Minecraft Forge/Fabric mod that adds the ability to walk around while in inventories


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Minecraft Forge/Fabric mod that adds the ability to walk around while in inventories

InvMove GitHub CurseForge Modrinth
InvMoveCompats GitHub CurseForge Modrinth

This is a rewrite of the previously separate Forge and Fabric versions.
Mod compatibilities have been moved into an addon mod: InvMoveCompats


Enables moving, jumping, sprinting, etc. from within inventories.

Also hides the darkened background tint in inventories that don't pause the game.

Both features can be toggled on or off per-inventory in the config menu.

This mod is client-side, but it may raise alarms if used on servers with anticheat.
I take no responsibility if you get banned or something because you used this on public servers.


Requires Cloth Config (Forge/Fabric). For Fabric, you need Mod Menu to be able to open the config screen.

Config (In-game)


  • Enable Mod: Enable the entire mod
  • Debug Display: Enables a debug overlay that can help debug compatibility problems.

UI Movement:

  • Move In Inventories: Enable movement in inventories
    There is a keybind you can set to toggle this setting (unbound by default)
  • Allow Jumping: Allow jumping in inventories
  • Sneak Mode: How to handle sneaking in inventories:
    • Off = No sneaking
    • Maintain = Keep sneaking if you were when the inventory opened (default)
    • Pressed = Sneak only while holding the sneak button (can be distracting when shift-clicking)
  • Allow Dismounting: Allow dismounting from mounts in inventories (overrides "Sneak Mode" while on a mount)
  • Text Field Disables Movement: Disable movement when a text field is focused (like search bars or in an anvil)

UI Background:

  • Hide Inventory Backgrounds: Hides the background tint while in inventories.
  • Pause Screens Background: How to handle screens that pause the game:
    • Show = Always show background
    • ShowSP = Show background in singleplayer, otherwise allow hide
    • AllowHide = Allow background to be hidden

The Movement and Background pages also have expandable categories containing toggles for individual inventory types.
The base mod only has a category for vanilla inventories. For more mod compatibilities, see InvMoveCompats
Any screens not handled by installed mod compatibilities are added to the "Unrecognized UI Types" section, grouped by modid.


Feel free to use in packs if you wish.

The only official downloads are from the InvMove GitHub, Curseforge, or Modrinth page.
Be careful downloading them from elsewhere, as unauthorized reposts are not monitored and could contain malware.
(If you are interested in the mod being added to another platform, please open an issue!)

The mod is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0

  • Game crashes when reading config file

    Game crashes when reading config file

    I am having an issue with this mod where some setting is being written to the file and from that point forward my game crashes on startup. When I delete the config files the game launches fine but eventually stops again and I have to delete the config files again.

    Here is the logs:

    FATAL ERROR in native method: Thread[Render thread,5,main]: No context is current or a function that is not available in the current context was called. The JVM will abort execution.
    	at org.lwjgl.opengl.GL20C.glCreateProgram(Native Method)
    	at org.lwjgl.opengl.GL20.glCreateProgram(GL20.java:211)
    	at fi.dy.masa.malilib.render.shader.ShaderProgram.init(ShaderProgram.java:38)
    	at fi.dy.masa.malilib.render.shader.ShaderProgram.<init>(ShaderProgram.java:27)
    	at fi.dy.masa.malilib.gui.GuiColorEditorHSV.<clinit>(GuiColorEditorHSV.java:24)
    	at java.lang.Class.forName0([email protected]/Native Method)
    	at java.lang.Class.forName([email protected]/Class.java:375)
    	at me.pieking1215.invmove.InvMoveConfig.readUnrecognizedConfig(InvMoveConfig.java:441)
    	at me.pieking1215.invmove.InvMoveConfig.load(InvMoveConfig.java:336)
    	at me.pieking1215.invmove.InvMove.init(InvMove.java:43)
    	at me.pieking1215.invmove.fabric.InvMoveFabric.onInitializeClient(InvMoveFabric.java:35)
    	at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.game.minecraft.Hooks$$Lambda$5060/0x00000008015a4920.accept(Unknown Source)
    	at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.entrypoint.EntrypointUtils.invoke0(EntrypointUtils.java:47)
    	at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.entrypoint.EntrypointUtils.invoke(EntrypointUtils.java:35)
    	at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.game.minecraft.Hooks.startClient(Hooks.java:53)
    	at net.minecraft.class_310.<init>(class_310.java:452)
    	at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(Main.java:197)
    	at java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm$DMH/0x0000000800e2c400.invokeStaticInit([email protected]/LambdaForm$DMH)
    	at java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm$MH/0x0000000800ebc000.invokeExact_MT([email protected]/LambdaForm$MH)
    	at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.game.minecraft.MinecraftGameProvider.launch(MinecraftGameProvider.java:460)
    	at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch(Knot.java:74)
    	at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main(KnotClient.java:23)
    	at jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0([email protected]/Native Method)
    	at jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke([email protected]/NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:77)
    	at jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke([email protected]/DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
    	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke([email protected]/Method.java:568)
    	at org.multimc.onesix.OneSixLauncher.launchWithMainClass(OneSixLauncher.java:210)
    	at org.multimc.onesix.OneSixLauncher.launch(OneSixLauncher.java:245)
    	at org.multimc.EntryPoint.listen(EntryPoint.java:143)
    	at org.multimc.EntryPoint.main(EntryPoint.java:34)

