Extract tables from PDF files


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tabula-java is a library for extracting tables from PDF files — it is the table extraction engine that powers Tabula (repo). You can use tabula-java as a command-line tool to programmatically extract tables from PDFs.

© 2014-2020 Manuel Aristarán. Available under MIT License. See LICENSE.


Download a version of the tabula-java's jar, with all dependencies included, that works on Mac, Windows and Linux from our releases page.

Usage Examples

tabula-java provides a command line application:

$ java -jar target/tabula-1.0.2-jar-with-dependencies.jar --help
usage: tabula [-a <AREA>] [-b <DIRECTORY>] [-c <COLUMNS>] [-f <FORMAT>]
       [-g] [-h] [-i] [-l] [-n] [-o <OUTFILE>] [-p <PAGES>] [-r] [-s
       <PASSWORD>] [-t] [-u] [-v]

Tabula helps you extract tables from PDFs

 -a,--area <AREA>           -a/--area = Portion of the page to analyze.
                            Example: --area 269.875,12.75,790.5,561.
                            Accepts top,left,bottom,right i.e. y1,x1,y2,x2
                            where all values are in points relative to the
                            top left corner. If all values are between
                            0-100 (inclusive) and preceded by '%', input
                            will be taken as % of actual height or width
                            of the page. Example: --area %0,0,100,50. To
                            specify multiple areas, -a option should be
                            repeated. Default is entire page
 -b,--batch <DIRECTORY>     Convert all .pdfs in the provided directory.
 -c,--columns <COLUMNS>     X coordinates of column boundaries. Example
                            --columns 10.1,20.2,30.3. If all values are
                            between 0-100 (inclusive) and preceded by '%',
                            input will be taken as % of actual width of
                            the page. Example: --columns %25,50,80.6
 -f,--format <FORMAT>       Output format: (CSV,TSV,JSON). Default: CSV
 -g,--guess                 Guess the portion of the page to analyze per
 -h,--help                  Print this help text.
 -i,--silent                Suppress all stderr output.
 -l,--lattice               Force PDF to be extracted using lattice-mode
                            extraction (if there are ruling lines
                            separating each cell, as in a PDF of an Excel
 -n,--no-spreadsheet        [Deprecated in favor of -t/--stream] Force PDF
                            not to be extracted using spreadsheet-style
                            extraction (if there are no ruling lines
                            separating each cell)
 -o,--outfile <OUTFILE>     Write output to <file> instead of STDOUT.
                            Default: -
 -p,--pages <PAGES>         Comma separated list of ranges, or all.
                            Examples: --pages 1-3,5-7, --pages 3 or
                            --pages all. Default is --pages 1
 -r,--spreadsheet           [Deprecated in favor of -l/--lattice] Force
                            PDF to be extracted using spreadsheet-style
                            extraction (if there are ruling lines
                            separating each cell, as in a PDF of an Excel
 -s,--password <PASSWORD>   Password to decrypt document. Default is empty
 -t,--stream                Force PDF to be extracted using stream-mode
                            extraction (if there are no ruling lines
                            separating each cell)
 -u,--use-line-returns      Use embedded line returns in cells. (Only in
                            spreadsheet mode.)
 -v,--version               Print version and exit.

It also includes a debugging tool, run java -cp ./target/tabula-1.0.2-jar-with-dependencies.jar technology.tabula.debug.Debug -h for the available options.

You can also integrate tabula-java with any JVM language. For Java examples, see the tests folder.

JVM start-up time is a lot of the cost of the tabula command, so if you're trying to extract many tables from PDFs, you have a few options for speeding it up:

  • the drip utility
  • the Ruby, Python, R, and Node.js bindings
  • writing your own program in any JVM language (Java, JRuby, Scala) that imports tabula-java.
  • waiting for us to implement an API/server-style system (it's on the roadmap)

Building from Source

Clone this repo and run:

mvn clean compile assembly:single


Interested in helping out? We'd love to have your help!

