The Next Generation Logic Library

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LogicNG is a Java Library for creating, manipulating and solving Boolean and Pseudo-Boolean formulas. It includes 100% Java implementations of popular tools like MiniSAT, Glucose, PBLib, or OpenWBO.

Its main focus lies on memory-efficient data-structures for Boolean formulas and efficient algorithms for manipulating and solving them. The library is designed to be used in industrial systems which have to manipulate and solve millions of formulas per day.


The most important philosophy of the library is to avoid unnecessary object creation. Therefore formulas can only be generated via formula factories. A formula factory assures that a formula is only created once in memory. If another instance of the same formula is created by the user, the already existing one is returned by the factory. This leads to a small memory footprint and fast execution of algorithms. Formulas can cache the results of algorithms executed on them and since every formula is hold only once in memory it is assured that the same algorithm on the same formula is also executed only once.

Compared to other implementation of logic libraries on the JVM this is a huge memory and performance improvement.


LogicNG is released in the Maven Central Repository. To include it just add


to your Maven POM.

Development Model

The master branch contains the latest release of LogicNG. If you want a stable and well tested version you should choose this branch. The development branch reflects the current state of the next version. This branch will always compile, but code might not be as well tested and APIs may still change before the next release. If you want to try cutting edge features, you can checkout this branch at your own risk. It is not recommended to use the development version for production systems. Larger features will be developed in their own branches and will be merged to the development branch when ready.

Getting Started


To compile LogicNG simply run mvn compile to build the parsers and compile the source code. You can build a jar of the library with mvn package or install it in your local maven repository via mvn install.

First Steps

The following code creates the Boolean Formula A and not (B or not C) programatically:

final FormulaFactory f = new FormulaFactory();
final Variable a = f.variable("A");
final Variable b = f.variable("B");
final Literal notC = f.literal("C", false);
final Formula formula = f.and(a, f.not(f.or(b, notC)));

Alternatively you can just parse the formula from a string:

final FormulaFactory f = new FormulaFactory();
final PropositionalParser p = new PropositionalParser(f);
final Formula formula = p.parse("A & ~(B | ~C)");

Once you created the formula you can for example convert it to NNF or CNF or solve it with an instance of MiniSAT:

final Formula nnf = formula.nnf();
final Formula cnf = formula.cnf();
final SATSolver miniSat = MiniSat.miniSat(f);
final Tristate result = miniSat.sat();

Frequently Asked Questions

We recently started a Wiki section for a FAQ.

License & Commercial Support

The library is released under the Apache License and therefore is free to use in any private, educational, or commercial projects. Commercial support is available through the German company BooleWorks GmbH - the company behind LogicNG. Please contact Christoph Zengler at [email protected] for further details.

  • Memory requirements

    Memory requirements

    I am trying to convert my logic representation of SHA1 hash algorithm into LogicNG and run CNF. But I am getting Java heap space error, even when allocating 24GB to heap space.

    Is there a way to debug memory usage? I basically have a boolean graph with (and, xor and not) with 100 thousand nodes, building LogicNG formula works without any problems, but CNF algorithm fails on memory usage.

    My goal is to feed the results to SAT solver.

    opened by exander77 10
  • Out of memory issue

    Out of memory issue

    The program will throw an Out Of Memory error if the formula has many variables(e.g. more than 200 variables). java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space at java.util.LinkedHashMap.createEntry(Unknown Source) at java.util.HashMap.addEntry(Unknown Source) at java.util.LinkedHashMap.addEntry(Unknown Source) at java.util.HashMap.put(Unknown Source) at java.util.HashSet.add(Unknown Source) at org.logicng.formulas.FormulaFactory.addFormulaOr( at org.logicng.formulas.FormulaFactory.condenseOperandsOr( at org.logicng.formulas.FormulaFactory.constructOr( at org.logicng.formulas.FormulaFactory.or( at org.logicng.transformations.cnf.CNFFactorization.distribute( at org.logicng.transformations.cnf.CNFFactorization.distribute( at org.logicng.transformations.cnf.CNFFactorization.distribute( at org.logicng.transformations.cnf.CNFFactorization.apply( at org.logicng.transformations.cnf.CNFFactorization.apply( at org.logicng.formulas.Formula.transform( at org.logicng.formulas.Formula.cnf( at org.logicng.solvers.MiniGSat.add( at org.logicng.solvers.sat.Test.parseRules( at org.logicng.solvers.sat.Test.testAssume( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall( at at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively( at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate( at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf( at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$ at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(

    opened by xiaomeyu 9
  • [Feature request] implement QuineMcClusky algortihm

    [Feature request] implement QuineMcClusky algortihm

    opened by axkr 7
  • Add JavaDoc to

    Add JavaDoc to "phase"

    I am reading

    final Literal notC = f.literal("C", false);

    The documentation states that phase is a Boolean parameter. There is no documentation on the phase in and not at the JavaDoc of literal.

    I wonder why

    a) phase is not en enum? An enum makes the possibilities clear. Currently with false I don't know whether there is no phase processing, if its a phase, where all variables are false, an initialization phase, ... - Reading the code I would have set it to true, but I am not sure.

    b) There is no literal creator without any phase parameter (and then setting a default phase)

    Would is be, additionally, possible to describe the phase in the file?