    The config files themself look like they are valid json, so I am not sure what it causing the crash. Here are the config files that are crashing my MC:


      "movement": {
        "inventory": true,
        "horseInventory": true,
        "creative": true,
        "crafting": true,
        "chest": true,
        "shulker": true,
        "dispenser": true,
        "hopper": true,
        "enchantment": true,
        "anvil": true,
        "beacon": true,
        "brewing": true,
        "furnace": true,
        "blastFurnace": true,
        "smoker": true,
        "loom": true,
        "cartography": true,
        "grindstone": true,
        "stonecutter": true,
        "villager": true,
        "book": true,
        "advancements": true
      "backgroundHide": {
        "inventory": true,
        "horseInventory": true,
        "creative": true,
        "crafting": true,
        "chest": true,
        "shulker": true,
        "dispenser": true,
        "hopper": true,
        "enchantment": true,
        "anvil": true,
        "beacon": true,
        "brewing": true,
        "furnace": true,
        "blastFurnace": true,
        "smoker": true,
        "loom": true,
        "cartography": true,
        "grindstone": true,
        "stonecutter": true,
        "villager": true,
        "book": true,
        "advancements": true


      "allowMovement": {
        "net.minecraft.class_434": false,
        "net.coderbot.iris.gui.screen.ShaderPackScreen": false,
        "net.minecraft.class_433": false,
        "com.kwpugh.simple_backpack.backpack.BackpackClientScreen": true,
        "xaero.map.gui.GuiMap": false,
        "xaero.map.gui.GuiWorldMapSettings": false,
        "xaero.common.gui.GuiMinimapMain": false,
        "xaero.common.gui.GuiWaypointSettings": false,
        "net.minecraft.class_4895": false,
        "me.flashyreese.mods.reeses_sodium_options.client.gui.SodiumVideoOptionsScreen": false,
        "fi.dy.masa.minihud.gui.GuiConfigs": false,
        "fi.dy.masa.minihud.gui.GuiShapeManager": false,
        "fi.dy.masa.minihud.gui.GuiShapeEditor": false,
        "eu.pb4.entityviewdistance.screen.EvdSettingsScreen": false,
        "fi.dy.masa.tweakeroo.gui.GuiConfigs": false,
        "fi.dy.masa.malilib.gui.GuiColorEditorHSV": false,
        "fi.dy.masa.litematica.gui.GuiMainMenu": false,
        "xaero.common.gui.GuiEntityRadarSettings": false
      "hideBackground": {
        "com.kwpugh.simple_backpack.backpack.BackpackClientScreen": true,
        "net.minecraft.class_4895": true


      "movement": {},
      "backgroundHide": {}
    opened by ChristopherHaws 3
  • [option] disable the darkened background in inventories that *do* pause the game

    [option] disable the darkened background in inventories that *do* pause the game

    hi, thank you very much for making this mod !

    Describe the feature you'd like an option to disable the darkened background in inventories that pause the game

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. i would like to have a consistent brightness while playing minecraft, and the darkened background gets in the way... Specifically, when combined with Inventory Pause, it makes the player inventory have a darkened background again, due to the pausing. In the pause screen, all the buttons are already encased in solid grey background, so the dark tink doesn't help visibility any more than that

    opened by yesn0t 3
  • Can't register items at personal crafting while moving forward (pressing W)

    Can't register items at personal crafting while moving forward (pressing W)

    Describe the bug

    When I move forward (Key W) while running or not, I can't pick any items to put somewhere in the slot, it always directed to personal crafting slot (The 4 square slots). And if I move sideward (Key A, D) it's completely normal.

