An addon that is trying to recreate Tinker's Construct within Slimefun. Adds new customisable tools with leveling and modifiers.


SlimeTinker is a Slimefun4 addon that tries it's best to recreate the amazing Tinker's Construct Mod (link) in Vanilla Minecraft.

Features include:

  • The ability to melt all Vanilla and Core Slimefun metals and alloys.
  • Casting out metals into nuggets, ingots and blocks for all metals. Cast into tools parts (Axe Heads, Sword Blades etc.)
  • Creation of custom tools based on any combination of Head, Binding and Rod parts for a unique tool
  • Each Part/metal combination has a specific property. Properties range from Auto smelting to Levitation, invisibilty to 3x3 mining.
  • Tools level as you use them, as they level they unlock new Modifier slots and can promote from Stone > Gold > Iron > Diamond and Netherite.
  • Modifier slots can be used to add special modifiers to the tool from bonus drops (on top of looting/fortune) to more haste, damage and more.
  • Tools do not break, they just stop working until you repair them using the same metal type the tool is made of
  • Parts can be swapped out at will leaving the tool level/mods intact. Want to start with Copper to level faster THEN swap to Reinforced for 3x3? Go for it!
  • All effects/mods (when applicable) work with Vanilla Enchants. Damage, exp and durability modifications are all stackable and work nicely with each other.

For a more detailed look, check out the video from Boomer_1 who runs through the basics of Tinker! Boomer shows off SlimeTinker

Planned Features include:

  • Addition of molten metal types from even more addons!
  • Armour pieces
  • Additional tiers of smeltery that will allow for further automation.


SlimeTinker has a LOT of properties and effects and I simply do not have enough ideas to flesh out all of it. So I really would welcome any and all suggestions in the Slimefun Addon Community Discord (be sure to stick to the slimetinker channel!). If you have ideas, please use this invite


Big thanks to Riley for the great InfinityLib which sped things up greatly. Another big thanks to Martin who helped us out with ideas and direction. Thanks to Boomer for testing, feeding back and breaking things for me!

Finaly a very big thanks to the Minecraft server for fostering the initial ideas, testing and generally being awesome!

  • Update traits

    Update traits

    I apologize for my bad git management. Open this new PR for future updates.

    This PR is to update some misinformation in traits' descriptions and rename some methods.

    opened by ybw0014 13
  • Backend overhaul

    Backend overhaul

    This is to fix my bad code as much as possible without changing anything breaking.

    • [x] Remove Lombok
    • [x] Tidy up some general crap
    • [x] Reduce code smells where possible
    • [x] Convert CM classes to builders where appropriate
    • [x] Move events inside traits directly

    and anything else to un-dumb.

    This will be followed by a second pull to convert all tools to proper PDC Types which will need a much longer lead in time.

    opened by Sefiraat 7
  • Issue with making tools

    Issue with making tools

    My friend has server. It's just a small survival with people, he knows from real life. He started making Tinkery machines and stuff. Machines work properly. But... When it comes to making tools in Tinker's Tool Table, that's where he finds an issue. He tried to make a tool (Axe) out of Steel and now even from Brass (the only part that was Brass was Axe head, he said that he thinks everything else was from Steel) and both of those things, when he tries to create it don't work. The table vanishes and puts itself back into his inventory, now just as Smithing Table with a name.

    Server Log / Error Report

    It's as a file here, since I don't know how to make a pastebin thing.

    Environment (Required)

    • Minecraft Version: 1.18.1
    • Slimefun Version: RC 30
    • Plugin Version: DEV 65 slimefun error.txt 2022-02-03_22 57 43
    opened by ThunderIsBest 4
  • SlimeTinker armor with locked tool can dupe blocks

    SlimeTinker armor with locked tool can dupe blocks

    Description (Required)

    When wearing Tinker's armor and use a locked tool to break blocks, the block is still here and generates drops. Without Tinker's armor, there are no drops.

    Steps to reproduce the Issue (Required)


    1. Make any piece of Tinker's armor.
    2. Get a locked tool from /sf cheat or someone else (usually from shop). Here I get a cobalt pickaxe.
    3. Wear that piece of armor, and break any block.
    4. Some blocks will generate drops.

    Some server owners sent me vids that they can dupe shulker boxes and chests, but I cannot reproduce that.

    Expected behavior (Required)

    No drops.

    Server Log / Error Report

    No error log in console.

