Equivalent Exchange 3 Apache 2 Equivalent Exchange 3 pahimar Equivalent-Exchange-3. Mods for Minecraft. License: Apache 2 , .


Welcome to Equivalent Exchange 3!

All versions are available here

Minecraft Forums page

Compiling EE3 - For those that want the latest unreleased features.

Contributing - For those that want to help out.

FAQ - For those that have questions.

Compiling Equivalent Exchange 3

IMPORTANT: Please report any issues you have as there might be some problems with the documentation. Also make sure you know EXACTLY what you're doing before proceeding! We are not responsible if your computer crashes, becomes corrupted, etc. πŸ™ˆ

Setup Java

Setup Gradle

Setup Git

Setup EE3

Compile EE3

Updating Your Repository

Setup Java

The Java JDK is used to compile EE3.

  1. Download and install the Java JDK.
    • Windows/Mac download link. Scroll down, accept the Oracle Binary Code License Agreement for Java SE, and download it (if you have a 64-bit OS, please download the 64-bit version).
    • Linux: Installation methods for certain popular flavors of Linux are listed below. If your distribution is not listed, follow the instructions specific to your package manager or install it manually here.
      • Gentoo: emerge dev-java/oracle-jdk-bin
      • Archlinux: pacman -S jdk7-openjdk
      • Ubuntu/Debian: apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
      • Fedora: yum install java-1.7.0-openjdk
  2. Windows: Set environment variables for the JDK.
    • Go to Control Panel\System and Security\System, and click on Advanced System Settings on the left-hand side.
    • Click on Environment Variables.
    • Under System Variables, click New.
    • For Variable Name, input JAVA_HOME.
    • For Variable Value, input something similar to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_51 exactly as shown (or wherever your Java JDK installation is), and click Ok.
    • Scroll down to a variable named Path, and double-click on it.
    • Append ;%JAVA_HOME%\bin EXACTLY AS SHOWN and click Ok. Make sure the location is correct; double-check just to make sure.
  3. Open up your command line and run javac. If it spews out a bunch of possible options and the usage, then you're good to go. If not, either try the steps again or check the FAQ.

Setup Gradle

Gradle is used to execute the various build tasks when compiling EE3.

  1. Download and install Gradle.
    • Windows/Mac download link. You only need the binaries, but choose whatever flavor you want.
      • Unzip the package and put it wherever you want, eg C:\Gradle.
    • Linux: Installation methods for certain popular flavors of Linux are listed below. If your distribution is not listed, follow the instructions specific to your package manager or install it manually here.
      • Gentoo: emerge dev-java/gradle-bin
      • Archlinux: pacman -S gradle
      • Ubuntu/Debian: apt-get install gradle
      • Fedora: Install Gradle manually from its website (see above), as Fedora ships a "broken" version of Gradle. Use yum install gradle only if you know what you're doing.
  2. Windows: Set environment variables for Gradle.
    • Go back to Environment Variables and then create a new system variable.
    • For Variable Name, input GRADLE_HOME.
    • For Variable Value, input something similar to C:\Gradle-1.11 exactly as shown (or wherever your Gradle installation is), and click Ok.
    • Scroll down to Path again, and append ;%GRADLE_HOME%\bin EXACTLY AS SHOWN and click Ok. Once again, double-check the location.
  3. Open up your command line and run gradle. If it says "Welcome to Gradle [version].", then you're good to go. If not, either try the steps again or check the FAQ.

Setup Git

Git is used to clone EE3 and update your local copy.

  1. Download and install Git here.
    • Optional: Download and install a Git GUI client, such as Github for Windows/Mac, SmartGitHg, TortoiseGit, etc. A nice list is available here.

Setup EE3

This section assumes that you're using the command-line version of Git.

