A free mixin-based injection hacked-client for Minecraft using Minecraft Forge.



A free mixin-based injection hacked-client for Minecraft using Minecraft Forge.

LiquidBounce contact infos.

Website: https://liquidbounce.net
Forum: https://forums.ccbluex.net
YouTube: https://youtube.com/CCBlueX
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CCBlueX

Third-party plugins/mods also included in this build:


If you notice any bugs or missing features, you can let us know by opening an issue here.


This project is subject to the GNU General Public License v3.0. This does only apply for source code located directly in this clean repository. During the development and compilation process, additional source code may be used to which we have obtained no rights. Such code is not covered by the GPL license.

For those who are unfamiliar with the license, here is a summary of its main points. This is by no means legal advice nor legally binding.

You are allowed to

  • use
  • share
  • modify

this project entirely or partially for free and even commercially. However, please consider the following:

  • You must disclose the source code of your modified work and the source code you took from this project. This means you are not allowed to use code from this project (even partially) in a closed-source (or even obfuscated) application.
  • Your modified application must also be licensed under the GPL

Do the above and share your source code with everyone; just like we do.

Setting up a Workspace

LiquidBounce+ is using Gradle, so make sure that it is installed properly. Instructions can be found on Gradle's website.

  1. Clone the repository using git clone https://github.com/WYSI-Foundation/LiquidBouncePlus.
  2. CD into the local repository folder.
  3. Depending on which IDE you are using execute either of the following commands:
    • For IntelliJ: gradlew --debug setupDevWorkspace idea genIntellijRuns build
    • For Eclipse: gradlew --debug setupDevWorkspace eclipse build
  4. Open the folder as a Gradle project in your IDE.
  5. Select either the Forge or Vanilla run configuration*.

(*: For those who can't run the default configuration, try creating a gradle run config with task runClient.)

Additional libraries


Mixins can be used to modify classes at runtime before they are loaded. LiquidBounce+ is using it to inject its code into the Minecraft client. This way, we do not have to ship Mojang's copyrighted code. If you want to learn more about it, check out its Documentation.


We appreciate contributions. So if you want to support us, feel free to make changes to LiquidBounce+'s source code and submit a pull request. Currently, our main goals are the following:

  1. Improve LiquidBounce+'s performance.
  2. Re-work most of the render code.

If you have experience in one or more of these fields, we would highly appreciate your support.

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  • Patched reverse exploit of res-packet

    Patched reverse exploit of res-packet

    some servers,i.e. zqat.top will attempt to check normal files like "latest.log" to make sure that the bug is unpatched so only filter the config folder will do the trick

    skidded from https://github.com/UnlegitMC/FDPClient/blob/main/src/main/java/net/ccbluex/liquidbounce/injection/forge/mixins/network/MixinNetHandlerPlayClient.java

    opened by huzpsb 1
  • Add NoFall Modes

    Add NoFall Modes

    Changed "Smart" SpoofGround mode to spoof only for one tick (Now it's no longer like Edit). Added "Collide" mode to bypass Fly 4I and Fly 4L flags in Verus.

    opened by gabrielvicenteYT 1
  • better custom speed

    better custom speed


    opened by suckma420 1
  • b260722(Jul 26, 2022)

    Thank you for supporting me. This project will be archived and no longer receive updates, as well as support. A short but long journey for me has come to an end.

    Mega changelog:

    [+] Updated all dependencies to the latest version.
    [+] Added back AutoSettings command (.settings) to load online configs from my repo. And old .theme command will now be .localtheme since I've implemented online theme loader from my repo into it as well.
    [+] Added Macro feature (WIP) (.macro add/remove/list) but stable for now.
    [-] Removed Login command (.login)
    [+] Added back:
    - AutoLeave
    - Ignite (in Kotlin)
    - BedGodMode
    - Damage
    - Ghost
    - GodMode
    - KeepContainer
    - Kick
    - ComponentOnHover under the name HoverDetails
    - MineplexGround, Spectre speed modes + GWEN speed (?)
    - AirLadder
    - AutoWalk
    - BlockWalk
    - IceSpeed
    - LadderJump
    - NoClip
    - PerfectHorseJump
    - AntiAFK
    - AutoFish
    - KeepAlive
    - ProphuntESP
    - AutoBreak
    - CivBreak
    - Liquids
    - Nuker
    [-] Removed most of Patcher components, as well as made it into different Mixins classes.
    [+] Fixed LiquidBounce+ not working with Patcher (in general) and Replay Mod.
    [+] Re-added Tabs feature.
    [+] Updated AltManager, now generating cracked alts is instant and it works with all type of alts. (once again thanks LiquidBounce for this)
    [+] Fixed overlapping ClickGUI panels may cause multiple modules to be enabled.
    [+] Added scroll feature for numeric values. Hover float or integer values and use mouse scroll to increase or decrease.
    [-] Completely removed moving hotbar (due to performance reasons).
    [~] Fixed and improved Arraylist to be faster and more stable.
    [+] Revamped Notifications. Removed old New style, replaced with ????????
    [+] Added rounded rects for Scoreboard element.
    [-] Removed Performance module due to more than half of it being vanilla code.
    [+] Added the option to modify lookup (search) modes in Scaffold. (Normal -> force normal rotation, AAC -> aac rotation, Same -> same as RotationMode)
    [+] Added Spin rotation mode in Scaffold.
    [+] Added omnidirectional expand and keep rotation on jump setting in Scaffold.
    [+] Fixed TargetMark Health's color mode not working with Default or Box mode.
    [+] Added Shadow text option for NameTags.
    [+] Removed ClickGUI open/enable sound.
    [+] Fixed Animations (invisible bow, confusing values).
    [+] Added container button's alignment and button style in HUD module.
    [+] Container buttons will only be visible when a button's module is enabled.
    [+] Converted NoFall to Kotlin and added/fixed a bunch of modes from FDP.
    [+] Mode customizable values for NoSlow and ????????? for Watchdog.
    [+] Re-added every old fly modes.
    [+] Added AntiExploit module (you can disable this, just to protect you from massive arrows, guardians and Demo GUI).
    [+] Added Custom skin support for NameProtect (throw the skin you want to LiquidBounce+-1.8 folder under the name cskin.png).
    [+] Added more settings for CustomDisabler and added auto preset.
    [-] Moved some Disabler modes to CustomDisabler presets.
    [+] Added more settings for Disabler module.
    [+] Added FOV support for TeleportAura.
    [+] Made default Velocity mode to Cancel.
    [+] Added Packet2 Criticals (?).
    [+] Added ComboOneHit.
    [~] Modified enable and disable notification to use type colors instead of text colors.
    [~] Overridden settings will now be notified.
    [+] Added None Rotation mode and Spin-HitHurtTime, fixing slow hit delay in KillAura.
    [~] Optimized some modules' settings.
    [+] Added AntiBot's Matrix mode, thanks to CzechHek from Core repository. As well as fixed DuplicateInTab and added ReverseCheck for DuplicateInWorld.
    [~] Fixed AutoDisable grammar. ("1 modules" -> "1 module")
    [+] Added MatrixSpeed modifier for Matrix LiquidWalk.
    [+] Reversed Redesky's LongJump XZ modifier to old version.
    [+] Renamed None NoSlow mode to Vanilla.
    [+*] Added experimental smart TargetStrafe function detection.
    [+*] Added experimental smart rotation prediction for Watchdog Disabler.