    Environment (Required)

    • Minecraft Version: 1.16.5
    • CS-CoreLib Version:
    • Slimefun Version: 971
    • Plugin Version: 36

    Only Slimefun and SlimeTinker are installed.

    opened by ybw0014 4
  • Problem with loading SlimeTinker on my server

    Problem with loading SlimeTinker on my server

    Description (Required)

    During starting server i got error log in the console. Server works with this error but in game i see just slime tinker tabs without any items inside i cant use plugin.

    Steps to reproduce the Issue (Required)

    Turn on server

    Expected behavior (Required)

    Working SlimeTinker on my server

    Server Log / Error Report

    [14:30:36] [Server thread/ERROR]: [SlimeTinker] The following error has occurred during SlimeTinker's startup! [14:30:36] [Server thread/ERROR]: [SlimeTinker] Not all items and features will be available because of this! [14:30:36] [Server thread/ERROR]: [SlimeTinker] Report this on Github or Discord and make sure to update Slimefun! [14:30:36] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 0/INFO]: [AuthMe] Downloading GEO IP database, because the old database is older than 30 days or doesn't exist [14:30:36] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 0/WARN]: [AuthMe] No MaxMind credentials found in the configuration file! GeoIp protections will be disabled. [14:30:36] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 0/INFO]: [AuthMe] There is no newer GEO IP database uploaded to MaxMind. Using the old one for now. [14:30:36] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 0/WARN]: [AuthMe] Could not download GeoLiteAPI database [FileNotFoundException]: plugins/AuthMe/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb (No such file or directory) [14:30:36] [Server thread/WARN]: java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation: when resolving method "me.mrCookieSlime.Slimefun.api.inventory.BlockMenuPreset.addMenuClickHandler(ILme/mrCookieSlime/CSCoreLibPlugin/general/Inventory/ChestMenu$MenuClickHandler;)Lme/mrCookieSlime/CSCoreLibPlugin/general/Inventory/ChestMenu;" the class loader (instance of org/bukkit/plugin/java/PluginClassLoader) of the current class, io/github/sefiraat/slimetinker/items/workstations/smeltery/TinkersSmeltery, and the class loader (instance of org/bukkit/plugin/java/PluginClassLoader) for the method's defining class, me/mrCookieSlime/Slimefun/api/inventory/BlockMenuPreset, have different Class objects for the type me/mrCookieSlime/CSCoreLibPlugin/general/Inventory/ChestMenu$MenuClickHandler used in the signature [14:30:36] [Server thread/WARN]: at io.github.sefiraat.slimetinker.items.workstations.smeltery.TinkersSmeltery.setupMenu( [14:30:36] [Server thread/WARN]: at io.github.sefiraat.slimetinker.infinitylib.slimefun.AbstractContainer$1.init( [14:30:36] [Server thread/WARN]: at me.mrCookieSlime.Slimefun.api.inventory.BlockMenuPreset.( [14:30:36] [Server thread/WARN]: at me.mrCookieSlime.Slimefun.api.inventory.BlockMenuPreset.( [14:30:36] [Server thread/WARN]: at io.github.sefiraat.slimetinker.infinitylib.slimefun.AbstractContainer$1.( [14:30:36] [Server thread/WARN]: at io.github.sefiraat.slimetinker.infinitylib.slimefun.AbstractContainer.( [14:30:36] [Server thread/WARN]: at io.github.sefiraat.slimetinker.infinitylib.slimefun.AbstractTickingContainer.( [14:30:36] [Server thread/WARN]: at io.github.sefiraat.slimetinker.items.workstations.smeltery.TinkersSmeltery.( [14:30:36] [Server thread/WARN]: at io.github.sefiraat.slimetinker.items.Materials.set( [14:30:36] [Server thread/WARN]: at io.github.sefiraat.slimetinker.SlimeTinker.onAddonEnable( [14:30:36] [Server thread/WARN]: at io.github.sefiraat.slimetinker.infinitylib.AbstractAddon.onEnable( [14:30:36] [Server thread/WARN]: at [14:30:36] [Server thread/WARN]: at [14:30:36] [Server thread/WARN]: at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin( [14:30:36] [Server thread/WARN]: at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R3.CraftServer.enablePlugin( [14:30:36] [Server thread/WARN]: at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R3.CraftServer.enablePlugins( [14:30:36] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.loadWorld( [14:30:36] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.DedicatedServer.init( [14:30:36] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.w( [14:30:36] [Server thread/WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.lambda$0( [14:30:36] [Server thread/WARN]: at

