Re-enable disabled tests in jsr292_JitCount0 Nazim Bhuiyan #13713 1e94336859 Replace reference to sensitive word "segregate" Peter Shipton #13775 c682e0a103 AArch64: Implement the inline monitor cache Akira Saitoh #13743 790f51ba6b Remove useless 'thrtrace' module Keith W. Campbell #13772 d39f886484 Exclude testXXArgumentTesting_j9 for ibm 8 mode 650 temporarily Longyu Zhang #13774 c778982588 Remove unused FilePointer functionality Daryl Maier #13770 fc4fadc338 Fix potential memory leaks Graham Chapman #13763 8608c16cc1 Run findVectorAPIMethods() at the end of Inliner Gita Koblents #13715 ec6f29c800 Fix the race condition for classPathEntries and cpEntryCount (part 2) Hang Shao #13754 a1eebebf44 Fix unknown class name in stacktraces Tobi Ajila #13762 8d88c5f32d Avoid "unused function" error for isGCPolicyMetronome KONNO Kazuhiro #13760 f774136d0c InlinedIndexOf improvement for P10 Mohammad Nazmul Alam #13390 2e6e633096 Replace references to sensitive term "master Peter Shipton #13761 f3a7c95821 Remove useless RAS buildspec flags Keith W. Campbell #13757 475346f256 Add support for AArch64 macOS KONNO Kazuhiro #13700 86de4d1058 Remove unwanted argument to linkCallSite() and linkDynamicConstant() Keith W. Campbell #13752 50eeb85c46 Add cmdlinetests for -XX:+UseCompressedOops and -XX:-UseCompressedOops Longyu Zhang #13724 37c2eda881 Thread MXBean (Build ThreadInfo) Fix for CS Salman Rana #13682 d079376e9d JVMTI trigger VMStart event according to can_generate_early_vmstart Jason Feng #13737 c332ee2ac6 Capture the error with outer class in the InnerClasses Attribute Cheng Jin #13739 9f0b7b785a Throw IllegalAccessError (IAE): Lookup.findVirtual Devin Papineau #13740 506de89332 Add stub of JVM_ReportFinalizationComplete() for jdk18+ Keith W. Campbell #13730 bec4e1fd38 Update 0.29 release notes with missing content Peter Shipton #13731 a1a5faad5b Remove 'assumeStrictFP' option from JIT tests BradleyWood #13725 b8d4b0fff5 Update maximum EdenSize reporting Lin Hu #13567 49e674ac28 Set aladd/aiadd as internalPtr in calculateElementAddress Annabelle Huo #13294 1c8ce1b954 AArch64: Add .text and .align directives to an asm file KONNO Kazuhiro #13719 7ed70cd9ed Prevent recompilation of failed compilations retried at lower opt levels Marius Pirvu #13710 9455d6af3e Fix handling of interface methods in JIT linkToVirtual() Peter Shipton #13716 6c7b4426d5 Fix overflow in Balanced expand Aleksandar Micic #13712 109fcaef2a Simplify ROUND_DOWN_TO() Keith W. Campbell #13714 1e825a3258 Fix the race condition timing hole for classPathEntries and cpEntryCount (Part 1) Hang Shao #13483 01c9e4634d Revert "Fix handling of interface methods in JIT linkToVirtual()" Peter Shipton #13711 116a6c8877 Fix handling of interface methods in JIT linkToVirtual() Devin Papineau #13578 b85b0f0bdc Add 'Q' prefix handling Yiling Han #13535 798abb5d16 Define an non-helper to compare references Henry Zongaro #13688 7e30215623 Add document on various locations on inline fast path Annabelle Huo #13416 5c530f8877 Exclude z/OS cmdLineTester_hangTest temporarily Longyu Zhang #13709 f066af30fc Print a warning for unsupported array types Keith W. Campbell #13705 ab4af4a4c7 Add aarch64_linux to all platform PR testing Peter Shipton #13707 209ba0e93d Fix crash when VirtualHandle.virtualCall_* calls an interface method Devin Papineau #13671 c33a6a01fb Valhalla Class/Unsafe stub methods Jason Feng #13653 d3169db860 Rename 0.28 release notes to 0.29 Peter Shipton #13702 a71e464180 Fix javadoc accessibility issues in published docs Peter Shipton #13698 83f34032f2 Use correct loop condition when searching for methods Tobi Ajila #13690 ee77bca500 Make expected type check for method handles JITServer-compatible Dmitry Ten #13610 44d0116988 Fix GCArrayletObjectModelBase.externalArrayletsSize() Keith W. Campbell #13689 ba5e5b4f6d Enable hangTest for AOT Longyu Zhang #13692 17d8dbc652 Adopt -XX:+UseCompressedOops & -XX:-UseCompressedOops command options Jason Feng #13681 b1db642957 AArch64: Change symbol/function declarations in .spp files KONNO Kazuhiro #13687 88056bacf0 Define a jitAcmpneHelper helper to test object reference inequality Henry Zongaro #13654 c3ae231e07 Fix the JVM options passing to hangTest Dmitry Ten #13678 041d679ec9 CMake: Add riscv support to libffi Devin Nakamura #13680 e5daca3b5f Fix the class path issue on window VT CML tests Hang Shao #13666 3c5a7138ea AArch64: Add x18 to register dependencies for calling arraycopy helper KONNO Kazuhiro #13675 0fe7044681 Mark first/last vector methods consistently Keith W. Campbell #13662 3201c8482f Exclude hangTest for AOT temporarily Longyu Zhang #13667 efb8b0fd90 Handle TLHRemainders inside CopyForward Lin Hu #13318 43a65a6d26 Do not store generated LambdaForm classes to the shared cache Hang Shao #13644 5870b657d7 AArch64: Fix module.xml in vm directory Akira Saitoh #13664 969d44b5e4 JEP389 Foreign Linker API: DownCall (Phase 1 / Primitive support) Cheng Jin #12413 11b1fecc73 AArch64: Convert lowestOneBit() method calls to ilbit/llbit nodes KONNO Kazuhiro #13357 27ceb21365 AArch64: Change symbol/function declarations in asm files KONNO Kazuhiro #13651 b0065c9ee2 Skip treetops after the first occurrence of the load for searching actual value Akira Saitoh #13634 bda64ab550 Remove redundant cmake version check Keith W. Campbell #13641 d646c53b40 Pull bootjdk url to be set in variable file Adam Brousseau #13642 9462291c6a Add cmdLineTester_hangTest to OpenJ9 Yixin Qian #13407 71af7ab906 AArch64: Add .text and .align directives to asm files KONNO Kazuhiro #13630 19dfb9e69a AArch64: Adding additional arraycopy helper entries Siri Sahithi Ponangi #13598 9674e1234f Fix z/OS assembly warnings Keith W. Campbell #13632 007e2760ca Remove duplicate definition of DEFERRED_RS_REMOVE_FLAG Dmitri Pivkine #13621 21717a5ad1 Correctly pop class loading stack in some error paths Graham Chapman #13624 ca3da66257 Disable testSoftMxNotDisclaimMemory_3 Peter Shipton #13611 e863f3e278 Fix compilation error on Windows Value Type build Hang Shao #13415 61a14d6d93 Temporarily hack the bootjdk url for alinux on jdk17 Adam Brousseau #13613 c8216a44e7 Limit use of configure option '--enable-openjdk-methodhandles' Keith W. Campbell #13609 f5a09cb37f JDK18 adds Access.encodeASCII() Jason Feng #13603 cd91c43547 JDK17+ Access.decodeASCII() uses String.decodeASCII() Jason Feng #13604 11095002e8 Fix @since tags in javadoc Keith W. Campbell #13602 9ec3fc6f68 Update verification for initial memory paramters in Balanced GC Lin Hu #13595 2bb574a4b1 Enable ValueType testing on all platforms Tobi Ajila #13274 529b1a2751 Remove J9RAS_DUMP_DO_HALT_ALL_THREADS and J9RAS_DUMP_THREADS_HALTED Keith W. Campbell #13601 b1b6c70a9e Check for Qtype static field Hang Shao #13395 bafdf4272d Bump bootjdk for 17 & next to 17 Adam Brousseau #13594 6889aa118d Fix memcpy byte-to-char loop reduction for little endian architectures Daryl Maier #13143 98a461cba1 Add fast JNI implementation for java.lang.ref.Reference.refersTo() Keith W. Campbell #13597 0ddc510114 Split loadArrayElement into two APIs Annabelle Huo #13555 d5a132c9a9 Remove unused extern declarations Keith W. Campbell #13593 af7d7f5e78 Show ignored options in java dumps Keith W. Campbell #13579 2e9f53e36c Cannot have two aot instructions in test playlists Peter Shipton #13592 4f07bf38f6 JDK17+ reduce registerBootstrapLibrary usages Jason Feng #13580 72e883dead Throw IllegalAccessError (IAE) from linkToInterface Babneet Singh #13582 4e8a4a4efc Update graph_req.os value in win_x86.spec lanxia #13327 49f6551e9f Add UTF to String cache for reflection calls Graham Chapman #13568 5d1e47baaf Remove casts related to reservedSize and freeTenure Cedric Hansen #13553 d6256c10fa Disable automatic execution of linter job Keith W. Campbell #13565 f3173b0665 Fix ValueTypeTests throwing NoSuchMethod exception Eric Yang #13559 63ec48c68c Add testng dependency in cmdLineTests/utils build file renfeiw #13550 55cc47ec36 Revert "Add UTF to String cache for reflection calls " Peter Shipton #13562 b430644c83 JDK17+ unify bootstrapClassLoader nativelibs w/ BootLoader Jason Feng #13554 7f3e8d7edf Fix cast warning from #12043 Cedric Hansen #13551 e8946f1525 Disable tests known to fail with forceAOT Irwin D'Souza #13528 e89b863dfd New eden and heap sizing logic in Balanced GC Cedric Hansen #12043

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • openj9-0.29.1(Dec 7, 2021)

    Eclipse release plan: Release notes:

    Release details:

    Branch name: v0.29.1-release Tag: openj9-0.29.1

    Repo SHAs:

    OpenJ9: 7d055dfcb71 OMR: e30892e2b52

    Security Vulnerabilities Resolved N/A

    JITServer Helm Chart - Easier deployment of JITServer technology in a Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster

    For details about the release and release candidates, please see:

    For the list of OMR changes see

    OpenJ9 Changes

    e1e72c4..7d055df 7d055dfcb7 (0.29.1) j9gc_createJavaLangString() must use Unicode length for Unicode strings Peter Shipton #14046 9a13b0bc7e (0.29.1) AArch64: Load heap size from vmstruct on AOT compilation KONNO Kazuhiro #13959 d9ff2ac6db (0.29.1) Use the dot naming convention in exception stack traces Tobi Ajila #13888 cea999b7ad Reduce ClientStream::INCOMPATIBILITY_COUNT_LIMIT to 1 Marius Pirvu #13845 5458d5ba23 Modify JITServerTest to use a new port for each subtest Dmitry Ten #13843 855de83f9b (0.29.1) Fix unknown class name in stacktraces Tobi Ajila #13768 7786a44775 (0.29.1) Fix potential memory leaks Graham Chapman #13769 854d449f85 (0.29.1) Re-enable disabled tests in jsr292_JitCount0 Nazim Bhuiyan #13787 022a7ba918 (0.29.1) Fix the race condition timing hole for classPathEntries and cpEntryCount Hang Shao #13771 ed73caf9a7 (v0.29.1-release) JVMTI trigger VMStart event according to can_generate_early_vmstart Jason Feng #13747 e4860a638a (0.29.1) Capture the error with outer class in the InnerClasses Attribute Cheng Jin #13736 99e727d2ab (0.29.1) Throw IllegalAccessError (IAE): Lookup.findVirtual Peter Shipton #13738 cf3bc2d97e (0.29.1) Update 0.29 release notes with missing content Peter Shipton #13733 e3bf60057a (0.29.1) Fix handling of interface methods in JIT linkToVirtual() Devin Papineau #13729

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • openj9-0.29.0(Oct 20, 2021)

    Eclipse release plan: Release notes:

    Release details:

    Branch name: v0.29.0-release Tag: openj9-0.29.0

    Repo SHAs:

    OpenJ9: e1e72c49768 OMR: 299b6a2d28c

    Security Vulnerabilities Resolved CVE-2021-41035

    JITServer Helm Chart - Easier deployment of JITServer technology in a Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster

    For details about the release and release candidates, please see:

    For the list of OMR changes see

    OpenJ9 Changes

    c8200b1..e1e72c4 e1e72c4976 (0.29.0) Capture the error with outer class in the InnerClasses Attribute Cheng Jin #13734 6b916cd0d4 (0.29.0) Throw IllegalAccessError (IAE): Lookup.findVirtual Peter Shipton #13735 3d69b72dbe (0.29.0) Update 0.29 release notes with missing content Peter Shipton #13732 6169ba555b (0.29) Use correct loop condition when searching for methods Tobi Ajila #13703 3a23f3c3ac (0.29) Fix javadoc accessibility issues in published docs Peter Shipton #13704 f884985e10 (0.29.0) Fix GCArrayletObjectModelBase.externalArrayletsSize() Keith W. Campbell #13693 450d5725d5 (v0.29.0-release) Adopt -XX:+UseCompressedOops & -XX:-UseCompressedOops command options Jason1 c7da442e72 (0.29.0) AArch64: Add x18 to register dependencies for calling arraycopy helper KONNO Kazuhir6 0aad37c077 (v0.29) Do not store generated LambdaForm classes to the shared cache Hang Shao #13665 ec6462ab78 (0.29.0) Skip treetops after the first occurrence of the load for searching actual value Akir0 de48904949 Disable automatic execution of linter job Keith W. Campbell #13640 8fbe4391c3 Fix memcpy byte-to-char loop reduction for little endian architectures Daryl Maier #13639 07a1b6819d (0.29) Add fast JNI implementation for java.lang.ref.Reference.refersTo() Keith W. Campbell #9 b0023bd951 (0.29) Correctly pop class loading stack in some error paths Graham Chapman #13625 828307692e Throw IllegalAccessError (IAE) from linkToInterface Babneet Singh #13590 6dd8092fef (v0.29.0-release) JDK17+ reduce registerBootstrapLibrary usages Jason Feng #13583 0323a4e83f (0.29) Add UTF to String cache for reflection calls Graham Chapman #13576 425c78d215 (v0.29.0-release) JDK17+ unify bootstrapClassLoader nativelibs w/ BootLoader Jason Feng #13560 79fbbee7b3 (0.29.0) Revert "Add UTF to String cache for reflection calls" Peter Shipton #13564 d7ee310a3c Add UTF to String cache for reflection calls Graham Chapman #13311 60db268f81 jdk17+: remove Unsafe.defineAnonymousClass() Keith W. Campbell #13426 a080d44a88 Generate and archive Code Coverage Files Longyu Zhang #13386 8d0389cf57 Handle checkcast in VectorAPIExpansion Gita Koblents #13531 8d9ca8d9d6 Workaround for zlinux mmap issue in pltest Mike Zhang #13538 44678136b9 Don't over-abbreviate SHAs Keith W. Campbell #13539 a9df63885b Create an Eclipse OpenJ9 security policy Peter Shipton #13525 c101e0212f Recognize new HashMap keysToArray and valuesToArray methods Henry Zongaro #13526 6450b817d0 Remove unused print statements on s390 Dmitry Ten #13520 7d96165088 Enable -XX:+PortableSharedCache test on all platforms lanxia #13497 3b519ed3ea Update TGC to Fetch Scavenge Times from event data Enson Guo #13138 adf74c8f90 Add space after JVM_OPTIONS in jython test lanxia #13521 fc039f894d Store field signature for TypeLayoutEntry on heap Annabelle Huo #13510 ef609f1cf1 Re-add MIN_PROFILED_CALL_FREQUENCY to inliner Dmitry Ten #13449 49acd8d494 Create build instructions for jdk17 Peter Shipton #13512 c022c27a97 Update 0.28 release notes with JITServer info Dmitry Ten #13511 1b9a288d02 Update functional tests dependencies part2 renfeiw #13473 4914b6ec83 AArch64: Remove unnecessary regdep from reference array copy Akira Saitoh #13507 87c301e9dd Refine linkToVirtual to a direct call when no vtable entry exists Nazim Bhuiyan #13474 f4e2c0d5c6 JDK17+ : Try BootLoader if bootstrapClassLoader didn't find the native Jason Feng #12981 9eb6ab4bf0 Add bound check before accessing flags array of InterpreterEmulator Akira Saitoh #13476 3f80d16e35 Don't loop forever trying to find DDR blob in z/OS system dumps Keith W. Campbell #13321 957d2cfd47 Clean up MemorySubSpaceTarok softmx heap resizing Cedric Hansen #13481 23464e9cea Throw NCDE on inaccesble catch classes Tobi Ajila #13444 4a899f3304 Remove j.l.String methods from canSkipNullChecks for JDK17+ Abdulrahman Alattas #13465 ab0a5f32c9 Allow downgrading of JSR292 methods Marius Pirvu #13489 e508623bc4 Remove JITServer tech preview message from the server Dmitry Ten #13492 dda5115267 Update functional tests dependencies part1 renfeiw #13436 598d968d5b Disable JITServer Tech Preview message for Power and x86 Dmitry Ten #13482 a2a4729e46 Clean up softmx logic in MemorySubSpaceTarok Cedric Hansen #13308 d69dfdf334 Add method handle related hidden fields to JITServer VM info Dmitry Ten #13420 ec3bd5f0b2 AArch64: Update Dockerfile for cross build KONNO Kazuhiro #13445 92ccf02b28 Use MemorySegment intrusive list for SystemSegmentProvider free list Devin Papineau #13456 13b679ebb5 Update the documentation for new boot jdk location James Kingdon #13463 9bb046c84e Change SCC default directory to /tmp on z/OS Hang Shao #13438 b4f9d6e992 Vectorize Vector API intirinsics if possible Gita Koblents #13442 3c4cb51380 Add new CRIU API methods Tobi Ajila #13435 8a064b9626 Fix J9NLS_CFR_ERR_BC_JUMP_RECURSIVE keys Keith W. Campbell #13440 daef02f165 Don't inline Vector API intrinsics Gita Koblents #13439 4425817665 Add VectorAPIExpansion to optimization strategies Gita Koblents #13418 066edd9412 Fix jsr inliner for zero indexes Tobi Ajila #13412 c810dd1685 Do not reuse fabricated symrefs for relocatable compilations Dmitry Ten #13425 0ce58fe05e Update command line tests compilation dependency renfeiw #13419 ed2ff6c19f Remove NULL appendix in linkToStaticSpecial call Jack Lu #13345 c0440c463e Fix GCCheck Reporting bug in ReportObjectHeader Method When Object to Report is a Hole Jon 3 79b8bfe2b4 Cleanup stale directories and files of attach API properly Xia Wood #13331 a0631a7177 Move new CRIU messages to the end Keith W. Campbell #13422 cfa425a6f9 JITServer support for TR_J9VMBase::delegatingMethodHandleTarget Eman Elsabban #13408 a24be049bc Use exceptions instead of return codes for CRIU Eric Yang #13276 01aa500830 Skip HCR guards for VectorSupport intrinsics Gita Koblents #13241 e793630baf Remove unwanted constants Keith W. Campbell #13417 368d39ced9 Implement initial Vector API expansion Gita Koblents #13213 85f3fe094d Change uses of snprintf() to use infra/String.hpp instead Devin Papineau #13257 470becfd62 Enable warnings as errors in compiler component on S390 Filip Jeremic #13196 142ca6fc43 Remove Compilation on Application Threads Irwin D'Souza #13304 43f3d460ec Reduce scratchSpaceFactorWhenJSR292Workload to 1 in Xtune:virtualized Marius Pirvu #9095 0c4cfc4ce4 Add explicit conversion from jboolean to boolean Keith W. Campbell #13406 5bdf634227 Add support and tests for inlining StringLatin1.inflate Dhruv Chopra #13270 6bdc2740d7 Update Windows OpenSSL 1.1.1l Adam Brousseau #13392 091ff47b5e Commonize Class name String creation Graham Chapman #13320 ca90ada496 Recognize JITHelpers_dispatchVirtual in ARM64PrivateLinkage KONNO Kazuhiro #13399 dc722542ba AArch64: Preserve FPRs before calling jitAddPicToPatchOnClassUnload KONNO Kazuhiro #13393 c3d3537c67 Update JIT inline array allocation sequence on AArch64 Shubham Verma #13284 6ce358cb7c Check whether method allows store and bound checks to be skipped Henry Zongaro #13299 ef7927862d Update JIT inline array allocation seq. on Power Shubham Verma #13189 518004795f Update JIT inline array allocation sequence on Z Shubham Verma #13272 24a42f0db0 Boost readability of dataAddr field sequence on x Shubham Verma #13273 689da7eded Create 0.27.1 release notes Peter Shipton #13391 e300e3a2ff Patch HiddenClass's moduleObject initialization Jack Lu #13381 4b629d2fc7 Fix BlockFrequencyInfo to work with Estimate Code Size Rahil Shah #13375 c66168fdb8 Ensure linkToStatic/Special ignores rtResolve Nazim Bhuiyan #13388 b82e496316 Look through DelegatingMethodHandle.getTarget() during inlining Devin Papineau #13354 7506feb609 Add recognized call transformers for MethodHandle.invokeBasic and MethodHandle.linkTo* method1 d7f59a54cd Transform Unsafe.allocateInstance() calls into new during VP Devin Papineau #13379 e7397e7a73 Inliner adjustments for LambdaForm methods Daryl Maier #13355 ffda2a473f Create known object prex args for appendices in InterpreterEmulator Devin Papineau #13342 d5b58fadaf Update exception message to support OJDK test case Babneet Singh #13380 14a7e4268b Add envvar TR_DisableIndexOfStringIntrinsic Filip Jeremic #13378 c114080d52 Fix off-by-one error in String.indexOf acceleration on z15 Filip Jeremic #13346 edfbcee714 Fix void-pointer-to-enum-cast warning in Clang Nazim Bhuiyan #13352 729f32df3a JDK17 - add missed annotations Jason Feng #13322 357222cbad Update to openssl 1.1.1l for all platforms but Windows Keith W. Campbell #13374 f29e6446a5 Restore space at end of J9NLS_VM_STACK_TRACE_EXCEPTION_IN message Peter Shipton #13363 d2444489df Improve known object propagation for MethodHandles Daryl Maier #13350 74f9a3825b Fix build error due to missing javadoc Keith W. Campbell #13330 5d2495e99a Support aarch compiles on all versions in a container Adam Brousseau #13360 2ba48511f1 Exempt certain methods from call target trimming Devin Papineau #13341 4986e0ba2c Fix LambdaForm spelling errors in comment Daryl Maier #13351 ca4973a2b0 Revert "Fix off-by-one error in String.indexOf acceleration on z15" Filip Jeremic #13348 7cae4c1985 Need to consider Portable-AOT cases during code patching Julian #13323 29379bb3b2 Replace MethodHandleImpl.profileBoolean() calls with boolean parameter Daryl Maier #13335 cd8db74f1d AArch64: Implement reference arraycopy KONNO Kazuhiro #13279 df51c203a8 Improve write barrier codegen by eliminating redundant loads midronij #13307 a4a5b43076 Fix linkToVirtual's dispatch of invokeBasic Jack Lu #13285 b49892b0b2 Update JTIServer build instructions Dmitry Ten #13317 5b7c2720b5 Add initial 0.28.0 release notes Peter Shipton #13316 2156b546d1 Update to latest centos6 container Adam Brousseau #13306 80e8ee3539 Remove precision adjustments from floating-point math BradleyWood #13282 f4823b43ff AArch64: Implement Interface Call Dynamic PIC Akira Saitoh #13268 8b9fe168f7 Add -XX:JITServerShareROMClasses option to JITServer Dmitry Ten #13303 fc2def69d0 Add JITServer support for ForceInline annotation Dmitry Ten #13301 f03500c6a7 Update tests to check Semeru in java -version output lanxia #13277 aaeb58faed Remove trailing whitespace introduced by #13265 Keith W. Campbell #13300 bd73fdbf5d Use ForceInline annotation in JIT Gita Koblents #13265 937b8682bc Disable inline script dump Daryl Maier #13286 d903a99e1f Add a JITServer option to do cold sync compiles locally Dmitry Ten #13288 8c2d799e88 Handle find virtual of interface methods Tobi Ajila #13287 0831118bc9 Use jitSetMutableCallSiteTarget for all instances of MutableCallSite Devin Papineau #13281 d3ef784535 AArch64: Enable ArrayCopyOpts and primitive arraycopy KONNO Kazuhiro #13263 0a3a96d09f Fix #endif comments for USE_STATIC_RAS_STRUCT Keith W. Campbell #13283 0f67b7927e Move Linux aarch64 compiles to Adoptium docker container Joe deKoning #13278 9af2e37a0d Update CRIUSupport to use options variables and helpers Eric Yang #13185 8f516f691e Check indexable data address correct on object movement Jon Oommen #12910 71dc701316 Remove JITServer-specific methods for ROM strings access Dmitry Ten #13248 b87b3d66af Fix initialization of SSL connections on JITServer Dmitry Ten #13255 4fedcb041c Allow folding final statics in java/lang/Byte,Short..,Double Gita Koblents #13244 15d3c2da04 JDK Path Update For AArch64 Build Documentation Md. Alvee Noor #13264 6af7952ba4 Move criusupport to separate library from JCL Oussama Saoudi #13245 48d24b17d3 Remove duplicated from JCL_TEST_Java-Lang-Invoke renfeiw #13258 50f4d4b825 Extend line endings check Keith W. Campbell #13252 17e03038ab GPF possible while processing lockobjects when generating a javacore Jim Johnston #13250 d797e3dbf7 Differentiate inlined frames in extended stack traces for JVMTI agents Devin Papineau #13208 aba3173591 Improve JITServer documentation (part 2) Dmitry Ten #13240 9c90203a9e Add jit helper to detect @DontInline annotation Eric Yang #13238 99bdc85e94 Define JVMTI_VERSION dynamically according to JAVA_SPEC_VERSION Jason Feng #13215 7ff101e482 Add flag J9AccAtomic. Do not flatten atomic VT that is > 8 bytes Hang Shao #13218 2765e37d3d Exclude CloseScope0 test jdk17 temporarily Eric Yang #13204 e50523e447 Mention new jpackcore option in release notes Keith W. Campbell #13228 0041f44daf Increase resilience of AsyncGetCallTrace Graham Chapman #13214 5cbd04a2e2 Fix segmentation fault when shareROMClasses is enabled Dmitry Ten #13216 1d518113ac Implement missing front-end queries for JITServer Dmitry Ten #13209 4d6750e233 Recognize new product name Semeru Jason Feng #13224 4019a59ff0 Share common logic in SweepHeapSectioning base class Lin Hu #13087 5cb3370343 Remove repeated word 'module' from sample NLS arguments Keith W. Campbell #13220 07dbbb3d29 JDK17+ show setSecurityManager message once for each caller class Jason Feng #13200 ab14944315 Memory leak in internalFindClassString Jim Johnston #13221 88dbf3b34f Use Portable AOT setting for JIT compiles in CRIU mode Irwin D'Souza #13092 372624593c Standard SATB GC Initial Changes Salman Rana #12977 34a9dc7d7c Remove obsolete long parm value profiling code Daryl Maier #13008 074746f771 Implement isStable() query for JITServer Dmitry Ten #13203 4cbe304d63 Log the estimate code size error state as a string Amarpreet Singh #13188 12c69d0c9f Document rules for writing DDR Java code Keith W. Campbell #13187 5f6f47080a Create OMR__WARNINGS_AS_ERROR_FLAG CMake variables Filip Jeremic #12975 8393a7277c Update docs on default OS stack sizes Esther #13183 61466a2f5a Fold Stable fields Gita Koblents #13178 398db36666 Add jpackcore option to exclude core file Keith W. Campbell #13194 04d76d9186 Document Global Lock Reservtion now on by default jimmyk #13174 ab7f07be22 Fix incompatible arguments for inlining method from hidden class Rahil Shah #13169 ff0a588748 Enable getCallerClass optimization for JITServer Dmitry Ten #13172 b4841af277 Improve documentation for JITServer (part 1) Dmitry Ten #13147 8950155a85 Add unit test for simplifyBoundCheckWithThrowException Mohammad Nazmul Alam #10378 01bc073de7 Fix tracepoint additions Keith W. Campbell #13184 8c1a66bc22 Move f2i, f2l, d2i, d2l evaluators from OMR to OpenJ9 BradleyWood #12798 8842c962b6 Recognize Vector API Intrinsics Gita Koblents #13083 beec526c61 Add jit ct helpers to detect method annotations Eric Yang #13109 7924bbd108 Preserve class object across GC Graham Chapman #13171 f1619a5f8d Add JDK17+ SecurityManager warning messages Jason Feng #13170 f7b66abda6 Rename External MM Class Barriers Salman Rana #13080 0ac653eed8 Update disable element renfeiw #13105 b040cde53a Avoid using NULL pointer Keith W. Campbell #13165 51e951f2c5 Fix CloseScope0Tests hang Eric Yang #13160 d5a8afc9d9 Skip VH polymorphic method when resolving MH ref Jack Lu #13141 917d7a35da Allow findRuntimeVisibleAnnotation to correctly skip annotation members Eric Yang #13135 6e72b4ae5a Exclude New Problematic GC (Verbose) Regression Tests Salman Rana #13152 9e487a7296 Recognize new product name Semeru Jason Feng #13156 c85ae688e8 Remove unnecessary uses of String.format() Keith W. Campbell #13151 493bb77180 Remove the default HW prefetch test for AIX following the change #13136 Abdulrahman Alattas #5 e56cf3054b Introduce portable and non-portable CRIU modes Tobi Ajila #13113 58db2db6f1 CMake: quote include file names (more) consistently Keith W. Campbell #13139 9d0cb7f580 DDR: fix decoding of nested type names Keith W. Campbell #13146 01d7a4a566 [Test] GC Verbose filename with format specifiers Enson Guo #12794 5f85201cde Implement ScopedMemoryAccess.closeScope0 Eric Yang #12857 1b998a73de Remove isMonitorValueType Annabelle Huo #13099 91eb17e603 Fix AttachAPI long delay case Jason Feng #13140 0574cf0133 Enable 'make all' on z/OS Jenkins builds Pushkar N Kulkarni #13116 16d491039e Add an option to log JITServer connections Dmitry Ten #13089 b795391ae7 Add zos_390-64-mxdptrs.cmake Peter Shipton #13131 fdeac8f10f Modify Verifier to be Compatible with ValueTypes Oussama Saoudi #12858 e65d9160bd Remove unnecessary repeated call to get_docker_image_id() Keith W. Campbell #13124 0b6eb78071 Define Linux SONAME for JIT shared library Keith W. Campbell #13095 7383703980 JDK17+ recognize --enable-native-access option Jason Feng #13119 8702ab5bbe Update getcallerclass testcase to support OJDK MH Jack Lu #13081 bbcfe26bb4 Fix testvmcheck failures from ContainsRuntimeAnnotationTest Eric Yang #13121 d3173d23c9 Add API to check J9ClassHasIdentity class flag Annabelle Huo #13041 f3e1c60a39 Add assertation to detect invalid cpIndexes Tobi Ajila #12837 9381ea1f49 Replace x86/libffi with the latest version in GitHub Cheng Jin #12959 5701abfb5a Fix follow up local compilations on JITServer client Dmitry Ten #13110 45c0b10f2a Revert "Revert "Fix and re-enable inliner ILGen reduction of getCallerClass"" Filip Jeremic #1 b06a90b00b Fix RuntimeAnnotationTests failing to parse version 17 Eric Yang #13112 5d3e133209 Add tests for jitIsFieldStable Eric Yang #13002 e4043c9ac7 Add receiver null check for linkToSpecial case Jack Lu #12996 22de6cd234 Revert "Fix and re-enable inliner ILGen reduction of getCallerClass" Keith W. Campbell #13100 17eda640ae Fix and re-enable inliner ILGen reduction of getCallerClass Filip Jeremic #13070 94d1760568 Update jit_jitt_array_compress unit test to set -Xmx Peter Shipton #13090 3fc1b00426 Replace hard-code JAVA_MODULE_VERSION with JAVA_SPEC_VERSION_STRING Jason Feng #13086 09971ec709 Parse command-line double values using '.' instead of locale setting Peter Shipton #13079 9140194c13 Add MN_TRUSTED_FINAL to MemberName flags Jack Lu #13059 164f114ab0 Fix typo in Artifactory cleanup Adam Brousseau #13072 39b2876e4b Use preprocessor for DDR_VM code Keith W. Campbell #13040 979d8629bf AArch64: Set correct instruction as implicit exception point Akira Saitoh #13047 4f5a5ecb48 Remove unused declaration of OMRPORTLIB Keith W. Campbell #13069 a71b88bdb3 Cleanup EstimateCodeSize magic numbers Amarpreet Singh #12854 c015590696 Rename External MM Barrier APIs Salman Rana #13046 2e13c7ac99 Move extern function definitions to OpenJ9 Dhruv Chopra #12932 5b9d38e612 Fix compilation error in preProcessMmf Amarpreet Singh #13066 fc6ffd4028 Re-enable Test_AccessController:test_doPrivilegedFrameStackWalking Jason Feng #13053 0ac69c840b Set J9ClassHasIdentity for arrays Hang Shao #13051 09e1261cbd Exclude failing tests in jsr292Tests_JitCount0 Jack Lu #13052 f7df818134 AArch64: Add arraycopy helpers KONNO Kazuhiro #12987 95a08a57fd Replicate Methodhandle.invoke/invokeExact behavior in OJDK impl Jack Lu #12200 954c3645b0 delete getDependentLibs in lockWordAlignment build.xml Yixin Qian #13058 cec72bf5d9 Simplify fePreProcess Amarpreet Singh #13013 939de5df22 Add ExcludeTestAnnotationTransformer listener to testUnreflect Jack Lu #12976 bb0c1e5418 Add JVM checkpoint API Tobi Ajila #12969 2fb8a808cd Add custom_openj9_repo false in runAqaConfig file renfeiw #13049 339b43c047 Ensure consistency in the ClassLoader hash table Graham Chapman #13033 e309b560f0 Add explicit assignment to workaround JDK8 zOS 64bit compiler issue Jason Feng #13044 e4761637d0 Remove unused ant tasks Keith W. Campbell #13045 13be5bd686 Fix potential Segmentation Error due to a NULL hotFieldPoolMutex Jon Oommen #12985 14773552e5 Simplify the logic for identifying minimum free size for sweeping Lin Hu #13026 510011c846 Add missing bytecodes to ROM class walk Dmitry Ten #13035 57795e6a17 AArch64: Implement debug print functions for CallSnippets Akira Saitoh #13031 aa5c0bb93e Docker: add jdk17 to git repository cache Keith W. Campbell #13036 53265fd814 AArch64: Implement ArrayCHKEvaluator() Siri Sahithi Ponangi #12970 fabf2249d5 Fix TR_ValueProfiler initialization to allow arraycopy length profiling Daryl Maier #13009 629fc4f8eb exclude hotspot for classTestHelper compilation Yixin Qian #13011 80e758ae2b Add a flag to method metadata indicating a remote compilation Dmitry Ten #12998 525674774f AArch64: Implement static PICs for virtual and interface call Akira Saitoh #12997 d0a0f90198 Hide generated frames with hidden annotation Jack Lu #12716 0be9a6f3f3 JDK17 requires JavaLangAccess.exit(status) implementation Jason Feng #13007 82dcc94149 Update Build JDK Timeout Handler job to use jtreg5.1-b01.tar.gz lanxia #13005 0397735759 Add jdk17 to the build pipelines Adam Brousseau #12999 eae402aee7 Fix a bug in assumption reclamation Dmitry Ten #12966 7321cb91ac Add additional check for romClass in iterateStackTrace() Hang Shao #12994 fa5a8b31b0 Update to use Adopt job url for downloading jtreg lanxia #12957 2bc6a96d3d Preserve entire contents of XMM registers across helper calls on X Graham Chapman #12611 e70c5a4e46 Update vmcheck to handle lambda classes Eric Yang #12974 56770bcb6e Check runtime resolve flag in TR_ResolvedJ9JITServerMethod::getClassFromConstantPool Dmitry T4 dbafad59ef CMake: set output directory for static libs Devin Nakamura #12535 f5e370394f CMake: apply OMR_EXE_LAUNCHER when launching jilgen Devin Nakamura #12954 c306d8cebd Utilize fragmented memory as survivor in balanced GC Lin Hu #12952 d15b0aade5 AArch64: Suppress a compiler warning KONNO Kazuhiro #12988 b19f1eba1c AArch64: Implement guarded devirtualization Akira Saitoh #12978 3219356203 Inject IdentityInterface to "heavy" abstract classes when necessary Hang Shao #12879 bb3484bab7 Fix unguarded trace messages in AArch64 codegen Daryl Maier #12986 0385f07370 Increase maximum number of JIT client compilation threads Alexey Khrabrov #12914 1ceaea8eb8 Select the correct internal method for foldArguments Cheng Jin #12983 5cd9cdef45 Move all ARM mnemonics into the TR::InstOpCode class Filip Jeremic #12973 8192906d71 Move all x86 mnemonics into the TR::InstOpCode class Filip Jeremic #12922 620b0ca99c Fix a memory leak in runtime assumption list Dmitry Ten #12968 4462d50376 AArch64: Use store-release for monitor exit Akira Saitoh #12850 5216b16f1f Clean up some obsolete defines after JDK18 version introduced Jason Feng #12935 87567059bc Revert "Implement Stable field folding" Graham Chapman #12972 f18d708d22 Revert " Ensure consistency in the ClassLoader hash table " Peter Shipton #12971 16613d155e Replace foldArguments with foldArgumentsWithCombiner in tests Cheng Jin #12941 0a9c6ead00 Ensure consistency in the ClassLoader hash table Graham Chapman #12871 ca98b1dad7 CRIUSupport helpers Tobi Ajila #12950 eff5125e75 Implement Stable field folding Gita Koblents #12893 6ebada7391 Checkout directly to OPENJSK_SHA if passed Adam Brousseau #12962 e34676aee9 Defer the default conflict exception until MH.invoke Jack Lu #12668 5188817c8e Exclude tests due to JEP 403 Longyu Zhang #12891 cf3b49bbac Exclude building riscvnathelp.m4 within codert_vm/modules.xml Daryl Maier #12958 f0b98dc921 Store ROM Method arg slot count in floatTemp1 for linkToStatic Nazim Bhuiyan #12848 dfb2cfce61 Inline MutableCallSite targets with LambdaForm Devin Papineau #12864 fecff61268 RISC-V: add skeleton of codert_vm component Jan Vrany #12685 a0d05190c4 Add latest_exclude_18.txt & jvmtitests_excludes_18.xml Jason Feng #12949 b987ac658b AArch64: Fix getLoadOpCodeFromDataType() KONNO Kazuhiro #12928 8e991b295e AArch64: Fix alignment in VMnewEvaluator Akira Saitoh #12946 3355c864ea Use client's object alignment value on the JITServer Dmitry Ten #12939 f31e0591b4 Fix fatal assertion when converting pointers to SCC offsets Alexey Khrabrov #12405 c931b76b01 Increase maximum number of JITServer compilation threads Alexey Khrabrov #12926 b7d520a673 Correctly process ignoreRtResolve parameter Dmitry Ten #12840 edc37d73fa JDK18 bringup - add JAVA18 JPP pConfig, Access.exit & MajorVersion Jason Feng #12931 2f686b8d23 Set add-opens for several packages due to JEP 403 Longyu Zhang #12892 5eac58d303 Update to for playlist disabled tag renfeiw #12667 7fcd636617 add mode 616 to cmdLineTester_jython test Yixin Qian #12929 0ca991c2b4 Modify the translated PII files in nls folder 20210610 Dong Chen #12933 8b802a46d7 Stop using unsafe sprintf() in InterpreterEmulator Devin Papineau #12855 9e4b9481c4 Update git url to adoptium/aqa-tests lanxia #12909 d1833ad22c Tweaks to Value Propagation for value types prototype support Henry Zongaro #12920 d8104c46a0 Fix memory leaks when using fast client session destruction Alexey Khrabrov #12912 f9213ea639 Add option -Xaot:disableSharedCacheHints in SCC CML tests Hang Shao #12925 5d74198dd8 Enable runaqa PR build renfeiw #12870 404437be35 Add new jit_jitt_array_compress unit test Henry Zongaro #12905 ed4aee54f5 Update release notes for JAVA_OPTIONS Peter Shipton #12898 37764c1738 Allow NULL currentThread in J9VMThread blockingEnterObject read Graham Chapman #12903 9b08ffb637 Revert "Remove limit on number of JITServer compilation threads" Marius Pirvu #12919 39c86ee9b6 Handle optional fields in obsolete types Keith W. Campbell #12908 25a3e06430 Add support for delayed start of JITServer Dmitry Ten #12776 c8e9833a3e Remove limit on number of JITServer compilation threads Alexey Khrabrov #12913 fd696381bd Adopt TR::InstOpCode on ARM Filip Jeremic #12897 4f7fe6ed35 Enable SSE3 feature check BradleyWood #12889 bb14788c44 AArch64: Use CASAL for Unsafe#compareAndSwap Akira Saitoh #12901 6e8c9c19c2 Reset InjectedInvoker class name during Classfile Recreation Eric Yang #12880 5f4531ffe4 Fix ifInstanceOfEvaluator for unknown class cases Abdulrahman Alattas #12622 fb4ad30279 Update version of docker container for JDK8&11 x86 compiles Joe deKoning #12900 72cad6239e 31/64 Interop: Exploit CEEPCB_3164 bit and fix va_list_64 arg for NewObjectV Joran Siu #12904 56256e7051 AArch64: Stop generating a redundant shift instruction KONNO Kazuhiro #12902 d7aaf16a6c AArch64: Fix usage of ScratchRegisterManger in VMinlineCompareAndSwap Akira Saitoh #12873 44bf64c37c Fix incorrect J9Class pointer in ClassCastException Annabelle Huo #12852 1ee85b7eaf Correct NLS sample inputs for j9vm Keith W. Campbell #12895 25d70d8fce Compile AIX with -qstackprotect Peter Shipton #12826 149c015ccb Add missing j9vm nls sample inputs Peter Shipton #12827 53d446a614 Update DDR Extension test to run in REPORTDIR Yixin Qian #12882 ba738d0b4c Enable warnings as errors in compiler component on x86 Filip Jeremic #12767 ef93e4339e AArch64: Add suppressInliningOfRecognizedMethod to code generator Akira Saitoh #12872 d7c5d8d694 AArch64: Use CASAL instruction for monitor enter Akira Saitoh #12849 f647f73b0c Fix windows compilation failure Tobi Ajila #12883 ac6798c152 Fix deadlock when crashed thread holds onto the class unload mutex Filip Jeremic #12861 7d6dac5f9d Add flags for CRIU Java APIs Tobi Ajila #12862 441d7ae181 Fix Java options for testDDRExt_SharedClasses midronij #12876 0c8f6b1861 Update CachedRowSet create method for illegal-access error Longyu Zhang #12877 fa6b3cef3f Revert "Utilize fragmented memory as survivor in balanced gc" Aleksandar Micic #12875 08f0deaaec Increase JITClient socket default timeout to 10 seconds Marius Pirvu #12856 45f94e8d96 JDK17 add Access.findNative(loader, entryName) Jason Feng #12865 6bbaac6e5b Utilize fragmented memory as survivor in balanced gc Lin Hu #11862

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • openj9-0.27.1(Aug 25, 2021)

    Eclipse release plan: Release notes:

    Release details:

    Branch name: v0.27.1-release Tag: openj9-0.27.1

    Repo SHAs:

    OpenJ9: c8200b18087 OMR: 3965a16553b

    Security Vulnerabilities Resolved N/A

    JITServer Helm Chart - Easier deployment of JITServer technology in a Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster

    For details about the release and release candidates, please see:

    For the list of OMR changes see

    OpenJ9 Changes

    1851b00..c8200b1 c8200b1 (0.27.1) Need to consider Portable-AOT cases during code patching Julian #13387

    See also

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • openj9-0.27.0(Jul 26, 2021)

    Eclipse release plan: Release notes: Milestone plan:

    Release details:

    Branch name: v0.27.0-release Tag: openj9-0.27.0

    Repo SHAs:

    OpenJ9: 1851b0074f8 OMR: 9db1c870dfb

    Security Vulnerabilities Resolved N/A

    JITServer Helm Chart - Easier deployment of JITServer technology in a Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster

    For details about the release and release candidates, please see:

    For the list of OMR changes see

    OpenJ9 Changes

    b4cc246..1851b00 1851b0074f (0.27.0) Recognize new product name Semeru Jason Feng #13225 d1dff08d4c Fix memory leak in internalFindClassString Jim Johnston #13222 f2d09168dd (0.27.0) Implement ScopedMemoryAccess.closeScope0 Eric Yang #13219 afd4203c07 (0.27.0) Recognize new product name Semeru Jason Feng #13217 5b9d76f567 (0.27.0) Add jpackcore option to exclude core file Keith W. Campbell #13197 642e6b68d3 (0.27) Remove unused ant tasks Keith W. Campbell #13104 6fbfb46725 (0.27.0) AArch64: Set correct instruction as implicit exception point Akira Saitoh #13102 224ea23b90 (0.27.0) Update jit_jitt_array_compress unit test to set -Xmx Peter Shipton #13091 d9e7a065a5 (0.27.0) Parse command-line double values using '.' instead of locale setting Peter Shipton #13093 329c77fa7f (0.27.0) Use preprocessor for DDR_VM code Keith W. Campbell #13076 1a6bb4b45f (0.27) Allow NULL currentThread in J9VMThread blockingEnterObject read Graham Chapman #13030 c4266e845d (v0.27.0)Add additional check for romClass in iterateStackTrace() Hang Shao #13025 b9b48d57f8 (0.27.0) Fix incorrect J9Class pointer in ClassCastException Annabelle Huo #12955 3309d95fad (0.27.0) Modify the translated PII files in nls folder 20210610 Dong Chen #12938 6c91039596 (0.27.0) Handle optional fields in obsolete type Keith W. Campbell #12936 0606fd9dd9 (0.27) Account for array header alignment for multianewarray evaluator Henry Zongaro #12924 0f3b010ef9 (0.27.0) Compile AIX with -qstackprotect Peter Shipton #12899 547f877c0c Fix incorrect AArch64 JNI instruction sequences Daryl Maier #12859 f6bdf7af98 OJDK MHs test excludes + Process a list of test exclude files Babneet Singh #12779 e9b6c060c7 Update OpenJ9 CI links in various docs Daryl Maier #12843 305286aec3 Update ClassLoader_defineClassImpl1 + Redo InjectedInvoker Support Babneet Singh #12558 9ae31d5fb2 Disallow error report/abort during ASGCT stack walk Graham Chapman #12846 bc48e55e76 JDK17 update : add JavaLangAccess methods & @SuppressWarnings("removal") for SecurityManager Jason Feng #12842 d043529b69 Revert "Disallow error report/abort during ASGCT stack walk" Graham Chapman #12844 a59170eb4e Disallow error report/abort during ASGCT stack walk Graham Chapman #12824 7f1e102d64 Update OpenJ9 CI links in Daryl Maier #12829 3a5df9900f Adopt TR::InstOpCode on x86 Filip Jeremic #12729 6c17926f6d Remove unused TR::CompilationTracingFacility Irwin D'Souza #12823 3288ea29a0 Fix MemberName fields after Fast HCR and FSD Eric Yang #12799 d5c68ca0c2 Mixedrefs build switches to nocompressedrefs automatically based on -Xmx Jason Feng #12741 5d5296dd98 Read _JAVA_OPTIONS env var instead of JAVA_OPTIONS Peter Shipton #12810 5da6aca9ca New Artifactory Repo Adam Brousseau #12825 5530af2e18 Cleanup parent folders instead of individual artifacts Adam Brousseau #12822 f117efa58a Delete comment referring to obsolete J9VMJavaLangClassNativesCDLC Peter Shipton #12820 1d94d6c91c Fix Field MemberName init value of vmtarget Jack Lu #12786 4feda5f0a1 Remove code guarded by TR_OrderedCompiles Irwin D'Souza #12809 2e70d19f8a Revert "Fix Java Options for testDDRExt_SharedClasses" Peter Shipton #12816 44a91486fd Avoid folding Devin Papineau #12745 4d607679eb Fix object field copying issue on valueType Hang Shao #12572 0c5a581e86 Add 31/64 shim functions for *StringPlatform APIs Joran Siu #12813 0a7c5ac265 Disable J9-specific HCR code in OJDK implementation Eric Yang #12806 7eaf8ff813 Update initImpl to skip initialization for polymorphic methods Jack Lu #12515 1e0c0782ff Fix Java Options for testDDRExt_SharedClasses midronij #12793 12dd41bbab Add ctjithelper method header Tobi Ajila #12805 b538c0b25d Standardize evaluator names across backends Filip Jeremic #11465 0baea3a75b Print Openj9 options in effect into the verbose log Eman Elsabban #12790 6d89b11148 Add ability to build within a container Joe deKoning #12792 b2b6f49858 Replace illegal-access with add-opens Longyu Zhang #12780 0af5c29f6c Teach InterpreterEmulator about foldable statics Liqun Liu #12753 262b10ca7e All 64k pagesize tests fix Amarpreet Singh #12778 d4b78e9f48 Move new jitm/j9jit message to the end and fix explanation prefix Peter Shipton #12788 48ffd7d043 Remove incorrect casting while calculating block frequency Rahil Shah #12747 b760406da2 Cleanup Refactor of CopyForward to reuse fixupForwardedObject Jon Oommen #12748 1bf187d159 Update docker container script for use with OpenJ9 builds Joe deKoning #11439 9a7020149a AArch64: Implement BNDCHKwithSpineCHKEvaluator() KONNO Kazuhiro #10320 a323e73eea Fix spelling of 'brief', remove trailing whitespace Keith W. Campbell #12791 2fba124a80 Combine the two definitions of foldFinalFieldsIn() Devin Papineau #12764 d41853fd59 JIT cthelpers to query annotations Tobi Ajila #12679 b716a8c9f3 Revert "Add Artifactory info for removing anon-read and adding openj9… Adam Brousseau #12781 4880c8e2cb AIX compiler upgrade Violeta Sebe #12774 0c5f4f24ce Delete J9::TransformUtil::transformIndirectLoad() Devin Papineau #12763 3c34215aa6 AArch64: Support FastJNI Akira Saitoh #12731 841f84f874 Revert "Store number of arguments in vmThread.floatTemp1 for linkToStatic" Nazim Bhuiyan #12777 778c99daaf Update release notes for 0.27 for Balanced GC Optimization Jon Oommen #12775 1325148b03 Update Copyrights Irwin D'Souza #12765 42bbe86b87 31/64 Interop: Fix va_list_64 arguments pointer for Call*MethodV Joran Siu #12773 a4864fa754 compile J9security for ibm/openj9 only Yixin Qian #12771 7e61e20c0c compile Jsr335 for ibm/openj9 only Yixin Qian #12770 97d43834f4 Fix race condition in JITServer cache initialization Dmitry Ten #12743 dd2bf18ac1 String.substring() StringIndexOutOfBoundsException helpful messages Jason Feng #12688 d02e0871c3 AArch64: Fix VMinlineCompareAndSwapObject Akira Saitoh #12758 d9f25d0ecc Print JITServer options in effect into the verbose log Eman Elsabban #12762 fbe74b28b7 Store number of arguments in vmThread.floatTemp1 for linkToStatic Nazim Bhuiyan #12549 85ddcc6480 Fix recreation of class with local type annotation Tobi Ajila #12752 9fd96854f1 Add timestamps, queue size and cleared caches information in diagnostic Thread Eman Elsabban #12746 db16417ece Add comment about missing break statement Keith W. Campbell #12744 fad78e07fd Fix mismatch in filename case causing macOS builds to fail Sergio Aguayo #12730 e56b3d14ac Fix -Wswitch Babneet Singh #12737 142f75ec27 Refactor CopyForward to reuse fixupForwardedObject Jon Oommen #12661 1549b5a8d2 Fix compilation errors resulting from disabling impdep1 Eric Yang #12707 5b78aff29b AArch64: Enhance ArrayStoreCHKEvaluator Akira Saitoh #12704 be1455a311 Introduce New Default Scan Ordering 'None' Jon Oommen #12514 2158f613ba Properly free ROMClass when caching at the JITServer fails Marius Pirvu #12708 945e979a9a Update with additional requirements for doc Peter Shipton #12726 4edf793492 Unify a set of common pseudo-instructions across codegens Filip Jeremic #12677 25a36e2f8a Add initial 0.27 release notes Peter Shipton #12711 a7afcac74f Revert "Move f2i, f2l, d2i, d2l evaluators from OMR to OpenJ9" Peter Shipton #12725 f494cc314b Revert "Fix build break in J9TreeEvaluator.cpp" Peter Shipton #12724 23fc27db5a Improve JITServer::MessageBuffer capacity expansion mechanism Dmitry Ten #12714 1b2bedec8e AArch64: Enable AtomicFreeJNI Akira Saitoh #12703 d03685e57d Fix build break in J9TreeEvaluator.cpp Daryl Maier #12718 01cffbea53 Add isNonNull check on the fast acmp path in tree lowering Annabelle Huo #12686 3ed43d65ed Move f2i, f2l, d2i, d2l evaluators from OMR to OpenJ9 BradleyWood #12702 673c7468d2 JDK17 Add Access.findBootstrapClassOrNull(name) Jason Feng #12700 2cfff6f479 Fix warnings due to improper use of strncpy() Keith W. Campbell #12694 82f540bcba Disable impdep1 handling for OpenJDK MHs Eric Yang #12660 f3768f178f AArch64: Complete implementation of Unsafe CAS Akira Saitoh #12671 30418e77eb Access.protectionDomain() invokes clazz.getProtectionDomainInternal() Jason Feng #12604 8d1bf4139e Add documentation: how to add a new relocation record Irwin D'Souza #12684 a6bf623d7d Improve DDR compatibility story for fields Keith W. Campbell #12676 c897f1afd9 Enable JitDump support on JITServer Dmitry Ten #12439 3b15bfabae AArch64: Enable supportsInliningOfIsInstance flag Akira Saitoh #12680 29631a2757 Replace decompress calls with StringLatin1.inflate and improve StringLatin1.inflate API tests Dhruv Chopra #12675 e80ab0f032 Enable warnings as errors in compiler component on OSX Filip Jeremic #12644 510d170ad7 Fixup OS stack free with more accurate stack size ver2 Tobi Ajila #12665 3b1670c612 Convert RegisterDependencyGroup to an extensible class Filip Jeremic #12627 fc324bb714 CMake: Add zos native test Devin Nakamura #12531 e18420d429 AArch64: Add missing static keyword to disableArrayStoreCHKOpts variable Akira Saitoh #12663 c62c9ec962 CMake: modify debug flags on z/OS Devin Nakamura #12648 2916499fc6 Look for opportunities in Value Propagation to replace nonhelper and helper calls for value type support with inline IL Henry Zongaro #12467 3cedba63b5 AArch64: Inline Unsafe.compareAndSwapLong() KONNO Kazuhiro #12655 ec8e13db17 Sending Client feedback about number of active compilations threads Eman Elsabban #12625 92e1f9ddab Fix jvmti.h on java8 Eric Yang #12643 1e92358357 Add documentation for relocation records Irwin D'Souza #12650 f06af2d55f fix schema error in playlist.xml Yixin Qian #12646 0d9b72622b Deprecate unsigned IL Filip Jeremic #12635 e1d5e6bfb4 Move areValueTypesEnabled() from jvminit.c Umang goyal #12623 1eba77aaf3 Set system property native.encoding Jason Feng #12641 a929c2cdad Deprecate TR_OptimizeForSpace Filip Jeremic #12633 27867a17f1 Revert "Fixup OS stack free with more accurate stack size" Peter Shipton #12645 295e06e0d4 Fixup OS stack free with more accurate stack size Tobi Ajila #12609 0991541a7a CMake: set -Wc,inline on z/OS Devin Nakamura #12634 ac47413d46 CMake: Add initial zos caches Devin Nakamura #11994 4d0c17bfa5 AArch64: Issue correct memory barrier instruction at monent/monexit Akira Saitoh #12577 dafc4e74fa Add Retry with delay to initial clone Adam Brousseau #12636 9b6067e680 Prevent expensive compilations from exhausting available memory at JITServer Marius Pirvu #12626 d277101728 Fix missing allocationFence after EscapeAnalysis Julian #12614 a35b83d0ef Adding concurrent-start/end for Concurrent Global/Marking Enson Guo #12247 8a6e1df5c0 Update the error action for ACC_MODULE Cheng Jin #12620 d2b8660207 Fix build error on big endian platforms Annabelle Huo #12624 764252c839 Fix getSignatureForLinkToStaticFor*() Devin Papineau #12612 ea475bb650 Delayed transformation tree lowering Annabelle Huo #12587 c5144068e9 Add Artifactory info for removing anon-read and adding openj9 account Adam Brousseau #12617 51fd0e1e4b CMake: Fix jvmtitest exports on z/OS Devin Nakamura #12610 1c5c33c4ed Update JIT inline array allocation sequence on x Shubham Verma #12400 879bd330b2 Cleanup CompilationThread.cpp Amarpreet Singh #12606 343644acf1 Use new updateGetProcessorName routine Dhruv Chopra #12607 9df1a6d103 Do not lower decompressed NULL reference to iconst before storing compressed reference Rahil Shah #12597 a4f65583f9 Replace TR_RequireJITServer with a command line option Dmitry Ten #12586 194f7f30f4 Modify Class and Method Descriptors to be compatible with Q types Oussama Saoudi #12424 fe5992594f Avoid potential crash when converting pointers to SCC offsets Alexey Khrabrov #12550 d787df133f Deprecate TR_DisableOOL option Filip Jeremic #12591 bde5955c20 Deprecate Decimal Floating Point (DFP) related support Filip Jeremic #12569 cc51e1af9f Fix ddrblob compilation for object iterators Dmitri Pivkine #12601 fdc9619991 Rename docker folder to nodes Adam Brousseau #12602 afa3b5fd9c Update github URLs to refer to eclipse-openj9 Peter Shipton #12592 1fef7e1fec Fix recognizedMethod canSkipNullChecks & canSkipBoundChecks list Jason Feng #12589 91fdb03b34 Preparations to support extensible non helper SymbolReferenceTable enum Daryl Maier #12017 a82dc74872 Initialize class fields in constructor Dmitri Pivkine #12583 343a8a17c7 Update Dockerfile for AArch64 cross build KONNO Kazuhiro #12593 29144fd446 CMake: Update compiler flags for interpreter on z/OS. Devin Nakamura #12588 56535b77fa Use OMR_PRIuPTR to print VM options for -verbose:init Peter Shipton #12576 0062c68318 Deprecate blockIndex Annabelle Huo #12584 24b14b4743 Add inline check to aaload and aastore in treeLowering Annabelle Huo #12422 71617eca15 31-bit shim library for z/OS Joran Siu #12554 2448f3eefd Add null check in constructor of MemoryNotificationInfo BradleyWood #12567 e4b66d3098 Fix buffer overflow in glaunch test utility Peter Shipton #12575 d616e09ae3 Use maximum allowed scratch space memory limit for JitDump compilations Filip Jeremic #12565 8ce509b6e2 Add JavaLangAccess.join(prefix, suffix, delimiter, elements, size) Jason Feng #12547 ba155ccfb4 CMake: Ensure that jit symbols are exported on z/OS Devin Nakamura #12574 74f68cf401 AArch64: Inline direct call for atomic method symbols Akira Saitoh #12517 533d4a1976 Thread iterator inside thread list lock Aleksandar Micic #12566 f63b138fe3 Update classpath for JAVA17 Keith W. Campbell #12573 a53f154498 Check for arch support when generating AGHIK instruction in Z's multiANewArrayEvaluator Dhruv Chopra #12561 fae45de531 Update JNI target invocation + Add 31-bit caller-specific JNI functions for zOS 31/64 interoperability Joran Siu #12074 3dbe89a9d3 Set VM USE_VECTOR_REGISTERS flag for supported POWER systems Abdulrahman Alattas #12046 03e08ea76c JDK17 adopts RI java.lang.String Jason Feng #12209 c23d8efa6b Add support for ELSEIF in preprocessor Keith W. Campbell #12530 f81147c874 Add JITServer support for LambdaForm methods inlining Dmitry Ten #12525 225f4377b1 CMake update shared library naming on zos Devin Nakamura #12560 8317935a0b CMake: Specify exclude directories for DDR Devin Nakamura #11200 b3b4b7e6f0 Cleanup work for deprecated IL opcodes Daryl Maier #12540 d40ffe6026 Recognize and transform redundant calls in MH.invokeExact MethodHandle chain Nazim Bhuiyan #11118 ee1e5a7a27 Improve Keith W. Campbell #12528 9777787bff Include UTC date/time and timezone in javacore files Keith W. Campbell #12437 b5cb666975 Fix TR_J9ServerVM::getClassLoader() Alexey Khrabrov #12529 53f7b31d1b Deprecate findOrCreateLiteral codegen API Filip Jeremic #12537 834cc45a3e Include types from omrmem32struct.h in legacy DDR Keith W. Campbell #12543 aa57332f7b JIT CMake build improvements to enable debug build Alexey Khrabrov #12476 fa0a502b83 Add documentation of StaticFinalFieldFolding Liqun Liu #12532 f296ae765b AArch64: Replace CPU APIs Akira Saitoh #12465 1be9fda3ad Update linkToVirtual to correctly handle J9JNIMethodID->vTableIndex Babneet Singh #12513 1f837bafc1 Use -Xmx8m instead of -Xmx4m for gc regression testing Peter Shipton #12536 c03a6f3242 Fix Z ArrayStoreCHKEvaluator to use a 64bit compare for compressedrefs Kevin Langman #12523 80ca18e875 Update JIT Hot Field Tracing For Dynamic Breadth-First Scan Ordering Jon Oommen #12385 fa11c1d038 Fix getEntry in fastpathAcmpHelper Annabelle Huo #12489 c419fed53d Optimize object equality comparisons in Simplifier if value types support is enabled Henry Zongaro #12428 eef164d054 Increase OS stackspace on PPC64 Tobi Ajila #12501 dc9c44419a AArch64: Issue weaker but sufficient memory barriers for loads/stores Akira Saitoh #12432 345da96163 CMake: Add missing flags for jit on z/OS Devin Nakamura #12488 787dec6a16 CMake: disable add_custom_ascii_command Devin Nakamura #12486 21998f1035 LambdaForm methods inlining Liqun Liu #12162 95d423b83a Fix compiler errors when DEBUG is defined Alexey Khrabrov #12475 8ee90b722b Optimize JITServer client session destruction when using AOT cache Alexey Khrabrov #12458 b256801b86 Fix invalid memory access when getting a ROM class Dmitry Ten #12474 f7501a6f43 Clean up unnecessary CodeGenerator phase and code rudy2steiner #10536 071e8d1806 Fix clearing JITServer client session caches Alexey Khrabrov #12462 f3357d5c90 Optimize locking in persistent allocator Alexey Khrabrov #12443 21140c9f95 Remove functions used only by Java 15 Keith W. Campbell #12469 94649e1323 Remove Scavenger shouldYeild() Aleksandar Micic #12461 22fc511377 Add required stubs for jdk17 Keith W. Campbell #12457 b04c9a7dc3 Modify the translated PII files in nls folder 04162021 Dong Chen #12448 55587c0cfc Fix compilation error Hang Shao #12445 7822324b05 Do not flatten volatile field that is > 8 bytes Hang Shao #12425 b24833b776 Cleanup J9PPCArrayCmp remnants Amarpreet Singh #12421 8163427bc8 Support lookupMode argument in Java16+ & add CL constraint check Jack Lu #12342 9cbfc3a224 AArch64: Use best barrier instructions for flushEvaluator Akira Saitoh #12431 19fa4dcef0 libffi: Update CEL4RO31 control block function descriptor member Joran Siu #12411 c15c9f860a Exclude OperatingSystemMXBean PhysicalMemory test in Docker Peter Shipton #12420 51fc64e918 AArch64: Implement inlined ArrayStoreCHKEvaluator Akira Saitoh #12379 1e99073506 Fix Potential Hot Field Slot Offset Overflow Jon Oommen #12393 410a83f44c Fix a memory leak when caching remote ROM classes Dmitry Ten #12417 8378d15254 Update accessCheckArgRetTypes to always check array component type Jack Lu #12371 61bdd11fc6 Updates for setting System.err and out, fix z/OS and streamline code Peter Shipton #12403 d21d74030e Update release notes for 0.26 SueChaplain #12414 f60b49c28a Add object header size to correctly locate the field Babneet Singh #12407 c5969e3892 Cleanup J9PPCArrayCmp remnants Amarpreet Singh #12399 df8bf06ae7 Groundwork changes for some expected performance improvements with value types enabled Henry Zongaro #12380 ee83667b9f Clean up the DDR 'find' command Keith W. Campbell #12402 9a9df50b9e Enable the OpenJDK292 setting on Aarch64 Cheng Jin #12401 96fd109d19 CleanWs after bootjdk download Adam Brousseau #12392 d806086847 Disable Dynamic Breadth First for Balanced Jon Oommen #12369 f07e7490ff Don't set build unstable if commit status setter fails Adam Brousseau #12396 6a123933ee Fix JitDump timing hole when resuming diagnostic thread Filip Jeremic #12381 673d518984 Add more acmp fastpath in the JIT and move the helper call out of line Leonardo Banderali #12327 2aa504b4b1 Re-enable JIT helpers on JITServer Dmitry Ten #12386 4ee13d0db6 Fix code formatting Alexey Khrabrov #12320 ae2922640b Import antcontrib tasks consistently Keith W. Campbell #12384 6b80e93d50 Clean up and fix DDR test TestFindExt Keith W. Campbell #12391 fe02177928 Add StringLatin1.inflate unit tests Filip Jeremic #12319 0030bc12de Add cmdLine_jython test Yixin Qian #12287 87c5e982e0 Cleanup dummied PPCHWProfiler code Amarpreet Singh #12365 23c0557f3b AArch64: Properly find compressed refs sequence in implicit NULLCHK Akira Saitoh #12351 7735742801 Increase cmdLineTester_XcheckJNI timeout Peter Shipton #12373 12159b43aa AArch64: Fix compiler warning of helper function for genHeapAlloc Akira Saitoh #12368 25c1f42ca7 Clean up tree lowering for ArrayStoreCHK Henry Zongaro #12126 ffd15db523 Fix object layout if a flattening threshold is set Hang Shao #12338 6e8801df10 Fix uses of flags which were not always defined Keith W. Campbell #12329 74fb2cba13 Add support for sun.stderr.encoding and sun.stdout.encoding Peter Shipton #12340 7be13c65d4 Add isPrimitiveClass() method to Oussama Saoudi #12277 42035ba75a AArch64: Fix wrtbarEvaluator to kill scratch registers Akira Saitoh #12352 8a335d3587 Remove redundant includes of openssl header files Keith W. Campbell #12305 34812c01f1 Fix NoSuchFieldError in SCC DDR command Hang Shao #12362 42b45cb154 Handle InjectedInvoker class name mismatch during ROM class creation Babneet Singh #12303 6dece42662 Remove the extra module in error msgs Tobi Ajila #12325 ef2401833c Increase nightly build history to 40 Adam Brousseau #12363 25afee3e78 Fix x86 macOS compilation error in SignalHandler.c Filip Jeremic #12326 d2a3dfe695 Add more method handle stubs for jdk17 Keith W. Campbell #12360 e7aff960a6 Capture failure-logs in build diagnostics Peter Shipton #12358 d7739dcf25 Add missing thread flavor cases to mach-o dump reader Mike Zhang #12345 d4fe29a2f4 Fix MemberName.type for methods and constructors Babneet Singh #12304 f86ae6e747 JITServer support for transforming OpenJDK MethodHandles Dmitry Ten #12011 1aba5fcdad AArch64: Add Allocation Prefetch Akira Saitoh #12348 bf99aab48d Fix the setCallSiteTarget api to use correct macro Jack Lu #12199 15ad1fa984 Remove remaining JITServer caches and messages for parts of ROMClass data Alexey Khrabrov #12347 0d86a4fcb7 Fix deadlock and potential assert in JitDump Filip Jeremic #12278 6d005e0515 Preserve vector registers across helper calls on P Graham Chapman #12350 78ea308df0 Fix invokedynamic resolution for OJDK MHs Babneet Singh #12308 fe5d0ca9ac OJDK MHs: Only append a non-null appendix to the stack Babneet Singh #12306 4d62bdb3c1 AArch64: Omit clearing TLH if tlhHasBeenCleared is true Akira Saitoh #12332 d3e36a6d4b Remove uses of J9DDRStructureStore.close() Keith W. Campbell #12343 44bda75d58 Remove unused & deprecated DDR code Keith W. Campbell #12328 5a48e54c3b AArch64: Initialize lockword of allocated object by JIT if needed Akira Saitoh #12333 fbbf8f7980 Fix two issues in MethodHandleTransformer Liqun Liu #12324 b20c7c695f AArch64: Fix offset value overflow in prologue Akira Saitoh #12322 5b259ae884 Enable TR_DebugInliner in JitDump for crashed in inliner Filip Jeremic #12208 5efc43c104 Compile JitDump from crashed PC for application thread crashes Filip Jeremic #12311 d277ed3d8a Stash the right number of arguments for invokehandle/invokedynamic Liqun Liu #11261 35e27b625e Update Openssl for Windows to 1.1.1k Joe deKoning #12318 2c85655c0b Force RB in String Comparator Aleksandar Micic #12300 a472c63a69 Eliminate obsolete String optimizations Daryl Maier #12266 20c33948bf Refactor IncrementalGenerationalGC/CopyForward code Igor Braga #12317 2272231396 Add committer instructions for performing coordinated merges with OMR Daryl Maier #12313 1ad4e5efd4 Disable testIdentityObjectOnAbstract VTTest Oussama Saoudi #12248 f87da6c5a4 Revert "Preserve vector registers across helper calls on P" Peter Shipton #12316 442870d26f Transform OpenJDK MethodHandle methods Liqun Liu #11634 b839ee587a Update GCCheck test to use -Xmx to limit core file size Peter Shipton #12307 89a19cbe78 Do not use JIT metadata cache in AsyncGetCallTrace Graham Chapman #12282 8713647b59 Preserve vector registers across helper calls on P Graham Chapman #12275 684dc6b132 multianewArrayEvaluator segmentation fault fix Shubham Verma #12297 4bb837c4e4 AArch64: Add class unloading pic site to address constant for instanceof/checkcast Akira Saitoh #12279 57ebd50743 Revert "Refactor IncrementalGenerationalGC/CopyForward code" Aleksandar Micic #12301 b96bb96603 Restrict the -Xhealthcenter test to z/OS Peter Shipton #12299 8c68b74811 Refactor IncrementalGenerationalGC/CopyForward code Igor Braga #12187 4201a94bfa Also copy generated *.mk files Keith W. Campbell #12298 27c8cf67ae Add healthcenter sanity test Keith W. Campbell #12290 b9cc478285 Add release notes for 0.26 release SueChaplain #12294 a9e42ec72d Update to openssl 1.1.1k for all platforms but Windows Keith W. Campbell #12292 726f491e4c Include healthcenter module if '-Xhealthcenter' option is used Keith W. Campbell #12262 30f3118d4a Change TR_ASSERT_FATAL into failCompilation call in SymRefTab Leonardo Banderali #12259 eb05d0e157 remove unused target dist_functional in build.xml Yixin Qian #12268 8cd58be622 Check DF flag in X86 signal handler Liqun Liu #12272 57372f9a15 Initial implementation of AsyncGetCallTrace Graham Chapman #12273 e749042001 Avoid deadlock between GC and thread inspection/suspension Graham Chapman #12257 aa9c8db513 Revert "Preserve vector registers across helper calls on P" Graham Chapman #12274 b5a5f4acda Refactor TR_InlinedCallSite and TR_AOTMethodInfo usage Dmitry Ten #12184 f169870647 Update playlist subset to version renfeiw #12019 2580bb7259 Changes in inlined test for checkcast/instanceof in AOT code Rahil Shah #12230 d4a466f173 Preserve vector registers across helper calls on P Graham Chapman #12239 7c05ea5e86 Do not require write permissions for SSL certificate and key files Dmitry Ten #12223 ca9d23e97a Change IdentityInterface to match Reference Implementation Oussama Saoudi #12225 1087b0015e Adaptive GC Threading Options Salman Rana #11999 78967e8dc0 AArch64: Support Internal Pointer Akira Saitoh #12163 74f6ded549 Inlined version of recognized methods Siri Sahithi Ponangi #9841 3c57046539 Modify VTGenerator to work with Hotspot Oussama Saoudi #11560 c5ddc48b0d Avoid reading potentially freed memory Graham Chapman #12245 15bf93a69f Extend class loader table to support JITServer AOT cache Alexey Khrabrov #12154 9246439160 AArch64: Enable Idle GC Tuning KONNO Kazuhiro #12215 1eaf33671f Update build configurations Keith W. Campbell #12241 6030967a55 Update MethodHandleResolver.sendResolveMethodHandle Babneet Singh #12228 c4031a5147 Remove remaining references to Visual Studio 2013 Keith W. Campbell #12240 bb13191b0b Merge freemarker property into uma Keith W. Campbell #12233 f5ce1fd138 Add CEL4RO31 ABI to z/OS 64-bit libffi Joran Siu #12025 a359f58a30 Replace jdk15 with jdk16 in list of boot JDKs Keith W. Campbell #12235 3d2cb6622f Remove mention of using Visual Studio 2013 Keith W. Campbell #12236 a9838e74bb Use correct API to destroy monitors at JITServer Alexey Khrabrov #12211 dc39c07891 Document the J9Object.clazz bit flags Filip Jeremic #12105 38f2941de7 Refactor and document the JitDump process Filip Jeremic #12203 33d14b60a2 Add suggestion to pass Xjit with braces to TKG Shubham Verma #12222 15254b00ae Revert "Skip self-storing stores" Liqun Liu #12213 67bdb5a354 Add support for compatibility constants Keith W. Campbell #12210 269003cc71 Fix mixed build indexableObject cast Tobi Ajila #12204 c1793a539e Update build instructions, Windows JDK16 compiles with VS2019 Peter Shipton #12202 c1d8c5a200 JDK17 adopts RI String - replace enableCompression with COMPACT_STRINGS Jason Feng #12192 0db881fc93 Fix error introduced by #12148 Graham Chapman #12194 5fb9fc1ecd Update Windows 32-bit build instructions for cmake default Peter Shipton #12042 13936a4d3a Deprecate ObjectModel preMove/postMove over new API Igor Braga #12060 4e53298e83 JDK17 adopts RI java.lang.String - rename String.hashCode to hash Jason Feng #12169 e9d55027ff CMake: Fix 32-bit windows builds Devin Nakamura #12091 35d372ff91 Improve testJITServer test Dmitry Ten #12131 ab98c77ab4 Fix register usage in P awrtbari evaluator Abdulrahman Alattas #12149 612e1a8c41 Store a single copy of each distinct ROMClass at JITServer Alexey Khrabrov #11777 c11f57cfb7 Fix error when using 64-bit Clang on 32-bit Windows builds Devin Nakamura #12160 ea308231eb Correctly load/initialize classes when using ConstantPool Graham Chapman #12148 60f5e1c15b Add ClassFCCSlotIterator to iterate over FCC in ClassIterator Oussama Saoudi #12106 5aba6c76e3 Document the J9Method.extra field Filip Jeremic #12045 280dfaefb3 Add jitCloneValueType jit runtime helper Oussama Saoudi #12094 02c278ac36 Build a JIT resolve frame before throwing NPE from INLs Babneet Singh #11877 e0a0f345a1 Fix jdk17 javadoc errors Peter Shipton #12134 cb48cfe9ec Fix typo in function name Keith W. Campbell #12145 d3d86af625 Store number of stack slots in vmThread.tempSlot for linkTo* calls Nazim Bhuiyan #12034

