Documentation and issues of


JitPack is a novel package repository for JVM and Android projects. It builds Git projects on demand and provides you with ready-to-use artifacts (jar, aar).

If you want your library to be available to the world, there is no need to go through project build and upload steps. All you need to do is push your project to GitHub and JitPack will take care of the rest. That’s really it!

In case your project is already on GitHub, JitPack makes sure it can be built by anyone. Want to use a GitHub library in your project? Follow the simple steps explained in the ‘Building with JitPack’ section.

For issues and enhancements, please use the JitPack GitHub repository. The repository contains this documentation and contributions are welcome there as well.

If you'd like some help with setting up repositories please use the Support button on the web site.

Building with JitPack

If you are using Gradle to get a GitHub project into your build, you will need to:

Step 1. Add the JitPack maven repository to the list of repositories:

    url ""

Step 2. Add the dependency information:

  • Group: com.github.Username
  • Artifact: Repository Name
  • Version: Release tag, commit hash or master-SNAPSHOT

That's it! The first time you request a project JitPack checks out the code, builds it and sends the Jar files back to you.

To see an example head to and 'Look Up' a GitHub repository by url.

Gradle example:

    allprojects {
        repositories {
            maven { url "" }
   dependencies {
        implementation 'com.github.User:Repo:Version'

Note: when using multiple repositories in build.gradle it is recommended to add JitPack at the end. Gradle will go through all repositories in order until it finds a dependency.


A snapshot is a version that has not been released. The difference between a real version and a snapshot is that snapshot might still get updates. Snapshot versions are useful during development process and JitPack provides two ways to get them. You can specify a version for your dependency as:

  • commit hash

  • branch-SNAPSHOT (replace 'branch' with any branch name, e.g. master)

For example:

    // dependency on the latest commit in the master branch
    implementation 'com.github.jitpack:gradle-simple:master-SNAPSHOT'

Adding -SNAPSHOT will build the latest commit on the master branch.

Gradle can cache the SNAPSHOT builds. You could add the following configuration in your build.gradle file in order to ensure Gradle always picks up the 'freshest' version of the build:

configurations.all {
    resolutionStrategy.cacheChangingModulesFor 0, 'seconds'

Building a new snapshot may take some time so it might be necessary to increase Gradle timeouts (FAQ).

Or you could also run Gradle from the command line with the --refresh-dependencies flag. See the Gradle documentation for more information on how to configure caching for changing dependencies.

Note If using Android Studio, don't forget to press File->Synchronize after updating to a newer snapshot.

Also see the Guide to building for more details and instructions on building multi-module projects.

If the project doesn't have any GitHub Releases, you can get the latest snapshot build. In this case, use the short commit id as the version. You can also place tags on other branches and then build using those tags.

Tip: You can also automate GitHub releases with Gradle release & version management plugin

Pull Requests

In addition to snapshot builds JitPack supports building Pull Requests. Simply use PR<NR>-SNAPSHOT as the version.

For example:

    // dependency for Pull Request 4
    implementation 'com.github.jitpack:gradle-simple:PR4-SNAPSHOT'

Publishing on JitPack

Publishing your library on JitPack is very simple:

As long as there's a build file in your repository and it can install your library in the local Maven repository, it is sufficient for JitPack. See the Guide to building on how to publish JVM libraries and Guide to Android on how to publish Android libraries.

Tip: You can try out your code before a release by using the commit hash as the version.

Some extras to consider

Add dependency information in your README. Tell the world where to get your library:

   repositories {
        maven { url "" }
   dependencies {
         implementation 'com.github.jitpack:gradle-simple:1.0'
  • Add sources jar. Creating the sources jar makes it easier for others to use your code and contribute.


Javadoc publishing

  • For a single module project, if it produces a javadoc.jar then you can browse the javadoc files directly at:

    • or
    • (latest release tag)
  • For a multi module project, the artifacts are published under com.github.USER.REPO:MODULE:VERSION, where MODULE is the artifact id of the module (not necessarily the same as the directory it lives in)

  • Javadocs for a multi-module project follow the same convention, i.e.

  • Aggregated javadocs for a multi-module project may be available if the top level aggregates them into a jar and publishes it. The module name in this case is the artifact id of the top level module.

  • See the example projects on how to configure your build file (Android example).