    Environment (Required)

    I have #32 version installed on my server

    • Minecraft Version: 1.16.5
    • CS-CoreLib Version: DEV 92
    • Slimefun Version: DEV 962
    • Plugin Version: #32
    opened by OldLord-dev 3
  • tinkers workbench steals buckets after making cheese

    tinkers workbench steals buckets after making cheese

    Used the tinkers workbench to make cheese recipe took milk bucket and salt and returned cheese in the output as expected but did not return empty bucket. confirmed with enhanced crafting table and enhanced autocrafter both returned empty buckets. installed version is minecraft 1.16.5-R0.1-Snapshot slimefun dev 929. tested live version on tantrum server.

    opened by pHI10S0PH3RKING 3
  • Make modifications configurable

    Make modifications configurable


    Hi there,

    I would like modifications on SlimeTinker tools to be configurable. Just like some metal traits, some modifications might be too overpowered on certain servers. It would be nice to get the ability to fully disable/enable a modification, change the required items per level, how many levels each modification has and what the increase in percentage is for each level. But just starting with being able to enable or disable certain modifications through a configuration file would be great.


    No response

    opened by Auxority 2
  • Tinker's Smeltery raise error

    Tinker's Smeltery raise error


    An Error occurred while trying to create a BlockMenu


    Server Log / Error Report


    • Minecraft Version: git-Paper-408 (MC: 1.17.1)
    • CS-CoreLib Version:
    • Slimefun Version: Slimefun DEV - 999
    • Plugin Version: SlimeTinker vDEV - 65


    opened by EarlyZ-LK 2
  • mcMMO Mining Double Drops Not Working

    mcMMO Mining Double Drops Not Working

    Description (Required)

    When mining with SlimeTinker armor on, mcMMO mining double drops no longer drop.

    Steps to reproduce the Issue (Required)

    Unlock the mcMMO double drop mining skill, and attempt to get double drops when mining and wearing SlimeTinker armor.



    Expected behavior (Required)

    Regardless of the armor being worn, mcMMO double drops should not being impacted.

    Server Log / Error Report


    Environment (Required)

    Paper git-Paper-388 (MC: 1.17.1) Slimefun DEV - 986 (git 250fe4c9) Metrics-Module #28 Java 16

    Installed Addons: (23) DyedBackpacks vDEV - 17 (git 8b329e96) CrystamaeHistoria vDEV - 15 (git 828f32cf) ExtraTools vDEV - 31 (git abdc1514) EcoPower vDEV - 5 (git 5c1ecd68) HotbarPets vDEV - 38 (git fa6c871d) SimpleMaterialGenerators v1.0.0 DynaTech vDEV - 149 (git 4bd5aeef) ExtraGear vDEV - 13 (git c62047e2) HeadLimiter v22 ExoticGarden vUNOFFICIAL InfinityExpansion vDEV - 125 (git 15a06ce6) CMILib v1.0.4.3 SlimeCustomizer vDEV - 22 (git 7a62d8a7) SFCalc vDEV - 36 (git 74973a41) ExtraHeads vDEV - 23 (git 0b59a770) MobCapturer vDEV - 17 (git c21b00a5) SlimyTreeTaps vDEV - 20 (git 963f0383) PrivateStorage vDEV - 18 (git 5832db21) FlowerPower vDEV - 10 (git 1beb0a87) SlimeTinker vDEV - 48 (git 02b06db0) TranscEndence vDEV - 39 (git cfb66ee5) SimpleStorage vDEV - 10 (git ea5e5637) FluffyMachines vDEV - 94 (git c5a76c49)

    opened by iLuckyx 2
  • not be able to craft some of the tinkers armor/stuff

    not be able to craft some of the tinkers armor/stuff

    hey again guess who!? as u know there is sth wrong with crafting mail links with ghostly essen.. and of course Redstone alloy ingot as I know , not sure about other stuff yet

    and I got some suggestions and questions too 1-where is boomerite ingot I can find the molten recipe but no actual recipe is there for it 2-whats the use of all this leveling for nothing for example a piece of armor after 10 its useless or even a sword after 50 and does nothing not even give it a small buff like after each level of armor it increases the defence by 1% 3-plz add some modifications as well it would really be great we kill our selves to get the armor and up it but not really much after it

    bug confirmed bug 
    opened by RIPISDRAD 2
  •  Could not pass event InventoryClickEvent to Slimefun vDEV - 960 (git 0df4694a)

    Could not pass event InventoryClickEvent to Slimefun vDEV - 960 (git 0df4694a)

    Description (Required)

    Server keeps showing this error on console when trying to use a repair bench.