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  • openj9-0.26.0(Apr 21, 2021)

    Eclipse release plan: Release notes: Milestone plan:

    Release details:

    Branch name: v0.26.0-release Tag: openj9-0.26.0

    Repo SHAs:

    OpenJ9: b4cc246 OMR: 162e6f7

    Security Vulnerabilities Resolved CVE-2021-28167

    JITServer Helm Chart - Easier deployment of JITServer technology in a Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster

    For details about the release and release candidates, please see:

    For the list of OMR changes see

    OpenJ9 Changes

    022d654..b4cc246 b4cc246d9d (0.26.0) Exclude OperatingSystemMXBean PhysicalMemory test in Docker Peter Shipton #12436 b689a02217 (0.26.0) Update accessCheckArgRetTypes to always check array component type Jack Lu #12419 5a97727912 (0.26.0) Disable Dynamic Breadth First for Balanced GC Jon Oommen #12406 7e70109fc9 (0.26.0) add cmdLineTester_jython to openj9 Yixin Qian #12387 ca8cda0c91 (0.26.0) Fix uses of flags which were not always defined Keith W. Campbell #12372 bb2e59333b (v0.26.0) Fix NoSuchFieldError in SCC DDR command Hang Shao #12364 4ce9ec8a1c (0.26.0) Force RB in String Comparator Dmitri Pivkine #12330 dcda94f383 Merge pull request #12300 from amicic/forced_weakRootRead_forStringCmp Dmitri Pivkine #12300 9b7e4a529b (0.26.0) Update playlist subset to version renfeiw #12321 e67f3ee819 (0.26.0) Update GCCheck test to use -Xmx to limit core file size Peter Shipton #12309 bca57cd3d6 (0.26.0) AArch64: Add class unloading pic site to address constant for instanceof/checkcast Akira Saitoh #12314 3b003bc403 (0.26.0) multianewArrayEvaluator segmentation fault fix Shubham Verma #12310 c9f8dcd8c2 (0.26.0) Changes in inlined test for checkcast/instanceof in AOT code Rahil Shah #12269 a2b625419c (0.26.0) CMake: Fix 32-bit windows builds Devin Nakamura #12256 a816728e9e (0.26) Avoid reading potentially freed memory Graham Chapman #12254 c813415ea9 Revert "Skip self-storing stores" v0.26.0 Liqun Liu #12221 b3c9bbde5f (0.26.0) Add support for compatibility constants Keith W. Campbell #12212 8563926b05 (0.26) Fix error introduced by #12148 Graham Chapman #12195 16366108cf (0.26) Fix register usage in P awrtbari evaluator Abdulrahman Alattas #12178 08f2dd1dc4 (0.26.0) Revert conditional relo tracing and change fatal assert to failCompilation Leonardo Banderali #12159 2331bdd437 (0.26) Correctly load/initialize classes when using ConstantPool Graham Chapman #12164 b227feba29 Add test excluded label in auto exclusion renfeiw #12139 d570fd4fc8 Reinforce the check on the sealed classes in JEP397 Cheng Jin #12117 80dc46c60e zOS disable TestJcmd Dump.system Jason Feng #12135 7d909ad90e Refactor indexable object model API Igor Braga #12116 d780e8d8b8 Allow AOT Warm compilations during startup under FSD Irwin D'Souza #12103 47396c8a0d Make diagnostic thread compilations uninterruptible Filip Jeremic #12118 c5b05ac868 Remove unused function declaration from J9::SymbolReferenceTable Dmitry Ten #12102 bd1135d1bc Iterate thunk archetype with state for all passes of targeted inlining Liqun Liu #11991 2bacbe3c87 Remove artifact storage cap on UNB artifactory Joe deKoning #12113 2127951935 Modify initial workspace clean on windows compiles Joe deKoning #11881 31b1a97cf8 Remove xl specs from PR trigger map for 'all' Adam Brousseau #12111 e7c8933e00 AArch64: Implement wrtbar evaluator for optavgpause/balanced GC policies Akira Saitoh #12098 7134b357b1 Optimize updating set of classes cached at JITServer Alexey Khrabrov #12104 c72aa38fc9 Fix Windows compile error for OJDK MH build Jack Lu #11970 e2736d4f88 Update MethodHandleResolver Babneet Singh #11827 6d1b509b83 Refactor ClassIteratorClassSlots and VMClassSlotIterator Oussama Saoudi #11931 9123f9b8ae Add ObjectFormat files to the build Daryl Maier #12100 f7a57f5686 Use comp object parameter to methodsCanBeInlinedEvenIfEventHooksEnabled Irwin D'Souza #11554 d0b54ac712 Add release notes for 0.25.0 SueChaplain #12030 d8d81665f1 Reduce size of generated pointer classes Keith W. Campbell #12093 1ad0324956 Support new invokedynamic and invokehandle bytecode handlers for JITServer Dmitry Ten #11933 5acdc8387d Print constant pool index for defaultvalue and withfield Henry Zongaro #12071 3f50b58fd5 Fix reading of version from tracepoint data files Keith W. Campbell #12092 1c9e10feeb Do not protect the last metadata page if the cache is locked Hang Shao #12070 eb176b4c70 Reduce use of OMR_HOST_OS Keith W. Campbell #12048 2a480cb621 Enable testJITServer tests for Power Dmitry Ten #10876 81fc28c95b Implement RAII for JITServer persistent allocation Dmitry Ten #12069 ea44920d12 Add support for jitdump agent sub-options Filip Jeremic #11989 f021812fb9 Remove unused file compile_ddr.xml Peter Shipton #12059 e386615c64 #12065: Internal IBM notes in public javadoc Wim Jongman #12067 c0cc181fcd Enable -XX:+EnableValhalla by default in Valhalla builds Hang Shao #11967 2bd61891b3 Fix tracing for 9416 Irwin D'Souza #12058 c58e14d34e Deprecate PrefetchInsertion optimization Filip Jeremic #12044 95834e0755 Enable Dynamic Breadth First Scan Ordering for Balanced Jon Oommen #11576 cdda9a4e30 Acquire the write mutex earlier when updating runtime full flags Hang Shao #12055 6622afac68 Update dataAddr whenever GC moves indexable object Igor Braga #11890 3dcfa98046 Add new lowering optimization and move value type lowering to it Leonardo Banderali #11968 7430e50452 Modify the translated PII files in nls folder 02252021 bjcdong #12053 402c8c5867 Update JVM CPU utilization for JITServer if vlog options are present Eman Elsabban #12033 315480dd66 AArch64: Use inlined write barrier evaluator for ArrayStoreCHK Akira Saitoh #12051 cb773cd16b AArch64: Exclude cmdLineTester_jep178_staticLinking_SE80 KONNO Kazuhiro #12052 4913c6500c Added missing volatile keywords to J9Profiler jimmyk #11845 d5cd0be9dc CMake: enable jit on zos Devin Nakamura #11992 250b180e1f Move JITServer client options to compilation thread object Dmitry Ten #12002 e46c495183 Fix resolved trampoline reservation on JITServer Dmitry Ten #11506 290e7fe45c Add aot builds which set test_flags: 'AOT' Peter Shipton #12035 4b17762906 CMake: Enable 32-bit windows builds Devin Nakamura #11986 0acfe8a931 Set memory to 0 after allocation in OSCacheTestSysv.cpp Hang Shao #12036 8c40120791 Update build intructions for mixedrefs by default, remove ARM sections Peter Shipton #12024 bd4186d975 Use tar '--strip-components' option consistently Keith W. Campbell #12037 27f5e04f65 Fix compilation failure for non valhalla test builds Oussama Saoudi #12028 02f1c46bfd Revert "Set memory to 0 after allocation in OSCacheTestSysv.cpp" Peter Shipton #12026 e53164aed8 JDK17 adds JavaLangAccess decodeASCII() & inflateBytesToChars() Jason Feng #12023 6e4614726c Set memory to 0 after allocation in OSCacheTestSysv.cpp Hang Shao #12022 cc57d80d8c Adding Injection of Interfaces and IdentityObject Interface Oussama Saoudi #10282 26f427af76 Decompress String before invoking decompressedArrayCopy Dhruv Chopra #11944 520097e9f4 Use per-client persistent allocators on JITServer Dmitry Ten #11686 5be3435f12 Add an assertion that incoming UTF8 string is valid Jason Feng #12013 868f0ec9bd ARM: Remove unused OMR_GC_COMPRESSED_POINTERS code KONNO Kazuhiro #12007 594ce42658 AArch64: Mixed references work Akira Saitoh #11987 8b868a4302 set controlFileStatus to 0 at the beginning of shmem and shsem APIs Hang Shao #12003 8f801a70ed Update test user guide indentation for exclusion section renfeiw #12004 8d60d1d114 memset controlFileStatus to 0 on Windows to avoid garbage values Hang Shao #11997 1db619a695 Update Windows to openssh 1.1.1j Joe deKoning #11995 830e6bdd4f Update test doc for new exclusion feature renfeiw #11996 f1a0ca10ec Avoid recursive crashes when dumping current IL during jitdump generation Filip Jeremic #11969 5e2594c1ed Remove assert at Julian's request Ben Thomas #11305 4c86a6c548 Changed MarkingDelegate scanClass to reuse ClassIteratorClassSlots Oussama Saoudi #11842 f058dd661f Fix memory leak during MHN.resolve Jack Lu #11909 87dc0fc0a3 Handle potential exception case during copyforward completeScan Lin Hu #11946 1109df4030 Update verification error for subclasses extending a final superclass Cheng Jin #11985 8dcb2e5f77 Set patched string cp entry symbol flag correctly Liqun Liu #11972 ef4b15ad9a Update to openssl 1.1.1j for all platforms but Windows Peter Shipton #11982 867c36f7fb Update docker script Keith W. Campbell #11983 28557fc977 Add Vector API classes to final field folding tables Gita Koblents #11971 7314cc4e16 Fix StringPeephole optimization class redefinition check Filip Jeremic #11962 d7cb2250ff AArch64: Remove ARM64ArrayCopy.spp KONNO Kazuhiro #11976 14abebc65a Try to ensure the same options are used for jitdump compilations Filip Jeremic #11959 98addcb2f0 auto exclude test SCURLClassLoaderTests_0 plat=.aarch. llxia #11966 592b2ff7b5 Update invokedynamic and invokehandle bytecode handlers Nazim Bhuiyan #10607 3cc4db5b44 Update SCC CML test cases for unsafe classes Hang Shao #11895 573185cabe Fix a SEGV executing HashMap$HashIterator.nextNode() concurrently. Kevin Langman #11894 9530f964a5 Fix test TestClassExt.testFJ9ObjectExt Keith W. Campbell #11952 4fa9221e6c Add optimization to ClassIteratorClassSlots Oussama Saoudi #11911 1ee4de7ca4 Tidy up AlgorithmVersion Keith W. Campbell #11954 d675928428 Fix indentation, remove trailing whitespace Keith W. Campbell #11953 4f0a66b517 Update "!shrc stats" test to check for 4+ orphan classes Babneet Singh #11950 a685bffd93 Increase the number for systemtest parallel machines to 3 lanxia #11948 7a74e08d69 Remove JVM_DTrace*, JVM_GetInterfaceVersion from Java 17+ Keith W. Campbell #11906 8a712489a5 Exclude jdk8 special.system for Mac and Windows Peter Shipton #11947 ac3cfb0e90 Improve Parallelization of Remembered Set Scanning in Gencon Jon Oommen #11701 b45e904298 Add workflows for auto test exclusion renfeiw #11785 dfe34cfc99 Report hook names in verbose log Filip Jeremic #11932 8e6e103bb9 Convert concurrent-mark-end to gc-op in GMP concurrent increment Enson Guo #11578 689cf8e9e2 Prevent hang when running with AOT & FSD & Sync Compilation Irwin D'Souza #11879 0fef9f6439 CMake: Update java handling for windows jdk16+ Devin Nakamura #11892 3f9309db23 Update build instructions for jdk16 Keith W. Campbell #11912 b686125b88 Implement TR_J9VM::ensureOSRBufferSize for JITServer Dmitry Ten #11898 56022e621d Deprecate isSingleRefUnevaluated Filip Jeremic #11907 b99c58b362 Fix missing exception in handling flattenable array element Annabelle Huo #11873 81cda5c687 Add Helper to check if a method is LambdaForm generated Jack Lu #11715 53bd7c7c01 Change to use Reflection.getClassAccessFlags in MHs.checkClassAccess Jack Lu #11708 4122e1d6e6 Fixup varHandleMethodTypes in HCR Tobi Ajila #11905

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • openj9-0.25.0(Mar 16, 2021)

    Eclipse release plan: Release notes: Milestone plan:

    Release details:

    Branch name: v0.25.0-release Tag: openj9-0.25.0

    Repo SHAs:

    OpenJ9: 022d654 OMR: 0951443

    Security Vulnerabilities Resolved N/A

    JITServer Helm Chart - Easier deployment of JITServer technology in a Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster

    For details about the release and release candidates, please see:

    For the list of OMR changes see

    OpenJ9 Changes

    345e1b0..022d654 022d65424f [v0.25.0] Reinforce the check on the sealed classes in JEP397 Cheng Jin #12161 0283464fbb (0.25.0) AArch64: Mixed references work Akira Saitoh #12109 41516e8f97 Fix test TestClassExt.testFJ9ObjectExt Keith W. Campbell #12101 212eb10387 (0.25.0) Added missing volatile keywords to J9Profiler jimmyk #12056 fe1b64fd35 (0.25.0) Decompress String before invoking decompressedArrayCopy Dhruv Chopra #12020 01bfff6b3c (0.25.0) Change TR_ASSERT_FATAL into failCompilation call Leonardo Banderali #11984 1911986f73 (0.25.0) CMake: Update java handling for windows jdk16+ Devin Nakamura #11917 c0c8839e26 (0.25) Implement TR_J9VM::ensureOSRBufferSize for JITServer Dmitry Ten #11916 b96301fec8 (v0.25.0) Change to use Reflection.getClassAccessFlags in MHs.checkClassAccess Jack Lu #11914 571c350ebf Fixup varHandleMethodTypes in HCR Tobi Ajila #11913 eea5afd546 Add Involuntary OSR support for AOT Irwin D'Souza #11553 8cc79c6db9 Fix classfile major version verification Tobi Ajila #11897 88e89538c5 Set up AIX XLClang flags for JDK 16+ CMake builds Sharon Wang #11889 94631db6e8 Remove use of heapBase 0 in x86's J9TreeEvaluator Dhruv Chopra #11688 3dd15935a5 Revert INCLUDE-IF expression change in #11888 Keith W. Campbell #11891 3ebeea5bed Add more compile stubs for Java 17 Keith W. Campbell #11888 880ea00251 ClassIteratorClassSlots now returns address of class instead of slots Oussama Saoudi #11848 59e78fefcc Update pointer offset addition for dbf Scan Ordering Jon Oommen #11850 e82d21c4b8 Modify the translated PII files in nls folder bjcdong #11885 f09b770fb1 Prevent non-diagnostic threads from picking up JitDump compiles Filip Jeremic #11880 388d38ad36 Update options for UMA configurations Keith W. Campbell #11882 7138097167 Add definition for snprintf for MSC_VER < 1900 Irwin D'Souza #11883 862846d33b Exclude cmdLineTester_jep178_staticLinking_SE80 on plinux Peter Shipton #11876 ecefec5ced Add conditional relo tracing mechanism Leonardo Banderali #11871 22d16317f2 Format playlist files renfeiw #11849 c7017bfcd7 JDK8 getMethod returns any matching method for an interface Jason Feng #11867 cac1fd074c Ensure JitDump is always generated for compilation crashes Filip Jeremic #11825 daa67fe0cd Fix ScavengerForwardedHeader compatibilty issue Igor Braga #11869 9e4aac7acc Set loadType of Unsafe classes and LOAD_LOCATION_UNKNOWN classes Hang Shao #11864 eeea1905f7 Capture the illegal access behavior in Class.newInstance() Cheng Jin #11631 e688d1bba8 Create smaller code and data caches on JITServer Dmitry Ten #11865 afd925e834 Increase content retention limit for UNB artifactory Joe deKoning #11863 80dfa96325 Update build instructions for Windows [skip ci] Harpreet Kaur #11861 b89195c68e Do not hold compilation monitor in postCompilationTasks on the server Dmitry Ten #11844 321c1a1c97 Enable -rdynamic on linux builds Devin Nakamura #11857 fc59565ac2 Deprecate MM_ScavengerForwardedHeader over MM_ForwardedHeader Igor Braga #11751 b971931ae9 Fix case sensitive file path in Java16AndUp tests Mike Zhang #11859 e99b65611c Fix gencon to work with flattened arrays Oussama Saoudi #11618 f1a506d091 Fix incorrect access of Compilation object Dmitry Ten #11823 73a3b6b630 Capture more files for diagnostics Keith W. Campbell #11847 da7398b344 Change Class#permittedSubclasses() to getPermittedSubclasses() and updated tests Mike Zhang #11606 e0608da764 Initial commit for artifactory storage monitoring Joe deKoning #11782 95ba1bfd86 Contribute JIT write barrier documentation Daryl Maier #11581 be82a04958 Simplify isMonitorValueBasedOrValueType Annabelle Huo #11747 93c570b830 Exclude special.system testing for AIX, zlinux jdk8 Peter Shipton #11840 5e0957abc9 Implement MethodHandleNatives native code Jack Lu #10690 c23e9d79bc [MethodHandles] Update classData and add classDataAt for JDK16 Babneet Singh #11815 dde4c68fb5 Update incorrect variable in assert Irwin D'Souza #11820 5b3b579596 Update the CML option of JEP390 Hang Shao #11830 cdf6247106 Modify romClassLoadFromCookie entry trace point Hang Shao #11828 0ad4ed9103 Add a value type check in valueTypeIllegalMonitorState Hang Shao #11766 af0378b052 exclude testRASAPI on JDK 16 and 17 Yixin Qian #11826 4cf6ddc49a Ensure can be exported Keith W. Campbell #11824 33b153130a Remove -verbose flag in playlist.xml Yixin Qian #11720 1eaefc09f7 Allow zero subclass in the PermittedSubclasses attribute Cheng Jin #11807 fb38837fd1 Make ROMClass walkers in DDR and VM consistent Alexey Khrabrov #11362 3f6faa8d96 Consolidate tests for whether to compress pointers Keith W. Campbell #11730 abd4af9616 Remove dependence of Inlining table relocations on the existence of virtual guards Irwin D'Souza #11552 ee75598792 Add error handling in NonUpgradeableModules and make it final Sharon Wang #11806 eea94c0482 Remove unnecessary test excludes Peter Shipton #11809 8f0f40a0b1 Account for Lookup.ORIGINAL access in JDK16 Babneet Singh #11769 cfdab1f12f Fix algorithm version constant MIXED_REFERENCE_MODE for DDR Keith W. Campbell #11810 1f0f08e949 Remove unneeded code in NULLCHKEvaluator Filip Jeremic #11393 4d8c4bb383 Remove mention of AdoptOpenJDK downloads Peter Shipton #11762 2a86052a48 Refactor prex arg info computation and propagation Liqun Liu #11588 00e156b6c9 Remove Windows Configuration text from test suite id Sharon Wang #11804 487d98fd10 VarHandle withInvoke[Exact]Behavior methods should be abstract Babneet Singh #11802 347742aafc Fast path for Reflection.getClassAccessFlags() Graham Chapman #11786 914eae499a Disable VAR_HANDLE_GUARDS optimization in OpenJ9 Babneet Singh #11767 091d2c3118 Reference.isEnqueued() deprecated since Java 16 Babneet Singh #11796 8935eedfda Fix process exit codes used in error handling in JITServer listener Alexey Khrabrov #11794 b8b96f7d25 Remove unused import in Java 8 from Peter Shipton #11797 cafb94c3c4 Fix bug in SerializedRuntimeAssumption list allocation Dmitry Ten #11788 edd6422776 Include classloader name and module version in stack trace Sharon Wang #11601 fb8c08c7db Remove code related to unsupported Java versions Keith W. Campbell #11784 653858e51a Port cmdLineTester_GCCheck into openj9 OscarQQ #11682 16da716d2b Update docker script Keith W. Campbell #11789 adde9ef085 Refactor content of j9ddr.jar into openj9.dtfj module Keith W. Campbell #11735 f93331a23c Add extra U_64 data field to Indexable Object Headers Igor Braga #11755 5c3a463fee Zero out unused fields in TR_AOTHeader Alexey Khrabrov #11779 020cefa6ca Use new disabled feature to exclude tests renfeiw #11669 e5b6f0357f Remove unused JITServer message types and associated dead code Alexey Khrabrov #11773 076dd66b4d AArch64: Implement inlined version of awrtbar/awrtbariEvaluator Akira Saitoh #11780 c7f54b69b7 Get metadataCache field without caching to avoid circular dependency Jason Feng #11761 d132a6b28b AArch64: Implement monitor enter/exit VM helper call for value types KONNO Kazuhiro #10494 4d43339976 Split verbose libraries into default (compressed) and full Sharon Wang #11662 6485d7550c Add missing break keywords in RelocationRecord.cpp Irwin D'Souza #11746 899bd1cdf0 Increment JITServer protocol version Alexey Khrabrov #11331 8c1868d769 Port testRASAPI into openj9 OscarQQ #11556 3cd0af831e Add a CML test suite for JEP390 Hang Shao #11695 2d54c30864 Fix incorrect if condition in CacheMap.cpp Hang Shao #11750 bcfb5c77b3 Add a missing null check in defineHiddenClassWithClassData Babneet Singh #11754 d2e97872f7 Exempt BCV_SPECIAL_INIT from being set with top in mergeStacks Cheng Jin #11753 f652b55ec1 Returning cached default value instead of Allocation Oussama Saoudi #11124 a3c46a714d Remove duplicate line in memcheck.c Peter Shipton #11748 7d8678f352 Add value type standard testing capabilities Tobi Ajila #11728 678d8eb048 Accommodate NPE messages computed by OpenJ9 with OpenJDK MethodHandles Jason Feng #11737 a1cfdc2866 Optimize anon class name fixup Graham Chapman #11734 10f33a7c4d Correct formatting of test build.xml for zOS Joe deKoning #11716 a2ae5934ae Handle monitor enter/exit on value based instances in Z Annabelle Huo #11677 d7d306adbb Remove unnecessary dependence on bash Keith W. Campbell #11679 2ffbe13599 Implement MethodHandles.dropReturn for JDK16 Babneet Singh #11709 b162f26760 Created FlattenedContiguousArrayIterator for FA iteration Oussama Saoudi #11714 339a3a6c0c Fix PGC calibration issue Lin Hu #11656 ae9ac34b5d Removed J9VM_JIT_NEW_INSTANCE_PROTOTYPE Abhijeet #11719 61a073a938 Fix sending server memory state at compilation failure Dmitry Ten #11713 a797944cf2 Generate DDR pointer classes at runtime Keith W. Campbell #11710 6a40787347 Remove -g flag when building the interpreter on aix Devin Nakamura #11704 fd6deb69bb Clean up StringTable code Graham Chapman #11700 27f4bafce5 Add DDR type override Keith W. Campbell #11707 0390c2a95f Decrease verbosity in gcRecressionTests J. Cody Arnholt #11712 1707c3fde7 Fix DDR field inconsistency in mixed refs builds Sharon Wang #11691 266490a3d8 Update the check of isRecord() for record classes Cheng Jin #11678 229a98daf7 Update ROMClass walk to support JITServer ROMClass serialization on JDK 11+ Alexey Khrabrov #11619 b90f8218d2 Improve JITServer client compilation thread activation policy Dmitry Ten #11628 65272fd851 Make MethodHandles.classData public for JDK16 Babneet Singh #11699 1a4268efa4 Remove jdk11 travis build now linter runs via github actions Peter Shipton #11690 5c4af9ee65 Enable Linter job in github workflow Sophia Guo #11648 70bfd3c9c3 Don't declare new linkage types in OpenJ9 Dhruv Chopra #11561 b441ce7a9b Fix typo in doc/compiler/aot/ Harry Yu #11681 1585a1296e Add file types to clean up job Joe deKoning #11680 b981493d21 Handle monitor enter/exit on value based instances in Power Annabelle Huo #11491 303feab81f Inclusive terms for infra scripts Adam Brousseau #10279 f11ee6f33e j9gc_createJavaLangString() check for ASCII properly in Unicode Peter Shipton #11668 5902d2e5ad Set domainCombiner from closest frame in result AccessControlContext Jason Feng #11664 964ae0bb65 Fold static final field in ILGen Liqun Liu #11636 1eafe5ed15 Fix failures in identifying invokeBasic Nazim Bhuiyan #11638 d3b7278a17 Remove vm.cmprssptrs in platformRequirements lanxia #11660 308defb4e2 General Relocation Infrastructure Clean up Irwin D'Souza #11235 d8c75f27de Fix error introduced by #11635 Graham Chapman #11661 4971b144bb Fix typos, formatting Keith W. Campbell #11658 7738db1ba4 Limited the native test loadLegacyLibrary to IBM and openj9 only. Sophia Guo #11657 15fced5022 Update lockWordAlignment asm package Longyu Zhang #11623 a5dcf99f59 Define J9Package.export booleans as U_32, fix jdk16 !dumpmodule test Peter Shipton #11647 97970a7e32 Update UNB curl redirection script to be more detailed Joe deKoning #11649 98dc2c8176 Revert "Add extra U_64 data field to Indexable Object Headers" Peter Shipton #11653 55955d3fc4 Call correct print function for Unresolved Call Snippet Rahil Shah #11626 dc71fc9732 Fix invokedynamic in DDR bytecode dumper Graham Chapman #11645 2fc851e003 Compute NPE message for JBinvokestatic Jason Feng #11646 2caa56bcb6 Enable additional tracing for jitdump compiles Filip Jeremic #11610 b3a21394fb Implement jitResolveFlattenableField Graham Chapman #11635 5bd152fc4a Remove useless J9_RUNTIME_DENY_ILLEGAL_ACCESS flag Keith W. Campbell #11604 30f8e6470c Add stub and constants for jitResolveFlattenableField Graham Chapman #11627 69fcda4c25 Add --illegal-access=permit to several tests Longyu Zhang #11632 cef51dfd74 Remove repeated words Keith W. Campbell #11621 c2ca4fa50d Disable unneeded relocation in field watch snippet for JITServer Dmitry Ten #11590 46fa54c090 --add-exports and opens to TestFileLocking for Java 16+ Peter Shipton #11612 dc0276457c Update JDK8 build instructions using VS2013 for Windows Joe deKoning #11574 4be12d3667 Return type signature for NonSpecificConstObject Liqun Liu #11598 a6756ee754 Remove use of get and setAccessStaticsIndirectly APIs Dhruv Chopra #11559 69578e0024 Add new relocation records for block frequency Ashutosh Mehra #9591 644d86edb5 Update reflectCache test to use Unsafe for JDK15+ Peter Shipton #11600 be9d1d0e47 Add extra U_64 data field to Indexable Object Headers Igor Braga #11507 21b3d5fe17 Export for j9ddr.jar Keith W. Campbell #11597 56d0a4a674 Add new make target for building java preprocessor Keith W. Campbell #11589 de26a7c492 Adjust expectations for *.cmd files Keith W. Campbell #11593 ddb3997671 Move J9 specific changes to S390J9CallSnippet Rahil Shah #11480 85e7ef2308 JVM_LoadLibrary() must use lazy library loading by default Peter Shipton #11591 e4d6340400 Add entry for Java dump file containing processor features SueChaplain #11592 c1b65d19e3 Add single quote detection J. Cody Arnholt #11542 a355c88e97 verbose:module/nomodule option implementation Theresa Mammarella #10095 137829daa4 openj9/ibm for cmdLineTester_classesdbgddrext_aix OscarQQ #11585 aa9ca0070b Remove dead/unreferenced data in ROMClasses Alexey Khrabrov #11566 eee4d1a0a2 Reduce heap size for cores, remove -Xint running cmdline tests Peter Shipton #11575 f8471f65d3 Update Windows to openssh 1.1.1i Joe deKoning #11572 1910cfa3ab Rework timeout handling for the cmdline tester Peter Shipton #11541 6dd2a3a6b6 RuntimeMXBean.getSystemProperties() must use stringPropertyNames() Peter Shipton #11535 f78f6e1978 Fix potential memory leak Keith W. Campbell #11565 8b7c083e83 JDK15+ JVM_LoadLibrary convert libName for Windows platform Jason Feng #11567 2dec40f647 Update Mac Xcode version and delete V14 build instructions Peter Shipton #11558 2b6091832b Fix minor formatting issues Keith W. Campbell #11564 96f702c59a Update JITServer documentation Dmitry Ten #11529 a6994047ee Add "Program Files" to build instructions for Windows Oliver Kopp #11550 a3d9169f21 Release notes for OpenJ9 0.24.0 SueChaplain #11539 70b6c8f5e1 AArch64: Enable implicit NULLCHK Akira Saitoh #11347 d4cc28f410 Update linkToInterface for OpenJDK MethodHandles Babneet Singh #11367 d4ce286e6b Simplify ArrayStoreCHK evaluator Ben Thomas #11530 9261b927af Remove VarHandle equals and hashCode Theresa Mammarella #11521 83b76ae06e Fix exception message on illegal sync on value type/value based obj Hang Shao #11518 f0a4235ef0 AArch64: Add dummy constant data snippet Akira Saitoh #11514 ce8ff9a16a Perform cleanup in x86 and Z's multianewarrayEvaluator Dhruv Chopra #11320 61c7faf470 Refine receiver class based on CP class of callsite Liqun Liu #11489 9f373780be Use portable formats from omrformatconsts.h Keith W. Campbell #11375 96ff2fb85b Update osgi jar name Longyu Zhang #11520 e3cf12a5a9 PlatformLoggingMXBean.setLoggerLevel() should allow null level Peter Shipton #11501 19329be448 Revert delay liveness analysis change Annabelle Huo #11513 36dd5b3661 Revert "Merge pull request #11214 from a7ehuo/rerun-liveness-analysis-treelowering" Annabelle Huo #11214 b58ed1b52b Implement JIT support for flattened value type arrays Leonardo Banderali #11383 468d3c484e Add illegalAccessPermit for TestRefreshGCSpecialClassesCache Longyu Zhang #11499 395ec4a5c4 AArch64: Do explicit NULLCHK on interface call node Akira Saitoh #11503 1541ca67e1 Handle monitor enter/exit on value based instances (X86) Annabelle Huo #11358 8a09d26dbd Fix implementation of String equalsIgnoreCase() and regionMatches() Sharon Wang #11423 90b0908470 Add jdk16 to the build pipelines Adam Brousseau #11495 533459ac8f Fix utf8 range check in SCC Tobi Ajila #11487 c1f7135fbc Add add-exports to JEP358NPEMessageTests Longyu Zhang #11482 567c5898fc Delay liveness analysis to post tree lowering Annabelle Huo #11214 ef89ce3194 Use JDK11+ API to get process pid to fix AttachAPISanity for JDK16+ Peter Shipton #11488 c86d5f603b OpenJDK MethodType arg slots not needed to support OpenJDK MethodHandle Babneet Singh #11372 4221b3bc85 Update JavaRuntimeVersion test (jrvTest) to handle more variants Peter Shipton #11483 ce3c56c81a Support for serialization of TR_BlockFrequencyInfo Ashutosh Mehra #9590 0144837b1f Remove empty jdk folder after move Adam Brousseau #11486 9a3c3408c8 Add test exclude files for jdk17 Peter Shipton #11485 67bb44416a Change asm package name for lockWordAlignment Longyu Zhang #11435 f99301b059 AArch64: Implement implicit NULLCHK Akira Saitoh #11346 1848c81c69 Use getOriginalROMMethod under FSD mode Irwin D'Souza #11425 d6141d83fc Support exception event hooks in AOT Irwin D'Souza #11461 56b263b768 Use TR::MemoryReference::create API where applicable Rahil Shah #11468 9c98babbcd Update guidelines regarding capitalizing commit first letter Longyu Zhang #11456 19fefcf952 Remove OpenJ9 Java code surrounded by the Panama JPP flag Babneet Singh #11441 cb1f3fd229 Disable J9 NativeMethodHandle & GenerateJLIClassesHelper for OJDK MH Babneet Singh #11437 49a2392472 Fix build break due to definingClassFromCPFieldRef change Marius Pirvu #11476 efa722b9d6 Use 32-bit subtract and correct compare/jump instructions Dhruv Chopra #11451 0a88289e74 Update how Eden size is reported at gc-start and gc-end Igor Braga #11317 a3acacadf5 Replace deprecated gethostbyname() with getaddrinfo() to avoid crash Marius Pirvu #11448 a0eeba1620 Disable cmdLineTester_loadLibraryTests from hotspot impl Sophia Guo #11471 4ab6403e2b Avoid NPE with -verbose:stacktrace when source location is null Peter Shipton #11457 7debc535cd Add -Xlp test support for Mac Peter Shipton #11462 8b5b57b569 Remove _mixed_cm and use _mixed for mixed refs Sharon Wang #11459 d12183de25 Capture more information in SymRefTab fatal assert Leonardo Banderali #11454 b1d73cc16b Temporarily disable xlpCodeCacheTests on AIX since it fails Peter Shipton #11460 0e87192a4a Change the new CML options for JEP390 Hang Shao #11432 787613532c Use TR::MemoryReference::create API Rahil Shah #11421 f2dbdc6623 Update the debug flags for the Assembly source Rahil Shah #11259 9512affa45 Bringup JDK17 - add JAVA17 JPP pConfig & MajorVersion Jason Feng #11450 faac02f822 Add --illegal-access=permit in JCL tests Longyu Zhang #11434 88959036c0 Remove dead code surrounded by the OPENJDK_METHODHANDLES JPP flag Babneet Singh #11436 f2e8dfa434 Correct name of NestHost class for value type withfield test class Henry Zongaro #11316 543d070e13 Add doc for relocation of inlined methods Irwin D'Souza #11396 b5733bb66a Fix bug related to sequencing scheme in JITServer Marius Pirvu #11416 2831a5ef3a move third party lib to functional level OscarQQ #11368 97440e9363 AArch64: Add a method for setting up implicit exception point to InstructionDelegate Akira Saitoh #11345 49bd3122df Add ability to delete tso datasets for zOS guests Joe deKoning #11412 43960bfdc1 Store client's VM phase in JITServer client session Dmitry Ten #11392 b2400f9240 Update platforms exception Windows to use openssl 1.1.1i Peter Shipton #11408 7a1a19ce02 Skip module access check for processMethod() Jason Feng #11404 ee73696bcc Keep splitPostGRA stores in right block for acmp fast path Henry Zongaro #11254 c840291da0 Check class initialization status in reusing iprofiling data and inlined sites relocation Liqun Liu #11373 ca4d9e9a43 AArch64: Add jitARM64Handler Akira Saitoh #11344 c612827a33 AArch64: Add a flag for implicit NULLCHKs to memory reference class Akira Saitoh #11343 a03860026f Revert "Revert "Add cpu feature info to javacore"" Peter Shipton #11395 b326b6db14 jdk.internal.access.SharedSecrets is required for JDK15+ Jason Feng #11389 dbfcfcdc0e AArch64: Change -fpic to -fPIC KONNO Kazuhiro #11381 4237e98fe5 Exclude special.system on AIX XL Peter Shipton #11394 9fbdc74a6d Revert "Add cpu feature info to javacore" Filip Jeremic #11385 2aeffa1dfe Fix testSCCacheManagement failure on ibm 11 zos Longyu Zhang #10368 a7644926ff Add cpu feature info to javacore Harry Yu #11215 7264964d92 Add ability to activate CH Table at an arbitrary point Irwin D'Souza #11247 c60b68ad08 Only patch CP entries with valid mapping Jack Lu #11324

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  • openj9-0.24.0(Jan 22, 2021)

    Eclipse release plan: Release notes: Milestone plan:

    Release details:

    Branch name: v0.24.0-release Tag: openj9-0.24.0

    Repo SHAs:

    OpenJ9: 345e1b0 OMR: 741e94e

    Security Vulnerabilities Resolved CVE-2020-27221

    JITServer Helm Chart - Easier deployment of JITServer technology in a Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster

    For details about the release and release candidates, please see:

    For the list of OMR changes see

    OpenJ9 Changes

    0394ef7..345e1b0 345e1b0 (0.24.0) Update JavaRuntimeVersion test (jrvTest) to handle more variants Peter Shipton #11675 82b570c (v0.24.0-release) Set domainCombiner from closest frame in result AccessControlContext Jason Feng #11670 3aeef4a Add new make target for building java preprocessor Keith W. Campbell #11663 1e1c84e (0.24.0) JVM_LoadLibrary() must use lazy library loading by default Peter Shipton #11595 87a710e (0.24) Update JITServer documentation Dmitry Ten #11594 a74db65 (0.24.0) Update Windows to openssh 1.1.1i Joe deKoning #11573 8a0174e (0.24.0) Rework timeout handling for the cmdline tester Peter Shipton #11571 d7c0c54 (v0.24.0-release) JDK15+ JVM_LoadLibrary convert libName for Windows platform Jason Feng #11568 5a8928f 0.24: Remove VarHandle equals and hashCode Theresa Mammarella #11533 b9e0624 (0.24.0) Update osgi jar name Longyu Zhang #11527 cba9b21 (0.24.0) PlatformLoggingMXBean.setLoggerLevel() should allow null level Peter Shipton #11517 37218de (0.24.0) Fix String equalsIgnoreCase() and regionMatches() implementations Sharon Wang #11497 703aa2a (0.24.0) Fix utf8 range check in SCC Tobi Ajila #11498 5cbd27b (0.24.0) Replace deprecated gethostbyname() with getaddrinfo() to avoid crash Marius Pirvu #11484 945f673 (0.24.0) Avoid NPE with -verbose:stacktrace when source location is null Peter Shipton #11478 f344122 (0.24.0) Change TR_ASSERT_FATAL into failCompilation call Leonardo Banderali #11431 2312097 (v0.24.0-release) jdk.internal.access.SharedSecrets is required for JDK15+ Jason Feng #11473 fd61eca (0.24.0) Temporarily disable xlpCodeCacheTests on AIX since it fails Peter Shipton #11463 66016a2 (0.24.0) Fix bug related to sequencing scheme in JITServer Marius Pirvu #11429 50b72ee (0.24.0) Update platforms exception Windows to use openssl 1.1.1i Peter Shipton #11420 ca323ad (v0.24.0-release) Skip module access check for processMethod() Jason Feng #11413 a2a7abb (0.24.0) Add cpu feature info to javacore Harry Yu #11411 5fa3c2f Only load initialized class from SCC into iprofiler data (v0.24.0) Liqun Liu #11409 c144b7c Enable java.lang.Class.getConstantPool() for Java 8 Sharon Wang #11370 c757b51 Update ROMClass walk implementation to support ROMClass serialization in JITServer Alexey Khrabrov #11330 fc28907 Increase threshold for low JITServer memory Dmitry Ten #11364 602113a Add support for mixed references mode in CMake builds Sharon Wang #11166 13ad3c7 Print initialized stanza to each file Enson Guo #10879 8401f56 Uncommon autosimd piv loop stride increment node Mohammad Nazmul Alam #11004 e869618 Display available memory in JITServer heartbeat Dmitry Ten #11355 99c282c Adjust signature of JVM_LookupLambdaProxyClassFromArchive for jdk16 Keith W. Campbell #11354 241fd44 Adjust stubs required for jdk16 Keith W. Campbell #11357 819e029 Fix withField access check Hang Shao #11339 bec65f6 get third party dependency in VM_Test OscarQQ #11226 13e3179 Enable parallel runs in system test builds lanxia #11341 d6cf481 Add Ben Thomas (aviansie-ben) to PR launch list Adam Brousseau #11348 13282f2 Limit size of core files created by the OS, and reduce -Xmx Peter Shipton #11340 2d5a92b Improve the mechanism of accepting new request at JITServer Marius Pirvu #11314 79f0cfb Remove duplicate of defineHiddenClassWithClassData Babneet Singh #11350 c671b3b Eliminate VM_getClassNameSignatureFromMethod message Dmitry Ten #11328 9f11871 JDK16 Changes Babneet Singh #11322 ceeb4c8 Use fewer compilation threads at client when JITServer is low on memory Dmitry Ten #11323 f74d712 Disable multianewarray evaluator on Z Dhruv Chopra #11338 9226dce Enable LoadFlattenableArray for non-VT arrays Tobi Ajila #11311 af88f17 Fix the issue with the unsafe target register on RISC-V Cheng Jin #11337 f6fcc17 Rewrite multianewarray evaluator on Z Dhruv Chopra #11088 fcb853c Fix undeclared variable at objectMonitorEnterNonBlocking Igor Braga #11307 2cdb0a1 Adjust max stack for some generated test methods Henry Zongaro #11302 a7b7dbe JEP390 implementation Hang Shao #11035 9c5708a Reset the last error code on z/OS in j9shmem.c after omrnls_printf() Peter Shipton #11301 f102609 Use flattened types as backfill Tobi Ajila #10983 7fa3430 Remove unused field ThreadGroup.memorySpace Keith W. Campbell #11297 dad5099 For z/OS, set attach.enable=yes running testJpsSanity Peter Shipton #11298 cfa18de Add native stubs for vector API support Tobi Ajila #10061 7fade16 Rename OpenJ9 MethodType fields to match OpenJDK MethodType Babneet Singh #11289 a270b12 Reset softmx after testing to avoid OOMs later Peter Shipton #11294 bf729d3 Add Dynamic Breadth First Scan Ordering to Balanced GC Jon Oommen #11051 5a51cba Java 16: Deprecate certain ThreadGroup methods Keith W. Campbell #11295 cb2ed13 Only enable j2iInvokeExact and i2jMHTransition for OpenJ9 MHs Babneet Singh #11290 1ca858f Convert compiles to use CentOS 6 containers for x86 Joe deKoning #11270 a9deb2a Disable FieldVarHandle native methods for OpenJDK MH Babneet Singh #11288 e1424fe Add more info to assert message in SymRefTab Leonardo Banderali #11279 2f4ea25 Remove invalid shrc asserts during shutdown Peter Shipton #11285 5cd5e57 Remove reverseBytes inlining code from x86 codegen Ben Thomas #11284 6a074cc Prune constructors from NPE stack trace Jason Feng #11283 0de36a3 Remove code related to invokeWithArgumentsHelper Babneet Singh #10856 5286152 Support for OpenJDK MethodHandles Babneet Singh #11281 ced47ca Define placeholder HandleRecompilationOps optimization Henry Zongaro #11020 2bf2e99 Reset Frequencies before setting them jimmyk #11128 23868ce Enable Value Type support for JITServer Dmitry Ten #11233 dfb2032 Improve error message on duplicate class definition Hang Shao #11276 d615676 Update classpath for JAVA16 Keith W. Campbell #11275 a3d9657 Add a stub for NativeMethodHandle in JDK16 Babneet Singh #11267 fea3bfb Remove deprecated Java preprocessor flags Keith W. Campbell #11264 fb11ea2 Use the right symbol for constant string placeholder Liqun Liu #11092 8c76311 Add --illegal-access=permit in tests lanxia #11253 341fc39 Add tests for unresolved value types Henry Zongaro #11097 a3c957c Fix format string Keith W. Campbell #11249 3f38e9b JDK16 VarHandle Support Babneet Singh #11182 63b0291 Revert "Use byteswap to implement reverseBytes" Filip Jeremic #11245 969207d Move native Thread.setNameImpl method after Thread initialize() Jason Feng #11234 1c3056d Centralize opcode enum Filip Jeremic #11169 749f941 Fetch array length before dropping vm access Dan Heidinga #11241 ac22731 Remove reverseBytes inlining code from x86 codegen Ben Thomas #11114 ef72ef7 Remove unwanted import Keith W. Campbell #11238 47d7b92 Remove dup cleanWs command on Win/zOS Adam Brousseau #11220 722c443 Don't enter and exit the VM when finding class loader Graham Chapman #11231 bff22d2 Enable use of a Java 7 bootjdk Keith W. Campbell #11230 2981dcb Print flags for relo records that may set it Irwin D'Souza #10916 c58fe5a Do not append non-interned strings at the end of packed ROMClass Alexey Khrabrov #11212 e97b873 fix CDSAdaptorTest for vmfarm Windows Longyu Zhang #11224 a1ad6df Enhance DDR support Keith W. Campbell #11210 d939a53 Include JAVA_VENDOR, J9PRODUCT_NAME, J9JDK_EXT_VERSION in javacore Peter Shipton #11216 c40cf2f Disable AutoSIMD of loops with asyncchecks jimmyk #11126 875361c Update documentation from -Xlog to -Xsyslog Peter Shipton #11221 ee8c44b Putfield & Withfield support for sym ref generation for flattened fields Annabelle Huo #10406 280eaae Purge JITServer caches sooner when memory is low Eman Elsabban #11189 447fad1 Update Jenkins Credential IDs to new human-readable names Adam Brousseau #11217 ee646ae Set MARKED_STALE_FLAG once timestamp update has been detected Hang Shao #11213 33d30b1 Enable the check for sealed classes for Java 16 Cheng Jin #11203 4e25e83 Fix getUnixPID() for jdk11+ and stop waiting for tests after 10 min Peter Shipton #11199 547bb8e NullPointerException(null).getMessage() returns null Jason Feng #11188 0e8f48a Remove obsolete code related to CC_STARTUP_NO_CACHELETS Hang Shao #11180 d4822737 JDK15 enable NPE extended message by default Jason Feng #11183 f9c7b61 Support surrogate pairs in case insensitive string comparison Mike Zhang #11061 c4778b5 Fix tracepoint specifiers Jason Feng #11173 246476c Update resolve code to support OpenJDK MH Jack Lu #10893 4370b39 Run select parts of make-based builds sequentially Keith W. Campbell #11153 498e89d Added CDSAdaptorTest with updated osgi verison Longyu Zhang #10891 804b89b Update -Xlog tests to accept "java version" Peter Shipton #11176 0aec295 Use ByteArrayOutputStream instead of List Keith W. Campbell #11167 7cf2cc9 Cache well-known class chain offsets in JITServer client session Alexey Khrabrov #11138 f3ea46b JDK15 getCurrentClassLoader() for jdk.internal.loader.NativeLibraries.load() Jason Feng #11160 5272062 Fix VM crash inside SH_CacheMap::handleStartupError() Hang Shao #11165 e8d57b0 Exclude waiting objects from owned monitor queries Graham Chapman #11155 0676066 Provide default message if NLS look fails Dan Heidinga #11147 d903b2b Convert the property value from the platform encoding to MUTF8 string Cheng Jin #11156 3c9c23b Set _compressObjectReferences if mixed build override not defined Sharon Wang #11159 8898734 Fix build error with legacy DDR tools Keith W. Campbell #11150 c3970a8 Fix array size offset for inlined zero sized arrays in x86 Igor Braga #11129 f090f10 Add to support AQA tests Jason Feng #11146 76a58dd Fix issue in DDR field layout calculation Tobi Ajila #11144 fc52cb7 Parse -Xlog:gc variants for compatibility and add tests Peter Shipton #11082 d49f42b Remove JNIEXPORT from function definition Keith W. Campbell #11140 323e9b9 Skip self-storing stores Liqun Liu #11091 41aaf56 Correct signatures of several JVM functions Keith W. Campbell #11134 6d75ce8 CMake: Add copyright info to dlls on windows Devin Nakamura #11101 e6d96aa Implement java.lang.ref.Reference.refersTo() for Java 16 Keith W. Campbell #11123 fa589c6 AArch64: Implement VMcheckcastEvaluator Akira Saitoh #11131 f042423 AArch64: Fix break position of the switch statement in VMinstanceofEvaluator Akira Saitoh #11132 c8e311b Fix JDK8 Windows compilation warning Jason Feng #11122 7be08a4 enable cmdLineTest_locales on openj9 OscarQQ #11050 458b69a exclude hotspot for default/forceLazySymbolResolution OscarQQ #11115 4952885 Add a call to j9cpu_flush_icache() in j9vmemTest.c KONNO Kazuhiro #11098 c369531 Revert "Fix array size offset for inlined zero sized arrays in x86" Peter Shipton #11121 69a11e0 Add replicas of default build configs with OpenJDK JSR292 enabled Babneet Singh #11033 69e6704 Remove redundant null and bound checks in NIO methods jimmyk #11064 420b088 AArch64: Cleanup instanceof evaluator Akira Saitoh #11109 be9a716 Reduce the optimization level of bcverify.c in compilation Cheng Jin #11086 bfa102c Rename workflow to generic name, fix name of MH assigner Peter Shipton #11117 9470d96 JEP358 NPE extended message part 2 - the cause of NPE Jason Feng #10912 2ce44b3 Move the array check for the new bytecode to the runtime verifier Cheng Jin #11108 7f60d24 Fix array size offset for inlined zero sized arrays in x86 Igor Braga #10946 6104884 Create known object for MethodHandle constant Liqun Liu #11090 eed21f9 Add missing VerboseLog.hpp includes Daryl Maier #11107 424908e Enable parallel on zos test builds lanxia #11081 cdb8e98 Exclude default/forceLazySymbolResolution test for jdk15+ Peter Shipton #11099 a236ce7 Improve jps to be able to handle composed arguments AlexeyAnufriev #11052 55f7ef5 Revert "Revert "Update JDK8 windows compiles to use Visual Studio 2013"" Peter Shipton #11102 0ac7281 Initialize variables so mergeStacks is easier to read Dan Heidinga #11095 cb726b1 Revert "Update JDK8 windows compiles to use Visual Studio 2013" Peter Shipton #11100 63436e4 Update JDK8 windows compiles to use Visual Studio 2013 Joe deKoning #10892 8d50944 AArch64: Add support for CHelper in PrivateLinkage KONNO Kazuhiro #10570 ece170f Replace the checks for inlining Math.abs() methods KONNO Kazuhiro #10314 4dc76d9 Warn of mismatch between jdmpview and producer of core file Keith W. Campbell #11085 84c8e66 Fix DAA creating byteswap and conversion in the wrong order Ben Thomas #11096 cf11ffd Revert "Initialize variables so mergeStacks is easier to read" Graham Chapman #11094 c020c13 Initialize variables so mergeStacks is easier to read Dan Heidinga #11089 6c0fa8e Remove initialization logic from default CodeGenerator constructor Daryl Maier #10770 84d926f Class Unload Scan time should not include Mutex Quiesce Time Dmitri Pivkine #11059 71c942f Add double map API to OSX Igor Braga #10714 00c068e Ensure correct vTables when interface class is redefined Graham Chapman #11062 05694a1 Fix issues in compiler after enabling byteswap evaluators Filip Jeremic #11079 40f5a96 port defaultLazySymbolResolution, forceLazySymbolResolution into openj9 OscarQQ #10907 bb21df7 Remove reverse load/store opcodes Ben Thomas #10938 6043968 Update Best Practices Doc Irwin D'Souza #11057 1e1eb31 Use redirectIO() in TestOpenJ9DiagnosticsMXBean Peter Shipton #11058 8f1e42b CMake: make nlsgen output depend on the .nls files Devin Nakamura #10720 8dc66b0 Handle MethodHandle signature-polymorphic native methods for JITServer Dmitry Ten #10972 04e08c0 Combine isAbstractClass() and isInterfaceClass() into isConcreteClass() Eman Elsabban #11046 c99c6e7 Revert "Warn of mismatch between jdmpview and producer of core file" Peter Shipton #11053 c94877b -Xcheck:jni ThrowNew() should check a jclass object Jason Feng #11047 9f7b1dc Warn of mismatch between jdmpview and producer of core file Keith W. Campbell #11049 d9b5b65 Keep treetop after recognized call transformer reduction Filip Jeremic #11038 b5311f2 Add OpenJ9DiagnosticsMXBean queryDumpOptions() and tests Peter Shipton #11016 a91ab93 port xlpTests, xlpCodeCacheTests into openj9 OscarQQ #10980 6db3896 Fix tabs vs spaces formatting issues Dan Heidinga #11043 d6c428a Provided an error code for "compilationAotHasInvokeSpecialInterface" to retry as JIT compilation Eman Elsabban #11018 3028c68 CMake: Fixup flag handling for jit Devin Nakamura #10889 767b63a Revert #10930 and #11017 Peter Shipton #11042 04525fcdf CMake: minor cleanup Keith W. Campbell #10999 bb626b2 Add missing spec ppc64_aix_uma and others Peter Shipton #11037 dd76180 Use package-private fields to avoid accessor functions Keith W. Campbell #11017 2ca391d Detect internal class refs in JNI check pedantic mode Graham Chapman #11025 f702659 Fix testSCCMLSnapshot_1 test for JITServer Dmitry Ten #11012 183148a Cache Class#getSimpleName and Class#getCanonicalName AlexeyAnufriev #10930 fbbb2d6 Windows: Add copyright info to omr shared libraries Devin Nakamura #11014 c184728 fix Prologue Failure in vm farm OscarQQ #10997 015d363 Add "JITServer Best Practices" to documentation Marius Pirvu #11009 7f593a7 CMake: include omr metal-c files in port library Devin Nakamura #11002 d5157f8 AArch64: Revert the change for LinkageInfo word initialization KONNO Kazuhiro #11006 3ec931d Add option to create diagnostics on error to JNI check Graham Chapman #11000 75f2cd8 Use the non-AOT front-end in VM_getClassFromSignature message handler Dmitry Ten #10998 0a90e7f CMake: compile metal-c files in port library Devin Nakamura #11001 3e9142e CMake: link the redirector against omrutil on zos Devin Nakamura #11003 5b73ee0 Eliminate unnecessary boxing Keith W. Campbell #10994 92609a3 Restore previous optimization in existing LTS streams Graham Chapman #10996 fcca1c1 CMake: Fix nasm define handling Devin Nakamura #10924 153a63b Correct function signatures Keith W. Campbell #10989 3c02480 Remove redundant 'requires java.base' clauses Keith W. Campbell #10978 0050bf3 Use entryPointFromCompiledMethod linkage API for recursive calls Daryl Maier #10783 96a44a1 Replace references to findOrCreateRuntimeHelper in common code Daryl Maier #10886 fb67a8f Use valueOf instead of primitive wrapper constructors Graham Chapman #10979 62167e7 Fold final field in ILGen Liqun Liu #6112 79e7bc5 ClassFileOracle changes to adopt OpenJDK MethodHandles and VarHandles Babneet Singh #10557 75a7304 Unify LinkageInfo word initialization Irwin D'Souza #10731 909c7ff Runtime compressed refs work Graham Chapman #10911 67af03f Eliminate verbose log message related to existance of AOT class chains Eman Elsabban #10971 67d8cf0 Disable initializeMethodRunAddressVarHandle for OpenJDK MethodHandles Babneet Singh #10973 e7e41c0 Enable support embedded heap bounds for JITServer Harry Yu #10969 b4a95b5 Enable OpenJDKCompileStub.OpenJDKCompileStubThrowError() in IBM builds Babneet Singh #10974 a8d10bc Remove MethodHandle.invokeWithArgumentsHelper Dan Heidinga #10859 db2937c Array JIT Helper NULL check fix Oussama Saoudi #10908 69c4b12 Add description of various types of tracepoints Shubham Verma #10970 bc6beec Add new allSegmentsInMemorySegmentListDo api to iterate segments Dan Heidinga #10968 d0d88e9 Disable TestAttachErrorHandling at AIX Jason Feng #10959 92bc662 Compile twice for DDR on z/OS so optimization is not hindered Keith W. Campbell #10967 b403bb1 Add support for OpenJDK (OJDK) MethodHandle (MH) in MethodHandleResolver Babneet Singh #10830 4525f72 port testDDRExt_Class into OpenJ9 OscarQQ #10952 74af2ec Use JITClient's heap boundary addresses in JITServer Harry Yu #10944 a501047 AArch64: Correct compare instruction used in instanceof Akira Saitoh #10966 6098880 AArch64: Implement VMinstanceofEvaluator Akira Saitoh #10923 17e3443 Reverse non-bootstrap classloader native library loading attempt orders Jason Feng #10940 7ec0121 Ensure AOT Compilation in JIT Dump Irwin D'Souza #10852 0f5e4f6 Remove JVM_IsDynamicDumpingEnabled Keith W. Campbell #10936 7934b03 Disallow MUE in class file UTF8 Mike Zhang #10954 e648c0e Fix the Chinese modules path issue in JVM initialization Cheng Jin #10943 497ae85 Ignore circular InnerClass entries in getCanonicalName() Cheng Jin #10957 4be9772 Support new JNI name mangling Graham Chapman #10953 4d4350a Use TR_UNIMPLEMENTED macro in JIT AlexeyAnufriev #10902 cbf0b23 Update bytecode verification to support OpenJDK VarHandles Babneet Singh #10932 b6e801d Disable Fixed Heap Simple Write Barriers for PortableSharedCache Harry Yu #10789 83c5549 Disable invokevarhandle bytecode for OpenJDK VarHandles Babneet Singh #10931 78fac9d JDK16 requires JVM_IsCDSDumpingEnabled Jason Feng #10933 61f1227 Disable java 8 autobuild of the ARM platform Peter Shipton #10910 500ce3a Adding JITServer tech preview for Linux on P/Z to 0.23 release notes Marius Pirvu #10883 e9d73ae Improve performance of persistent memory allocator Marius Pirvu #10850 ccebc71 Cull stack depth in dumpAllThreads later on Mike Zhang #10909 e5e0324 Explicitly include required header files Daryl Maier #10780 3caadd4 Remove J9SHR_CACHELET_SUPPORT and J9SHR_CACHELETS_SAVE_READWRITE_AREA macro AlexeyAnufriev #10866 83da78f AArch64: Fix constJNIReferenceFrameAllocatedFlags test in JNILinkage Akira Saitoh #10906 e6e73cd Update Windows to openssh 1.1.1h Joe deKoning #10903 4585db7 Move bootjdks to F drive for disk space Adam Brousseau #10901 1c0e577 Define preprocessor macro 'JAVA_SPEC_VERSION' Keith W. Campbell #10900 6553cea Port cmdLineTester_fastClassHashTable into openj9 lanxia #10718 7c560a5 Insert arg count in VMThread's tempSlot for invokeBasic calls Nazim Bhuiyan #10788 a57d79e AArch64: Add missing memory barriers Akira Saitoh #10897 9e3e26a Move MethodType static helpers to new helper Class Jack Lu #10691 bd0a035 Revert "Use TR_UNIMPLEMENTED macro in JIT" Peter Shipton #10894 2f10c29 Remove references to Weak/SoftCleanable from CleanerShutdown Peter Shipton #10882 5579893 Remove references to '' Keith W. Campbell #10888 d47fdf4 CMake: Enable OMR_PORT_ALLOCATE_TOP_DOWN on windows Devin Nakamura #10890 a51105f Also handle types I8 & U8 in CStringFieldFormatter Keith W. Campbell #10871 4f6066d Support -Xsyslog and -XX:+/-LegacyXlogOption Peter Shipton #10873 8309915 Use TR_UNIMPLEMENTED macro in JIT AlexeyAnufriev #10865 ff0dde9 Fix compile errors from #10877 Graham Chapman #10880 3f1554b Safely identify internal class references Graham Chapman #10877 fe92caf Add variableHeapBarrier to AOT compatibility check Harry Yu #10824 d5d7996 CMake: Exclude -qsuppress flags on zos Devin Nakamura #10361 803411d Improve Java preprocessor Keith W. Campbell #10870 ca0d75b CMake: fix include path for port lib on zos Devin Nakamura #10875 1c97fe8 Fix undefined declarations of currentThread Sharon Wang #10861 b6a87dd CMake: Use ascii literals & atoe on zos Devin Nakamura #10372 81b5505 Increase maximum length of formatted output string in DDR Dmitri Pivkine #10853 add31d5 Remove remnants of JVMPI from JIT AlexeyAnufriev #10862 7660357 Handle MethodHandle signature-polymorphic native methods Liqun Liu #10617 f9d47f5 Add hidden classes to shared classes cache Hang Shao #10819 6ff9a1b Add JDK16 JVM_LogLambdaFormInvoker & JVM_IsDumpingClassList Jason Feng #10868 b120c72 Adding stalltimems in gc-end stanza Enson Guo #10635 1e0f329 Replace MethodHandle.type (field) with MethodHandle.type() (method) Babneet Singh #10839 ad71f4f Consolidate AOT Relocation Records Irwin D'Souza #10545 6338d75 Print cpu feature in Xshareclasses:printStats for Power Harry Yu #10790 c9a0aca Print JITServer version info in vlog Dmitry Ten #10851 33cecd6 Rename MethodHandleHelper to MethodHandleResolver Dan Heidinga #10858 c2d399e Remove TR_CROSS_COMPILE_ONLY macros AlexeyAnufriev #10855 971cc38 Add null check to J9::CPU::detect Akira Saitoh #10832 87b1e5c Check class loader type in JNI check DefineClass Graham Chapman #10818 a12d3a0 Make new hotFieldMarking code compatible with JITServer Dmitry Ten #10826 f5f2199 Enable portable AOT on Power Harry Yu #10668 04cdce1 Move static fields and methods from MethodHandle to MethodHandleHelper Babneet Singh #10096 e19e167 Remove PUBLIC_BUILD macro AlexeyAnufriev #10829 9237531 Add new test case to verify the property of a core file Dusan-Boskovic #10801 2e5ef9c Rename workflow to be generic, not snapshot-specific Dan Heidinga #10838 35737c0 JITServer: Eliminate cpu.getProcessorDescription() remote override Harry Yu #10748 59c76f6 Add support to assign project:MH to its project Dan Heidinga #10836 3bf52f9 Replace instances of the newline character Dusan-Boskovic #10827 f22936e Check for NULL buffer in JNI check GetStringRegion/GetStringUTFRegion Graham Chapman #10823 9790102 Don't write trailing whitespace to javacore files Keith W. Campbell #10821 3b95d62 Add custom hook to pipeline build Violeta Sebe #10825 6a75670 Fix typo in tracepoint Keith W. Campbell #10822 28cf5f0 Remove code that only applies to unsupported versions Keith W. Campbell #10804 3c34548 Allow -Xdump options for jcmd Dump.* commands Peter Shipton #10774 b5a75f5 Print processor feature in Xshareclasses:printStats for Z Harry Yu #10667 91747ee CMake: disable THR_ASYNC_NAME_UPDATE on windows Devin Nakamura #10814 7cad1db Fix capture of !coreinfo output Keith W. Campbell #10806 79b56d4 Add jniCheckSubclass2 for two different class types Jason Feng #10798 f4729595 Add greater than 0 check for some JNI function args Mike Zhang #10805 ac1cca1 Use client address of prepareForOSR helper Dmitry Ten #10786 48b2173 Mask off unused cpu features Harry Yu #10697 f984e72 Loosen well known classes restriction Irwin D'Souza #10745 6fab267 Separate out basic Artifactory config Adam Brousseau #10800 71b1851 Remove unused methods in BytecodeInterpreter.hpp Keith W. Campbell #10797 31a01d3 Auto download bootjdk Adam Brousseau #10779 cc06e6b Modify !coreinfo command to output the "" property of a core file Dusan-Boskovic #10776 cb21f56 Only read J9Method.extra once Irwin D'Souza #10785 1819d61 GetObjectField Xcheck:jni uses JNIC_NONNULLOBJECT Jason Feng #10794 809e4e3 Detect NULL jvalue pointers in JNI check Graham Chapman #10784 5d9f96d Reduce the number of TargetVM in test_startupShutdownRobustness() Jason Feng #10777 0d345e1 Add jextract option to disable buildID check Keith W. Campbell #10761 6a4b47c Fix copyright in file that was recently updated Daryl Maier #10792 2183694 Add security check at System.loadLibrary(libName) Jason Feng #10781 416a1f1 Add release notes for 0.23.0 Sue Chaplain #10782 9b4fae6 Use Compilation API for asking if recursive method target Daryl Maier #10711 6f99894 Introduce instanceHasRefs flag Tobi Ajila #10651 cc5d319 Read JAVA_OPTIONS env var before OPENJ9_JAVA_OPTIONS Peter Shipton #10175 b71e0ca Change to different project assigner action Dan Heidinga #10775 a283be7 Replace MemoryReference constructors with static helpers Jackie Midroni #10553 6532a6d Index on last underscore Adam Brousseau #10766 d5c93e7 Change == to .equals on groovy string compare Adam Brousseau #10763 af25f85 Allow Artifactory UploadDir to be configured via variable file Adam Brousseau #10458 ceb2c2d Fix isConstructor for value type factory method Annabelle Huo #10700 95962c9 Add DupClassNameTest Hang Shao #10742 e2c3864 add j9vmClassUnloading into openj9 OscarQQ #10715 bdd5791 Allow SDK_FILENAME to be configured via variable file Adam Brousseau #10457 b632fdb Detect incomplete ELF core files Keith W. Campbell #10754 3420523 Add missing WINDOWS define Devin Nakamura #10756 8f8fb28 BytecodeInterpreter changes to adopt OpenJDK MethodHandles Babneet Singh #10733 fc8ba5f NPE extended message returns fully qualified names Jason Feng #9623 79d79fa Update boot JDKs for jdknext Keith W. Campbell #10750 01c213f Delay init of ramclass link params Tobi Ajila #10652 b18b9e5 Handle native OOM in catUTFToString4 Graham Chapman #10743 11b1399 Remove redundant local variable to fix warning Keith W. Campbell #10716 5b4f54d Fix TR_RecompilationProfiler parameter type Keith W. Campbell #10746 8394cff Automate adding 'Snapshot' labeled issues to the project Dan Heidinga #10695 8e0468e CMake: use clang to build the interpreter on windows Devin Nakamura #10499 aeda9b1 Fix class resolve for VT multianewarray Oussama Saoudi #10137 1056750 Rename i386 namespace to I386 for consistency with OMR Daryl Maier #10655 8e60990 Modify the translated PII files in nls folder - 20200929 XiaojuanChen #10739 a78ad09 Exclude from ClassloadingTester Jason Feng #10722 05119f6 Use Start PC from isCompiled API Irwin D'Souza #10672 ba7a3f3 temporarily disable cmdLineTester_reflectCache on JDK15 lanxia #10717 d52584b Rename JVM functions supporting CDS for jdk 16 Keith W. Campbell #10703 150f183 Delete unused function Dan Heidinga #10705 da5c187 Store classes not worth remembering per client for JITServer Dmitry Ten #10682 e58f730 JDK15 JVMTI load library via jdk.internal.loader.NativeLibraries Jason Feng #10704 21b9344 Add a check for romclass in iterateStackTrace() Hang Shao #10687 ae774e5 Common up fieldClass definition Dhruv Chopra #10688 1af9cb6 added cmdLineTester_SystemPropertiesTest Longyu Zhang #10686 4fea06b LoadInstance support for sym ref generation for flattened fields Annabelle Huo #10362 95f9c34 Support OpenJDK MethodHandle Unsafe call in Java 8 Jack Lu #10551 a32ea10 rename MT field access outside of Jack Lu #10555 1842e35 vmconstantpool updates for supporting OpenJDK MethodHandles Babneet Singh #10637 ecd284b Use a separate mutex for small freed block lists of persistent allocator Marius Pirvu #10678 e2d7d54 Remove the unnecessary platform check for PortableAOT Harry Yu #10693 d638000 Don't sign extend compressed string bytes Graham Chapman #10694 3ed57f5 Add routines to fetch target method from MethodHandle and MemberName Liqun Liu #10576 6ff8ea2 Trap when DF flag is incorrectly set Liqun Liu #10027 5189fd7 Port cmdLineTester tests into openj9 OscarQQ #10610 80c1405 Remove old processor detection code on Power Harry Yu #10594 a8d5927 Fix possible NPE in J9VMInternals.getClassInfoStrings() Peter Shipton #10670 7591bf3 JDK15 Load native libraries via jdk.internal.loader.NativeLibraries Jason Feng #10653 0c1db29 Enable -XX:[+|-]PortableSharedCache for Z Harry Yu #10521 f49490a Add Epic Issue template Irwin D'Souza #10677 56535a5 Update to openssl 1.1.1h Peter Shipton #10669 fa20a0c CMake: Set CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE on windows Devin Nakamura #10505 571d727 Improve jextract for ELF core files Keith W. Campbell #10661 c2d4f39 Add Dynamic Breadth First Scan Ordering to GC Jon Oommen #10124 f1273d2 Remove unused Unsafe#allocateMemoryNoException function Dan Heidinga #10664 8da96b8 Warn that method / field flags are documentation. Dan Heidinga #10662 ac99def Create release notes for 0.22.0 Peter Hayward #10514 c382b78 Add --with-freetype option for JDK8 to OSX platforms Violeta Sebe #10660 49ac77d Fix compiler warnings with clang 12 Keith W. Campbell #10647 4bec7d3 CMake: Add link flags for aix Devin Nakamura #10612 352f71b Cache J9InternalVMFunctions pointer in a local Dan Heidinga #10657 78472c6 Fix return value of acquireClassTableMutex Dmitry Ten #10624

    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • openj9-0.23.0(Oct 22, 2020)

    Eclipse release plan: Release notes: Milestone plan:

    Binaries at AdoptOpenJDK. jdk 8:

    • -- a new version of OpenJDK, see the changes in
    • -- MacOS update to fix installer incorrect license

    jdk 11:

    • -- note the OpenJDK release does not affect OpenJ9 builds so there is no OpenJ9 build with this OpenJDK level
    • -- MacOS update to fix JRE install issue with Mac homebrew
    • -- MacOS update to fix installer incorrect license

    jdk 15:

    • -- MacOS update to fix JRE install issue with Mac homebrew
    • -- MacOS update to fix installer incorrect license

    Release details:

    Branch name: v0.23.0-release Tag: openj9-0.23.0

    Repo SHAs:

    OpenJ9: 0394ef7 OMR: 582366a

    Security Vulnerabilities Resolved N/A

    For details about the release and release candidates, please see:

    For the list of OMR changes see

    OpenJ9 Changes

    1830b19..0394ef7 0394ef7 (v.0.23) Disallow MUE in class file UTF8 Mike Zhang #10956 4c0da55 [v0.23.0] Ignore circular InnerClass entries in getCanonicalName() Cheng Jin #10958 b49c867 (0.23) Support new JNI name mangling Graham Chapman #10955 5bc5d63 Update 0.23.0 release branch to use openssl 1.1.1h for all platforms Peter Shipton #10905 3d1f208 (0.23.0) AArch64: Add missing memory barriers Akira Saitoh #10904 4bc4a9c (0.23) Increase maximum length of formatted output string in DDR Dmitri Pivkine #10874 e0505e9 (0.23.0) Change TR_ASSERT_FATAL into failCompilation call Leonardo Banderali #10848 3bf8762 (v0.23.0-release) Add security check at System.loadLibrary(libName) Jason Feng #10787 2490f2f (0.23.0) Allow -Xdump options for jcmd Dump.* commands Peter Shipton #10849 71959ee (0.23.0) Auto download bootjdk & Remove excludes for special.system tests Peter Shipton #10817 efd9e0f (0.23) Fetch addresses of helper methods from the client Dmitry Ten #10816 e38b3b8 (0.23.0) Modify the translated PII files in nls folder - 20200929 XiaojuanChen #10740 902e5b4 (0.23) Store classes not worth remembering per client for JITServer Dmitry Ten #10734 2a068b6 (v0.23.0-release) JDK15 Load native libraries via jdk.internal.loader.NativeLibraries Jason Feng #10735 57918a9 Fix Start PC race condition (0.23) Irwin D'Souza #10723 a268200 (0.23.0) JITServer on Z build fixes release2 Dhruv Chopra #10702 5371295 (0.23.0) Improve jextract for ELF core files Keith W. Campbell #10675 c75ec5e Add sbyteswap/lbyteswap to CodeGenGPU.cpp Benjamin #10572 31446ad Add bootjdk for jdk15 aarch builds Joe deKoning #10646 85aa6c3 Replace old version CPU detection API with new version for verbose log Harry Yu #10578 c363c49 Reduce AOT load failures with SVM enabled Irwin D'Souza #10644 0887828 Improve jextract for ELF core files Keith W. Campbell #10625 1f73f3f Change default -Xthr:spin1 value for PPC64BE Jackie Midroni #10636 149dd61 Create "snapshot" label issue template Dan Heidinga #10634 8127e4c Enable OpenJDK VarHandles by disabling OpenJ9 VarHandles Babneet Singh #10543 56c005a Allow building of aarch64 for all current releases Peter Shipton #10614 a3acbbf Add a flag named J9VM_OPT_OPENJDK_METHODHANDLE Babneet Singh #10540 35e1cad Enable xlpCMLTests in cmdLineTests Longyu Zhang #10605 bb16968 Remove redundant NULs from string literals Keith W. Campbell #10567 f7f39b1 Update AArch64 section in KONNO Kazuhiro #10311 dd8db7c Implement initial JIT support for Valhalla flattened value type fields Leonardo Banderali #10462 1df35ac Check whether TLS storage for comp object was created before freeing it Marius Pirvu #10602 b27e6ee Recognize Unsafe.copyMemory0 in JDK11 Rahil Shah #10366 1d44c6a Fix build break on Power Harry Yu #10604 7f76acb JDK16 bringup - add bindToLoader & JVM_DefineArchivedModules Jason Feng #10595 8f6372a Add support for z/OS Large Heap to pipeline build Violeta Sebe #10542 64e3bc6 Fix typo in jextract help text Keith W. Campbell #10603 ca6039a Fix SCC cmdLineTester test failures Tobi Ajila #10596 ec9fc7e Added jitHelpers for store and load Oussama Saoudi #9938 f974b24 CMake: Disable automatic export list generation on aix Devin Nakamura #10571 6648d4d Maintain CH table per JITServer client Dmitry Ten #10508 fafed8e Fix LambdaNestedInnerTest Hang Shao #10531 5ef8df8 Revert "AArch64: Add support for CHelper in PrivateLinkage" KONNO Kazuhiro #10568 29b417f AArch64: Add support for CHelper in PrivateLinkage KONNO Kazuhiro #10493 4ba93ad Remove rename unnecessary local variable Dan Heidinga #10550 44bbe6a Capture the errors in enum_const_value of RuntimeVisibleAnnotations Cheng Jin #10563 c19d956 Add the case where there might not be a superclass Dusan-Boskovic #10559 f4371b3 Match RI naming scheme for hidden classes Tobi Ajila #10544 adda803 Unsafe copySwapMemory: no memory addresses overlap for different objects Jason Feng #10556 7910639 Update javadoc of Class.getNestMembers() Hang Shao #10554 52ea958 CompactOnIdle disabled Aleksandar Micic #10507 65765ef Exploit prefixed instruction in IPIC sequence on POWER10 Julian Wang #10519 5aad642 Modify the translated PII files in nls folder - 20200909 XiaojuanChen #10548 a716896 Ensure Lookup::defineClass links the class Dan Heidinga #10529 6ae4ef7 AArch64: Change J9MemoryReference to use enhanced findBestFreeRegister method Akira Saitoh #10501 1606359 Add generateHolderClasses(Stream) for Java 16 Keith W. Campbell #10530 588260e Correct logic error in #10523 Keith W. Campbell #10532 1b58a72 Handle -XX:[+|-]PortableSharedCache in the VM init module Harry Yu #10305 97a2346 Remove inappropriate uses of strcmp() & strncmp() Keith W. Campbell #10526 bb37145 Fix compile error Keith W. Campbell #10523 8b805ce Correct typo in macro names Keith W. Campbell #10525 cfad132 AArch64: Use a method to kill temporary registers in register dependencies Akira Saitoh #10511 49c7713 Fix max stack calculation in VT generator Tobi Ajila #10518 62992e7 Recover gr16 as a general register in POWER10 Julian Wang #10449 7e2412c Fix Class.getMethod() and Class.getMethods() missing cases Theresa Mammarella #8230 3bbad34 Hidden class implementation 4 Hang Shao #10471 8001eda Bump ALS on Z to z10 Filip Jeremic #10433 d3b01bf Get target JITServer's CPU before CG object is created Dhruv Chopra #10474 000f5fa Report Monitor References in gc-end Enson Guo #10396 371211f CMake: Update flag handling on interpreter sources Devin Nakamura #10153 fc955d2 Fix runtime visible code type annotation redefinition assertion Tobi Ajila #10497 88a0575 Add impl in playlist.xml for openj9/ibm tests lanxia #10500 404f019 Export JVM_IsUseContainerSupport for all Java versions Keith W. Campbell #10496 ed14e11 Modify the translated PII files in nls folder - 20200831 XiaojuanChen #10498 3ebe531 AArch64: Fix PicBuilder routine for unresolved data snippet Akira Saitoh #10495 e2a22be Rework the code with Thread.interrupt() Cheng Jin #10464 dd041d8 Jenkins: Add various uma/cmake specs Devin Nakamura #10468 79d1a21 CMake: add vendor hook capability Devin Nakamura #10441 5f5b630 Remove unused variables in j9sockTest Devin Nakamura #10466 3356a09 CMake: Disable warnings as errors on util_core Devin Nakamura #10467 6ec36a6 Add openj9-utils repo Dan Heidinga #10488 86f0187 Add host class package to anon class name for 11+ Mike Zhang #10382 98385bd Add IBM i specific chagnes to fix build issues gaoli #10434 f88d5fe Disable AutoSIMD for problematic IV increment Mohammad Nazmul Alam #10463 da84ad7 Allow retransform of anon classes in java 8 and lower Mike Zhang #10483 d5de935 JEP 360 edge cases Theresa Mammarella #10475 68888be Set build variables on the node instead of setup node Violeta Sebe #10469 99ef7aa Move argument memory size parsing to j9argscan AlenBadel #10445 bc88c6e Fix class unloading processing in classBySignature cache Dmitry Ten #10431 5472dac Add explicit default constructors Keith W. Campbell #10450 ab44069 Merge/Remove 3/5 relocation options Filip Jeremic #10453 18c5036 enable FindExtThread in DDR OscarQQ #10447 b57ed79 Consolidate AOT Relocation Records Irwin D'Souza #10451 201cd30 Create JIT helper functions on checking flattened fields Annabelle Huo #10352 42a6fdd Create Flag -XX:[+|-]AlwaysPreTouch Enson Guo #10386 eda1fc7 Replace cpu architecture checks with queries for inlining integer rotation Akira Saitoh #10267 5010919 JEP 360/JEP 384 Sealed classes and records DDR support Theresa Mammarella #10381 c6a4887 Check for NULL thread lock Graham Chapman #10442 04a8b9e Switch to using fixedLoadLabelAddressIntoReg when loading snippet addresses Benjamin Thomas (Aviansie Ben) #10265 7968da6 isHiddenMethod() should include method from hidden classes Hang Shao #10437 2d0b03a Update instruction to run disabled test in readme files renfeiw #10438 a1a950f Remove definition of deprecated IL const Opcodes Bohao(Aaron) Wang #9118 141cd78 Remove jdk14 remote from git repository cache Keith W. Campbell #10430 bda9d1a Eliminate Partial Marking Scheme Lin Hu #10164 1afe387 Set invocation count to 2 on Valhalla tests to properly exercise the JIT Leonardo Banderali #10420 f3311bf AArch64: Remove Heap Alloc Snippet Akira Saitoh #10414 6e32640 Remove references to deprecated unsigned store IL Opcodes Bohao(Aaron) Wang #8719 17089e4 Fix incorrect signature in _classByNameMap cache Dmitry Ten #10408 6da46ee Remove definitions/declarations of unsigned Call/Return ILopcodes Bohao(Aaron) Wang #10388 92fcbf4 Handle new CPU enum types inside J9CPU.cpp Dhruv Chopra #10390 142e708 Add J9UTF8Helper.dataEA() Keith W. Campbell #10425 fef3f94 Split MHInterpreter into compressed and full versions Graham Chapman #10415 81b214a Fix incorrect BNDCHK immediate bound check under -Xrs Benjamin Thomas (Aviansie Ben) #10398 2c0c6f4 Suppress warnings regarding flexible array members Keith W. Campbell #10411 97b0de9 Avoid the static initialization of class in getCPMethodHandleAt Cheng Jin #10410 8c9e301 Use flexible array member for J9UTF8 Graham Chapman #10404 cb5ba82 Consolidate AOT Relocation Records Irwin D'Souza #10298 7f749e1 Use correct type for EsJNIFunctions Graham Chapman #10403 7f9434d RuntimeAssumptions: fix NULL used in arithmetic Alex Xu (Hello71) #10395 212d8e3 Make the static variant of asDirect a private method Babneet Singh #10400 b90bbb0 Override opCodeForCorrespondingDirect API in OMR Liqun Liu #10358 6ed2f8d Add JPP flag for inline types Oussama Saoudi #10337 6a4bb24 enable testDDRExtJunit_MonitorsAndDeadlock* in DDR Oscar Qian #10277

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • openj9-0.22.0(Sep 22, 2020)

    Eclipse release plan: Release notes: Milestone plan:

    Binaries at AdoptOpenJDK. jdk 15:


    Release details:

    Branch name: v0.22.0-release Tag: openj9-0.22.0

    Repo SHAs:

    OpenJ9: 1830b19 OMR: 73d5e76

    Security Vulnerabilities Resolved N/A

    For details about the release and release candidates, please see:

    For the list of OMR changes see

    OpenJ9 Changes


    1830b19 (0.22.0) Allow building of aarch64 for all current releases Peter Shipton #10615 3ae448f (0.22.0) Check whether TLS storage for comp object was created before freeing it Marius Pirvu #10613 c019636 (v0.22.0) Fix LambdaNestedInnerTest Hang Shao #10562 3cdb4f3 (v0.22.0-release) Unsafe copySwapMemory: no memory addresses overlap for different objects Jason Feng #10561 00b5dcc (v0.22.0) Ensure Lookup::defineClass links the class Dan Heidinga #10546 9b0f591 (0.22.0) Correct logic error in #10524 Keith W. Campbell #10533 02aced1 (0.22.0) Fix compile error Keith W. Campbell #10524 2d2f8b8 (v0.22.0) Hidden class implementation 4 Hang Shao #10520 5bb6fc7 (v0.22.0) Add host class package to anon class name for 11+ Mike Zhang #10482 53e0b10 Disable AutoSIMD for problematic IV increment Mohammad Nazmul Alam #10487 88c59f8 (0.22) JEP 360 edge cases Theresa Mammarella #10478 13a6493 (0.22) Fix incorrect BNDCHK immediate bound check under -Xrs Benjamin Thomas (Aviansie Ben) #10426 2730602 (0.22) Check for NULL thread lock Graham Chapman #10446 800f4ea JEP 360/JEP 384 Sealed classes and records ddr support Theresa Mammarella #10443 f430f37 (v0.22.0) isHiddenMethod() should include method from hidden classes Hang Shao #10439 1bba749 [v0.22.0-release] Make the static variant of asDirect a private method Babneet Singh #10402 d5df4ed Not invoke Exception.printStackTrace() at early VM startup stage Jason Feng #10389 8dd7d14 JIT support for re-sizable SCC Irwin D'Souza #10369 e66ff12 Override OMR's callUsesHelperImplementation Dhruv Chopra #6908 d7e27c5 JEP383 Support Part 4 Babneet Singh #10274 1f562c4 Merging Dispatcher to ParallelDispatcher (2/2) Enson Guo #10387 b12e1a5 JEP 371 implementation part 3 Hang Shao #10300 d07e300 Remove unused class InputStreamMerger Keith W. Campbell #10380 6928e9b JDK15 fillInStackTrace set skipCount to 1 for non-NPE cases Jason Feng #10385 144ea20 Add TypeLayoutEntry build for flattened fields Annabelle Huo #10115 66a6317 JDK15 : skip fillInStackTrace frames Jason Feng #10364 7ff0542 Tidy up jpp_configuration.xml Keith W. Campbell #10371 f5b1894 Update macOS buildenv variables Pav Salimon #10332 d6f3368 Performance profile data parsing script GuangjiXu #9014 d786d0f Rework trampolines for POWER10 Benjamin Thomas (Aviansie Ben) #10349 772d8cc Use VS2019 on Windows JDK15+ Joe deKoning #10302 c739bf1 Fix missing libraries for VS2019 linker Ryan Shukla #10353 d3ca26b Delegate implementor collection to JITServer client Dmitry Ten #10245 d7344f2 Move ibm.jzos Violeta Sebe #10236 0ba7c58 Revert "JIT support for re-sizable SCC" Younes Manton #10357 f5d1b83 Selectively enforce lookup class package check Jason Feng #10351 ec0e765 Modify the translated PII files in nls folder - 20200806 XiaojuanChen #10344 27dfb70 JIT support for re-sizable SCC Irwin D'Souza #9772 0f92fc4 JEP371 ClassData Support and JEP383 Support (Part 3) Babneet Singh #10239 5d772d7 Remove unwanted and redundant library dependencies Keith W. Campbell #10338 1f779cf Export JVM_IsUseContainerSupport for Java 11+ Keith W. Campbell #10347 28905ae Prevent double free for client options Marius Pirvu #10341 0346887 Create cross codegen extensible peephole phase Filip Jeremic #9672 cfe5112 Revert "Selectively enforce lookup class package check" Dan Heidinga #10348 cf890cc Selectively enforce lookup class package check Jason Feng #10329 57055f2 JIT runtime helpers for get/put/withfield Tobi Ajila #10046 7988a06 Fix aarch64 regex in ShareClassesCMLTests-1.xml lanxia #10323 3dfa298 AArch64: Fix arraylengthEvaluator() KONNO Kazuhiro #10334 7b1dec7 Add a method to check if a name or a signature is Qtype Annabelle Huo #10304 4b9d621 Revert "AArch64: Fix arraylengthEvaluator()" KONNO Kazuhiro #10333 a5be7c2 AArch64: Fix arraylengthEvaluator() KONNO Kazuhiro #10319 958ea7e Revert unnecessary changes to VM shutdown Graham Chapman #10328 5f01dc2 Share the memory allocated by copyStringToUTF8WithMemAlloc Cheng Jin #10324 ecd7afc Implement monitor enter/exit VM helper call for value types on Power Jackie Midroni #10214 a3d151f VM marking exit started too early Graham Chapman #10273 32dbc44 Expose standard limit macros Devin Nakamura #10161 2020312 GetObjectRefType -Xcheck:jni uses argDescriptor JNIC_JOBJECT Jason Feng #10325 5d43290 DefineClass -Xjni:check should be fatal with NULL class name Jason Feng #10322 04c2621 Prefetch resolved implementor methods for CHTable Dmitry Ten #10118 17c7aae AArch64: Enable Escape Analysis to allocate objects on stack Akira Saitoh #10264 1c194db JEP 378: Text Blocks graduates in JDK 15 Dan Heidinga #10079 0d48f88 Add JVM_IsUseContainerSupport for jdk16 Keith W. Campbell #10301 500b10e Add JDK 8 build pipeline for AArch64 Linux KONNO Kazuhiro #10291 c50591f Fix sysinfo_test_get_cwd3 to handle symlinks Peter Shipton #10287 db43151 Add native type to jvmnativetest Sophia Guo #10289 777ea91 Update xlinux platforms to use Cent7 for JDK15+ compiles Adam Brousseau #10138 dc7cbe4 Enable portable AOT on x86 Harry Yu #9993 cecb1c4 Use an extension of FileImageInputStream to avoid loading the awt shared library Keith W. Campbell #10283 1f3abaa Fix StructureHeader.readBlobVersion() Keith W. Campbell #10281 3169a42 Add option to pax to retain extattr settings Joe deKoning #10234 f2cd280 Merging Dispatcher to ParallelDispatcher (1/2) Enson Guo #10190 0ef0989 Add jni check to detect non-throwable object Jason Feng #10285 97b055c Rename gc master/slave options Theresa Mammarella #10230 d73f4e6 Fix 'fallthrough' warnings Keith W. Campbell #10280 7ddf3a0 Migrate TestInvtest to OpenJ9 Nikola Milijevic #10251 e1f9f3e Remove OpenJ9 restriction on jps, jstack, etc. tests Peter Shipton #10276 c4c6adf AArch64: Enable OOL for VMnewEvaluator Akira Saitoh #10219 660db2e JEP 384: Record final fields not modifiable through reflection Theresa Mammarella #10259 5537e96 Fix compile warnings in openj9.jvm Keith W. Campbell #10271 f08f0e9 Enable JIT testing for value types tests Henry Zongaro #9392 414918b Fix compile warnings in openj9.dataaccess Keith W. Campbell #10270 ea62a4f Add JIT Hooks Documentation Irwin D'Souza #10205 ebc616a Fix port/shmem test Peter Shipton #10261 aaabfd7 AArch64: Enable OOL for ZEROCHKEvaluator Akira Saitoh #10167 57be8dd Remove --disable-warnings-as-errors from jdk8 build instructions Peter Shipton #10263 fd8e47e AArch64: Do bookkeeping use count in J9::ARM64::MemoryReference::assignRegisters Akira Saitoh #10155 e724f24 Add AARCH64 as a target processor for JDK 8 in libargs.c KONNO Kazuhiro #10262 0a80879 Clear non-zAAP eligible bit for JCL natives Jason Feng #10260 485d0e0 Minor javadoc improvements Keith W. Campbell #10258 6b7bde0 Exit MemMonitor before jniCheckFatalErrorNLS() if not JNICHK_NONFATAL Jason Feng #10257 05f3638 Move lowering of ArrayStoreCHK to lowerTreesPreChildrenVisit Henry Zongaro #10220 b980be0 CMake: Modify arch tuning value for jit on aix Devin Nakamura #9157 2900c05 Make JVMTI test variables static Graham Chapman #10253 5d448df Add new set of build instructions for OpenJDK15 Sue Chaplain #10221 49013f7 AArch64: Enable inlineDirectCall() KONNO Kazuhiro #10102 c898775 JEP 360 sealed classes instrumentation restrictions Theresa Mammarella #10232 0d007c7 Disable JEP 360 preview tests for Java 16+ Theresa Mammarella #10242 a91c5af Fix client UUID printing in verbose log Dmitry Ten #10209 78d85c5 Add warning about using lastOptSubIndex in monitor elimination Ryan Shukla #10176 4c7013d Use unchecked version of addExceptionEdge in monitor elimination Ryan Shukla #10224 25ba9af Compiler Flags changes for Java11 on z/OS Rahil Shah #10238 2e2123b Add "--with-cmake=no" for AArch64 cross building KONNO Kazuhiro #10240 f60babb Move verifyQualifiedName to jvmDefineClassHelper & defineClassCommon Cheng Jin #10226 a56dcbdcb Add -Xcheck:jni check for expected non-negative capacity numbers Jason Feng #10235 7d491e0 CMake: Build aixbaddep test library Devin Nakamura #10237 dcc6794 Remaining master/slave replacements Theresa Mammarella #10217 d925abb Add impl ibm to Java 11+ openj9 tests lanxia #10225 ca7feb9 Fix static field cycle value tests Tobi Ajila #10233 3cc58b8 Add -Xcheck:jni mismatching field check - static vs non-static Jason Feng #10229 ba46c6b Part 2: JEP 360 Sealed Classes Theresa Mammarella #10177 3ef0ca4 Update docker script to enable dtrace support Keith W. Campbell #10222 6ae5af6 JEP371 implementation part 2 Hang Shao #10207 b7d0907 Fix incorrect superclass processRelocations() call Benjamin Thomas (Aviansie Ben) #10193 1ec1ddb JEP 360: cfdumper support Theresa Mammarella #10186 463687a Runtime compressed refs work Graham Chapman #10206 1e5abe1 Explicitly check for PERSONAL_BUILD string true Adam Brousseau #10216 046b502 z/OS for Java 11 supports V2R3 and later on zec12/zbc12 Peter Shipton #10218 039822d Acquire Thread.lock while calling jvmti suspendThread Theresa Mammarella #9907 8bcd19b Rename master/slave for omr dependent files Theresa Mammarella #10174 2b1a497 Exclude Nestmate_virtual_private tests on zos Peter Shipton #10213 3b78c0c Exclude cmdLineTester_libpathTestRtf on zos Peter Shipton #10212 d2fdee7 Z/OS DDR: suppress C preprocessor errors Keith W. Campbell #10208 8326095 enable testDDRExtJunit_StackMap in DDR Yixin Qian #10203 0020c8f Fixed a comment typo, changed j9j9portcontrol.c to j9portcontrol.c Shubham Verma #10192 0ac6c16 Move verifyQualifiedName to internalFindClassString Cheng Jin #10188 6da7c46 Enable OpenJDK MethodHandles Babneet Singh #10094 1f94fbe Add JITServer checks in the z codegen Dhruv Chopra #6921 bb7b45e Modify the translated PII files in nls folder - 20200720 XiaojuanChen #10194 e0ba42d Pass JDK_REPO and JDK_BRANCH to test jobs Violeta Sebe #10184 35d475f AArch64: Implement genCAS() KONNO Kazuhiro #10127 4efac47 AArch64: Call stopUsingRegister() in monent/monexitEvaluator() KONNO Kazuhiro #10111 240c62d Support for OpenJDK LambdaForm Babneet Singh #9496 fe03e4a Add NULL check for JNIC_JMETHODID & JNIC_JFIELDID Jason Feng #10185 8afb12c Add setupIndexableScanner to MarkingDelegate Andrew Young #10182 603499e Add portable AOT support on x86 Harry Yu #9731 fdfccf6 Add ResolveCHK for value types before NULLCHK Annabelle Huo #10068 ee1f3d1 Validate Class Chain of class of method being compiled Irwin D'Souza #10159 2eba29b Relax condition to require no exclusive VM access when generating jitdump Filip Jeremic #10143 6e206e1 Release notes to support 0.21.0 Sue Chaplain #10065 c18b881 Inlining POWER10 arrayCopy Julian Wang #10054 4ec91e9 Fix Power ArrayCopyBNDCHK handling of negative constants Benjamin Thomas (Aviansie Ben) #10162 4a10ff0 Remove unused test variables Theresa Mammarella #10160 4bc7aef Rename MasterGCThread files to MainGCThread in omr Theresa Mammarella #10139 96015c9 CMake: Set libpath for constgen on AIX Devin Nakamura #10154 123825b AArch64: Change instruction class to use new method for bookkeeping register use count Akira Saitoh #10140 01cb796 Part 1: JEP 360 Sealed Classes Theresa Mammarella #10120 f88d231 Check for assignment of NULL to array of value type Henry Zongaro #10034 ea25332 Remove copyStringToUTF8WithMemAlloc from verifyQualifiedName Cheng Jin #10152 497e3cb Duplicate PassThrough nodes when creating acmp fastpaths Leonardo Banderali #10119 a475ea5 Update Xcode version requirement Keith W. Campbell #9933 d42ae91 Add documentation for adding tracepoints Peter Shipton #10021 d7bdf33 Set proxyFieldAccess test build destdir to fix Windows compile Marius Pirvu #10151 a105721 Stored the ram classes before sending the compilationReq to server Eman Elsabban #9955 e765e24 Stop using obsolete javac option -Xmodule: in tests Peter Shipton #10131 6947db9 Add missing break statement for case BCV_ERR_BYTECODE_ERROR Sharon Wang #10142 3fe51ff Disable array translate support for remote compilations Dhruv Chopra #10088 948a132 Remove unnecessary monitor enter during VM exit Graham Chapman #10136 5b37312 Jenkins: add aarch64 cmake builds Devin Nakamura #10133 ea6cec0 Put Windows .map file in same folder as .dll Keith W. Campbell #10132 34a65b9 Rename asm-8.0.1.jar to asm.jar lanxia #10116 0d0be4d Fix Class Chain Validation Caching Irwin D'Souza #10006 b824c30 Support JDK15 new field java.lang.reflect.Field.trustedFinal Jason Feng #10121 970e61b Override canUseRelativeLongInstructions in Z codegen Dhruv Chopra #10113 cf001c8 Remove J9::Options::setCounts() KONNO Kazuhiro #9465 5daf459 Fix searching with a method signature Keith W. Campbell #10117 2c0b54e enable TestCollisionResilientHashtable in DDR_Test Yixin Qian #10098 566007d Update OpenJ9TestUserGuide to remove "_" from TESTLIST Renfei Wang #10114 8ae17a7 Allow SDK Implementation to be passed Adam Brousseau #10107 cfc41a5 CMake: remove J9VM_IS_NON_STAGING Keith W. Campbell #10108 d8cd2a6 Do not notify GC if class redef fails Tobi Ajila #10106 ea7b2e9 Enable Record preview tests for both 14 and 15 Theresa Mammarella #10059 95a2208 Jenkins: Enable -Werror on cmake builds Devin Nakamura #9680 b8b25ae Break JITServer connection for interrupted compilations Marius Pirvu #10083 4f292df Add Option to Build AIX with full references Igor Braga #10100 bb9ddb7 Add Java 11 IFA support for JVMTI_EVENT_SAMPLED_OBJECT_ALLOC Jason Feng #10069 d31be0b Refactor allowGuardMerging() to the common codegen Dhruv Chopra #10090 3343c3d Group cache field and static info in JITServer Dmitry Ten #10017 e565eca Disable isVettedForAOT when getting systemClass Dhruv Chopra #6928 7a92068 Remove obsolete comments Keith W. Campbell #10074 7bc50dd CMake: add cache files for aarch64 Devin Nakamura #10093 29270ed [Test] Adjust the setting of GC specific tests on RISC-V Cheng Jin #9898 21788db Update fips sha Adam Brousseau #10062 eac0cd6 Add qualified exports for z/OS modules Violeta Sebe #10075 f24ea4d Replace "whitelist" with "allowlist" in DDR/docs Theresa Mammarella #10076 175dd80 CMake: Add aarch64 support to the jit Devin Nakamura #10052 91f2a08 Remove definitions of deprecated unsigned IL Opcodes of Equality Compare and branch Bohao(Aaron) Wang #8939 183fb3a Jenkins: Disable jdk11 p and z linux cmake builds Devin Nakamura #10055 acaa0f2 Convert monitor enter tests to equality checks Tobi Ajila #10072 c1f60e1 Enable the static verification for unsafe classes Cheng Jin #10060 aa0075c Compiler: fix warning about NULL used in pointer arithmetic Devin Nakamura #9939 2b757b0 AArch64: Remove length parameter from MemoryReference (step 4) KONNO Kazuhiro #10024 d9f3cf6 Include array classes in GetClassLoaderClasses Graham Chapman #10008 4e57c58 Omit debuginfo files from the main SDK archive Keith W. Campbell #10053 a9fc154 Implement Scheduler's prepareThreadsForTask From Base Class Salman Rana #10019 00bc8b4 Upgrade ASM version to 8.0.1 Theresa Mammarella #10057 c91a1e0 AArch64: Remove length parameter from MemoryReference (step 2) KONNO Kazuhiro #10023 8c8ce1e multianewarray creates an extra array class Graham Chapman #10051 796f4a9 Fix ForceRecompilationSnippet.cpp compilation error Daryl Maier #10064 7614974 Make uses of Compilation object consistent in CodeGenerator Daryl Maier #10058 a955735 Add comment about DSL changes Adam Brousseau #10050 e41a54e Tidy up in buildenv/jenkins Keith W. Campbell #10016 0ba63c3 Pre-init static qtype fields Tobi Ajila #9853 5e9ce6b Extra VM access check in signalling pass Aleksandar Micic #10036 6a2924b Hold VM access during getStringCritical for CS Aleksandar Micic #10029 2914e1f Call inlineRecognizedCryptoMethod from FrontEnd object Daryl Maier #10047 0513245 Add a private flag to indicate a thread is in SCC read mutex Hang Shao #10043 13d94a3 Include j9cfg.h from vendor_version.h Peter Shipton #10039 a424e92 Consolidate some optimizer trace options Filip Jeremic #9520 8c9b7c9 CMake: add arm support for the interpreter Devin Nakamura #10041 951ef11 Revert to using 'git gc' Keith W. Campbell #10045 c199f64 Cleanup: Check packages in unnamed module when creating module Theresa Mammarella #7709 a7bf6c0 Fix path in build instructions Keith W. Campbell #10038 930caa2 CMake: add arm/aarch64 support to codert_vm Devin Nakamura #10020 1e50410 Delete dead code for a no longer applicable compiler bug Devin Nakamura #9983 111900e Fix (and stop excluding) tests Keith W. Campbell #10010 4f11bb8 Read message in buffer capacity first Annabelle Huo #9859 a858c17 Update aarch64 TreeEvaluatorTable to use Omr extensible header Devin Nakamura #10018 e967b24 CMake: add jit defines for arm / aarch64 Devin Nakamura #10015 2855d7b Update verbose log write API calls to use new newline convention Filip Jeremic #9391 2aecde4 Use TraceException rather than TraceEvent for failure conditions Peter Shipton #10014 aa6ff3c Add overview doc Irwin D'Souza #9977 a20f794 Update DDR code to comply with arrays not having NULL pointers Igor Braga #9981 337bc1c Reduce limits for keeping artifacts and logs Peter Shipton #10007 96029e1 Add explicit type parameters for Java 8 Keith W. Campbell #10005 be1e5c8 Properly handle runtime assumptions in S390J9CallDataSnippet Dhruv Chopra #9984 322df7a Add support for Java 16 Keith W. Campbell #10000 ff705d5 Revert "Add a private flag to indicate a thread is in SCC read mutex" Peter Shipton #10002 1ef4b91 Use TR_ExternalRelocationTargetKind enum for relocation kinds Daryl Maier #9995 0606174 Use _NSGetEnviron() on OSX to retrieve environ Sharon Wang #9994 bc4c4a4 AArch64: Move call to setNeedsAOTRelocation() to constructor in OMR KONNO Kazuhiro #9923 a4671f9 Fix J9BuildFlags aliases Keith W. Campbell #9992 67d9500 Support JEP383 (Part 2) and CDS natives Babneet Singh #9865 a0bf972 Add a private flag to indicate a thread is in SCC read mutex Hang Shao #9988 f34c695 Use the latest available ASM version Keith W. Campbell #9989 96b89ea Improve group caching of resolved methods Dmitry Ten #9902 f7126ec Fix warnings building on osx Dan Heidinga #9945 7d3cb7b Break connection to JITServer on exceptions Marius Pirvu #9970 eab02eb Do not enter class segment mutex inside read mutex Hang Shao #9973 e006f82 Port: silence warning about ignored return value Devin Nakamura #9976 a1cfbfe JITHelpers for flattenable fields Oussama Saoudi #9854 8e98f0f Fix access to J9ModronThreadLocalHeap.realHeapAlloc in older core files Keith W. Campbell #9956 8077864 Add Unit test for SIMD Optimization Rahil Shah #9908 d76266d AArch64: Change a call to decReferenceCount() KONNO Kazuhiro #9966 89b56ca Replace CPU APIs on Power Harry Yu #9571 45bca57 Disable vectorization of induction variable Mohammad Nazmul Alam #9947 6b864e8 AArch64: Set link register killed when ARM64HelperCallSnippet is used Akira Saitoh #9953 223de46 Add configuration for Java 16 Keith W. Campbell #9957 dcc7a68 CMake: update handling of _FORTIFY_SOURCE Devin Nakamura #9935 2e7f7b7 Add OpenJ9 & OMR to Reference Repo Adam Brousseau #9706 d096371 Adopt new DDR tool terminology Keith W. Campbell #9952 8e0895f Improve Test_Thread failure diagnostics Peter Shipton #9934 6b25549 Avoid gpProtect path when -Xrs is set Dan Heidinga #9872 e8d7c56 Add the check of BCV_SPECIAL in generating stackmaps Cheng Jin #9419 b43b45c jilgen: wrap declaration of writeMacros in an ifdef Devin Nakamura #9936 efdb865 [Test] Disable the timeout setting on RISC-V Cheng Jin #9899 9272619 Re-Fetch patcharray after entering VM Jack Lu #9941 18baa93 Revert "Port: silence warning about ignored return value" Peter Shipton #9942 a18b8ba Immediate field handling cleanup on Power jimmyk #9866 1ebc0dd Update include jdk15 in git cache Keith W. Campbell #9932 84f004b Port: silence warning about ignored return value Devin Nakamura #9937 0adc2b5 Add wrtbar for UnsafeFastPath static field writes Yi Zhang #9914 4d40192 Modified printJITServerMsgStats to print at shutdown on server Eman Elsabban #9870 79566c7 Assign getStackTrace result to a local variable to avoid refetching Jason Feng #9918 00947f3 Update translation pt_BR Thiago Henrique Hüpner #9784 d4a6de9 Modify the translated PII files in nls folder - 20200618 XiaojuanChen #9922 ba45f78 Clone the StackTraceElement[] before validating it Dan Heidinga #9917 d2ab44a Add JDK15 JVMTI Version Jason Feng #9905 aca010e Jenkins: Add a number of cmake/uma builds Peter Shipton #9916 0edda63 Improve Test_Thread.test_join3() failure diagnostics Peter Shipton #9915 50ba90c Add 32-bit Arm and AArch64 to KONNO Kazuhiro #9878 8b7e23b [Reapply] Pass Reference repo to Adam Brousseau #9913 737e381 Fixed imm value for addis and lis jimmyk #9613 5a47f6a Pipeline script for Build_JDK_Timeout_Handler job Peter Shipton #9888 dd683f6 Ensure enough space is allocated for the unique cache id Keith W. Campbell #9845 f1a4bae Fix NULL handling in j9jit_testarossa_err() KONNO Kazuhiro #9862 46e5b77 Retrieve info from the client in isClassRefValueType Annabelle Huo #9904 0f81926 Revert "Pass Reference repo to" Peter Shipton #9909 eeaffbf Pass Reference repo to Adam Brousseau #9705 d89764f Create query to determine the SCC mode SamanthaRempel #9734 478035b Remove discontiguous arraylet NULL pointers Igor Braga #9373 77c3af9 Rename S390JNICallDataSnippet2 to S390JNICallDataSnippet Dhruv Chopra #9842 ac6141a Close timing hole in System.exit Graham Chapman #9885 0def74c Add missing END NON-TRANSLATABLE in j9shr.nls Peter Shipton #9891 02b0958 Remove old instanceof and checkcast evaluators Jackie Midroni #5951 5bdc9a5 Revert "Add JDK15 JVMTI Version" Peter Shipton #9890 3b048e5 AArch64: Move J9-specific recompilation code from OMR KONNO Kazuhiro #9882 ac073ce Special handling of checkcast to value type class Yi Zhang #9128 f04be1b Don't acquire exclusive vm access with waiting xdump Theresa Mammarella #9840 3c0b08e Only add /usr/lib to AIX LIBPATH if not already there Dan Heidinga #9814 cec5b1c Add JDK15 JVMTI Version Jason Feng #9883 873d7fb Minimize contention between "finders" using SCC JCL helper Hang Shao #9811 589e8f6 Allow System.exit from finalizer during DestroyJavaVM Graham Chapman #9867 a152777 Add Calling conventions Doc Irwin D'Souza #9720 0498791 Created helper for inline array allocation Oussama Saoudi #9804 a1710f9 Map symrefs in OSR liveness to those in current trees in creating calls to eaEscapeHelper Henry Zongaro #9802 414ffb4 Refactor JIT implementation of acmp{eq,ne} to handle value types Leonardo Banderali #8922 9c0eeff Add jdk15 to pipelines Adam Brousseau #9863 2b740f6 Revert "Revert "Mark VM as exitting earlier"" Graham Chapman #9864 71bf160 Override cpu asserts on Z Harry Yu #9837 13a2f38 Add code for AArch64 in getJitRecompilationResolvePushes() KONNO Kazuhiro #9847 ac50f76 Add NON-NLS to Keng-Hui Beall #9848 a220f71 Store OMRProcessorDesc in AOT Header Harry Yu #9826 308216d Disable testJITServer for XL builds Annabelle Huo #9828 9f88542 CMake: cleanup cache files Devin Nakamura #9836 0d3dd30 DDR Back compatible for TLH enable/disable change Lin Hu #9813 aa9321e testDDRExt allow jdk.internal classes to support JDK11+ Peter Shipton #9839 2d4adaf Improve ProcessorUsage exception messages again Peter Shipton #9834 959fabc Add jit helper stubs for flattenable fields Tobi Ajila #9786 b902818 Archive openj9-docs if ARCHIVE_JAVADOC is set Simon Rushton #9727 315bae8 AArch64: Fix VMnewEvaluator to patch correct instruction under AOT Akira Saitoh #9830 6f41ed8 AArch64: Enhance VMnewEvaluator to support variable length array allocation Akira Saitoh #9793 1858312 Enable using Level 1 data cache on RISC-V specific hardware Cheng Jin #9775 0faeeae Revert "Mark VM as exitting earlier" Graham Chapman #9829 5e86c60 Fix indentation Keith W. Campbell #9823 1f34b29 Jenkins: adjust test excludes for cmake builds Devin Nakamura #9789 bea2f88 AArch64: Add instructions for enabling CUDA support KONNO Kazuhiro #9780 f36b7ae Update the default value of NUM_MACHINES Eric Wang #9787 246558e Stop requiring GDK_HOME Keith W. Campbell #9801 cbebe09 AArch64: Remove the call to setAllowRecompilation(false) KONNO Kazuhiro #9778 5a7760d Fix a couple minor issues with 16-bit immediates on Power Benjamin Thomas (Aviansie Ben) #9803

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • openj9-0.21.0(Jul 15, 2020)

    Eclipse release plan: Release notes: Milestone plan:

    Binaries at AdoptOpenJDK. jdk 8:

    • -- OpenJDK created a new release due to a regression, see
    • -- The original release

    jdk 11:


    jdk 14:


    Release details:

    Branch name: v0.21.0-release Tag: openj9-0.21.0

    Repo SHAs:

    OpenJ9: 34cf4c0 OMR: 113e542

    Security Vulnerabilities Resolved CVE-2019-17639

    For details about the release and release candidates, please see:

    For the list of OMR changes see

    OpenJ9 Changes


    34cf4c0 (0.21.0) Fix Power ArrayCopyBNDCHK handling of negative constants Benjamin Thomas (Aviansie Ben) #10163 84e312f (v0.21.0) Add missing break statement for case BCV_ERR_BYTECODE_ERROR Sharon Wang #10145 b1dad213 (v0.21.0) Rename asm-8.0.1.jar to asm.jar lanxia #10135 c77f3b1 (0.21.0) Map symrefs in OSR liveness to those in current trees in creating calls to eaEscapeHelper Henry Zongaro #9868 f764b6b (v0.21.0) Upgrade ASM version to 8.0.1 Theresa Mammarella #10103 bb81277 (0.21.0) Fix J9BuildFlags aliases Keith W. Campbell #10001 f850793 (0.21.0) Fix NULL handling in j9jit_testarossa_err() KONNO Kazuhiro #10013 d5cad85 (0.21.0) AArch64: Remove the call to setAllowRecompilation(false) KONNO Kazuhiro #10011 883ae11 (0.21.0) AArch64: Add code in getJitRecompilationResolvePushes() KONNO Kazuhiro #9910 83efd4a (0.21.0) Use the latest available ASM version Keith W. Campbell #9991 d1f3249 Break connection to JITServer on exceptions (0.21.0) Marius Pirvu #9986 6ae8608 (v0.21.0) Process the whole LIBPATH looking for '/usr/lib'. Dan Heidinga #9980 6dba1df (0.21.0) Fix access to J9ModronThreadLocalHeap.realHeapAlloc in older core files Keith W. Campbell #9959 7cbda56 (0.21.0) Disable vectorization of induction variable Mohammad Nazmul Alam #9958 a922907 (0.21.0) AArch64: Set link register killed when ARM64HelperCallSnippet is used Akira Saitoh #9968 c7ac534 (0.21.0) Add the check of BCV_SPECIAL in generating stackmaps Cheng Jin #9951 f76cca5 (0.21.0) Immediate field handling cleanup on Power jimmyk #9954 4dd12f5 (0.21.0) Fixed imm value for addis and lis jimmyk #9948 44e2f67 (0.21.0) Re-Fetch patch array after entering VM Jack Lu #9943 93d7aba (0.21.0) Modify the translated PII files in nls folder - 20200618 Peter Shipton #9926 4afb7cc (0.21.0) Assign getStackTrace result to a local variable to avoid refetching Jason Feng #9927 a7964e1 (0.21.0) Clone the StackTraceElement[] before validating it Dan Heidinga #9919 3601965 (0.21) System.exit/DestroyJavaVM fixes Graham Chapman #9903 3903e31 (0.21) Don't acquire exclusive vm access with waiting xdump Theresa Mammarella #9887 fae672c (0.21.0) AArch64: Fix VMnewEvaluator to patch correct instruction under AOT Akira Saitoh #9861 8499bb5 (0.21.0) Disable cpu assert tests for JITServer and store OMRProcessorDesc in SCC Harry Yu #9858 b58700a (0.21.0) AArch64: Enhance VMnewEvaluator to support variable length array allocation Akira Saitoh #9831 1ff3d37 (0.21.0) DDR Back compatible for TLH enable/disable change Lin Hu #9850 aeb7d90 (0.21.0) Revert "Mark VM as exitting earlier" Peter Shipton #9827 7da6108 (0.21.0) Fix a couple minor issues with 16-bit immediates on Power Benjamin Thomas (Aviansie Ben) #9819 365f3f8 Disable jitdump at the server Annabelle Huo #9812 4e1d14e Add more wait when checking the thread terminate status Annabelle Huo #9807 02b97c2 Collect stats about sizes of different types of messages sent Eman Elsabban #9752 7d31c44 AArch64: Implement functions for sampling recompilation KONNO Kazuhiro #9756 58ebe8c AArch64: Implement Recomp.cpp KONNO Kazuhiro #9765 5f0390e AArch64: Improve asynccheckEvaluator() KONNO Kazuhiro #9791 f07d574 Sampling allocation bytes precisely without compromising the performance Lin Hu #9745 ab7f03a Port cmdLineTester_pltest_j9sig_ext Test Nikola Milijevic #9768 dc9a6dd Remove use of J9VM_GC_IDLE_HEAP_MANAGER Devin Nakamura #9732 0c1ef80 DTFJ: Add API to query the byte order of an address space Mike Zhang #9777 b3b08bb AArch64: Enable concurrent scavenger KONNO Kazuhiro #9665 6efef8f AArch64: Disable inlining of allocation under AOT Akira Saitoh #9795 82223ec Update numActiveThreads at the proper location at the server Annabelle Huo #9763 2540d31 Fix assert on checking obj location reference on KNOT Annabelle Huo #9779 65f1586 AIX JDK11 System.mapLibraryName() returns libraries with .a suffix Jason Feng #9632 589eaa5 AArch64: Enable allocation inlining on AOT Akira Saitoh #9740 b52393e AArch64: Revert the asynccheckEvaluator() change KONNO Kazuhiro #9790 2ed44c7 Simplify OSX build instructions Keith W. Campbell #9728 bf13610 Verify LVTT entries refer to existing variables Theresa Mammarella #9587 27b6a6e Remove unused staccato build flags Devin Nakamura #9716 b2978d4 CMake Stop forcing OMR_SEPARATE_DEBUG_INFO Devin Nakamura #9715 505be67 AArch64: Implement read barrier evaluators KONNO Kazuhiro #9542 a79ba63 AArch64: Stop passing NULL to generateCompareBranchInstruction() KONNO Kazuhiro #9755 ce9d352 AArch64: Improve asynccheckEvaluator() KONNO Kazuhiro #9751 d0bdbd8 Fix dependencies generated in instanceOf Evaluator Rahil Shah #9776 7e5e509 Add new github actions repo to Dan Heidinga #9785 5d47537 Revert "Enable CFG simplifier" Ryan Shukla #9783 71d0991 Ensure that J9SH_DESTROY_TOP_LAYER_ONLY is properly defined Devin Nakamura #9735 197ac5d Modify the translated PII files in nls folder - 20200603 XiaojuanChen #9781 58672c8 Throw better error from Peter Shipton #9746 4165f1a Replace CPU APIs on x86 Harry Yu #9421 6fe893b Add trace points for JITServer Annabelle Huo #9737 286d3a0 Sampling allocation bytes precisely - step1 Lin Hu #9767 67cfc35 AArch64: Fix a build break with getOffsetToFirstParm() KONNO Kazuhiro #9764 cdbfdf9 Remove explicit cast Enson #9661 7fcc41a Replace CPU APIs on Z Harry Yu #9431 b7ae6b5 Add function for aborting compilation with bad value type operations Leonardo Banderali #9718 e34469b Common getOffsetToFirstParm and mapIncomingParms in the linkage class across codegens Filip Jeremic #8477 fd8f8ec Set Code Cache alignment to 16 bits on IBM Z Rahil Shah #9517 7413654 Remove obsolete 'tenant' references. Cache VMFunctionTable. Dan Heidinga #9748 9feab0a Fix Character.isUpperCase inlining on POWER9 Benjamin Thomas (Aviansie Ben) #9736 fdb5eca AArch64: Enhance VMnewEvaluator to support anewarray with constant length Akira Saitoh #9739 09f0fbb Enable windows compilation with VS2017 Joe deKoning #9566 147b486 Delete Peter Shipton #9744 f4eebfc Fix crash printing to verbose log Irwin D'Souza #9719 197b974 PrintFlagsFinal output needs to be on stdout Mark Stoodley #9725 c1b3d41 Fix incorrect types in value JProfiling quickTest block Benjamin Thomas (Aviansie Ben) #9575 f2e0c34 Change where J9Method_HT, and DLT_Record Tables are cleaned AlenBadel #9633 84ff38d Enable CFG simplifier Ryan Shukla #9589 3639091 Fix ilgen not clearing node flag when auto slot 0 is overwritten Ryan Shukla #9659 0c8b6f9 Fix method name of getAndBitwiseXor Liqun Liu #9717 a0c73fc Add uma to list of suffixes not applicable to test Adam Brousseau #9742 89f462d jdk15 Implement java.lang.Access.stringConcatMix Peter Shipton #9723 f7506d8 Refactor processor version check for branch hints Abdulrahman Alattas #9561 54402b6 Add support for -XX:[+|-]HandleSIGABRT Babneet Singh #9610 42df7a4 Add trace points for JITServer Annabelle Huo #9681 4388915 Update jdk11 build instructions on osx Devin Nakamura #9304 c0b3cdd Set extraTestLabels blank if TEST_NODE is set Adam Brousseau #9378 129559a Jenkins add OSX UMA builds Devin Nakamura #9713 4fa2976 Enhanced the output with stats about JITClient specific Activity Eman Elsabban #9671 799b1b2 Rename SCHelperCompatibilityTests and helpers to reduce path length Peter Shipton #9721 a0ae8b0 AArch64: Enhance VMnewEvaluator to support newarray with constant length Akira Saitoh #9685 7f9ac94 Mac: set compatibility and current version of dylib's to 1.0.0 Peter Shipton #9701 2ac59e9 Add duplicate S390JNICallDataSnippet class Dhruv Chopra #9693 853d056 Incomplete tactical implementation for -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal Mark Stoodley #9567 4652a88 CMake: Disable OMR_THR_YIELD_ALG on MacOS Devin Nakamura #9704 12d4eb8 CMake: ensure J9VM_OPT_USE_OMR_DDR is defined Devin Nakamura #9703 673559a Support for JEP 383 (Java 15): Part 1 Babneet Singh #9697 f8a2c93 CMake: Reintroduce base warning flags Devin Nakamura #9696 4e2d333 Remove unused local variables Keith W. Campbell #9688 8b12f59 enable dynamic parallel for all functional test builds lanxia #9669 0e0f9c0 Update for jdk11, add links, fix links Peter Shipton #9695 1623c74 Port over a subset of resources from website Dan Heidinga #9691 2321e64 Remove obsolete decl from staticverify.c to fix Win compile error Peter Shipton #9689 c174645 Revert "CMake: Enable base warnings for gnu toolchains" Keith W. Campbell #9690 04f295a Remove or replace redundant eclipse openj9 website links Adam Farley #9687 d072586 CMake: Enable base warnings for gnu toolchains Devin Nakamura #9679 8a37f78 Fix typos in MemorySourceTable.MergedMemoryRange.isReadOnly() Keith W. Campbell #9678 ed1de5d Enable scratch space limit self tuning when swap is not available Ashutosh Mehra #9653 0aa3297 CMake: Fix tests Keith W. Campbell #9675 8119a84 Move lookupswitch match order verification to second pass Sharon Wang #9660 45017dc Remove some references to TR::S390JNICallDataSnippet Dhruv Chopra #9667 6d16753 CMake: Disable enhanced warnings part 2 Devin Nakamura #9649 b506762 Javadoc improvements Peter Shipton #9674 f5425a2 Remove a redundant word from KONNO Kazuhiro #9635 0394f70 Jenkins: Capture more diagnostics info for cmake builds Devin Nakamura #9670 06bb51e Save Volatile FPRs in PicBuilder before C call Rahil Shah #9662 6667f89 Add guards to unguarded traces Abdulrahman Alattas #9586 fb2d28f CMake: enable -fstack-protector on gnu toolchains Devin Nakamura #9664 1c2b61f AArch64: Set linkage for JProfilingValue helper call KONNO Kazuhiro #9666 60f2f94 CMake: update the way we handle appending the "29" suffix on libs Devin Nakamura #9619 164aa54 Remove some statics from z/codegen Dhruv Chopra #9652 66c3218 Remove old and cpu.isAtLeast() Harry Yu #9647 49b6ce6 Add calls to endOutlinedInstructionSequence() where needed Leonardo Banderali #9628 4cbf03a Fix for 16bit load on Z with balanced GC policy (Arraylets) Kevin Langman #9614 10e7ca7 enable dynamic parallel in extended.functional_x86-64_linux_Nightly lanxia #9645 b5616a0 Add GC schedule setting Artifactory Doc Adam Brousseau #9513 2b4dcf5 Change the AS path and add IBM i specific flags gaoli #9313 7a0384b CMake: Disable enhanced warnings part 1 Devin Nakamura #9648 561026f AArch64: Enable inlining of jitNewObject Akira Saitoh #9609 2ec5ce6 Weak root Read Barrier for VLHGC Aleksandar Micic #9643 b1a5855 Java 15 Use Unsafe.defineAnonyousClass() to define Hidden classes. Hang Shao #9485 31bb07a CMake: Stop copying jit tracegen to source tree Devin Nakamura #9615 7402acf CMake: Add arm support for libffi Devin Nakamura #9638 fb590cb Mark VM as exitting earlier Graham Chapman #9630 ce16884 Fail the build if j9ddr.jar is missing Yixin Qian #9581 40acc6f Remove J9VM_OPT_VALHALLA_NESTMATES Keith W. Campbell #9624 21e4cbb AArch64: Implement genZeroInitObject for VMnewEvaluator Akira Saitoh #9608 8c027b6 AArch64: Implement genHeapAlloc for VMnewEvaluator Akira Saitoh #9607 78f7605 Reduce the scratch segment cache in JITClient from 16MB to 2MB Marius Pirvu #9604 952f5c6 Update the document specific to RISC-V Cheng Jin #9585 b4ce351 Change the style of for AArch64 Linux KONNO Kazuhiro #9557 803aee6 AArch64: Use stp instruction to clear collectable locals in createPrologue() Akira Saitoh #9598 9424b7a cmdLineTest_J9tests cleanup Yixin Qian #9565 7d15d4c AArch64: Add HeapAllocSnippet Akira Saitoh #9606 46e15ff AArch64: Add initial implementation of VMnewEvaluator Akira Saitoh #9605 08b4efd Remove unwanted jvmti error code for Java 8 Keith W. Campbell #9562 d0b4bbf Activate compilation threads more aggressively for JITClient Marius Pirvu #9592 9aa7db1 Update JITServer heuristics Marius Pirvu #9556 5ba1767 Fix warning in jvmti agent test Devin Nakamura #9583 d779b73 Convert long to float on Windows-32 bit Peter Shipton #9564 ec3b8fd Modify the translated PII files in nls folder - 20200518 XiaojuanChen #9602 2d9d45a Resolve classref in checkcast if Qtype Tobi Ajila #9568 d17520a Swap NoClassDefFoundError message class name order Sharon Wang #9588 91bd0c6 Run ref repo updater on test only nodes Adam Brousseau #9577 0bb06c1 Remove obsolete support for -Duse.legacy.version Peter Shipton #9503 93f8afa Only specify base address for 32-bit JIT dll Keith W. Campbell #9555 04fd50c Enable DDR for cmake builds of jdk14/next Devin Nakamura #9580 92c9495 Enable DDR SharedClasses test for AArch64 again KONNO Kazuhiro #9234 dd79dad AArch64: Add gpu feature in build spec files KONNO Kazuhiro #9541 9939252 Add class unloading assumption for inline methods in metadata Annabelle Huo #9559 5a81eff Fix the wrong message type enum number in the comment Annabelle Huo #9563 0b99c68 JEP358 extended NPE message part 1 - result of this NPE Jason Feng #8495 a8d0a6e Update test readme file Yixin Qian #9572 6650475 Add -Xnocompressedrefs for Mode107-OSRG and Mode110-OSRG lanxia #9551 7f08d62 Remove the dead PPCHeapAllocSnippet class Abdulrahman Alattas #9548 6809479 Rename localVariableTable to localVariableTableAttribute Theresa Mammarella #9550 6730c43 Java 14+: class transformation with records Theresa Mammarella #9507 f3bb97e Addressed the comments on the JIT Doc Update Eman Elsabban #9461 f3e03db Revert "Revert "Initialize variable to fix build break on windows"" Graham Chapman #9554 b84c7b9 Revert "Revert "Add decompilation test"" Graham Chapman #9553 604a88c Fix for Z 31-bit decompile issue Graham Chapman #9552 86ddd11 Don't remember historical thread names by default Keith W. Campbell #9525 990ca89 Revert "Add decompilation test" Graham Chapman #9546 04b8e6e Revert "Initialize variable to fix build break on windows" Graham Chapman #9545 f25c1a5 Change to postconditions only for ICF end labels Mohammad Nazmul Alam #9411 0d63a19 Initialize variable to fix build break on windows Dan Heidinga #9544 939784f Add decompilation test Graham Chapman #9463 03a24ad AArch64: Enable Linkage Register Allocation Akira Saitoh #9472 f61837a Fix J9Method_HT clean up upon class unloading AlenBadel #9515 0466dd0 Consolidate all trace CG options Filip Jeremic #9531 7cb2c32 Update the document related to RISC-V Cheng Jin #9526 c14f6b2 Removing Global GC specific method from base Collector class Enson #9523 0f887c3 VTs now use Qsignatures in class refs Tobi Ajila #9528 e8dcc15 Leverage CHTable at the server to check if a class is extended Annabelle Huo #9447 2cd6c9b Revert "Consolidate all trace CG options" Peter Shipton #9527 96a8e0e Consolidate all trace CG options Filip Jeremic #9477 81327d1 Handle OSR from inlined synchronized method Yi Zhang #9480 7339cb6 Updated misspelling of recogniedMethod Laura Cohen #9511 bab5116 Jenkins: Enable testing on osx cmake builds Devin Nakamura #9498 4a84cad Add xlinuxxlcm, osxxlcm spec and exclude some xlinux cm tests, and enable all releases for all cm and jit specs Adam Brousseau #9512 9376a10 Absorb generateShiftAndKeepSelected64Bit changes from OMR Filip Jeremic #9505 8bb23dd Fix testSCCacheManagement failure on zos Longyu Zhang #9504 00fdebc Add an option to disable the JITServer warning message Annabelle Huo #9483 f9e5eed Cache result of class chain validation Irwin D'Souza #9403 83f0f1b Disable GCR for hot compilations Marius Pirvu #9470 505b65e Build instructions boot jdk updates Peter Shipton #9487 7e7fd2e AIX JDK8 System.mapLibraryNamepublic() returns libraries with .a suffix Jason Feng #9489 29f42b1 Java 14: track interrupt state when thread is dead Theresa Mammarella #9341 6d93977 AArch64: Move copyParametersToHomeLocation to OMRLinkage Akira Saitoh #9469 c8ff6f3 AArch64: Fix loadStackParametersToLinkageRegisters Akira Saitoh #9468 98728cc Remove extraneous entryPointFromInterpretedMethod for PrivateLinkage Daryl Maier #9488 f421246 Provide PrivateLinkage implementations for method entry inquiries Daryl Maier #7901 261c6e3 Implement JVM_GetRandomSeedForCDSDump Keith W. Campbell #9471 2293207 Consolidate AOT Relocation Records Irwin D'Souza #9467 1a7cab7 Enable UNB Artifactory again Adam Brousseau #9466 56d717e Add cmdline opts to toggle array flattening Tobi Ajila #9476 fcb6d3f Add GNU workaround for unused functions Dan Heidinga #9464 106e6ac Suppress warnings about trailing digit in 'openj9' module names Keith W. Campbell #9473 5f4a9c9 CMake add missing exports for JVMTI Exception event test Devin Nakamura #9450 0c875c2 CMake: Fix missing exports in jniargtests Devin Nakamura #9451 875226b Fix build instructions docker --with-boot-jdk= paths Peter Shipton #9454 d821403 CMake: Don't link jsig against omrsig Devin Nakamura #9449 8ce5570 Enable gcc toolchain on Linux PPC LE platforms Violeta Sebe #9423 284a67d Improve performance of iterateStackTrace Filip Jeremic #8615 d80689c Add --with-boot-jdk and other improvements to Linux build instructions Peter Shipton #9409 060ace3 Improve jitdump diagnostic messages and function names Filip Jeremic #9387 4cbecf9 Update lanxia #8516 266e5b6 Add Mode110 and Mode610 to native tests lanxia #9407 2d2900a Update PARALLEL param for test builds lanxia #9388 0b9de10 Add IBM i specific changes for POWER9 support and disable getsystemcf… gaoli #5568 8f178b5 Fix exception catch at synthetic handler Graham Chapman #9404 c0d9828 Abort AOT when symbol owning method is not inlined Yi Zhang #9418 043a06d Use jdk14 to build jdk14 Peter Shipton #9422 28bd07d Modify the translated PII files in nls folder-20200501 XiaojuanChen #9426 957a078 Cache illegal final field modification at the server Annabelle Huo #9415 ef109f7 Fix TR_J9ServerVM::canAllocateInlineClass Marius Pirvu #9417 300e32b Remove use of DecimalFormatHelper in JITServer Liqun Liu #9408 5b74354 Transform indexOf call node when receiver is known string Ryan Shukla #8780 7102290 Register assumptions for static final field modifications Harry Yu #9396 c357480 Concurrent Scavenger Ownable Synchronizer Fix Salman Rana #9395 eaa3b5f Change the paths of Dockerfiles for cross compilation KONNO Kazuhiro #9413 2200fc6 Supporting Changes for mon(ent/exit) for value Types Rahil Shah #9326 811bd16 Add docker generation script Keith W. Campbell #9371 906d400 Create system threads properly Peter Shipton #9390 61b82bb Fix JITServer allocation fence and get max heap size Annabelle Huo #9384 9edff1b Remove use of DecimalFormatHelper related enum Liqun Liu #9383 367c1b5 Remove terminated threads from map of historical names Keith W. Campbell #9374 43bad08 Backport JVM_BeforeHalt from jdk11 to jdk8 Peter Shipton #9394 a718af2 Fix duplicate LocalVariableTypeTable check Theresa Mammarella #9347 a3c0e8c Rename the module to ibm.jzos Peter Shipton #9380 2054d85 Add build restart information to the top pipeline summary badge Violeta Sebe #9302 0e7c6de Make JITINLINE functions in MethodMetaData.c static VMINLINE Robert Young #9016 a9b01e7 Add specialized error messages for AOT validation failures Irwin D'Souza #9366 32d159e AArch64: Add symbols for recompilation helpers KONNO Kazuhiro #9379 db73f46 Disable JProfiling and JitProfiling for JITServer Dmitry Ten #9277 9c63fc9 AArch64: Enable GlobalRegisterAllocation Akira Saitoh #9298 f07d6dc Update the building instructions for RISC-V in OpenJ9 (part8/doc) Cheng Jin #7894 a63afad Consolidate AOT Relocation Records Irwin D'Souza #7601 80fe748 Avoid value type inline allocations Henry Zongaro #9139 735d51c Clean up reference to DecimalFormatHelper in the JIT Liqun Liu #9275 7d740b4 VM side of synthetic handler fix Graham Chapman #9368 85ff63a Update s390x Dockerfiles to use AdoptOpenJDK API v3 Filip Jeremic #9363 da92d86 Improve jdmpview 'hexdump' command Keith W. Campbell #9359 12a2f7f Update release process to include tagging system-test Dan Heidinga #9362 7b36dd2 Update Renfei Wang #9360 2cc3b1cf Add example of PR build on a release branch Dan Heidinga #9355 5ea9dd6 Fix the check on the return of shouldInitiateDLT Annabelle Huo #9346 76441e8 Remove use of '--enable-OMR_ENV_GCC' Keith W. Campbell #9340 bb3fc6e AArch64: Add register allocation order list to private linkage Akira Saitoh #9337 6358649 String table read barrier Aleksandar Micic #9330 5f7875b Update Windows to use openssl 1.1.1g Peter Shipton #9342 c56f56b Enable runtime instrumentation with gcc Keith W. Campbell #9320 0f5fbb8 Update VM code & setting for RISC-V in OpenJ9 (part6/VM) Cheng Jin #7445 125598e CMake: remove J9VM_MODULE_DDR Keith W. Campbell #9317 1f7c729 Flush caches for threads without VM access only Aleksandar Micic #9332 12e64d2 Rework test pipeline variables Adam Brousseau #9107 e64670b Fix DDR errors cause by OMRs OMR_THR_YIELD_ALG checks Devin Nakamura #9324 43a0b1d Send CHTable updates with compilation requests Marius Pirvu #9315 517d685 Add null checks to aastore bytecode Tobi Ajila #9329 74a7519 CMake: ppc fixes Keith W. Campbell #9299 62f069f CMake: Enable split debug info Devin Nakamura #9310 06aad98 Disable all JIT Hooks at JITServer Harry Yu #9233 ed472ad Remove functions ScopeCHKEvaluator, atccheckEvaluator, lowerAtcCheck Michael Wang #9325 d73cd36 AArch64: Enable DLT KONNO Kazuhiro #9283 9f88201 Enable Linux PPC LE Compile on CentOS 7 instead of Ubuntu Violeta Sebe #8819 c0b87d9 Removed macros related to multitenancy in PicBuilder Michael Wang #9065 1104e37 CMake: Add j9vm_add_library and j9vm_add_executable Devin Nakamura #9308 296ee38 Update javanext to use jdk14 bootjdks Joe deKoning #9327 84d21e7 Jenkins: Add osx cmake build Devin Nakamura #9194 255be39 Replace monitorEnterBarrier with readBarrier Graham Chapman #9301 74a43fa Fix ValueTypeHelpers JDK15 Valhalla compilation failure Sharon Wang #9321 ee526f3 Disable JIT compilation for RISC-V in OpenJ9 (part3/JIT) Cheng Jin #7442 8f3e401 Update jdk14 build doc to remove '-normal' from build dir Peter Shipton #9311 2029ea3 Update openssl to 1.1.1g except for Windows Peter Shipton #9305 a386db4 AArch64: Align 64-bit data in call snippets KONNO Kazuhiro #9282 939c481 Fix JITServer version incompatibility Annabelle Huo #9307 be6b41b CMake: Enable concurrent scavenger on osx Devin Nakamura #9303 fe241bc Update misc code for RISC-V in OpenJ9 (part7/misc) Cheng Jin #7446 80a19ed Fix interpretation of switch instructions in ByteCodeDumper Keith W. Campbell #9296 ac17f83 AArch64: Enable omrsigSupport KONNO Kazuhiro #9288 4ef3369 CMake: disable buffer security checks for jit helpers on windows Devin Nakamura #9056 ce88e19 Set java.base module for anonymous classes loaded at bootup stage Jason Feng #9232 fc40119 Remove ByteStream.blocking Keith W. Campbell #9263 c18a9cf Add empty default case to switch() to fix compile error for xlc 16 Violeta Sebe #8288 dd4c180 Remove references to deprecated Add/Sub IL Opcode Bohao(Aaron) Wang #8731 c21ef3a Implement monitor enter/exit for valuetypes Yi Zhang #8976 4fc045a Update Dockerfile for AArch64 cross build KONNO Kazuhiro #9281 61238e9 Guard unloading class events and compilations with RWMutex Annabelle Huo #9243 c7a0b16 Get rid of align{Warm,Cold}CodeAlloc Younes Manton #9289 787a9a2 Match number of artifacts to number of build logs Adam Brousseau #9250 aa5fc4d Set sampling interval to UDATA_MAX to inform GC sampling is not required Jason Feng #9255 e62fa83 Remove the virtual function patchMTIsolatedOffset Michael Wang #9064 0a7cf28 Revert "Enable UNB Artifactory server" Peter Shipton #9274 5800af9 Removed depreciated macro lines from VMJ9.h Michael Wang #9063 e298b04 Cache J9JavaVM in a local rather than refetching Dan Heidinga #9265 ed768ea Update double map call to use new API Igor Braga #8592 093e2b9 Add known issues for 64-bit ARM Sue Chaplain #9241 6db7a24 Implement compressed refs override and split BytecodeInterpreter Sharon Wang #8936 6e3a58e Add test to verify the qualified UTF8 class name Cheng Jin #9229 ddc0ba1 Integrate libffi for RISC-V in OpenJ9 (part5/libffi) Cheng Jin #7444 05e6a8b Add support to the installed cross-compiler for RISCV Cheng Jin #9262 d5f021f Enable UNB Artifactory server Adam Brousseau #9258 0ece528 Forced finalize fix for CS Aleksandar Micic #9252 d493108 Remove TR_PREXARGINFO_TRACER_CLASS macro Ryan Shukla #9163 2335c13 Check if class has static final field modified before folding Liqun Liu #9246 7067c2d Partial MethodType created by readObject can be used Peter Shipton #9244 31b6c986 AArch64: Make unresolved virtual call thread safe Akira Saitoh #9237 0cb616c Fix enum reflection test for jdk15+ Peter Shipton #9226 a429b60 Disable runtime assumption table on JITServer Harry Yu #9189 329a9db Update aarch64 platform to use gcc-7.5 Joe deKoning #9238 f2f2a3b Use front end query to check J9ClassInitSucceeded Annabelle Huo #9217 6ab3cf0 Add FlattenedArrayObjectScanner Andrew Young #9202 235030f Warn when opening a truncated core file Keith W. Campbell #9230 daad317 Update Windows openssl in use to v1.1.1f Joe deKoning #9224 ebdc7c1 Avoid verifying trees during codegen crashes when generating jitdumps Filip Jeremic #9228 e238ad7 Use a different cacheDir for the nameOption test Peter Shipton #9209 ea159ff Prepare Power UnresolvedDataSnippet for OMR changes Benjamin Thomas (Aviansie Ben) #9073 cf8598b AArch64: Issue memory barrier after calling jitResolveInterfaceMethod Akira Saitoh #9223 d016f3c Ensure sanity test material is readable on z/OS Peter Shipton #9210 bcf1c1a Include special.system testing for AIX Peter Shipton #9219 b054d2d Disable upgrades/downgrades on jitdump compilations Filip Jeremic #9203 44730cc HeapSampling not available for GC policies Metronome/Balanced Jason Feng #9208 a440670 Use non-AOT front-end for getClassOfMethod in storeValidationRecordIfNecessary Dmitry Ten #9204 93e8adc Make callsite commands useful even without the callsite names Keith W. Campbell #9205 8711afd Revert "Warn when opening a truncated core file" Peter Shipton #9207 c5f322f Fix typo in function name containesZeroOrOneConcreteClass 2 Chris Chong #9182 75276e5 Add JITServer implementation for new added API isZeroInitializable Chris Chong #9192 869ba8f Revert "HeapSampling not available for GC policies Metronome & Balanced" Peter Shipton #9206 bbc5186 Post-store macro relying on barrier type Aleksandar Micic #9109 3f7ce36 HeapSampling not available for GC policies Metronome & Balanced Jason Feng #9131 e12d1e2 Warn when opening a truncated core file Keith W. Campbell #9199 f7a26c3 Refactoring the code of setting assertion status in ClassLoader Cheng Jin #9188 9df3430 AArch64: DDR: Implement and Akira Saitoh #9151 c6b594b Enable DDR JITExt test for AArch64 again KONNO Kazuhiro #8764 9f1262a Enable --enable-jitserver for all xlinux and plinux Peter Shipton #8191 5c46748 Reduce CompInfo_isCompiled message from the server Annabelle Huo #9160 ef484e6 AArch64: Fix jitCalleeSavedRegisterList Akira Saitoh #9179 fe71875 ACMP support for value types Tobi Ajila #9101 5ca16a9 Clear peeking ilgen callNode from callsite Yi Zhang #9158 23b61bc Support PR builds from non-default repos Adam Brousseau #9173 0109183 AArch64: Exclude testSoftMxUserScenario KONNO Kazuhiro #9176 db74e21 Use _regionBytesAllocated to enforce scratch space limit Ashutosh Mehra #9153 a33cd99 Assume java.base for the module of a null caller class Jason Feng #9162 fe8d9d5 Enable c99 interfaces on zos Devin Nakamura #9091 443422e Consolidate jitdump functionality into JitDump.cpp Filip Jeremic #9134 a286546 AArch64: Return 64 as L1 data cache line size when info unavailable KONNO Kazuhiro #9155 293cbbd Prevent increasing the scratchSpaceLimit on low virtual memory Marius Pirvu #9088 64256c2 Clean up DTFJ code Keith W. Campbell #9165 0d8aa06 Fix typo in function name containesZeroOrOneConcreteClass Chris Chong #9166 0eb5f12 Eliminate storeValidationRecordIfNecessary messages Dmitry Ten #9119 a235102 AArch64: Call arm64CodeSync() in Trampoline.cpp KONNO Kazuhiro #9149 985300d CMake: Generate debug info on xlc Devin Nakamura #9146 9561b44 CMake: Enable omrsig Devin Nakamura #9156 56da1fa Change location for OpenJ9 bootjdks on AIX Joe deKoning #9152 ad7c3f0 Enable DDR tests for AArch64 again KONNO Kazuhiro #9148 8a875e0 CMake: Add missing options to aix cache Devin Nakamura #9142 cfba852 Include sanity.openjdk for XL platforms Peter Shipton #9154 4cb4101 Fix ClassEnv::containesZeroOrOneConcreteClass implementation Marius Pirvu #9145 3fbb20c Remove the obsolete APIs in known object table Annabelle Huo #9075 0b24740 Include sanity.openjdk for AIX, Windows, Mac Peter Shipton #9112 8340185 CMake: move -qnortti to platform flags on aix Devin Nakamura #9143 f4aed50 Add java/lang/StringUTF16.newBytesFor to alwaysWorthInlining list Filip Jeremic #8845 9566789 Revert "Remove final from fields being set in native methods" Graham Chapman #9140 47c5ee7 Changing compare and branch for unresolved snippets within FieldWatch AlenBadel #9130 8c150cc Remove final from fields being set in native methods Babneet Singh #8935 695bc21 Remove ";" from the interpreter goto statements Babneet Singh #9138 ad97b5d Improve JITServer functional tests and re-enable them Younes Manton #8775 967753c Reduce number of VM_getClassFromSignature messages Marius Pirvu #9125 958d2f9 Move FrontEnd containesZeroOrOneConcreteClass into ClassEnv Chris Chong #9067 625a486 Handle race condition in outOfLineINL Babneet Singh #9076 0d779ef Fix default flag initialization Graham Chapman #9111 de9f1f2 Protect including Listener.hpp by J9VM_OPT_JITSERVER Ashutosh Mehra #9121 7a2fc8a Add query method for class whose instances are zero initializable Henry Zongaro #9013 a0fe813 IL Generation for withfield bytecode instruction Yi Zhang #9098 763c464 Abort ILGen for non supported features in AOT Irwin D'Souza #9071 ead872f General cleanup Graham Chapman #9114 1e292ea Enable if present, the miscellaneous-instruction-extention facility 2 Pushkar Bettadpur #9096 361acd7 Add mechanism for JITServer termination Ashutosh Mehra #8844 ffece8e Use _binaryBufferStart as reference for offset calculations Harry Yu #9090 0b462ba Fix known object table update at the server Annabelle Huo #9094 a602362 Remove unused & obsolete reflect implemention Dan Heidinga #9100 5cbd25f Revert "Add FlattenedArrayObjectScanner" Dmitri Pivkine #9102 9ef399f Add FlattenedArrayObjectScanner Andrew Young #9074 987ab17 Remove unneeded semicolons, and minor formatting Babneet Singh #9062 58ed0b2 Update the UTF8 string length in verifyQualifiedName Cheng Jin #9092 0a27b55 Enable ProxyFieldAccess tests for JCL_VERSION=latest Renfei Wang #9060 f44b609 Update OpenSSL to 1.1.1f Peter Shipton #9086 06fa4ce IL Generation for defaultvalue bytecode instruction Henry Zongaro #9030 4f1f79c CMake: Refactor platform specific config Devin Nakamura #8807 6661740 AArch64: Implement TR_UnloadedClassPicSite::compensate Akira Saitoh #9069 99df7bb Remove shutDownHookWrapper Babneet Singh #9070 78627dd Fix debug build break in JITServer code Marius Pirvu #9078 bd76536 Fix VT jitnewValue slow path Tobi Ajila #9072 5c62b29 Update build instructions Sue Chaplain #9036 8928c4c Draft release notes for Eclipse OpenJ9 0.20.0 Sue Chaplain #9053 2ec5ddf Runtime compressed refs work Graham Chapman #9026 e3fd446 Fix typo SVENDOR_TEST_SHAS_MAP andrew-m-leonard #9052 1f140ee Jenkins: Build Status table no-wrap build duration Adam Brousseau #9031 f089a9f Add JITServer implementation for areValueTypesEnabled Chris Chong #9049 a2aee4f Initialize field attributes with default values Annabelle Huo #9029 0ce20c0 Fix casts Keith W. Campbell #9059 ecc976f Remove remnants of LM from the Power codegen Benjamin Thomas (Aviansie Ben) #8611 04ad4a3 Change monitor enter return type Tobi Ajila #9050 09f1190 CMake: Fix typo in windows cache Devin Nakamura #9055 03878bd Clarify contract of findROMClassFromPC() method Dan Heidinga #9039 b1acf75 Code cleanup for unused __arrayTranslateTRTOSimpleVMX function Mohammad Nazmul Alam #8968 7db72ed Support cmake builds of jdknext (ppc64le & x86_64) Keith W. Campbell #9051 36365c3 Ensure KEEP_REPORTDIR does not get passed as null Adam Brousseau #8980 6fbf525 Optimize IProfiler fan-in info serialization Dmitry Ten #8978 c529318 Add JITServer implementation for new query isValueTypeClass Chris Chong #9025 9178929 Add valueType checks to monitor enter Tobi Ajila #8889 603a7b5 Fix the value of CACHE_ROOT_MAXLEN Hang Shao #9027 e18e584 Pruning the cards from InterRegionRememberedsets after GMP Lin Hu #8804 c0ff163 Add support for Valhalla PR builds Adam Brousseau #8913 1971fb2 Add build instructions for cmake Devin Nakamura #8953 76a961c Add double map functionality to JNI string critical Igor Braga #8712 35e1e05 Fix Z codegen bug with unresolved virtual call Kevin Langman #8154 bb1890f Fix opt index searches in nextGenHCR Liqun Liu #8956 e2867c1 Add name for nested enum type Keith W. Campbell #9011 bf841bb Support uploading to multiple Artifactory servers Adam Brousseau #8817 386b29b CS hooks and Async Handler Aleksandar Micic #8765 8f1432c Create frontend query for OMR function numConcreteClasses Chris Chong #8933 38a4e39 Reduce VM_getROMMethodFromRAMMethod messages Dmitry Ten #8981 49751e3 Turn interp_useUnsafeHelper on for aarch specs Dan Heidinga #8996 7389972 Enable interp_atomicFreeJni for OSX Jason Feng #8998 dd96e67 Fix javacore native mem info output Peter Shipton #8985 4306869 Revert inliner changes causing nightly build failures Liqun Liu #8995 ddb2e1e Delete the !j9reg DDR extension Peter Shipton #8986 752c590 Cut number of SharedCache_getClassChainOffsetInSharedCache messages Marius Pirvu #8964 b9b4d6d Set isVolatile, isPrivate, isFinal and typeSignature in TypeLayout Leonardo Banderali #8497 5722cb8 Add isClassValueType to ClassEnv query Yi Zhang #8920 71cdf12 Minor inliner improvements Liqun Liu #8955 9f7f9bd Fix definingClass for StaticFieldVarHandle Babneet Singh #8892 b398e20 Revert "CMake: Add missing link libraries to gc components" Peter Shipton #8975 007ef79 Reverse Throwable writableStackTrace boolean field logic Peter Shipton #8938 1218a31 JVM_LoadLibrary acquires VM Access before exit VM to JNI Jason Feng #8971 c47b3c4 Re-add message names Dmitry Ten #8927 eeb6616 Delete job folders when num to keep is 0 Adam Brousseau #8476 18cf44b Add support for valuetype configure flag Tobi Ajila #8954 398fa67 Update Windows openssl to 1.1.1e Joe deKoning #8962 8d1a8b1 Use v3 API to fetch boot JDK Keith W. Campbell #8963 2fd2e16 Use OMR::align() in compiler Younes Manton #8950 61c3a70 Refactor areValueTypesEnabled object model query to call VM helper Leonardo Banderali #8919 fc6efde Cleanup Known object table support in JITServer Annabelle Huo #8931 84f97cc CMake: Add missing link libraries to gc components Devin Nakamura #8957 f179493 Change stackWalkerMaySkipFrames to avoid AOT failures Marius Pirvu #8932 012d53f Deprecate XPLINKCallDescriptorSnippet Filip Jeremic #8739 3230b9b Renamed registers, added scratch register manager and comments Shubham Verma #8677 cbd77bf Change realTimeGC option as per compilation Annabelle Huo #8895 5142072 AIX shared object has .so suffix Jason Feng #8941 b138dda Remove hardcoded valuetype flag Tobi Ajila #8934 eecccf5 Fix init sequence for flattened fields Tobi Ajila #8924 be03cea Remove unused file compile.proto Keith W. Campbell #8930 c94bf6a Add a building and testing section to Peter Shipton #8676 c7660c4 Add code for AArch64 to DDR JITRegMap KONNO Kazuhiro #8914 a5ac65a Combine both test functions Adam Brousseau #8929 0fb07d9 Convert short SHAs in build description to hyperlinks Adam Brousseau #8654 d1eb4ed Remove obsolete specs from config files Graham Chapman #8918 a99efa8 Revert "Change stackWalkerMaySkipFrames to avoid AOT failures" Peter Shipton #8928 2d0f65f Change stackWalkerMaySkipFrames to avoid AOT failures Marius Pirvu #8898 58f5ccc Eliminate all traces of gen directory used by protobuf Marius Pirvu #8923 330dd8f Add comment for DDR for AArch64 in Build Instructions KONNO Kazuhiro #8792 05af7d8 Stop setting OMR_GC_COMPRESSED_POINTERS Andrew Young #8905 8ad7a3d Remove protobuf dependency from JITServer Marius Pirvu #8832 e6ad6da Runtime compressed refs work Graham Chapman #8917 181fabe JVM_LoadLibrary releases VM Access before invoking registerBootstrapLibrary() Jason Feng #8912 303db61 Exclude sanity.openjdk testing from cmake builds Peter Shipton #8915 760175d Runtime compressed refs work Graham Chapman #8906 c399622 ecflh001 test, only leave class hook enabled when mod specified Peter Shipton #8908 d43090c CMake: Add missing source files Keith W. Campbell #8910 6a8a0ae Update test readme Renfei Wang #8904 3e644d0 Runtime compressed refs work Graham Chapman #8903 f124387 Use openssl 1.1.1e for all platforms but Windows Peter Shipton #8901 3f7117e Remove redundant configuration flags Graham Chapman #8896 45c3f8f ExitOnOutOfMemory for systhrow only Theresa Mammarella #8886 1b4de61 JDK15 : Add loadLibraryWithPath package access APIs & Invoke registerBootstrapLibrary() in JVM_LoadLibrary Jason Feng #8855 9336f33 CMake: Add jit exports on aix Devin Nakamura #8877 e3c7b2e Runtime compressed refs work Graham Chapman #8894 25b0c08 Properly return slowpath addr in jitnewvalue helpers Tobi Ajila #8893 bf11f32 Update test readme and user guide to include list of tests Renfei Wang #8891 00e3b38 Include sanity.openjdk for xlinux Peter Shipton #8888 b0f7e2a Exclude sanity.openjdk testing except for plinux, zlinux builds Peter Shipton #8881 2225525 Accept short or full platform names in PR build requests Keith W. Campbell #8882 486fd0a Runtime compressed refs work Graham Chapman #8880 b542db8 Correct numberOfAnnotations in Runtime*Annotations Theresa Mammarella #8761 b7b7aac Runtime compressed refs work Graham Chapman #8864 0942b26 CPU cache line size for Linux aarch64 KONNO Kazuhiro #8617 7bc7c3e Use OMR_GC_POINTER_MODE Andrew Young #8863 bbb2806 Decouple TR_PrexArgInfo from TR_InlinerTracer Ryan Shukla #8759 d3fda77 AIX: Create .debuginfo file for JIT shared library Keith W. Campbell #8848 c6aa734 Restore --disable-zip-debug-info for jdk8 Windows builds Keith W. Campbell #8859 633f659 Mark record_component annotations as referenced Theresa Mammarella #8816 5e635ee AArch64: Implement Nestmate interface call KONNO Kazuhiro #8651 b0716f0 Improve overflow checking in String classes Keith W. Campbell #8830 f145f80 AArch64: Disable j9sysinfo_test_get_levels_and_types() KONNO Kazuhiro #8711 7551d81 Fix double read in KnownObjectTable at JITServer Marius Pirvu #8837 301e227 Replace ptrj_t with the standard ptr_t types Irwin D'Souza #8835 804c07c AIX: Transform file names in debug-image Keith W. Campbell #8846 e879da4 Expand Codecache testing AlenBadel #8025 fd0d23e Reduce number of VM_stackWalkerMaySkipFrames messages Zichun (Chris) Chong #8680 bbf1eff Runtime compressed refs work Graham Chapman #8826 c209fa5 Remove all properties from pipeline config Adam Brousseau #8829 aa617b0 Fix valueType test options Tobi Ajila #8824 008d52d Query CodeGenerator recompilation capability to decide recompilation Daryl Maier #8812 b593b3b Support Known Object Table in JITServer Annabelle Huo #8527 5129bb9 Fix -Xjit:perfTool option in JITServer mode Younes Manton #8747 a1ed808 Fix valueType array flags Tobi Ajila #8810 e821563 AArch64: Define OBJCOPY for native build KONNO Kazuhiro #8813 e0bc35f Check for int overflow in StringBuffer and StringBuilder Peter Shipton #8771 bfc42c5 Implement lock reservation frontend queries for JITServer Marius Pirvu #8811

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  • openj9-0.20.0(Apr 16, 2020)

    Eclipse release plan: Release notes: Milestone plan:

    Binaries at AdoptOpenJDK. jdk 8:

    • macOS -
    • AIX, Windows-
    • Others -

    jdk 11:

    • macOS -
    • AIX, Windows -
    • Others -

    jdk 14:

    • macOS -
    • AIX, Windows -
    • Others -

    The AdoptOpenJDK .1 release builds for Window and macOS add:

    • macOS notarization
    • update the openssl library to 1.1.1g (builds for other platforms don't contain any openssl library)

    The AdoptOpenJDK .1 release builds for AIX and .2 release for macOS add:

    • smaller downloads after removing debug symbols from jdk and jre builds
    • debug symbol download artifact for macOS Java 8

    Release details:

    Branch name: v0.20.0-release Tag: openj9-0.20.0

    Repo SHAs:

    OpenJ9: 05fa2d3 OMR: d4365f3

    Security Vulnerabilities Resolved CVE-2020-2805

    For details about the release and release candidates, please see:

    For the list of OMR changes see

    OpenJ9 Changes

    05fa2d3 (0.20.0) AArch64: Make unresolved virtual call thread safe Akira Saitoh #9249 f46ee78 (0.20.0) Partial MethodType created by readObject can be used Peter Shipton #9245 03ae053 (0.20.0) AArch64: Issue memory barrier after calling jitResolveInterfaceMethod Akira Saitoh #9235 c9e5ae6 (0.20.0) Update aarch64 platform to use gcc-7.5 Joe deKoning #9242 496f48f (0.20.0) AArch64: DDR: Implement and Akira Saitoh #9196 24d7fb2 (0.20.0) AArch64: Fix jitCalleeDestroyedRegisterList Akira Saitoh #9193 28292c1 (0.20.0) Enable DDR JITExt test for AArch64 again KONNO Kazuhiro #9008 2385f21 (0.20.0) AArch64: Exclude testSoftMxUserScenario KONNO Kazuhiro #9177 5c6d7ea (0.20.0) AArch64: Return 64 as L1 data cache line size when info unavailable KONNO Kazuhiro #9175 f02f467 (0.20.0) Enable DDR tests for AArch64 again KONNO Kazuhiro #9172 5f242ea (0.20.0) Arch64: Call arm64CodeSync() in Trampoline.cpp KONNO Kazuhiro #9150 eea23b0 (0.20.0) Fix allocateRASStruct() for AIX Graham Chapman #9117 61846f8 (0.20.0) AArch64: Implement TR_UnloadedClassPicSite::compensate Akira Saitoh #9084 3ca52d8 Update the UTF8 string length in verifyQualifiedName (v0.20.0-release) Cheng Jin #9093 5862de9 Initialize field attributes with default values (0.20.0) Annabelle Huo #9087 c93e4da (v0.20.0) Turn interp_useUnsafeHelper on for aarch specs Dan Heidinga #9000 ffae045 (0.20.0) Fix javacore native mem info output Peter Shipton #8997 33ac84f (0.20.0) Delete the !j9reg DDR extension Peter Shipton #8994 016e365 (0.20.0) Fix definingClass for StaticFieldVarHandle Babneet Singh #8977 4396f79 (0.20.0) Reverse Throwable writableStackTrace boolean field logic Peter Shipton #8982 03fd76a Eliminate protobuf from JITServer code (0.20.0) Keith W. Campbell #8940 31c67f9 (0.20.0) Add code for AArch64 to DDR JITRegMap KONNO Kazuhiro #8946 db39418 Implement lock reservation frontend queries for JITServer (0.20.0) Marius Pirvu #8926 69fc404 (v0.20.0) AArch64: Disable j9sysinfo_test_get_levels_and_types() KONNO Kazuhiro #8852 9435495 (0.20.0) Query CodeGenerator recompilation capability to decide recompilation Daryl Maier #8850 87863e3 (0.20.0) Use openssl 1.1.1e for all platforms but Windows Peter Shipton #8907 305fc6c (0.20.0) AArch64: Implement Nestmate interface call KONNO Kazuhiro #8854 9745769 (v0.20.0): ExitOnOutOfMemory for systhrow only Theresa Mammarella #8887 2a2f038 (v0.20.0): Runtime*Annotations malformed edge cases Theresa Mammarella #8873 ca48ed4 (0.20.0) AIX: Create .debuginfo file for JIT shared library Keith W. Campbell #8871 47bc244 (0.20.0) CPU cache line size for Linux AArch64 KONNO Kazuhiro #8868 3081fe7 (0.20.0) Remove all properties from pipeline config Adam Brousseau #8861 58e7d5a (0.20.0) Restore --disable-zip-debug-info for jdk8 Windows builds Keith W. Campbell #8860 8fe7c70 AIX: Transform file names in debug-image Keith W. Campbell #8858 7e9a034 (0.20.0) Improve overflow checking in String classes Keith W. Campbell #8857 af336c8 (v0.20.0): Mark record_component annotations as referenced Theresa Mammarella #8856 60991c2 AArch64: Define OBJCOPY for native build KONNO Kazuhiro #8851 a5a4b07 Don't compress debug information for jdk8 Peter Shipton #8808 82af193 Remove the prefix 'debug-image' from paths in debug info archives Keith W. Campbell #8802 4156b55 Fix VarHandle coordinateTypes Babneet Singh #8783 8b48c8d Find module with romClass name rather than loadData->className Peter Shipton #8755 a590fbe Disable JITServer tests until failures are fixed Younes Manton #8805 d6506ef Add Java 14 JPP decoration to JDK14+ only annotation Jason Feng #8795 14d688f Update the security check of defineClass against Java 14 Spec Cheng Jin #8779 b4d5d32 Fix stackmap always marking ConstantDynamic as objects Jack Lu #8752 3cdd550 AArch64: Fix buildPrivateLinkageArgs Akira Saitoh #8790 d4ac94d AArch64: Implement ZEROCHKEvaluator without OOL code section Akira Saitoh #8763 a7f3760 Revert "Remove the prefix 'debug-image' from paths in debug info archives" Peter Shipton #8787 03c0d48 Support Jcmd dump with default settings Jason Feng #8744 e8d0351 Implement New Lock Reservation scheme on Power jimmyk #8047 78b0b19 Build debug-image on z/OS Keith W. Campbell #8781 9df787a Strip debug info from executables Ashutosh Mehra #8754 45abc35 Remove the prefix 'debug-image' from paths in debug info archives Keith W. Campbell #8774 66c281a Update the Lookup specific code against the JDK14 Spec Cheng Jin #8657 6c15de6 Building DDR for AArch64 KONNO Kazuhiro #8331 10d5686 Mark CPU extensible and add new constructor Harry Yu #8638 9929617 Runtime compressed refs work Graham Chapman #8751 8acaaba CMake: Update atomic configuration Devin Nakamura #8316 32a6de1 Runtime compressed refs work Graham Chapman #8750 ab9aab6 Check if SCC is valid at startup Irwin D'Souza #8679 b2cfada Remove obsolete j9sock functions Peter Shipton #8715 51d9fc6 Runtime compressed refs work Graham Chapman #8742 a38cb4c Fix computation of flush bounds Keith W. Campbell #8746 03a465d Fix JIT debug info for ARM cross compile builds Younes Manton #8741 4e9fab7 Add protobuf license in LICENSE and longabout.html Marius Pirvu #8737 336b612 Fix '-XXjitdirectory' option on Linux on Z simonameng #8561 381eb77 Generate separate debug info for JIT prod builds on Linux Younes Manton #8686 b304963 GetNanoTimeAdjustment only supported on jdk11+, exclude test from jdk8 Peter Shipton #8720 b64ac3d Added failure handling for jvmnativestest Longyu Zhang #8727 44ead78 Fix dependencies on generated protobuf code Keith W. Campbell #8730 9130918 Add plinux cmake jenkins build Devin Nakamura #8113 247ce3a Add a null check to handle internalFindClassUTF8 failure Babneet Singh #8713 120a851 Handle unexpected bytecodes in method handle thunk Yi Zhang #8598 1c993f6 Make debug-image available in jenkins builds Keith W. Campbell #8691 5bdb1f2 Refactoring of TR::ternary opcodes to TR::select Md. Alvee Noor #7797 ebec356 Update paths for debug information files Keith W. Campbell #8693 7373be6 AArch64: Exclude gptest hardwareFloat tests KONNO Kazuhiro #8710 dd6fe85 JEP-370 Implementation (Part 3) Babneet Singh #8501 a18ca6b Record component is implicitly final Theresa Mammarella #8687 ee36cd5 Handle the case where romMethod = NULL Dusan-Boskovic #8697 9aa2c31 Another bad variable declaration Graham Chapman #8702 ef7c114 Move variables inside ifdef Graham Chapman #8701 9a6944e Fix illegal variable declaration Graham Chapman #8700 c80af2e Replace J9JavaVM platformClassLoader with extensionClassLoader Peter Shipton #8695 29dd7ba Unsafe writebackMemory for Java 14 Mike Zhang #7258 048b5a7 CMake: Remove definition of _LONG_LONG from compiler Devin Nakamura #8464 a365a62 Disable field flattening by default Tobi Ajila #8685 fa929cc CMake: Add dependency on generating tracegen files Devin Nakamura #8462 7bc4d8a Include special.system nightly for zlinux 11, zlinux XL 8, AIX 8 Peter Shipton #8689 ec6a542 Fix missing cmake export Graham Chapman #8688 b25d2d6 AArch64: Fix for monitorEnter/monitorExit snippets KONNO Kazuhiro #8672 944f9dd Replace JITSERVER_SUPPORT with J9VM_OPT_JITSERVER Ashutosh Mehra #8656 67fd09e Draft release notes for Eclipse OpenJ9 0.19.0 Sue Chaplain #8673 1045b3a Set EXTRA_TEST_LABELS blank when TEST_NODE is specified Adam Brousseau #8659 b546e0f CMake: add missing sources to jvmtitests Devin Nakamura #8669 687ff96 Define OPENJ9_BUILD for JIT when similarly named env var is set Marius Pirvu #8668 fd96afe CMake: fix missing platform flags Devin Nakamura #8670 596aec5 Fix bug in resolution of VT arrays and fields Tobi Ajila #8646 543beb6 Reduce number of ResolvedMethod_definingClassFromCPFieldRef messages Marius Pirvu #8649 5f64d16 Statically link libstdc++ library with JIT on AArch64 Daryl Maier #8658 3f7fe5e Move 390 compiles from ubuntu16 to Redhat7 Joe deKoning #8601 5bbe36a Implement JVM_Management() and remove the management shared lib Peter Shipton #8631 ef5279e Do not draw summary table if buildFile is undefined Adam Brousseau #8137 6be4127 AArch64: Fix decompilation helpers Akira Saitoh #8648 34a873a Fix jdk14 usage of removed variable cpuUtilizationHelper Peter Shipton #8650 d339c8a Add JITServer-specific functional tests Younes Manton #8041 63775c1 Resolve the race condition setting/reading _theca->cacheFullFlags Hang Shao #8632 02c5280 Runtime compressed refs work Graham Chapman #8588 b435bc1 record attribute is not part of code attribute Theresa Mammarella #8644 305e49f Add new omrsysinfo_get_CPU_load API Filip Jeremic #8265 f262649 Update Jep359 test exclusion comment Theresa Mammarella #8643 6856343 Force Jit in Java -version after compile Adam Brousseau #8640 79aa8cf Remove execute permissions that confuse git on Windows Keith W. Campbell #8633 3fe74fa Fix init sequence for flattenable fields Tobi Ajila #8630 20c4df4 Change J9VM_GC_COMPRESSED_POINTERS to OMR_GC_COMPRESSED_POINTERS KONNO Kazuhiro #8595 6051c2c Override definingClassFromCPFieldRef for JITServer Marius Pirvu #8610 2dc9f18 Misc. interface dispatch fixes Daryl Maier #8603 42ed0b8 Win32 Compile Fix (TGC Parallel) Salman Rana #8626 0ee05df Fix compilation failure in vthelper Tobi Ajila #8627 8782135 Fix "Test StringBuffer/StringBuilder growth" timeouts and failures Peter Shipton #8624 1448839 TGC Parallel Reporting Changes Salman Rana #8614 e287685 Only fire original OMR build after mirror Adam Brousseau #8622 0ae4f22 Replaced use of deprecated FrontEnd:getObjectAlignmentInBytes o3hjj #8606 77921b8 Add jit helper stub for acmp Tobi Ajila #8600 2f95524 Delete code for obsolete Harmony support Peter Shipton #8609 c92eff7 Use 25% RAM as default maximum heap size for Java 8 Lin Hu #8498 2d2b385 Add missing space to "record " qualifier Dan Heidinga #8612 5ff620a Allow jobs to use lightweight checkout Adam Brousseau #8568 60ed51c Remove ineffective OMR includes Jason Feng #8599 802e6b9 Temporarily removed Jep359Tests for JDK15 Longyu Zhang #8602 0a4875a Disable DDR harmony support Peter Shipton #8604 95b4591 AArch64: Implement Java code for DDR KONNO Kazuhiro #8171 d8e6e0f Remove assignments from if statements when calling FIND_ARG_IN_VMARGS AlenBadel #8589 932c6a7 Include Xlp Tests on Sanity Functional AlenBadel #8576 d76de47 JEP 359 cfdumper support Theresa Mammarella #8391 c7bbd99 Fix starting offset in copyObjectFields helper Tobi Ajila #8586 f780cef Add missing ) in ARM code generator Leonardo Banderali #8587 67afda3 Fix for zlinux JCL_Test_JITHelpers hangs on z15 Shubham Verma #8357 37f94dc Handle jitNewValue in code generators Leonardo Banderali #8520 2f40a93 Remove references to unsigned deprecated load IL Opcode from OpenJ9 Bohao(Aaron) Wang #8567 1336719 JEP 359 windows compile failures Theresa Mammarella #8583 c97ca85 Support new escape sequences introduced in JDK 14 (JEP 368) Sharon Wang #8572 5dce86e Disable DDR tests and some others for AArch64 KONNO Kazuhiro #8569 e2583e6 JEP 359 Part 2: Class.getRecordComponents Theresa Mammarella #8351 039368e Change TR_ASSERT to TR_ASSERT_FATAL Annabelle Huo #8560 feecd8c JEP-370 Implementation (Part 2) Babneet Singh #8414 cf9de13 Include j9vrb in ddr target set Keith W. Campbell #8575 71081eb Recognize fma method on Z Bohao(Aaron) Wang #8445 d3959e7 Support running Java14andUp for jdknext Longyu Zhang #8564 57579d1 Implement findOr{Create,Fabricate}ShadowSymbol functions Leonardo Banderali #7991 d2f0def Revert "Revert to gcc 7.3 on xlinux" which switches to gcc 7.5 Peter Shipton #8559 35f34a6 Fix issue relate with CollectionUsageThreshold of memory pool Lin Hu #5324 ed3d30e Fix Dockerfile so compiler can create executables on jdk8 s390x u16 Shubham Verma #8557 c22b0f3 Revert "Include Xlp Tests on Sanity Functional" Peter Shipton #8555 1857af1 Include Xlp Tests on Sanity Functional AlenBadel #8298 3030d06 Skip zero init of Matcher internal arrays Andrew Craik #8361 c0ec632 Add compare and branch JIT Test Rahil Shah #8402 041daee Adapt to JavaLangAccess changes for Java 15 Keith W. Campbell #8541 f0510c1 Don't static link libj9jit with libc++ Peter Shipton #8052 863bab2 Eliminate J9AOTConfig data structure Marius Pirvu #8531 7d1f05c Update Java15 to use rt-compressed.sunJava15.jar Keith W. Campbell #8542 452a226 Remove JDK13 from Pipelines Adam Brousseau #8538 46e1ec8 Handle indirect stores with loadaddr as base in Escape Analysis Henry Zongaro #8509

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • openj9-0.19.0(Mar 17, 2020)

    Eclipse release plan: Release notes: Milestone plan:

    Binaries at AdoptOpenJDK. jdk 14:

    • The .1 respin changed the file names from OpenJDK14 to OpenJDK14U.