You can help by:

  • Reporting a bug.
  • Adding or editing documentation.
  • Contributing code via a Pull Request.
  • Spreading the word about tabula-java to people who might be able to benefit from using it.


You can also support our continued work on tabula-java with a one-time or monthly donation on OpenCollective. Organizations who use tabula-java can also sponsor the project for acknowledgement on our official site and this README.

Special thanks to the following users and organizations for generously supporting Tabula with donations and grants:

The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation The Shuttleworth Foundation

  • Nurminen table detection

    Nurminen table detection

    This branch implements a more sophisticated table detection algorithm based off Anssi Nurminen's masters thesis (more or less) which can be found here: http://dspace.cc.tut.fi/dpub/bitstream/handle/123456789/21520/Nurminen.pdf?sequence=3

    With this algorithm, 49 of the 67 ground truth table detection tests pass. The remaining failures are mostly either tricky tables or false positives (which I'm guessing are more useful to tabula than not finding anything).

    Note that this branch is based off mcharters:add-table-detection-tests, so it's got some extra changes in there.

    opened by mcharters 18
  • Tabula-java returns

    Tabula-java returns "error: null"

    I have a 1000+ page pdf. I tested tabula-java on a 100 page extract of the whole document, and it worked fine. However, when I ran the entire pdf, the program returned "Error: null" and gave me an empty csv.

    opened by wcraft 17
  • RTL text is mirrored

    RTL text is mirrored

    per Eva’s tweet, started looking into whether we had some issues with Arabic script.

    Not sure if this was a bug in the older tabula-extractor.

    Anyway, given this file (or any other PDF with Arabic script) and just trying to pull out any run of text, you’ll get output from Tabula and tabula-java that’s mirrored:


    reference text: refrerence

    (Note question mark position in first line.)

    After looking into it some, here’s what I’ve dug up:

    • The PDFbox site here mentions at the bottom that

      Extracting text in languages whose text goes from right to left (such as Arabic and Hebrew) in PDF files can result in text that is backwards. PDFBox can normalize and reverse the text if the ICU4J jar file has been placed on the classpath (it is an optional dependency). Note that you should also enable sorting with either org.apache.pdfbox.util.PDFTextStripper or org.apache.pdfbox.ExtractText to ensure accurate output.

    • Our TextElement class rips some bits from that very PDFTextStripper class. Here's ours, noting that it’s "ported from from PDFBox's PDFTextStripper.writePage, with modifications" https://github.com/tabulapdf/tabula-java/blob/7b56c46d3362299430f19c34657a692b6529ed98/src/main/java/technology/tabula/TextElement.java#L108 (lol "Here be dragons")

    • So that upstream writePage function has a bunch of extra bits, starting around L629 regarding normalizing RTL scripts. We're missing those bits. Here's the block comment from that part:

      /* Before we can display the text, we need to do some normalizing.
       * Arabic and Hebrew text is right to left and is typically stored
       * in its logical format, which means that the rightmost character is
       * stored first, followed by the second character from the right etc.
       * However, PDF stores the text in presentation form, which is left to
       * right.  We need to do some normalization to convert the PDF data to
       * the proper logical output format.
       * Note that if we did not sort the text, then the output of reversing the
       * text is undefined and can sometimes produce worse output then not trying
       * to reverse the order.  Sorting should be done for these languages.
       * */
    opened by mtigas 15
  • Test fails in JRE != 6

    Test fails in JRE != 6

    opened by jazzido 15


    Hello all, is there any option of converting selected pages of PDF into excel / csv? i mean to say if i want to convert only tables present on page 12 to 20 of the PDF then what option do i have? regards

    opened by sidmohan 13
  • Unable to extract Japanese characters

    Unable to extract Japanese characters

    I tried to extract Japanese PDF, tabula-java failed to extract Japanese characters.

    Are there any option or settings required?