    Steps to reproduce the Issue (Required)

    Get a repair bench Try and repair an item using a repair kit.

    Expected behavior (Required)

    Tool gets repaired.

    Server Log / Error Report

    Environment (Required)

    • Minecraft Version: 1.17.1 Paper-107
    • CS-CoreLib Version: N/A
    • Slimefun Version: vDEV - 960
    • Plugin Version: vDEV - 26
    opened by thefirstmine 2
  • Ores don’t like linkers

    Ores don’t like linkers


    • [X] I am using official English version of SlimeTinker and did not modify jar.
    • [X] I am using an up to date "DEV" version of SlimeTinker.
    • [X] I searched for similar open issues and could not find an existing bug report on this.


    Magnonium tool rod plus fortune sing pickaxe rod makes ores disappear dropping nothing

    Steps to reproduce

    Magnonium rod Fortune sing pickaxe

    Expected behavior

    Litterly nothing

    Server log

    No response

    Error report

    No response

    Server software


    Minecraft Version


    CS-CoreLib Version

    • [X] I don't have CS-CoreLib installed

    Slimefun version


    SlimeTinker version


    Other plugins

    Infinity expansion

    opened by Lagcatalyst 2
  • Chorus flower does not drop when wearing SlimeTinker amour

    Chorus flower does not drop when wearing SlimeTinker amour


    • [X] I am using official English version of SlimeTinker and did not modify jar.
    • [X] I am using an up to date "DEV" version of SlimeTinker.
    • [X] I searched for similar open issues and could not find an existing bug report on this.


    When breaking a chorus flower without SlimeTinker armour on, the block breaks and a chorus flower is dropped. When wearing any piece of SlimeTinker armour, the block still breaks but a chorus flower is not dropped. This appears to be independent of the armour

    Steps to reproduce

    1. Create and wear any piece of SlimeTinker armour
    2. Break a chorus flower
    3. Observe as a chorus flower is not dropped

    Expected behavior

    Expected chorus flower would be dropped.

    Server log

    No response

    Error report

    No response

    Server software


    Minecraft Version


    CS-CoreLib Version

    • [X] I don't have CS-CoreLib installed

    Slimefun version

    DEV - 1035

    SlimeTinker version

    DEV - 77

    Other plugins

    Not sure if it's related to any other plugins, here's the list anyway. Plugins (68): AntiPopup, ArtMap, AureliumSkills, BungeeTabListPlus, CMI, CMILib, ContainerPassthrough, CoreProtect, CraftBook, CraftingStore, CrystamaeHistoria, DailyRewards, DankTech2, DiscordSRV, DyedBackpacks, DynaTech, EcoPower, ExcellentCrates, ExoticGarden, ExtraTools, FastAsyncWorldEdit (WorldEdit), FastChunkPregenerator, FluffyMachines, FNAmplifications, FoxyMachines, Galactifun, GilderFix, GPPressurePlates, GriefPrevention, Harbor, InfinityExpansion, InteractiveChat, InteractiveChatDiscordSrvAddon, ItemEdit, LuckPerms, MetaMachines, MetaRank, MiniBlocks, NerfPhantoms, Netheopoiesis, Networks, NexEngine, OtherAnimalTeleport, PlaceholderAPI, Plan, PlayerPlacedSculkShriekers, ProtocolLib, PvPManager, RelicsOfCthonia, ResourceWorld, SFAdvancements, SFCalc, SimpleUtils, Slimefun, SlimeHUD, SlimeTinker, SlimyTreeTaps, SoulJars, spark, SpiritsUnchained, squaremap, StaffPlusPlus, StaffPlusPlusDiscord, SurvivalInvisiframes, Terra, TranscEndence, Vault, VotingPlugin

    opened by LordIdra 0
  • Slimetinker is blocking runes from being applied to tools, armor and weapons

    Slimetinker is blocking runes from being applied to tools, armor and weapons


    • [X] I am using official English version of SlimeTinker and did not modify jar.
    • [X] I am using an up to date "DEV" version of SlimeTinker.
    • [X] I searched for similar open issues and could not find an existing bug report on this.


    this may or may not be related to issue 145. I was not able to apply any runes to any items. After removing slimetinker from the server, rune application worked. I tried applying runes to a vanilla diamond pick, but couldn't until slimetinker was removed. this is in minecraft 1.19.2

    Steps to reproduce

    drop a tool, armor or weapon then drop any slimefun run on it. nothing happens

    Expected behavior

    the rune to be applied.