    [-*] Removed NameTags assumeNonVolatile variable modifying. May fix weird issue regarding first-time rendering.
    [+] New FakeLag settings to exclude & include packets. Fixed infinite packet loop.
    [+] Compltelely revamped Target element.
    [+] Added armor durability display for ESP2D. Splitted details into health and armor details. Added background for all tags.
    [+] Added option to change Legacy ClickGUI's animation speed.
    [+] Stricted Watchdog's fly to use only slime blocks.
    [+] Added Scaffold's Spin rotation mode.
    [+] Added 1.9's order check for KillAura and vanilla in general (prevent flags from 1.9+ ViaForge).
    [+] Added rotation to AsianHat, the hat will now rotate according to player's head.
    [+] Added NoMoveFreezePlayer value for Scaffold, basically stop all horizontal motion while towering.
    [+] Shadow shader is now available for all HUD elements.
    [+] New Tools dropdown button in server selection GUI, replacing AntiForge & BungeeCordSpoof buttons.
    [~] Renamed GuiMove to InvMove, added Vanilla, Silent (cancels inv open packets), Blink modes.
    [+] Added KillAura HurtTime (player's hurt time), HurtResistance (armor's hurt resistant time), HealthAbsorption (total health with absorption effect), RegenAmplifier (regeneration effect's amplifier) sorting modes.
    [+] Added option to disable garbage cleaning in InvManager.
    [+] Fixed 2D rendering problems, FPS boosted.
    [+] Added MatrixFlag LongJump mode. imagine flagfold, re.
    [+] Added Health/Percent display modes, Dot/Line Health bar modes, Details on hover only option for ESP2D.
    [+] Added no block breaking particles option in Animations module.
    [+] Added AutoPot smart timeout value to fix unapplied potions.
    [+] Added Fucker ignore first block detection, very useful for Bedwars (also has a 2-block bed check).
    [+] Added SuperHeroFX.
    [+] Added MineFC/HeroMC_Bedwars AutoPlay mode.
    [~] Fixed ClickGUI mouse scroll on Android PojavLauncher.
    [~] Fixed Watchdog Disabler's Rotation.
    [+] Brought Exhi's style to HUD elements. This includes TargetHUD, Armor, Effects, Scoreboard.
    [+] Added AutoPot NoCombat value.
    [+] ESP2D Armor bar has been recolored and can now be splitted into each armor part.
    [+] Added InvManager NoScaffold value.
    [+] Added Connect, UUID command for BungeeCordSpoof.
    [+] Added Watchdog Disabler Waiting display modes (Amongus, Top, Middle, Chat, Notification, None).
    [+] Fixed weird old JDK 8 problems with ByteBuffer in LiquidBounce+ (mainly for IDEs). Merged MixinLoader with TransformerLoader.
    [+] The project will now use my own fork of ForgeGradle, since asbyth's one is gone.
    [+] Added old forgotten ResetVL module.
    [+] n e w c l i c k g u i that sucks.
    [+] All sub GUIs in main menu have been merged into one GUI, Dark/Light mode.
    [+] Added back Shortcut, Enchant, Give, HoloStand, Hurt, Remote View, Rename, Username, XRay commands.
    [+] KillAura FakeSharp-SwordOnly value.
    [+] Added Cape Resource Cache for better indexing/performance, NameTags NoFirstPerson.
    [+] Added NameTags, Chams LocalPlayer value.
    [~] Completely changed how FastBow delay works and fixed duplicating packets.
    [~] Renamed MCF back to MidClick.
    [+] Added Sneak Forward/Strafe Multiplier for NoSlow.
    [+] Added more customizations for Container Animations (Slide horizontal/vertical values, animation time).
    [~] Legacy ClickGUI Scale can now be scaled down to 0.4 in options.
    [+] Added NoDuplicateNonStackable value for ChestStealer. This applies to items like Pickaxe, Axe, buckets, etc.
    [+] Added Revert button in Alt Manager, will revert back to the account the launcher uses first.
    [+] Tracers FOV modes including All, Back, Front.
    [+] Added Exhibition and revamped Remix sword animation.
    [+] Added RoundRotation value for KillAura, let you round the target rotation to a specific strength.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    liquidbounceplus-final.jar(15.63 MB)
  • b240422(Apr 25, 2022)

