A maven plugin to create graphs using the JMeter Plugins CMDRunner from JMeter result files (*.jtl or *.csv) or using Filter Results Tool.
See for more informations for graphs and graphs parameters.
See for more informations for Filter Result Tools.
A fork from project jmeter-graph-maven-plugin project and renamed project, add 'tool' to the artifactId. With the permission of the old main developper Michael LEX (september 2021).
Global documentation for graphs : Customizing graphs
Note: DBMon monitoring graph do not work with this version (log library trouble)
See the LICENSE file Apache 2
Graphs demo created by jmeter-graph-tool-maven-plugin
Some graphs generated with this plugin
Active Threads Over Time with 2 Thread Groups
Response Times Over Time only pages for Thread Group SC01 force Y to 1000 ms
Response Times Over Time only pages for Thread Group SC03 force Y to 1000 ms
Response Codes per Second (http status)
Response Times Percentiles
Synthesis Report filtered with regular expression for label (the plugin creates only csv result file not this table display)
OS Monitoring CPU with PerfMon plugin
JMX Monitoring for Tomcat (JVM Memory with JMXMon plugin)
Apache httpd monitoring with Page Data Extractor plugin
The maven groupId, artifactId and version, this plugin is in the Maven Central Repository
Just include the plugin in your pom.xml
and execute mvn jmeter-graph:create-graph
<!-- ... -->
<!-- see Filter Results Tool in -->
<!-- see JMeterPluginsCMD Command Line Tool in -->
<!-- Page Data Extractor -->
<!-- PerfMon -->
<!-- JMXMon -->
<!-- Aggregate report csv -->
<!- copy files from directoryTestFiles to MAVEN_PROJECT_DIRECTORY/target/jmeter/bin -->
<!-- see jmeter-maven-pugins -->
<!-- merge this properties with file in MAVEN_PROJECT_DIRECTORY/target/jmeter/bin -->
<!-- property format = <property_name>property_value</property name> will be property_name=property_value in the file. E.g. language=en -->
You can also bind the graph-generation to a maven-phase, e.g. verify
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... you can declare filterResultsTool here -->
<!-- ... you can declare more <graph> here -->
Parameters for a graph (depends of the pluginType) :
- inputFile (mandatory)
- pluginType (mandatory)
- width
- height
- generatePng (mandatory depends of the pluginType)
- generateCsv (mandatory depends of the pluginType)
- granulation
- relativeTimes
- aggregateRows
- paintGradient
- paintZeroing
- paintMarkers
- preventOutliers
- limitRows
- forceY
- hideLowCounts
- successFilter
- includeLabels
- excludeLabels
- autoScale
- lineWeight
- extractorRegexps
- includeLabelRegex
- excludeLabelRegex
- startOffset
- endOffset
List of the graph plugins type
- AggregateReport more informations
- SynthesisReport more informations
- ThreadsStateOverTime more informations
- BytesThroughputOverTime more informations
- HitsPerSecond more informations
- LatenciesOverTime more informations
- PerfMon more informations
- DbMon (trouble with this plugin because log library error) more informations
- JMXMon more informations
- ResponseCodesPerSecond more informations
- ResponseTimesDistribution more informations
- ResponseTimesOverTime more informations
- ResponseTimesPercentiles more informations
- ThroughputVsThreads more informations
- TimesVsThreads more informations
- TransactionsPerSecond more informations
- PageDataExtractorOverTime more informations
Parameters for a filterResultsTool
- inputFile (path to the file to read)
- outputFile (path to the file to write)
- successFilter (true/false, true : only success samplers, false : all results by default)
- includeLabels (labels list with comma or label with regular expression)
- includeLabelRegex (true/false, true if your label is a regular expression)
- excludeLabels (labels list with comma or label with regular expression)
- excludeLabelRegex (true/false, true if your label is a regular expression))
- startOffset (integer, number of seconds since the start to remove)
- endOffset (integer, number of seconds offset to remove samplers after with value, keep samplers between startOffset and endOffset seconds)
- saveAsXml (true/false, false : CSV format by default) and
Files in the directory <directoryTestFiles> are copied by the jmeter-graph-tool-maven-plugin to the build directory <MAVEN_PROJECT_DIRECTORY>/target/jmeter/bin.
You can put your or your in the <MAVEN_PROJECT_DIRECTORY>/src/test/jmeter, files will be place by jmeter-maven-plugin in <MAVEN_PROJECT_DIRECTORY>/target/jmeter/testFiles (Note : ${} == <MAVEN_PROJECT_DIRECTORY>/target/), and declare
You can also add or replace user properties values with the
will be : language=en in final the
Properties read order :
default < in <MAVEN_PROJECT_DIRECTORY>/src/test/jmeter or <directoryTestFiles>${}/jmeter/testFiles
default < user.propertes in <MAVEN_PROJECT_DIRECTORY>/src/test/jmeter or <directoryTestFiles>${}/jmeter/testFiles < properties declared in the pom.xml under the <propertiesUser>
JVM Setting
You could change the JVM setting with <jMeterProcessJVMSettings>
- xms Memory Start unit MB
- xmx Memory Max unit MB
and arguments for more JVM configuration
E.g :
Full example
A full example, use jmeter-maven-plugin see and jmeter-graph-tool-maven-plugin.
Launch load test and the monitoring (PerfMon, JMXMon, Page Data Extractor), then filter results and generate graphs and Aggregate Report.
Use maven-phase verify
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- Generate JMeter configuration -->
<!-- Run JMeter tests -->
<!-- Fail build on errors in test
<!-- The plugin uses some broken dependencies An alternative is to set
this to true and use excludedArtifacts, see below -->
<!-- project directory for this script, dedicated property use in the JMeter script to read csv file for example -->
<!-- nb_users and load test duration could be changed with mvn -Dparam=value, e.g. -Dnb_vusers=10 to replace default value (10 replace 20)-->
<!-- graphs from monitoring -->