Simplified PDF Data Extraction

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PDF Mantis

Simplified PDF Data Extraction

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Table of Contents

What is PDF Mantis

PDF Mantis is a Java based high level API which aims to simplify PDF data extraction.

It provides a unified set of extraction features:

  • Simple text extraction
  • Identification of text coordinates, font and colour
  • Detection and extraction of images by page or page coordinates
  • Extract standard metadata fields as well as exposing hidden ones
  • Detect and extract simple data tables
  • Straightforward optical character recognition for scanned PDF's

Available for use on Windows, Linux and macOS.

Why was PDF Mantis created and who is it for

Despite not being particularly well regarded by the tech community, the PDF is one of the world's most popular document formats - As a result of this, it is not uncommon to find PDF generation nestled somewhere within a typical businesses internal systems.

The idea for PDF Mantis came about while performing some work at one such client - The end output of their system was a PDF which was sent directly to their customers. We were tasked with writing a test automation framework which validated these outputs.

After scouring Github for suitable OSS candidates, we managed to find a collection of different libraries which would help us complete the task.

The problem was that it took quite a bit of work to become familiar with the nuances of the libraries in conjunction with the idiosyncrasies of PDFs. After a lot of trial and error, we ended up with a solid bunch of helper classes which performed common extraction tasks, such as analysing text etc.

We couldn't help thinking at the time that this should be easier - much easier. We only wanted to extract from PDFs, not build them!.

And that's what PDF Mantis aims to be, a simple way to extract data from PDFs without necessarily understanding the complexities of PDFs.


PDF Mantis requires at least Java 8 and then either Maven or Gradle.



For Maven, add the below dependency to your pom.xml file:



Alternatively for Gradle, add the following to your build.gradle file:

testCompile 'com.graysonnorland.pdfmantis:pdf-mantis:0.0.1'


Loading a PDF

First things first, you need to create a PdfMantis object - This effectively represents the PDF. It is from this object that you will be able to access all extraction features.

There are several ways you can load a PDF:

// Load by String path
PdfMantis pdf = new PdfMantis("/home/example.pdf");

// Load by File object
PdfMantis pdf = new PdfMantis(new File("/home/example.pdf"));

// Load by URL
PdfMantis pdf = new PdfMantis(new URL(""));

// Load by Input Stream
PdfMantis pdf = new PdfMantis(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("example.pdf"));

If your PDF is encrypted, just provide the password as a secondary input parameter like so:

// Load encrypted PDF by String path
PdfMantis pdf = new PdfMantis("/home/example.pdf", "SuperSecret00!");

// Load encrypted PDF by URL
PdfMantis pdf = new PdfMantis(new URL("", "abc123"));

Closing a PDF

It is best practise to close a PDF once your work on it is complete - You can do this like so:

// Load a PDF
PdfMantis pdf = new PdfMantis("/home/example.pdf");

// Then close it


The getText() method handles text extraction.

You can get all the text from the PDF as a String:

String allText = pdf.getText().getAll();

Or get text from a certain page:

String textFromPage2 = pdf.getText().getAllFromPage(2);

Or even get the text from a page range:

String textFromPages2To3 = pdf.getText().getAllFromPageRange(2, 3);

You can also extract text from an area on a page via coordinates:

int page = 2;
double x = 72.02;
double y = 717.45;
double height = 4.98;
double width = 95.64;
String textFromArea = pdf.getText().getFromArea(page, x, y, height, width);

But how does one determine these coordinates?

For that we can utilise TextIndex, which not only provides text coordinates but also exposes font and colour information as well.


The simplest way to utilise TextIndex is to use the getForString()method:

List<String> textIndexForPhrase = pdf.getTextIndex().getForString("test string");

This method combs the entire PDF and returns a prettified String representation of the TextIndex object for any occurrences of the provided phrase, with each occurrence looking something like this:

Page Number=1,
Word=test string,
Font Size=9.0,
Colour=FILL:GRAY 0.0;,

One thing to note for the getForString() method is that if the phrase you're searching for breaks to a new line it will capture the surrounding text identified in the rectangle. For example, consider the below text: Alt text

If you searched for the String Apollo 11 it would capture the coordinates for the highlighted area: Alt text

However, if you searched for the String Kennedy Space Center it would capture the coordinates for the highlighted area: Alt text

This is because coordinates are based on the Rectangle class so in order to capture the requested String it had to draw a rectangle which caught all the required keywords.