    Server log

    no errors

    Error report


    Server software


    Minecraft Version


    CS-CoreLib Version

    • [X] I don't have CS-CoreLib installed

    Slimefun version

    DEV 1035

    SlimeTinker version

    DEV 77

    Other plugins

    No response

    opened by Boomer-1 1
  • Incompatibility with Itemsadder causing tool duplication

    Incompatibility with Itemsadder causing tool duplication


    • [X] I am using official English version of SlimeTinker and did not modify jar.
    • [X] I am using an up to date "DEV" version of SlimeTinker.
    • [X] I searched for similar open issues and could not find an existing bug report on this.


    Im using the latest DEV version of Slimetinkerer on 1.18.2 Purpur with Java 17, and the Itemsadder plugin.

    When using a pickaxe with the following stats and mining a custom ore from Itemsadder's default configs, the pickaxe duplicates, creating an exact copy of itself in my inventory.

    Netherite Pickaxe Enchants: Eff 10, Fortune 10, Unbreaking 10, Mending 1 H: Fortune Singularity B: Silicon R: Steel Fortunate Slow Learner Lightweight Level 17 (636 / 8650) Modifier Slots: 8 Emerald Level 4 Lapis Lazuli Level 5

    Steps to reproduce

    1. Install Itemsadder on 1.18.2 Purpur with Slimetinker, Slimefun, and any dependencies
    2. Create the pickaxe listed
    3. Spawn in an itemsadder ore with /iaget itemsadder:turquoise_ore
    4. Place it and mine it with the tool
    5. Watch as the tool duplicates!

    Expected behavior

    The item to not duplicate. Possibly the fortune portion of the tool is attempting to duplicate the ore's drops and is instead duplicating the tool itself.

    Server log

    Error report

    No response

    Server software


    Minecraft Version


    CS-CoreLib Version

    • [X] I don't have CS-CoreLib installed

    Slimefun version

    Dev 1026 image

    SlimeTinker version

    Dev 77

    Other plugins

    Itemsadder, possibly the SF Itemsadder extension too.

    opened by masonalexone 1
  • the snowball not drop

    the snowball not drop


    • [X] I am using official English version of SlimeTinker and did not modify jar.
    • [X] I am using an up to date "DEV" version of SlimeTinker.
    • [X] I searched for similar open issues and could not find an existing bug report on this.


    when i broke the snow the snowball is not drop is this a bug when i remove slime-tinker it is ok

    Steps to reproduce

    always use slimetinker:image remove slimetinker:image

    Expected behavior

    the sonwball should drop

    Server log

    No response

    Error report

    No response

    Server software


    Minecraft Version


    CS-CoreLib Version

    • [X] I don't have CS-CoreLib installed

    Slimefun version

    Slimefun4 - RC 32 (git e13d1).jar

    SlimeTinker version

    SlimeTinker - DEV 77 (git 99a52).jar

    Other plugins

    No response

    opened by asd969704376 0
  • Soulbound rune not working on Slimetinker items

    Soulbound rune not working on Slimetinker items


    • [X] I am using official English version of SlimeTinker and did not modify jar.
    • [X] I am using an up to date "DEV" version of SlimeTinker.
    • [X] I searched for similar open issues and could not find an existing bug report on this.


    Trying to apply a soulbound rune to a slimetinker item no longer has any effect. In addition to this, players report that runes they've applied to slimetinkoer items before this problem started no longer have the "soulbound" lore on their items after I restart the server.

    Steps to reproduce

    Drop a slimetinker tool or weapon and try to drop a soulbound rune on it. - we experienced no lightning nor consumption of the rune: no change to the item. Aquire a slimetinker item that already has soulbound applied to it from some time in the past before the above behavior started. Check out the lore after restarting the server.

    Expected behavior

    Slimetinker items should both acquire and retain Soulbound satus from the Soulbound Runes.

