Spring Boot OAuth 2.0 Client Implementation + MySQL Integration


Spring Boot OAuth 2.0 Client + MySQL

1. What is OAuth 2.0 ?

The OAuth 2.0 authorization framework enables a third-party application to obtain limited access to an HTTP service.

2. How does OAuth 2.0 work ?


  • Resource Owner

    An entity capable of granting access to a protected resource. When the resource owner is a person, it is referred to as an end-user.
    > In other words , it's the end-user that accepts the authorization request.

  • OAuth 2.0 Client

    An application making protected resource requests on behalf of the resource owner and with its authorization.

  • Authorization server

    The server issuing access tokens to the client after successfully authenticating the resource owner and obtaining authorization.
    > This access token will be used later to retrieve the protected resource.

  • Resource Server

    The server hosting the protected resources, capable of accepting and responding to protected resource requests using access tokens.

In our example , we will be interested only to the client side of OAuth 2.
That is , registering the user in our mysql database after getting information from the OAuth2 Provider ( Google , Github)

> OAuth2 Client is our spring application.
> Resource Owner is the user.
> Authorization/Resource Server is the OAuth2 provider.


Spring Boot Web

Spring Data JPA

Spring Security

Spring OAuth2 Client

MySQL Database

Docker ( Optional )

4. File Structure


  • WebSecurityConfig

Extending the WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter class which , along with @EnableWebSecurity annotation , provides web based security and allows us to do some configurations like restricting some URL's for authentication , rejecting requests or maybe a defining a custom firwall .

  • AppController

Playing the role of a controller of requests in the MVC architecture thanks to Spring MVC.
We defined an endpoint "/user" to show the json data sent by the oauth provider after the login success.

  • User and CustomOauth2User

The class User is our Model , in the MVC architecture , marked with @Entity JPA annotation to make the object ready for storage in the database.
The class CustomOauth2User will be used to get attributes of the data retrieved from the oauth provider.

  • UserRepository

Extending the JpaRepository class which makes database access very easy and allows us to perform creation , deletion , update and searching of users.

  • UserService and CustomOauth2UserService

Classes that contains the @Service annotation and used to write business logic like finding a user by email or loading the user from the OauthProvider.

  • OAuth2LoginSuccessHandler

Extends the class SimpleUrlAuthenticationSuccessHandler which is used to specify any custom logic after the success of the authorization .
This class is needed to store the user in tha database after the login.

5. How to run the project

Step 1 : OAuth 2.0 credentials from the Google API Console

Create a new project and get a new pair of OAuth 2.0 clientId and clientSecret.
you'll need them for spring security oauth configuration in application.yaml

              clientId: PASTE_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID_HERE
              clientSecret: PASTE_GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET_HERE
                - profile
                - email

Scope are the information needed from the oauth provider .
In our case we need general profile information and also the email ( will be used later ) Also we need to set the URL callback to /oauth2/authorization/google

Step 2 : Creating a MySQL Database Instance

Using docker is not necessary here , you can use our local MySQL.
In our case we can use docker compose to create our database container.


version: "3.7"

    image: mysql:8.0
      - "3306:3306"
      MYSQL_DATABASE: demo

Here we are using the version 3.7 of the docker compose . Then we are fetching the image of mysql version 8.0 from the Docker Registry. We also expose the port 3306 of the machine ( so we can access the container ) and the port 3306 of the container. Finally we set the root password and the name of the database that we want to create ( for example demo ).

Also we need to configue Spring JPA to use our mysql container.

      ddl-auto: update
    show-sql: true
    url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/demo

Last but not least , we run the command below to create the database instance.

$ cd spring-boot-oauth2-mysql
$ docker compose up

Step 3 : Running the spring application


Let's demonstrate with our oauth 2.0 client implementation with some basic html template.


Before we proceed to the authorization server , let's show our current state of the database :


As we can see our user table is currently empty and our goal is to create a new user after the login success.


After clicking the link , we are redirected to a google page for authorization.

And we can hit the endpoint "/user" to take a peak about the data send to us by google.


And Boom , we obtained the full name and email address , that's exactly what we configured in the application.yaml

So now that we have the data we can actually display the name of the user , as well as registering him in the database .


Here we can see the user registered successfully thanks to the class OAuth2LoginSuccessHandler .

And also we updated to front page to show the name of current logged-in user.


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