Java serialization library, proto compiler, code generator



A java serialization library with built-in support for forward-backward compatibility (schema evolution) and validation.

  • efficient, both in speed and memory
  • flexible, supporting pluggable formats


  • messaging layer in RPC
  • storage format in the datastore or cache

For more information, go to


  1. For the core formats (protostuff, protobuf, graph)
  1. For schemas generated at runtime


schema = RuntimeSchema.getSchema(Foo.class); // Re-use (manage) this buffer to avoid allocating on every serialization LinkedBuffer buffer = LinkedBuffer.allocate(512); // ser final byte[] protostuff; try { protostuff = ProtostuffIOUtil.toByteArray(foo, schema, buffer); } finally { buffer.clear(); } // deser Foo fooParsed = schema.newMessage(); ProtostuffIOUtil.mergeFrom(protostuff, fooParsed, schema); }">
public final class Foo
    String name;
    int id;
    public Foo(String name, int id)
    { = name; = id;

static void roundTrip()
    Foo foo = new Foo("foo", 1);

    // this is lazily created and cached by RuntimeSchema
    // so its safe to call RuntimeSchema.getSchema(Foo.class) over and over
    // The getSchema method is also thread-safe
    Schema<Foo> schema = RuntimeSchema.getSchema(Foo.class);

    // Re-use (manage) this buffer to avoid allocating on every serialization
    LinkedBuffer buffer = LinkedBuffer.allocate(512);

    // ser
    final byte[] protostuff;
        protostuff = ProtostuffIOUtil.toByteArray(foo, schema, buffer);

    // deser
    Foo fooParsed = schema.newMessage();
    ProtostuffIOUtil.mergeFrom(protostuff, fooParsed, schema);

Important (for version 1.8.x)

If you are to purely use this to replace java serialization (no compatibility with protobuf), set the following system properties:


You can also customize it programmatically:

static final DefaultIdStrategy STRATEGY = new DefaultIdStrategy(IdStrategy.DEFAULT_FLAGS 
        | IdStrategy.MORPH_MAP_INTERFACES
        | IdStrategy.MORPH_NON_FINAL_POJOS);

Use it:

Schema<Foo> schema = RuntimeSchema.getSchema(Foo.class, STRATEGY);



Java 1.6 or higher

Build Requirements

Maven 3.2.3 or higher

Developing with eclipse

mvn install && mvn eclipse:eclipse
# Open eclipse, import existing project, navigate to the protostuff module you're after, then hit 'Finish'.
  • Parse comments for MessageField & EnumField

    Parse comments for MessageField & EnumField

    Hi David,

    I have a problem right now using your parser. Hope you can help me identify the cause and solve it.

    Problem Background: In my message proto file, there are several fields. Almost all the fields, including primitive type field, message field and enum field, have comments (doc). Since I’m generating the documentation for the proto file, I want all comments of fields to show up.

    Problem: Only comments of primitive type field (int, string, datetime) show up right now, comments of both message field and enum field don’t show up, even though there are comments for the message and enum field in the proto file.

    I'm thinking that maybe all comments of MessageField and EnumField are not parsed through by the parser, and that's the reason it keeps giving me null values.

    Regards, Liang

    opened by liang216 32
  • Add support for packed fields.

    Add support for packed fields.

    Protobuf allows some fields to be encoded packed:

    This patch will allow protostuff to read these fields.

    opened by mzeo 30
  • use GraphIOUtil.mergeFrom and GraphIOUtil.writeTo throws IndexOutOfBoundsException

    use GraphIOUtil.mergeFrom and GraphIOUtil.writeTo throws IndexOutOfBoundsException

    here is my test code:

    client code:

    class ClassB
        private String b1;
            this.b1 = "b1";
    class SuperClassA
        private String sa1;
    class ClassA extends SuperClassA
        private String a1;
        private ClassB a2;
        public ClassA(ClassB a2)

    server code:

    class ClassB
        private String b1;
            this.b1 = "b1";
    class SuperClassA
        private String sa1;
        private ClassB sa2;
        public SuperClassA(ClassB sa2)
            this.sa1 = "sa1";
            this.sa2 = sa2;
    class ClassA extends SuperClassA
        private String a1;
        private ClassB a2;
        public ClassA(ClassB a2)
            this.a1 = "a1";
            this.a2 = a2;