    Crash Log


    My keybind


    Version and Mod List

    List the version of InvMove, the version of Forge/Fabric/Quilt, and the version of Minecraft the issue happens on: Minecraft version: 1.19.2 Modloader: Fabric Fabric loader version: 0.14.9 Environment: Singleplayer Mod version: 0.8.1

    List any other mods being used:


    opened by Psychodeus 2
  • Quick Villager Trading Broken :(

    Quick Villager Trading Broken :(

    Describe the bug When in a villager menu shift space clicking emeralds out of the trade menu doesn't work. My character jumps which is expected but in versions before 1.19 the menu would work as expected as well.

    To Reproduce Basically the feature showcased in this video isn't working. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKV-pGVrBVs

    Version and Mod List Fabric InvMove-1.19-0.8.1-Fabric version 1.19.2

    List any other mods being used: All the other mods i am using are client-side Image listing them all: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/873866021356830740/1028205213615652905/unknown.png


    opened by MeltedButter77 2
  • [Feature] Add config value to make unrecognized UI's set to

    [Feature] Add config value to make unrecognized UI's set to "Disallow Movement" by default

    I use a lot of mods that have custom UI and would love to be able to have the movement value be "Disallow Movement" by default for unrecognized UI's. For the very few UI's that I want to allow movement, I would go in an manually enable it.

    Some mods I use with custom UI:

    • Litematica
    • MiniHUD
    • Tweakaroo
    • Xaero's World Map

    In all of these cases, I want movement to be disabled. The problem is, each of these mods have many submenus that I have to go and disallow movement manually, and I can only do it after opening the screen for the first time.

    opened by ChristopherHaws 2
  • toggle crouch glitch

    toggle crouch glitch

    when I open inventory while crouching using toggle crouch it cause repeating crouch and stand in maintain mode edit1 : I used v0.6.1(fabric) of this mod

    opened by ChocoMartini 2
  • Recipe book

    Recipe book

    Describe the bug Whenever you click the recipe book, whenever you jump it opens and closes it over and over

    To Reproduce click recipe book then jump

    Version and Mod List List the version of InvMove, the version of Fabric Loader+API, and the version of Minecraft the issue happens on: InvMove: 0.1.1 Fabric Loader: (dont feel like checking sorry) Fabric API: 0.46 Minecraft: 1.18.1

    opened by GalaxysWithFiles 2
  • Small visual bug with Shoulder Surfing Reloaded

    Small visual bug with Shoulder Surfing Reloaded

    SSR: https://github.com/Exopandora/shouldersurfing When opening inventories, in shoulder surfing mode, (with SSR's replace_default_perspective = true, to be exact, not sure if that affects anything) and SSR's keep_camera_out_of_head = true, the head is rendered when opening inventories, even if it shouldnt because the camera is inside or very near the player.

    2022-10-30_19 32 50 2022-10-30_19 33 00 2022-10-30_19 33 09 2022-10-30_19 33 12

    opened by DDZiroWan 1
  • Anvil shift

    Anvil shift

    Describe the bug Whenever you shift click an item into a anvil it makes you shift for a second no matter what (only does it in the 1st slot for some reason)

    To Reproduce Open anvil then shift click an item

    Version and Mod List List the version of InvMove, the version of Fabric Loader+API, and the version of Minecraft the issue happens on: InvMove: 0.1.1 Fabric Loader: (dont feel like checking sorry) Fabric API: 0.46 Minecraft: 1.18.1

    opened by GalaxysWithFiles 1
  • Sinicized for the mod

    Sinicized for the mod

    { "config.invmove.title": "InvMove 配置", "key.invmove.category.general": "基础", "key.invmove.category.movement": "UI 移动", "key.invmove.category.background": "UI 背景",

    "config.invmove.general.enable": "启用 Mod", "tooltip.config.invmove.general.enable": "启用整个 Mod", "config.invmove.general.debugDisplay": "调试显示", "tooltip.config.invmove.general.debugDisplay": "启用调试显示.",