  1. Open up your command line.
  2. Navigate to a place where you want to download EE3's source (eg C:\Github) by executing cd [folder location]. If choosing a location other than C:\Github, just remember that when following the instructions.
  3. Execute git clone https://github.com/pahimar/Equivalent-Exchange-3.git. This will download EE3's source into an Equivalent-Exchange-3 folder such as C:\Github\Equivalent-Exchange-3.
  4. Right now, you should have a directory that looks something like:

	\-EE3's files (should have `build.gradle`)

Compile EE3

  1. Execute gradle setupCiWorkspace in order to set up Forge and download the necessary libraries to build EE3. This might take some time, please be patient ⌚ .
    • You will generally only have to do this when the Forge version in build.properties changes.
  2. Execute gradle build. If you did everything right, BUILD SUCCESSFUL will be displayed after it finishes. This should be relatively quick.
    • If you see BUILD FAILED, check the error output (it should be right around BUILD FAILED), fix everything (if possible), and try again.
  3. Navigate to C:\Github\Equivalent-Exchange-3\build\libs.
    • You should see a .jar file named EquivalentExchange3-x.y.z-#.jar, where x.y.z is the Minecraft version number and # is the mod version.
      • NOTE: null means that you are missing a build_number value in build.properties or that your CI environment is set up incorrectly-it is totally safe to ignore.
  4. Copy the jar into your Minecraft mods folder, and you are done!

Updating Your Repository

In order to get the most up-to-date builds, you'll have to periodically update your local repository.

  1. Open up your command line.
  2. Navigate to wherever you cloned EE3 in the console.
  3. Make sure you have not made any changes to the local repository, or else there might be issues with Git.
    • If there are local changes, try reverting them to the status that they were when you last updated your repository by executing git reset HEAD --hard.
  4. Execute git pull master. This pulls all commits from the official repository that do not yet exist on your local repository and updates it.


Submitting a PR

So you found a πŸ› in the code? Think you can make it more efficient πŸ’¨ ? Want to help in general? Great!

  1. If you haven't already, create a Github account.
  2. Click the Fork icon located at the top-right of this page (below your username).
  3. Make the changes that you want to and commit them.
    • If you're making changes locally, you'll have to execute git commit -a and git push in your command line.
  4. Click Pull Request at the right-hand side of the gray bar directly below your fork's name.
  5. Click Click to create a pull request for this comparison, enter your PR's title, and create a detailed description telling pahimar what you changed.
  6. Click Send pull request, and wait for feedback! πŸ’₯

Creating an Issue

EE3 crashes every time πŸ’£ ? Have a suggestion? Found a πŸ› ? Create an issue now!

  1. Make sure your issue hasn't already been answered or fixed by searching for it. Also think about whether your issue is a valid one before submitting it.
  2. Go to the issues page.
  3. Click New Issue right below Star and Fork.
  4. Enter your Issue's title (something that summarizes your issue), and then create a detailed description ("Hey pahimar, could you add/change xxx?" or "Hey, found an exploit: stuff").
    • If you are reporting a bug report from an unofficial version, make sure you include the following:
      • Commit SHA (usually located in a changelog or the jar name itself)
      • ForgeModLoader log
      • Server log if applicable
      • Detailed description of the bug and pictures if applicable
  5. Click Submit new issue, and wait for feedback! πŸ’₯
  • List of Localizations that need updating

    List of Localizations that need updating



    da_DK pt_PT sk_SK







    opened by 50Wliu 68
  • Dynamic EMC Suddenly Stops Calculating Midway

    Dynamic EMC Suddenly Stops Calculating Midway

    ill start off saying that there is very little information that i can give because i dont know where i should be looking for the problem.

    the problem started after updating mods, about 20 or so, and after starting my world i was missing some items from my tablet so i looked at there emc and i was zero and from what i can gather when forcing ee3 to recalculate it gets hung up on something and doesn't get past the first "layer" so to speak like there values for wood but not planks, wood got calculated but planks didn't and from this i can only guess that certain raw resource items and produced items like cooked meat that are hard coded and the rest is calculated.

    i tried downgrading each mod that i updated to the one i was using before when it was working and after doing all of them individually still no luck. its very strange that updating mods would cause something like this to happen so i started a new testing world one were i did not define anything at all thinking it must be something i did to get it stuck but that wasn't the problem either because it still wasn't writing the values files, at least not until i exited the world but then upon examining the file it seems incomplete.

    these are the file names of the mods that i updated and the one that i added














    SuperEnchants-0.4.1 < -- added this one




    Botania r1.6-198






    off the top of my head the mods that integrate directly with ee3, as in a conscience reason as to why there is values to the mod or a manipulating of ee3