    Protostuff Version:1.0.7 I use the GraphIOUtil.writeTo on server site to serialize the object, and then on client site use client code to deserialize the object. Then it will throws IndexOutOfBoundsException.

    but if i use ProtostuffUtil to serialize and deserialize the object, it will pass successfully. I want to know whether is this a bug of the GraphUtil, and if this is a bug, which version have been resolved ? here is the exception stack:

    java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1, Size: 1
        at java.util.ArrayList.RangeCheck(
        at java.util.ArrayList.get(
        at com.dyuproject.protostuff.GraphCodedInput.mergeObject(
        at com.dyuproject.protostuff.runtime.RuntimeUnsafeFieldFactory$14$1.mergeFrom(
        at com.dyuproject.protostuff.runtime.MappedSchema.mergeFrom(
        at com.dyuproject.protostuff.runtime.ObjectSchema.readObjectFrom(
        at com.dyuproject.protostuff.runtime.ObjectSchema.mergeFrom(
        at com.dyuproject.protostuff.GraphCodedInput.mergeFrom(
        at com.dyuproject.protostuff.CodedInput.mergeObjectEncodedAsGroup(
        at com.dyuproject.protostuff.CodedInput.mergeObject(
        at com.dyuproject.protostuff.GraphCodedInput.mergeObject(
        at com.dyuproject.protostuff.runtime.RuntimeUnsafeFieldFactory$15$1.mergeFrom(
        at com.dyuproject.protostuff.runtime.MappedSchema.mergeFrom(
        at com.dyuproject.protostuff.GraphIOUtil.mergeFrom(


    opened by muyuqiu001 22
  • Our attempt at reducing the amount of copying in protostuff

    Our attempt at reducing the amount of copying in protostuff

    We really appreciate this project.I wanted to provide a preview of our 0-copy version of protostuff. It obviously needs a lot of work to merge but I wanted to make you aware of it.

    opened by posix4e 17
  • Add support for rpc service code generation using templates

    Add support for rpc service code generation using templates


    Fixed issue with multiple module outputs and PluginProtoCompiler Add 'service_block' for service generator templates

    opened by kshchepanovskyi 14
  • Re-use a ByteBuffer to read bytes from Input

    Re-use a ByteBuffer to read bytes from Input

    Reading objects like Strings in Java causes a lot of garbage that can easily cause large application to suffer from unnecessarily long GCs.

    This patch allows for the usage of an externally maintained ByteBuffer to be filled from the input, so developers can have the freedom to maintain ThreadLocal instances of that ByteBuffer for example and re-use it, avoiding unnecessary allocations.

    opened by tsheasha 12
  • RuntimeEnv#loadClass(String) cannot load class

    RuntimeEnv#loadClass(String) cannot load class

    RuntimeEnv#loadClass(String) explicitly uses current thread's context classloader instead of Class#forName.

    In my use case, where I have a polymorphic field, the class that I want to load is loaded on a separate class loader. As such, I'm unable to deserialize it in this context, because the class is not found on the thread's context class loader.

    I created a hotfix library jar to depend on, and it fixed my issue. Simply returning Class.forName(name) instead of the context class loader call in that method.

    opened by Dico200 11
  • Re-use a ByteBuffer to read bytes from Input

    Re-use a ByteBuffer to read bytes from Input

    Reading objects like Strings in Java causes a lot of garbage that can easily cause large application to suffer from unnecessarily long GCs.

    This patch allows for the usage of an externally maintained ByteBuffer to be filled from the input, so developers can have the freedom to maintain ThreadLocal instances of that ByteBuffer for example and re-use it, avoiding unnecessary allocations.

    opened by tsheasha 11
  • Java 8 Encoding/Decoding Fix

    Java 8 Encoding/Decoding Fix


    Java 8's built in String class no longer accepts 3-byte surrogates / 6-byte surrogate pairs. This causes issues when UTF characters, such as emoji's, are present in a string. Since Protostuff encodes using 3-byte surrogates / 6-byte surrogate pairs, deserialization using Java's String class results in a corrupted String.

