In this project, we will implement two Spring Boot Java Web application called, streamer-data-jpa and streamer-data-r2dbc.



In this project, we will implement two Spring Boot Java Web application called, streamer-data-jpa and streamer-data-r2dbc. They both will fetch 1 million of customer's data from MySQL and stream them to Kafka. The main goal is to compare the application's performance and resource utilization.


  • streamer-data-jpa

    Spring Boot Web Java application that connects to MySQL using Spring Data JPA and to Kafka.

    It provides some endpoints such as:

    • PATCH api/customers/stream-naive[?limit=x]: to stream customer records using a naive implementation with Spring Data JPA;
    • PATCH api/customers/stream[?limit=x]: to stream customer records using a better implementation with Java 8 Streams and Spring Data JPA as explained in this article.
    • PATCH api/customers/load?amount=x: to create a specific amount of random customer records.
  • streamer-data-r2dbc

    Spring Boot Web Java application that connects to MySQL using Spring Data R2DBC and to Kafka.

    It provides some endpoints such as:

    • PATCH api/customers/stream[?limit=x]: to stream customer records;
    • PATCH api/customers/load?amount=x: to create a specific amount of random customer records.


Start Environment

  • Open a terminal and inside spring-data-jpa-r2dbc-mysql-stream-million-records root folder run

    docker-compose up -d
  • Wait for Docker containers to be up and running. To check it, run

    docker-compose ps
  • Once MySQL, Kafka and Zookeeper are up and running, run the following scripts

    • To create two Kafka topics

    • To initialize MySQL database and to create two Kafka topics

      ./ 1M

      Note: we can provide the following load amount values: 0, 100k, 200k, 500k or 1M

Run applications with Maven

Inside spring-data-jpa-r2dbc-mysql-stream-million-records, run the following Maven commands in different terminals

  • streamer-data-jpa

    ./mvnw clean spring-boot:run --projects streamer-data-jpa
  • streamer-data-r2dbc

    ./mvnw clean spring-boot:run --projects streamer-data-r2dbc

Run applications as Docker containers

  • Build Docker Images

    • In a terminal, make sure you are in spring-data-jpa-r2dbc-mysql-stream-million-records root folder
    • Run the following script to build the Docker images
  • Environment Variables

    • streamer-data-jpa

      Environment Variable Description
      MYSQL_HOST Specify host of the MySQL database to use (default localhost)
      MYSQL_PORT Specify port of the MySQL database to use (default 3306)
      KAFKA_HOST Specify host of the Kafka message broker to use (default localhost)
      KAFKA_PORT Specify port of the Kafka message broker to use (default 29092)
    • streamer-data-r2dbc

      Environment Variable Description
      MYSQL_HOST Specify host of the MySQL database to use (default localhost)
      MYSQL_PORT Specify port of the MySQL database to use (default 3306)
      KAFKA_HOST Specify host of the Kafka message broker to use (default localhost)
      KAFKA_PORT Specify port of the Kafka message broker to use (default 29092)
  • Start Docker Containers

    Run the following docker run commands in different terminals

    • streamer-data-jpa

      docker run --rm --name streamer-data-jpa -p 9080:9080 \
        -e MYSQL_HOST=mysql -e KAFKA_HOST=kafka -e KAFKA_PORT=9092 \
        --network spring-data-jpa-r2dbc-mysql-stream-million-records_default \
    • streamer-data-r2dbc

      docker run --rm --name streamer-data-r2dbc -p 9081:9081 \
        -e MYSQL_HOST=mysql -e KAFKA_HOST=kafka -e KAFKA_PORT=9092 \
        --network spring-data-jpa-r2dbc-mysql-stream-million-records_default \

Simulation with 1 million customer records

Previously, during Start Environment step, we initialized MySQL with 1 million customer records.

Resource Consumption Monitoring Tool

Streaming customer records

In another terminal, call the following curl commands to trigger the streaming of customer records from MySQL to Kafka. At the end of the curl command, the total time it took (in seconds) to process will be displayed.

We can monitor the amount of messages and the messages themselves been streamed using Kafdrop – Kafka Web UI at http://localhost:9000

  • streamer-data-jpa

    Naive implementation

    curl -w "Response Time: %{time_total}s" -s -X PATCH localhost:9080/api/customers/stream-naive

    Better implementation

    curl -w "Response Time: %{time_total}s" -s -X PATCH localhost:9080/api/customers/stream
  • streamer-data-r2dbc

    curl -w "Response Time: %{time_total}s" -s -X PATCH localhost:9081/api/customers/stream


A simulation sample running the applications with Maven and using JConsole tool

  • streamer-data-jpa

    Naive implementation

    Response Time: 414.486126s


    Better implementation

    Response Time: 453.692525s


  • streamer-data-r2dbc

    Response Time: 476.951654s


Useful commands & links

  • Kafdrop

    Kafdrop can be accessed at http://localhost:9000

  • MySQL monitor

    To check data in customerdb database

    docker exec -it -e MYSQL_PWD=secret mysql mysql -uroot --database customerdb
    SELECT count(*) FROM customer;

    To create a dump from customer table in customerdb database, make sure you are in spring-data-jpa-r2dbc-mysql-stream-million-records root folder and run



  • To stop streamer-data-jpa and streamer-data-r2dbc, go to the terminals were they are running and press Ctrl+C
  • To stop and remove docker-compose containers, network and volumes, go to a terminal and, inside spring-data-jpa-r2dbc-mysql-stream-million-records root folder, run the command below
    docker-compose down -v


To remove all Docker images created by this project, go to a terminal and, inside spring-data-jpa-r2dbc-mysql-stream-million-records root folder, run the following script

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