    EquivalentEnergistics - 0.2 - 1.7.10




    Forbidden Magic-1.7.10-0.57

    i should also mention that some of the ae2 ee3 compat values get calculated such as the ores,certus, singularity but nothing else has values

    while pneumatic craft and extra utilities don't have any values

    and chisel 2 has a majority of values there

    if you would like me to explain it again maybe differently, like in response to questions , i can explain it better

    please ask don't hesitate to ask

    opened by RoloEdits 50
  • NEI Recipe-Handling for the Calcinator and the Aludel

    NEI Recipe-Handling for the Calcinator and the Aludel

    If you have any suggestions or issues with the code please give feedback. I will change the code then. Sorry for the 5 commits, in fact this is only 1, my Client derped ;)

    opened by iTitus 40
  • Fix DynEMC bugs #937 and #925

    Fix DynEMC bugs #937 and #925

    This fixes a NullPointerException caused when the energy value treemap returned null after a failed lookup. Because EE3 is currently using item IDs to define sort order and FML changes item IDs when a save is loaded, the treemap gets confused and cannot find most of its keys. The comparisons are changed to use the FML registered name (example: minecraft:stone) rather than the IDs.

    This also fixes the duplicate fluidstack issue by using the name of the fluid for the hash code instead of FluidStack.hashCode(). Because a FluidStack's hash code is based on the Fluid object and PneumaticCraft uses its own Fluid object regardless of whether or not one for that fluid is already registered, it creates two distinct FluidStacks of oil/fuel, which were seen as the same when the immutable recipe map was created, hence the duplicate key error.

    This also adds synchronization so that EE3 waits in the FMLServerStartedEvent until DynEMC is finished calculating. This prevents premature serialization of the energy value map, which was causing a NPE when it attempted to serialize null.

    opened by AstralSorcerer 36
  • Alphabetize all localizations + Chinese / Japanese update

    Alphabetize all localizations + Chinese / Japanese update

    I've alphabetized every single localization apart from de_DE.lang and ru_RU.lang, which have been taken care of in #530 and #539, respectively. There are also translations for the new items for Chinese and Japanese. As before, unsatisfactory or missing translations have simply been left out.

    At the suggestion of members of #ee, red water localizations have been left in.

    I did this all by hand, so there are bound to be mistakes- double-check my work and let me know of any errors, please!

    opened by Lapiman 32
  • NoSuchMethodError when starting MC 1.6.2 server with EE3 and Equivalency

    NoSuchMethodError when starting MC 1.6.2 server with EE3 and Equivalency

    Was referred here on this thread: https://github.com/Lomeli12/Equivalency/issues/7

    Full ForgeModLoader-server-0.log is here: http://pastebin.com/iPmjMb36

    opened by SullyTheUnusual 26
  • 2 API Things

    2 API Things

    1: Your API requires your Mod. So its not a API anymore... That makes support not really possible.

    2: (More a Suggestion) instead of making an API which allows only Set Exchange Value for this Item/Block and nothing else is what you can support (thaumcraft like) add a Recipe Manager. What does the RecipeManager do? Simply it provides a Interface with 2 Functions which will support quite a lot of stuff (since this is a popular mod the support would be way more and way better then the current one) The interface contains these to 2 functions: -public boolean canSupportRecipe(IRecipe par1) -public List getRecipeItems(IRecipe par1) (that a registry is required is not need to say but here you have it) that allows you to access more Crafting Recipes then only the Forge/MC recipes and you do not have to do so much work (if you have a lot of fans/support)... And also its way easier to support. If you do these 2 things i would enjoy to support this mod with IC2 Classic :3

    opened by Speiger 25
  • EMC Values don't get calculalated properly/at all

    EMC Values don't get calculalated properly/at all

    I don't think calculation of EMC values works in my game. I don't get any Values for anything thats not specified in the energy values json file.

    Version: 0.3.502 Forge:

    Modpack is FTB Infinity 1.4.1 with some mods added and nearly all mods updated so everything works together and with the new forge liquid stuff. If you need all the versions or some log files or something let me know and I'll get them for you.