    The reason why Java 8 no longer supports 3-byte surrogates / 6-byte surrogate pairs is that it has tightened it's implementation to follow the standard more rigorously (see here for details). By following the standards more closely, Protostuff should be compatible with more external sources. For example, Protobuff running on Java 8.


    • Support 3-byte surrogates / 6-byte surrogate pairs in Java 8, which allows for communication with older version of protostuff.
    • Encode surrogate pairs using Standard UTF-8, instead of 6-byte surrogate pairs to avoid corruption for decoders without 3-byte surrogate / 6-byte surrogate pair support.


    This change should be fully compatible with previous versions of Protostuff, as well as Protobuff's Java implementation (and most likely other language implementations as well). The serialized output should be more in line with what standardized UTF-8 decoders expect.

    DataInputStream, however, will not the ability to reliably decode Strings that contain 4-byte surrogates pairs, as they have no support for 4-byte encoded characters. There are many ways around this, however, so it is not a huge concern.

    opened by mfycheng 11
  • JSON serialization of unsigned numbers (uint32, uint64, fixed32, fixed64)

    JSON serialization of unsigned numbers (uint32, uint64, fixed32, fixed64)

    A message field of type uint32 that actually uses the sign-bit, appears to be serialized to JSON as a negative number.

    For example, if the corresponding java int has this value:


    protostuff-json will serialize this to a value -85897216, whereas it really is 4209070080.

    This caught me by surprise, as I was not expecting that behaviour in a non-binary format like JSON. I can work around it for my use case by doing some post-processing, but was wondering whether it's a deliberate choice on your end.


    opened by fqqb 10
  • IntelliJ IDEA & protostuff-me

    IntelliJ IDEA & protostuff-me

    I can't build project in my favourite IDE. There is an issue with protostuff-me - IntelliJ Idea does not support different language versions for single module - 1.3 for main and 1.7 for tests.

    Are there any solutions for this issue?

    P.S. I understand that this question is only about convenience and I always can run mvn clean install from command prompt.

    opened by kshchepanovskyi 10
  • JsonIOUtil.toByteArray stack overflow when there is reference loop in message

    JsonIOUtil.toByteArray stack overflow when there is reference loop in message

    When there is an reference loop in the object map, the JsonIOUtil.toByteArray method will result in StackOverflowError. Following are the steps to reproduce this phenomenon.

    `public class UserVO {

    public String name;
    public UserVO userVO;
    public T t;


    @Test public void test1() throws IOException { UserVO u1 = new UserVO<>(); = "u1-name"; u1.t = 43d;

        UserVO u2 = new UserVO(); = "u2-name";
        u2.userVO = u1;
        u1.userVO = u2;
        DefaultIdStrategy STRATEGY = new DefaultIdStrategy(IdStrategy.DEFAULT_FLAGS
                | IdStrategy.PRESERVE_NULL_ELEMENTS
                | IdStrategy.MORPH_COLLECTION_INTERFACES
                | IdStrategy.MORPH_MAP_INTERFACES
                | IdStrategy.MORPH_NON_FINAL_POJOS);
        Schema<UserVO> schema = RuntimeSchema.getSchema(UserVO.class,STRATEGY);
        String s = new String(JsonIOUtil.toByteArray(u1, schema, false));
        UserVO fooParsed = schema.newMessage();
        JsonIOUtil.mergeFrom(s.getBytes(), fooParsed, schema, false);

    Following is the top part of the error stack

    java.lang.StackOverflowError at com.fasterxml.jackson.core.json.UTF8JsonGenerator.writeFieldName( at com.fasterxml.jackson.core.json.JsonGeneratorImpl.writeStringField( at io.protostuff.JsonOutput.writeString( at io.protostuff.runtime.DefaultIdStrategy.writePojoIdTo( at io.protostuff.runtime.DerivativeSchema.writeTo( at io.protostuff.JsonOutput.writeObject( at io.protostuff.runtime.RuntimeUnsafeFieldFactory$14$1.writeTo( at io.protostuff.runtime.RuntimeSchema.writeTo( at io.protostuff.runtime.DerivativeSchema.writeTo( at io.protostuff.JsonOutput.writeObject( `

    opened by 601724080 1
  • Protostuff Maven plugin does not support Map in Proto Version 2

