Distributed and fault-tolerant realtime computation: stream processing, continuous computation, distributed RPC, and more

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  • Ensure we don't overflow the backoff value.

    Ensure we don't overflow the backoff value.

    The first attempt to fix this (213102b36f890) did not correctly address the issue. The 32 bit signed integer frequently overflows, resulting in a bad value for Random.nextInt().

    See previous pull request @ https://github.com/nathanmarz/storm/pull/713

    Here's the exception:

    2013-10-30 16:30:04 b.s.m.n.Client [INFO] Reconnect ... [26]
    2013-10-30 16:30:04 b.s.m.n.Client [INFO] Reconnect ... [29]
    2013-10-30 16:30:04 b.s.m.n.Client [INFO] Reconnect ... [27]
    2013-10-30 16:30:04 b.s.m.n.Client [INFO] Reconnect ... [30]
    2013-10-30 16:30:04 STDIO [ERROR] Oct 30, 2013 4:30:04 PM org.jboss.netty.channel.DefaultChannelPipeline
    WARNING: An exception was thrown by a user handler while handling an exception event ([id: 0x27388d8c] EXCEPTION: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: i-0e040e75/
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: n must be positive
        at java.util.Random.nextInt(Random.java:300)
        at backtype.storm.messaging.netty.Client.getSleepTimeMs(Client.java:97)
        at backtype.storm.messaging.netty.Client.reconnect(Client.java:78)
        at backtype.storm.messaging.netty.StormClientHandler.exceptionCaught(StormClientHandler.java:108)
        at org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.frame.FrameDecoder.exceptionCaught(FrameDecoder.java:377)
        at org.jboss.netty.channel.Channels.fireExceptionCaught(Channels.java:525)
        at org.jboss.netty.channel.socket.nio.NioClientBoss.processSelectedKeys(NioClientBoss.java:110)
        at org.jboss.netty.channel.socket.nio.NioClientBoss.process(NioClientBoss.java:79)
        at org.jboss.netty.channel.socket.nio.AbstractNioSelector.run(AbstractNioSelector.java:312)
        at org.jboss.netty.channel.socket.nio.NioClientBoss.run(NioClientBoss.java:42)
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145)
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:615)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:744)
    2013-10-30 16:30:05 b.s.m.n.Client [INFO] Reconnect ... [29]
    2013-10-30 16:30:06 b.s.m.n.Client [INFO] Reconnect ... [28]
    opened by brndnmtthws 32
  • ShellSpout, async ShellBolt, python implementation

    ShellSpout, async ShellBolt, python implementation

    The _readTaskIds/_readTuple trampoline/queue stuff in the Python implementation seems funny.. not sure about that — I am not fluent in Python. Still working on a node.js version where the lack of synchronization around task ids after emits is no problem.

    I haven't yet tested reliable spouts. Will do that sometime soon.

    I made a small change to the protocol, expecting and "end\n" after the pid as well, to be consistent. I could easily add back in the special case.

    opened by tomjack 15
  • Replace 0MQ with Netty

    Replace 0MQ with Netty

    This is required in order to release from Apache. Because 0MQ/JZMQ is LGPL-licensed, it can't be included as a dependency in Apache releases.

    This patch simply removes JZMQ/0MQ and replaces it with the netty transport implementation.

    We can still make the 0MQ transport available to users who want to use it. But it will have to be a separate project that's not part of Apache. I will follow up with creating a repo that has the 0MQ transport code in isolation.

    opened by ptgoetz 13
  • Apply Thrift SASL client/server framework for authentication/authorization/audit

    Apply Thrift SASL client/server framework for authentication/authorization/audit

    For issue #397, enclosed please find the basic authentication/authorization/audit framework based on Thrift SASL implementation. Nimbus integration and DRPC integration will be pushed as follow-up pull requests.

    Authentication: - Support SASL authentication framework - Implemented SASL mechanisms: Anonymous, Kerberos, Digest - JAAS configuration

    Authorization: - Enable plugins for Nimbus authorization against topology submission/killing/activation/deactivation/rebalance. - Plugin will have access to request context such as remote IP address, user name/principal etc.

    Audit: - Simple log of operations performed by principals

    opened by anfeng 13
  • Use exec instead of forked child process for JVM

    Use exec instead of forked child process for JVM

    Using os.system() for creating the JVM forks a child of the Python process. This makes it difficult for process managers like daemontools or runit to kill/restart the process at admins' command: the process manager tracks the PID of the Python process instead of that of the JVM; and terminating the Python process unfortunately doesn't kill its JVM child.

    Some process managers let you configure the number of times the service forks, or try to detect forks, but it's a bit of a rabbit-hole. Better to make the service not fork in the first place.

    For that reason I've replaced the call to os.system() with os.execvp(), which replaces the Python process with the JVM, and thus lets the process manager track the right PID.

    os.execvp() requires that you give command-line arguments as an array of strings, rather than one long whitespace-separated string, so I had to change some of the surrounding code accordingly. Note this has the pleasant side-effect that Storm should now also run if you install it in a directory that has spaces in its path name.

    opened by ept 12
  • Plugin mechanism for messaging layer (Issue #372)

    Plugin mechanism for messaging layer (Issue #372)

    This pull request proposes a plugin mechanism for messaging layer.

    We are introducing a new Storm config parameter, storm.messaging.transport, to specify a desired plugin. For now, defaults.yaml states that zmq is such a transport.