    Edit: I think some stuff seems to work: Grout (TiCon) Seems to be calculated, but simple stuff like iron blocks, pistons etc don't (iron ingots however are fine). It's also not only vanilla stuff not working, since blank patterns (also TiCon) don't work either.

    opened by BlackStar7713 22
  • Glass Bell Render bug in inventory with special renderers

    Glass Bell Render bug in inventory with special renderers

    When you have a Glass Bell in your inventory, you open it, the glass bell has a black 'filling'. But only if you have one of these in your inventory and you are not hovering it:

    • Any item
    • Stained glass pane
    • Saplings
    • Fluid Blocks
    • Fire
    • Your blocks with a model

    -> Everything with a special renderer

    I made a picture and a video:

    Link to video!


    opened by iTitus 21
  • Fixed 50Wliu's Changes of #233

    Fixed 50Wliu's Changes of #233

    I had to drop out several Taiwanese and Chinese changes, because the files were saved with CRLF instead of LF.

    These are all the changes from @50Wliu 's #233 that could be cleanly applied.

    opened by riking 21
  • Only receiving ash from calciner

    Only receiving ash from calciner

    used 3 diamonds , coal , even a block of gold.. should have received different types of dust.

    received ash

    i just placed down a calciner and put stuff in.


    I am running EE3 on a FTB infinity server with a few extra mods.. hopefully that isn't the problem.

    opened by clay237 20
  • Not an issue with EE3 but with your website.

    Not an issue with EE3 but with your website.

    What should have happened

    I should have been able to reach pahimar.com

    What actually happened

    pahimar.com redirected to many times.

    What steps do we have to follow so we can reproduce the issue

    Go to pahimar.com

    I'm sorry this is the wrong place to post this but I tried reaching you over twitter at one point and it hasn't been fixed since I tried so I thought maybe this was a better way to get it seen.


    opened by wsman217 2
  • Minium Dust problem

    Minium Dust problem

    As many other players that I saw experienced the same problem, that I cannot get Minium dust from calcinator. I tried items I could find above 8192 EMC value, didn't work.

    I found out that I needed to have the minium dust to have the value of 8192 as well. I tried deleting the energy values, didn't work, tried to have the config file to set on "Always" instead of "As needed", didn't work. Is there a way that I didn't realize ? If yes please tell me, That would be much appreciated.

    I'm using the version of the mod on FTB Infinity Evolved pack.

    opened by ChaosOmega 0
  • Transmutation Tablet GUI not updating properly

    Transmutation Tablet GUI not updating properly

    I have an item of a high EMC value, and the Alchenomicon "knows" something of lesser EMC value. I put the high-value item into one of the 8 slots in the circle and then Alchenomicon into its slot, the lesser-EMC valued items are not displayed until I take the high-EMC value item out of the item to re-insert.


    What I thought would happen:

    I would put the Alchemical Chest into one of the 8 slots, and the Book into the book slot. The list would automatically appear. It did not.


    opened by Drullkus 4
  • Optimize TileEntityTransmutationTablet#consumeInventoryForEnergyValue(ItemStack)

    Optimize TileEntityTransmutationTablet#consumeInventoryForEnergyValue(ItemStack)

    Currently the method does a round robin on all the inputs to consume items for EMC

    This could be optimized so that the tablet intelligently figures out the inputs to consume to minimize the residual EMC left in the tablet once the transmute is done.

    opened by pahimar 0
  • Propogate energy values across all items in an ore dictionary reference

    Propogate energy values across all items in an ore dictionary reference


    Could you add the ability for the energy value calculations to propogate any changes accros all oredictionary references that don't have a defined value (or have some illogical one). This causes problems with furnaces outputting an ingot that has no EMC value. For example, in my set up currently:

    | Mod | EMC | | --- | --- | | Forestry | No EMC | | Galacticraft | No EMC | | Industrial Craft | 0.009 | | Project Red | No EMC | | Railcraft | No EMC | | Tinkers Construct | No EMC | | Thermal Foundation | 192 |

    As most ingots lack an EMC value, this then means upstream recipes will sometimes lose their EMC values.


    opened by jediminer543 2
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