    Server log

    not rellevant

    Error report


    Server software


    Minecraft Version


    CS-CoreLib Version

    • [X] I don't have CS-CoreLib installed

    Slimefun version

    DEV - 1014 (git f431aa6d)

    SlimeTinker version

    vDEV - 74 (git 5ae433d4)

    Other plugins

    Paper git-Paper-379 (MC: 1.18.2) Slimefun DEV - 1014 (git f431aa6d) Metrics-Module #25 Java 17

    Installed Addons: (43) GlobalWarming vDEV - 11 (git 73ff77d4) Networks vDEV - 35 (git 0dd3d950) CrystamaeHistoria vDEV - 73 (git 528ad08d) ExtraTools vDEV - 34 (git e84a9d59) FoxyMachines vDEV - 58 (git c2c2b8a7) SlimefunOreChunks vDEV - 15 (git 2520cb23) SfChunkInfo vDEV - 6 (git 56940fbf) FNAmplifications vDEV - 75 (git 75644e2b) SimpleMaterialGenerators vDEV - 1 (git 719e1451) DynaTech vDEV - 165 (git 50b62512) ExtraGear vDEV - 13 (git c62047e2) Supreme vDEV - 6 (git 05996dd1) InfinityExpansion vDEV - 140 (git 0098d2fb) CMILib v1.2.0.1 SFCalc vDEV - 36 (git 74973a41) ElectricSpawners vDEV - 23 (git 6ec96773) ExtraHeads vDEV - 23 (git 0b59a770) VillagerUtil vDEV - 1 (git 0a949b19) MobCapturer vDEV - 17 (git c21b00a5) SlimyTreeTaps vDEV - 20 (git 963f0383) PrivateStorage vDEV - 18 (git 5832db21) FlowerPower vDEV - 14 (git 63a37cc0) SlimeTinker vDEV - 74 (git 5ae433d4) Galactifun vDEV - 63 (git 364ecbf5) TranscEndence vDEV - 41 (git 98d7d47e) FluffyMachines vDEV - 116 (git e439acf9) CMI v9.2.0.0 DyedBackpacks vDEV - 17 (git 8b329e96) SoundMuffler vDEV - 23 (git 2030f464) AlchimiaVitae vDEV - 21 (git 27b788bf) SlimefunWarfare vDEV - 80 (git 364331cf) EcoPower vDEV - 5 (git 5c1ecd68) HotbarPets vDEV - 38 (git fa6c871d) SlimefunLuckyBlocks vDEV - 36 (git 60f0c8dc) ExoticGarden vDEV - 78 (git 7f9a5f63) DankTech2 vDEV - 4 (git 803760fb) Liquid vDEV - 14 (git 0f5346bf) LiteXpansion vDEV - 155 (git 574d551a) SimpleUtils vDEV - 15 (git 4250fd5e) ElementManipulation vDEV - 21 (git b29aaa3b) SoulJars vDEV - 23 (git b8358a1f) PotionExpansion vDEV - 5 (git e2cfcd8a) SlimyRepair vDEV - 4 (git 790c41cb)

    opened by mrcoffee1026 1
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David M. 3 Oct 21, 2022
trying to create a plugin using the spigot api! this plugin will be responsible for delivering the products according to the settings!

KettraShop "simples plugin de ativação de produtos da loja, dentro do Minecraft" ⚙️ Configurações caso você não tenha uma loja virtual para seu servid

SEBASTIAN JN ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ 4 Nov 2, 2022
Usign ascii characters, recreate an image following a local path

CMDImage Usign ascii characters, recreate an image following a local path README El código toma una imagen desde una ruta local para convertirlo en ca

Alexander Hernández 13 Aug 30, 2022
Infinity Buttons is a fabric mod which adds exciting new buttons!

Infinity Buttons Infinity Buttons is a mod which adds exciting new buttons! Current features Large Buttons, which are bigger than normal buttons. Copp

LarsMans 5 Nov 20, 2022
GMC-Tools - Plugin with basic tools for Minecraft server administrator

GMC-Tools - Plugin with basic tools for Minecraft server administrator. Currently we do not support configuration files and we do not recommend using this plugin on production servers.

GamesMC Studios 4 Jan 14, 2022
Team project within the course of Software System Design and Analysis.

InnoBookCrossing - Application for sharing books at Innopolis Description The application is designed to help people share books with each other. All

Dariya 33 Oct 22, 2022