This repository contains the source code for a Product Comparison solution


Product Comparison Installation Guide

This repository contains the source code for a Product Comparison solution. Please report any issues here.

Instalation steps:

  1. Run the next command.
ant addoninstall -Daddonnames="productcomparison" -DaddonStorefront.yacceleratorstorefront="teststorefront"
  1. Import the next impex file.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
$contentCatalog = powertoolsContentCatalog
$contentCatalogName = Powertools Content Catalog
$contentCV = catalogVersion(CatalogVersion.catalog([default=$contentCatalog]), CatalogVersion.version[default=Staged])[default=$contentCatalog:Staged]
$productCatalog = powertoolsProductCatalog
$productCatalogName = Powertools Product Catalog
$productCV = catalogVersion(catalog(id[default=$productCatalog]), version[default='Staged'])[unique=true, default=$productCatalog:Staged]
$contentPage = contentPage(uid, $contentCV);
$product = product(code, $productCV)
$category = category(code, $productCV)
$addonExtensionName = b2bacceleratoraddon
$medias = medias(code, $contentCV);
$mediaContainer = media(qualifier, $contentCV);
$siteUid = powertools
###### Product Comparison Page Start ######
INSERT_UPDATE ProductComparisonComponent; $contentCV[unique = true]; uid[unique = true]         ; name                         ; &componentRef              ;
                                        ;                          ; ProductComparisonComponent ; Product Comparison Component ; ProductComparisonComponent ;

INSERT_UPDATE ContentPage; $contentCV[unique = true]; uid[unique = true]; name               ; masterTemplate(uid, $contentCV); label; defaultPage[default = 'true']; approvalStatus(code)[default = 'approved']; homepage[default = 'false']; previewImage(code, $contentCV)[default = 'ContentPageModel__function_preview']
                         ;                          ; productComparison ; Product Comparison ; AccountPageTemplate            ; productComparison

INSERT_UPDATE ContentSlotForPage; $contentCV[unique = true]; uid[unique = true]            ; position[unique = true]; page(uid, $contentCV)[unique = true][default = 'productComparison']; contentSlot(uid, $contentCV)[unique = true]; ; ;
                                ;                          ; SideContent-productComparison ; SideContent            ;                                                                    ; SideContent-productComparison              ; ; ;
                                ;                          ; BodyContent-productComparison ; BodyContent            ;                                                                    ; BodyContent-productComparison              ; ; ;

INSERT_UPDATE ContentSlot; $contentCV[unique = true]; uid[unique = true]            ; name                                     ; active; cmsComponents(&componentRef); ; ;
                         ;                          ; SideContent-productComparison ; Side Content Slot for product comparison ; true  ;                             ; ; ;
                         ;                          ; BodyContent-productComparison ; Body Content Slot for product comparison ; true  ; ProductComparisonComponent  ; ; ;

INSERT_UPDATE AddToCompareAction; $contentCV[unique = true]; uid[unique = true] ; url                     ; name                  ; &actionRef
                                ;                          ; AddToCompareAction ; /product-comparison/add ; Add To Compare Action ; AddToCompareAction

INSERT_UPDATE ListAddToCompareAction; $contentCV[unique = true]; uid[unique = true]     ; url                     ; name                       ; &actionRef
                                    ;                          ; ListAddToCompareAction ; /product-comparison/add ; List Add To Compare Action ; ListAddToCompareAction

INSERT_UPDATE ApplicableCmsActionsTypeForCmsComponent; target(code)[unique = true]; source(code)[unique = true];
                                                     ; ProductListComponent       ; ListAddToCompareAction     ;
                                                     ; ProductGridComponent       ; ListAddToCompareAction     ;
                                                     ; ProductAddToCartComponent  ; ListAddToCompareAction     ;
                                                     ; JspIncludeComponent        ; ListAddToCompareAction     ;

INSERT_UPDATE CMSProductListComponent; $contentCV[unique = true]; uid[unique = true]   ; actions(uid, $contentCV);
                                     ;                          ; ProductListComponent ; ListAddToCompareAction  ;