    $ java -jar ./tabula-0.9.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar -p 6 ame_master.pdf                                                       
    Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
    "??? ??? ?? ???",??,????,,????,???,,?? ? ?,?? ?,? ??(?)??(?)??(?),???? ???? ????,,???????,??1,??2
    "??",12011? ??,,,???? ????????,,,44497.142 4.6,,,,22 10 1.5?52.190.1,,? ?,
    "??",12014? ????,,,?????? ????????????,,,44436.142159.,,,,40 10 1.5?52.170.1,,1295?0,
    "??",12066? ??,,,???? ?????????,,,44365.142177.,,,,62? ? ?17.191.,,? ?,
    "??",1214? ??,,,???? ????????,,,44288.142205.,,,,77 10 1.5#?52.160.,,1290?0,
    "??",1218? ??,,,?? ?????,,,44222.142274.,,,,89 8 2.6#?51.14.,,1290?1,
    "??",12271? ???,,,?????? ?????????,,,44177.142215.,,,,128? ? ?17.181.,,? ?,
    "??",12213? ??,,,???? ????????,,,44181.142374.,,,,140 10 2.4#?52.140.1,,1295?2,
    "??",12265? ??,,,???? ????????,,,44 6.4142212.,,,,138? ? ?17.101.1,,? ?,
    "??",12216? ??,,,???? ??????,,,44112.142250.,,,,135 8 1.5#?52.130.1,,? ?,
    "??",12266? ??,,,?? ????????,,,44 7.1142357.,,,,225 10 1.5?52.130.1,,? ?,
    "??",12310? ??,,,???? ??????????,,,44 1.7142246.,,,,150 10 1.5?52.120.1,,1295?1,
    "??",12368? ???,,,?????? ?????????,,,43522.142156.,,,,140 10 3.2?52.110.1,,? ?,
    "??",12369? ??,,,???? ????????,,,43525.142288.,,,,175 10 2.5(?50.5.?2572).110.1?,,?,
    "??",12411? ??,,,???? ????????,,,43508.142452.,,,,324 10 2.4#?52.120.1,,1290?2,
    "??",12424? ??,,,???? ?????1?????????,,,43454.142223.,,,,120 464.? ?16.99.,,1297?2,
    "??",12415? ??,,,?????? ????????,,,43421.142305.,,,,215 10 2.2?52.150.,,? ?,
    "??",12475? ??,,,???? ?????????,,,43442.142383.,,,,289? ? ?59.180.,,? ?,
    "??",12417? ???,,,?????? ???????????,,,43452.142558.,,,,540? ? ?50.57.2,,1290?3,
    "??",12510? ???,,,???????? ????????2???????????,,,43402.142268.,,,,21 9.4? ?15.11.,,1292?3????,
    "??",12521? ???,,,???? ??????????,,,43386.142349.,,,,310 10 1.5?4.190.,,? ?,
    "??",12515? ??,,,???? ????????5?,,,43353.142296.,,,,250 10 1.5(?50.5.?2582).160. 1295?3,,,
    "??",12569? ????,,,???? ??????????,,,43273.142279.,,,,220 10 2.1?52.180.,,? ?,
    "??",12670? ??,,,???? ????????,,,43285.142390.,,,,658? ? ?59.180.,,? ?,
    "??",1262? ???,,,?? ??????,,,43200.142240.,,,,174 9.4 2.2#?51.14.,,1290?4,
    "??",12623? ??,,,???? ?????????,,,43181.142313.,,,,315 10 2.3?53.150.2,,? ?,
    "??",1268? ??,,,???? ????????????,,,43 8.3142250.,,,,284? ? ?17.171.1,,? ?,
    "??",12619? ??,,,???? ??????????,,,43101.142341.,,,,350 9.4 1.5?52.170.,,1295?4,
    "??",12764? ??,,,?????? ???????????,,,42587.142237.,,,,332 10 1.5?52.170.,,1290?5,
    "??",15014? ???,,,?????? ??????????,,,44169.142 9.7,,,,25 10 1.5?53.140.2,,1590?0,
    "??",15067? ???,,,???? ??????????,,,44 0.6142 9.6,,,,159 9.4 1.5(?50.5.?2582).180.21595?0,,,
    "??",13016? ??,,,?? ????????,,,44536.141457.,,,,9 10 1.5#?52.160.2,,1390?0,
    "??",13068? ??,,,???? ????????,,,44431.141484.,,,,7 10 1.5#?52.160.2,,? ?,
    "??",1312? ???,,,?????? ??????????,,,44314.141462.,,,,27 10 1.5?52.180.2,,1395?0,
    "??",13164? ??,,,???? ??????????,,,44257.141253.,,,,38 8 1.5?52.170.2,,? ?,
    "??",1318? ??,,,???? ???????3?????????????,,,44218.141420.,,,,8 214.? #?51.11.,,1397?0,
    "??",13260? ???,,,?????? ?????????,,,44159.141433.,,,,15? ? ?51.48.,,1390?1,
    "??",13216? ??,,,???? ????????,,,44 2.9141514.,,,,30 10 3.4?52.110.3,,? ?,
    "??",13277? ??,,,?? ?????????????????,,,43567.141379.,,,,24 163.? ?55.61.2,,1395?1,
    "??",13311? ??,,,?? ????????,,,43509.141306.,,,,20 9.4 1.5#?53.140.2,,? ?,
    "??",13312? ??,,,???? ??????,,,43512.141456.,,,,20 10 1.5?52.110.3,,1390?2,
    opened by chezou 12
  • Upgrade to PDFBox 2.0.0