    LiquidBounce+ build 240422:
    [+] Added details for AntiBan module's kick message.
    [+] Added AntiSnipe (hide your lobby sending message on Hypixel) in AutoHypixel module.
    [+] Added AntiSnipeMatch (hide date and lobby id on Hypixel) in Scoreboard element.
    [-] Removed useless Chams mode in Rotations module.
    [~] We started using our own LiquidCloud for mcp-stable_22.srg and generators.json file, preventing from cloud.liquidbounce.net timeout.
    [+] Optimized Notifications code.
    [+] Added and fixed blur for TabGUI and Text.
    [~] Fixed HUD elements being hard to move when rescaled anything apart from 1.0.
    [+] Removed weird Https code from the client, making BanChecker usable again.

    You should remove mcp-stable_22.srg file in your LiquidBounce+-1.8 folder before running this build, thanks.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    LiquidBounce-plus.jar(15.01 MB)
  • b230322(Apr 3, 2022)

    you may not know but recently i've been working on a completely new mcp-based liquidbounce+ so this project will remain inactive for a while

    LiquidBounce+ build 230322:
    [+] Added the option to change custom toggle sound volume in HUD settings. (some people say it is slightly louder so here you are)
    [+] Truly updated ViaForge core to latest version.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    LiquidBounce-plus.jar(15.01 MB)
  • b210322(Mar 21, 2022)

    i forgor about the eventmgr :skull: worst mistake

    LiquidBounce+ build 210322:
    [~] Major patches for legacy scripts and EventManager have been done.
    [+] Added option to modify default timeout value, also small tutorial on how to edit kit in AutoKit after enabling Edit-Mode.
    [+] Fixed PackSpoofer, added patch for reverse resourcepack exploit in both PackSpoofer and default network handler.
    [~] Fixed TeleportAura's lines render being buggy.
    [+] Updated integrated ViaForge to the latest commit.
    [+] Updated Custom Speed with more settings. (i forgot to merge the pull request :skull:)
    [+] Improved and fixed AutoPot.
    [+] Added Other mode for AAC5-Packets in Fly module.
    [~] Changed the way Scaffold14E fix performs in PacketFixer.
    [+] Added new toggle sounds, remove the old sounds folder inside LiquidBounce+-1.8 to have it.
    [+] Added some suffixes for values in ClickGUI module settings.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    LiquidBounce-plus.jar(14.99 MB)
  • b190322(Mar 19, 2022)

    And that's it, see you in another 2 months.