INSERT_UPDATE ProductGridComponent; $contentCV[unique = true]; uid[unique = true]   ; actions(uid, $contentCV);
                                  ;                          ; ProductGridComponent ; ListAddToCompareAction  ;

INSERT_UPDATE SearchResultsListComponent; $contentCV[unique = true]; uid[unique = true]; actions(uid, $contentCV);
                                        ;                          ; SearchResultsList ; ListAddToCompareAction  ;

INSERT_UPDATE SearchResultsGridComponent; $contentCV[unique = true]; uid[unique = true]; actions(uid, $contentCV);
                                        ;                          ; SearchResultsGrid ; ListAddToCompareAction  ;

INSERT_UPDATE ContentSlotName; name[unique = true]; template(uid, $contentCV)[unique = true][default = 'ProductDetailsPageTemplate']; validComponentTypes(code); compTypeGroup(code)
                             ; AddToCompareSlot   ;                                                                                 ;                          ; wide
INSERT_UPDATE ContentSlot; $contentCV[unique = true]; uid[unique = true]; name                    ; active
                         ;                          ; AddToCompareSlot  ; Add To CompareSlot Slot ; true

INSERT_UPDATE ContentSlotForTemplate; $contentCV[unique = true]; uid[unique = true]              ; position[unique = true]; pageTemplate(uid, $contentCV)[unique = true][default = 'ProductDetailsPageTemplate']; contentSlot(uid, $contentCV)[unique = true]; allowOverwrite
                                    ;                          ; AddToCompareSlot-ProductDetails ; AddToCompareSlot       ;                                                                                     ; AddToCompareSlot                           ; true

INSERT_UPDATE ContentSlot; $contentCV[unique = true]; uid[unique = true]; cmsComponents(uid, $contentCV)
                         ;                          ; AddToCompareSlot  ; AddToCompareAction

###### Product Comparison Page End ######

###### Product Comparison Info Start ######
INSERT_UPDATE ProductComparisonInfoComponent; uid[unique = true]             ; name                                  ; $contentCV[unique = true]
                                            ; ProductComparisonInfoComponent ; Product Comparison Info CMS Component ;

INSERT_UPDATE ContentSlot; $contentCV[unique = true]; uid[unique = true] ; cmsComponents(uid, $contentCV)
                         ;                          ; ProductCompareSlot ; ProductComparisonInfoComponent

INSERT_UPDATE ContentSlotName; name[unique = true]; template(uid, $contentCV)[unique = true][default = 'LandingPage2Template']; validComponentTypes(code)      ; compTypeGroup(code)
                             ; ProductCompare     ;                                                                           ; ProductComparisonInfoComponent ;

INSERT_UPDATE ContentSlotForTemplate; $contentCV[unique = true]; uid[unique = true]              ; position[unique = true]; pageTemplate(uid, $contentCV)[unique = true][default = 'LandingPage2Template']; contentSlot(uid, $contentCV)[unique = true]; allowOverwrite
                                    ;                          ; ProductCompareSlot-LandingPage2 ; ProductCompare         ;                                                                               ; ProductCompareSlot                         ; true

INSERT_UPDATE ContentSlotName; name[unique = true]; template(uid, $contentCV)[unique = true][default = 'ProductGridPageTemplate']; validComponentTypes(code)      ; compTypeGroup(code)
                             ; ProductCompare     ;                                                                              ; ProductComparisonInfoComponent ;

INSERT_UPDATE ContentSlotForTemplate; $contentCV[unique = true]; uid[unique = true]                 ; position[unique = true]; pageTemplate(uid, $contentCV)[unique = true][default = 'ProductGridPageTemplate']; contentSlot(uid, $contentCV)[unique = true]; allowOverwrite
                                    ;                          ; ProductCompareSlot-ProductGridPage ; ProductCompare         ;                                                                                  ; ProductCompareSlot                         ; true

INSERT_UPDATE ContentSlotName; name[unique = true]; template(uid, $contentCV)[unique = true][default = 'ProductListPageTemplate']; validComponentTypes(code)      ; compTypeGroup(code)
                             ; ProductCompare     ;                                                                              ; ProductComparisonInfoComponent ;