    Upgrade to PDFBox 2.0.0

    A stable release of PDFBox 2.0 is around the corner (they're at rc2 now), so it makes sense to start thinking about upgrading.

    Our ObjectExtractor class extends PDFBox 1.8 PageDrawer, which changed substantially in 2.0.

    Also, PDF rendering improved substantially in PDFBox 2.0, so we might be able to drop JPedal in Tabula and use PDFBox for rendering.

    opened by jazzido 12
  • PR to merge all work from NCSU Senior Design project

    PR to merge all work from NCSU Senior Design project

    This pull request contains all of the work from the NC State University ECE Senior Design team. The major features added include string search, batch processing, and OCR.

    opened by dan144 11
  • Add table detection tests and a basic table detector for guessing table regions

    Add table detection tests and a basic table detector for guessing table regions

    The changes on this branch do a bunch of stuff:

    • Creates a new "detectors" package in tabula for table detection algorithms
    • Implements a SpreadsheetDetectionAlgorithm there to replicate the simple table detection from tabula (web) and tabula-extractor
    • The command line app now uses the new detector when the -g argument is passed (basic fix for #49)
    • Adds ICDAR 2013 ground truth documents for testing purposes (I know there was a new project set up mentioned in #51 but maybe we can migrate the tests over there later?)
    • Adds (currently ignored) tests for testing table detection algorithms (2 out of 67 tests currently pass!)

    This should provide a basis for people to start contributing and evaluating different table detection algorithms

    opened by mcharters 11
  • Allow specifying multiple areas and areas by % using -a option

    Allow specifying multiple areas and areas by % using -a option

    From commandline, currently we can only specify one area at a time. I want to specify multiple areas as well as areas using top, left, bottom, right as % of height and width of the page for my use case.

    Multiple areas are helpful when trying to extract tables from multiple parts of the page using commandline

    Specifying areas using % of height and width is useful when I don't want to calculate absolute value of top/left/bottom/right points to define areas.

    I will be happy to do the changes and create pull request myself if such a change is acceptable.

    opened by asheeshrana 10
  • Row with data at top and bottom of different cells become more than one row of text

    Row with data at top and bottom of different cells become more than one row of text

    I am trying to interpret files like: https://www.sccgov.org/sites/proc/DoingBusinesswiththeCounty/Documents/Contracts%20Report%20for%20Month%20of%20November%202019.pdf

    Here is a small screenshot: https://opencalaccess.org/img/Screen_Shot_2021-03-31_at_4.00.22_PM.png

    See the 4th and 8th row in the pic.