    (Issue created in my the context of my free-time project JabRef)

    opened by koppor 6
  • [Question] How to reduce syntactic size of a formula

    [Question] How to reduce syntactic size of a formula


    Thanks for making your package available, it's a nice piece of software. I'm trying to minimize some boolean formulas, with the metric that resulting syntactic tree should have as few nodes as possible. Part of the goal on my test set is the fact some atoms in formulas disappear, as they are asserted in both forms (a OR !a => true, a AND !a =>false). This is not immediately obvious, the formulas are pretty large, so I'm trying to use your package for this.

    I've tried running MCQ, but the conversion to what looks like CNF makes some of my formulas blow up in size; this is not ideal. I'm thinking of trying MCQ (which should always be better than CNF, right ?) then DNF and choosing the smallest, iff. it is syntactically smaller than my original formula.

    And wrapping the whole thing so if some step/transformation blows up, just skip it and choose from remaining candidates.

    But maybe there are better ways to do this ?

    Thank you

    opened by yanntm 6
  • [Question] enumerateAllModels() method - Is there an Option for order of output?

    [Question] enumerateAllModels() method - Is there an Option for order of output?

    In the enumerateAllModels() methods, is there an option for the preferred "solution output order"? I.e. if I would like to get the results with the most "True" values for the variables first or the results with the most "False" values for the variables? Something like an "ascending" or "descending" sort order?

    opened by axkr 6
  • cnf() reorders the variables

    cnf() reorders the variables

    In this JUnit test case the cnf() method reorders the variables and the JUnit test fails:

    	public void testLogicNGCNF() {
    		final FormulaFactory f = new FormulaFactory();
    		final Variable x = f.variable("x");
    		final Variable y = f.variable("y");
    		final Literal notX = f.literal("x", false);
    		final Literal notY = f.literal("y", false);
    		// x & ~y | ~x & y
    		final Formula formula = f.or(f.and(x, notY), f.and(notX, y)).cnf();
    		assertEquals("(x | y) & (~x | ~y)", formula.toString());

    See: Symja JUnit tests

    opened by axkr 6
  • Improve discoverability of features

    Improve discoverability of features

    Currently the only documentation apart from JavaDoc is the "Getting Started" section in the README. As JavaDoc is great when you know something exists but terrible if you don't it would be great to have a way to learn about features. So for example I just learned about the Anonymizer and the BackboneSimplifier by looking through closed issues. This is not the best experience. Even a list with features and classnames would be good.

    opened by rohte 5
  • Changing variable value after parsing formula

    Changing variable value after parsing formula

    Hello, I was wondering if there's a way to change a variable's value after parsing a formula, for example: After parsing ("A & ~(B | ~C)"), is there a way to give "A" the value "true", and then solve it?

    In other words, to only get the assignments where A is true, without using enumerateAllModels().

    opened by m-ajmone 5
  • Performance of QMC

    Performance of QMC

    Hi, should calling QMC on this really crash it ? I understand there are many variables, but still.

    (a0 | a1) & (a2 | a3) & (a4 | a5) | (a6 | a7) & (a8 | a9) | a10 | a11 | a12

    Would there be a way to detect and throw/exit when the algorithm is going haywire ? e.g. a timeout or max rewritten size or such added to the QMC API. That would be nicer than wrapping invocations with a thread + external timeout, which is what I'm currently considering.

    opened by yanntm 5
  • Formula immutable?

    Formula immutable?

    Schönen guten Tag zusammen,

    ich hatte es Steffen neulich mal per Skype angekündigt und jetzt hier das passende Issue. Im Commit 1e7e0013206573750d12e9c5e9590e36a51fd51f haben wir eine Klasse eingecheckt die aus unserer Sicht einen Bug produziert.

    Wir haben versucht das ganze möglicht minimal zu machen, soll heißen, der Code tut eigentlich nichts sinnvolles mehr und wir haben möglichst viel weggelassen. Was jetzt übrig ist sollte schon fast minimal sein.

    Was passiert im Grunde?: Wir basteln Formeln hin und her zusammen und bauen neue, Formula ist ja meines Wissens nach zunächst mal immutable. Dann wollen wir aus einer Formel eine neue berechnen indem wir Teile aus der bisherigen Formel rausstreichen. Dabei gelingt es uns (sollte es das?) die ursprüngliche Formel zu verändern indem wir ihre f.literals() verändern. Das allein ist ja schon unschön.

    Dann verlassen wir die ganze Methode und machen einen Äquivalenzcheck auf zwei anderen Formeln. LogicNG sagt dann am Ende das Z = Z & ~X eine Tautologie sei.

    Guckt euch das Beispiel mal an, wir haben echt lange nach dem Problem gesucht und haben für unseren Fall jetzt auch einen Fix, aber so wahnsinnig intuitiv ist das alles für uns nicht was da abläuft.

    Wenn man auf Java8 umstellt lässt sich der Bug auch mit Streams und Lambdas erzeugen, könnte man auch gleich mal angucken was da passiert.

    Liebe Grüße, Daniel und Ivo

    opened by palaziv 5
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