    A messaging plugin needs to implements a simple interface, ITransport, and should have a default constructor and implements, newContext(), to return an IContext. public interface ITransport { public IContext newContext(); }

    IContext is defined to have the following methods, where prepare(storm_conf) is invoked immediately after IContext is constructed by Storm core (TransportFactory). public interface IContext { public void prepare(Map storm_conf);

    public IConnection bind(String storm_id, int port);
    public IConnection connect(String storm_id, String host, int port);
    public void term();


    IConnection is defined as below, where TaskMessage is a simple Java class contains task ID and message. public interface IConnection {
    public TaskMessage recv(); public TaskMessage recv_with_flags(int flags); public void send(int task, byte[] message); public void close(); }

    I have modified zmq.clj to implements all these interfaces. local.clj has been revised to implement IContext and IConnection.

    worker.clj has been revised slightly to leverage the plugin mechanism. It does not knows ZMQ anymore :-)

    opened by anfeng 10
  • Transition away from Java serialization for storing state on disk or in Zookeeper

    Transition away from Java serialization for storing state on disk or in Zookeeper

    Addresses issue #419. Specifically, transitions Supervisor to clojure serialization, StormTopology to thrift, and maybe some other things I'm forgetting.

    Also my first go-around with clojure. Any code written in clojure should be considered suspect.

    opened by hausdorff 10
  • Nimbus storage

    Nimbus storage

    Nimbus storage abstraction implementation, this is required for Nimbus HA implementation (#360).

    I'd run only "lein test" and some handmade sanity tests on my laptop.

    opened by Frostman 10
  • logviewer tries to determine log directory via logback configuration

    logviewer tries to determine log directory via logback configuration

    This introduces a new config variable, logviewer.appender.name, and modifies the logviewer process to locate the root log directory based on the the FileAppender named in the conf. Previously the logviewer assumed that the log directory was {storm.home}/logs.

    If the named appender is not found or is not a FileAppender then the logviewer immediately throws a RuntimeException.

    This issue is mentioned on the mailing list here: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/storm-user/IKRtIkqQfqc/OUDvyU6mxTMJ

    opened by strongh 9
  • Netty based implementation for storm messaging

    Netty based implementation for storm messaging

    This pull request implements Storm messaging layer in Netty.

    • Client and server could be started in any order
    • Messages will be delivered in batch if available
    • Large messages are supported

    The basic functionality has been verified via a simple topology test. I have also included some unit test to show its functionality.

    opened by anfeng 9
  • Fix race condition on zeromq sockets between the threads that send tuple...

    Fix race condition on zeromq sockets between the threads that send tuple...

    Hi Nathan, we are facing the same issue as this one: http://groups.google.com/group/storm-user/browse_thread/thread/932da776159fd063 but we do not see java.lang.VerifyError as Dane did.

    As we investigate the issue, we find that the cause of the problem is mainly due to the race condition on using and managing socket connections between the sender threads and the refresher thread. If a worker finds that some of its downstream connections have dead, and refreshes the dead connections, the closed socket may contain NULL values and hence the crash happens.

    A patch is attached. How do you think about it?

    opened by herberteuler 8
  • Provide Additional String substitutions for *.worker.childopts

    Provide Additional String substitutions for *.worker.childopts

    Prividing additional substitution strings for the jvm opts provided to workers launched by this supervisor - "%ID%", "%WORKER-ID%", "%STORM-ID%" and "%WORKER-PORT%".

    opened by kishorvpatil 0
  • storm topology online update

    storm topology online update

    This PR is for #540. The core code modification is about 300 lines and many others are generated by thrift.

    main points:

    1. interface changes (compatible with old versions) 1.1 zk add :topology-version and :update-duration-sec fields to StormBase:status map 1.2 zk add :topology-version to executor heartbeat 1.3 worker local state add versions dir to storm worker's current running topology-version 1.4 nimbus add updateTopology interface 1.5 add topology-version field to storm.thrift three struct: TopologySummary ExecutorSummary TopologyInfo
    2. update process 2.1 storm client run "storm jar xxxx -c topology.update=true" to invoke topology update process 2.2 storm client upload new jar file to nimbus 2.3 storm client call nimbus updateTopology interface 2.4 nimbus check the new topology and replace stormdist/storm-id dir 2.5 nimbus update StormBase in zk, set :topology-version(for destination version) and :update-duration-sec(for all workers update process duration) fields to StormBase:status map 2.6 supervisors check zk StormBase and do the update work if topology's local version is not the same with zk version 2.6.1 sync-supervisor download the latest code from nimbus to local stormdist/topology-version dir 2.6.2 each supervisor schedule the topology's worker update at a rand(expect-max-update-time) time point 2.6.3 sync-process check local worker version, if it is not the same with sync-supervisor downloaded version and update time point reached, set worker state to a new :update state 2.6.4 sync-process kill workers in :update state as normally 2.6.5 sync-process restart killed worker as normally, expect that read topology and conf from stormdist/topology-version dir 2.6.6 new worker heartbeat to zk with new topology-version, it can be displayed on web ui to check update progress
    opened by xiaokang 0
  • Enable DRPC request to be sent via HTTP and/or Thrift

    Enable DRPC request to be sent via HTTP and/or Thrift

    Currently, DRPC requests could only be sent via Thrift API. We have seen various users asking for HTTP interface.

    This pull request enable one to configure drpc to be sent via HTTP and/or thrift via storm.yaml: drpc.port: <THRIFT_PORT> (default: 3772) drpc.http.port: <HTTP_PORT> (default: unavailable)

    When drpc server is started, it will look into these configuration parameters to decide whether Thrift port and/or HTTP port should be binded.

    DRPC HTTP request will be received via GET via the following URI:

    • http://<server>:<HTTP_PORT>/drpc/<Func>/<Args>
    • http://<server>:<HTTP_PORT>/drpc/<Func>/
    • http://<server>:<HTTP_PORT>/drpc/<Func>
    opened by anfeng 1
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