    Release details:

    Branch name: v0.19.0-release Tag: openj9-0.19.0

    Repo SHAs:

    OpenJ9: 0133ba0 OMR: 1c04e0e

    Security Vulnerabilities Resolved N/A

    For details about the release and release candidates, please see:

    For the list of OMR changes see

    OpenJ9 Changes

    0133ba0 (0.19.0) Fix VarHandle coordinateTypes Babneet Singh #8784 ee298ec [v0.19.0-release] Update the security check of defineClass against Java 14 Spec Cheng Jin #8782 a40deb5 (v0.19.0) Fix stackmap always marking ConstantDynamic as objects Jack Lu #8778 bd63482 (0.19.0) #if define() should be #if defined() in rossa.cpp Peter Shipton #8793 882cb5e [v0.19.0-release] Update the Lookup specific code against the JDK14 Spec Cheng Jin #8776 421081a Check if SCC is valid at startup (0.19) Irwin D'Souza #8756 c20a03c Add a null check to handle internalFindClassUTF8 failure (0.19.0) Babneet Singh #8714 07afcbd (0.19.0) Fix method handle inlining and small improvements Yi Zhang #8722 7852213 (v0.19.0) Unsafe writebackMemory for Java 14 Graham Chapman #8704 798e7d4 (v0.19.0) JEP-370 Implementation (Part 3) Babneet Singh #8703 9316d1e 0.19: Record component is implicitly final Theresa Mammarella #8692 d5e4b24 0.19: record attribute is not part of code attribute Theresa Mammarella #8645 7491f2f [0.19.0 Release] JEP-370 Implementation (Part 2) Babneet Singh #8579 e40963e (0.19.0) Add missing space to "record " qualifier Dan Heidinga #8613 897f3c7 v0.19: JEP 359 cfdumper support Theresa Mammarella #8581 aa6ca3e 0.19: JEP 359 windows/arm compile failures Theresa Mammarella #8585 3fbeaf4 (v0.19.0) Support new escape sequences introduced in JDK 14 (JEP 368) Sharon Wang #8580 6551cef (0.19.0) JEP 359 Class.getRecordComponents Theresa Mammarella #8577 01187db (0.19.0) Don't static link libj9jit with libc++ Peter Shipton #8539 56e61cc (0.19.0) Revert "Revert to gcc 7.3 on xlinux" which switches to gcc 7.5 Peter Shipton #8566 1c9b7f4 New field _patchMap in ROMClassCreationContext is uninitialized Babneet Singh #8536 d30f17b Java 14 Records preview windows failure Theresa Mammarella #8535 b339826 Eliminate JITServer message VM_getNewArrayTypeFromClass Chris Chong #8524 cc3389c Fix test target excludes Adam Brousseau #8522 3b2d404 Support JEP-370 (Part 1) Babneet Singh #8330 6a356f9 JEP 359 part1: attribute & isRecord support Theresa Mammarella #8061 e84b6f0 Remove unused OMR compressed ref flags Devin Nakamura #8406 71b7b69 Support for CP String patching Jack Lu #8460 961dc66 Performance gain by avoiding unnecessary writes on LoZ Shubham Verma #8510 54535ef Revert to gcc 7.3 on xlinux Peter Shipton #8533 089eb23 Enable gcc 7.5 on Linux s390x platform kevin-bonilla #8469 e3ac863 Enable gcc 7.5 on Linux x86 platform kevin-bonilla #8468 4567431 Enable gcc 7.5 on Linux PPC 64 LE platforms Violeta Sebe #8466 910d0a1 Enable gcc 7.5 on Linux PPC platform Violeta Sebe #8465 8c32973 Enable gcc-7.5 on Linux platforms for pipeline builds Violeta Sebe #8443 06c01fe Update to parse output for PID Ashutosh Mehra #8502 9de47a9 Improve handling of endianness simonameng #8294 9ff3054 Remove cron schedule from Update Ref Repo Adam Brousseau #8526 e7aee0f Add NOP Calls (Bits.keepAlive & Reference.reachabilityFence) to pure function list Rahil Shah #8114 a667a20 Add missing opcodes to InterpreterEmulator Yi Zhang #8512 02bd925 Remove JDK13 from ref repo updater job Adam Brousseau #8523 342a8c5 Improve performance on a full shared cache. Hang Shao #8496 820c6a0 Remove useless \n from makefilestub data Keith W. Campbell #8519 f09513c Fix a JProfiling race condition on otherIndex Benjamin Thomas (Aviansie Ben) #8492 0da116f Move double mapping after null leaf pointer has been initialized Igor Braga #8456 ec490b0 Remove redundant -fstack-protector option from makefiles KONNO Kazuhiro #8503 f63409e Print JITServer client UID in client JVM Chris Chong #8365 b33493c Runtime compressed refs work Graham Chapman #8324 81782de Create frontend query for javaVM->byteArrayClass Marius Pirvu #8500 f557cc0 Add support for -XX:+PrintCodeCache Annabelle Huo #8328 51b5d04 Stop generating deprecated unsigned opcodes of load and store from OpenJ9 Bohao(Aaron) Wang #7214 171820b Make -Djava.lang.stringBuffer.growAggressively default Peter Shipton #8467 27fce9e Formal thread argument for detachVMThread method Aleksandar Micic #8494 42b3af4 AArch64: Update Build Instruction for JDK11 KONNO Kazuhiro #8480 7b77ee1 AArch64: Make arguments to Atomic CAS uncompressed Akira Saitoh #8453 870060f Don't sign-extend compressed references Keith W. Campbell #8489 38ed305 Async handler for Concurrent Scavenger Aleksandar Micic #8448 7663c05 Wrap Runtime.addShutdownHook with AccessController.doPrivileged() Jason Feng #8490 1115f96 Preload the jsig library on Windows Peter Shipton #8487 cd59978 Rename system property to java.lang.stringBuffer.growAggressively Peter Shipton #8484 5fc07e8 AArch64: Enable TR_RedefinedClassPicSite::compensate Akira Saitoh #8479 0f17603 Make DFPCompareTo unconditionally use mfocrf Benjamin Thomas (Aviansie Ben) #7622 b1a8dd3 Don't run StringBuffer/Builder growth test in constrained environments Peter Shipton #8471 39e45a1 Ability to set test param KEEP_REPORTDIR per target Adam Brousseau #8459 68b3c49 Retrieve constant dynamic info from the JITClient Annabelle Huo #8277 c4b18d6 Recognizing Vector Facility Enhancement 1 feature on Z Bohao(Aaron) Wang #8430 eefc19e Disable jdk8 special.system on AIX while not enough machines Peter Shipton #8472 d2d56b3 Ability to pass extra labels to test jobs if defined in variable file Adam Brousseau #8421 bc8bb42 Use IOUtils.readFully() to accommodate other lagging JCL levels Jason Feng #8463 a740844 Grow StringBuffer and StringBuilder aggressively from 1G to 2G Peter Shipton #8405 3f8a2c1 Remove use of old VMX record form instruction names Benjamin Thomas (Aviansie Ben) #8259 f4b1ae2 Fix several out-of-range immediates in the Power codegen Benjamin Thomas (Aviansie Ben) #8323 ea83152 Add PRINTSTATS_SHOW_STARTUPHINT to PRINTSTATS_SHOW_ALL const Sharon Wang #8439 982aeca Enable JIT Server for plinux jdk8 and jdk11 Joe deKoning #8426 1573ed8 AArch64: Implement computed calls KONNO Kazuhiro #7944 3463154 Invoke addHint inside try/catch block in wrappedCompile Dhruv Chopra #8337 f4f6650 AArch64: Implement ARM64MonitorEnter/ExitSnippet knn-k #6147 c97a9a1 AArch64: Implement UnresolvedDataSnippet knn-k #5985 ca33c03 Add the installation of GCC back to JITServer docker file Annabelle Huo #8444 8e87741 Add missing VarHandle signature restore for JITServer Harry Yu #8410 7f3b2b8 AArch64: Add code for compressed refs - ArrayStoreCHKEvaluator Akira Saitoh #8415 3005ee1 AArch64: Add code for compressed refs - evaluateNULLCHKWithPossibleResolve Akira Saitoh #8416 a14f848 AArch64: Add code for compressed refs - awrtbariEvaluator Akira Saitoh #8394 c09da40 Moving supportVMInternalNatives from OMR to Openj9 Siri Sahithi Ponangi #8333 0cd87a7 Fix jniGetPrimitiveArrayCritical in the case of empty arraylets Igor Braga #8411 7faacdf Recognized fma methods on Power Bohao(Aaron) Wang #7475 57ff8a1 Remove init of splitting params Aleksandar Micic #8409 c1cae56 Add -XX:[+|-]UseGCStartupHints to the output of -Xshareclasses:help Hang Shao #8423 e83241b Implement setParameterLinkageRegisterIndex pure virtual function Filip Jeremic #8413 b904094 Revert "Enable CFG Simplifier" Henry Zongaro #8412 8580ba5 Add Test subfolder to repo path Adam Brousseau #8407 401eaa3 CMake: Add cache for zlinux and remove incorrect usage of OMR_PORT_NUMA_SUPPORT Devin Nakamura #7267 b69805d Handle NoRecompilationRecoverableILGenException Yi Zhang #8218 e63b9be Remove mention of mingw from Windows build instructions Peter Shipton #8408 8d4ff80 CMake: fix j9vrb on clang Devin Nakamura #7893 d4b2d82 Use getScalarField to set TEST_FLAG Adam Brousseau #8366 3fb2802 heapReconfigured API changes Salman Rana #8291 653bd85 Remove runtest target from test guide Renfei Wang #8392 a055a16 Enable CFG Simplifier Yiling Han #8028 08d732f Remove EXTRA_OPTIONS from upstream lanxia #8384 03d14e6 Avoid control flow for copying heap allocations to temporaries Henry Zongaro #8364 d1fe7a3 Add option to disable aliasing of primitive box class final fields Kevin Langman #8307 5fcc8ec Set the AIX data segment resource soft limit to the hard limit Peter Shipton #8367 e96e9b1 Misc. compiler runtime cleanup Daryl Maier #8379 05336fb CMake: Link ddr_misc with -bexpall on aix Devin Nakamura #8022 19c8945 AArch64: undefine J9SW_JIT_FLOATS_PASSED_AS_DOUBLES Akira Saitoh #8380 229e6e2 Fix ByteOrder handling in ddr blob parsing Devin Nakamura #8332 83f3cbd Move setParameterLinkageRegisterIndex from OMR to OpenJ9 Filip Jeremic #8371 1845922 Ensure the systemProperties is initialized Jason Feng #8372 edb9df2 Check if pointer is in SCC Irwin D'Souza #8327 be16067 Disable fieldwatch remote compilations on Power Dhruv Chopra #8336 4e4b514 Avoids the concern about enqueue causing clear to be called Lin Hu #8334 1f23268 Preload property jdk.serialFilter to prevent later modification Jason Feng #8362 41598c5 Move double map command line option from -XXgc to -Xgc Igor Braga #8350 a9efd3f Update TKG running process Renfei Wang #8363 dd8b2f5 Remove the inlineMathSQRT() function on X86 simonameng #7609 465b04c Add String.charAt in list of alwaysWorthInlining list Rahil Shah #7825 d736b4f Upgrade to asm-7.3 Theresa Mammarella #8200 34714fc Add -Xdump on ClassCastException to osx,xlinux builds Peter Shipton #8348 c940716 Remove preprocessor configuration for JAVA13 Keith W. Campbell #8347 54363ec AArch64: Fix register save order when resolving virtual method Akira Saitoh #8342 bce8fc0 AArch64: Add support for jitInduceOSRAtCurrentPC Akira Saitoh #8305 fdf493a Enable ExpandInstructionsPhase Benjamin Thomas (Aviansie Ben) #7479 fa430c0 Change double map command line option to fix functional test Igor Braga #8326 c43d952 Disable double mapping when page size exceeds default page size Peter Shipton #8340 8689036 CMake: Add flag for double mapped arraylets Devin Nakamura #7983 3ab4200 Add walkReferenceChain JITServer Support Harry Yu #8293 9555017 Revert "Disable double mapping when page size exceeds default page size" Peter Shipton #8329 859442d Use for z/OS Peter Shipton #8299 4bd950a Don't initialize LogManager class prematurely Keith W. Campbell #8319 1ae5654 AArch64: Save parameters to the stack in FSD mode Akira Saitoh #8304 99a64d2 AArch64: Enable encodeHelperBranchAndLink to encode b instruction Akira Saitoh #8306 9a48d30 Use sun.misc.IOUtils new API readAllBytes() Jason Feng #8312 bd833c7 CMake: Fix undefined symbols on gcc builds Devin Nakamura #8310 268188a Disable double mapping when page size exceeds default page size Igor Braga #8254 83fda17 Fix the issue with the dangling pointer at shutdown Cheng Jin #8295 02a5882 Fix options for valhalla tests Tobi Ajila #8289 f217740 Fix Assert due to live register Rahil Shah #8278 bbf11e5 CMake: dont use '-femit-class-debug-always' on clang Devin Nakamura #7891 b7aa3c3 Remove unsigned deprecated ILopcodes TR::luadd and TR::lusub from OpenJ9 Bohao(Aaron) Wang #7004 5ea61ce Use compiler-local target environment Irwin D'Souza #8199 5f90e5e Check if offset is in the SCC before loading it Irwin D'Souza #8261 6b1f6d9 Disabled VSTRS optimizations for inlineVectorizedStringIndexOf Shubham Verma #8226 40cafdd Replace references to -XX:StartAsJITServer with jitserver Ashutosh Mehra #8260 fb53f63 JIT Support for getCallerClass in recent JDK versions Andrew Craik #8206 af09006 AArch64: Enable DirectToJNI on AOT compilation Akira Saitoh #8169 3601073 Update release notes for milestone 2 Sue Chaplain #8256 bd7c402 Revert "master: Apply #311 to Java 8" Dan Heidinga #8263 fd0e3e9 CMake: Add windows macros Devin Nakamura #8070 bd75701 Revert "Enable JIT Server for plinux jdk8 and jdk11" Peter Shipton #8258 9771d87 Add missing break statements Ashutosh Mehra #8244 cdeddb0 Move synchronized to native method CLassLoader.loadLibraryWithPath Jason Feng #8225 d8db93a Use buildspec manager for JDK Image Dir Adam Brousseau #8135 b61eff2 Fix JVMTI getConstantPool and getBytecodes output Mike Zhang #8015 1817fac Allow use of from arbitrary locations Keith W. Campbell #8246 aff1481 Only pass down single line trigger comment Adam Brousseau #8131 529e33f Disable garbage collection for value types test Andrew Young #7949 f203409 Add launcher for JITServer Ashutosh Mehra #7940 664df519 Deprecate value assertions for NULLVALUE Rohit Pandey #8239 512e986 Enable JIT Server for plinux jdk8 and jdk11 Marius Pirvu #8240 60ee5fd Add JDK14 to pipelines Adam Brousseau #7605 388ae75 Build openssl support in aarch64 builds Peter Shipton #8136 a025fcd Check if pointer is in the SCC before loading it Irwin D'Souza #8227 2f2e8d6 master: Apply #311 to Java 8 Theresa Mammarella #7788 8705c2b Fix compact strings check to handle offsets correctly Filip Jeremic #8050 ce98f8f Correctly set unresolvedInCP flag Liqun Liu #8212 ef79628 JITServer thunk and relo record fixes for Power Dhruv Chopra #8211 059db46 Extend Spec Inheritance for remaining components Adam Brousseau #8098 4e465a0 Add fast JNI support for JDK9 Unsafe Andrew Craik #8207 f280e85 Don't consider TraceFormat.dat in OpenJ9 builds Keith W. Campbell #8216 35ed889 Update zlib to 1.2.11 Peter Shipton #8201 ec1f291 Format a better error message when a bad spec is requested in a PR Adam Brousseau #8215 a8f3a29 Add Linux ARM spec to DDR supersets cache file Violeta Sebe #8144 e7e05fe AArch64: Enable directToJNI Akira Saitoh #8060 54522a0 AArch64: Implement buildJNIArgs in JNILinkage Akira Saitoh #8002 d47c632 AArch64: Implement pushJNIReferenceArg in JNILinkage Akira Saitoh #8001 22f699e Add missing params to exception msg Tobi Ajila #8197 e65d603 Configure option '--enable-jitserver' does not need a value Keith W. Campbell #8196 14d1f89 Enable JIT Server for xlinux jdk8 and jdk11 Peter Shipton #8147 a873af9 Increase JITServer default timeout value Marius Pirvu #8185 954fb81 Couple of more checks to prevent local compilations in JITServer Ashutosh Mehra #8186 1551b60 Fix compilation failure in zLinux due to missing include Ashutosh Mehra #8177 89b6e8d Fix initialization of J9::Compilation::_isOutOfProcessCompilation Marius Pirvu #8153 0007c58 AArch64: Handle TR_BodyInfoAddressLoad in initializeAOTRelocationHeader Akira Saitoh #8168 1f642fe Dynamically load libssl in JITServer Annabelle Huo #8145 66c4619 AArch64: Add compensation code for PatchJNICallSite Akira Saitoh #8167 480cd2f Fix issue -Xverbosegclog number of cycles must be greater than 0 Lin Hu #8152 0c961ed AArch64: Fix jitNewValue helpers KONNO Kazuhiro #8161 0575d7c AArch64: Implement generateMethodDispatch in JNILinkage Akira Saitoh #8000 fbc6ed2 AArch64: Implement acquireVMAccess in JNILinkage Akira Saitoh #7997 2e0661e AArch64: Implement releaseVMAccess in JNILinkage Akira Saitoh #7996 1a08566 Bringup JDK15 Jason Feng #8139 1037779 Fix ARM 32bit jit helpers Tobi Ajila #8160 b5d4af9 AArch64: Update OpenSSL version in Dockerfile KONNO Kazuhiro #8157 c883a3c AArch64: Implement adjustReturnValue in JNILinkage Akira Saitoh #7999 483577b Command Line DDR tests for ValueTypes Adithya Venkatarao #7884 4668c09 AArch64: Implement restoreJNICallOutFrame in JNILinkage Akira Saitoh #7994 fde9461 AArch64: Implement buildJNICallOutFrame in JNILinkage Akira Saitoh #7993 341b267 Move SPEC suffixes to BUILD_IDENTIFIER for test jobs Adam Brousseau #8027 5592a98 Fix data race when locking JProfiling tables Benjamin Thomas (Aviansie Ben) #8148 761264c Add support for single level peeking in EA under HCR Andrew Craik #8100 e06aec8 Add newValue JIT helpers take2 Tobi Ajila #8110 fbbe1cd Remove Unused build flags Devin Nakamura #6429 bd280b2 Use FrontEnd implementations of instanceOfOrCheckCast routines Dhruv Chopra #8117 d187a0c AArch64: Implement getReturnRegisterFromDeps in JNILinkage Akira Saitoh #8003 6771695 AArch64: Implement checkForJNIExceptions in JNILinkage Akira Saitoh #7998 481b8a0 AArch64: Enable TR_PreXRecompile::compensate Akira Saitoh #8120 f171734 Move test_callNativesOnNewClassLoaders to a native test bucket Jason Feng #8122 ccdb48a Jenkins: Fix handling of default test targets Devin Nakamura #8130 1d0222a Update test lib location Renfei Wang #8132 ebaec02 Revert "Revert "Re-enable special.system jdk8 testing on Windows"" Peter Shipton #8125 92e4dbd Revert "Re-enable special.system jdk8 testing on Windows" Peter Shipton #8124 95a203d Re-enable special.system jdk8 testing on Windows Peter Shipton #8116 69e2ec9 AArch64: Add call to setSupportsInliningOfTypeCoersionMethods Akira Saitoh #8095 472de53 Added the tests for the Multi-layer caches sub-options Jiahan Xi #7570 0bcb18f Add new committer to admin_list.yml Daryl Maier #8119 6cf3f31 AArch64: Add generateBinaryEncodingPrePrologue in J9CodeGenerator Akira Saitoh #8078 b3ed02e AArch64: Add ConstantDataSnippet.cpp to the source list in makefile Akira Saitoh #7838 70ec34f Set JITServer Compilations Options on the client instead Dhruv Chopra #8115 ecb16ff Fix initialization of j9object_t object Marius Pirvu #8112 b827fa3 Add release notes for 0.18 milestone one Sue Chaplain #8108 08b36e9 Initialize MM_GCExtensions::classLoaderManager field root #8105 ac9baf8 Remove obsolete configuration for Java12 Keith W. Campbell #8101

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • openj9-0.18.1(Jan 22, 2020)

    Eclipse release plan: Release notes: Milestone plan:

    Binaries at AdoptOpenJDK. jdk 8:


    jdk 11:


    jdk 13:

    • No 0.18.1 build, see

    Release details:

    Branch name: v0.18.1-release Tag: openj9-0.18.1

    Repo SHAs:

    OpenJ9: 51a5857 OMR: 7a1b023

    Security Vulnerabilities Resolved N/A

    For details about the release and release candidates, please see:

    For the list of OMR changes see

    OpenJ9 Changes

    51a5857 (v0.18.1-release) Preload property jdk.serialFilter to prevent later modification Jason Feng #8368 d0cee56 (v0.18.0.1) Don't initialize LogManager class prematurely Keith W. Campbell #8359

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • openj9-0.18.0(Jan 16, 2020)

    Eclipse release plan: Release notes: Milestone plan:

    Binaries at AdoptOpenJDK. jdk 8:


    jdk 11:


    jdk 13:


    Release details:

    Branch name: v0.18.0-release Tag: openj9-0.18.0

    Repo SHAs:

    OpenJ9: 6968c18 OMR: 7a1b023 SHA.txt SHA-jdk13.txt

    Security Vulnerabilities Resolved N/A

    For details about the release and release candidates, please see:

    For the list of OMR changes see

    OpenJ9 Changes

    6968c18 (v0.18.0-release) Use sun.misc.IOUtils new API readAllBytes() Jason Feng #8315 cedc44e Fix the issue with the dangling pointer at shutdown (v0.18.0-release) Cheng Jin #8300 d5990eb 0.18: Check if offset is in the SCC before loading it Irwin D'Souza #8286 f93f236 Disabled VSTRS optimizations for inlineVectorizedStringIndexOf (0.18.0) Shubham Verma #8275 0e35635 Revert "0.18.0: Apply #311 to Java 8" Dan Heidinga #8264 b8fe619 v0.18.0-release : Move synchronized to native method CLassLoader.loadLibraryWithPath Jason Feng #8248 d13b9f3 (0.18.0 release) Fix JVMTI getConstantPool and getBytecodes output Mike Zhang #8251 a4082ba Add launcher for JITServer (0.18.0) Ashutosh Mehra #8249 7090a94 Enable JIT Server for xlinux jdk8 and jdk11 (0.18.0) Peter Shipton #8245 e889aea (0.18.0) Fix compact strings check to handle offsets correctly Filip Jeremic #8241 49bc31c Check if pointer is in SCC before loading it (0.18.0) Irwin D'Souza #8243 063cf17 0.18.0: Apply #311 to Java 8 Theresa Mammarella #8134 3bd084f (0.18.0) Update zlib to 1.2.11 Peter Shipton #8217 d3a801d (0.18.0) Fix issue -Xverbosegclog number of cycles must be greater than 0 Peter Shipton #8192 68a7767 Couple of more checks to prevent local compilations in JITServer (0.1… Ashutosh Mehra #8188 cdfcb17 Increase JITServer default timeout value (0.18.0) Marius Pirvu #8187 e9d3ca9 Dynamically load libssl for JITServer (0.18.0) Annabelle Huo #8182 e246ecf Fix compilation failure in zLinux due to missing include (0.18.0) Ashutosh Mehra #8180 607137e Fix initialization of J9::Compilation::_isOutOfProcessCompilation (0.… Marius Pirvu #8179 7de9c26 0.18: Fix data race when locking JProfiling tables Benjamin Thomas (Aviansie Ben) #8158 addeb17 Use FrontEnd implementations of instanceOfOrCheckCast routines (0.18.0) Dhruv Chopra #8149 d865dac Initialize MM_GCExtensions::classLoaderManager field (0.18.0) root #8128 a5b8f70 Set JITServer Compilations Options on the client instead (0.18.0) Dhruv Chopra #8129 97ac08b Revert "Revert "Don't exclude special.system testing on the 0.18 branch"" Peter Shipton #8127 6d5cdd6 Revert "Don't exclude special.system testing on the 0.18 branch" Peter Shipton #8126 ba9c7ed Don't exclude special.system testing on the 0.18 branch Peter Shipton #8118 583d5b1 Enable OpenSSL build in JITServer Annabelle Huo #8039 6c9a292 Replace native library unpack with j9ben Jason Feng #8107 4b23f26 Mirror new changes in JIT to JITServer Harry Yu #8069 76c715d Fix the CacheUniqueID Jiahan Xi #7772 998f010 Replace native library unpack in test_callNativesOnNewClassLoaders Jason Feng #8077 ada4db7 Fix assertions in debug build Liqun Liu #8083 9786cc7 Fix serialization of entire CHTable Marius Pirvu #8048 3826bf5 Revert "Add newValue JIT helpers" Graham Chapman #8093 85d206a Remove reference to OMR promotion tags Keith W. Campbell #8091 15a27a3 RISC-V: set build_product to false Keith W. Campbell #8092 993ff02 Add build support for OpenSSL for JITServer Annabelle Huo #7846 df8d4ef Disable auto-build for RISC-V build specs Keith W. Campbell #8090 82e5889 Add comment on where _recompilationMethodInfo is freed a7ehuo #8082 df0650a Remove always on ifdef code Graham Chapman #8073 3c998b6 Add newValue JIT helpers Tobi Ajila #7986 65066d4 Create callsites in ecs using InterpreterEmulator Yi Zhang #7989 a3608d2 Propagate arg info from caller Liqun Liu #7920 3048307 AArch64: Add initial implementation of JNILinkage Akira Saitoh #7972 4bb5b6d Update spec & makefile scripts for RISC-V in OpenJ9 (part1/spec) Cheng Jin #7440 5c350fe Update DDR code & setting for RISC-V in OpenJ9 (part2/DDR) Cheng Jin #7441 b307c3a Populate cache corruption information for non-zero layer cache Hang Shao #7955 be339fb DDR: Add workarounds for xlclang 16 on AIX Keith W. Campbell #8055 e75ef990 Revert "Replace native libray unpack with awt in test_callNativesOnNewClassLoaders" Peter Shipton #8074 ab994e1 Add removal of content in /cores on osx Joe deKoning #8067 74f2071 Initialize header of stack allocated object Yi Zhang #8006 5fcbbbb Replace metronome usage of deprecated Windows timeSetEvent() Jason Hall #8009 cb0f09d Replace native libray unpack with awt in test_callNativesOnNewClassLoaders Jason Feng #8057 99162cc Add new needRelocationsForCurrentMethodPC query Dhruv Chopra #7959 c012138 Catch PR trigger Jenkins test compile Adam Brousseau #8058 daf4a4f Fix infinite loop for downstream jobs auto-refresh Violeta Sebe #8044 73ed46d Fix problems with jenkins inheritance pr Devin Nakamura #8042 6e6a74e Update JITServer Dockerfile Harry Yu #7979 d9dc31b AArch64: Update Build Instructions KONNO Kazuhiro #7564 db1ce59 Disable TOC for Remote Compilations Dhruv Chopra #7958 83baf0b Tidy up BufferedMemory & BufferedMemorySource Keith W. Campbell #8031 a99b13c Update reference to TestConfig Renfei Wang #7976 f154b35 Class.isRecord stub to always return false Theresa Mammarella #8030 4b5a2d4 Add interpreter emulator for ECS in inliner Yi Zhang #7785 065e210 Add structral comparison barriers Tobi Ajila #7942 3f21ca2 CMake: use ".so" as shared lib extension on aix Devin Nakamura #8008 df7a81e Add downstream pipelines status auto-refresh Violeta Sebe #7938 482b8b2 Update GC code & script for RISC-V in OpenJ9 (part4/GC) Cheng Jin #7443 0886b13 CMake: Dont pass -static-libgcc or -static-libstdc++ on osx Devin Nakamura #7892 cb34e51 CMake: Mark libffi assembly files on AIX Devin Nakamura #8011 d0f4d63 Update cacheManagement project default task as build Sophia Guo #8013 f807ee4 Increase scratchSpaceLimit for JITServer Harry Yu #7977 9ed8b55 Added the -Xshareclasses:none option tests Jiahan Xi #7990 298ab39 Pass correct prefix length to removeCacheVersionAndGen() Hang Shao #7987 260d138 Add GC Mappings AlenBadel #7723 e153031 Jenkins: Update handling of test target names Devin Nakamura #8010 d6314e9 CMake: Don't link with -z defs on osx Devin Nakamura #7975 48abe84 Use sparse checkout path for clones on workers Adam Brousseau #8007 02920c0 JCL Stubs for JEP 359 Theresa Mammarella #7974 770f7e5 Use sparse checkout path for Git-SCM Adam Brousseau #7992 a8ac55c AArch64: Add jitCollapseJNIReferenceFrame helper Akira Saitoh #7971 d2a7c13 Refactor flattened array barrier API Tobi Ajila #7963 5ee68ea CMake: Make J9VM_OPT_CUDA shadow the OMR flag Devin Nakamura #7978 a333621 Fix JITServer memory leak due to runtime assumptions Marius Pirvu #7948 623a427 Fix compilation failure Tobi Ajila #7984 2b1102b Jenkins: Fix bug in getScalarField Devin Nakamura #7981 6789ff8 Add missing barriers to jProfiling helpers Benjamin Thomas (Aviansie Ben) #7964 154c39d Properly free CompilationInfoPerThread resources Annabelle Huo #7806 7a43d45 #7871 Remove getVMThreadStatus_DEPRECATED function Subhobrata Dey #7952 f85011f Remove hardcoded jobs=8 from AIX configure options Adam Brousseau #5920 4945e7d Jenkins: Implement inheritance between builds specs Devin Nakamura #7809 5a2386c Use existing Jason Feng #7954 48355cd Fix issues highlighted by warnings from gcc 9 Keith W. Campbell #7879 d4b31e5 Fix memory leak due to caching of resolved methods Marius Pirvu #7957 78476fc Add JITServer spec to pipelines Adam Brousseau #7860 af07809 CMake: Add j9vm_shadowed_option Devin Nakamura #7828 b678d97 CMake: Fix classpath for j9vmcp on cygwin Devin Nakamura #7935 9d2b322 Add AdoptOpenJDK/openjdk-tests repository to git repository cache Violeta Sebe #7962 f12324a Handle unsupported scanner types in ObjectIterator Andrew Young #7956 86c68b8 AArch64: Implement ZEROCHKEvaluator KONNO Kazuhiro #7816 ee51b23 Fast-path ASCII strings in j9gc_createJavaLangString Filip Jeremic #7765 c04ed15 Fix codecache Xlp parsing to use right-most option AlenBadel #7769 a54f029 Create GC scan type for flattened arrays Andrew Young #7916 b6ef150 Migrate Test Kit Gen to its own repo Renfei Wang #7885 091e559 Remove references of deprecated const/compare Opcodes from OpenJ9 Bohao(Aaron) Wang #7909 d1796c6 Check for scavenger in preObjectRead Andrew Young #7939 26269cf Fix memory leak in JITServer related to IProfiler Marius Pirvu #7930 37b5263 CMake: Update to use boot jdk tools properly Devin Nakamura #7931 4ecf433 Move arithmeticNeedsLiteralFromPool from OMR for Z codegen Md. Ariful Haque #7905 fc545f2 Replaced all codegen/FrontEnd.hpp with env/FrontEnd.hpp Yuehan-Lin #7906 874de2d Fix comments Keith W. Campbell #7941 3f57246 Add options for workaround in case if Smart Address not reliable Dmitri Pivkine #7872 37a8917 Adding the J9ClassCanSupportFastSubstitutability flag Adithya Venkatarao #7743 b25f8b0 AArch64: Implement ARM64RecompilationSnippet knn-k #6165 feed4dd Do not check ROMCLass UTF8 SPRs for AttachedDataTest Hang Shao #7924 7987659 Remove unnecessary debug print Sophia Guo #7925 0103797 setSecurityManager() always initialize the protection domain Jason Feng #7927 2366bdf Invert if for Java 11 Keith W. Campbell #7926 3b01e52 Throw IllegalThreadStateException when thread is not suspended Jason Feng #7866 7fd5954 CMake: add exports to j9ddr_misc Devin Nakamura #7878 bf75c99 CMake: Adjust output name of redirector Devin Nakamura #7919 3d4d2bb Use a cache name for NewROMCreationAfterModifyingExistingClassTest Hang Shao #7904 01e01cb CMake: Update exports of j9vm Devin Nakamura #7921 e8eeec8 CMake: enable -O3 on xlc Devin Nakamura #7922 c87284b Create HeadlessMixedObjectScanner Andrew Young #7895 7f2b252 Remove static declaration for ARM evaluateNULLCHKWithPossibleResolve Daryl Maier #7918 26ca144 Override CG query to decide when to emit data Dhruv Chopra #7815 e8b2636 Don't inline java_lang_String_hashCodeImplDecompressed in JITServer mode Dhruv Chopra #7387 48f36f9 Skip code page encoding converting for an empty options string Jason Feng #7898 4a1f32f Add support for plinux large heap builds Peter Shipton #7867 db007dd Optimize range based for loops Marius Pirvu #7888 55cfb70 Stop tagging OMR promotions Adam Brousseau #7910 15c2841 Move NullChkEvaluators from OMR for ARM, Power, Z and Aarch64 codegen Md. Ariful Haque #7810 cd13b04 CMake: specify RUNTIME DESTINATION when installing shared libraries Devin Nakamura #7889 332e047 Enable NextGenHCR during startup Henry Zongaro #7883 b246268 Add support for zlinux large heap builds Peter Shipton #7858 17a5664 Limit CacheManagement compile job to JDK_IMPL=openj9 | IBM Sophia Guo #7886 f41f125 Enable XL C/C++ 13.1 compiler for Linux PPC BE Violeta Sebe #6604 ecadae9 MethodType::fromMethodDescriptorString requires "getClassLoader" permission Dan Heidinga #7868 0d72927 CMake: link port library with iconv on osx and aix Devin Nakamura #7880 da91c48 Fix JITServer cmdLineTester_fieldwatchtests_0 failure Harry Yu #7771 a7856d7 Migrate TR_LinkageInfo from OMR to OpenJ9 Daryl Maier #7863 8cf94ea Remove use of variable that is no longer defined Adam Brousseau #7887 36ed479 Update loadAddressConstant call to generate relocatable code on JITServer Dhruv Chopra #7389 56c071b Override needRelocationsForLookupEvaluationData Dhruv Chopra #7793 993ebf8 Relocate getMonClass and addMonClass to OpenJ9 mnoor #7845 2f97b82 Set Mode607-OSR and Mode607-OSRG to no on linux_ppc-64_le lanxia #7882 34b8877 Fix groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException for ARCHIVE_JAVADOC Violeta Sebe #7869 892aa36 Ability to set SCM_BRANCH and SCM_REFSPEC in personal builds Adam Brousseau #7835 77a5828 Ignore -XcompilationThreads0 option Marius Pirvu #7861 9413aca Remove KEEP_REPORTDIR param to pickup default value true Adam Brousseau #7780 7623a60 Added the Test cases on URLHelperTests Jiahan Xi #7876 802c346 Add buffer backed DDR memory source Kristen Newbury #7191 d648a8d Add DDR support for flattened arrays Adithya Venkatarao #7614 7b36ae2 Move AOT specific flag to guard AOT specific code Annabelle Huo #7758 58a679f Revert "Added the Test cases on URLHelperTests" Peter Shipton #7865 9966b13 Added the Test cases on URLHelperTests Jiahan Xi #7859 4da0e2f Update consumers of loadAddressConstant API Dhruv Chopra #7796 9b638db Add protobuf 3.7.1 to x86 and 390 docker containers Joe deKoning #7751 5d9775c Call getROMString() to retrieve the signature at the server Annabelle Huo #7731 dbeee34 Temporarily launch 2 OMR abuilds Adam Brousseau #7855 ca9ea95 Runtime compressed refs work Graham Chapman #7847 630b93c AArch64: Fix build breaks with ARM64PrivateLinkage and StackCheck KONNO Kazuhiro #7851 13b6e3f Clean up m4 defines for s390 jit assembly Devin Nakamura #7830 74bd96e Fix stackpointer in getfield Tobi Ajila #7836 ebefe31 Use LIB_DIR in build.xml Renfei Wang #7805 8ead1c6 Java 14 j.l.Thread.countStackFrames() throws UOE Jason Feng #7823 590de5e Java 14 Thread/ThreadGroup API Deprecated forRemoval=true Jason Feng #7831 69f78c4 Convert jar file path to UTF8 or system default for Windows Jason Feng #7607 6fa5de8 Remove VM native lookupJava8Package() Jason Feng #7808 249f64b Skip getNestMembers security check for singleton nest Jason Feng #7842 004c2d6 Enable CUDA in 64-bit Windows builds Keith W. Campbell #7430 df07672 AArch64: Fix a build break with ARM64PrivateLinkage.cpp KONNO Kazuhiro #7837 7ab99c1 Runtime compressed refs work Graham Chapman #7777 8191bb8 Use JITServer check to create a relocation record for interface calls on Power Dhruv Chopra #7803 1c6ac72 Disable JNI specialCasing of java_util_zip_CRC32_updateBytes Dhruv Chopra #7804 95c98df Migrate Cachemanagement test project Sophia Guo #7672 52d8b53 Runtime compressed refs work Graham Chapman #7814 b954b9c Handle the case where getClass returns NULL Liqun Liu #7754 b95d2af Add known object index on this symbol of custom thunk Liqun Liu #7756 e8ce73e Disable use of TR_VMField on JITServer Dhruv Chopra #7802 8ba57f3 Direct call fixes for JITServer on Power Dhruv Chopra #7801 3fb5b43 Update definition of J9CONST to avoid quotes Devin Nakamura #7652 d5c30d6 Migrate J9 specific Linkages to appropriate J9 namespace Daryl Maier #7768 4dacd2f Stop translating invokevirtual to invokespecial during HCR Graham Chapman #7812 c3e9e45 Misc. Linkage header file fixes Daryl Maier #7778 7e2d238 CMake: Update source file name in jit s390 codegen Devin Nakamura #7811 2817ab8 Fix s390x Ubunutu18 Dockerfile to be able to complete the configure step Filip Jeremic #7813 59df6b6 Fix max size reporting issue for Large Object Area Lin Hu #7792 240b236 Fix JNI performance regression Julian Wang #7763 4001eaa Correct trampoline comment in Z private linkage Daryl Maier #7795 cb6f859 Remove redundant z13 processor checks on Z Filip Jeremic #7093 39fe8cb Cache fileNameString on j.l.Class object during stacktrace generation & optimize Module lookup Dan Heidinga #7784 368004a Use backward compatible cmake protobuf variables Annabelle Huo #7789 fb72456 Archive javadoc at the end of jdk builds Jenny Chen #7668 ac1f3dd Stop caching nestMembers[] on j.l.Class Dan Heidinga #7781 1dd14da Add support for terabytes in -X options Alexandre Vermeerbergen #7738 a3a3664 Add API for checking for VM initialMethods Dan Heidinga #7744 3df3796 Handle circular chained exceptions Ashutosh Mehra #7700 9c53972 Only check the intern table when requesting interned strings Dan Heidinga #7676 0db7970 Optimize stacktraces and resolve using peekClassHashTable Dan Heidinga #7673 4c32de5 Fix call to static method Thread.yield() to compile on Java 14 Peter Shipton #7774 881cb8e Update protobuf configure options Keith W. Campbell #7767 ab062b6 Fix FIND_ARG_IN_VMARGS to return valid index for -Xlp AlenBadel #7722 ef7646f Set refc to VarHandle when creating a VarHandleInvokeHandle Mike Zhang #7742 92fd609 Skip getNestMembers security check for array/primitive/void Jason Feng #7759 5b35623 Enables TR_IIHF in trampoline sequences by default Pushkar Bettadpur #7457 4d73639 Enable Pauseless GC on macOS Salman Rana #7728 2b229bd Added Protobuf 3.7.1 to zlinux Colton Mills #6863 2211b66 Replace J9InternalVMFunction table calls with direct calls Dan Heidinga #7762 65979cc Use direct call rather than internalVMFunction table Dan Heidinga #7760 787d274 Enable scan all slots in a class during Scavenge Lin Hu #7636 d5b30bd Fix the copyforward regression Lin Hu #7755 9b7b5c5 Port the JITServer Docker and document files Annabelle Huo #7720 9b1ff06 Remove assignments from if statements when calling FIND_ARG_IN_VMARGS Peter Shipton #7747 64087aa Add protobuf to plinux containers Joe deKoning #7745 b7b7155 AArch64: Implement print() for CallSnippets KONNO Kazuhiro #7670 e92c0cb AArch64: Update Build Instruction for V8 KONNO Kazuhiro #7621 0b5f21e Fix cast in J9VM_J9CLASS_FROM_HEAPCLASS_VM Keith W. Campbell #7729 d06566a Add tracepoint to aid debugging IProfiler unknown PC issues Dan Heidinga #7719 f06058c Add jdk test natives to test-images.tar.gz archive Joe deKoning #7733 58d4907 Rename helpersNeedRelocation to needRelocationsForHelpers Dhruv Chopra #7661 bcdabd7 Remove deprecated Shift and Shift Logical unsigned ILOpcodes Bohao(Aaron) Wang #7638 c7b65ca Removed API within DAA for which Java implementations do not exist Shubham Verma #7726 dae955f Print out the failing line in Devin Nakamura #7686 3c98e63 Add Linux PPC LE specs to DDR supersets cache file Violeta Sebe #7727 59fcbec Allow NODE param to be passed to container build Adam Brousseau #7702 2894413 Add maxDays to Artifactory buildInfo Adam Brousseau #7708 66556b4 Update IProfiler to handle invokePrivateMethod Dan Heidinga #7697 eecc08f Fix findROMClassFromPC() when romClass is in the shared cache. Hang Shao #7698 5f49189 Generate aconst node for constant ref pointing to null Liqun Liu #7705 cf3ba41 Refine Default Boot Sharing Check Irwin D'Souza #7703 b8e84f7 Enable -qlanglvl=extended0x features for C++ code on AIX Peter Shipton #7693 e386a08 Add Xdump:exit agent and ExitOnOutOfMemoryError Theresa Mammarella #7406 200fc54 Exclude DDR tests for JDK13+ AIX Jason Feng #7691 c70ea85 Fix identation in java/lang/ Ashutosh Mehra #7687 94b4fc1 Add the option to pull Dockerfile from vendor repo Jenny Chen #7645 7647a4c Statically assert sizeof(J9Class) == sizeof(J9ArrayClass) Dan Heidinga #7678 5a3774c Testing the GC scanning of flattened value types in arrays Adithya Venkatarao #7571 7fd4db5 Remove Unsafe method fixup tajila #7666 7f22610 Enable THP by default for all Linux Jack Lu #7665 208f6de Fix JITServer message type mismatch Harry Yu #7654 044d9a1 Change quoting style in jit m4 assembly files Devin Nakamura #7664 7b74e95 Fix compiler issues with SCC hint pointers Younes Manton #7637 9ef55a5 Add Code Cache Reclamation Doc Irwin D'Souza #7513 aa02d3f Fix the Startuphint test Jiahan Xi #7640 adfec0c Remove the unnecessary assert on checking TR_AOT Annabelle Huo #7649 86f128c Fix mis-spelling of 'count' Keith W. Campbell #7662 8b07944 Use FE query to do instanceOfOrCheckcast check on Power Dhruv Chopra #7390 7778aed Remove deprecated outlined allocations from Power and Z Aidan Ha #7583 54a566b Capture diagnostic files created during build job for zos spec Jenny Chen #7177 4be69c6 CMake: Enable DDR in Java 8 builds for xLinux Keith W. Campbell #7656 ed26a91 Update Windows to use openssl 1.1.1d Peter Shipton #7651 ede84b5 CMake: Add copyright files to exes and shared libraries Devin Nakamura #7535 dab2af8 CMake: Change default SPEC_LEVEL to 7 to match Devin Nakamura #7653 02ba5aa Guard TR_J9SharedCache constructor for JITServer Harry Yu #7629 0cab97e Add enumerateFields api to create a TypeLayout object Yiling Han #6570 99e396a Outlining CFG generation from ECS Erick Ochoa #7382 0e7939b Don't duplicate array on stack when check is not needed Liqun Liu #7634 7503e41 Update testKitGen Renfei Wang #7616 53b57d9 Fix merge conflict Graham Chapman #7648 8dae6a1 Add double map API for LINUX and balanced GC policy Igor Braga #5318 1f05af1 Runtime compressed refs work Graham Chapman #7626 953105b Document correctness of AOT Header validation Irwin D'Souza #7630 0ff508f Disable special.system jdk8 testing on Windows Peter Shipton #7632 ba5e8c9 Create debug object at the JITServer in the prod build Annabelle Huo #7618 3d818b5 Enable Docker images to be uploaded to servers Jenny Chen #7493 7fd04d8 Prevent infinite loop in illegal field modification hook Andrew Craik #7606 6c44412 Add JITServer override for createMethodHandleArchetypeSpecimen Harry Yu #7619 dc7b78c AArch64: Implement frem and drem evaluators Akira Saitoh #7580 4d54631 Remove deprecated Multiply and Ternary unsigned ILOpcodes Bohao(Aaron) Wang #7596 ec29179 Document "noTimestampChecks" Hang Shao #7575 349489f AArch64: Handle private invoke for unresolved virtual call KONNO Kazuhiro #7501 b370b68 Enable special.system AIX jdk8, plinux & zlinux jdk11 Peter Shipton #7620 e88c1cd Add checks for invalidURLExists before calling notifyClasspathChange3() Hang Shao #7615 773755b Temporarily disable AIX DDR support on Java 13 and later Peter Shipton #7613 9cea935 Fix JITServer init bug Harry Yu #7599 8bba156 Update all but Windows to use openssl 1.1.1d Peter Shipton #7581 4c623ae Enable CUDA in pLinux builds Peter Shipton #7595 194c1d8 AArch64: Fix build break with J9UnresolvedDataSnippet KONNO Kazuhiro #7603 41e03ea Add _mcsReferenceLocation to mutable callsite Yi Zhang #7560 14754c2 Restore the inline handling for 'StrictMath.sqrt()' and 'Math.sqrt()' on X86 simonameng #7561 077e525 Revert "Stop using the J9VM_JIT_32BIT_USES64BIT_REGISTERS from m4 asm" Peter Shipton #7600 5fed57a Stop using the J9VM_JIT_32BIT_USES64BIT_REGISTERS from m4 asm Devin Nakamura #7572 d1373cc Remove perl modules no longer required Adam Brousseau #7597 9957530 Refactor canDereferenceAtCompileTime to pass field symbol Yi Zhang #7582 162b3a9 Avoid load rewrites for cold escapes of immutable discontiguous objects Henry Zongaro #7586 78515c2 Restructure the TestConfig folder Renfei Wang #7529 3a00776 Add TR_MethodCallAddress to the relo runtimes table on Power Dhruv Chopra #7383 ddd86aa CMake: Add s390 support to the compiler Devin Nakamura #7538 9524537 Make Jenkins trigger parsing more forgiving Jenny Chen #7509 33c1f67 Port runtime-related JITServer changes Harry Yu #7554 c58db85 CMake: update j9utilcore to stop using omrutil_obj Devin Nakamura #7342 c1ffc73 Change diagnostics tool help text wording Jason Feng #7588 e82bad4 Update test documents Renfei Wang #7587 9c901b4 Address OpenJ9 Documentation Changes Irwin D'Souza #7573 08ee585 AArch64: Enable JIT compiler by default KONNO Kazuhiro #7295 7dbb3ff Statically link libc++ when compiling with xlclang++ Jackie Midroni #7499 cf55106 Merge JITServer PR7533 refactor inROMClass Annabelle Huo #7544 6976f9f Fix incorrect use of cmpli4 as PPCTrg1Src2Instruction Benjamin Thomas (Aviansie Ben) #7481 f149fd3 Port CompilationThread changes for JITServer Marius Pirvu #7566 0492b3b Port ilgen-related JITServer changes Harry Yu #7558 e2270bf Remove Unused Options AlenBadel #7563 9a05e0a Upgrade to asm-7.2.jar in tests lanxia #7553 e5770cf Revert "Runtime compressed refs work" Graham Chapman #7569 a64448c Add knownObjectTable check for JITServer Harry Yu #7532 1737549 Fix to conservatively stash OSR argument info Yi Zhang #7531 d791103 Add quotes for lockWordAlignment test paths lanxia #7530 c91114a Runtime compressed refs work Graham Chapman #7542 16ad648 Revert "Merge JITServer changes to CompilationThread.cpp/hpp" Marius Pirvu #7551 f740577 Memset the shared classes CacheUniqueID Jiahan Xi #7546 d81b550 J9 PrivateLinkage refactoring Daryl Maier #7517 0ed2324 Use getROMMethodFromRAMMethod for JITServer Harry Yu #7537 e462306 Remove JITSERVER_TODO macro Harry Yu #7536 c26bcb7 CMake: Link jit statically against c++ standard lib Devin Nakamura #6278 502f3f3 Relax reference assert after Scavenger clearing Aleksandar Micic #7541 bb73ae9 Add bootjdk 13 to Dockerfiles Adam Brousseau #7510 bc4b0b1 Stackmap updates to the withfield and defaultvalue instructions Adithya Venkatarao #7239 91d17e0 Add Recompilation Doc Irwin D'Souza #7448 22cfe03 Merge JITServer changes to CompilationThread.cpp/hpp Marius Pirvu #7454 11473a3 AArch64: Set correct entry point instructions in createPrologue() KONNO Kazuhiro #7527 925d484 AArch64: Fix for outgoing arguments passed via stack KONNO Kazuhiro #7455 af81524 Add JVM_GetExtendedNPEMessage to support JDK 14 compilation Jason Feng #7526 ea01283 Fix debug build error of the undefined inROMClass() in ClassEnv Annabelle Huo #7524 6ff989a Update J9 specific test targets smlambert #7523 5c091e8 Revert "Add JVM_GetExtendedNPEMessage to support JDK 14 compilation" Peter Shipton #7519 ab378c4 Merge PR-7292 from JITServer Annabelle Huo #7487 0800b18 Merge JITServer update in env directory Annabelle Huo #7495 2a6f784 Add JVM_GetExtendedNPEMessage to support JDK 14 compilation Jason Feng #7507 6bc0b01 Add control-related JITServer changes Harry Yu #7477 b8cada7 Update the join Slack link Peter Shipton #7512 b6c9177 Added a new DDR command !shrc startuphint Jiahan Xi #7473 18fc8e7 Added an option to send slack message when a build passes Jenny Chen #7411 5a725cc AArch64: Resolve C++ compiler warnings KONNO Kazuhiro #7504 9cd3209 Replace binary length peeking in PPCRecompilationSnippet Benjamin Thomas (Aviansie Ben) #7400 dcec7bf Implement linkage entry point functions for ARM64PrivateLinkage Daryl Maier #7490 3b5ff35 Update large heap build platform list in release notes Peter Shipton #7505 5bc0623 Add JITServer SharedCache support Harry Yu #7461 8ce1cf6 Merge PR-7329 from JITServer Annabelle Huo #7488 00113f7 Retry the function set_build_status and catch its failure Jenny Chen #7327 7c1b66f Set J9VM_SHA only if not set Violeta Sebe #7439 6c7b501 Update testKitGen Renfei Wang #7478 7073cc8 Fix JIT CodeCache MemoryPool usage reported as 0 bytes Lin Hu #7260 cbd6cf3 Fix --enable-preview option lanxia #7491 6fbe7d5 AArch64: Implement functions of TR_ARM64RelocationTarget Akira Saitoh #7202 6c7c86d Initial implementation of private linkage mapStack and createPrologue Daryl Maier #7180 d655cae Port JITSERVER change in Optimizer to the master branch Annabelle Huo #7483 d058d80 Add JITServer support for J9ObjectModel Harry Yu #7485 a6e3dfb AArch64: Enable class redefinition and flush compilation queue hooks Akira Saitoh #7470 c303b08 Port JITServer changes in J9VMEnv/J9VMMethodEnv Harry Yu #7319 3495102 Add EXTRA_OPTIONS for jck tests lanxia #7456 b9a11ca Merge codegen related changes from JITServer Annabelle Huo #7358 94c6cde Reduced the size of installation files for cuda 9.0 Jenny Chen #7280 d5e78f3 Merge changes in optimizer from JITServer to master Annabelle Huo #7404 c4354c4 Stub and ThreadMXBean Peter Shipton #7467 edf0f71 Improved code generation for compare and branch instructions Shubham Verma #7437 e868118 Update draft release notes ready for 0.17 GA. Sue Chaplain #7370 89de681 Change API access modifier for DiagnosticUtils.executeDiagnosticCommand Jason Feng #7468 fcd4765 Flatten il directory Daryl Maier #6031 43a6c47 Handle NULL String Class Pointer Irwin D'Souza #7464 db35a84 Update Dockerfiles to use gcc-7 to build OpenJ9 JDK8 Babneet Singh #7465 55e7efc Revert "Port TR_J9JITServerSharedCache from jitaas to master" Marius Pirvu #7460 2c73d4b Port TR_J9JITServerSharedCache from jitaas to master Harry Yu #7438 44cde4a Jstat initial implementation Jason Feng #7240 efea766 Update bootjdks for jdknext/14 to use jdk13 Joe deKoning #7447 b86efbb Simplify TKG java Renfei Wang #7398 7dd51f6 Add Guide for Committers doc Irwin D'Souza #7175 22f8a90 Remove "return" from CodeGenerator setSupports*() functions KONNO Kazuhiro #7433 938699e Override OMR::Node's dontEliminateStores Dhruv Chopra #7434 7e681a1 AArch64: Fill _relocationTargetTypeToHeaderSizeMap KONNO Kazuhiro #7368 7e62467 Enable CUDA in Linux x64 builds Keith W. Campbell #7429 5d3d61d Remove TR::imulover IL opcode Bohao(Aaron) Wang #7282 fe39103 Add cmake support for building the jit on aix Devin Nakamura #7376 562c43c Tests added for -Xshareclasses:printStats=startuphint Jiahan Xi #7428 d01bf6f Use asm v7.2 for lockWordAlignment test in JDK8+ lanxia #7417 9243aa7 Rename badly named util/filecache constants Peter Shipton #7425 be812c4 Fix the -Xmso test to match #7304 Peter Shipton #7431 0739a27 DDR fix for flattenedClassCache access and checking the flattened state Adithya Venkatarao #7414 1024267 Fix decompile at exception catch Graham Chapman #7340 d4d6eee Set the z/OS 64-bit minimum OS stack size to 1MB Peter Shipton #7304 b619b25 Delete obsolete Dockerfiles and build instructions for jdk9, 10, 12 Peter Shipton #7405 96c393f Enhanced checkcast instruction to throw NPE on a value type cast on null Adithya Venkatarao #7419 eb34cfa Runtime compressed refs work Graham Chapman #6931 f6afffb Add a javadoc comment to the jdk.jcmd module Peter Shipton #7416 2edad97 AArch64: Fix for dependencies in virtual unresolved call KONNO Kazuhiro #7395 9a31c3d AArch64: Add "defined(TR_HOST_ARM64)" to #ifdefs for shared classes KONNO Kazuhiro #7367 ee2becf AArch64: Enable TR_ALLOC() in ARM64Relocation KONNO Kazuhiro #7408 e1cfe85 Enable reloLogging for JITServer Dhruv Chopra #7388 531d15d AArch64: Implement initializeAOTRelocationHeader Akira Saitoh #7222 59f8c6c AArch64: Implement AheadOfTimeCompile::processRelocations() knn-k #6264 19792d8 Add wrapper around SCC API to prevent assert Irwin D'Souza #7379 bff6293 Revert "Valhalla: value type cast to null changes to checkcast" Peter Shipton #7407 283b736 AArch64: Fix GC Map set to StackCheckFailureSnippet Akira Saitoh #7394 e462d7c Valhalla: value type cast to null changes to checkcast Adithya Venkatarao #7210 9f32b81 Fix allowance for padding after lookupswitch bytecode Keith W. Campbell #7357 6c5e42f Restrict MHs.dropLookupMode checks Jack Lu #7153 cd07261 Fix Varargs.invokeWithArguments to process excess paramenter Jack Lu #7163 c3b8f18 Thread.cleanup() invokes TerminatingThreadLocal.threadTerminated Jason Feng #7371 8334eda Fix unsafeHelper.m4 to use correct mov instruction. Hang Shao #7372 207a9c0 Tests added for the option -XX:[+/-]ShareAnonymousClasses and -XX:[+/-]ShareUnsafeClasses Jiahan Xi #7278 fd8cd8f Port cmdLineTester_lockWordAlignment_Object_* tests lanxia #7305 98716d8 Merge JITClientCompThread from the jitaas branch Annabelle Huo #7215 547720e Add tests for -XX:[+|-]ClassRelationshipVerifier Sharon Wang #7381 7c9f8fc Adding package libxrandr-dev to X86 and PPC64le JDK11 Dockerfile simonameng #7399 3ce1280 Solaris spec update Sophia Guo #6953 faed575 CMake: Fix typos in jcl exports Devin Nakamura #7378 2835bf3 CMake: update link flags for testjep178 Devin Nakamura #7375 439e0a9 Specify cfgRegion in realEstimateCodeSize Erick Ochoa #6866 7776c65 Add detailed build instructions for OpenJDK 13 Sue Chaplain #7227 3ebef68 AArch64: Use VirtualUnresolvedSnippet when compileRelocatableCode() KONNO Kazuhiro #7369 696bfe9 AArch64: Temporarily disable UnresolvedDataSnippet KONNO Kazuhiro #7366 07ea932 AArch64: Fix build failure with storeAOTInSharedCache() KONNO Kazuhiro #7365 03d9188 AArch64: Add a register map to snippet gc map of ARM64HelperCallSnippet Akira Saitoh #7333 33e3e49 Revert "Add tests for -XX:[+|-]ClassRelationshipVerifier" Peter Shipton #7363 8a17900 Apply JITServer CompilationInfo refactoring to non-JITServer mode Annabelle Huo #7312 a019011 Merge JITServerRelocationRuntime from the jitaas branch Annabelle Huo #7236 f5ca0a5 Always print out the layer number in the cache statistics. Hang Shao #7351 50eefc7 Add tests for -XX:[+|-]ClassRelationshipVerifier Sharon Wang #7306 ddbc3da Created a general function for retrying commands Jenny Chen #7208 e406af4 Remove ignore for files which are now generated elsewhere Keith W. Campbell #7353 d8be806 Add an entry to support newvalue into CodeGenGPU Yiling Han #6569 6a55a6a AArch64: Remove an obsolete comment from arm64nathelp.m4 KONNO Kazuhiro #7347 a799efe AArch64: Add "defined(TR_HOST_ARM64)" to AOT-related #ifdefs KONNO Kazuhiro #7330 5eaac57 Merge PR 4032 from JITServer to master Annabelle Huo #7291 1bce77f CMake: Add m4 defines when generating zos asm for codert Devin Nakamura #7308 180af16 CMake: add missing sources to vm for zos Devin Nakamura #7343 1faec23 Adjust hook section in javacore files Keith W. Campbell #7341 9acbeb8 Fix hook starttime report issue due to timestamp precision change Lin Hu #7337 5bedcc9 Preserve FPRs before calling JIT helper on Power AlenBadel #7290 cd22392 Enable Ownable Synchronizers tracking for Concurrent Scavenger Salman Rana #7161 ff6cfdc master: Indy error checking for null resolution Java 11+ Theresa Mammarella #7067 5679542 Remove non-ASCII characters and trailing whitespace Keith W. Campbell #7323 137181a AArch64: Use of collected reference reg in buildPrivateLinkageArgs() KONNO Kazuhiro #7315 954e6b6 Enable BCU asserts by default Theresa Mammarella #7150 47027fc Fix DDR shrc commands Hang Shao #7325 8f68b0a Move DiagnosticProperties & DiagnosticUtils to Jason Feng #7313 8578b32 Fix handleStartupError() to return the result of deleting the cache. Hang Shao #7316 1ab1fa8 CMake: Add zos handling to j9vm_gen_asm Devin Nakamura #7284 d8f4ba5 Make Unsafe constructor private to prevent instantiation Jason Feng #7311 b74912c (v0.17.0) Change printStats on Multi-layer caches. Hang Shao #7320 86aaabe Fix the incorrect whitespace characters on the comments Jiahan Xi #7309 27b4ac1 Add javadoc comments to openj9 modules Peter Shipton #7310 1be3c07 Change printStats on Multi-layer caches. Hang Shao #7270 058b1e3 CMake: Add zos support to libffi Devin Nakamura #7286 21e4696 Eliminate VM_isSameOrSuperClass messages Harry Yu #7272 3d3e9ac AArch64: Remove unused symbols in arm64helpers.m4 KONNO Kazuhiro #7296 2c1e11a AArch64: Temporarily change the usage of x18 KONNO Kazuhiro #7220 cac1561 Use correct query to get RAM Method for remote compilations Dhruv Chopra #6911 9892039 Re-organize classes Jason Feng #7279 3ca357e AArch64: Implement _virtualUnresolvedHelper in PicBuilder.spp knn-k #5494 1a1b251 Reset dump statistics after event cedrichansen #6822 1edbcd1 Fix off-by-one issue in intrinsicIndexOfString* intrinsic on Z Filip Jeremic #6938 92f3b43 Changed Cuda 7.5 to Cuda 9.0 for CentOS 6 Jenny Chen #7254 230f0fa Consolidate JIT-to-JIT entry point alignment on all codegens Filip Jeremic #7095 93b46d7 Remove _registerSaveDescription field in J9Instruction.hpp Aidan Ha #7265 c116c21 AArch64: Set dependencies for FP registers that are not method args KONNO Kazuhiro #7262 cfa2f5f Test support for *BSD Greg Lewis #7024 261105a Common up the check of TR_OptimizeForSpace , TR_DisableInlineCheckcastand TR_DisableInlineInstanceOf options simonameng #6985 c251aca Port TR_J9ServerVM/TR_J9SharedCacheServerVM to master Harry Yu #7196 ebc1355 Fix AOT load failures Marius Pirvu #7257 ce4dfe1 master: Disallow duplicate LocalVariableTypeTable entries Theresa Mammarella #7041 c741d5a Add wrapper to swap stack for jprofiler helpers Liqun Liu #7255 2aa2a4f Update to use renamed compiler headers Devin Nakamura #6212 17480a3 Port JITServer VMJ9-related changes to master Harry Yu #7193 fdfcbb2 Update MH.asSpreader tests Jack Lu #7252 76f97af Updated error handling for MethodHandle invocation Peter Shipton #7261 84d88f3 AArch64: Stop using x27 and x28 in PicBuilder.spp KONNO Kazuhiro #7243 b032daa Runtime compressed refs work Graham Chapman #7250 f46134f Refactoring the code in verifyQualifiedName Cheng Jin #6414 ceecaaa CMake: Fix platform specific flags in the verbose component Devin Nakamura #7253 c53eece Static value type tests Adithya Venkatarao #7100 1487592 Update TestKitGen Java for Valhalla and Panama Renfei Wang #7235 3af3971 Merge JITServerCompilationThread Annabelle Huo #7201 896a36e Restore J9_JAVA_XXX constants in j9consts.h Keith W. Campbell #7238 6125530 Updated error handling for MethodHandle invocation Jack Lu #7062 8d981af Add 0.17 release notes for milestone 1 Sue Chaplain #7224 e14730d Don't convert type in computeHash Dhruv Chopra #7229 acf79ca Restore declarations to sorted order Keith W. Campbell #7228 03d9ece Generate DDR pointer classes dynamically as appropriate Keith W. Campbell #7064 54b1c4f AArch64: Implement ARM64PrivateLinkage::buildIndirectDispatch() KONNO Kazuhiro #6761 88b76cc AArch64: Set LRKilled flag in asynccheckEvaluator() KONNO Kazuhiro #7219 3cbfd29 Wrapped job creation to reduce ConcurrentModificationException Jenny Chen #7145 cadb6cc Added retry and echo to Artifactory upload for testing purposes Jenny Chen #7110 7ee4708 Fix the error message when using -XX:-IgnoreUnrecognizedXXColonOptions with shared class options Jiahan Xi #7192 d57ec3d Merge IlGeneratorMethodDetails related methods to master Annabelle Huo #7117 170e100 CMake: Add missing file to compiler excludes Devin Nakamura #7216 2cbc732 Move help text of layer= and createLayer to -Xshareclasses:help Hang Shao #7212 16d167e Rename TR_DisableInliningOfIsAssignableFrom to TR_disableInlineIsAssignableFrom Filip Jeremic #7198 446d3df Use with-boot-jdk variable instead of hard-coded path Adam Brousseau #7176 201ce82 Fix MH.insertArguments argument check Jack Lu #7119 202bc7d Fix APIs that overwrite data in the shared cache. Hang Shao #7174 9ca5851 Clean up StructureReader Keith W. Campbell #7187 1f6df00 Put the reminder of removal on top of the package name simonameng #7185 9f14656 Add a check with getNumChildren before calling getFirstChild() KONNO Kazuhiro #7166 f58bead Port JITServerCHTable/JITServerPersistentCHTable to master branch Harry Yu #7113 be57e8a Use TestKitGen java for testing Renfei Wang #7152

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  • openj9-0.17.0(Oct 16, 2019)

    Eclipse release plan: Release notes: Milestone plan:

    Binaries at AdoptOpenJDK. jdk 8:

    Windows & Mac


    Other platforms


    jdk 11:

    Windows & Mac


    Other platforms


    jdk 13:

    Windows & Mac


    Other platforms


    Release details:

    Branch name: v0.17.0-release Tag: openj9-0.17.0

    Repo SHAs:

    OpenJ9: 77c1cf7 OMR: 20db4fb SHA.txt

    Security Vulnerabilities Resolved CVE-2019-17631

    For details about the release and release candidates, please see:

    For the list of OMR changes see

    OpenJ9 Changes

    77c1cf7 (v0.17.0-release) Change API access modifier for DiagnosticUtils.executeDiagnosticCommand Jason Feng #7469 154e974 (0.17.0) Updated error handling for MethodHandle invocation Peter Shipton #7466 285966e (0.17.0) Update MH.asSpreader tests Jack Lu #7451 316ae83 (v0.17.0-release) Backport #7279 and #7313 Jason Feng #7418 b792a1b (v0.17.0) Add a javadoc comment to the jdk.jcmd module Peter Shipton #7424 2a775f5 (v0.17.0) Fix allowance for padding after lookupswitch bytecode Keith W. Campbell #7413 748ebb5 (v0.17.0) Fix unsafeHelper.m4 to use correct mov instruction. Hang Shao #7403 ec5c87d Updated error handling for MethodHandle invocation Jack Lu #7402 23b8b11 (v0.17.0) Always print out the layer number in the cache statistics. Hang Shao #7350 96a89da (v0.17.0) Adjust hook section in javacore files Keith W. Campbell #7346 cf6212a (v0.17.0) Preserve FPRs before calling JIT helper on Power AlenBadel #7321 b80ddb4 Fix hook starttime report issue due to timestamp precision change Lin Hu #7339 e2c341e v0.17.0: Indy error checking for null resolution Java 11+ Theresa Mammarella #7335 049fcca (v0.17.0) Fix handleStartupError() to return the result of deleting the cache and DDR shrc command Hang Shao #7326 e54a5ff (v0.17.0) Change printStats on Multi-layer caches. Hang Shao #7322 a119ac9 (v0.17.0) Make Unsafe constructor private to prevent instantiation Jason Feng #7314 9fd4d19 (v0.17.0) Add javadoc comments to openj9 modules Peter Shipton #7317 b48a6f6 (v0.17.0) Fix off-by-one issue in intrinsicIndexOfString* intrinsic on Z Filip Jeremic #7302 04bd5e4 (v0.17.0) Resetting dump statistics after event cedrichansen #7298 fef1a659 Fix AOT load failures (0.17.0) Marius Pirvu #7283 7d31e1f (0.17) Add wrapper to swap stack for jprofiler helpers Liqun Liu #7269 bb81f35 0.17.0: Disallow duplicate LocalVariableTypeTable entries Theresa Mammarella #7263 685f86e (v0.17.0-release) Refactoring the code in verifyQualifiedName Cheng Jin #7259 bd4cd9c (v0.17.0) Don't convert type in computeHash Dhruv Chopra #7230 76d8a39 (v0.17.0) Generate DDR pointer classes dynamically as appropriate Keith W. Campbell #7234 2f2441e (v0.17.0) Fix APIs that overwrite data in the shared cache Hang Shao #7213 d10b289 Modify the translated PII files in nls folder XiaojuanChen #7181 82609ef Adding libexpat1-dev package to dependency list simonameng #7159 0b89d31 New option to store unsafe classes on shared cache Jiahan Xi #7149 #4985 18580e3 Port j9methodServer from jitaas to master Harry Yu #7151 ad592a0 AArch64: Temporarily empty J9::Recompilation::getJittedBodyInfoFromPC() KONNO Kazuhiro #6937 535e903 AArch64: Add x18 to SAVE/RESTORE_PRESERVED_REGS KONNO Kazuhiro #7121 b3ebbcd Remove redundant recognized methods inlining code from the Power codegen Benjamin Thomas (Aviansie Ben) #7105 8631b37 Set custom SecurityManager constructor accessible flag Jason Feng #7116 f914d1f Skip Pre- and PostEscapeAnalysis if EA is not enabled Henry Zongaro #7142 ec0ec5d Remove unused portLibCall_sysinfo functions from VMJ9 KONNO Kazuhiro #7103 6e3b331 Fix build break with isPointerInSharedCache() in IProfiler.cpp KONNO Kazuhiro #7085 fc96d82 Update JITServer's IProfiler serialize API Harry Yu #7096 24a186b Update uses of getExistingJittedBodyInfo() Harry Yu #7108 0449f02 Work around compiler bug when reading SCC hints Younes Manton #7120 217b85d Round maxRequiredSize to match romSize calculation Theresa Mammarella #7104 1b35e0a Fixes for -XX:+ClassRelationshipVerifier implementation Sharon Wang #7148 b0e9913 Create resolved method with valid vtable offset Liqun Liu #6993 a76da00 Remove J9PPCArrayCmp.spp Benjamin Thomas (Aviansie Ben) #7106 262e3b0 Fix misnamed exports in zos native tests Devin Nakamura #7144 12ef37b Deprecate splitWarmAndColdBlocksPhase Filip Jeremic #7102 10ba6a6 Add semi-exhaustive intrinsicIndexOf* unit tests Filip Jeremic #7000 a68a665 Change the way to inline method handle chains Yi Zhang #6173 08a0c69 Inside getPrereqCache(), call setCorruptCache() if readOnly is false. Hang Shao #7114 64869b4 Fix tkg compilation issue when AUTO_DETECT=false Renfei Wang #7111 e60693e DDR: generalize return types of bitfield and SRP accessor methods Keith W. Campbell #7107 c9d84df Port JITServer j9method changes Harry Yu #7044 e7efe14 Fix compile warnings/errors Keith W. Campbell #7109 c4ce5a5 Changed the color of slack messages into grey for aborted jenkins jobs Jenny Chen #7098 57ec9be Merge JITServerHelpers to the master branch Annabelle Huo #7016 d37cdde Add -Xshareclasses:noPersistentDiskSpaceCheck option Peter Shipton #7001 e712c08 Implement functions to load/spill linkage registers for private linkage Daryl Maier #6976 8d99c64 Implement class relationship recording and validating Sharon Wang #7089 7fe5e31 Add an empty MethodHandle.customize() Jason Feng #7084 4c1fc14 Rename ffi assembly files from .S to .s on zos Devin Nakamura #7075 c4d0e51 Remove assert in Monitor Table Read Barrier Aleksandar Micic #7074 865f7a3 Enhance Artifactory Cleanup script to Slack on error Jenny Chen #7059 41cfba2 CMake: Add zos specific sources to j9util Devin Nakamura #7076 f0b728b CMake: update include paths for z/OS Devin Nakamura #7073 c370981 AArch64: Implement buildArgs() and buildDirectDispatch() in PrivateLinkage KONNO Kazuhiro #6664 077dc19 AArch64: Implement generateVFTMaskInstruction() KONNO Kazuhiro #7069 7899811 Merge common methods from JITServer ClassEnv and VM Annabelle Huo #7066 1648330 AArch64: Fix checks for MethodNotCompiledBit in PicBuilder.spp KONNO Kazuhiro #7070 6784494 JIT support for multi-layered SCCs Younes Manton #6723 da5a6a7 Remove references to non-existent SIMD methods Benjamin Thomas (Aviansie Ben) #7061 724f8fd Remove object pointer from Object Scanner Dmitri Pivkine #7048 e04eb4a AArch64: Update package URLs for cross-compilation. Akira Saitoh #7052 6646d8b Port JITServerIProfiler to master Harry Yu #6889 157c3d9 Add JCL support for multi-layer shared cache. Hang Shao #7017 6bd8f51 Fix incorrect J9Class sign extension James Kingdon #7003 bc32a12 Cmake: don't disable DDR for Java 11 Keith W. Campbell #7060 39f1a4a WIP: Remove j9mm_arraylet_identification GC API Robert Young #7046 d657426 AArch64: Fix asynccheckEvaluator() KONNO Kazuhiro #7025 68a7086 Port JITServerStatisticsThread to master branch Marius Pirvu #6977 f4b39c5 Port JITServer Iprofiler changes Harry Yu #6999 48a026b Revert "Enable XLC16.1 toolchain for AIX platforms" Peter Shipton #7042 867dab4 (v0.16.0) Lock the cache inside markItemStaleCheckMutex(). Hang Shao #7040 9514041 Lock the cache inside markItemStaleCheckMutex(). Hang Shao #7038 103c722 Enable XLC16.1 toolchain for AIX platforms Jackie Midroni #7034 fc4e03a (v0.16.0) Enable XLC 16.1 Clang-based toolchain for AIX platforms Violeta Sebe #7039 26a68a2 Fixed Jenkinsfile SPEC mapping Longyu Zhang #7027 029bb99 Enable XLC 16.1 Clang-based toolchain for AIX platforms Violeta Sebe #6584 3660a7b Merge JITServer getters/setters in CompilationInfo to master Annabelle Huo #6986 5a1fd45 Build jniargtests with system linkage Filip Jeremic #6614 d499be6 Use / instead of $(D) in lanxia #7014 b2e5ef8 Fix multiple bugs in TR_J9SharedCache::addHint() Marius Pirvu #7021 dc4bacd AArch64: Fix alignment of embedded address in PicBuilder.spp Akira Saitoh #7007 c577be8 v0.16.0: Fix StackMapTable verification Theresa Mammarella #7013 42e83eb master: Fix StackMapTable verification Theresa Mammarella #6989 d7d2ee3 AArch64: Correct method trampolines Akira Saitoh #7008 dde4b86 XX:[+-]DeepScan Options for Deep Scan Optimization Salman Rana #6379 b07109b Remove arraylet ifdefs, permanently enabling them Robert Young #6858 7abd14e Fix Option issue in TKGJ Renfei Wang #6997 92ad03e Build DDR test only if j9ddr.jar is present in JDK Keith W. Campbell #6994 3b93189 Use reflection to get cache layer from J9ShrOffset Hang Shao #6984 ad932c1 libffi: Fix bug in 31 bit calling convention Devin Nakamura #6946 460d12c Add special DDR field formatter for pointers to J9ConstantPool Keith W. Campbell #6956 f534ab7 Fix missing X11 header errors when building JDK11 on s390x Filip Jeremic #6996 5406fae Add stubs for Java 14 Unsafe methods Mike Zhang #6930 d6008b1 AArch64: Fix inconsistency in interface call KONNO Kazuhiro #6974 08e6d2a Add CUSTOM_TARGET in the rebuild links Renfei Wang #6978 6368e46 Make use of align utility simonameng #6944 31fcb40 (v0.16.0) Include special.system testing in the 0.16 release branch Peter Shipton #6980 77b3ec8 Include special.system tests for osx CR on JDK8 Peter Shipton #6970 de310ad Add grinder rebuild option in the end of test target Renfei Wang #6895 4a75577 Resynchronize the relocation header size table and introduce TR_MethodCallAddress relocation entry on Z Dhruv Chopra #6923 95163e6 Grab TR_J9SharedCache from AOT FE in sampling hook Younes Manton #6965 659d989 Modify the translated PII files in nls folder - 0905 XiaojuanChen #6973 6f35b6b AArch64: Correct wrtbarEvaluator Akira Saitoh #6902 c19e7a9 AArch64: Correct condition code of branch in BNDCHKEvaluator Akira Saitoh #6903 b418259 Add DDR support for multi-layer shared cache Hang Shao #6883 69b2871 Remove extra semi-colon in Jack Lu #6966 f4e57a1 AArch64: Add implementation of debug print function for StackCheckFailureSnippet Akira Saitoh #6941 407ecc0 AArch64: Add an InstructionDelegate function for a call to Label KONNO Kazuhiro #6958 4691105 Add attach API logs Jason Feng #6955 f6b0c00 (0.16.0) Add new Java 13 String methods Jack Lu #6954 11866e4 Fix stripIndent to include empty last line Jack Lu #6952 31fcc88 Improve Escape Analysis under OSR Henry Zongaro #5737 7af314c Revert "Enable z15 by default" (0.16.0) Filip Jeremic #6962 227a3c8 (V0.16.0) Avoid object corruption in Unsafe Graham Chapman #6961 c869077 Fix RAT hangs by avoiding double free in TR_PatchNOPedGuardSiteOnClas… (0.16.0) Filip Jeremic #6960 0457ea7 Fix RAT hangs by avoiding double free in TR_PatchNOPedGuardSiteOnClas… Filip Jeremic #6932 c9f6195 AArch64: Fix branch conditions for static method call KONNO Kazuhiro #6901 783a554 AArch64: Implement L_outOfRange in PicBuilder.spp KONNO Kazuhiro #6904 ec5d412 Don't access ROM class from RAM class directly Dhruv Chopra #6922 a7dbfa6 Use correct front end query when allocating VI Thunks Dhruv Chopra #6910 bf119d3 Delete unused variable assignment Yi Zhang #6957 26d31be Don't try to inline AtomicLong methods if classBlock is null Dhruv Chopra #6927 fc509ea Support signals needed by Jython Babneet Singh #6891 017f003 Avoid object corruption in Unsafe Graham Chapman #6950 1a4ef3a AArch64: Fix BRANCH_VIA_VMTHREAD macro KONNO Kazuhiro #6935 47a5ee2 AArch64: Fix _interfaceCallHelper KONNO Kazuhiro #6936 146228c Initial implementation of a J9 InstructionDelegate hierarchy Daryl Maier #6905 ed6c69f Throw NPE if receiver is NULL when calling a non-static method Keith W. Campbell #6949 916f5ac CMake: Enable DDR in travis builds Keith W. Campbell #6847 f3eb48a Minor Header Platform configuration change for z/TPF James D Johnston #6942 f8b5be5 Copy private linkage register indices to parameter symbols Daryl Maier #6916 6ac0ed1 Use correct query when adding TR_DataAddress relo records Dhruv Chopra #6929 72e3633 Branch to snippet unconditionally for array known to be discontiguous Henry Zongaro #6934 cc749fa Merge JITServer functionalities to MethodToBeCompiled Annabelle Huo #6892 e2e2145 Update the default format strings for NLS message Cheng Jin #6899 6928243 AArch64: Enable helper linkage call Akira Saitoh #6867 2eddd62 (v0.16.0-release) Skip package signer check for trusted system code Jason Feng #6915 347c34b Skip package signer check for trusted system code Jason Feng #6900 9b0a027 Branch to snippet unconditionally for array known to be discontiguous Henry Zongaro #6873 41b062d Check if array Class contain unflattened flattenables and set default values for unflattened fields Thomas Li #6695 262021a Port fixes and changes from the jitaas branch Younes Manton #6838 fc0de28 Remove reference to j9getuserid.h Devin Nakamura #6898 0fa1a19 AArch64: Implement ARM64PrivateLinkage::createEpilogue() KONNO Kazuhiro #6689 e6a873f Update the build script for bootstrapMethodArgumentTest Cheng Jin #6894 c49db01 Port JITClientSession changes to master Harry Yu #6850 c36f967 AArch64: Declare TR::ARM64PrivateLinkage::buildPrivateLinkageArgs() KONNO Kazuhiro #6877 baaec6d Add TR_J9VM::isSameOrSuperClass API Harry Yu #6872 29b4210 SIGKILL support added for Jython Babneet Singh #6876 1e8f0fa (v0.16.0) Restrict fixing simple name to JDK8 Mike Zhang #6886 4ca3021 Restrict fixing simple name to JDK8 Mike Zhang #6869 6032e38 Added reading base exclude file as backup Longyu Zhang #6784 68f7c95 Added fixup to nodes; nodes only referenced within one basic block Jacob Nauenberg #6881 0906251 Test cases for BoostrapMethod arguments CHENGJin #3428 029d19a v0.16.0: Add local variable size check with StackMapTable Theresa Mammarella #6880 fe0a74a master: Add local variable size check with StackMapTable Theresa Mammarella #6542 89cd21d v0.16.0: LocalVariable(Type)Table name index check Theresa Mammarella #6879 ba521c0 master: LocalVariable(Type)Table name index check Theresa Mammarella #6251 9b9aba7 Release notes to support 0.16 milestone 1 Sue Chaplain #6815 a63b706 Add new Java 13 String methods Jack Lu #6624 f4da66f Support solaris sparc9 platform Sophia Guo #6737 ec3459e Fixed interblock calling of nodes Jacob Nauenberg #6861 aa42393 Added aarch to pipeline platforms Colton Mills #6848 782a6fa Removed JAVA_VERSION in openj9 repo Longyu Zhang #6707 9de5255 AArch64: Initial version of debug print functions for snippets Akira Saitoh #6813

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  • openj9-0.16.0(Sep 18, 2019)

    Eclipse release plan: Release notes: Milestone plan:

    Binaries are available from AdoptOpenJDK. jdk 13:

    Release details:

    Branch name: v0.16.0-release Tag: openj9-0.16.0

    Repo SHAs:

    OpenJ9: 867dab4 OMR: d4c85c3 SHA.txt

    Security Vulnerabilities Resolved N/A

    For details about the release and release candidates, please see:

    For the list of OMR changes see

    OpenJ9 Changes

    867dab4 (v0.16.0) Lock the cache inside markItemStaleCheckMutex(). Hang Shao #7040 fc4e03a (v0.16.0) Enable XLC 16.1 Clang-based toolchain for AIX platforms Violeta Sebe #7039 c577be8 v0.16.0: Fix StackMapTable verification Theresa Mammarella #7013 31fcb40 (v0.16.0) Include special.system testing in the 0.16 release branch Peter Shipton #6980 f6b0c00 (0.16.0) Add new Java 13 String methods Jack Lu #6954 7af314c Revert "Enable z15 by default" (0.16.0) Filip Jeremic #6962 227a3c8 (V0.16.0) Avoid object corruption in Unsafe Graham Chapman #6961 c869077 Fix RAT hangs by avoiding double free in TR_PatchNOPedGuardSiteOnClas… (0.16.0) Filip Jeremic #6960 72e3633 Branch to snippet unconditionally for array known to be discontiguous Henry Zongaro #6934 2eddd62 (v0.16.0-release) Skip package signer check for trusted system code Jason Feng #6915 1e8f0fa (v0.16.0) Restrict fixing simple name to JDK8 Mike Zhang #6886 68f7c95 Added fixup to nodes; nodes only referenced within one basic block Jacob Nauenberg #6881 029d19a v0.16.0: Add local variable size check with StackMapTable Theresa Mammarella #6880 89cd21d v0.16.0: LocalVariable(Type)Table name index check Theresa Mammarella #6879 118dac7 Modify CFG in realEstimateCodeSize to use internal memory regions. Erick Ochoa #6141 b645c0c Casting parameter type to fit the template in generateS390CompareAndBranchInstruction simonameng #6725 f55f1f8 Enable field watch by default on Power and Z AlenBadel #6845 e8c7fbb Utilize generateLoadJ9Class on Power Andrew Gao #6640 4881cb7 Eliminate IProfiler::_maxCount Marius Pirvu #3869 6fed5d3 Ensure class simple name is a suffix of full name Mike Zhang #6684 b0afa11 CMake: update to use new refactored omr ddr support Devin Nakamura #6098 b3e45fe AArch64: Temporarily disable UnresolvedDataSnippet KONNO Kazuhiro #6795 645b582 AArch64: Correct lengths of CallSnippets KONNO Kazuhiro #6812 8ead07d AArch64: Correct helper trampolines Akira Saitoh #6829 67ef6e5 AArch64: Fix undefined symbol with CodeGenerator::inlineDirectCall() KONNO Kazuhiro #6841 af939ee Fix assertion failure in shrtest. Hang Shao #6832 2ae4216 Lower invocation counts for SCC cold runs Irwin D'Souza #6734 8560634 Replace #pragmas mc_func and #reg_killed_by with gcc inline asm Jackie Midroni #6694 d817328 Adding gr11 as dependency before calling VMHelper during Field Watch Jackie Midroni #6553 fdc10ab TestKitGen Java Renfei Wang #6703 08a1d13 Implement Unsafe_compareAndSwapInt_jlObjectJII_Z support for AArch64 Hillary Soontiens #6752 0de0fb3 jstack: print properties in human-readable form Peter Bain #6769 ba2f4a5 Print help text instead of error when no command specified Jason Feng #6804 b688cf8 Fix testSCCMLTests1_0 to work for also 32 bit machines sogutbera #6792 02c80a2 Reduce AOT load failures Irwin D'Souza #6575 c7a5b48 update make version to 4.1 in test readme lanxia #6823 7d72a50 Updated Protobuf config options in Docker Colton Mills #6712 f57fbe6 AArch64: Implementation of MethodEnterHook/MethodExitHook Michael Flawn #6739 5e01d14 Add VM support for multi-layer shared class cache Hang Shao #6536 e741d64 Reject jcmd/jmap invalid command arguments Jason Feng #6790 803592b Refactor JProfilingValue Rahil Shah #6585 ac4eaac Handle multi-threaded metadata cache access Graham Chapman #6766 6f05820 Port the latest networking and runtime files to master Annabelle Huo #6788 37a4aba AArch64: Implementation of awrtbariEvaluator in AArch64 Michael Flawn #6559 69384dd Fix foldArguments when passed target taking 0 arguments Mike Zhang #6738 96702a0 Add extra checks to Throwable.readObject Jack Lu #6809 a0b435e Merge JITServer J9Options to master Annabelle Huo #6635 b662f7b Fix memory leak in archetypeArgPlaceholderSlot Yi Zhang #6791 28cb754 Fix typo in header guard Keith W. Campbell #6807 605025b Disable SymbolValidationManager for non-AOT compilations Dmitry Ten #6746 4c1db51 Revert "Add extra checks to Throwable.readObject" Graham Chapman #6805 4df4d44 Runtime compressed refs work Graham Chapman #6693 3271860 Miscellaneous cleanup Graham Chapman #6793 1704fd7 Enable change to determine calling method for OSR code unconditionally Henry Zongaro #6651 dcefe8d Fix code size estimation Younes Manton #4648 adae0b5 Define new Pre- and PostEscapeAnalysis passes Henry Zongaro #6654 2321af3 Add GCC stack-protector flag Jack Lu #6679 e6d7b69 AArch64: Implementation of awrtbarEvaluator in AArch64 Michael Flawn #6495 66ea8da Add extra checks to Throwable.readObject Jack Lu #6557 ad4e663 Update jcmd help output Jason Feng #6789 b87b38c Fix variable definition to be c89 for windows Dan Heidinga #6787 c8f2ab4 Removing references to UT_DIRECT_TRACE_REGISTRATION in OpenJ9 Aditya Subramanian #6392 f4f61d3 Fix spelling of offset Keith W. Campbell #6646 e2f2af6 CMake: Add s390 host/target defines Devin Nakamura #6730 67ad123 Store VM anonymous classes to shared cache sogutbera #6541 2cb5389 Enable Transparent Hugepage on xLinux by default Jack Lu #6713 903056c Disable SVM for AOT loads if the original compile did not use SVM Dmitry Ten #6726 4c7c537 Check class contain unflattened flattenables and set default value to them Thomas Li #6218 07d1d8e Fix incorrect assert in TR_RelocationRecord::setReloFlags Dmitry Ten #6728 76469c1 Make SCC enabled checks consistent Theresa Mammarella #6772 ecd6ec4 Add dumping commands to jcmd Peter Bain #6702 5fcf242 Include object javanextvmi for Java 11 Keith W. Campbell #6764 1625c27 Reorganize lazy creation of MBeanServer Keith W. Campbell #6631 f476c27 Fetch VM correctly in haltThreadForInspection Graham Chapman #6676 a2c6ae9 Add JVM_InitializeFromArchive for JDK11 Jason Feng #6751 9d2933a Restore correct final field behaviour in old class files Graham Chapman #6705 f3cf532 Update test readme lanxia #6754 41360de Add doc to build only compiler component Irwin D'Souza #6717 1991db6 There in no need to call notifyClasspathChange3() when urlCount is 0 Hang Shao #6686 cd39d81 Add cmake cache for aix_64 Devin Nakamura #6518 81195db Move all steps running on master to workers Adam Brousseau #6721 8a730f8 AArch64: Stop saving/restoring x19 and x20 KONNO Kazuhiro #6699 5dd23af update logic lanxia #6574 85b0693 Add missing vm access Liqun Liu #6653 4baf3d7 Move dump natives to java.base Peter Bain #6589 6c48b2c Add missing ifdefs for Harmony artifacts Peter Bain #6650 b097160 Disable linkage register allocation Daryl Maier #6658 8ab56ca Fix the dsqrt transformation simonameng #6571 1fcc869 Add initial Compiler Best Practices doc Irwin D'Souza #6647 38484cd Port JITServer Listener Harry Yu #6612 f9dfc30 Modify the translated PII files in nls folder XiaojuanChen #6649 e525b55 Look for right caller method when handling OSR in context of inliner Henry Zongaro #6626 cd5d02e Consolidate InstOpCode tables on Power and improve documentation Filip Jeremic #6245 843620d AArch64: Add ARM64RelocationTarget KONNO Kazuhiro #6619 cab0976 Add code for AArch64 to ProcessorDetection.cpp KONNO Kazuhiro #6618 2bbcea7 Add value type support to DDR struct commands V2 tajila #6169 2483ae2 Clean up inliner estimate code size Yi Zhang #6432 1050a25 Use getAllocation instead of getChild Liqun Liu #6634 b4a420b Fix Insertion of allocationFence Alen Badel #6628 9e310fd AArch64: Enable DIVCHK KONNO Kazuhiro #6638 a87550d Use to export symbols in JVMTI tests Filip Jeremic #6622 fcc13b3 Jenkins pipeline: overwrite scm branch and refspec for OpenJ9 PRs only Violeta Sebe #6625 6326339 Fix NULL class dereference from VP isAssignableFrom folding Andrew Craik #6617 88228eb Disable recompilation for AArch64 Daryl Maier #6620 36af9f9 Disable GlobalRegisterAllocation on AArch64 Daryl Maier #6621 b009372 Replaced JAVA_BIN in openj9 Longyu Zhang #6548 84db769 Enable jniargtests to run with the JIT Filip Jeremic #6583 88e46b3 Merge JITServer networking files Annabelle Huo #6406 6f07ed8 Add JIT compile-time query for ROM field declaring class Graham Chapman #6615 3cae33a Fix for GCC 8+ compiler optimization busy hang problem bharathappali #6592 e405039 Disable special.system tests jdk11 plinux, enable jdk8 xlinux Peter Shipton #6601 92db1ae Parsing Command line option for tenureBytesDeviationBoost cedrichansen #6481 ba3a102 Exclude special.system for jdk13, enable more platforms Peter Shipton #6594 aed7017 AArch64: Implement ArrayStoreCHKEvaluator() KONNO Kazuhiro #6470 556934e Replace J9JIT_INTERP_VTABLE_OFFSET with VMEnv::getInterpreterVTableOffset() Harry Yu #6588 8ec56f9 Add Region Check read barrier type Andrew Young #6565 9275098 enable special.system test build on ppcle only lanxia #6504 fe48e2e AArch64: Implement asynccheckEvaluator() KONNO Kazuhiro #6445 2753c04 ValueTypes: Add support for flattened arrays tajila #6384 deb7aef Add known object info for receiver symbol Yi Zhang #6578 74f7ec5 Improve CollectHandle Liqun Liu #6279 7f06832 Place compressedRef anchor at the right place Liqun Liu #6396 c5bf5f2 Increase Artifactory cleanup to 50 days Adam Brousseau #6566 097d2ec Fix incorrect function name call Adam Brousseau #6572 0f64a63 Jenkins pipelines: Fix checkout scm for PR builds Violeta Sebe #6568 34e6da7 Add archive diagnostic files when compile fails Adam Brousseau #6405 1ae1ee6 Fix invalid preprocessing token in ebb.spp for AIX platform Violeta Sebe #6480 854c632 Fixed asmtools.jar download Longyu Zhang #6567 8fdc4f4 Modify the translated PII files in nls folder-07/23 XiaojuanChen #6560 050f6bc Add git reference repo to checkout scm to Jenkins pipelines Violeta Sebe #6343 2340e17 Fix racing condition that set and unset string intern table flag Hang Shao #6546 6cc2281 Add OpenJ9 repository to git cache Violeta Sebe #6527 c13b719 AArch64: Implementation of BNDCHK Evaluator marufunb #6427 7e2d23b Cleanup: remote console Keith W. Campbell #6556 f467181 Change how gcc-7 is accessed in centos6 x86 Dockerfile Colton Mills #6054 6c4935c Fix zOS Jenkins builds Rahil Shah #6551 8e63ec5 Read the new DirectHandle field Liqun Liu #6544 537142e Remove rconsole support Peter Bain #6524 8478292 Re-enable Deep Scan Optimization with fix and stats Salman Rana #6489 b33af40 Improve performance of final field writes Graham Chapman #6517 8300d8b Implement jcmd Peter Bain #6513 e3ec8ba Fix ifcmp folding Liqun Liu #6485 53169c6 Implement store/load/full/allocationFence for AArch64 Hillary Soontiens #6250 e869f0f Merged cmdLineTester_CryptoTest for various jdk versions Longyu Zhang #6424 ac2d148 modified Test User Guide Longyu Zhang #6516 4a30442 Disable EDO on AArch64 Daryl Maier #6539 fe2d0a3 Specialize MethodHandle.invokeExact in ILGen Liqun Liu #6227 490a8d6 AArch64: Implement VMgenerateCatchBlockBBStartPrologue() KONNO Kazuhiro #6426 aaab6f5 AArch64: Add ForceRecompilationSnippet files KONNO Kazuhiro #6534 079c772 CMake: add s390 support to codert_vm Devin Nakamura #6532 1577ab2 CMake: add zLinux support to ffi Devin Nakamura #6530 c639a1d CMake: Fix port library support for zLinux Devin Nakamura #6529 4bfbe90 Implement JavaLangAccess.loadLibrary() Keith W. Campbell #6528 889c4ee Remove Keith W. Campbell #6523 b1f3292 CMake: Add s390 support to the vm component Devin Nakamura #6526 a241d86 Clean up java.lang.String Keith W. Campbell #6520 422aa5c Fix references to 0.15.0 to be 0.15.1 Peter Shipton #6519 e9c4b8e Match Java 14 parameter annotation format changes Jason Feng #6312 e0dbe64 Remove all out-of-process code Graham Chapman #6505 6fd34cb Cmake: allow build to define version identifiers Keith W. Campbell #6457 e22c7f3 Fix missing labels in the pipeline summary table Violeta Sebe #6487 426e321 Fix out-of-bounds write in String.getBytes Benjamin Thomas (Aviansie Ben) #6501 18fec23 Add missing # END NON-TRANSLATABLE comment Dan Heidinga #6497 95d34bf Invoke DomainCombiner.combine() for embedded AccessControlContext Peter Shipton #6492 7b407c5 Change UMA_EXE_LINK_POSTFLAGS set method in aix makefile mikezhang #6491 4a74dc4 Remove extra rpaths in AIX shared libs mikezhang #6490 1c80abf Correct test of successful download of freemarker.jar Keith W. Campbell #6461 efe832a Lock nursery is no longer optional Graham Chapman #6463 505cc60 Fix the releases sorting in the pipeline summary Violeta Sebe #6464 c1b0972 Increase Nightly & Decrease OMR history Adam Brousseau #6471 45e245e Refactor willGenerateNOPForVirtualGuard() to avoid an assert Nigel Yu #6459 6404b5b add scripts to check git repo sha lanxia #6460 2b36286 Remove redundant character substitution. Rafael Winterhalter #6448 1ec3728 WIP: Should not call destructor on null pointer Annabelle Huo #6458 9409a42 Remove unnecessary execute permissions from files Keith W. Campbell #6456 a21fe21 Get rid of calls to extra_L in BruteArgumentMoverHandle Liqun Liu #6305 baddd7d Common monexitfenceEvaluator, removed arch specific versions Michael Flawn #6280 67be0df Disable features not available on AArch64 yet Daryl Maier #6447 cb2fbdd Disable arraycopy transformations for AArch64 Daryl Maier #6439 582921e Remove unnecessary execute permissions from files Keith W. Campbell #6434 d30b948 Disable Deep Scan Salman Rana #6431 fab630e Update release notes for GC hints Sue Chaplain #6433 a01564a Get Artifactory credentials from Artifactory object Adam Brousseau #6346 14f290f Fix String.indexOf corner case where start == Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1 Filip Jeremic #6403 ebf4d11 AArch64: Implementation of multianewArrayEvaluator Michael Flawn #6359 d57c401 AArch64: Implementation of instanceofEvaluator Michael Flawn #6354 e062324 Update 0.15 release notes for SHRC behavior change Sue Chaplain #6409 aea6f40 Reduce initialization costs of management beans Keith W. Campbell #6397 dbc3c17 AArch64: Adding dummy entries for some evaluators KONNO Kazuhiro #6408 7c3381e Fix compilation error in jvm.c for AIX XL C/C++ 16.1 Violeta Sebe #6416 f13756d Cmake: Remove divrem.c Devin Nakamura #6422 671aa55 Fix invalid suffix on literal in shrinit.h Violeta Sebe #6413 431e3d6 Fix ARM CodeGenerator constructor build break Daryl Maier #6415 31fe6ab Add testcase for loading .jnilib shared library Jack Lu #6068 3a963d7 Remove math_useDivRem flag Devin Nakamura #6374 c085cc3 Transform and inline dsqrt evaluator simonameng #6217 5854b64 Runtime compressed refs work Graham Chapman #6389 623f4e2 AArch64: Set the register for JIT_STACK_OVERFLOW_SIZE_REGISTER KONNO Kazuhiro #6410 4643edc Move resolveCHKEvaluator() to common J9TreeEvaluator.cpp knn-k #6328 1e02913 Use parsed data in TKG to work around perl CSV module on Zos Renfei Wang #6402 1e4792d AArch64: Fix build break with arraylengthEvaluator() KONNO Kazuhiro #6407 25d479f AArch64: Use separate compilation thread by default KONNO Kazuhiro #6390 4eb20ee AArch64: Implementation of ArrayLengthEvaluator marufunb #6077 be57a9f AArch64: Implement constructor of ARM64PrivateLinkage knn-k #5625 eb860ec Update the configuration files for testing against non-openj9 SDK Tingda Du #6001 ee6c135 CMake: Add missing ppc code gen source files Devin Nakamura #6400 14cbf56 CMake update compiler include path Devin Nakamura #6398 8d50d8a AArch64: Implementation of monentEvaluator Michael Flawn #6345 f3b5266 AArch64: Fixed Syntax Error in newObjectEvaluator Michael Flawn #6383 f8842ae Exit promptly when an exception is set Jason Feng #6386 a12fff5 CMake: Add symbol exports test libraries Devin Nakamura #6373 c0966b5 Add aix support to vm component Devin Nakamura #6335 6969454 Set C/C++ flags for Protobuf Violeta Sebe #6340 3306c99 Fix compile errors with xlc 16 on AIX Peter Shipton #6342 5038f00 Fix ValueType compilation failures tajila #6376 386e8ca Load classFlags as a 32-bit value Dhruv Chopra #6371 2601bd3 Avoid constant timestamp checking on classpaths Cheng Jin #6174 08bdb92 Fix VSTRS loop indexing error by adding -1 to VLL Nigel Yu #6363 db342eb AArch64: Implementation of anewArrayEvaluator Michael Flawn #6358 f125099 AArch64: Fixed missing type on newArrayEvaluator Michael Flawn #6372 4e2e0a5 Deep Structure Scan Optimization Salman Rana #6048 3904caf AArch64: Implementation of newArrayEvaluator Michael Flawn #6357 44cb179 AArch64: Implement _interfaceCallHelper in PicBuilder.spp knn-k #5432 0922dee AArch64: Implementation of newObjectEvaluator Michael Flawn #6356 3a0daa7 AArch64: Implementation of monexitEvaluator Michael Flawn #6355 bc775da Fix creation of duplicate AOTClassInfos for static fields Dmitry Ten #6344 5b579fd Fix DIVCHK Evaluator Function Declaration Aaron Graham #6353 05e9a0c Implement evaluators for checkcast and checkcastAndNULLCHK Aaron Graham #6176 2755f24 Exempt com/sun/proxy classes from validation Mike Zhang #6258 f5bce7c Implement DIVCHKEvaluator for AArch64 Hillary Soontiens #6055 fdf59d0 Verify LocalVariable(Type)Table index Theresa Mammarella #6188 f7f8d2d Link against the platform agnostic OMR_PLATFORM_THREAD_LIBRARY Devin Nakamura #6336 c45736b Add aix sources to util component Devin Nakamura #6337 75b7e5e CMake: add exports to jniargtest Devin Nakamura #6341 e877983 CMake: make libffi work on aix Devin Nakamura #6118 b8c2216 Add a set of release notes for MS1 Sue Chaplain #6269 7589965 Update libssl path in AArch64 Dockerfile Hayato Uenohara #6329 61d00f1 Reorganize pipeline code Adam Brousseau #5797 d95c619 Enable Field Watch Support for Power Alen Badel #6234 2ae563a CMake: add support for aix in j9vm_gen_asm Devin Nakamura #6117 11c4807 AArch64: Implement initARM64RealRegisterLinkage() in ARM64PrivateLinkage knn-k #5567 543ce3f Set prexArg for method handle thunks Yi Zhang #5279 0e894bb Replaced JAVA_BIN to corresponding Test_JDK_HOME in Openj9 Longyu Zhang #6082 aedd8a5 Declare obsolete J9_JAVA constants in DDR blob for compatibility Peter Shipton #6317 ee1555d Add support to compress AOT code (#5926) Rahil Shah #5926 1499a98 Use a common query to decide what to generate for virtual guards Nigel Yu #6186 78fc2bb Enable shared classes by default Peter Shipton #6271 2d0be2a Support Method extensible base class Daryl Maier #6309 43f86dc Remove redundant import statements Keith W. Campbell #6315 e1aff4a Remove unnecessary files Peter Shipton #6308 800cbf7 Use unbreakpointed ROM method for metadata queries Graham Chapman #6301 1a33717 Correctly size CONSTANT_MethodHandle_info at 4 bytes Dan Heidinga #6310 320fa41 Refactor inlineIndexableObject allocation tajila #6299 7da5e88 Add tests for fieldwatch Dhruv Chopra #6257 d665238 Add test for class redef callsite propagation Theresa Mammarella #5029 9e28e1c Fix nativevmargs test failure on zos Sharon Wang #6294 ac4b60c Add -Xmso default change on 64-bit z/OS to 0.14.0 release notes Esther Dovey #6292 c22a975 Create jvmtitests_excludes_14.xml for Java 14 Jason Feng #6290 dead8af AArch64: Add ARM64ArrayCopy.spp knn-k #6183 c4679a1 Correctly size CONSTANT_MethodHandle_info at 4 bytes Dan Heidinga #6287 3f42593 Move DSL step outside setup step and into parallel Adam Brousseau #6276 fe2081c Create latest_exclude_14.txt for Java 14 Jason Feng #6283 697082a Accommodate Java security permissions within Attach API Jason Feng #6263 e296927 Added command line option for concurrentKickoffTenuringHeadroom cedrichansen #6196 f0107dd Don't generate checkcast when types are compatible Liqun Liu #6192 4f63956 Add Jenkins PR doc for TEST_FLAG option Adam Brousseau #6267 9b2299f Add Jenkins doc for testing Pipeline changes Adam Brousseau #6268 7a0d130 Java 13: deprecate -Xverify:none and -noverify Theresa Mammarella #6262 26c9e34 Minor java code improvement for JSR292 Liqun Liu #6158 ab42e0d AArch64: Suppress the error message of loading the JIT compiler knn-k #6246 75e12c8 AArch64: Use directCallRequiresTrampoline() for checking branch range knn-k #6247 2de5d67 Add OMR's vlhgc header directory to DDR Andrew Young #6261 d9d3f9b Remove space in DDR GC directory list Andrew Young #6259 0e1ea30 Share VLHGC barrier details with the JIT Andrew Young #6154 c527b4e Create HeapRegionStateTable on VLHGC startup Andrew Young #6152 9fd6b15 Stop enabling arraylets in OMR explicitly Robert Young #6110 b45ba63 Call read barrier if not set to J9_GC_READ_BARRIER_TYPE_NONE Andrew Young #6164 b2ba9fd Move CopyForwardSchemeTask to its own header file Andrew Young #6197 e5c6c91 Call read barrier if ConcurrentCopyForward is enabled Andrew Young #6163 92974d8 Add command line flag to enable ConcurrentCopyForward Andrew Young #6162 cbd2a76 Remove cleanBeforeCheckout() from pipeline clones Adam Brousseau #6233 fde4c80 Additional readability enhancements to createStackAtlas Daryl Maier #6229 90ab978 Fix DDR compile error Graham Chapman #6244 5e4a26d Another windows fix Graham Chapman #6242 e7298b6 More windows compile errors Graham Chapman #6241 71ab929 Fix ARM compile error Graham Chapman #6240 657184f Fix windows compile error Graham Chapman #6237 99740dd Assume J9VM_TASUKI_LOCKS_SINGLE_SLOT is always defined Daryl Maier #4925 35a2880 More runtime compressed refs work Graham Chapman #6079

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  • openj9-0.15.1(Jul 18, 2019)

    Eclipse release plan: Release notes: Milestone plan:

    Binaries are available from AdoptOpenJDK. jdk 8: jdk 11: jdk 12:

    Release details:

    Branch name: v0.15.0-release Tag: openj9-0.15.1

    Repo SHAs:

    OpenJ9: 0f66c64 OMR: ec782f2

    Security Vulnerabilities Resolved CVE-2019-2786 CVE-2019-11771 CVE-2019-11772 CVE-2019-11775

    For details about the release and release candidates, please see:

    For the list of OMR changes see

    OpenJ9 Changes

    0f66c64 (0.15.0) add scripts to check git repo sha lanxia #6506 4a7a6b2 (v0.15.0) Fix out-of-bounds write in String.getBytes Benjamin Thomas (Aviansie Ben) #6502 d58e0f7 (0.15.0) Invoke DomainCombiner.combine() for embedded AccessControlContext Peter Shipton #6493 18e7a3c (v0.15.0) Remove extra rpaths in AIX shared libs mikezhang #6494 1dadeb8 (v0.15.0) Revert "Fold ifcmp with two constant integral operands" Liqun Liu #6418 4e07243 (v0.15.0) Revert "Emit field load instead of call in expanding MethodHandle invoke" Liqun Liu #6420 bf8edb6 Avoid constant timestamp checking on classpaths (v0.15.0-release) Cheng Jin #6401 86fad7b Load classFlags as a 32-bit value (0.15.0) Dhruv Chopra #6377 9cc7a8e (v.0.15.0) Exempt com/sun/proxy classes from validation Mike Zhang #6375 655fac7 (V0.15.0) Declare obsolete J9_JAVA constants in DDR blob for compatibility Peter Shipton #6321 7ab677b (v0.15.0) Initialize fieldClassReg for static unresolved reads Dhruv Chopra #6306 7a03fe0 Use unbreakpointed ROM method for metadata queries Graham Chapman #6311 ffe02f0 (v0.15.0) Added command line option for concurrentKickoffTenuringHeadroom cedrichansen #6286 629e928 Revert "Enable z15 by default" (0.15.0) Filip Jeremic #6282 1141548 (v0.15.0-release) Accommodate Java security permissions within Attach API Jason Feng #6288 631458f (0.15.0) Minor java code improvement for JSR292 Liqun Liu #6270 f144c6f Rework jstack to use java.base only Keith W. Campbell #6195 5242f38 Remove TR_J9VMBase::traceAssumeFailure Robert Young #4889 6128a7c Add test for ignoring blank/whitespace VM options Sharon Wang #6090 bcc8e10 Correct default name of jdmpview from dtfjview Peter Shipton #6222 9d7b538 Misc. readability improvements to createStackAtlas Daryl Maier #6159 eabc47d Add concurrent copy forward read barrier type Andrew Young #6153 60342c2 Exit with message for unsupported version error at startup Jason Feng #6172 6887bae Invoke Read Barrier during monitor cache lookup check Aleksandar Micic #5253 ff606ea fix JMX report issue for JIT Code cache Lin Hu #5496 da80d94 Remove obsolete pipeline code Adam Brousseau #2743 cafa342 Skip HCR guard for non-public methods in java/lang/invoke Liqun Liu #6076 78ace5f Emit field load instead of call in expanding MethodHandle invoke Liqun Liu #6175 3ebf568 Modify TR_Method references to TR::Method Daryl Maier #6219 364397c Use new unstable step for downstream jobs that are UNSTABLE Adam Brousseau #6047 c09a7ee CMake: require that BOOT_JDK be specified Keith W. Campbell #6046 c8ba335 CMake: Add support for osx in vm Devin Nakamura #6208 f914c3b CMake: Add support for osx in the compiler Devin Nakamura #6209 da9590b CMake: We don't currently have ipv6 support on osx Devin Nakamura #6210 2729226 CMake: Introduce non-compressed ref build specs Devin Nakamura #6211 b9d06a3 Add JDK13 ref repo to slave repo caches Adam Brousseau #6215 b44844b Fix incorrect links in the release notes Babneet Singh #6206 82c3d86 Fix OPENJDK_* variables initialization Violeta Sebe #6086 203d2ce Fix typo in z/codegen/J9TreeEvaluator.cpp Filip Jeremic #6199 0d35d2e Store default value in J9Class thomasli #5928 5353bc9 Handle checkcastAndNULLCHK if traps are disabled Filip Jeremic #6177 7b4dc41 Class redefinition CallSite propagation Theresa Mammarella #5402 5baeb84 Add includes or forward declarations for TR_InlineBlock(s) Daryl Maier #6182 ef6d898 Fix quotation issue when using REPORTDIR Renfei Wang #6193 c047f6a Correctly report applications launched by -jar Peter Bain #6134 2ffff11 Fix Windows compile failure Peter Bain #6191 b700231 Add if necessary Peter Bain #6135 fb52fc3 Rename global register allocated indexes on ParameterSymbol Daryl Maier #6170 a08b93a Relocate NonUserMethod enum to OpenJ9 Daryl Maier #6180 8dae1c8 Move thread management information to java.base Peter Bain #5964 e72b823 Determine if static in the constructor rather than at invoke Dan Heidinga #6142 3041cfa Add JDK13 to Jenkins Pipelines Adam Brousseau #6166 8f5d05f Revert "TEMP [skip ci] unexclude cmake tests" Adam Brousseau #6171 c6cc73e Divert CMake specs to regular test builds Adam Brousseau #5830 cc11a43 Create codeCache allocation pointers callbacks Marius Pirvu #6127 e63de48 AArch64: Use TR::InstOpCode::getOpCodeBinaryEncoding() knn-k #6160 5653697 Add support for Java 14 Keith W. Campbell #6151 0f488c4 Disable CFGSimpliciation Andrew Craik #6123 d7884a3 Change -XX:-TransparentHugePage to be the default Peter Shipton #6157 53f42e1 Revert "Add tests for field watch" Shelley Lambert #6148 c1b8968 Add tests for field watch Dhruv Chopra #6096 84c948e Unlimited user processes in Docker build containers Adam Brousseau #6115 506df00 Extend DDR rules to handle *.mc files Keith W. Campbell #6137 bf3df38 Replace the call to Modifier.isVolatile with a boolean field Liqun Liu #6113 1707d55 Updates associated with z/TPF GCC 7 Builds James D Johnston #6132 b90ce58 Create common method for MH.resolveCondy/Indy Theresa Mammarella #5442 b134d3c General z/OS improvements Keith W. Campbell #6136 38dbf68 Consolidate AOT Relocation Records Irwin D'Souza #6007 4f80aba Support xml parsing on zos in testKitGen Renfei Wang #6122 0ce1529 Added additional JDK_IMPL parameter to compile Longyu Zhang #6111 7b47006 Remove referece to TESTOUTPUT in playlist.xml Renfei Wang #6121 b9829d7 Adding the NullTest for checkcastAndNULLCHK simonameng #6002 1fe0625 Mark tests appropriately for AOT testing Irwin D'Souza #6056 0d24672 Add missing J9CFGSimplifier.cpp entry to CMakeFiles.txt Andrew Craik #6116 f8046c2 Implement J9 CFG Simplifier for new CFG patterns Yan Luo #6040 245ea46 Fold ifcmp with two constant integral operands Liqun Liu #6026 e25c46b Implement jmap and OpenJ9VirtualMachine.heapHisto Peter Bain #5816 012603b Truncate boolean for Unsafe.getBoolean and Unsafe.putBoolean Liqun Liu #6095 432df8c No longer pass BUILD_LIST to test jobs Adam Brousseau #5862 d50a09c Skip checks for internal JSR292 methods Liqun Liu #6078 8651a12 AArch64: Implement StackCheckFailureSnippet knn-k #6088 2c2b403 AArch64: Add J9MemoryReference class knn-k #6051 3d9ad73 Fix Trampoline.cpp AArch64 build error Hillary Soontiens #6037 1a86d80 Minor JSR292 clean up and recognize two immutable arrays Liqun Liu #6075 92a348f Support compile time folding of fabricated java fields Liqun Liu #6010 941845b report FreeMemoryStats via tgc on both gc-end and compact start Lin Hu #5971 9c7969b Command line option to control use of heap startup hints. Aleksandar Micic #6059 dc47188 Implement opt pass for generic static final field folding Yan Luo #5800 323198b Alloc deviation boost option for CS tilting Aleksandar Micic #6070 22792ec Disallow thread enable/disable JVMTI_EVENT_SAMPLED_OBJECT_ALLOC Jason Feng #6042 7598ccd Fix Indy/Condy exception handling for static args Theresa Mammarella #6029 37e34e2 Fix MethodHandle exception wrapping Theresa Mammarella #6030 6edaf3c Add -XX cmdline option for TransparentHugepage Jack Lu #6013 9c9164e Check name & sig lengths match before memcmp anything Dan Heidinga #6074 111b279 Move _dummyTempStorageRefNode to OpenJ9 Bohao(Aaron) Wang #5874 3a4832d Clear J9JVMTI_FLAG_SAMPLED_OBJECT_ALLOC_ENABLED at disposeEnvironment Jason Feng #6058 2023b8f Add known obj info to method handle thunk receiver Yi Zhang #6036 ffeaf28 Fix PANAMA configuration Keith W. Campbell #6067 547350b Move function getInternalPtrMapBit from Z to generic codegen class Bohao(Aaron) Wang #6062 28375d2 Remove obsolete J9 JCL Automated Tests v2 Josh Soref #6049 4b35f89 Git GC repo cache on slaves Adam Brousseau #6016 86c4d14 Adopt JDK13 new StringLatin1/StringUTF16 method lines() Jason Feng #6063 e2f7d27 Resolve field accesses in MethodHandle thunks Liqun Liu #6027 d10cafb Recognize a field by its declaring class Liqun Liu #6025 21f502c Optimize Unsafe call in field getter/setter handle Liqun Liu #6038 9fd0c9b Modify TestJITExt to be more deterministic Theresa Mammarella #5996 a11c342 Fix pthread_spinlock_t error in musl bharathappali #5659 522cd7d CMake: Fix typo in j9ddr_misc Devin Nakamura #6041 a6732ad Duplicate getInternalPtrMapBit to OpenJ9 Bohao(Aaron) Wang #5925 d3ddd33 Fix lazy RuntimeAssumptionTable clean up Andrew Craik #6023 2ea1193 Declare FieldInfo a friend of TR_EscapeAnalysis Henry Zongaro #6014 4f110b1 Remove debugtools/DDR_Artifacts Keith W. Campbell #6028 dfa9235 Set TR_silentEnv for AOT tests Irwin D'Souza #6012 723a3ce AArch64: Move encodeHelperBranchAndLink() to J9CodeGenerator.cpp knn-k #5984 5575687 Mark tests appropriately for AOT testing Irwin D'Souza #5877 1155ea6 Increase build history to 30 for Nightly and OMR Adam Brousseau #6021 04d7755 Only use PR ref for pipeline checkout if repo is openj9 Adam Brousseau #6020 9ccaeee Jenkins pipeline: Fix variables parsing for extensions repositories Violeta Sebe #4716 7a23dfa Jenkins cleanup slaves: remove the waiting on diconnect/connect Violeta Sebe #5932 c1f5764 Allow only one JVMTI sampling object allocation agent Jason Feng #6009 0d0611d Implement trampoline support for AArch64 Hillary Soontiens #5859 6338e4b Parsing command line option for GC-on-idle compact trigger options cedrichansen #5992 4d2463a Remove j2prof Jackie Midroni #6006 a8956eb Add Value Type build flag so DDR can recognize it tajila #5864 a17c3dd Duplicate supportsTrapsInTMRegion to OpenJ9 Bohao(Aaron) Wang #5941 910cfe2 Remove the old version of incRefCountForOpaquePseudoRegister function Bohao(Aaron) Wang #5954 74d358d Enable IProfiler during startup if only bootstrap classes are cached Marius Pirvu #5967 def4fdd Remove use of obsolete J9_RESOLVE_FLAG_AOT_LOAD_TIME Peter Shipton #6000 60ba133 Add test for JVMTI Exception event Jack Lu #5883 40b5f68 Object sampling hook object ptr is now a returned value Charlie Gracie #5993 59735cf Enable direct calls in defineClass.c Dan Heidinga #5978 1b4bb9b Revert "Add test for ignoring blank/whitespace VM options" Peter Shipton #5999 934f6d2 AArch64: Add a missing symbol in PicBuilder.spp knn-k #5986 847266d Add test for ignoring blank/whitespace VM options Sharon Wang #5930 f11c6c5 Make Escape Analysis sensitive to aternary operations Henry Zongaro #5699 7b388e4 Add vscode files to gitignore Charlie Gracie #5955 1e947b4 Use JIT_COMPILE rather than AOT_LOAD resolve flag Irwin D'Souza #5903 df3c315 Add package access method java.lang.String.isLatin1() Jason Feng #5983 62d8395 Allow sampling result more than one Jason Feng #5982 e676acd Revert "Replaced JAVA_BIN to corresponding Test_JDK_HOME in Test" Peter Shipton #5989 26907d3 Replaced JAVA_BIN to corresponding Test_JDK_HOME in Test Longyu #5850 61a8b19 Git gc openjdk repo cache in dockerfiles Adam Brousseau #5970 b8b3116 Remove some obsolete JCL external messages from the master index Peter Shipton #5958 a90edeb Fix printf format specifier %*.s should be %*s Peter Shipton #5963 9808177 Remove obsolete JCL native code Peter Shipton #5980 9cb10c5 Add jvmtiSetHeapSamplingInterval implementation and enable JEP331 Jason Feng #5968 72051e8 Misc. formatting and dead code cleanup for PPCPrivateLinkage Daryl Maier #5973 e544fa6 Fix issue with AOT tagging Renfei Wang #5960 5dbd687 Revert "Remove obsolete JCL native code" Peter Shipton #5977 e69832f Revert "Correctly align J9VMThread fields on ZOS" Peter Shipton #5976 d62d66a Correctly align J9VMThread fields on ZOS Graham Chapman #5974 69e9b4f Added Python3 to x and p build Dockerfiles Colton Mills #5952 ba27f51 Remove obsolete JCL native code Peter Shipton #5956 2b071d2 Fold bndsChkNeedsLiteralFromPool in OMR and OpenJ9 Bohao(Aaron) Wang #5880 c36ff20 Spelling a Josh Soref #5949 79bb39a Disable DLT in AArch64 JIT Daryl Maier #5919 31c1944 Correct non-null terminated string format in nls default method Dan Heidinga #5962 e67eb2f Remove CS-active VMThread flag Aleksandar Micic #5957 b8ab016 (0.14.3) Explicitly load the module Peter Bain #5959 74b8a94 Spelling build Josh Soref #5948 ec7c197 Configure Jenkins scm to pull based on params Adam Brousseau #5787 60f6a1e Add support for .jnilib extension on Mac OS Jack Lu #5795 d46e6dd Replace lambda with a helper class Keith W. Campbell #5938 13717f8 Explicitly load the module Peter Bain #5916 4216269 Use getter/setter for warmCodeAlloc/coldCodeAlloc Marius Pirvu #5939 cf9605e Revert "Revert "Add Modules memory info to Javacore"" Peter Shipton #5953 5b501cd Assert on bad return value from class table lookup Graham Chapman #5943 3410e2a Skip retrieving system property systemClassLoader for JDK11+ Jason Feng #5944 cf16bbb AArch64: Add FlushICache knn-k #5908 69a4b27 AArch64: Implement PicBuilder.spp knn-k #5246 7d37c22 Acquiring exclusive in native VM hook Aleksandar Micic #5936 28b5c30 No module related hashtable creation for JDK8 Jason Feng #5901 6eca9bc Move constLoadNeedsLiteralFromPool to OpenJ9 Bohao(Aaron) Wang #5915 7d34cb5 Overload incRefCountForOpaquePseudoRegister in OpenJ9 Bohao(Aaron) Wang #5881 e01d70f Add compressedrefs modes to jsr335 tests Dan Heidinga #5935 214e865 Fix sys/socketvar.h not found (compiling on alpine) bharathappali #5892 097492a Spelling comments t..w Josh Soref #5909 d90beea Load GPUAssist.Provider during bootstrap Keith W. Campbell #5929 2295b94 Fix behaviour of XX:IdleTuningCompactOnIdle Shishir Halaharvi #5894 d90f225 (v0.14.3) Add gc barriers to constant_dynamic resolution Dan Heidinga #5933 501661c Fix unguarded JIT trace message from BoolArrayStoreTransformer Daryl Maier #5914 213b8b6 Use direct calls instead of reflection Keith W. Campbell #5922 331efa1 OpenJ9 Signal Support Changes Babneet Singh #5923 35427f0 Consolidate AOT Relocation Records Irwin D'Souza #5745 239c6b2 Load GPUAssist.Provider during bootstrap Keith W. Campbell #5913 d35e08d Fix spelling mis-correction Keith W. Campbell #5912 27f80ca Use new constructor for GC_IndexableObjectScanner Dmitri Pivkine #5858 ce0adfd Add gc barriers to constant_dynamic resolution Dan Heidinga #5902 0a3c298 Remove NLS-specific number tags from the default string Dan Heidinga #5906 152c130 Spelling comments s Josh Soref #5897 29aacc2 Revert "Add Modules memory info to Javacore" Peter Shipton #5905 edba7b9 Add Protobuf and OpenSSL to xlinux test containers Adam Brousseau #5144 8292adb Remove obsolete J9MEM_CATEGORY_NATIVE_PACKED_DATA memory category Dan Heidinga #5900 33a7a86 Delete the _snippetsToBePatchedOnRegisterNative reference in OpenJ9 Bohao(Aaron) Wang #5873 4da442f Deprecate ILProp4::PackedArithmeticSelect and J9::Node bcdFlags simonameng #5868 b14ec74 Add Modules memory info to Javacore Shishir Halaharvi #5891 a9a7da0 Add a method to set allocation sampling interval Jason Feng #5869 2d64c9e Fix grammar/spelling Keith W. Campbell #5898 51dc6d6 Enable z15 by default Filip Jeremic #5884 c9b8a76 Relocate OMR default implementation of makeParameterList to OpenJ9 Daryl Maier #5890 fa50995 Fix some spelling mis-corrections Keith W. Campbell #5896 81ce6f6 Spelling comments r Josh Soref #5888 3880141 Fix javadoc warnings and remove #if 0'd code Dan Heidinga #5887 1ac773e Spelling comments o..p Josh Soref #5846 15864e1 Relocate JniCallSites to OpenJ9 Bohao(Aaron) Wang #5821 9dd2317 Remove obsolete -Xdiagnosticscollector option Peter Shipton #5882 3e0eeca Relocate OMR::SupportsBigDecimalLongLookasideVersioning to OpenJ9 Bohao(Aaron) Wang #5839 a244c88 Delete _compressedRefs references from OpenJ9 Bohao(Aaron) Wang #5824 3a5280f Eliminate redundant instruction simonameng #5867 18bac3c Enable DDR on z/OS Keith W. Campbell #5861 481c68d CMake: Add ddr_misc library Devin Nakamura #5860 4b4a8cc CMake: Add jvmtitest Devin Nakamura #5863 1ed31f0 Remove dependency on the environment at build time Keith W. Campbell #5838 9881ff6 Relocate J9::CodeGenerator::_nodesSpineCheckedList to OpenJ9 Bohao(Aaron) Wang #5818 65dd149 Add a #include in J9WatchedStaticFieldSnippet.cpp knn-k #5871 ad62625 Add libfontconfig1-dev to JDK 8 Dockerfiles Benjamin Thomas (Aviansie Ben) #5857 cd3b070 Ensure Jenkins reconnects slaves after their sanitation Violeta Sebe #5772 28dd874 z/TPF Root VPATH Rename James D Johnston #5853 8b22f33 Remove references to deprecated trivial store sinking Daryl Maier #5828 5dc02db Migrate innerConstrainAcall to OpenJ9 Daryl Maier #5614 6f51abc AArch64: Add libxrandr to Dockerfile knn-k #5849 7ca1e88 Clear the JVMTI exception throw flag before reporting event Jack Lu #5835 8c21754 Use global name space for shared semaphores on Windows Peter Bain #5613 23cc1447 Do not trigger GC memory usage hook Charlie Gracie #5840 6c00ab6 Include j9comp.h in shcflags.h Devin Nakamura #5845 e45552d Reoarganize fieldwatch-codegen implementation and add support for Z Dhruv Chopra #4743 73c3e5f Spelling comments j..n Josh Soref #5810 a3f056e Remove JDK9,10 from Specs Adam Brousseau #5842 281c566 Correct Windows LargeHeap platform name Joe deKoning #5844 a160ebb Add spec for Windows Large Heap Adam Brousseau #5834 fcf0d3a Revert "Fix bug in assumption reclamation" Peter Shipton #5837 1fd11ed Fix some startup issues in mixed mode Graham Chapman #5819 7f9a72d Not re-fetch ramCPEntry via CP index Jason Feng #5829 528e85a Modify RealtimeMarkingScheme for moving to OMR Jason Hall #5623 0f08e2c Create an OpenJ9 extension for ResolvedMethodSymbol Daryl Maier #5809 b38be75 Switch JCL field ID cache setting order to avoid reading NULL Jason Feng #5792 e2da323 Relocate the CodeGenerator::createOrFindClonedNode function from OMR Bohao(Aaron) Wang #5790 eb03763 Properly align doubleStaticAddress for 32bit systems Dan Heidinga #5827 653324d Fix bug in assumption reclamation Andrew Craik #5826 926b7e5 Update instructions for running Valhalla tests thomasli #5766 e4cd7e1 Replace ResolvedMethodSymbol::getLogicalParameterList Daryl Maier #5811 a5d5927 Prepare to remove OMR::ResolvedMethodSymbol::isNoTemps Daryl Maier #5814 2edc201 Fix spelling, isnt -> is not Peter Shipton #5817 a89482e Convert static initialization into a single loop Dan Heidinga #5805 83e41af fix configure fail Xrander.h Josh Soref #5812 9cc8a49 Remove ' from comment in ppc .spp file to avoid xlC error Peter Shipton #5813 1d51ace Spelling comments i Josh Soref #5806 392b3eb shutDownHookWrapper only needed for IBMJ9 Babneet Singh #2443 9cc8368 JDK12+ doesn't need to set the user.timezone property to empty string Peter Shipton #5799 5d28821 Spelling comments f..h Josh Soref #5804 72a537c Remove "// *this swipeable for debug" comments Andrew Gao #5798 8ecd118 Spelling comments d..e Josh Soref #5793 c3018fa More runtime checks for compressed refs Graham Chapman #5783 d78e8a4 Remove modified=mod1 in DDR tests lanxia #5788 ab6ba24 Rework classfile version checking Dan Heidinga #2680 3900cae Spelling comments c Josh Soref #5779 4b1df46 (v0.14.2-release) Add a VMLangAccess method to create threads Jason Feng #5780 17f8c89 Add AOT Feature Flag for Transactional Memory Irwin D'Souza #5748 bf1ab69 Add a VMLangAccess method to create threads Jason Feng #5778 b0e15aa Make PassThrough x86 NULLCHKs implicit Andrew Craik #5708 8c923d8 DDR: Enable support for z/OS core file format Keith W. Campbell #5773 7df6278 Fix bug in profiled inlined method relocation Irwin D'Souza #5704 72298fc (v0.14.2) Fix the duplicated NLS messages when SH_OSCache::getCacheDir() failed. Hang Shao #5770 abf2e13 Map all to a subset of platforms for PR builds Adam Brousseau #5762 7c3b389 Spelling comments a..b Josh Soref #5722 d1ad60c Set os.arch to "x86_64" on MacOSX Keith W. Campbell #5771 e34c9bf Update VT test default values tajila #5743 fd41cc0 Reference Promote_OMR job instead of Promote-OpenJ9-OMR-master-to-openj9 Filip Jeremic #5733 9b28120 Fix illegal variable shadow Graham Chapman #5758 d50df15 Fix punctuation of help message Keith W. Campbell #5756 76ad080 CleanWs at the start of a build Adam Brousseau #5754 821f642 (v0.14.2) Disable the flag check on method without stackmaps Cheng Jin #5740 691cbed Replace JAVA_BIN with TEST_JDK_HOME Renfei Wang #5744 33c8b03 Compiler warning and error fixes Graham Chapman #5742 09215c3 (v0.14.2) Add @loader_path/.. to dylib rpath on OSX Mike Zhang #5730 4642c2b (v0.14.2) Declare J9RAMVirtualMethodRef methodIndexAndArgCount as volatile Jason Feng #5734 c023d24 Disable the flag check on method without stackmaps Cheng Jin #5736 d1bfe16 Rename j9sig to omrsig structs Babneet Singh #5735 a6fc08c Read new field value before initializing the class Graham Chapman #5640 5ffb324 Add @loader_path/.. to dylib rpath on OSX Mike Zhang #5729 ee4b345 Fix queries for HW and SW read barrier on z Nigel Yu #5647 b64154f Implement z/OS XPLINK system linkage Filip Jeremic #5609 6c794da Move max/minAccessedShrCacheMetadata into CompositeCache Hang Shao #5713 ccf7b34 Delete unused method Dan Heidinga #5728 82a784d Make TEST_FLAG option generic Adam Brousseau #5685 8ec0fec Consolidate CPU processor detection on Z Filip Jeremic #5679 90e2ecb Replaced JAVA_BIN with TEST_JDK_HOME in several tests Longyu #5691 56f8dbf Add (disabled) code to allow runtime compressed refs Graham Chapman #5706 eff6c2b Cleanup after changing of signature of getNextSlotMap() Dmitri Pivkine #5714 eaf2689 Encode the full helper assembly function name in PPA1 Filip Jeremic #5709 44002eb Declare J9RAMVirtualMethodRef methodIndexAndArgCount as volatile Jason Feng #5694 971fdf8 Add new -XX:[-+]NLSMessages option to allow disabling NLS Dan Heidinga #5680 e706394 Revert "Enhance the handling of indexOf in ValuePropagation" Peter Shipton #5723 9b8d4c8 Add null check to cancel_running_builds Adam Brousseau #5700 f3295b8 (v0.14.2-release) Init system property java.vm.specification.version via native Dan Heidinga #5719 5efcd78 (v0.14.2) Add back the _WIN32 case to JNIEXPORT definition Dan Heidinga #5718 170335b (v0.14.2-release) Create two module hashtables with module name/pointer as key Jason Feng #5717 3a46f0e Take only 7 chars of SHA Adam Brousseau #5711 87ed18a Added whitelist to copyright check job Colton Mills #5688 0b14088 Enhance the handling of indexOf in ValuePropagation Andrew Craik #5444 e1f439a Use correct VMAccess helper for JNI dispatch Simon Hirst #5693 1bcef90 Remove references to obsolete flag OMR_GC_STACCATO Keith W. Campbell #5690 bbdd98b Enable building openssl for jdk-next Peter Shipton #5038 3c2528a Silence clang compiler warning in J9ValueProfiler.hpp Devin Nakamura #3150 0758cd3 Fix IllegalStateException in Jenkins pipeline Violeta Sebe #5689 949f37e Disable PPCHWProfiler on IBM i current releases. gaoli #5628 ceccb7e Setup SLACK_CHANNEL rather than SLACK_HANDLE Adam Brousseau #4840 5fb36c4 Strip off https:// from repo address Adam Brousseau #5686 a359313 CMake: Fix platform specific config for compiler component Devin Nakamura #5517 f3e4a98 Create implementations of getNextSlotMap with new signature Dmitri Pivkine #5684 b0d19db OpenJDK Acceptance build support Adam Brousseau #5677 ecd28a9 Fix JNI check to properly handle atomic-free Graham Chapman #5672 19db6b0 Change to ghprbPullId for PR check Adam Brousseau #5683 095e584 Rename GIT_BRANCH variable to SOURCE_BRANCH in DSL Adam Brousseau #5682 8120512 Convert PullRequests to pipeline of jobs Adam Brousseau #2836 4acd33c Disable addJavaPropertiesOptions() in OpenJ9 builds. Peter Shipton #5674 9bdce28 Add the detailed error message for class loading Cheng Jin #5586 fa147d9 Create two module hashtables with module name/pointer as key Jason Feng #5566 23e2259 Handle multiple threads in OSX corereader Mike Zhang #5549 40d50a3 Remove all references to installJitBytecodes() Dan Heidinga #5670 ebc09fb Add MemoryReference forward declaration Daryl Maier #5669 3b2386f Code clean: remove java references to DecimalFormatHelper Dan Heidinga #5666 845f9ca Setting Tr_silentEnv disables printing env vars Dan Heidinga #5662 c70f951 Remove implementation dependencies from J9S390PrivateLinkage.hpp Daryl Maier #5667 51758dd Fix java executable path in OnOutOfMemoryError test Sharon Wang #5655 6c32fb1 Do not generate test jobs if no tests will run Adam Brousseau #5664 7855b88 CMake: enable ddr Devin Nakamura #5591 6719ca8 Optimized JNI linkage on X86-64 Victor Ding #5551 1327be8 Fix logic that determines when to do load without rdbar Yan Luo #5646 49ef6b4 Do not use special constructor for Pointer Array split case Dmitri Pivkine #5641 da7e789 Add displaying disabled tests and reasons in TestKitGen Longyu #5557 767a082 Add runtime compressed refs queries Graham Chapman #5653 fc575c4 Remove unnecessary GCC option on X86 Victor Ding #5406 a6bf540 Refactor OMR Mirror script Adam Brousseau #5652 cf3ffdf Add tests targets to the pipelines variables file Violeta Sebe #5537 e370190 Cleanup AIX pipes Adam Brousseau #5656 cf79f41 HWProfiler can not work well on IBM i gaoli #5552 7ffa22d Miscellaneous updates specific to z/TPF James D Johnston #5642 3ceab6c Modify codegens to call addDependency from CodeGeneratorUtils Daryl Maier #5608 7634f2e Add back the _WIN32 case to JNIEXPORT definition Dan Heidinga #5643 234a6e6 Don't check classfiles >= 51 for JSRs with -Xverify:none Dan Heidinga #5639 9a54df1 Convert offlineNodes to an array of nodes with hyperlinks Adam Brousseau #5635 2673d23 Use OMR build flags in OpenJ9 Graham Chapman #5632 43a81b3 Creating a Jenkins job that will create wrapper jobs Adam Brousseau #5638 b27ff55 Fix compilation error at MAC Jason Feng #5636 9c033bd Fix clean workspaces for old pipeline builds Violeta Sebe #5618 072eca3 Test JVMTI getSystemProperty at early phase Agent_OnLoad() Jason Feng #5622 664c457 Fix TestJps and update String test utilities Peter Bain #5587 28e462c Enable software concurrent scavenge on z Nigel Yu #5183 5602c7d Add support for -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError=string Sharon Wang #5239 20c431c Create jni.h.m4 to generate different versions of jni.h Qing Guo #5504 098e090 Fix low performance of resolving ip address when ipv6 is inactive. gaoli #5572 e5838cc Adding auto generation of test jobs to the pipeline Samuel Rubin #5607 9a7cb90 Relax monitor read barrier assert Aleksandar Micic #5624 e7e58dd Fix for JIT starvation detection logic Marius Pirvu #5616 0e1dbb1 Replace JAVA_BIN with TEST_JDK_HOME for PR builds Joe deKoning #5621 f05dc56 Check for NULL before using target_method Irwin D'Souza #5617 92025ac Replace JAVA_BIN with TEST_JDK_HOME Renfei Wang #5601 a9d1ca7 Restore Escape Analysis refinement Henry Zongaro #5589 7c2e053 Get special-case invokeinterface receiver early Devin Papineau #5500 e97c810 Fix assumption that object header size is one slot Dmitri Pivkine #5594 745f8ce Move _unmarkedImplies* fields from RealtimeGC to delegate Jason Hall #5602 028355d Change tabs to spaces in echo messages for build.xml files Sharon Wang #5596 ff2072f Initialize interface class method ordering Graham Chapman #5603 30188cd Rewrite equivalent of utf8dup to avoid warning on osx Dan Heidinga #5583 6fe088d Locking Code Revision Babneet Singh #5346 c6fffc3 Make DecimalFormatHelper optional James Kingdon #5595 0a08ebb Enable -XX:+JITInlineWatches by default on x86 Dan Heidinga #5598 d3efb67 Fix check in isCompilable() Younes Manton #5400 80b9cd1 Init system property java.vm.specification.version via native Dan Heidinga #5576 7ee40e0 Update libssl path in AArch64 Dockerfile Daryl Maier #5592 b60d5b1 Add new tests to valuetype tests for flattened fields Qing Guo #5165 fd4ed07 Add ulimit to the machine info output in builds [email protected] #5545 7ac5442 Refactor Power::UnresolvedDataSnippet::emitSnippetBody Shishir Halaharvi #5580 448a076 Exclude certain test suites per spec from running in the Jenkins pipeline Samuel Rubin #5562 abc3bd3 Add XLC 13.1.3 to the PATH for AIX pipeline build Violeta Sebe #5574 bf50546 Set os.arch to "x86_64" on MacOSX Keith W. Campbell #5556 dd5e409 CMake add cache file for Windows Devin Nakamura #5560 a0835b1 Modify RealtimeMarkTask for moving to OMR Jason Hall #5547 d887bc2 CMake: Add export symbols to jcl Devin Nakamura #5527 be6b107 CMake: Add exports to j9vm Devin Nakamura #5518 b433fbc Code cleanup related to new read/write barrier kind Victor Ding #5469 4fc7cc5 Set bootjdk to JDK12 for JavaNext pipeline builds Violeta Sebe #5555 4122589 (v0.14.0-release) Set JVM_INTERFACE_VERSION to 5 for JDK12.0.1 Jason Feng #5554 aed485f Respect GC's alwaysCallReadBarrier request on X86 Victor Ding #5482 a8dfadf CMake: fix linkage of j9vm Devin Nakamura #5544 ca93a50 CMake: link gptest against platform agnostic thread library Devin Nakamura #5543 448bbfe Add proper JNI / j9object_t error handling Dan Heidinga #5531 d66aa4a Add watched fields performance work to release Sue Chaplain #5541 2e21064 Add missing Linkage_inlines includes Daryl Maier #5536 db3f9d6 Disable "-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=1" in runtime/rastrace for AArch64 knn-k #5508 5df122f Add shrc generation number change to release notes Sue Chaplain #5511 bad1d4d (v0.14.0) Modify verifier check for unterminated method Dan Heidinga #5529 fd33228 Modify verifier check for unterminated method Dan Heidinga #5528 d38daa3 Don't generate jvmti.h unless jvmti.h.m4 has changed Keith W. Campbell #5521 4232028 Add missing Linkage_inlines includes Daryl Maier #5524 2aa9280 Cache ScavengerDelegate in ScavengerRootScanner Robert Young #4754 aa0a3ea CMake: Put jsig import library in /lib folder Devin Nakamura #5516 13f55c7 CMake: Update jilgen for windows Devin Nakamura #5515 5b07f4d CMake: add OPENJ9_BUILD compiler define Devin Nakamura #5513 89604f6 Pipeline status summary fix for JITaaS builds Violeta Sebe #5519 7ff6d2e Remove scavenger delegate flag--it has no effect Robert Young #5510 fbde4dd Move Realtime BarrierSynchronization into Metronome delegate Jason Hall #5502 a465036 Reference Linkage_inlines files as appropriate Daryl Maier #5506 b040631 Adding a variable to indicate if the cleanup Artifactory should run Samuel Rubin #5505 be7639a Remove aarch64-linux-gnu- from native build knn-k #5451 30d7674 Fix the link to join Slack Peter Shipton #5507 ab4fc8a Update build script to reference new platform name Joe deKoning #5501 d81a32d Suppress Artifactory cleanup failure if the build does not exist Samuel Rubin #5497 f9a7643 Reference Linkage_inlines.hpp files where appropriate Daryl Maier #5495 f3ba875 Remove uses of INTERP_SMALL_MONITOR_SLOT (VM/OMR/DDR) Graham Chapman #5492 3f3beca Add IBM i specific authority determination gaoli #5416 f63e1b5 (0.14.0) Ensure consistency during relocation failure Irwin D'Souza #5463 c014b48 Ensure consistency during relocation failure Irwin D'Souza #5445 cd2f112 Change RAT to lazy clean-up for performance Andrew Craik #5052 be88012 (v0.14.0) Increment the SharedClasses cache generation number Dan Heidinga #5434 f38d529 Fix for compilation error on X86-32 Victor Ding #5488 529ba09 Undo double define Graham Chapman #5491 222a523 Revert "Revert "Revert "Revert "Remove uses of INTERP_COMPRESSED_OBJECT_HEADER"""" Graham Chapman #5490 9da13cb Increment the SharedClasses cache generation number Dan Heidinga #5422 27df834 (v0.14.0) Remove ManagementUtils.convertToOpenType() Keith W. Campbell #5477 87dc197 CMake: link jilgen against omrport Devin Nakamura #5487 d435b3f CMake: Add export symbols to port library Devin Nakamura #5485 428952e CMake: Link hookable against j9utilcore Devin Nakamura #5484 6e7f3f1 CMake: Fix typo in libffi Devin Nakamura #5483 0a8d0a9 CMake: Add export info to targets Devin Nakamura #5436 99c731a Add VM function to query if the JVM supports VTs Take2 tajila #5476 b397af0 Revert "Revert "Revert "Remove uses of INTERP_COMPRESSED_OBJECT_HEADER""" Graham Chapman #5481 c701d37 Revert "Revert "Remove uses of INTERP_COMPRESSED_OBJECT_HEADER"" Graham Chapman #5479 6484eb3 Include compressed pointers flag in m4 defines Graham Chapman #5478 3912b5a Add IBM i specific changes to avoid more incorrect messages gaoli #5417 38b5c73 Add script to clean Jenkins nodes Violeta Sebe #4759 ab06ebe Change the order of libraries to be linked knn-k #5473 0727b85 (v0.14.0) shorten test names lanxia #5474 b3a7395 Support running disabled tests in TestKitGen Longyu Zhang #5366 d5cfff7 AArch64: Implement CallSnippet knn-k #4881 79efdd8 Create jvmti.h.m4 to generate different versions of jvmti.h Qing Guo #4409 2bb5019 Remove ManagementUtils.convertToOpenType() Keith W. Campbell #5468 a18bdd0 shorten test names lanxia #5460 ddd7e65 Removing GCC symlinks from the Ubuntu16 ppcle docker container Samuel Rubin #5456 2b305fd Revert "Add VM function to query if the JVM supports VTs" Peter Shipton #5470 f93d4c8 Revert "Remove uses of INTERP_COMPRESSED_OBJECT_HEADER" Graham Chapman #5467 01ec8bc Revert "Fix incorrect macros in m4 files" Graham Chapman #5466 4e84988 Remove Reporting Locks From Realtime/VLHGC Verbose Handlers Salman Rana #5100 29887df Fix incorrect macros in m4 files Graham Chapman #5465 884e05c Trigger release VM Access hook earlier Aleksandar Micic #5461 4caeb64 Keep iTable indices stable in fast HCR Graham Chapman #5397 2449974 Change Windows Openssl location to match playbooks Joe deKoning #5453 d4b45cd Add VM function to query if the JVM supports VTs tajila #4918 7f7cf34 Remove uses of INTERP_COMPRESSED_OBJECT_HEADER Graham Chapman #5438 c9cfe70 Optimized JNI linkage on X86-64 Victor Ding #5415 85eeef4 Delete jvmti_api.h Dan Heidinga #5441 8aaaa8c CMake: Remove j9util_b156 Devin Nakamura #5446 ce9427c CMake: link j9util against j9stackmap Devin Nakamura #5439 ff1d9ca CMake: Adjust names of redirector artifacts Devin Nakamura #5440 9b02565 Modified ddr test key Yuehan-Lin #5419 2668148 Call different Build and Test jobs based on BUILD_IDENTIFIER Adam Brousseau #5182 28bb421 Remove traceExecutable JIT helper Filip Jeremic #5362 47727ef Replace nullCheckIfRequired with nullcheck Liqun Liu #5377 1c6b3cc Call j2iTransition directly from PIC builder on X86 Victor Ding #4629 cc764b6 Always link portlibrary against rt on linux Andrew Young #5435 8e8be9b CMake: Remove Agent_OnAttach from vmruntimestateagent Devin Nakamura #5437 30c494c Remove obsolete multi-tenant code Dan Heidinga #5428 16c8cc8 AArch64: Add initial version of Linkage files knn-k #5207 ffbee68 Update Build Instructions for AArch64 native build knn-k #5394 e9670e4 Adopt OMR's new read/write barrier kind Victor Ding #3680 6cf892f Changed the Custom Description to paramter in variable file Samuel Rubin #5427 f150204 Explicitly link portlibrary against librt on linux Andrew Young #5425 99e68b8 Revert "Look for additional opportunities for stack allocation" Henry Zongaro #5421 e84e21c Call the Artifactory cleanup script before builds and tests Samuel Rubin #5338 35f8ee6 Allow users to add their own custom build description Samuel Rubin #5347 d507bd4 Fix testCBC and testGCM compatibility with IBM Java Jerry Lui #5423 ccaa639 Auto-detect Visual Studio version Victor Ding #4630 bda9448 Optimized JNI's null parameter check on X86-64 Victor Ding #5413 85d0c0f Remove dead code in JNI linkage on X86-64 Victor Ding #5414 a4c3db2 Update warning message from modes service Renfei Wang #5256 ae025c3 Enable testDDRExt_General on zos Yuehan-Lin #5410 78312ca Use proper MFENCE instruction on X86 Victor Ding #4631 c32212c Fix travis CCACHE warning Keith W. Campbell #5411 e3b5fa8 Add CBC and GCM tests when using an invalid key size Jerry Lui #5404 1c41695 AArch64: Implement arm64nathelp.m4 and arm64helpers.m4 knn-k #5133 4537648 CMake: fix dependency issue for run_cptool Devin Nakamura #5398 35d2c2a Fix Compile warning on Windows for SET_STRIDE Dan Heidinga #5407 42e59a3 Dynamic checkcast evaluation on x86 Yan Luo #5176 fb9bcf3 Adding JDK12 to the docker containers to build jdk13 Samuel Rubin #5352 1b6d7a6 Call j2iTransition directly Victor Ding #4598 1c3e7fc Remove deprecated snippets on X86 [Phase 2/2] Victor Ding #4574 992de9a Add Flattened ValueType Array Implementation Aidan Ha #5161 4d44d7b Build OpenJ9 Linux x86-64 on CentOS 6 instead of Ubuntu Violeta Sebe #5396 581f9de (v0.14.0) Add machine info detection lanxia #5393 6a35610 (v0.14.0) Ignore empty and whitespace VM options Sharon Wang #5392 4fe6371 Add machine info detection lanxia #5384 69c95fe Ignore empty and whitespace VM options Sharon Wang #5353 946ef67 Add links to 'info thread' command for '!j9vmthread' and '!stack' Keith W. Campbell #5382 f6ec374 CMake: Propagate missing dependencies to omrcore Devin Nakamura #5386 42712f7 Add DDR test Yuehan-Lin #5137 9ef06ee Change staccato flag and library usage to realtime Jason Hall #5343 0be0716 Reword release notes for jps and jstack for consistency and clarity Peter Bain #5378 97475f7 Summary badge not shown when the pipeline times out Violeta Sebe #5367 486fd6e Do not show test targets for unsupported release in summary table Violeta Sebe #5376 08ffc66 Add tag for native tests lanxia #5342 2b707c2 Fix decomposition of blob version Keith W. Campbell #5363 7ce3c16 Update windows target version to windows 7 Devin Nakamura #4369 de9fe66 Fix reading of small types (byte, short) near the end of a segment Keith W. Campbell #5365 6970d12 Remove duplicate definition of mcc_printf Robert Young #5369 54da5a5 CMake: fix nasm binary format issue on windows Devin Nakamura #5364 8f5be72 CMake: Stop forcing the values of the compilers Devin Nakamura #5361 8a01c2b Final prep for milestone 1 Sue Chaplain #5355 964d72a Optimize JIT WrtBar logic on X86 Victor Ding #5333 600c106 Do not generate compressedrefs and awrtbari for static field Liqun Liu #5360 bece6cf1 (v0.14.0-release) Module hash function uses J9Module* pointer as key Jason Feng #5356 034d91f Module hash function uses J9Module* pointer as key Jason Feng #5334 8b2925e Reduce the generated file size of TestKitGen Renfei Wang #5319 0239f65 Adding an Artifactory cleanup script Samuel Rubin #4996 38d2cc3 Look for additional opportunities for stack allocation Henry Zongaro #5213 d9f821b Address potential null dereference & memory leak in getEnv2 Dan Heidinga #5340 1fadd1b Add test for VarHandle MethodHandleInfo Peter Bain #4541 c3aee57 Fix MSG directives in Peter Bain #5330 805740a Release VM access hook Aleksandar Micic #5322 8212220 CMake: copy jvmti.h if doing a non-staging build Devin Nakamura #5345 d162fa4 Minor cleanup with forceOutOfLineVMAccess() Aleksandar Micic #5351 52d064c CMake: remove j9vm_jcl_trace library Devin Nakamura #5350 eafd792 Fix the duplicated NLS messages when SH_OSCache::getCacheDir() failed. Hang Shao #5263 ecd11f4 Add utility method to check if we are running on OpenJ9 Peter Bain #5339 70c608d AArch64: Allow both native build and cross build knn-k #5321 f25f2b0 Do not generate compressedrefs and awrtbari for static field Liqun Liu #5316 7f9672e Add Artifactory Install and Configure Documentation Samuel Rubin #5307 6bf7e0d CMake: Properly add nlsgen dependencies to omrutil Devin Nakamura #5341 ebc8723 Remove obsolete JPP flag Peter Bain #5337 2563507 CMake: rework platform handling in port library Devin Nakamura #5268 65ca329 Implement jstack in 0.14 Peter Bain #5336 d12dbf8 Remove reference to gc_staccato which no longer exists Keith W. Campbell #5335 8e54c90 Combine StaccatoAccessBarrier into RealtimeAccessBarrier Jason Hall #5327 6ce5878 Implement jstack Peter Bain #5150 127ba34 Deprecate PRINT_ME and TRACE_EVAL macros on Z Filip Jeremic #5120 787a479 Cmdline option to disable CopyForwardMarkCompactHybrid GC Lin Hu #5282 eadc32a Combine metronome glue delegates into one Jason Hall #5278 706e134 Remove stale allocation fence Liqun Liu #5314 9fb51e4 Use spaces instead of tabs in module-info files Keith W. Campbell #5313 32fb64b Remove stale allocation fence Liqun Liu #5306 36b5de9 Missing Symref for SIMD duplicated Node Ryan Santhirarajan #5309 76146ed CMake: add export symbols to shared libraries Devin Nakamura #5308 f7c3bf6 Clean up PD arithmetic evaluator Nigel Yu #5281 4789ac9 Round up romClassMinimalSize to sizeof(U_64). Hang Shao #5305 a851c8f Round up romClassMinimalSize to sizeof(U_64). Hang Shao #5301 f659113 Missing Symref for SIMD duplicated Node (#5200) Ryan Santhirarajan #5200 010b068 Add test for flatenned ValueType arrays Aidan Ha #5185 0d6eb06 Remove unused EnvironmentStaccato Jason Hall #5293 347cde5 CMake: update include path Devin Nakamura #5298 5d81c0a Remove references to obsolete JPP flag Sidecar19-SE-OpenJ9 Peter Bain #5296 989d8c1 Return NULL instead of throwing when the class name is invalid Keith W. Campbell #5294 5f146b6 Add draft release notes for 0.14.0 Sue Chaplain #5286 a5e60e2 Return NULL instead of throwing when the class name is invalid Keith W. Campbell #5284 dfbbeb7 Combine ConfigurationStaccato into ConfigurationRealtime Jason Hall #5273 45e3344 (0.14) Fix and re-enable vectorized String.indexOf on 64-bit Power Benjamin Thomas (Aviansie Ben) #5287 89b4bd3 Look at field declaring class when verify fields Yi Zhang #5101 162e2cc CMake: Implement final changes to allow for non-staging build Devin Nakamura #5283 82e26ca CMake: On windows link j9realtime against winmm.lib Devin Nakamura #5280 05661ae CMake: Add windows support to the vm Devin Nakamura #5271 cdbb69c (0.14) Avoid checking the class loading constraints with -Xverify:none Cheng Jin #5272 dde0f75 Avoid checking the class loading constraints with -Xverify:none Cheng Jin #5265 825782b Correct format of errno2 output in create Thread exceptions Peter Shipton #5231 43ef147 Use renamed headers in the compiler Devin Nakamura #4928 4b27110 Update conditions surrounding JVM_GetClassName / JVM_InitClassName Keith W. Campbell #5262 9ba8115 Add zNext support Filip Jeremic #5173 fb7d6e9 Combine StaccatoGC into RealtimeGC Jason Hall #5255 cd60b05 CMake: Update libffi to support windows Devin Nakamura #5269 b9fd268 CMake: add windows support to j9util Devin Nakamura #5270 16ca602 CMake: Enable ASM_MASM on windows Devin Nakamura #5267 0eacb06 Use consolidated trampoline space reservation API Daryl Maier #5219 69d4e6d Use spaces instead of tabs in module-info files Keith W. Campbell #5260 687d0d9 Report max storage limits for JIT Data/Code Cache via JMX Lin Hu #5261 9115397 Report max storage limits for JIT Data/Code Cache via JMX Lin Hu #5068 6f357f8 Update build instructions for Mac OS X Keith W. Campbell #5258 3b6cb12 Modify ConfigurationRealtime for moving into OMR Jason Hall #5236 8b2f552 Update JDK12 InterfaceVersion to 6 Jason Feng #5248 866e400 Update JDK12 InterfaceVersion to 6 Jason Feng #5235 5a37383 DDR Extension Test must use '-XstartOnFirstThread' on MacOSX Keith W. Campbell #5252 8809e1b Remove MM_RealtimeAccessBarrier from files moving to OMR Jason Hall #5237 242a087 AArch64: Add VirtualGuardRuntime.cpp to knn-k #5112 80e1557 CMake: specify RUNTIME DESTINATION when installing shared libraries Devin Nakamura #5240 f53b3a1 DDR Extension Test must use '-XstartOnFirstThread' on MacOSX Keith W. Campbell #5233 58935cf Read Barrier for atomics on statics Aleksandar Micic #5234 e15ce6a Don't copy monitor object in Read Barrier Aleksandar Micic #5232 4d3df00 No longer pass VENDOR variables to Test jobs Adam Brousseau #3738 3f6ee92 Do not use instructions unsupported by Z Arch level Daniel Hong #3766 203e79c AArch64: Add libssl files to Dockerfile knn-k #5222 dca0fd6 Remove references to Java 9 build 148 Peter Bain #5229 460e981 Make Class Chains documentation more precise Irwin D'Souza #5174 8cbe269 CMake: Add windows support for m4 generated assembly Devin Nakamura #5228 b65fcc0 Modify EnvironmentRealtime for moving into OMR Jason Hall #5181 aabb63a CMake: Pass VERBATIM option to add_custom_command Devin Nakamura #5227 0fdbf0e Handle NullPointerExceptions in ThreadInfo.from() Peter Bain #5226 0a0e76f Modify MemorySubSpaceMetronome for moving to OMR Jason Hall #5193 859535c Support tagging test with type Renfei Wang #5191 5a353ed AArch64: Update Dockerfile for cross-compilation knn-k #5220