While the getForString() method is the simplest way to use TextIndex, you can of course drill down into it in much further detail.

TextIndex Expanded

There are two ways to build the TextIndex.

One way is to utilise the buildUnicodeIndex() method - This extracts coordinates, font and colour information for every single unicode character in the PDF document:

List <TextIndex> unicodeIndex = pdf.getTextIndex().buildUnicodeIndex();

The other way is to utilise the buildWordIndex() method. This extracts coordinates, font and colour information for every single word in the PDF document:

List <TextIndex> wordIndex = pdf.getTextIndex().buildWordIndex();

Once we have the TextIndex, there are a number of methods available to expose key information for each entry:

// Get the index
List <TextIndex> wordIndex = pdf.getTextIndex().buildWordIndex();

// Iterate over each entry in the index
for (TextIndex word : wordIndex) {

    // And then we can expose information like so...

If desired, we can convert TextIndex into a String List for easy viewing:

// Get your index
List <TextIndex> wordIndex = pdf.getTextIndex().buildWordIndex();
// Then prettify it!
List <String> prettyWordIndex = pdf.getTextIndex().prettifyIndex(wordIndex);


The getImage() method handles image extraction.

It returns a Map; the key is a String containing the unique image name, and the value is a BufferedImage.

You can get all the images from the PDF like so:

Map<String, BufferedImage> allImages = pdf.getImage().getAllImages();

Or get all images from a certain page:

Map<String, BufferedImage> imagesFromPage3 = pdf.getImage().getImagesFromPage(3);

You can also extract an image from an area on a page via coordinates:

int page = 2;
double x = 48.699;
double y = 688.5;
double height = 120.0;
double width = 650.0;

BufferedImage actualImage = pdf.getImage().getFromArea((page, x, y, height, width);

To obtain image coordinates, we can utilise ImageIndex.


You can build the ImageIndex by utilising the getImageIndex() method:

List <ImageIndex> imageIndex = pdf.getImageIndex().buildIndex();

Once we have the ImageIndex, there are a number of methods available to expose key information for each entry:

// Get the index
List <ImageIndex> imageIndex = pdf.getImageIndex().buildIndex();

// Iterate over each entry in the index
for (ImageIndex image : imageIndex) {

    // And then we can expose information like so...

If desired, we can convert ImageIndex into a String List for easy viewing:

// Get your index
List <ImageIndex> imageIndex = pdf.getImageIndex().buildIndex();
// Then prettify it!
List <String> prettyImageIndex = pdf.getImageIndex().prettifyIndex(imageIndex);


The getMeta() method handles metadata extraction.

You can pull several standard metadata fields like so:

String creationDate = pdf.getMeta().getCreationDate();
String modifiedDate = pdf.getMeta().getModifiedDate();
String producer = pdf.getMeta().getProducer();
String keywords = pdf.getMeta().getKeywords();
String creator = pdf.getMeta().getCreator();
String subject = pdf.getMeta().getSubject();
String author = pdf.getMeta().getAuthor();
String title = pdf.getMeta().getTitle();

We can also go a bit deeper and attempt to expose hidden metadata fields via the getAll() method - This method takes advantage of Apache Tika's auto-parsing capabilities to achieve this.

It returns a String Map, with the key being the metadata field name, and the value being the metadata value extracted:

Map<String, String> allMetadata = pdf.getMeta().getAll();


The getTable() method handles table extraction.

This method utilises Tabulas's table detection algorithms to find and extract simple table data from PDFs.