    LiquidBounce+ build 190322:
    [+] Added AfterTickPatch (duplicated block shit), SmartAutoBlock (from KillAuraPatch script) option for KillAura.
    [+] Merged Tower to Scaffold, added Verus tower mode (may not place blocks properly with some tower modes, also flags Verus a lot).
    [+] Moved VerusFix to PacketFixer module under the name Scaffold14E, completely get rid of Scaffold 14E check. (to fully disable it I recommend you to turn off Rotations)
    [~] Simplified every value names in PacketFixer settings.
    [+] Added back Test disabler with many useless features.
    [+] Added Verus-PurseDelay to LatestVerus disabler, decrease your chances of getting kicked.
    [+] Added Verus-AntiFly, prevents you from getting kicked by disabling fly before Verus getting disabled.
    [+] Added AutoKit (BlocksMC), automatically choose a kit when in a Skywars game. (with Edit-Mode in settings you can select a kit yourself and AutoKit will remember it)
    [+] Copy-pasted AutoPlay from FDP since I'm too lazy.
    [+] AutoDisable now supports multiple events. Now with the same syntax, you can add and remove an event from AutoDisable trigger list.
    // command: .autodisable/.ad <module name> <clear/flag/world_chang/game_end>
                .autodisable/.ad <list/clear>
    [+] Added support for spaced name in legacy scriptapi (v1), usage: add this function getSpacedName() in module object.
    [+] Disconnect screen will now show how long you have played before getting kicked. (since session change.)
    [+] Added sessionTime and worldTime Text placeholder, display how long you have played since session (account) change, or world change.
    [+] AntiBan module (aka. AntiStaff) is now available for BlocksMC, automatically leave a game if detected staffs. (won't work if they completely vanish.)
    [+] Added OnEvent thing for InvManager and ChestStealer, also fixed 0 delay causing crash.
    [+] Merged AutoArmor and InvCleaner to a single module InvManager. Also modified and fixed some bugs. 
    > SimulateInventory got renamed to InvSpoof and modified to only send open packet when garbage is present and close packet when player's inventory has been cleaned.
    > Moved old InvSpoof method to InvSpoof-Old value in case you still want to use it.
    > Added NBT's checks and Potion slot option thanks to FDP's InvCleaner.
    > Fixed Hotbar value to only clean hotbar when inventory is closed or InvSpoof is disabled (using new method), otherwise it will clean player's inventory including the hotbar itself.
    // InventoryUtils, ItemUtils and ArmorPiece are still fully compatible with Core.lib, open an issue if something doesn't work.
    [+] Added V-Speed for Motion fly, enable you to change vertical fly speed.
    [+] ColorMixer / Mixer color now supports up to 10 different colors, you can change the amount with Amount value. (not even kidding, in ColorMixer setting)
    [+] Box, Outline, 2D, None block render option is now available with Fucker module.
    [*] Fixed AntiBot not detecting NPC names.
    [+] Added ParticleFadingSpeed, ParticleSize, ParticleGenerateAmount and ParticleRange for Rise TargetHUD.
    [-] Removed BetterFPS as Sylveon requested (it does nothing or very little to your FPS, and also flags some anticheats, like GrimAC.)
    [+] Added optimizations for FPS, thanks to Feather Client (also Performance module).
    [-] Officially remove WorldDownloader from LiquidBounce+ since it's kinda useless and conflict with FPS optimize thing as said above.
    [+] Hypixel speeds are now more customizable.
    [+] Fixed LongJump Redesky sometimes caused the game to completely freeze. Also made XZ,Y multiplier activated even after long jumping.
    [+] Added original TargetHUD: Chill. With options to toggle the health bar and fading animation. Also completely disabled scale for Target since it causes some weird bugs.
    [+] Added tag for TargetMark.
    [+] Notifications now only contains 3 styles: Compact (New), Full (Old), New (Rounded notification)
    [+] Improved performance for Scoreboard element, added cache and Hypixel domain support.
    [~] Decreased FastUse's Instant sending packets down to 32 instead of 35.
    [~] FakeLag no longer activates when in Singleplayer as it probably has caused major FPS decrease. (also fat c00)
    [+] Added anti-zero blocks to Scaffold, thanks to Flux again. (to prevent ghost blocks from appearing in your inventory)
    [+] Fix some other major bugs. Also added NoScaffold to KillAura (since if NoHitCheck is enabled you may hit someone while scaffolding with autoblock).
    [~] Fixed Watchdog NoSlow (enable SendPacket), now it's fully bypassing. Also improved Watchdog's Disabler. (PingSpoof option is recommended for less ban)
    [~] Fixed Rise TargetHUD particles doesn't detect combo hits, now detecting hits are packet-based.
    [+] Added Potion/Effect for NameTags, fixed the bar being too long for some entities.
    [+] Recoded AutoPot but it's worse.
    [+] Fixed Lightning's position being multiplied by 32.
    [+] Added test shader for Rise TargetHUD (Shadow). Only uses when you have a very decent gpu.
    [+] Added FDP's InfiniteAura (under the name TeleportAura), improved it to detect normal KillAura and have sorting.
    [+] Added SpoofBack AntiVoid (bypasses some anticheats), Mineplex NoFall (just silently teleport you up 4 blocks).
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    LiquidBounce-plus.jar(14.95 MB)
  • b280122(Jan 28, 2022)

    LiquidBounce+ build 280122:
    [+] Added TargetMark mode Tracers.
    [+] More options for LatestVerus Disabler.
    [*] Fix AntiVoid being funny and spam the log.
    [+] Added VerusFix option for Tower and Scaffold, completely fix the Scaffold 14E check.
    [+] Renamed HypixelGlide Fly mode to Clip, added GroundSpoof, Timer, CollisionCheck, MotionY setting. Renamed forward and down value to horizontal and vertical, now works for upward tp. (requested by keira)
    [-] Removed VerusFloat fly. (since it sucks and doesnt bypass at all)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    LiquidBounce-plus.jar(15.04 MB)
  • b260122(Jan 26, 2022)