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • openj9-0.14.3(May 31, 2019)

    Eclipse release plan: Release notes: - there are no release notes for 0.14.3 Milestone plan:

    Binaries are available from AdoptOpenJDK. jdk 8: N/A (see jdk 11:

    Release details:

    Branch name: v0.14.3-release Tag: openj9-0.14.3

    Repo SHAs:

    OpenJ9: b8ab016 OMR: b56045d

    Security Vulnerabilities Resolved N/A (see the 0.14.0 release

    For details about the release and release candidates, please see:

    OpenJ9 Changes

    b8ab016 (0.14.3) Explicitly load the module Keith W. Campbell #5959 d90beea (0.14.3) Load GPUAssist.Provider during bootstrap Keith W. Campbell #5929 d90f225 (v0.14.3) Add gc barriers to constant_dynamic resolution Dan Heidinga #5933

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • openj9-0.14.2(May 23, 2019)

    Eclipse release plan: Release notes:

    Binaries are available from AdoptOpenJDK. jdk 8: jdk11: see

    Release details:

    Branch name: v0.14.2-release Tag: openj9-0.14.2

    Repo SHAs:

    OpenJ9: 4b1df46 OMR: b56045d

    Security Vulnerabilities Resolved N/A (see the 0.14.0 release

    For details about the release and release candidates, please see:

    For the list of OMR changes see

    OpenJ9 Changes

    4b1df46 (v0.14.2-release) Add a VMLangAccess method to create threads Jason Feng #5780 72298fc (v0.14.2) Fix the duplicated NLS messages when SH_OSCache::getCacheDir() failed. Hang Shao #5770 d1ad60c Set os.arch to "x86_64" on MacOSX Keith W. Campbell #5771 821f642 (v0.14.2) Disable the flag check on method without stackmaps Cheng Jin #5740 691cbed Replace JAVA_BIN with TEST_JDK_HOME Renfei Wang #5744 09215c3 (v0.14.2) Add @loader_path/.. to dylib rpath on OSX Mike Zhang #5730 4642c2b (v0.14.2) Declare J9RAMVirtualMethodRef methodIndexAndArgCount as volatile Jason Feng #5734 f3295b8 (v0.14.2-release) Init system property java.vm.specification.version via native Jason Feng #5719 5efcd78 (v0.14.2) Add back the _WIN32 case to JNIEXPORT definition Dan Heidinga #5718 170335b (v0.14.2-release) Create two module hashtables with module name/pointer as key Jason Feng #5717

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • openj9-0.14.1(Apr 18, 2019)

    Eclipse release plan: Release notes:

    Binaries are available from AdoptOpenJDK. jdk8 and jdk11 see jdk12:

    Release details:

    Branch name: v0.14.1-release Tag: openj9-0.14.1

    Repo SHAs:

    OpenJ9: 4122589 OMR: b56045d

    Security Vulnerabilities Resolved N/A (see the 0.14.0 release

    For details about the release and release candidates, please see:

    For the list of 0.14.0 OpenJ9 changes see For the list of OMR changes see

    OpenJ9 Changes

    4122589 (v0.14.0-release) Set JVM_INTERFACE_VERSION to 5 for JDK12.0.1 Jason Feng #5554

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • openj9-0.14.0(Apr 18, 2019)

    Eclipse release plan: Release notes:

    Binaries are available from AdoptOpenJDK. jdk8: jdk11: jdk12: see

    Release details:

    Branch name: v0.14.0-release Tag: openj9-0.14.0

    Repo SHAs:

    OpenJ9: bad1d4d OMR: 4a4278e

    The final tag is based on the openj9-0.14.0-rc1 release candidate.

    Security Vulnerabilities Resolved CVE-2019-10245

    For details about the release and release candidates, please see:

    For the list of OMR changes see

    OpenJ9 Changes

    bad1d4d (v0.14.0) Modify verifier check for unterminated method Dan Heidinga #5529 f63e1b5 (0.14.0) Ensure consistency during relocation failure Irwin D'Souza #5463 be88012 (v0.14.0) Increment the SharedClasses cache generation number Dan Heidinga #5434 27df834 (v0.14.0) Remove ManagementUtils.convertToOpenType() Keith W. Campbell #5477 0727b85 (v0.14.0) shorten test names lanxia #5474 581f9de (v0.14.0) Add machine info detection Peter Shipton #5393 6a35610 (v0.14.0) Ignore empty and whitespace VM options Sharon Wang #5392 600c106 Do not generate compressedrefs and awrtbari for static field Liqun Liu #5360 bece6cf1 (v0.14.0-release) Module hash function uses J9Module* pointer as key Jason Feng #5356 65ca329 Implement jstack in 0.14 Peter Bain #5336 706e134 Remove stale allocation fence Liqun Liu #5314 9fb51e4 Use spaces instead of tabs in module-info files Keith W. Campbell #5313 36b5de9 Missing Symref for SIMD duplicated Node Ryan Santhirarajan #5309 4789ac9 Round up romClassMinimalSize to sizeof(U_64). Hang Shao #5305 989d8c1 Return NULL instead of throwing when the class name is invalid Keith W. Campbell #5294 45e3344 (0.14) Fix and re-enable vectorized String.indexOf on 64-bit Power Benjamin Thomas (Aviansie Ben) #5287 cdbb69c (0.14) Avoid checking the class loading constraints with -Xverify:none Cheng Jin #5272 687d0d9 Report max storage limits for JIT Data/Code Cache via JMX Lin Hu #5261 8b2f552 Update JDK12 InterfaceVersion to 6 Jason Feng #5248 5a37383 DDR Extension Test must use '-XstartOnFirstThread' on MacOSX Keith W. Campbell #5252 4911084 AArch64: Add comments for building with OpenSSL knn-k #5206 da9f2f0 DDR: add support for OSX core files Mike Zhang #5127 eabc8e1 Add ValueType support to the MonitorEnter and MonitorExit bytecodes Qing Guo #4955 0e845c1 Fix missing + Adam Brousseau #5214 2b55c0b Set the z/OS 64-bit default OS stack size to 1MB Peter Shipton #5204 0713712 Remove unnecessary UMA_SP_CFLAGS, and the _sp SPECs from gc_glue_java Peter Shipton #5196 da465e7 Extend booleans to the int type in the native Cheng Jin #4569 ac09e02 Add SDK and Testlib Artifactory URLs to description Adam Brousseau #5212 115f888 Export JAVA_HOME in TestKitGen Renfei Wang #5155 1f10a8c Destroy idleGCManager at tear down Dmitri Pivkine #5201 5057860 AArch64: Add entries of helper functions to Runtime.cpp knn-k #4816 af83b37 Set _started to false in shutdownForStats() after exitWriteMutex() Hang Shao #5190 5b54880 AArch64: Declare undefined functions in JIT knn-k #5085 a4cfa38 Salt on Nursery resize Aleksandar Micic #5188 730bbb5 Remove the assertion and return if j9shr_getCacheDir() failed Hang Shao #5202 b241e7f Add Artifactory details for Eclipse OpenJ9 Jenkins Adam Brousseau #4705 d8d9118 Fixed freeing of memory for cudaInfo for JIT GPU jimmyk #5014 b27c23e Enable Concurrent Scavenger on BE Linux for Power jimmyk #5027 27eb090 Improve formatting of threadInfo Peter Bain #4998 c510f91 Disable SVM during Startup Irwin D'Souza #5180 698eb8b Improve the error reporting when j9shmem_getDir() failed. Hang Shao #5151 2a83eac Remove references to Java 9 Build 148 Peter Bain #5177 3046c93 Move to Java 8 extension repo Jason Feng #5186 0077014 Add checks that romClassBuilder is not NULL Keith W. Campbell #5184 927d075 AArch64: Update build instructions knn-k #4696 560409b Replace the incorrect assert with verbose log Annabelle Huo #5171 9294a81 Adopt Java 12 jdk.internal.reflect.Reflection & ASM requirement Jason Feng #5103 0d1225a Extend summary table to include all downstream builds Violeta Sebe #5159 51ded52 Remove reference to libdl.a on z/OS Keith W. Campbell #5192 9cf5826 No longer pass Artifactory details to Test Pipelines Adam Brousseau #5179 21e8e75 Revert "Enable Stack Protect option for 64bit platforms" GitHub #5187 a12900a Modify MetronomeAlarm for moving into OMR Jason Hall #5162 e86311e jdk8: Stop bundling openssl on Linux platforms, and enable on AIX Peter Shipton #5020 3a5b75b Correct the field order for J9DbgROMClassBuilder Keith W. Campbell #5169 7a8bf1e CMake: remove hardcoded references to 'dl' Devin Nakamura #5142 d236189 Add IgnoreDecimalOverflowException codegen flag Filip Jeremic #5166 82a9e37 Make String.indexOf(String) handle compact strings correctly Nigel Yu #4989 57a0ffc Modify HeapRegionDescriptorRealtime for moving into OMR Jason Hall #5125 288be72 Install make 4.1 on CentOS 6 x86 docker slave Violeta Sebe #5152 d9d6aa5 Update modes.xml parsing logic Renfei Wang #5024 7a369a8 Link redirector with on non-Windows platforms Keith W. Campbell #5148 47a7dc2 Modify metronome Scheduler for moving into OMR Jason Hall #4692 fd3b346 Re-implement the logic in arrayConstructor Cheng Jin #4828 1e9dd0a Update the test-suite-failure issue template Peter Shipton #5145 aed0ac9 Enable Stack Protect option for 64bit platforms Jack Lu #4842 e492ddf Deprecate HPR support Filip Jeremic #5042 88ccb82 JDK12 j.l.Class.toGenericString() appends type parameters Jason Feng #5080 c9396a6 Remove deprecated Call/Return IL Opcodes Somesh Sharma #5053 f6ba273 Add J9ARRAYCLASS_SET_STRIDE and J9ARRAYCLASS_GET_STRIDE macros Aidan Ha #5117 9be1d97 Remove unused native and fix tabs vs spaces Dan Heidinga #5141 abed061 Replace j9sock_gethostname with omrsysinfo_get_hostname Peter Bain #5060 6556bf1 Use constant factory for new constant in DDR Graham Chapman #5118 1769bbe Fix temp slot bug in valueType generator tajila #5122 f278274 Fix handling of 'volatile' qualifier Keith W. Campbell #5106 a3d5585 Fix handling of defining accessor and proxy classes in Java 12 Keith W. Campbell #5129 e93b8cd Modify WorkPacketsRealtime for moving into OMR Jason Hall #5119 150d5dd Modify YieldCollaborator for moving to OMR Jason Hall #5121 190f0f5 Update cmake to 3.11.4 on the Docker containers Samuel Rubin #5031 a32086c Bridge methods should also be 'synthetic' Keith W. Campbell #5104 65ba416 Fix tabs vs spaces issues to improve readability Dan Heidinga #5097 82c14e6 Adapt the formatting to remove unnecessary indent level Dan Heidinga #4957 73b2c4e Quiet MultiThreadedArrayCopyTest test case Zhongyi.li1 #5113 b0d46a0 Remove reference to non-existent jar Keith W. Campbell #5075 837b564 Always set crcValid to 0 when doing stale marking Hang Shao #5092 d5a928f Modify UtilizationTracker for moving to OMR Jason Hall #5105 89c9062 Remove static asserts in j9.h Graham Chapman #5111 cfa1b89 Fix DDR parse error Graham Chapman #5110 9b5aab3 AArch64: Add arm64nathelp.m4 in runtime/codert_vm knn-k #5086 0bbbb95 Modify metronome Timer for moving to OMR Jason Hall #5094 e4a2db0 Modify SweepSchemeRealtime for moving to OMR Jason Hall #5091 6f876cb Use a class annotation to prevent instrumentation Graham Chapman #4876 7775dc3 Add missed include in ProcessorInfo.cpp Dmitri Pivkine #5090 66bd708 Modify Metronome ProcessorInfo for moving into OMR Jason Hall #5083 135f0b3 AArch64: Add rules for JIT assembler files knn-k #4979 0296633 use UDATA to replace int to avoid windows compiling issue Lin Hu #5084 ee1034c Reenable disableDeferredWipeout also add deleteDirs Adam Brousseau #4943 61f1ee1 Modified AUTO_DETECT using Yuehan-Lin #5004 e36bb64 Optimize copyforward scheme for abort case and hybrid case Lin Hu #3922 f393700 Modify OSInterface for moving into OMR Jason Hall #5081 c82af85 Check the stack size of a stackmap frame Cheng Jin #4992 98f41b3 Fix calculateFieldDataStart in flat field case tajila #5057 fe31337 Modifty Metronome.hpp for moving into OMR Jason Hall #5064 58b0748 Modify RealtimeGC for moving into OMR Jason Hall #4538 200adb5 Fix VarHandleDesc constructor setup Theresa Mammarella #5003 6259e9f Fix incorrect iTable build Graham Chapman #5072 1af17d3 Modify IncrementalParallelTask for moving to OMR Jason Hall #5062 5da0b06 Final changes for 0.13.0 GA Sue Chaplain #5063 ad68fc5 Remove workaround in Access.defineClass() Keith W. Campbell #4919 15c5880 Changed AUTO_DETECT variable from on/off into true/false Yuehan-Lin #5054 1b67870 Modify IncrementalOverflow for moving into OMR Jason Hall #5056 7f093b5 Modify GlobalAllocationManagerRealtime for moving to OMR Jason Hall #5055 914d634 Fix typo in comment Keith W. Campbell #5059 0e1d67e Modify AllocationContextRealtime for moving into OMR Jason Hall #4758 5462837 AArch64: Enable build of JIT shared library knn-k #5017 df0e936 Fix quoting of LD_LIBRARY_PATH Keith W. Campbell #5006 ee04a23 AArch64: Add files in compiler/aarch64/{codegen,env}/ to knn-k #5035 f0820b5 Separate java.vendor and java.vm.vendor Jason Feng #5041 4bc1ee1 Add option to skip resolver nameserver request Sharon Wang #4988 bf22cdd change instructions about valueTypesTest Qing Guo #4994 0bd089b Enhancement to report any unrecognized options that begin with "-XX:" (Issue2977) Aidan Ha #4435 f54a2e9 Automatically add labels to issue templates Filip Jeremic #5033 d212e8f Create some issue templates for test failures and user problems Peter Shipton #4973 45c6cbc Add exclude files for JDK13 lanxia #5019 094c028 Add Class enumVars and cachedEnumConstants as recognized known object field Yan Luo #4346 378824f Remove test about acmps that involves valuetypes Qing Guo #5015 dd662d6 AArch64: Add #if defined(TR_HOST_ARM64) knn-k #4978 b9f8b69 Remove unused ModuleInfoMerger Keith W. Campbell #5011 bd0a483 Array class can get methods Jason Feng #5000 6eb9685 Don't set JNI symbol's linkage to TR_JNILinkage in directCallEvaluator() Kevin Langman #4893 11a757b Revise tree pattern used to match inline finalizable test Henry Zongaro #4891 d61205d Added AUTO_DETECT part in readme Yuehan-Lin #4997 586b480 Remove definition and uses of J9VM_JAVA9_BUILD Keith W. Campbell #4963 a940e56 AArch64: Add JIT header files knn-k #4856 0f1c499 Change automatic pipeline parameter Samuel Rubin #4990 37feb7b Use standardized branch range queries on Power Daryl Maier #4959 d6d2c44 VarargsCollectorHandle.asType throws WrongMethodTypeException Jason Feng #4977 a49df25 Fail build when there's no test Renfei Wang #4967 078d29a Fix instantiating valueTypes Qing Guo #4929 b9dee51 Remove the unneeded if statement in ObjectMonitor.cpp::spinOnFlatLock Babneet Singh #4844 1bb5803 Change from JAVA_VERSION to JDK_VERSION Adam Brousseau #4951 a1c382e Move auto slot poisoning function to OpenJ9 Daryl Maier #4920 d79f7d8 Use SwitchAnalyzer from OMR Charlie Gracie #4960 01be53f Add ValueType support to the if_acmp bytecodes Qing Guo #4651 0b1db0c Fix NPE for extra_getsource_options Violeta Sebe #4975 c19519c Add AOT upgrades based on SCC hints to the LPQ Irwin D'Souza #4900 aea2396 Add support for AUTO_DETECT for JDK_VERSION, JDK_IMPL and SPEC Yuehan-Lin #4843 86ede4c AArch64: Add files for building AArch64 JIT knn-k #4798 b9b8e76 Update build instructions for OpenSSL 1.0.2 Sue Chaplain #4969 1a1c3e5 Clean up x86 platform specific code in TR_J9VMBase Harry Yu #1613 aa4c536 Release notes for 0.13.0 milestone 1 Sue Chaplain #4884 937a294 JDK12 equals() & hashCode() can't be final methods Jason Feng #4962 e6a673d Prevent crash trying to access module in JDK 8 Dan Heidinga #4956 441b073 Consolidate AOT Relocation Records Irwin D'Souza #4182 2f17a23 Fix vectorized toLowerCase and toUppercase intrinsics on Z Filip Jeremic #4688 91b6fec AArch64: Add initial version of some JIT files knn-k #4815 7a34df9 Disable HPR support in prepration for removal Filip Jeremic #4948 dff29d8 master: Wrap Class.arrayTypeImpl in native frame Theresa Mammarella #4946 dfa16d6 JDK12: implement Unsafe.invokeCleaner Jason Feng #4949 1f48a50 Temporarily support for JAVA_VERSION=SE130 lanxia #4950 76f3005 Max pause TS Aleksandar Micic #4942 48bf675 Load the zip native library earlier on Windows Cheng Jin #4935 352ead0 Run the CryptoTest on AIX for jdk11 and later Peter Shipton #4922 950433e Adding dependency for XML Parser on the Dockerfiles Samuel Rubin #4916 d3b57f7 Add downstream jobs status to Jenkins Pipeline-Build-Test-All Violeta Sebe #4821 8ed255a Decorate Jenkins Pipeline-Build-Test-Any-Platform Violeta Sebe #4820 a230c6f JDK13 bringup - adding pConfig JAVA13 Jason Feng #4877 a5bc5e9 Support JDKnext repo for dependent changes Adam Brousseau #4933 4c9c8f4 Remove references to OpenJ9 attach API classes Peter Bain #4868 3d72cf9 Ensure resolved final methods are called directly Devin Papineau #4860 a7b66be Add J9Symbol API that returns owning class name of recognized field Yan Luo #4697 0d213e5 AArch64: Add support for AArch64 in JIT-related files knn-k #4447 6a39d04 master: Fix memory semantics for Unsafe.getAndSet* Theresa Mammarella #4909 63c4bb8 Do not ignore any relocation records Irwin D'Souza #4892 fd84f82 Update buildspec to use updated Fips libraries Joe deKoning #4923 4029bb6 A fix for TR::CompilationInfo::compileOnSeparateThread() knn-k #4882 d93c279 Rationalize allocation macros Graham Chapman #4878 f91f48f Delete unused jpp configurations Peter Bain #4911 60e1656 Specifying nasm version on x86 centos Dockerfile Samuel Rubin #4906 c367873 Remove referencese to Multi-Tenant isolated classes Dan Heidinga #4915 2163dbd Remove unused method index from various functions Graham Chapman #4874 e129513 Revert "Clean up jpp_configurations.xml" GitHub #4913 22aa915 Update assertion error message for JVM_EnqueueOperation() Sharon Wang #4871 e409ef3 Refactor fold native MHInterpreter Theresa Mammarella #4895 f823cc2 Update Renfei Wang #4898 6cb44f7 Add missing indirection Keith W. Campbell #4905 5139c12 Clean up jpp_configurations.xml Peter Bain #4867 4ab016e Jep334 condy / indy tests Theresa Mammarella #4873 ff57616 Clarify that the signedOff by check is Extensions-only Dan Heidinga #4886 e19be66 Enable openssl support for jdk12 Peter Shipton #4832 2f678b5 jdk11 stop bundling openssl on Linux. Add openssl on AIX Peter Shipton #4291 76a2c31 Revert "Remove definition and uses of J9VM_JAVA9_BUILD" GitHub #4902 f4db0d7 Adding XML Parser to Docker containers Samuel Rubin #4870 36b12f0 Add range check test around profiled guard method test Rahil Shah #4721 2b7b5e6 Remove definition and uses of J9VM_JAVA9_BUILD Keith W. Campbell #4861 d87fb67 Remove duplicate macros between j9nonbuilder.h and j9consts.h Aidan Ha #4791 fcdba2b Add flattening support for valuetypes tajila #4485 278be6c Remove TR::X86UnresolvedVirtualCallSnippet print Devin Papineau #4805 89bc12b Fix group tag in testKitGen Renfei Wang #4866 3a15a74 Add an object sampling hook Charlie Gracie #4618 a0effa2 Create Jenkins jobs from templates Samuel Rubin #4783 9d606fc Fix crash in AOT during field iteration Ben Thomas #4864 c2116cb Clean up of Concurrent Scavenge code on Power jimmyk #4712 0896b9d Migrate randomgen architecture disabling from OpenJ9 to OMR Filip Jeremic #4730 72bf491 Test Java12 MethodHandle changes Theresa Mammarella #4689 f260c09 Jep334 VarHandle and VarHandleDesc Dan Heidinga #4449 d533309 Implement new JDK12 method java.lang.String.indent(int) Sharon Wang #4767 5f9960e Method and tests for jep334 MethodHandle Dan Heidinga #4412 14bf9fd Rename JVM_GetClassName Keith W. Campbell #4836 7d70c48 Methods and tests for jep334 MethodType Theresa Mammarella #4194 655bf0d Implement jps: java process status Peter Bain #4650 988fb06 Enable Symbol Validation Manager on Power Ben Thomas #4841 a703fe0 Add AOT Stats When Well Known Classes Validation Fails Annabelle Huo #4835 1440bcf Methods and tests for jep334 Class Theresa Mammarella #4157 525ba18 Remove GCC 4 from containers Samuel Rubin #4474 56ba11d Prepare JEP331 with an empty implementation Jason Feng #4461 5cc3b1b Methods and tests for jep334 String Theresa Mammarella #4105 394debd Add support for generating SVM relocations on Power Ben Thomas #4777 eead1c5 Temporarily blacklist OMRs SwitchAnalyzer.cpp Charlie Gracie #4831 999c3f6 Ensure _Filehandle does not close if printing to STDOUT/ERR Aidan Ha #4628 f5f7920 Adds cgroup information in javacore below the cpu information section bharathappali #2954 fc88008 Tgc root scan for Metronome Aleksandar Micic #4829 89e9039 AArch64: Implement arm64cinterp.m4 and arm64helpers.m4 knn-k #3559 87e832d Add FileSystemImpl.isSecuritySupported0() Keith W. Campbell #4823 8f6afb3 Fix windows compile error Graham Chapman #4825 1750e04 Utilize perl module to parse playlist.xml in testKitGen Renfei Wang #4785 5ff2865 Allow redefinition of Object in fast HCR Graham Chapman #4714 1d158c2 Add script Irwin D'Souza #4812 910e708 Fix rev-parse to a length of 8 to account for different versions of git Joe deKoning #4819 c071361 Enforce a return value of 0 or 1 for JNI boolean Nigel Yu #4724 adb0506 Fix a bug in packed decimal shift Nigel Yu #4596 1660a2f Revert "Add FileSystemImpl.isSecuritySupported0()" GitHub #4814 1604687 Remove Java 9/10 native supports Jason Feng #4795 2056138 Use count=0 to generate more AOT methods in SCCMLAotMethodOperation test Hang Shao #4804 b7d29e9 Add FileSystemImpl.isSecuritySupported0() Keith W. Campbell #4808 5bb38eb Add a new method for TR_J9SharedCache Dmitry Ten #4801 e53970e Get Method.methodAccessor via reflection of getMethodAccessor() Jason Feng #4802 581167b Fix version conditions for cmake 3.4 Keith W. Campbell #4807 f4c2e8e Add Power-specific relocation types needed for SVM AOT Ben Thomas #4781 4577abf Add further SVM documentation Irwin D'Souza #4762 cea9252 Remove deprecated FrontEnd indexedTrampolineLookup function Daryl Maier #4796 7f3f987 JDK12 JVM_INTERFACE_VERSION workaround Jason Feng #4793 7679698 Remove unnecessary findHelperTrampoline API Daryl Maier #4790 32ff075 Exclude tests for JDK12+ Jason Feng #4794 3d13f4d Increase JVM_INTERFACE_VERSION to 6 for JDK11+ Jason Feng #4773 69efe7f Replace calls to indexedTrampolineLookup with findHelperTrampoline Daryl Maier #4746 7d048d4 Avoid NoSuchFieldError accessing older core file Keith W. Campbell #4761 0823f8f Replace references to deprecated reserveTrampoline/unreserveTrampoline Daryl Maier #4750 742d268 Exclude tests for JDK12+ Jason Feng #4753 8095d80 AArch64: Add buildspec for compressed references knn-k #4749 f55dfa2 Collapse JCL shared libraries into a single version Keith W. Campbell #4748 cb89259 Add support for SVM relocations to Power AheadOfTimeCompile Ben Thomas #4742 3880b4d Fix improper J9Class materialization during IL generation Ben Thomas #4729 7eff4df JDK12 setSecurityManager according to special tokens Jason Feng #4738 6ae0628 AArch64: Add changes for building for AArch64 knn-k #4487 542211d JDK12 add new method java.lang.String.transform() Jason Feng #4745 2024ab3 Add SVM profiled class records for checkcast/instanceof Ben Thomas #4744 821d6f1 Java 12 test compilation Theresa Mammarella #4531 8905442 Use port_file_get_unicode_path() to covert cache file path to Unicode. hangshao #4739 b9bb3c0 Stubs for Constants API (jep334) Theresa Mammarella #4030 b1cb17c Align mutable fields of x86 PIC data Devin Papineau #4604 35c44ea Initialize TEST_FLAG to blank Adam Brousseau #4736 3993c81 Enable SVM during startup Irwin D'Souza #4723 46a2fba Remove callingMethod from getMethodFromName() Devin Papineau #4735 ca17a83 Disable callerClassLoader optimization under AOT Ben Thomas #4727 7ce88fd Fix Java 12 build failures Theresa Mammarella #3980 89b3927 Move CLI scavenger code to the scavenger delegate Robert Young #4625 99e024a Add DigestLoop test class smlambert #4706 1c9beff JDK12: set system properties java.vendor, java.vendor.url and java.vendor.url.bug Jason Feng #4691 a951874 Add assertions for the UTF8 SRPs of J9ROMClass hangshao #4713 4350233 AArch64: Implement unsafe helper functions knn-k #3502 9b73857 Eliminate redundant ClassFromCP/ClassByName records Devin Papineau #4694 234af02 Fix compilation warning and typo Dmitri Pivkine #4711 3d27662 Remove unused legacy hook generation tool Keith W. Campbell #4701 87f128a Avoid unnecessary SVM records for field references Devin Papineau #4695 065a853 allow dollars in identifiers Robert Young #4219 04c7eb7 Modify MetronomeAlarmThread for moving into OMR Jason Hall #4677 a7c819d Software Concurrent Scavenge Support on Power jimmyk #4159 c37238a Fix value Type generator tajila #4656 20f28f6 Ensure return code checked first in MXBean code Dan Heidinga #4683 ffe5c59 Fix SVM Assert Irwin D'Souza #4635 c4bd873 Add test utility methods to get attach API information Peter Bain #4639 4e82d75 Convert TR_J9SharedCache APIs in Optimizer to fej9 APIs Harry Yu #4668 8c8cd12 Run jdk11 cmake build instead of jdk9, add jdk8 as well Peter Shipton #4682 c4ee863 Commonize definitions of jint & jbyte Dan Heidinga #4680 632df90 Compress interface dispatch tables Graham Chapman #4502 a38f641 Provide method name when constructing VarHandleInvokeHandle Peter Bain #4458 6058779 Override the soft file descriptor limit Peter Bain #4442 793f736 Revert "Remove duplicate macros between j9nonbuilder.h and j9consts.h" GitHub #4678 5018efa Symbol validation manager well-known classes Devin Papineau #4666 c436b1f Remove duplicate macros between j9nonbuilder.h and j9consts.h Aidan Ha #4287 c36be3c Create just one JVM shared library Keith W. Campbell #4647 e39a563 CMake: Stop building unused redirector shared libraries Keith W. Campbell #4673 7d38977 Removed unused j9modules.* files Keith W. Campbell #4669 c35378a Deprecate toUpperCase and toLowerCase Lithuanian tests from OpenJ9 Filip Jeremic #4671 9b95547 Add BUILD_IDENTIFIER to Artifactory metadata Adam Brousseau #4102 6121da9 Install gcc 7.3/7.4 from Adopt in JDK12 docker files Jason Feng #4641 3ce077d Remove enter/exit tracing methods Annabelle Huo #4607 8114cc0 Load correct virtualCallOffsetAndIgnoreRtResolve Rahil Shah #4652 9a667d4 Report final field modification by calling runtime helper Liqun Liu #4514 a66c432 Add JAVA_VERSION to JDK_VERSION mapping for Java12 lanxia #4645 ac36c90 Fix pltest on OSX Babneet Singh #4504 37e2d8c Redeliver Escape Analysis changes that were reverted under PR 4145 Henry Zongaro #4616 2f4bf3b Clean up deprecated code resulting from migrating to a unified assembler across x86 Nazim Uddin Bhuiyan #4627 49370cc Remove dead code for obsolete Java 9 'shapes' Keith W. Campbell #4626 0cff4ec Verify JDK12 builds at Mac/Win/AIX platforms Jason Feng #4636 92ba3b3 Revert "Make sure the cache file path is shorter than the OS limit" GitHub #4637 21e6f87 Enable Symbol Validation Manager on Z Rahil Shah #4575 5d06ff7 Remove deprecated CodeCache::initialize function Daryl Maier #4610 b962b42 Fix missing return value assignment Graham Chapman #4615 0760706 Fix unused variable warning when J9VM_INTERP_ATOMIC_FREE_JNI is not defined Keith W. Campbell #4611 9dc74a3 Install gcc 7.3/7.4 from Adopt in docker files Samuel Rubin #4568 72ba6c8 Fold ClassFromMethod into method records Devin Papineau #4529 09e3755 Fix missing atomic-free JNI check Graham Chapman #4602 0467e97 Add options to print a javacore dump to STDOUT and STDERR Aidan Ha #4521 238222d Make sure the cache file path is shorter than the OS limit hangshao #4532 c9f790e Add support for the AdoptOpenJDK Tests repository to Jenkins pipelines Violeta Sebe #4523 4fc974d Add compression option when archiving test natives in Jenkins build Violeta Sebe #4595 41a16ca Relocate OMR CodeCacheManager methods to OpenJ9 Daryl Maier #4591 b5cbd14 Fix NASM routine definition syntax Nazim Uddin Bhuiyan #4583 1e20f44 Add assert fatal for unknown bytecode for JIT Yi Zhang #4581 ef2c317 Use evacuate top to check if CS is active on X86 Victor Ding #4546 87e13c6 Add Jenkins file to cache repositories Violeta Sebe #4554 4cc0017 Supporting changes for Symbol Validation Manager on Z Rahil Shah #4311 456b1f4 Replace enter/exit tracing method with isMethodTracingEnabled Annabelle Huo #4525 b72e544 Suppress echoing commands to build file list on Windows Keith W. Campbell #4374 f83e933 Enable NASM assembler on x86 Linux and Windows Nazim Uddin Bhuiyan #4326 702d910 Fold opening of getBootLayer() onto a single line Keith W. Campbell #4570 06a51ed Add release notes for 0.12.1 Sue Chaplain #4565 a580393 Fix version references Keith W. Campbell #4566 8c10051 Update get source step in Jenkins build to work with reference cache Violeta Sebe #4553 7f89618 Remove deprecated snippets on X86 [Phase 1/2] Victor Ding #3827 9622589 Avoid mishandling of immutable objects that escape in cold blocks Henry Zongaro #4282 f1be62e Delete references to obsolete classes and methods Peter Bain #4563 4f15f15 CMake: Add missing Java 8 natives Keith W. Campbell #4537 fc242e2 Add Linux s390 docker file for JDK12 Jason Feng #4552 f945997 Migrate CodeCacheManager reservationInterfaceCache to OpenJ9 Daryl Maier #4528 90dd8cb Update openssl testing for the 0.12.1 release Peter Shipton #4558 f78546b Fix CryptoTest to accept "native" or "Native" in output Peter Shipton #4555 03a061a Remove obsolete OpenSSL test lanxia #4547 c840a3c Update to load CipherCore Peter Shipton #4551 212a49c Add Linux PPCLE docker file for JDK12 Jason Feng #4550 81aab60 Update relocation for Object Allocation inlining Rahil Shah #4310 44cb059 Pass build extra options from the upstream to the downstream pipelines Violeta Sebe #3737 88fbeaa Add Linux x86_64 docker file for JDK12 Jason Feng #4544 bd19d90 Adding library to ldconfig on ppc64le centos7 Dockerfile Samuel Rubin #4355 c27b410 Move getClassDepthAndFlagsValue to TR_J9VMBase Daryl Maier #4536 b167041 Add logic to specify test with different aot tags Renfei Wang #4499 0d325df Initialize jdk.internal.reflect.langReflectAccess to avoid NPE Jason Feng #4533 add481c Enable cmdLineTester_pltest_aix for java11 Sophia Guo #4517 0b7ba23 Use class chains for by-name class records Devin Papineau #4483 023a566 Make SVM ArrayClassFromComponentClass bidirectional Devin Papineau #4506 e9014775 Updated playlist.xml to use jdkVersion+ Yuehan-Lin #4518 c15db7b Fix InnerPreexistence test bug Severin Gehwolf #4218 20045d1 Fix the test natives binary path in the Jenkins pipeline build Violeta Sebe #4524 ab00772 Removed single line annotation comments from #include directives Filip Jeremic #4515 071bae0 Introduce inner CodeGenerator function to allocate code memory Daryl Maier #4490 9aca17c Combine enter/exit tracing queries into one method Annabelle Huo #4239 0bcb734 Localize releaseCodeMemory to OpenJ9 FrontEnd Daryl Maier #4494 8c636ca Fix jdmpview check for valid logger name Keith W. Campbell #4493 6d7d532 Fix DDR test for free tag Keith W. Campbell #4496 5c6684a Rename J9VMGCRememberedSet to MM_GCRememberedSet Jason Hall #4505 05558fa Updated playlist.xml to use jdkVersion+ Yuehan-Lin #4480 f376fad Consolidate 64-bit vs. 32-bit virtual register handling on Z Filip Jeremic #4378 1cf6e8c Remove now deprecated resizeCodeMemory functions Daryl Maier #4468 83a73ab Number bytecode in the interpreter jump table MarkQingGuo #4388 42fb903 CMake: Put jilgen'd files into the binary tree Devin Nakamura #4497 27bf596 Stop emitting SVM records for primitive arrays Devin Papineau #4491 4be8b8c Fix read of FPC register for z/OS -XCEEHDLR Filip Jeremic #4500 33af56a Remove deprecated FrontEnd CodeCache boundary inquiry functions Daryl Maier #4414 1d2dd47 Provide an OpenJ9 version of CodeGenerator reserveCodeCache Daryl Maier #4457 2e29157 Merge test source directories for Java 9 Peter Bain #4370 b9622a1 Reenable modes service Renfei Wang #4492 75e1258 Use enhanced JIT version generation script from OMR Keith W. Campbell #4418 d988799 AArch64: Dockerfile for JDK11 knn-k #4333 facbeb8 AArch64: Enable env_data64 in buildspec knn-k #4484 d253113 Update release notes for OpenSSL RSA support Sue Chaplain #4489 4906d33 Fix JIT compiler warnings Keith W. Campbell #4390 08a8c62 Reseting TGC scan entity Aleksandar Micic #4478 2dd00ab Removing the -xml parameter from jdmpview help Samuel Rubin #4290 67c4f91 Remove source folder for tracegen Keith W. Campbell #4481 4362334 Update relocation header to support SVM On Z Rahil Shah #4309 b17263d Fix read of FPC register Keith W. Campbell #4477 d7ff5a8 Remove unused legacy tracegen tool Keith W. Campbell #4472 8fe22d3 Revert "Remove references to legacy Java 9 classes" GitHub #4479 b0028d7 Update compiler component to use renamed enums Devin Nakamura #4431 58f42a3 Consume ARM OMRCPU extension file in OpenJ9 builds Daryl Maier #4438 c33d0e0 Remove references to legacy Java 9 classes Peter Bain #4352 312a40a Update subset logic in TestKitGen Renfei Wang #4262 6eddf18 Enable OpenSSL per platform in Jenkins build pipeline Violeta Sebe #4231 2d4c73c Finalise release notes for 0.12.0 Sue Chaplain #4395 04890c3 Combine cmdLineTester_CryptoTest for jdk8 and 11, include osx Peter Shipton #4471 399a021 Comment regarding to setting cpIndex -1 for static field references Rahil Shah #4322 1545c46 Combine cmdLineTester_CryptoTest for jdk8 and 11, include osx Peter Shipton #4450 25cb8f3 Include the error code into Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_stat_Exit2_V2 hangshao #4463 d97c930 CMake: Stop putting hookgen'd files in the source tree Devin Nakamura #4460 d4a2f24 Remove unused imports Keith W. Campbell #4403 c6fc7ba Add libffi preconf files for AArch64 knn-k #4087 05354c7 Travis: Update to build jdk11 Devin Nakamura #4381 9ac3170 Clean up jio_snprintf and jio_vfprintf Peter Bain #4456 3e61a26 Clean up jio_snprintf and jio_vfprintf Peter Bain #4455 ea51e44 Deprecate unused transformStringIndexOfCall Filip Jeremic #4367 a8cb877 Include cmdLineTester_CryptoTest_11 on win, osx jdk11 Peter Shipton #4452 85321f2 Update testSCCMLTests6 to check for cache full message. hangshao #4451 9de40bc Print relo failures by type Irwin D'Souza #4285 df2c181 Include cmdLineTester_CryptoTest_11 on win, osx jdk11 Peter Shipton #4437 90b9e7b AArch64: Add files needed for linux aarch64 build knn-k #4350 36bdea0 Ensure build pipeline compiles test image Violeta Sebe #4439 fc20690 Add TR_MethodCallAddress implementation for x86 Younes Manton #4345 b284f26 Update testSCCMLTests6 to check for cache full message. hangshao #4432 fc42c03 Update FIPS level for zOS Joe deKoning #4444 ceb0362 Delete unused MM_OSInterface Functions Jason Hall #4417 531d3f9 Preserve null check on Unsafe Liqun Liu #4440 1d283b4 Preserve null check on Unsafe Liqun Liu #4429 e38d771 Load test pipeline on node where tests run Adam Brousseau #4434 f31b7f1 Remove realtime gcCycleOn after adding it to OMR Jason Hall #4415 bfb0ca6 Change J9VMGCRememberedSet to OMR's MM_GCRememberedSet Jason Hall #4416 93ddcae Added NULL parent check to SPMDParallelizer jimmyk #4428 65a2c78 Added NULL parent check to SPMDParallelizer jimmyk #4338 8fa9498 Update jdk11 build instructions to use jdk11 as a bootjdk Devin Nakamura #4430 d90fa19 Cherry pick add cmdLineTester_CryptoTest for OpenSSL to v0.12.0-release lanxia #4427 8e36ae2 Update omrsysinfo_is_running_in_container() signature Dan Heidinga #4411 7c773ca Fix the hang during abort and re-enable the gpTest suite on OSX Babneet Singh #4420 641f168 Fix the hang during abort and re-enable the gpTest suite on OSX Babneet Singh #4402 4c0b47d Only run openssl test on openj9 impl smlambert #4421 e9bda20 add cmdLineTester_CryptoTest for OpenSSL lanxia #4376 90ef8b0 Donot process Unsafe call from cold block Liqun Liu #4404 e63052a Don't inline Unsafe.put from cold block Liqun Liu #4405 81622b3 Don't inline Unsafe.put from cold block Liqun Liu #4393 7afd3d0 Avoid unnecessary code patching on X86 Victor Ding #4408 e3b0569 Avoid unnecessary code patching on X86 Victor Ding #4394 0255260 Introduce trimCodeMemoryToActualSize CodeGenerator query Daryl Maier #4373 d429089 Default SubSpace active size API Aleksandar Micic #4230 09e1948 Donot process Unsafe call from cold block Liqun Liu #4389

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • openj9-0.13.0(Mar 19, 2019)

    Eclipse release plan: Release notes:

    Binaries are available from AdoptOpenJDK. jdk12:

    Release details:

    Branch name: v0.13.0-release Tag: openj9-0.13.0

    Repo SHAs:

    OpenJ9: caeb51f OMR: 33a33ff

    The final tag is based on the openj9-0.13.0-rc1 release candidate.