Other features

  • Private repositories
  • Dynamic versions. You can use Gradle's dynamic version '1.+' and Maven's version ranges for releases. They resolve to releases that have already been built. JitPack periodically checks for new releases and builds them ahead-of-time.
  • Build by tag, commit id, or anyBranch-SNAPSHOT.
  • You can also use your own domain name for group

Immutable artifacts

Public repository artifacts on JitPack are immutable after 7 days of publishing. You will see an indicator in the list of versions when a build becomes frozen (snowflake icon). Withing the first 7 days they can be re-built to fix any release issues. Even then we recommend creating a patch release instead.

JitPack will also keep hosting artifacts after the originating git repository is deleted. To delete a build you need to have git push permissions to your git repository.

Other Git hosts

JitPack also works with other Git hosting providers. The only difference is the groupId of your artifacts:

  • BitBucket: org.bitbucket.Username:Repo:Tag

  • GitLab: com.gitlab.Username:Repo:Tag

  • Gitee: com.gitee.Username:Repo:Tag

  • Azure:

To see an example, head to and 'Look Up' a Git repository by url.

Self-hosted Git servers like GitLab are also supported. You can register your server on your user page.

Custom domain name

If you want to use your own domain name as the groupId instead of com.github.yourcompany, you can. We support mapping your domain name to your GitHub organization. Then, instead of 'com.github.yourcompany' groupId, you can use 'com.yourcompany' while the name of the project and version remains the same.

To enable your own domain name:

  1. Add a DNS TXT record that maps to This needs to be configured at your domain name provider such as GoDaddy. For example see How to add a TXT record.

  2. Go to and click Look up. If DNS resolution worked then you should see a list of versions.

  3. Select the version you want and click 'Get it' to see Maven/Gradle instructions.


To check that the DNS TXT record was added, run the command dig txt For example:

~$ dig txt


Add this line to your to show a status badge with the latest release:



If you are using a custom domain or BitBucket, use:



Or, if you prefer the flat-squared style:


Continuous Integration (CI)

In addition to publishing artifacts, JitPack can run your whole build pipeline. JitCI is an all-in-one solution to publish high quality libraries with ease. It provides the following features:

  • Running tests
  • Code Coverage
  • Dependency Audit
  • License Checks
  • Vulnerability Reports
  • Publishing to JitPack

You can enable the CI from project settings or simply sign-in on and add your repository.


See the FAQ page

  •  Failed to install the following Android SDK packages as some licences have not been accepted.

    Failed to install the following Android SDK packages as some licences have not been accepted.

    A problem occurred evaluating script.

    Failed to install the following Android SDK packages as some licences have not been accepted. platforms;android-27 Android SDK Platform 27 build-tools;27.0.3 Android SDK Build-Tools 27.0.3 To build this project, accept the SDK license agreements and install the missing components using the Android Studio SDK Manager. Alternatively, to transfer the license agreements from one workstation to another, see

    Using Android SDK: /opt/android-sdk-linux

    opened by ashLikun 74
  • Origin Connection Time-out

    Origin Connection Time-out

    I am currently having builds fail like this:

    FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
    * What went wrong:
    Could not determine the dependencies of task ':app:lint'.
    > Could not resolve all artifacts for configuration ':app:withGethForFDroidOnlineReleaseRuntimeClasspath'.
       > Could not resolve androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.1.0.
         Required by:
             project :app
             project :app > com.github.ligi.tracedroid:supportemail:3.0
             project :app > com.github.ligi:KAXTUI:1.0
             project :app > com.github.ligi:thirdpartylicensedisplay:1.0
             project :app > com.github.madrapps:pikolo:2.0.1
             project :app > org.koin:koin-androidx-viewmodel:2.0.1 > org.koin:koin-androidx-scope:2.0.1
          > Could not resolve androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.1.0.
             > Could not get resource ''.
                > Could not HEAD ''. Received status code 522 from server: Origin Connection Time-out
       > Could not resolve androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.1.0.
         Required by:
             project :app >
          > Could not resolve androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.1.0.
             > Could not get resource ''.
                > Could not HEAD ''. Received status code 522 from server: Origin Connection Time-out
       > Could not resolve androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.1.0.
         Required by:
             project :app > androidx.preference:preference:1.1.0
          > Could not resolve androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.1.0.
             > Could not get resource ''.
                > Could not HEAD ''. Received status code 522 from server: Origin Connection Time-out

    these artifacts should not come via jitpack - and IMHO jitpack should return a 404 there

    opened by ligi 59
  • Cannot detect libraries from

    Cannot detect libraries from

    The jitpack repository does not provide a maven-metadata.xml. This metadata is used to determine by build tools to discover the latest version, such as for for dependency updates. This was requested for the gradle plugin, and I verified that maven's versions:display-dependency-updates has similar behavior.