    LiquidBounce+ build 260122:
    [+] Updated ViaForge built-in to 1.18.1.
    [-] Archived Test + Removed BlocksMC disabler, as well as Hypixel speed modes as they completely patched Strafe. 
    [+] Added MoveOnly option for FakeLag disabler, and move it to a completely different module.
    [+] Added MoveFix option to Matrix Disabler, which fixes some checks, especially unstable/silent flag fly, strafe. May act as NoFall.
    [+] Brought Verus damage methods from Fly to LongJump.
    [+] Added ItemPosXYZ in Animations setting.
    [-] AEMineLowHop should not be a thing so deleted it. Added VerusHard speed by Drew, modified. (i don't think it works with speed pots iirc and it flags sometimes)
    [+] New omnidirectional sprint bypasses. Converted Sprint class to Kotlin.
    [*] White theme module buttons when enabled will now turn into blue instead of dark gray. Modified the targets panel to match others' accent.
    [*] Decreased the default value of Graph so it won't kill your eyes.
    [+] Added the Air sprint option for Scaffold.
    [+] TargetStrafe is now available for all Fly & Speed uses.
    [+] Removable Scoreboard, now it won't automatically be added back to HUD each time you start LB+.
    [+] Improved Scaffold options. Added CustomSpeed option (static strafe speed)
    [*] Scaffold and Tower now detects more blacklisted blocks.
    [+] Fixed AntiBot being too funny sometimes and crash the client.
    [+] Hide command now support more auto-complete arguments. 
    // A command that you may not know, help hide the redundant render modules if you don't want them to show on Arraylist: .hide category <render/combat/etc.>
    [+] Added VerusFloat (static fly, no y change, currently FLAGS a lot) and VerusLowHop (the combination of VerusLowHop speed and collision fly).
    [+] Added PacketFixer module, can bypass some Verus checks. (Fly 4I/Fly 4C/Timer 11B/BadPackets 3A/BadPackets 3Y/Scaffold 14D)
    [+] Added option to enable head tab overlay for non premium users (in HUD module).
    [+] Copy pasted FDP's Latest Verus Movement Disabler. (to replace for BlocksMC mode)

    and btw happy lunar new year for vietnamese people

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    LiquidBounce-plus.jar(15.04 MB)
  • b180122(Jan 18, 2022)

    LiquidBounce+ build 180122: (funny packet edition)
    [*] Fixed Disabler mode Test (again, still autobanning).
    [-] Removed Watchdog3 NoSlow since it totally doesnt bypass at all.
    [*] Removed VulcanTimerGround Speed, added AEMineLowHop mode. (flaggy)
    [-] Completely removed the framebuffer shadow system, big things soon so no need for it anymore.
    [+] Improved Phase mode Hypixel, make it work on Matrix too.
    [+] Teleport mode Blink + Flag now have the option to toggle sneak check.
    [+] Optimized AutoHypixel's message. (Sending you to another game in -> Next game in)
    [+] Scoreboard's domains now support Hypixel's domain.
    [+] BlocksMC Disabler upgrade. (still not working)
    [+] New Text element placeholder suggestion system so you don't have to find these anymore. (also auto complete, use down/up keys to navigate, use enter/tab to complete)
    [+] Added AntiDesync module (in Misc category) aka. No0.03 to fix Minecraft's problem with 9E-4 (sometimes it flags anticheats).
    [+] Graph mode Packet now supports silent packets.
    [+] Added White theme for ClickGUI so you guys can burn ur eyes easily.
    [+] Added VerusSmart Criticals, this mode doesn't require any settings and I don't even know if it actually does crits lol.
    // disable unblock option if you get packet rate limited and don't turn off c06. require viaversion 1.17.x.
    [*] Fixed Hypixel phase not cancelling jumps.
    [!] I might have broken PointerESP and other stuffs so don't use them if you see something weird.
    // from now on no update due to school stuffs.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    LiquidBounce-plus.jar(14.45 MB)
  • b080122(Jan 8, 2022)

