SpringBoot show case application for reactive-pulsar library (Reactive Streams adapter for Apache Pulsar Java Client)


Reactive Pulsar Client show case application


Cloning reactive-pulsar

Running this application requires cloning https://github.com/lhotari/reactive-pulsar to the parent directory of this project.

cd ..
git clone https://github.com/lhotari/reactive-pulsar

Pulsar standalone

Starting Pulsar standalone

docker run --name pulsar-standalone -d -p 8080:8080 -p 6650:6650 apachepulsar/pulsar:latest /pulsar/bin/pulsar standalone

Tailing logs

docker logs -f pulsar-standalone


docker stop pulsar-standalone

Deleting container

docker rm pulsar-standalone


Running the application

./gradlew :bootRun

Running the webhook application

./gradlew :webhook-target-app:bootRun

Telemetry ingest demonstration

Sending 1M telemetry entries with curl, all in one request

{ for i in {1..1000000}; do echo '{"n": "device'$i'/sensor1", "v": '$i'.123}'; done; } \
    | curl -X POST -T - -H "Content-Type: application/x-ndjson" localhost:8081/telemetry

Sending 1M telemetry entries with curl, 1 message per request, with up to 50 parallel requests

Note: this requires gnu xargs (on MacOS: brew install findutils, use gxargs instead of xargs) and gnu parallel (brew install parallel/apt install moreutils).

{ for i in {1..1000000}; do echo -ne 'curl -s -X POST -d '\''{"n": "device'$i'/sensor1", "v": '$i'.123}'\'' -H "Content-Type: application/x-ndjson" localhost:8081/telemetry''\0'; done; } \
  | xargs -0 -P 2 -n 100 parallel -j 25 --

Sending 10000 telemetry entries with curl, 1 message per request (slow!)

for i in {1..10000}; do
  echo '{"n": "device'$i'/sensor1", "v": '$i'.123}' \
    | curl -X POST -T - -H "Content-Type: application/x-ndjson" localhost:8081/telemetry

Sending 1M telemetry entries with k6

Requires installing k6.

cd k6
k6 run -u 100 -i 1000000 telemetry_ingest.js

Telemetry processing demonstration

Start pulsar-client to consume from telemetry_median

pulsar-client consume -n 0 -s sub telemetry_median

Sending 1M telemetry entries (1000 devices, 1000 metrics) with curl, all in one request

{ for i in {1..1000}; do for j in {1..1000}; do echo '{"n": "device'$i'/sensor1", "v": '$j'.123}'; done; done; } \
    | curl -X POST -T - -H "Content-Type: application/x-ndjson" localhost:8081/telemetry

SSE / Server Sent Events demonstration

SSE/Server Servet Events uses text/event-stream which is defined in the HTML standard.

curl with -N parameter can be used to demonstrate SSE. The backend support passing last event id in Last-Event-ID header or lastEventId query parameter. In addition, there is a poll parameter which takes a boolean value expressed with true/1/yes/false/0/no. The /firehost path uses the telemetry_ingest topic as the source and /firehost/median uses telemetry_median.

curl -N localhost:8081/firehose

continuing after a specific message id:

curl -N 'localhost:8081/firehose/median?lastEventId=CLoYEOEHIAAwAQ==&poll=0'
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