    opened by ben-manes 28
  • Android Matrix SDK build fail

    Android Matrix SDK build fail

    Please provide:

    • Link to build log:

    • Does the project build on your machine with the same commands (e.g. ./gradlew install) ?

    Yes, but sometimes, the olm dependency, also provided by jitpack failed to be retrieved

    • What error are you seeing?
    * What went wrong:
    Could not determine the dependencies of task ':matrix-sdk:compileReleaseKotlin'.
    > Could not resolve all files for configuration ':matrix-sdk:debugRuntimeClasspath'.
       > Could not find org.matrix.gitlab.matrix-org:olm:3.1.2.
         Searched in the following locations:
 is now available, so I request a new build of project for v0.9.24 of

    Thank you!

    opened by bmarty 25
  • Is down?

    Is down?

    Please provide:

    • Link to build log from

    Could not resolve all files for configuration ':contracts:compileClasspath'.

    Could not resolve com.r3.corda.lib.accounts:accounts-contracts:1.0. Required by: project :contracts > Could not resolve com.r3.corda.lib.accounts:accounts-contracts:1.0. > Could not get resource ''. > Could not GET ''. > Read timed out

    • Does the project build on your machine with the same commands (e.g. ./gradlew install) ?

    In local VM, exactly same error with a project without any cached dependencies

    • What error are you seeing?

    Website : 502 Bad Gateway From Giltab CI, graddle build => Read timed out

    Thank you!

    opened by advissor 21
  • Android Libraries fail to resolve with

    Android Libraries fail to resolve with

    Describe the bug If you have maven { url "" } as your resolving url, then Jitpack will only return the POM for the Android dependency causing the Gradle sync to fail. The workaround currently is to wipe the dependency from your cache and update the resolving url to maven { url "" }

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Setup a new Android Studio project
    2. Add maven { url "" } to your root build.gradle
    3. Add implementation 'com.github.PhilJay:MPAndroidChart:v3.1.0' to your app module's build.gradle
    4. See error

    Expected behavior POM, AAR, and sources.jar are all resolved for the dependency.

    Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

    Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

    opened by geoffduong 20
  • peer not authenticated error when downloading with gradle 2.10

    peer not authenticated error when downloading with gradle 2.10

    When trying to get a jitpack hosted dependency via gradle, I receive this error:

          > Could not resolve com.github.MKergall.osmbonuspack:OSMBonusPack:v5.7.
             > Could not get resource ''.
                > Could not GET ''.
                   > peer not authenticated

    When adding the parameter to the gradle call, I get this more verbose description of the problem:

    PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

    This is on Debian sid and the reason might the that JitPack's SSL certificate coming from COMODO is maybe not trusted by its java installation. Please note that I have verified that my java trust store at /etc/ssl/certs/java/cacerts is not empty. I even rebuilt it running:

    sudo /var/lib/dpkg/info/ca-certificates-java.postinst configure

    However, wget and browsers validate the certificate just fine. So the error might actually not be with JitPack. I am posting it here anyway since it directly affects your main feature.

    opened by grote 19
  • "Failed to resolve" for Android multi-module project

    Hi, I've been playing around with JitPack for awhile now but still can't seem to get it to work unfortunately.

    Here's my GitHub repo. The setup for testing JitPack is two modules. One is the library with maven plugin setup. The other module strictly doesn't have a local dependency on that library, instead it has dependency on the "com.github..." and tries to use JitPack.

    Here's a quick checklist of the things that I have gone through so far (and haven't worked):

    • For the project ("app") trying to use the library:
      • is in the buildscript repositories closure
      • I've tried the regular dependency from jitpack homepage
      • I've tried the Repo.Module dependency pattern as mentioned in the gradle-modular example
    • For the library project ("globaloverlay"):

    Any ideas?

    opened by danialgoodwin 18
  • jitpack.yml is no longer working or being read.

    jitpack.yml is no longer working or being read.