    If you have a pdf with:

    |                 |     AAAAA   |    BBBBBB    |
    |                 |             |              |
    |   CCCCC         |             |              |

    This is one row with three cells. I would like to get:

    CCCCC tab AAAAA tab BBBBBB eol

    What I get is actually:

    "" tab AAAAA tab BBBBBB eol CCCCC tab tab eol

    I have forked and will check out the source and see about finding a minimal test case. And I will try to determine whether this is a duplicate bug or not.

    cheers - ray

    opened by rkiddy 9
  • Gibberish output in tabula-java for Japanese PDF but works in Tabula

    Gibberish output in tabula-java for Japanese PDF but works in Tabula

    I am trying to extract data from this Japanese PDF using tabula-py (and tabula-java), but the output is gibberish. image

    However, when using the standalone Tabula tool, the encoding is properly: image

    Searching online, I've tried the below with no success

    1. Setting the -Dfile.encoding=utf8
    2. Setting chcp 65001

    I understand Tabula and tabula-java use the same library, but is there something different between the two that would explain the difference in output?

    opened by zwong 0
  • Bump slf4j-simple from 1.7.32 to 2.0.6

    Bump slf4j-simple from 1.7.32 to 2.0.6

    Bumps slf4j-simple from 1.7.32 to 2.0.6.

    • 5ff6f2c prepare for release 2.0.6
    • 2f4aa75 fix SLF4J-575
    • 363f0a5 remove unused parts
    • 171679b SLF4J-574: Add full OSGi headers, especially "uses" clauses
    • 921b5b3 fix FUNDING file
    • e02244c fix FUNDING file
    • 441d458 fix FUNDING file
    • f5e741b add FUNDING file
    • 2e71327 remove unused log4j dependency in the version definition section of pom.xml
    • 3ff2a30 start work on 2.0.6-SNAPSHOT
    • Additional commits viewable in compare view

    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
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    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
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    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • Bump slf4j-api from 1.7.35 to 2.0.6

    Bump slf4j-api from 1.7.35 to 2.0.6

    Bumps slf4j-api from 1.7.35 to 2.0.6.

    • 5ff6f2c prepare for release 2.0.6
    • 2f4aa75 fix SLF4J-575
    • 363f0a5 remove unused parts
    • 171679b SLF4J-574: Add full OSGi headers, especially "uses" clauses
    • 921b5b3 fix FUNDING file
    • e02244c fix FUNDING file
    • 441d458 fix FUNDING file
    • f5e741b add FUNDING file
    • 2e71327 remove unused log4j dependency in the version definition section of pom.xml
    • 3ff2a30 start work on 2.0.6-SNAPSHOT
    • Additional commits viewable in compare view

    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • when there is a page break and first column has blank value, the value od secod column apper in first and value of third column in second and it mismatched the output

    when there is a page break and first column has blank value, the value od secod column apper in first and value of third column in second and it mismatched the output

    when there is a page break and first column has blank value, the value od secod column apper in first and value of third column in second and it mismatched the output

    opened by SanjayChirania 0
  • Column width % calculated form area width not page width

    Column width % calculated form area width not page width

    If you determine area width (%) then it calculates column widths % weirdly. The basic calculation is [absolute_column_width_cm]/[total_area_width]. Because column sizes are still absolute size and area width is smaller than actual page, you defined column width percentages gets over 100%. It can be frustrating as this is mentioned no where and extra calculation is really bothersome to do if you have large amount of "templates".

    opened by devinoss 0
Liberate data tables trapped inside PDF files. An open-source Knight Prototype Fund project by: @jazzido @jeremybmerrill @mtigas
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The Apache PDFBox library is an open source Java tool for working with PDF documents

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