    LiquidBounce+ build 080122:
    [*] Attempted to fix Disabler mode Test, renamed InvMove-Test option to Experimental.
    [+] Brought back WallClimb (aka. Spider) and added Verus mode.
    [+] Added WorldDownload mod integrated. (some servers may not allow you to download worlds, please enable AntiForge.)
        also fixed memory leak in multi-player. (not sure in single-player, might cause memory leak with WDL downloaded maps.)
    [+] New Graph HUD element, fully customizable (for now there's no way to change color except background/border one, i'm tired).
    [+] Added AEMine velocity, VulcanTimerGround (not bypassing) speed (in Other type).
    [*] Completely fixed hotbar issue, now turning off HUD doesn't reset the hotbar position anymore.
    [+] fixed the AntiBot message that noone talked about lol
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    LiquidBounce-plus.jar(14.43 MB)
  • b010122(Jan 1, 2022)

    first release of the year,

    LiquidBounce+ build 010122 - Happy New Year!
    [*] Renamed Test dmg mode (Fly - Verus) to Jump, added Re-Damage option (requested by cOcCoCoA's hELpeR).
    [+] Added back Parkour module (requested by mini-programmer).
    [*] Fixed Hypixel Phase mode breaks some blocks' collision and Step.
    [+] Added Disabler mode Test :trole:
    [+] Make Hypixel speeds a bit slower (also added warning for Strafe ban.)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    LiquidBounce-plus.jar(14.15 MB)
  • b261221(Dec 26, 2021)


    LiquidBounce+ update build 261221:
    [*] Fixed memory leak with framebuffer shadow.
    [*] Fixed Verus speed modes don't do anything.
    [*] Modified Hypixel speeds.
    [*] Removed FakeLag2 Disabler mode, revamped mode FakeLag (works like in some ghost clients).
    [*] Renamed BlocksMC disabler to OldBlocksMC.
    [+] BanChecker will now notify you when something has gone wrong while getting WD's statistics.
    [+] Added Hypixel's Phase mode (automatically phase you down), removed FastFall mode.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    LiquidBounce-plus.jar(14.14 MB)
  • b251221(Dec 25, 2021)


    LiquidBounce+ update build 251221:
    [!] Merry Christmas!
    [*] Properly fix Log4j RCE, thanks to liuli's help.
    [+] New Animated Hotbar, make Black Hotbar corner rounded.
    [+] AsianHat performance improvements.
    [+] HypixelGlide, FunCraft fly mode. (thanks drew for this hake)
    [+] Added back SlimeJump, FastStairs, FastClimb.
    [+] More CustomDisabler options.
    [+] Added non-bypassing verus speeds, thanks to cOcCOCoA'S heLPeR. (it actually does nothing)
    [+] cool shadow wtf no fps lag???? REQUIRE FAST SHADER TO BE DISABLED!!
    // i might add the high-quality shader version soon although it's really laggy (for my old computer the fps goes down from 60 fps to nearly 15 fps)
    [*] Replaced Rise TargetHUD's normal shadow with framebuffer shadow. (turn on Rise-Shadow-Legacy for older version)
    [*] Fixed disabling HUD makes the whole in-game GUI move up when opening chat. Now player's hotbar will only move up when HUD is enabled (to prevent weird things.)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    LiquidBounce-plus.jar(14.14 MB)
  • b111221(Dec 11, 2021)

  • b101221-hotfix(Dec 10, 2021)

    I almost forgot to release this before I go sleep lol, so here you are.

    LiquidBounce+ update build 101221-hotfix:
    [*] Fixed player name tags sometimes disappear due to flaw (caused by esp2d not checking its state).
    [+] Added NameTags option for NoRender, allows you to completely disable players' name tag (may significantly improve the FPS).
    [*|CRITICAL] Fixed recent Log4J RCE exploit as described here: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29504755.
    [+] Added Damage mode for LongJump (requested by Altf4lol).
    [-] Removed HypixelDamage and HypixelDamage2 LongJump mode due to its not bypassing at all.
    [+] Added Criticals option to only active when KillAura is also enabled.
    // We won't add FDP's crasher mode using this exploit as we think that maybe dangerous to both the server and other players using outdated versions.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    LiquidBounce-plus.jar(14.11 MB)
  • b041221(Dec 4, 2021)