You can either extract tables from a single page:

List<Table> tablesFromPage2 = pdf.getTable().extractFromPage(2);

Or extract tables from the entire PDF document:

List<Table> allTables = pdf.getTable().extractAll();

Once you have your table, you can navigate and query it using Tabulas's Table Class like so:

// Get the first table from page 1
Table firstTableFromPage1 = pdf.getTable().extractFromPage(1).get(0);

// Get the cell value from the second column on the third row
String secondColumnThirdRowValue = table.getCell(2, 1).getText();

// Get the total number of rows in the table
int totalRows = table.getRowCount();

If desired, you can prettify the table into a String, so you can easily view what has been extracted:

// Get the first table from page 1
Table firstTableFromPage1 = pdf.getTable().extractFromPage(1).get(0);

// Prettify it!
String prettyTable = pdf.getTable().prettifyTables(firstTableFromPage1);

If you print the String then it will look something like this:

║ Number of CoilsNumber of Paperclips ║
║ 53, 5, 4              ║
║ 107, 8, 6              ║
║ 1511, 10, 12           ║
║ 2015, 13, 14           ║

Please note, the more complex the table, the harder it is to detect.


Please note, if you're using Windows then the OCR features will work out of the box - However, if you're using Linux or macOS then some initial set-up is required.

The getOCRText() method handles OCR.

This method utilises Tesseract's deep learning neural networks to perform optical character recognition against scanned PDFs.

You can perform OCR against the whole PDF:

String allOCRText = pdf.getOCRText().getAll();

Or against a certain page:

String ocrTextFromPage3 = pdf.getOCRText().getAllFromPage(3);

Or even against a page range:

String ocrTextFromPages1To3 = pdf.getOCRText().getAllFromPageRange(1, 3);

OCR is defaulted to 300 DPI as this is the resolution that works best with Tesseract, but you can override this if desired by providing it as a secondary input parameter:

// Lower resolution (150 DPI)
String allOCRTextLowerResolution = pdf.getOCRText().getAll(150);

// Higher resolution (500 DPI)
String ocrTextFromPage3HigherResolution = pdf.getOCRText().getAllFromPage(3, 500);


Why does PDF Mantis work perfectly on some PDFs but not others

The PDF format was created so that a document could be displayed exactly the same on any machine, regardless of what operating system it was created with - However, it's important to point out that not all PDFs are created equal.

It's an incredibly versatile and highly configurable format - Generally speaking, no two PDFs are the same and therein lies the problem.

As a result of this, if you are facing difficulties which are not covered within this README, it is recommended that you raise an issue and share the offending PDF.

Why am I struggling to extract certain tables

When Tabula's table detection algorithms work, it feels a bit like magic. Alas, it's not actually magic but just some very well-designed code. However, there are some occasions where the algorithms cannot correctly identify a table due to its complexity.

There are two options in this case:

  • You can use Text Index to determine the co-ordinates of the columns and extract accordingly.
  • You can switch to Tabula itself, which offers a host of different tuning options to identify trickier tables.

How can I get OCR working on Linux and macOS

While the Tesseract binaries for Windows are included in Tess4j, they are not for Linux & macOS. This means you will to have to build/install the necessary libraries before you can use the OCR methods on these platforms.

The current version of PDF Mantis uses Tess4j version 4.5.4, which requires Tesseract version 4.1.1.

You can generally just use a package manager to install the necessary components, such as apt install tesseract-ocr if your on Linux or brew install tesseract if your on macOS.

If you face issues installing via package managers, you can install directly from git instead.

I have a question

Before you raise an issue, it is best to search for existing issues that might help you. If you have found a suitable issue but still need clarification, you can write your question in this issue.

Also, consider that PDF Mantis is effectively an abstraction layer which sits over a bunch of well established projects. As such, you may very well find answer to your problems on Stack Overflow and the like, so it's worth having a scan of the internet first.

If you then still feel the need to ask a question and need clarification, we recommend the following:

  • Open an Issue
  • Provide as much context as you can about what problem you're running into.
  • Attach the PDF.

I want to contribute

Create a pull request, make your changes, add your tests and then submit for review.

Please note, if your making changes to OCR and you're working on Linux or macOS, then due to this, the associated tests are skipped by default.

You can force it to run by passing the system property of -DforceOCRTests=true like so:

mvn clean test -DforceOCRTests=true


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