    Security Vulnerabilities Resolved N/A

    For details about the release and release candidates, please see:

    For the list of OMR changes see

    OpenJ9 Changes

    caeb51f Fix handling of defining accessor and proxy classes in Java 12 Keith W. Campbell #5130 a4ab003 Check the stack size of a stackmap frame (v0.13) Cheng Jin #5079 6860f3b (0.13.0) Fix VarHandleDesc constructor setup Theresa Mammarella #5076 9c29044 (0.13) Fix incorrect iTable build Graham Chapman #5073 5f237ef Remove workaround in Access.defineClass() Keith W. Campbell #5067 43c7922 (v0.13.0-release) Separate java.vendor and java.vm.vendor Jason Feng #5043 f5f3812 Revise tree pattern used to match inline finalizable test Henry Zongaro #5009 62875ca (v0.13.0-release) VarargsCollectorHandle.asType throws WrongMethodTypeException Jason Feng #5001 8639600 (v0.13.0-release) JDK12 equals() & hashCode() can't be final methods Jason Feng #4974 511aca4 Disable HPR support in prepration for removal Filip Jeremic #4971 a72c314 0.13: Wrap Class.arrayTypeImpl in native frame Theresa Mammarella #4947 4703b76 (v0.13.0-release)JDK12: implement Unsafe.invokeCleaner Jason Feng #4953 481af61 Ensure resolved final methods are called directly Devin Papineau #4944 d44db0f 0.13: Fix memory semantics for Unsafe.getAndSet* Theresa Mammarella #4912 70780bb Add range check test around profiled guard method test Rahil Shah #4899 99d7bd6 Enable openssl support for jdk12 Peter Shipton #4903 304b8fc Fix group tag in testKitGen Renfei Wang #4890 9d606fc Fix crash in AOT during field iteration Ben Thomas #4864 c2116cb Clean up of Concurrent Scavenge code on Power jimmyk #4712 0896b9d Migrate randomgen architecture disabling from OpenJ9 to OMR Filip Jeremic #4730 72bf491 Test Java12 MethodHandle changes Theresa Mammarella #4689 f260c09 Jep334 VarHandle and VarHandleDesc Dan Heidinga #4449 d533309 Implement new JDK12 method java.lang.String.indent(int) Sharon Wang #4767 5f9960e Method and tests for jep334 MethodHandle Dan Heidinga #4412 14bf9fd Rename JVM_GetClassName Keith W. Campbell #4836 7d70c48 Methods and tests for jep334 MethodType Theresa Mammarella #4194 655bf0d Implement jps: java process status Peter Bain #4650 988fb06 Enable Symbol Validation Manager on Power Ben Thomas #4841 a703fe0 Add AOT Stats When Well Known Classes Validation Fails Annabelle Huo #4835 1440bcf Methods and tests for jep334 Class Theresa Mammarella #4157 525ba18 Remove GCC 4 from containers Samuel Rubin #4474 56ba11d Prepare JEP331 with an empty implementation Jason Feng #4461 5cc3b1b Methods and tests for jep334 String Theresa Mammarella #4105 394debd Add support for generating SVM relocations on Power Ben Thomas #4777 eead1c5 Temporarily blacklist OMRs SwitchAnalyzer.cpp Charlie Gracie #4831 999c3f6 Ensure _Filehandle does not close if printing to STDOUT/ERR Aidan Ha #4628 f5f7920 Adds cgroup information in javacore below the cpu information section bharathappali #2954 fc88008 Tgc root scan for Metronome Aleksandar Micic #4829 89e9039 AArch64: Implement arm64cinterp.m4 and arm64helpers.m4 knn-k #3559 87e832d Add FileSystemImpl.isSecuritySupported0() Keith W. Campbell #4823 8f6afb3 Fix windows compile error Graham Chapman #4825 1750e04 Utilize perl module to parse playlist.xml in testKitGen Renfei Wang #4785 5ff2865 Allow redefinition of Object in fast HCR Graham Chapman #4714 1d158c2 Add script Irwin D'Souza #4812 910e708 Fix rev-parse to a length of 8 to account for different versions of git Joe deKoning #4819 c071361 Enforce a return value of 0 or 1 for JNI boolean Nigel Yu #4724 adb0506 Fix a bug in packed decimal shift Nigel Yu #4596 1660a2f Revert "Add FileSystemImpl.isSecuritySupported0()" GitHub #4814 1604687 Remove Java 9/10 native supports Jason Feng #4795 2056138 Use count=0 to generate more AOT methods in SCCMLAotMethodOperation test Hang Shao #4804 b7d29e9 Add FileSystemImpl.isSecuritySupported0() Keith W. Campbell #4808 5bb38eb Add a new method for TR_J9SharedCache Dmitry Ten #4801 e53970e Get Method.methodAccessor via reflection of getMethodAccessor() Jason Feng #4802 581167b Fix version conditions for cmake 3.4 Keith W. Campbell #4807 f4c2e8e Add Power-specific relocation types needed for SVM AOT Ben Thomas #4781 4577abf Add further SVM documentation Irwin D'Souza #4762 cea9252 Remove deprecated FrontEnd indexedTrampolineLookup function Daryl Maier #4796 7f3f987 JDK12 JVM_INTERFACE_VERSION workaround Jason Feng #4793 7679698 Remove unnecessary findHelperTrampoline API Daryl Maier #4790 32ff075 Exclude tests for JDK12+ Jason Feng #4794 3d13f4d Increase JVM_INTERFACE_VERSION to 6 for JDK11+ Jason Feng #4773 69efe7f Replace calls to indexedTrampolineLookup with findHelperTrampoline Daryl Maier #4746 7d048d4 Avoid NoSuchFieldError accessing older core file Keith W. Campbell #4761 0823f8f Replace references to deprecated reserveTrampoline/unreserveTrampoline Daryl Maier #4750 742d268 Exclude tests for JDK12+ Jason Feng #4753 8095d80 AArch64: Add buildspec for compressed references knn-k #4749 f55dfa2 Collapse JCL shared libraries into a single version Keith W. Campbell #4748 cb89259 Add support for SVM relocations to Power AheadOfTimeCompile Ben Thomas #4742 3880b4d Fix improper J9Class materialization during IL generation Ben Thomas #4729 7eff4df JDK12 setSecurityManager according to special tokens Jason Feng #4738 6ae0628 AArch64: Add changes for building for AArch64 knn-k #4487 542211d JDK12 add new method java.lang.String.transform() Jason Feng #4745 2024ab3 Add SVM profiled class records for checkcast/instanceof Ben Thomas #4744 821d6f1 Java 12 test compilation Theresa Mammarella #4531 8905442 Use port_file_get_unicode_path() to covert cache file path to Unicode. hangshao #4739 b9bb3c0 Stubs for Constants API (jep334) Theresa Mammarella #4030 b1cb17c Align mutable fields of x86 PIC data Devin Papineau #4604 35c44ea Initialize TEST_FLAG to blank Adam Brousseau #4736 3993c81 Enable SVM during startup Irwin D'Souza #4723 46a2fba Remove callingMethod from getMethodFromName() Devin Papineau #4735 ca17a83 Disable callerClassLoader optimization under AOT Ben Thomas #4727 7ce88fd Fix Java 12 build failures Theresa Mammarella #3980 89b3927 Move CLI scavenger code to the scavenger delegate Robert Young #4625 99e024a Add DigestLoop test class smlambert #4706 1c9beff JDK12: set system properties java.vendor, java.vendor.url and java.vendor.url.bug Jason Feng #4691 a951874 Add assertions for the UTF8 SRPs of J9ROMClass hangshao #4713 4350233 AArch64: Implement unsafe helper functions knn-k #3502 9b73857 Eliminate redundant ClassFromCP/ClassByName records Devin Papineau #4694 234af02 Fix compilation warning and typo Dmitri Pivkine #4711 3d27662 Remove unused legacy hook generation tool Keith W. Campbell #4701 87f128a Avoid unnecessary SVM records for field references Devin Papineau #4695 065a853 allow dollars in identifiers Robert Young #4219 04c7eb7 Modify MetronomeAlarmThread for moving into OMR Jason Hall #4677 a7c819d Software Concurrent Scavenge Support on Power jimmyk #4159 c37238a Fix value Type generator tajila #4656 20f28f6 Ensure return code checked first in MXBean code Dan Heidinga #4683 ffe5c59 Fix SVM Assert Irwin D'Souza #4635 c4bd873 Add test utility methods to get attach API information Peter Bain #4639 4e82d75 Convert TR_J9SharedCache APIs in Optimizer to fej9 APIs Harry Yu #4668 8c8cd12 Run jdk11 cmake build instead of jdk9, add jdk8 as well Peter Shipton #4682 c4ee863 Commonize definitions of jint & jbyte Dan Heidinga #4680 632df90 Compress interface dispatch tables Graham Chapman #4502 a38f641 Provide method name when constructing VarHandleInvokeHandle Peter Bain #4458 6058779 Override the soft file descriptor limit Peter Bain #4442 793f736 Revert "Remove duplicate macros between j9nonbuilder.h and j9consts.h" GitHub #4678 5018efa Symbol validation manager well-known classes Devin Papineau #4666 c436b1f Remove duplicate macros between j9nonbuilder.h and j9consts.h Aidan Ha #4287 c36be3c Create just one JVM shared library Keith W. Campbell #4647 e39a563 CMake: Stop building unused redirector shared libraries Keith W. Campbell #4673 7d38977 Removed unused j9modules.* files Keith W. Campbell #4669 c35378a Deprecate toUpperCase and toLowerCase Lithuanian tests from OpenJ9 Filip Jeremic #4671 9b95547 Add BUILD_IDENTIFIER to Artifactory metadata Adam Brousseau #4102 6121da9 Install gcc 7.3/7.4 from Adopt in JDK12 docker files Jason Feng #4641 3ce077d Remove enter/exit tracing methods Annabelle Huo #4607 8114cc0 Load correct virtualCallOffsetAndIgnoreRtResolve Rahil Shah #4652 9a667d4 Report final field modification by calling runtime helper Liqun Liu #4514 a66c432 Add JAVA_VERSION to JDK_VERSION mapping for Java12 lanxia #4645 ac36c90 Fix pltest on OSX Babneet Singh #4504 37e2d8c Redeliver Escape Analysis changes that were reverted under PR 4145 Henry Zongaro #4616 2f4bf3b Clean up deprecated code resulting from migrating to a unified assembler across x86 Nazim Uddin Bhuiyan #4627 49370cc Remove dead code for obsolete Java 9 'shapes' Keith W. Campbell #4626 0cff4ec Verify JDK12 builds at Mac/Win/AIX platforms Jason Feng #4636 92ba3b3 Revert "Make sure the cache file path is shorter than the OS limit" GitHub #4637 21e6f87 Enable Symbol Validation Manager on Z Rahil Shah #4575 5d06ff7 Remove deprecated CodeCache::initialize function Daryl Maier #4610 b962b42 Fix missing return value assignment Graham Chapman #4615 0760706 Fix unused variable warning when J9VM_INTERP_ATOMIC_FREE_JNI is not defined Keith W. Campbell #4611 9dc74a3 Install gcc 7.3/7.4 from Adopt in docker files Samuel Rubin #4568 72ba6c8 Fold ClassFromMethod into method records Devin Papineau #4529 09e3755 Fix missing atomic-free JNI check Graham Chapman #4602 0467e97 Add options to print a javacore dump to STDOUT and STDERR Aidan Ha #4521 238222d Make sure the cache file path is shorter than the OS limit hangshao #4532 c9f790e Add support for the AdoptOpenJDK Tests repository to Jenkins pipelines Violeta Sebe #4523 4fc974d Add compression option when archiving test natives in Jenkins build Violeta Sebe #4595 41a16ca Relocate OMR CodeCacheManager methods to OpenJ9 Daryl Maier #4591 b5cbd14 Fix NASM routine definition syntax Nazim Uddin Bhuiyan #4583 1e20f44 Add assert fatal for unknown bytecode for JIT Yi Zhang #4581 ef2c317 Use evacuate top to check if CS is active on X86 Victor Ding #4546 87e13c6 Add Jenkins file to cache repositories Violeta Sebe #4554 4cc0017 Supporting changes for Symbol Validation Manager on Z Rahil Shah #4311 456b1f4 Replace enter/exit tracing method with isMethodTracingEnabled Annabelle Huo #4525 b72e544 Suppress echoing commands to build file list on Windows Keith W. Campbell #4374 f83e933 Enable NASM assembler on x86 Linux and Windows Nazim Uddin Bhuiyan #4326 702d910 Fold opening of getBootLayer() onto a single line Keith W. Campbell #4570 06a51ed Add release notes for 0.12.1 Sue Chaplain #4565 a580393 Fix version references Keith W. Campbell #4566 8c10051 Update get source step in Jenkins build to work with reference cache Violeta Sebe #4553 7f89618 Remove deprecated snippets on X86 [Phase 1/2] Victor Ding #3827 9622589 Avoid mishandling of immutable objects that escape in cold blocks Henry Zongaro #4282 f1be62e Delete references to obsolete classes and methods Peter Bain #4563 4f15f15 CMake: Add missing Java 8 natives Keith W. Campbell #4537 fc242e2 Add Linux s390 docker file for JDK12 Jason Feng #4552 f945997 Migrate CodeCacheManager reservationInterfaceCache to OpenJ9 Daryl Maier #4528 90dd8cb Update openssl testing for the 0.12.1 release Peter Shipton #4558 f78546b Fix CryptoTest to accept "native" or "Native" in output Peter Shipton #4555 03a061a Remove obsolete OpenSSL test lanxia #4547 c840a3c Update to load CipherCore Peter Shipton #4551 212a49c Add Linux PPCLE docker file for JDK12 Jason Feng #4550 81aab60 Update relocation for Object Allocation inlining Rahil Shah #4310 44cb059 Pass build extra options from the upstream to the downstream pipelines Violeta Sebe #3737 88fbeaa Add Linux x86_64 docker file for JDK12 Jason Feng #4544 bd19d90 Adding library to ldconfig on ppc64le centos7 Dockerfile Samuel Rubin #4355 c27b410 Move getClassDepthAndFlagsValue to TR_J9VMBase Daryl Maier #4536 b167041 Add logic to specify test with different aot tags Renfei Wang #4499 0d325df Initialize jdk.internal.reflect.langReflectAccess to avoid NPE Jason Feng #4533 add481c Enable cmdLineTester_pltest_aix for java11 Sophia Guo #4517 0b7ba23 Use class chains for by-name class records Devin Papineau #4483 023a566 Make SVM ArrayClassFromComponentClass bidirectional Devin Papineau #4506 e9014775 Updated playlist.xml to use jdkVersion+ Yuehan-Lin #4518 c15db7b Fix InnerPreexistence test bug Severin Gehwolf #4218 20045d1 Fix the test natives binary path in the Jenkins pipeline build Violeta Sebe #4524 ab00772 Removed single line annotation comments from #include directives Filip Jeremic #4515 071bae0 Introduce inner CodeGenerator function to allocate code memory Daryl Maier #4490 9aca17c Combine enter/exit tracing queries into one method Annabelle Huo #4239 0bcb734 Localize releaseCodeMemory to OpenJ9 FrontEnd Daryl Maier #4494 8c636ca Fix jdmpview check for valid logger name Keith W. Campbell #4493 6d7d532 Fix DDR test for free tag Keith W. Campbell #4496 5c6684a Rename J9VMGCRememberedSet to MM_GCRememberedSet Jason Hall #4505 05558fa Updated playlist.xml to use jdkVersion+ Yuehan-Lin #4480 f376fad Consolidate 64-bit vs. 32-bit virtual register handling on Z Filip Jeremic #4378 1cf6e8c Remove now deprecated resizeCodeMemory functions Daryl Maier #4468 83a73ab Number bytecode in the interpreter jump table MarkQingGuo #4388 42fb903 CMake: Put jilgen'd files into the binary tree Devin Nakamura #4497 27bf596 Stop emitting SVM records for primitive arrays Devin Papineau #4491 4be8b8c Fix read of FPC register for z/OS -XCEEHDLR Filip Jeremic #4500 33af56a Remove deprecated FrontEnd CodeCache boundary inquiry functions Daryl Maier #4414 1d2dd47 Provide an OpenJ9 version of CodeGenerator reserveCodeCache Daryl Maier #4457 2e29157 Merge test source directories for Java 9 Peter Bain #4370 b9622a1 Reenable modes service Renfei Wang #4492 75e1258 Use enhanced JIT version generation script from OMR Keith W. Campbell #4418 d988799 AArch64: Dockerfile for JDK11 knn-k #4333 facbeb8 AArch64: Enable env_data64 in buildspec knn-k #4484 d253113 Update release notes for OpenSSL RSA support Sue Chaplain #4489 4906d33 Fix JIT compiler warnings Keith W. Campbell #4390 08a8c62 Reseting TGC scan entity Aleksandar Micic #4478 2dd00ab Removing the -xml parameter from jdmpview help Samuel Rubin #4290 67c4f91 Remove source folder for tracegen Keith W. Campbell #4481 4362334 Update relocation header to support SVM On Z Rahil Shah #4309 b17263d Fix read of FPC register Keith W. Campbell #4477 d7ff5a8 Remove unused legacy tracegen tool Keith W. Campbell #4472 8fe22d3 Revert "Remove references to legacy Java 9 classes" GitHub #4479 b0028d7 Update compiler component to use renamed enums Devin Nakamura #4431 58f42a3 Consume ARM OMRCPU extension file in OpenJ9 builds Daryl Maier #4438 c33d0e0 Remove references to legacy Java 9 classes Peter Bain #4352 312a40a Update subset logic in TestKitGen Renfei Wang #4262 6eddf18 Enable OpenSSL per platform in Jenkins build pipeline Violeta Sebe #4231 2d4c73c Finalise release notes for 0.12.0 Sue Chaplain #4395 04890c3 Combine cmdLineTester_CryptoTest for jdk8 and 11, include osx Peter Shipton #4471 399a021 Comment regarding to setting cpIndex -1 for static field references Rahil Shah #4322 1545c46 Combine cmdLineTester_CryptoTest for jdk8 and 11, include osx Peter Shipton #4450 25cb8f3 Include the error code into Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_stat_Exit2_V2 hangshao #4463 d97c930 CMake: Stop putting hookgen'd files in the source tree Devin Nakamura #4460 d4a2f24 Remove unused imports Keith W. Campbell #4403 c6fc7ba Add libffi preconf files for AArch64 knn-k #4087 05354c7 Travis: Update to build jdk11 Devin Nakamura #4381 9ac3170 Clean up jio_snprintf and jio_vfprintf Peter Bain #4456 3e61a26 Clean up jio_snprintf and jio_vfprintf Peter Bain #4455 ea51e44 Deprecate unused transformStringIndexOfCall Filip Jeremic #4367 a8cb877 Include cmdLineTester_CryptoTest_11 on win, osx jdk11 Peter Shipton #4452 85321f2 Update testSCCMLTests6 to check for cache full message. hangshao #4451 9de40bc Print relo failures by type Irwin D'Souza #4285 df2c181 Include cmdLineTester_CryptoTest_11 on win, osx jdk11 Peter Shipton #4437 90b9e7b AArch64: Add files needed for linux aarch64 build knn-k #4350 36bdea0 Ensure build pipeline compiles test image Violeta Sebe #4439 fc20690 Add TR_MethodCallAddress implementation for x86 Younes Manton #4345 b284f26 Update testSCCMLTests6 to check for cache full message. hangshao #4432 fc42c03 Update FIPS level for zOS Joe deKoning #4444 ceb0362 Delete unused MM_OSInterface Functions Jason Hall #4417 531d3f9 Preserve null check on Unsafe Liqun Liu #4440 1d283b4 Preserve null check on Unsafe Liqun Liu #4429 e38d771 Load test pipeline on node where tests run Adam Brousseau #4434 f31b7f1 Remove realtime gcCycleOn after adding it to OMR Jason Hall #4415 bfb0ca6 Change J9VMGCRememberedSet to OMR's MM_GCRememberedSet Jason Hall #4416 93ddcae Added NULL parent check to SPMDParallelizer jimmyk #4428 65a2c78 Added NULL parent check to SPMDParallelizer jimmyk #4338 8fa9498 Update jdk11 build instructions to use jdk11 as a bootjdk Devin Nakamura #4430 d90fa19 Cherry pick add cmdLineTester_CryptoTest for OpenSSL to v0.12.0-release lanxia #4427 8e36ae2 Update omrsysinfo_is_running_in_container() signature Dan Heidinga #4411 7c773ca Fix the hang during abort and re-enable the gpTest suite on OSX Babneet Singh #4420 641f168 Fix the hang during abort and re-enable the gpTest suite on OSX Babneet Singh #4402 4c0b47d Only run openssl test on openj9 impl smlambert #4421 e9bda20 add cmdLineTester_CryptoTest for OpenSSL lanxia #4376 90ef8b0 Donot process Unsafe call from cold block Liqun Liu #4404 e63052a Don't inline Unsafe.put from cold block Liqun Liu #4405 81622b3 Don't inline Unsafe.put from cold block Liqun Liu #4393 7afd3d0 Avoid unnecessary code patching on X86 Victor Ding #4408 e3b0569 Avoid unnecessary code patching on X86 Victor Ding #4394 0255260 Introduce trimCodeMemoryToActualSize CodeGenerator query Daryl Maier #4373 d429089 Default SubSpace active size API Aleksandar Micic #4230 09e1948 Donot process Unsafe call from cold block Liqun Liu #4389

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • openj9-0.12.1(Feb 4, 2019)

    Eclipse release plan: Release notes:

    Binaries are available from AdoptOpenJDK. jdk8: jdk11:

    Release details:

    Branch name: v0.12.1-release Tag: openj9-0.12.1

    Repo SHAs:

    OpenJ9: 90dd8cb40 OMR: d2f4534b

    Security Vulnerabilities Resolved N/A

    For details about the release and release candidates, please see:

    For the list of OMR changes see

    OpenJ9 Changes

    90dd8cb Update openssl testing for the 0.12.1 release Peter Shipton #4558

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • openj9-0.12.0(Jan 31, 2019)

    Eclipse release plan: Release notes:

    Binaries are available from AdoptOpenJDK. jdk8: jdk11:

    Release details:

    Branch name: v0.12.0-release Tag: openj9-0.12.0

    Repo SHAs:

    OpenJ9: 04890c300 OMR: d2f4534b

    Security Vulnerabilities Resolved CVE-2018-12547 CVE-2018-12548 CVE-2018-12549

    The final tag is based on the openj9-0.12.0-rc2 release candidate.

    For details about the release and release candidates, please see:

    For the list of OMR changes see

    OpenJ9 Changes

    04890c3 Combine cmdLineTester_CryptoTest for jdk8 and 11, include osx Peter Shipton #4471 9ac3170 Clean up jio_snprintf and jio_vfprintf Peter Bain #4456 a8cb877 Include cmdLineTester_CryptoTest_11 on win, osx jdk11 Peter Shipton #4452 85321f2 Update testSCCMLTests6 to check for cache full message. hangshao #4451 531d3f9 Preserve null check on Unsafe Liqun Liu #4440 93ddcae Added NULL parent check to SPMDParallelizer jimmyk #4428 d90fa19 Cherry pick add cmdLineTester_CryptoTest for OpenSSL to v0.12.0-release lanxia #4427 7c773ca Fix the hang during abort and re-enable the gpTest suite on OSX Babneet Singh #4420 90ef8b0 Donot process Unsafe call from cold block Liqun Liu #4404 e63052a Don't inline Unsafe.put from cold block Liqun Liu #4405 7afd3d0 Avoid unnecessary code patching on X86 Victor Ding #4408 2257659 Add new draft user documentation URL site Sue Chaplain #4396 018b822 Fix Java_VMBench_GPTests_GPTest_gpHardwareFloat Peter Bain #4380 f3b3b82 Fixing Clinit - Class initialization on P Alen Badel #4365 9a71b81 Update JIT bytecode enum to match a change from VM Yi Zhang #4344 cec0909 Anchor arguments of MethodHandle invoke before expansion Liqun Liu #4357 07df94b Set inlined index on BCDCHK node for AOT relocation Nigel Yu #4386 acb728d Turn off Unsafe illegal write notification Liqun Liu #4383 b5e3c2a DDR: Fix printing of class static field values Keith W. Campbell #4366 f48a0d3 Travis: update to xenial Devin Nakamura #4368 4e3d1cb Misc. CodeCache and Trampoline cleanup Daryl Maier #4143 176961a Use the appropriate JIT API when enabling field watches Graham Chapman #4361 af71e16 Disable DAA optimization in AOT mode Nigel Yu #4354 bdffa78 Fix compile error Graham Chapman #4359 3b146d1 Fixes for JVM_CopySwapMemory Graham Chapman #4342 50976f7 Set job variables for PR builds based on PR case not build case Adam Brousseau #4017 add9c16 Remove useless forward declarations Keith W. Campbell #4356 78b5daf Fix vmcheck exclusions Peter Bain #4336 162393f Delete package-private getChars( byte[]) method Dan Heidinga #4349 66df6cf Add xfvb to Docker agent containers Samuel Rubin #4329 1c77628 Unify processor detection on Z Filip Jeremic #3956 454fdab Whitespace cleanup Graham Chapman #4343 c4bb0bb Fix implementation of String.codePoints() Keith W. Campbell #4321 da66029 JIT's TR_J9ByteCode enum must be kept in sync to these indices Dan Heidinga #4341 a848031 Respect resolving static method low-tag on X86-32 Victor Ding #4325 c1d6f09 Respect resolving static method low-tag on X86-64 Victor Ding #4324 6b6c2c8 Add missing checks on data array for getChars Liqun Liu #4224 8eb6f83 Remove unnecessary gcc-specific optimization flags Nazim Uddin Bhuiyan #4156 2e56fb4 Add test for invokestatic blocking on clinit Graham Chapman #4319 92e9b4b Initial implementation of JVM_CopySwapMemory Graham Chapman #4328 ee2036a Add depends:infra and jdk12 related labels Dan Heidinga #4332 e98a3a1 Remove out of date "Source Control Header" comment Dan Heidinga #4331 57442bd Fix jep178_staticLinking test on OSX Babneet Singh #4318 59338a7 Update playlist for the access check on module CHENGJin #4327 5a214da Remove hardcoded system property java.util.prefs.PreferencesFactory Jason Feng #4303 91e786a Exclude test variants of testSoftMxDisclaimMemory Babneet Singh #4314 db1cc54 Enable thrstatetest on OSX Babneet Singh #4149 d272e3a Switch Linux platforms to compile with gcc 7 Peter Shipton #4305 8092f52 Release notes for 0.12.0 milestone 2 Sue Chaplain #4215 3bbd136 Turn off Java9 xLinux and zos from Axxon builds Adam Brousseau #4308 a12b04a Add test to check jnCrypto library loaded smlambert #4300 4a0a8f6 Fix openj9.gpu gpuAssist() AccessControlException Jason Feng #4288 dd0d4fd Remove unused parameters from call-in functions Graham Chapman #4273 4d40830 Use NASM assembler on x86-64 Windows and update NASM set-up process on OSX and xLinux makefiles Nazim Uddin Bhuiyan #3459 0dd5b12 Use new API for data breakpoints Graham Chapman #4294 03dec61 Ensure boolean JNI methods on Power produce a result of zero or one Ryan Santhirarajan #4243 9578b8e Fix checking method handle access Peter Bain #3592 a577adf Fix the access check in findSpecial CHENGJin #3978 c0196f5 Fix spelling Aleksandar Micic #4240 375a092 Switch to guarded static final field folding for VarHandle Liqun Liu #4263 4702476 Disable OMR_THR_YIELD_ALG on MacOS Babneet Singh #3921 c2c5729 Fix rdbar/wrtbar X86 evaluators for field watch Yi Zhang #4177 6e9f5ff Enforce rule override for .S files on zLinux 32 bit for libffi Violeta Sebe #4289 58fdae2 Use strip '-t' option to remove debug symbols Keith W. Campbell #4286 cd026c7 Implement X86 codegen support for dynamic array clone Yan Luo #4179 7f56b6b Remove references to WIN32_IBMC Peter Bain #4280 d9b5802 Optimized unresolved static/special glue on X86-32 Victor Ding #4248 bd4691c Add new jit hook jitFlushCompilationQueue Yi Zhang #4252 184f00e Enable JITInlineFieldwatch when option specified Yi Zhang #4253 dbefa63 Optimized unresolved static/special glue on X86-64 Victor Ding #4249 6f70898 Revert "Use strip '-r' option to retain external symbols" GitHub #4284 827f255 Use strip '-r' option to retain external symbols Keith W. Campbell #4276 030df22 Use a set in SymbolValidationManager::recordExists Devin Papineau #4259 1ed9760 Create fewer ClassInstanceOfClass records Devin Papineau #4260 ffbffce Fold VarHandle held in static final fields with fear Liqun Liu #2885 eca2cd9 Revert "Fix incorrect -Xdump:dump:defaults output" GitHub #4257 d36f0b3 AIX: strip symbols and debugging information from shared libraries Keith W. Campbell #4229 763a8cc Remove unused constants: J9Init* Keith W. Campbell #4233 16eaa1c Don't turn off OSR for Quad Liqun Liu #3946 bcee0ea Disable SCC by default on all platforms for the 0.12.0 release Dan Heidinga #4227 ad6dd24 Generate ProfiledClassRecord for new classes only Devin Papineau #4226 1ae614d Remove varargs from try / catch handles in MHs.catchException Dan Heidinga #4223 2c96d61 Throw ClassCastException for Byte to char during invocation Jack Lu #3996 066af9b Read barrier verification Shubham Verma #4037 0b5606d Reformat Pipeline-Build-Test-All Violeta Sebe #4220 4160b63 Declare and implement helper method J9ClassEnv isEnumClass Yan Luo #4189 4132ae3 Clarity: replace storeValidationRecordIfNecessary Devin Papineau #4181 dabbfd6 Ensure boolean JNI methods on x86 produce a result of zero or one Henry Zongaro #4086 a7c7fb8 Query node property to catch loads in runFEMacro Yi Zhang #4185 ba36fc7 Verify VarHandle class initialization Jason Feng #4192 6f1a877 cmake: explicitly add OMR_PLATFORM compile options to TR Robert Young #4209 8ae5966 Fix compile error Aleksandar Micic #4213 9245ae0 Fix tools for formatting tracepoints Keith W. Campbell #4211 8d181eb Heap size startup hints Aleksandar Micic #4168 6be82a8 Add missing platform check for defining NASM_ASSEMBLER macro Nazim Uddin Bhuiyan #4204 b5fb4ca Use NASM assembler on x86-64 Linux Nazim Uddin Bhuiyan #3293 2c13d40 Fix the OpenJDK11 build instructions for macOS Sue Chaplain #3989 46dbded VarHandles class initialization Peter Bain #3928 8b82afb Update the linux,osx openssl version to 1.1.1.a Peter Shipton #4115 761ff93 Improve robustness of checking tags of allocated memory blocks Keith W. Campbell #4191 46257f0 Enable gcc-7 on zLinux 64bits platforms Violeta Sebe #3612 93c622c Verify type of MethodHandle.catchException()'s exType argument Peter Bain #4171 86d4e6a Use named constant instead of magic number Graham Chapman #4190 f8231ed CMake: add j9vm_jdk11 Devin Nakamura #4043 4abcaf7 Guarantee functional correctness of rdbar/wrtbar Yi Zhang #4009 43d93bd Remove unused code in j9sock library Babneet Singh #3962 ce17222 Cache repeatedly fetched values in SVM Devin Papineau #4178 788ea0f Remove semicolon from SVM_ASSERT_ALREADY_VALIDATED Devin Papineau #4180 763c1f4 Abort AOT load for field watch Yi Zhang #4174 12488e5 Remove unsupported compiler options for clang Peter Bain #4118 ba85e60 Reimplement getMethodFromName around other queries Devin Papineau #4175 007dd52 z/TPF Compilation Failure on a2e translation wrapper James D Johnston #4155 bbe9e12 Lazily initialize class pointers on Compilation Devin Papineau #4111 6a60722 Define a guaranteed ID for null in the SVM Devin Papineau #4172 c5c6361 Release VM Access at end of JVM_ArrayCopy Peter Bain #4165 2f2d9a6 With no SVM, fail AOT Load on invalid inlined site Irwin D'Souza #4163 74ae464 Add symbols of guaranteed IDs to _seenSymbolsSet Devin Papineau #4170 75196ac Track and check types for SVM symbol IDs Devin Papineau #4164 5f20e8e Add static symbol for constant pool address Yi Zhang #4027 9f2ea2c Reorder interpreter jump targets for performance Peter Bain #4133 4f34b42 Revert recent EscapeAnalysis changes from PR 2752 Henry Zongaro #4145 1359ab6 Change cache directory default permission on OpenJ9 hangshao #4025 3307234 Eliminate enableLateCleanFolding Option flag Daryl Maier #4142 b5587e7 Enable options for idle tuning when running in container Ashutosh Mehra #3228 35cd7d7 Remove unused JIT debug stats Daryl Maier #4121 01f64f7 Backout AOT heuristic on PPC Marius Pirvu #4132 c3c9fff Enable Concurrent Scavenge on Windows X86-64 Victor Ding #4109 6e4a6eb Updated x86 centos6 dockerfile Colton Mills #3912 f7140c7 Properly setup C stack shape on X86-64 Windows Victor Ding #4107 1e7ab9b Store the SVM ID to symbol mapping as a vector Devin Papineau #4110 f7c31ad Add 0.12.0 rel notes that reflect Dec ms 1 Sue Chaplain #4076 5a7cb2a Fix stack shape calling out from JIT helpers on X86 Victor Ding #4106 3d499e2 Add GC map for loading J9Class for rd/wrtbar Yi Zhang #3991 9cc43bd VM change: Store GC hints into the shared cache hangshao #3908 8ddcc92 remove -Xdump:none and add verbosegclog for all SoftMx tests lanxia #4116 62294e1 Remove unused MT helpers Dan Heidinga #4119 5208fa7 Properly find machine base pointer from C stack on X86 Victor Ding #4101 cc82afd Support AOT testing Renfei Wang #4096 a6bb1f3 Add stub method Java_sun_management_FileSystemImpl_init0 Jason Feng #4103 a07bc82 Perform AOT compilation at cheap warm level Marius Pirvu #4068 ab5726f Convert more SVM assertions to use SVM_ASSERT Devin Papineau #4099 738015f Fix j9sysinfo_testProcessorInfo for OSX Babneet Singh #4015 ebcd98d Add cfdump -x support for bytecodes 203 and 204 Andrew Crowther #3983 b7ab3df Remove unused metaDataStats debug facility Daryl Maier #4112 41c87d0 Added Docker README Colton Mills #4070 dad96cf Deleted known_hosts file Colton Mills #3696 0fc198b Add support for jdk12 to pipeline variables Adam Brousseau #4066 fdba8de Remove unused import Keith W. Campbell #4057 353ac57 Enable class sharing by default on OSX hangshao #4079 80b6515 Add extra assertions for atomic non-helpers on Power Henry Zongaro #3856 021df6e Check that SVM symbol <-> ID lookups succeed Devin Papineau #4074 9ba07a2 Use regular getClassClassPointer() when using SVM Devin Papineau #4077 c1f1d0f Fix MethodFromClassAndSigRecord parameter order Devin Papineau #4075 ccff69b Extract defineGuaranteedID() method in SVM Devin Papineau #4072 18d5a7c Fix anewarray AOT bug Irwin D'Souza #4047 883589b Consolidate Relocation Records Irwin D'Souza #3679 7be18fb Truncate unsafe.getBoolean tajila #4045 1e5e8a8 Add level special into TKG Renfei Wang #4081 82c8e95 Temporarily excluded thrstatetest until the issue is fixed on osx lanxia #4082 cdf2484 Look for additional opportunities for stack allocation Henry Zongaro #2752 777381f Remove duplicate '/' in path Keith W. Campbell #4062 c96d174 Add name to enum to fix DDR Gen problem Dmitri Pivkine #4071 ecd80ed Add test for 64-bit OOL spill on 31-bit Filip Jeremic #4044 3f4c738 Remove deprecated BCD logic Daryl Maier #4067 4682573 Better code sharing for TGC root scan times Aleksandar Micic #4061 619f8eb Fix Inlined Method Relocations Irwin D'Souza #3828 37c170c Generate readbar and write bar when ilgen Yi Zhang #4010 0949b24 Add openssl support for jdk8 on osx Joe deKoning #4031 f9ab45b Add bootjdk11 OSX Adam Brousseau #3997 d762f28 Updated gcc-7 install for centos7 Colton Mills #4060 4aaddf4 Use uint64_t for timestamps Aleksandar Micic #4058 d977f95 Updated job build description Colton Mills #4059 0deaca0 Apply -Xshareclasses:destroyAll only when JDK_IMPL=openj9 or ibm Renfei Wang #3982 e45ac33 re-enable cmdLineTester_classesdbgddrext_aix lanxia #4036 ec84e54 Enable TGC root scan times for Metronome Aleksandar Micic #4016 f27fedf Add SVM_ASSERT* macros Devin Papineau #4007 63384c1 Add libXi libXrandr to ppc64le & s390x Dockerfiles for jdk12+ Adam Brousseau #4052 9469f1e Add libXi libXrandr to Cent6 Dockerfile for jdk12+ Adam Brousseau #4048 58ac1f7 Enable option to build OSX for JDK8 Adam Brousseau #4051 a6cc57c Enable OpenSSL for JDK11 on zLinux Keith W. Campbell #4020 d47526b Remove inconsistant DDR !dumppackage test requirement Andrew Crowther #4034 7dda41a CMake: Don't append version suffix for jextractnatives Devin Nakamura #4041 3f21c8f Remove unused definePackage() Peter Bain #4033 3f7f5e8 Added script to build docker images Colton Mills #3884 b1365ac Consolidate implementations of RegisterIterators in OMR Pavel Samolysov #2936 3ca6d75 Rename Runtime.hpp to J9Runtime.hpp Devin Nakamura #4012 a4c3b1f Fix RegisterIterator build break Daryl Maier #4014 74ba28d Provide CPU time when no user time at OSX like zOS & Linux Jason Feng #4021 30b1aba Rearrange yaml file properties for osx extra_configure_options Joe deKoning #4022 59592d6 Re-enable ContendedFieldsTests on MacOS Peter Bain #4018 507bb13 Set Mac OS system properties java.awt.graphicsenv etc. Jason Feng #3998 730466c Remove obsolete jcl MAX link Jason Feng #4006 af6978b Re-enable DDR for AIX Keith W. Campbell #3995 e3ebde7 Add tests for the ddr !dumppackage command Andrew Crowther #3357 01dc0c7 Fix GPU sorting of large arrays Keith W. Campbell #4023 c34f048 Enable openssl on OSX for JDK8 & JDK11 Joe deKoning #3993 b8dac40 Enable -fno-strict-aliasing on all JIT platforms Peter Bain #4019 e713649 Reduce size of *.i files Keith W. Campbell #4013 bc0e9ba Fix invalid option definitions causing crashes in the JIT Filip Jeremic #3965 6881626 Enable openssl on JDK11 for Windows,pLinux and xLinux Joe deKoning #3992 bfcffbf Add extra dependency to CHelper to preserve HPRs Nigel Yu #4002 3b90ef7 Remove Java 9 code from classes not used by Java 9 Peter Bain #4008 a7164ff Update comment for a no-op implementation Jason Feng #3987 a5fdb42 Require interface in resolveInterfaceMethodRefInto Devin Papineau #4003 5598a16 Fix sigxfszHandlingTests on OSX Babneet Singh #3818 a39386d Add MacOS j9sysinfo cache line size function Peter Bain #3906 ce20095 Remove unused SVM validation kinds Devin Papineau #3977 9e0fdcb Enable more AIX and z/OS specs Violeta Sebe #3990 2a8713c Fix j9sysinfo_testMemoryInfo for OSX Babneet Singh #3963 0df674b CMake: Add support for NLS and CP tools Devin Nakamura #3675 1fc149f Check arity of array classes Peter Bain #3974 8b5be51 Add tests for the ddr !dumpmodules command Andrew Crowther #3356 e278b3a Stop adding ext repo shas to omr promote tag Adam Brousseau #3979 bda910f Travis: Increase ccache size to 1 GB Devin Nakamura #3972 568b620 Validate class chain for defining class of static Devin Papineau #3706 9bc9a99 Don't build JitBuilderRecorder files from OMR yet Mark Stoodley #3967 842f12f Enable jvmnativestest Sophia Guo #3934 7912f2f Enable VerboseVerification Test Sophia Guo #3949 82d9955 Add test setUp/tearDown to TKG Renfei Wang #3950 0f2c423 Temporarily exclude libpathTestRtf and libpathTestRtfChild tests on OSX Babneet Singh #3948 451b01e Refactor MH.bind to use standard handle search Jack Lu #3423 8af30dc Remove unwanted stddef.h that clashes with compiler-provided version Keith W. Campbell #3952 58eb0bf Enable COMPUTED_GOTO on Windows CHENGJin #3953 e18e79b Add ddr dumppackage command Andrew Crowther #3107 7038b98 Remove redundant export groups Keith W. Campbell #3943 52d3626 Add GITHUB_SERVER to build with slack function call Adam Brousseau #3951 e623425 Preserve NULLCHK before anchoring children Liqun Liu #3929 8a1b7dc Expand MethodHandle invoke calls after walker Liqun Liu #3877 d364857 Enable class sharing by default on all openj9 builds except OSX hangshao #3858 bc8d933 Avoid NPEs running 'info system' when no JRE is found Keith W. Campbell #3931 87223bf Fix instance/static field resolution confusion Graham Chapman #3920 f94dd0e Change to bootjdk11 for java11,next Adam Brousseau #3938 36e28d2 Enable more specs for PPC and PPC LE Violeta Sebe #3936 67dcc79 Improve String split performance for single escaped meta character Yan Luo #3521 aa815c8 Add GITHUB_SERVER to build with slack function call Adam Brousseau #3935 cea5191 Fix and use withfield in value type tests Andrew Crowther #3925 4a8fdd0 Determine Github server based on OpenJ9 repo Adam Brousseau #3932 4ca1a04 Remove usage of deprecated generation function on X86 Victor Ding #3914 8c4e124 Return the same helper index on method symbol Yi Zhang #3919 cdc6743 Move Pipeline job execution inside timestamps block Adam Brousseau #3927 ba914ba Also define PERSONAL_BUILD in Build jobs Adam Brousseau #3926 8ca674a Set Github commit status in Pipeline builds Adam Brousseau #3739 f463c1d Use potentialOSRPointHelper call as OSR point marker Liqun Liu #3744 dfc97d9 Fix typo: USE_COMPUTED_GOTO for gcc 7 on zLinux Keith W. Campbell #3913 9fa2e75 add osx in NON_WINDOWS_PLATFORMS lanxia #3907 925f042 Enable more specs for x86 and Linux 390 Violeta Sebe #3905 4c1a8bf Add build instructions for OpenJDK8 for macOS Sue Chaplain #3772 b04740c Restore legacy Lookup.checkClassModuleVisibility() for legacy Java 9 … Peter Bain #3910 c95f176 set javac encoding lanxia #3900 1e386d4 Check for MODULE access on MethodHandle Peter Bain #3487 c2ed71e Fix unsafe and JNI bool writes and returns tajila #3896 558931e Added ubuntu18 ppc64le Dockerfile Colton Mills #3749 6a2a96f Added ubuntu18 x86 Dockerfile Colton Mills #3759 671902e Updated ppc64le ubuntu16 Dockerfile Colton Mills #3546 08634cd Temporarily disable ContendedFieldsTests on osx lanxia #3893 2aa3253 Move BUILD_IDENTIFIER to Build DisplayName and set BUILD_IDENTIFIER for personal builds Adam Brousseau #3863 162d984 Updated ppc64le centos7 dockerfile to support JDK12 Colton Mills #3864 f4a00be Fix crash in verifier Graham Chapman #3887 a15b783 Select the correct native library suffix Peter Bain #3890 3e6530f Enforce final field setting rules Graham Chapman #3883 15fc57c Handle disabled Known Object Table in invokeFilterArgumentsHandle Dmitry Ten #3780 d50a5b5 Updated bootJDK location for JDK11 and next on windows Colton Mills #3879 f259138 Updated s390x ubuntu16 Dockerfile to support JDK12 Colton Mills #3799 fca3de3 Remove last bit of CS checks in tmPoll Filip Jeremic #3881 71a2d7d Enable gcc-7 on Linux x86-32 platforms Violeta Sebe #3694 4ab5808 Force testjep178 to initialize libpthread Peter Bain #3874 c24bc67 Initialize variables Babneet Singh #3871 7a47f42 Fix boolean return in SCC API tajila #3876 1aba67a Add cfdump support for value type bytecodes Andrew Crowther #3862 8d61ec2 Remove Xgc:debugLOAResize option Lin Hu #3866 3b4c6d3 Fix missing flag Graham Chapman #3868 ab031e8 CMake: allow use of ccache Devin Nakamura #3838 bcb8ec7 Fix rare VM shutdown assertion Graham Chapman #3867 53fac2f XXgc option for OMR/GC Scavenger aliasing Salman Rana #3704 c4b2e76 Changed ppc64le bootJDK locations Colton Mills #3865 2e25e66 Update class initialization tests Graham Chapman #3847 01f3a1c change failure string to more specific ones lanxia #3844 b195c54 Reload evacuated object in the hardware read barrier helper Filip Jeremic #3763 d3f9e38 Additional methods for Java12 build Theresa Mammarella #3843 1aa852e CMake: Add cache file for osx builds Devin Nakamura #3734 95e1e7e Enable COMPUTED_GOTO on zLinux Babneet Singh #3761 ee1892c Update the simplified usage output of find in jdmpview CHENGJin #3848 adb484a Ensure Concurrent Scavenge AOT compatibility Irwin D'Souza #3807 7ea0a5f add DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH for oxs native testing lanxia #3765 8320835 Add tests for withfield bytecode tajila #3802 90ae210 CMake: Disable building DDR Devin Nakamura #3836 0c1379c Fix reattachAfterExit test on OSX Babneet Singh #3835 5de97e7 Allow executables to allocate memory below 4GB Babneet Singh #3834 eecc387 Add BUILD_IDENTIFIER parameter Adam Brousseau #3740 b9d4af1 Fix for missing NULLCHK under Concurrent Scavenge Victor Ding #3798 1b66a03 WIP: Use correct byte code index on asynccheck Liqun Liu #3814 2bcf36d Fix the issue with carriage return removal Renfei Wang #3821 617897d Fixing Proper ABI Linkage on PPC when calling CHelpers from JIT Alen Badel #3354 1b2f5d9 Fix Java12 import compile errors Theresa Mammarella #3824 9c7b104 Updated x86 cent6 Dockerfile for JDK12. Build jdk11 with jdk11 Colton Mills #3812 404290f Added x86 Dockerfiles for cent6.9 and ubuntu16 Colton Mills #3482 9985653 Allow base pointer with zero value Jason Feng #3803 df10fb6 Allow setter method handles to final fields Peter Bain #3619 a119575 Concurrent Scavenger yield critera Aleksandar Micic #3711 ee2023b Turn off Java9 specs from Axxon builds Adam Brousseau #3808 e8ac595 Only include oit/clang/stddef.h on windows Dan Heidinga #3815 ef3a31d Change to use the API induceOSRAfterAndRecompile Yi Zhang #3811 ac378de Temporarily turn off mode service Renfei Wang #3801 4662322 Fix tap result parsing issue on windows Renfei Wang #3786 9dd54f7 Add NASM to Ubuntu 16 and 18 on x86-64 Docker images Nazim Uddin Bhuiyan #3352 790380f FFI: fix bug on z/os Devin Nakamura #3788 ad28772 Truncate JNI boolean returns tajila #3678 d703f97 NULLCHK argument of dead call to BigDecimal or BigInteger Henry Zongaro #3733 9258a5a Replace reference to IBM_JAVA_OPTIONS with OPENJ9_JAVA_OPTIONS Peter Bain #3564 4ffa3b3 Getting OSR frame size from ROMMethod Satbir Singh #3674 9739a93 Add withfield bytecode support tajila #3760 e8e2d9a Fix for missing NULLCHK related to checkcast on X86 Victor Ding #3782 ede34ef Exclude SAFESEH on non-Win platforms CHENGJin #3784 3d0a7c1 Use correct type conversion in UnsafeFastPath Liqun Liu #3755 03a3388 Set KEEP_REPORTDIR false for tests archiving Adam Brousseau #3689 b2bb724 Explicitly export LIBPATH JDK8 folder structure updates Sophia Guo #3753 7ebb4d4 Replace mingw with clang in compilation CHENGJin #2979 1df3641 Fix typo in Memory Documentation Irwin D'Souza #3773 c4671c0 Switch to the proper OMR_COMPILER flag Charlie Gracie #3758 59cd2a4 Fix for incorrect kind of AllocPrefetchSnippet on X86 Victor Ding #3665 3403304 Remove deprecated snippet based helper call on X86 Victor Ding #3666 e23a65c Trigger induceOSR recompilation in vmhelper Yi Zhang #3677 aa7674c Remove deprecated related to ArrayCopy on X86 Victor Ding #3718 b491fa6 Refactor transformDirectLoad Liqun Liu #3159 449dda8 Fix typo in sigxfszHandlingTest hangshao #3757 61a34f6 Remove 'normal' from release folder Adam Brousseau #3748 a9bd2eb Update jdk(next) branch name Adam Brousseau #3746 d8b22d8 Enable bootstrap class sharing by default on OpenJ9 Java 11 hangshao #3681 2d7e859 Update usage thresholds to prevent notification misstrigger case Lin Hu #3735 3494be9 Add multithreaded backward arraycopy test Rahil Shah #3623 f2b1caa Stop prepending includes with "omr/" where unnecessary Devin Nakamura #3726 f439efd Add bytecode support for Q Type getter and setters Andrew Crowther #3684 fd18af0 J9::Power::TreeEvaluator::VMarrayCheckEvaluator() spilling Kevin Langman #3692 d256c8f Print _class for ClassChainRecord in SVM Devin Papineau #3709 4502ba6 Enable computed goto for OSX Charlie Gracie #3621 733f47b Slightly reword point in SVM documentation Devin Papineau #3708 cc38117 avoid out of memory during generating dump for testing OOM Case Lin Hu #3693 2c8d172 Add OS identifiers for JDK8 & JDK11 OSX compiles Joe deKoning #3717 413f724 Remove requirement for 'spec.flags.build_j2se' in jep178 tests Keith W. Campbell #3715 e579a56 Add -Xshareclasses:none to SignalXfszTest. hangshao #3713 b440801 Remove the attach library in test CHENGJin #3720 4f0adb0 Fix missed SETUP_LABEL variable rename Adam Brousseau #3721 68f5343 Remove unused redirector variants Keith W. Campbell #3714 80fc4d1 Revert "Turn on Compress Build logs" Adam Brousseau #3719 1d99cd0 Add workaround for clone on Windows Adam Brousseau #3700 eea1a5a Pass BUILD_LIST from PBT-All Adam Brousseau #3545 4870818 Finish adding SETUP_LABEL param to all Pipeline and Build jobs Adam Brousseau #3414 627a6891 Improve performance of ClassSummaryHelper Keith W. Campbell #3703 cef8a87 Enable testDDRExt_Callsites test Renfei Wang #3710 22e8da4 Avoid object allocation within OOM catch block Jason Feng #3698 3c85da0 Improve comment in doInitCacheIds() Keith W. Campbell #3707 ba140a5 Re-enable ppc64le tests Keith W. Campbell #3705 ae6001f Updated s390x Dockerfiles Colton Mills #3549 4d8ad6b Fix implementations of Comparable Keith W. Campbell #3702 28685c3 Enable gcc-7 on Linux x86-64 platforms Violeta Sebe #3579 485df98 Enable Linux PPC compile with gcc-7 Violeta Sebe #3683 43a4db0 Update OSX settings for PR builds and reformat comments Babneet Singh #3646 1011c56 Turn on Compress Build logs Adam Brousseau #3644 8bca2a0 Deprecate use of generate(RXY|RSY|SIY)Instruction API Filip Jeremic #3657 b8a7257 Fold away only use of ExtCodeBase register Filip Jeremic #3419 419d9e5 Add new VT tests for default value tajila #3682 a43aee9 Adapt to recent Java 12 changes Keith W. Campbell #3638 80b8e6c Add a flag to switch on and off report dir staging Renfei Wang #3589 eeb7b88 Fix incorrect map argument Graham Chapman #3687 9e58bf9 Correct 'release' folder for Java8/linux-ppc64le Keith W. Campbell #3649 f744a06 J9UNIX support on OSX Babneet Singh #3603 fe549ec Prevent -static-libgcc and -static-libstdc++ usage on OSX Nazim Uddin Bhuiyan #3671 934e235 Fix profilingSample SharedClassCache bug Harry Yu #3456 82275da CMake: Clean up harmony related code Devin Nakamura #3660 f0340b3 Fix Windows DDR issues Keith W. Campbell #3667 2bf8017 CMake: Build libffi as a static library Devin Nakamura #3659 7aa1014 Fix shrtest hangshao #3655 538474b Truncate boolean writes in JNI and Unsafe tajila #3648 05b4a2b Allow some Unsafe atomic ops to be inlined on POWER Henry Zongaro #3086 9169881 Use a full path to the Dan Heidinga #3650 766f9a6 Deprecate ConcurrentHashMap TM support in the JIT Filip Jeremic #3429 0509bd1 Remove unused VT resolve flag tajila #3663 b7d7748 Link to libgcc statically Victor Ding #3594 aa0e497 Initial changes for AOT Infrastructure Cleanup Irwin D'Souza #3324 4c7ad38 Enable jep178_staticLinking_SE80 for jdk8 Sophia Guo #3626 d01f52e Disable Vector Facility for z/TPF James D Johnston #3591 71c9066 Properly linking to libstdc++ on P and Z Victor Ding #3645 4c9330f Add the j9libvm and j2seRoot directories to the -verbose:init output Dan Heidinga #3647 5161860 Add support for DefaultValue bytecode tajila #3575 fda5677 macOS: Use Clang for JDK8 JIT builds Nazim Uddin Bhuiyan #3629 1a63acd Optimize wide bytecodes Graham Chapman #3642 1f88e97 Remove unused ZTPF spec Graham Chapman #3643 6a0d9ce Basic FVTests for gcpolicy:nogc Lin Hu #3355 4a6db92 Macro call site bug Fix Shubham Verma #3596 b682991 Return IMMUTABLE IntStream from String.chars() Peter Bain #3528 483096f Add build instructions for OpenJDK11 macOS Sue Chaplain #3511 d12cd8e Eliminate redundant bytecode size table Graham Chapman #3605 b9cdf05 Move Guarded Load test in OpenJ9 Rahil Shah #3465 aad8653 Disable Atomic-Free JNI on z/TPF James D Johnston #3617 dcad51f Add -fno-strict-aliasing to LinuxPPC builds Peter Bain #3087 0d8a9ba Correct JVM_ARCH_DIR for ppc64le Keith W. Campbell #3628 025d16c Add to variables file Adam Brousseau #3588 28235b6 Add JNICALL decoration to nativeFuncAddrJNU function pointer Dan Heidinga #3616 efa4b03 Add osx to successful/failure conditions of testSCCMLSnapshot hangshao #3613 3a11efc Revert to loading ../java now that OMR is updated Dan Heidinga #3609 b39fa06 Add tests for ddr !findmodules command Andrew Crowther #3350 22e0009 ExceptionCatch no longer forces FSD Graham Chapman #3389 237acc8 Migrate stack overflow check to generated instructions on X86 Victor Ding #3509 d43878c Remove redundant checks for SSE/SSE2 on X86 Victor Ding #3464 0e20934 Remove unnecessary type cast on X86 Victor Ding #3557 fa4dd8a Label ppc should be ppc64 Adam Brousseau #3593 351287a Ensure GC map is generated at BB entry on all platforms Filip Jeremic #3598 2433a0a Exclude running -Xgcpolicy:metronome mode on osx in ottawa.csv lanxia #3552 fb61279 Tidy up Andrew Crowther #3586 3666fd3 Add ddr dumpmodules command Andrew Crowther #3072 ab8eb8a Update jep178_staticLinking JVMLIBPATH Sophia Guo #3574 ffcb53f z/TPF OMR configuration update James D Johnston #3481 01b8866 Add graph_enable_gcc7_cmd property and enable gcc 7.3 on Linux PPC LE Violeta Sebe #3578 5b6faf3 Make JVM_OPTIONS overridable Renfei Wang #3572 1b4749f Ensure BCI in catch block stack maps are correct Victor Ding #3463 defe565 Defer acquiring heap walk capability until necessary Graham Chapman #3538 9bdaac3f Add tests for ValueType preloading tajila #3360 3395ee5 Fix check for resolved method in ClassLookAhead Yi Zhang #3567 72ab235 Changes to get ddrgen working on OSX Mike Zhang #3489 97b150d Fix compile warning on 31/32bit platform Jack Lu #3553 8e4f194 DDR updates for examining thread stacks Keith W. Campbell #3554 f60f9dd Update DDR !findmodules to output number of matches Andrew Crowther #3534 e2a233b Check that PersistentCHTable is not NULL, in jitClassesRedefined Dmitry Ten #2558 87bc828 Give up optimizing Unsafe CAS on arraylets Liqun Liu #3517 2e47c61 Migrate async check snippet calls to OOL on X86 Victor Ding #3503 076c4ac Enable native tests using executables in test image Sophia Guo #3550 dd27bd8 Check the j9str_printf fit within the allowed buffer Dan Heidinga #3547 25ac95b SPMDParallelizer BadILOp Fix Ryan Santhirarajan #3433 05ef119 Allow Xcodecachetotal to decrease default total code cache size Marius Pirvu #3446 276cd4f Use a full path to the Dan Heidinga #3542 72338d7 Fix incorrect JVMTI capability check Graham Chapman #3537 7cfebab Fix bytecode size tables Graham Chapman #3539 ae4a25c Revert "Use a full path to the" GitHub #3540 9b9d3bc Use a full path to the Dan Heidinga #3535 f31b46a Replace deprecated VM option Peter Bain #3530 a468509 Fix crash in JVMTI GetJNIFunctionTable Graham Chapman #3536 69d3f72 Revert "DDR updates for examining thread stacks" GitHub #3533 f459f49 Add the x86 evaluators for rdbar/wrtbar for field watch Yi Zhang #3134 ee0d05c Return true for canGCAndReturn for rdbar/wrtbar Yi Zhang #3486 1a6b56d DDR updates for examining thread stacks Keith W. Campbell #3518 0e53f4d Remove nullptr Dmitry Ten #3529 174c711 Remove references to realtime in cmdLineTests Peter Bain #3424 87d9bea Use correct generate*Instruction APIs Filip Jeremic #3519 0c0b665 Optimize GetOwnedMonitorInfo Graham Chapman #3512 3ab115d Report illegal write to static final field for Unsafe atomic calls Liqun Liu #2829 80c1d67 Move nestmates tests to Java11andUP tajila #3501 c0c60b2 Add nasm to path for windows pipelines Joe deKoning #3493 b350aa4 Adjust _safeReservePhysicalMemoryValue based on amount of free memory Marius Pirvu #3437 ec71bb4 Refactor code related to method fanin Dmitry Ten #3506 5d96889 Rename evacuate RB type Aleksandar Micic #3507 b2818d9 Report illegal write for Unsafe.put Liqun Liu #2843 17c3bd0 CMake: Add support for java 10 Devin Nakamura #3488 ecc620d Add access barrier API to copy valueTypes tajila #2740 838c533 Add OPENJ9_JAVA_OPTIONS Peter Bain #3495 4409caa Temporarily turn off disableDeferredWipeout for cleanWs Adam Brousseau #3510 2a65fa9 Temporarily disable DDR cmdLineTests on osx lanxia #3505 f7a784b Added ppc64le centos7 dockerfile Colton Mills #3168 375e522 Ensure JVMTI return values are filled in Graham Chapman #3492 5b6414b Travis: fix omr branch for linter job Devin Nakamura #3498 cc13fa7 Temporarily disable DDR test on osx lanxia #3494 52362c3 Disclaim the stored meta data in the shared cache CHENGJin #3454 cfc7549 Re-order wide bytecode for Valuetype bytecodes tajila #3416 c7e8148 Remove unused packed deciaml IL OpCodes Nigel Yu #3470 1b94665 Rename VMThread evacuate fields Aleksandar Micic #3474 baca1ca Set sun.jnu.encoding/file.encoding for Mac Jason Feng #3406 c537264 Fix MissingPropertyException for DOWNSTREAM_JOB_TIME property Violeta Sebe #3485 1018e30 Move job result status echos into common function area Adam Brousseau #3427 933fe9e Simplify cleanWs commands Adam Brousseau #3309 983436e Set ICF flags on labels instead of instructions in the Z codegen Daniel Hong #3408 29161a8 Add wrtbar/wrtbari opcodes Yi Zhang #3138 175459f Enable Concurrent Scavenge on x86-64 spec Victor Ding #3365 5905a40 Fix monitor object access sites Aleksandar Micic #3439 bd86852 Halt thread before getting owned monitor data Graham Chapman #3458 5c79be5 Correct the support statement for xgc:concurrentScavenge, by removing… Esther Dovey #3457 1721076 Remove setting specialized for direction flag in Z CodeGen Rahil Shah #3432 16f782a Revert "Halt thread before getting owned monitor data" GitHub #3455 459c101 Generate read barrier for Concurrent Scavenger Victor Ding #3363 27b9883 Concurrent Scavenger Read Barrier evaluator on X86-64 Victor Ding #3362 03cf8dd Update J9Package exportToAll data type build settings Andrew Crowther #3300 896f362 Limit heap size for jvmtitests Peter Bain #3448 a7ce19d Halt thread before getting owned monitor data Graham Chapman #3430 42e4368 Remove obsolete class RcLinkedListImpl hangshao #3435 9c6eec1 Force VM exit if exception thrown while threads deadlocked Peter Bain #3443 46618db Migrate from wrtbar snippet to OOL instructions on X86 Victor Ding #3267 f4aef54 Migrate JNI snippet calls to OOL instructions on X86 Victor Ding #3388 4b76fa3 Fix JVM_SocketShutdown for OSX Babneet Singh #3449 cca0136 Pass RESTART_TIMEOUT around as string Adam Brousseau #3440 2e0bda1 Move zeroOutAutoOnEdge to OpenJ9 nanjekyejoannah #3426 3accbea Fix crash in HCR with concurrent scavenger Graham Chapman #3431 196ee16 Reformat readme for Jenkins pipelines Violeta Sebe #2557 80f069c Increase artifactory connection timeout Violeta Sebe #3418 c51c234 Add Restart option for failed downstream jobs Adam Brousseau #3329 56af5d4 Task thread count Aleksandar Micic #3425 050cd9e Enable RAS Dump support on OSX Babneet Singh #3381 7b34bfd Implement vector String.indexOf(String) Nigel Yu #3187 ff88efe Skip PD-shift-left evaluation for vector PD instructions Nigel Yu #3387 ce1052c Fix decoding of string parameters Keith W. Campbell #3383 c17e684 Fix git scm credentials Violeta Sebe #3417 be8e79a Make getClass() private Dmitri Pivkine #3405 5320170 Do not use 64-bit atomic intrinsics on 32-bit platform Liqun Liu #3396 fc85619 CMake: make j9vm_gen_asm support custom defines and include dirs Devin Nakamura #3287 835ffc3 Add support for z/OS platforms to Jenkins pipelines Violeta Sebe #3231 106d560 Fake region should have containsInternalCycles set Liqun Liu #3402 0777025 IPC.processExists() return false for invalid PIDs Peter Bain #3403 8460987 Fold away TR_DisableLongDispStackSlot as false Filip Jeremic #3407 58243c3 Add test variation to test Constant_Dynamic in classFileWriter Jack Lu #3314 36c42bb Correct path to redirector subdirectory for OSX Keith W. Campbell #3384 44368eb Use generateRXInstruction API Filip Jeremic #3385 07a7d59 Fix MSVC compile error Graham Chapman #3390 9de6d55 Test all cases of exception catch Graham Chapman #3386 1de0a77 Added new ppc64le Dockerfile Colton Mills #2976 9a97bea Add release notes for OpenJ9 0.11.0 Sue Chaplain #3318 0f9cba7 Removed ccache install from Dockerfile Colton Mills #3157 dfeb273 Prepare for JVMTI ExceptionCatch not forcing FSD Graham Chapman #3368 8d4ae71 Optimize unsafe methods called from VarHandle Liqun Liu #3140 839fab5 WIP:Software RangeCheck Read Barrier Aleksandar Micic #3306 f418e63 Remove stale function definition on X86 Victor Ding #3261 a90c294 Add support for atomic symbol reduction for Z Filip Jeremic #3195 854c52a Remove implicit NULL checks on java/lang/String.value Filip Jeremic #3053 768dd8d Proper set SupportsReferenceArrayCopy in CodeGen X86 Victor Ding #3290 a9faf8c Fix a compiler warning on X86 Victor Ding #3317

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