    Protostuff Maven plugin does not support Map in Proto Version 2

    I would like to use map defined in .proto v2 file to generate protostuff code. But with no luck. Have someone encounter that before, how are you overcome this?

    opened by CHANist 0
  • how to replace my defined class id(int) to className

    how to replace my defined class id(int) to className

    I opend morph_non_final_pojos option, but it is write className string to the final bytes, It is too large when use the colloctions or maps, so I want to replace my defined class id(int) to className, how to do it?

    opened by huyixin 2
  • NPE from RuntimeEnv.loadClass

    NPE from RuntimeEnv.loadClass

    NPE happens in my app. pls see the code below:

    method : io.protostuff.runtime.RuntimeEnv#loadClass

    static <T> Class<T> loadClass(String className)
            return (Class<T>) Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()
        catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
            try {
                return (Class<T>) Class.forName(className);
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e1) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);

    when i use netty GlobalEventExecutor to support thread asynchronization, GlobalEventExecutor would setContextClassLoader((ClassLoader)null),

    so Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() is null ,it will lead to NPE.

    beside ,i have see this issue :

    image image

    opened by baobinghai 0
  • How to support protobuf3 wrappers?

    How to support protobuf3 wrappers?

    I serialized a Java object, in which the field of integer type is used, and the int32value is used in proto3. When I tried to deserialize using protobuf, I failed.What did I do wrong?


    public class JavaObject {
        private Integer value1;


    message ProtoMessage {
        google.protobuf.Int32Value value1 = 1;
    opened by a11enhuang 1
  • Deserialization throw NPE

    Deserialization throw NPE

    version: 1.8.0 seems same problem as issue#264 at io.protostuff.runtime.HasDelegate, line 39. change parameter handler from null to ArraySchemas.GENERIC_HANDLER

    public class CollectionWithArrayItemThrowNpeTest {
        public void test() {
            try {
                DefaultIdStrategy idStrategy = new DefaultIdStrategy(IdStrategy.DEFAULT_FLAGS | IdStrategy.COLLECTION_SCHEMA_ON_REPEATED_FIELDS);
                idStrategy.registerDelegate(new ProtobufCalendar());
                ClassThrowNpeWhenDeserialize originMsg = new ClassThrowNpeWhenDeserialize();
                originMsg.value = new ArrayList<Calendar[]>();
                Calendar[] vArray = new Calendar[1];
                vArray[0] = Calendar.getInstance();
                RuntimeSchema<ClassThrowNpeWhenDeserialize> schema = RuntimeSchema.createFrom(ClassThrowNpeWhenDeserialize.class, idStrategy);
                byte[] bytes = ProtobufIOUtil.toByteArray(originMsg, schema, LinkedBuffer.allocate(512));
                ClassThrowNpeWhenDeserialize msg = schema.newMessage();
                ProtobufIOUtil.mergeFrom(bytes, msg, schema);
            } catch (NullPointerException e) {
        static class ClassThrowNpeWhenDeserialize{
            List<Calendar[]> value = new ArrayList<Calendar[]>();
        public static class ProtobufCalendar implements Delegate<Calendar> {
            public WireFormat.FieldType getFieldType() {
                return WireFormat.FieldType.FIXED64;
            public Calendar readFrom(Input input) throws IOException {
                Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
                return calendar;
            public void writeTo(Output output, int number, Calendar value, boolean repeated) throws IOException {
                output.writeFixed64(number, value.getTimeInMillis(), repeated);
            public void transfer(Pipe pipe, Input input, Output output, int number, boolean repeated) throws IOException {
                output.writeFixed64(number, input.readSInt64(), repeated);
            public Class<?> typeClass() {
                return Calendar.class;
    opened by rxh1999 1
  • protostuff-1.5.0(Sep 8, 2016)

  • protostuff-1.4.4(Jun 1, 2016)

  • protostuff-1.4.3(Jun 1, 2016)


    #176, #177: Solve problem with serializing custom Collections - allow registering a schema/delegate for collection classes.

    #181, #183: Fix problem with GraphIOUtil and unknown fields.

