MessagePack serializer implementation for Java /[Java]


MessagePack for Java

MessagePack is a binary serialization format. If you need a fast and compact alternative of JSON, MessagePack is your friend. For example, a small integer can be encoded in a single byte, and short strings only need a single byte prefix + the original byte array. MessagePack implementation is already available in various languages (See also the list in and works as a universal data format.

MessagePack v7 (or later) is a faster implementation of the previous version v06, and supports all of the message pack types, including extension format.

JavaDoc is available at

Quick Start

Maven Central Javadoc

For Maven users:


For sbt users:

libraryDependencies += "org.msgpack" % "msgpack-core" % "(version)"

For gradle users:

repositories {

dependencies {
    compile 'org.msgpack:msgpack-core:(version)'

Integration with Jackson ObjectMapper (jackson-databind)

msgpack-java supports serialization and deserialization of Java objects through jackson-databind. For details, see msgpack-jackson/ The template-based serialization mechanism used in v06 is deprecated.

For MessagePack Developers Travis CI

msgpack-java uses sbt for building the projects. For the basic usage of sbt, see:

Coding style

Basic sbt commands

Enter the sbt console:

$ ./sbt

Here is a list of sbt commands for daily development:

> ~compile                                 # Compile source codes
> ~test:compile                            # Compile both source and test codes
> ~test                                    # Run tests upon source code change
> ~testOnly *MessagePackTest               # Run tests in the specified class
> ~testOnly *MessagePackTest -- -n prim    # Run the test tagged as "prim"
> project msgpack-core                     # Focus on a specific project
> package                                  # Create a jar file in the target folder of each project
> findbugs                                 # Produce findbugs report in target/findbugs
> jacoco:cover                             # Report the code coverage of tests to target/jacoco folder
> jcheckStyle                              # Run check style
> ;scalafmt;test:scalafmt;scalafmtSbt      # Reformat Scala codes


> publishLocal            # Install to local .ivy2 repository
> publishM2               # Install to local .m2 Maven repository
> publish                 # Publishing a snapshot version to the Sonatype repository

> release                 # Run the release procedure (set a new version, run tests, upload artifacts, then deploy to Sonatype)

# If you need to perform the individual release steps manually, use the following commands:
> publishSigned           # Publish GPG signed artifacts to the Sonatype repository
> sonatypeRelease         # Publish to the Maven Central (It will be synched within less than 4 hours)

For publishing to Maven central, msgpack-java uses sbt-sonatype plugin. Set Sonatype account information (user name and password) in the global sbt settings. To protect your password, never include this file in your project.


credentials += Credentials("Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager",
        "(Sonatype user name)",
        "(Sonatype password)")

Project Structure

msgpack-core                 # Contains packer/unpacker implementation that never uses third-party libraries
msgpack-jackson              # Contains jackson-dataformat-java implementation
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