    "config.invmove.movement.enable": "移动库存", "tooltip.config.invmove.movement.enable": "在库存中允许移动.\n您可以手动关闭下面的某些库存.\n有一个键绑定,你可以设置切换.", "config.invmove.movement.sneak": "潜行模式", "tooltip.config.invmove.movement.sneak": "如何在库存内部处理潜行:\nOff = 不潜行\n打开库存时保持潜行\n按下 = 潜行仅当持有潜行按钮\n(按下可以分散shift点击)\n(如果使用切换潜行,按下允许切换和其他两种模式保持)", "config.invmove.movement.jump": "允许跳跃", "tooltip.config.invmove.movement.jump": "允许在库存内跳跃.", "config.invmove.movement.dismount": "允许拆下", "tooltip.config.invmove.movement.dismount": "允许在库存内拆卸.", "config.invmove.movement.textFieldDisables": "文本字段禁止移动", "tooltip.config.invmove.movement.textFieldDisables": "当文本字段被聚焦时禁用目录的移动.", "config.invmove.movement.unrecognizedScreenDefault": "无法识别的屏幕默认值", "tooltip.config.invmove.movement.unrecognizedScreenDefault": "无法识别新的UI默认状态.",

    "config.invmove.background.enable": "隐藏库存背景", "tooltip.config.invmove.background.enable": "在库存中隐藏背景色.\n您可以手动关闭以下某些库存.", "config.invmove.background.hideOnPause": "暂停屏幕背景", "tooltip.config.invmove.background.hideOnPause": "如何处理暂停游戏的屏幕:\n显示 = 总是显示背景\n显示SP =显示背景在单人游戏,否则允许隐藏\n允许隐藏 = 允许背景被隐藏", "config.invmove.background.unrecognizedScreenDefault": "无法识别的屏幕默认值", "tooltip.config.invmove.background.unrecognizedScreenDefault": "无法识别新的UI默认状态.",

    "key.invmove.module.nooptions": "此模块没有任何选项.",

    "key.invmove.unrecognized": "无法识别的UI类型", "key.invmove.unrecognized.desc": "一旦与不可识别的gui进行交互,就会在这里显示.",

    "keycategory.invmove": "库存移动", "keybind.invmove.toggleMove": "切换UI移动",

    "key.invmove.module.vanilla": "香草",

    "config.invmove.vanilla.movement.horseInventory": "马的库存", "config.invmove.vanilla.backgroundHide.horseInventory": "马的库存", "tooltip.gui.advancements": "这个菜单是一个暂停屏幕,所以这个选项可能会被覆盖.", "tooltip.item.minecraft.book": "这个菜单是一个暂停屏幕,所以这个选项可能会被覆盖." }

    opened by yiobai 0
  • Problem with Freecam

    Problem with Freecam


    When in freecam mode your actual player isn't supposed to move, but when an inventory is open both the camera and player move.

    bug compatibility 
    opened by PieKing1215 0
  • Glitchy compatibility with Crawl

    Glitchy compatibility with Crawl

    https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/crawl While an inventory is open, you crawl at normal walking speed and if you have crawl set to toggle it toggles every tick when the key is pressed.

    bug compatibility 
    opened by PieKing1215 1
  • InvMove Causes GUI Elements to Show Behind JEI

    InvMove Causes GUI Elements to Show Behind JEI


    I've been having some trouble with the Inventory Move mod, any GUI elements (such as a Thermal Expansion Machine Upgrade Tab) are shown behind the JEI item list. This makes them impossible to interact with and if JEI Cheat Mode is on the items will be deleted. I've checked the library mods required and they do not cause this issue to happen. It seems InvMove is the cause and using the Compatibility mod for JEI support does not fix this issue either. This is a screenshot of the GUI issue: image

    The next screenshot is the correct GUI and is loaded with only JEI, COFH Core, Fabric API, Cloth Config v4 API, Thermal Expansion, and Thermal Foundation


    Would you please consider looking into this because it does make the game much more frustrating when those elements are not functional.

    Thank you! Darkosto

    MC: 1.18.2 Forge: 40.1.73 InvMove: 0.8.1 Cloth Config v4 API: 6.2.62 Fabric API: 0.51.1+1.18.2 JEI: COFH Core: Thermal Expansion: Thermal Foundation:

    bug compatibility 
    opened by Darkosto 1
  • Moving away from chest breaks animations

    Moving away from chest breaks animations

    When opening a chest with InvMove and moving away from it the animations of the chest breaks. On singleplayer the animations of that specific chest simply stops working and on multiplayer the animations of the chest are reversed (always open, closes on interact). Temporarily fixed by restarting world.

    Tested with 1.19 Fabric Loader 0.14.8 Fabric API 0.55.3+1.19 Cloth Config 7.0.67-fabric InvMove 1.19-0.8.0-Fabric

    opened by blackmyin 2
David M.
Programmer and game developer pursuing a Computer Science & Game Development double major at Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
David M.
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