INSERT_UPDATE ContentSlotForTemplate; $contentCV[unique = true]; uid[unique = true]                         ; position[unique = true]; pageTemplate(uid, $contentCV)[unique = true][default = 'ProductListPageTemplate']; contentSlot(uid, $contentCV)[unique = true]; allowOverwrite
                                    ;                          ; ProductCompareSlot-ProductListPageTemplate ; ProductCompare         ;                                                                                  ; ProductCompareSlot                         ; true

INSERT_UPDATE ContentSlotName; name[unique = true]; template(uid, $contentCV)[unique = true][default = 'SearchResultsGridPageTemplate']; validComponentTypes(code)      ; compTypeGroup(code)
                             ; ProductCompare     ;                                                                                    ; ProductComparisonInfoComponent ;

INSERT_UPDATE ContentSlotForTemplate; $contentCV[unique = true]; uid[unique = true]                   ; position[unique = true]; pageTemplate(uid, $contentCV)[unique = true][default = 'SearchResultsGridPageTemplate']; contentSlot(uid, $contentCV)[unique = true]; allowOverwrite
                                    ;                          ; ProductCompareSlot-SearchResultsGrid ; ProductCompare         ;                                                                                        ; ProductCompareSlot                         ; true

INSERT_UPDATE ContentSlotName; name[unique = true]; template(uid, $contentCV)[unique = true][default = 'SearchResultsListPageTemplate']; validComponentTypes(code)      ; compTypeGroup(code)
                             ; ProductCompare     ;                                                                                    ; ProductComparisonInfoComponent ;

INSERT_UPDATE ContentSlotForTemplate; $contentCV[unique = true]; uid[unique = true]                               ; position[unique = true]; pageTemplate(uid, $contentCV)[unique = true][default = 'SearchResultsListPageTemplate']; contentSlot(uid, $contentCV)[unique = true]; allowOverwrite
                                    ;                          ; ProductCompareSlot-SearchResultsListPageTemplate ; ProductCompare         ;                                                                                        ; ProductCompareSlot                         ; true

INSERT_UPDATE ContentSlotName; name[unique = true]; template(uid, $contentCV)[unique = true][default = 'ProductDetailsPageTemplate']; validComponentTypes(code)      ; compTypeGroup(code)
                             ; ProductCompare     ;                                                                                 ; ProductComparisonInfoComponent ;

INSERT_UPDATE ContentSlotForTemplate; $contentCV[unique = true]; uid[unique = true]                ; position[unique = true]; pageTemplate(uid, $contentCV)[unique = true][default = 'ProductDetailsPageTemplate']; contentSlot(uid, $contentCV)[unique = true]; allowOverwrite
                                    ;                          ; ProductCompareSlot-ProductDetails ; ProductCompare         ;                                                                                     ; ProductCompareSlot                         ; true

###### Product Comparison Info End ######

  1. Run a Catalog Sync.

Configure the product comparison page.

To add a new attribute to the product comparison page, you need to write an impex file with the following configuration:

  • name : The product attribute backend identifier (for example, code, name, unit, and so on).
  • fieldValueProvider : This attribute is used to retrive the value for the product attribute. A value provider needs to implement the ProductComparisonFieldValueProvider interface (for example, DefaultVariantCategoryFieldValueProvider). The fieldValueProvider can be left blank if the product attribut is a text.
  • fieldNameProvider : This attribute is used to change the displayed attribute name. A feld label provider needs to implement the ProductComparisonFieldLabelProvider interface (for example, DefaultVariantCategoryFieldLabelProvider). If the attribute is blank, the backoffice label will be used.

An example for product comparison configuration:

INSERT_UPDATE ProductComparisonProperty; name  ; fieldValueProvider                ; fieldNameProvider                ;
                                       ; name  ;                                   ;                                  ;
                                       ; unit  ; unitComparisonFieldValueProvider  ;                                  ;
                                       ; color ; colorComparisonFieldValueProvider ; colorComparisonFieldNameProvider ;


Product Listing Page


Product Details Page

The bottom pop-up will be displayed in the Product Listing Page and the Product Details Page. ProductComparison

Product comparison table


Product comparison table (Highlighted differences)


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