    Describe the bug jitpack.yml used to work, for example echo, jvm version, cd etc. At some point you changed something and jitpack is now ignored!

    To Reproduce Create a project with jitpack.yml and write a simple command like: before_install:

    • echo "Running install command XXX"

    That echo is never shown!

    Expected behavior jitpack.yml used to work and is documented here:

    If I write a documented command like echo, it should work. This breaks builds, since I can't cd, call scripts or even set JDK version.

    Additional context The builds are now broken, due to you no longer respecting jitpack.yml.+

    opened by cekvenich 17
  • ERROR: No build artifacts found

    ERROR: No build artifacts found

    Hello. I make simple library from guide. The log states that the build was assembled but no artifacts were found. I do not understand what the problem is.

    opened by Darkos-den 17
  • JavaFX is not supported Java 9 builds

    JavaFX is not supported Java 9 builds

    After providing a jitpack.yml file with jdk: oraclejdk9, I can observe that the build is now using Java 9. However, JavaFX is not present. Seems like OpenJDK 9 is installed, not OracleJDK.

    To fix this, either OracleJDK 9 should be used, or OpenJFX should be installed alongside OpenJDK9.

    I get these two errors in my build:

    /home/jitpack/build/src/main/java/ error: module not found: javafx.controls
        requires javafx.controls;
    /home/jitpack/build/src/main/java/ error: module not found: javafx.web
        requires javafx.web;
    2 errors
    :compileJava FAILED
    1. build.log.txt from
    2. Project builds without problems on both my local machine (MACOS) and in office (Windows 7)
    opened by xzel23 17
  • indicatorseekbar gradle problem in build process

    indicatorseekbar gradle problem in build process

    hello, any idea for this problem whene i try to build project ?

    Could not HEAD ‘'. Received status code 401 from server: Unauthorized

    Thank you!

    opened by driss65 0
  • Can't resolve a JavaFX dependency because it includes

    Can't resolve a JavaFX dependency because it includes

    Hello, I have a JavaFX project that uses Java 17 and has a module-info file. This is my initial pom.xml: My machine compiles the project effortlessly, but apparently jitpack can't.

    Initially it complained about fatal error compiling invalid flag --module-path which I was able to resolve by adding this to the pom:


    Then it complained that it has no idea what <release> was, so I replaced it with:


    But then loomed the final blow from

    [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.8.0:compile (default-compile) on project safefxapp: Compilation failure: Compilation failure: 
    [ERROR] /home/jitpack/build/src/main/java/[3,24] module not found: javafx.base
    [ERROR] /home/jitpack/build/src/main/java/[4,24] module not found: javafx.controls
    [ERROR] /home/jitpack/build/src/main/java/[5,24] module not found:

    My last log file: Please fix.

    opened by DavidTheExplorer 0
  • Not able to access jitpack gradle dependency for private github repository

    Not able to access jitpack gradle dependency for private github repository

    Around 3-4 months ago, I am able to access private repository through my android studio application, But now i'm getting below error "Received status code 403 from server: Forbidden"

    Link to build log from If i clicked on logs for my build on , it is showing below error

    Subscription is not active right now Requested subscription: Your subscriptions are listed in Please contact Support or repository admins if you need assistance.

    we checked our subscription is correct

    Please provide solution for this

    opened by priyankagupta-ITT 1
  • AutoStarter/1.1.0 build

    AutoStarter/1.1.0 build

    Please provide:

    • Link to build log from

    • Does the project build on your machine with the same commands (e.g. ./gradlew install) ?

    • What error are you seeing?

    Thank you!

    opened by buithienquyet 0
  • GlideToVectorYou/v2.0.0 build

    GlideToVectorYou/v2.0.0 build

    Please provide:

    • Link to build log from

    • Does the project build on your machine with the same commands (e.g. ./gradlew install) ?

    • What error are you seeing?

    Thank you!

    opened by serrg1994 0
  • Reyec/0.0.5-alpha build

    Reyec/0.0.5-alpha build

    Please provide:

    • Link to build log from

    • Does the project build on your machine with the same commands (e.g. ./gradlew install) ?

    • What error are you seeing?

    Thank you!

    opened by zouchuqu 0
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