    #174, #178: Fix serialization of null in Enumeration ArrayList


    #182: Use flags in IdStrategy for customizing RuntimeSchema behavior in addition to system properties

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • protostuff-1.4.2(Jun 1, 2016)

  • protostuff-1.4.1(Jun 1, 2016)

  • protostuff-1.4.0(Mar 10, 2016)

    Enhancements Upgrade Jackson to 2.7.1 JSON serialization of unsigned numbers (uint32, uint64, fixed32, fixed64) Add field name to Exception message if @Tag is missing on a field in a class hierarchy

    Fixes Fix ByteSting#toString() implementation XmlIOUtil method fix (args was not used)

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • protostuff-1.3.8(Nov 20, 2015)

  • protostuff-1.3.7(Oct 6, 2015)

  • protostuff-1.3.6(Aug 6, 2015)


    • [protostuff-api] Add service annotations.
    • [code generator] Add two new filters - trim + cut spaces.


    • [code generator] Fix proto_path warning on Windows.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • protostuff-1.3.5(Apr 20, 2015)

  • protostuff-1.3.4(Apr 19, 2015)


    • Parse comments for MessageField & EnumField [parser]. This feature was introduced in order to allow users generate documentation/javadoc from proto files.
    • Add two new formats for code generator - PLURAL and SINGULAR [code generator]


    • LinkBuffer#getBuffers should include the current buffer [core]
    • [protostuff-maven-plugin]: protoModule without output definition gives NPE
    • [protostuff-maven-plugin] Add output dir to test compile sources if phase=generate-test-sources
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • protostuff-1.3.3(Mar 23, 2015)


    • Add option for generating field maps with original field names [generated code]


    • Fix for messages with sparse/big @Tag values [runtime schemas]
    • Fix for default values in java_bean_model [generated code]
    • Getter of optional enum should return null if not set [generated code]

    Compatibility notes

    • Please check as it changes structure of the schema, generated by java_bean. Now default values are not applied automatically for all field types, unless default value is specified explicitly. If you use protobuf as a serialization format, you should always do check for null and treat null as a default value. For example, you can use Guava's utility method: MoreObjects.firstNonNull(message.getNullableFieldValue(), DEFAULT_FIELD_VALUE).
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • protostuff-1.3.2(Feb 28, 2015)


    • add validation for @Tag annotation value, throw an IllegalArgumentException when value is out of range [protostuff-runtime]
    • add maven "Bill of Materials" module
    • add method getProtoType for Field [code generator]
    • generate equals() and hashCode() for generated messages [code generator]
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • protostuff-1.3.1(Feb 12, 2015)

    Improvements Configure system properties for maven plugin in the POM

    Now it is possible to specify proto-compiler options directly in pom.xml


    Fixes Value of @Generated annotation is not valid string [code generator]

    • fixed issue with relative template file location (<output> maven plugin option) in multi-module projects
    • fixed PluginProtoCompiler behavior when ppc.check_filename_placeholder is enabled,
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • protostuff-1.3.0(Jan 12, 2015)


    • Switch to com.fasterxml.jackson v2.4.4
    • Add @Generated annotation to generated classes


    • Do not wrap lists into Collections.unmodifiableList(source) (code generated by java_bean template)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • protostuff-1.2.0(Dec 14, 2014)


    • Added @Tag support for enums in protostuff-runtime
    • Added support for messages without fields (empty messages)
    • Added support for RPC service code generation. Example.
    • Added ability to import proto in multi-module project. Example.


    • Fixed issue with CESU-8 charset and Java 8.


    • The minimum requirement for Java has now been raised to Java SE 7.
    • Move protostuff-me to separate project.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • protostuff-1.1.0(Nov 7, 2014)


    The 1.1.0 release is the last release that supports Java 5.

    The 1.1+ versions will not be wire-compatible with the ff:

    • protostuff-runtime 1.0.x
    • protostuff-xml 1.0.x


    • Issue 161: Optimize ProtobufOutput for small nested messages (max size of 127)
    • Issue 157: ConcurrentLinkedDeque support
    • Issue 156: Support for newing object instances on Android 4.3+ devices
      • thanks to eedzjee
    • Issue 153: YamlOutput bug on repeated message fields
    • Issue 151: optimize xml format
    • Issue 141: protostuff ser/der can not keep order of elements in an array which contain null value
      • thanks to lzh0379
    • Issue 119: Reflection-based array operations are rather expensive
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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