    LiquidBounce+ update build 041221:
    [*] Fixed Flux target in some cases background width is shorter than name width.
    [*] Fixed 1283 OpenGL errors, also fix weird ChestStealer silent mode render issue.
    [*] Removed redundant OpenGL tasks/functions.
    [*] Revamped Hypixel speeds, with 3 modes: MiniPort, YPort, Boost, Stable. (up till now only use YPort as all known public disablers got patched.)
    [*] Make chat animation and main menu fade animation faster, player list animation slower.
    [*] Fixed Scaffold/Tower Advanced Blur only blur the text part of the counter.
    [*] Fixed Scaffold counter mode Off while enabling Tower also disable Tower counter.
    [*] Removed all buttons from inventory GUI as those buttons don't function properly (will be fixed in the future.)
    [*] Removed all Hypixel related disabler modes.
    [+] Added VulcanSprint & VulcanSprint2 disablers, disabling keepsprint checks with Vulcan. (50/50, just constantly sending stop/start sprint packets)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    LiquidBounce-plus.jar(14.11 MB)
  • b231121(Nov 23, 2021)


    LiquidBounce+ update build 231121:
    [+] BlocksMC Disabler. (FlyCode, only use test features if you understand the risk!)
    [+] Re-added AntiCactus, Eagle as it bypasses anticheats.
    [*] Fixed Custom Disabler mode Dynamic not detecting the delay.
    [*] Beautified AutoHypixel's render (no nothing really changed i swear).
    [*] Completed Debug with both Custom Disabler and Disabler.
    [+] Watchdog status, check if you're on Hypixel and Watchdog's C0F poll rate. Placeholder: `%wdStatus%`
    [*] GUI Animations no longer depends on FPS.
    [*] Fixed AntiBot not removing bots when enabled the `RemoveFromWorld` setting.
    [*] Slight changes in options.
    [+] Tooltip and health bar no longer override chat GUI. New player list and chat animation.
    [+] CS:GO Spin bot 1999 Rise cleint rotation 727 rpm no hax legit wtf???
    [*] Deleted NCP rotation mode (it only bypasses vanilla), added Spin mode in KillAura.
    [*] Fix minor problems.
    [+] New Disabler modes.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    LiquidBounce-plus.jar(14.11 MB)
  • b171121(Nov 18, 2021)

    DM me on discord (why dont#0425) for official info, with my discord server's invite as always. so basically bspkrs took down the MCPBot server, making many other projects related to it broken (through the default FG config). ~~that also means I can no longer build new versions of liquidbounce+ until ForgeGradle can find a solution for this. (or I can fix the config. smh)~~ fixed workflow + gradle config.


    [*] Improved BowJump, with options to turn off auto disable and timer.
    [+] Added back ConsoleSpammer (because I found something funny).
    [+] Added PointerESP (from FDPClient but modified much).
    [*] Remove shitcodes, completely move Verus longjump into the LongJump module (unstable).
    [+] Added back AAC Speeds.
    [+] New LongJump bypasses.
    [*] New RPC Logos.
    [*] Fixed NPE spamming the log (caused by Mixins).
    [*] Improved TargetMark's Jello mode, better performance + appearance (instead of using GL_LINE_LOOP, I used GL_QUAD_STRIP).
    [*] Updated integrated ViaForge to the latest update.
    [*] Fixed Chest/Inventory background also do the GUI animation with elements inside.
    [+] More ServerCrasher modes.
    [+] Customizable blur (in some HUD elements and Scaffold/Tower counter). Doing some FPS trickery.
    [+] New spaced module name system, now you can add `spacedName: "cool script"` in `script.registerModule()`.
    [+] Added back SafeWalk.
    [*] Modified Rise TargetHUD to work with blur, also remove slide animation from it.
    [+] New KillAura rotations (Customizable NCP).
    [+] NoAchievements module.
    [+] Changeable Breadcrumbs line width.
    [+] Moved container buttons, added Disable AutoArmor/InvCleaner.
    [+] HUD Themes, usage: type `.theme/themes/tm/thememanager` for more info.
    [+] Added MineBox Verus Damage Fly Method by Co Dynamic.
    [+] Updated Disabler with actually useful modes. (Including (old) Verus Disabler by Dort)
    [+] Vanilla/VerusAutoBlock addon for KillAura.
    [*] Modified MotionEvent with more information (don't worry it won't break Core.lib scripts).
    [+] Bring back Aimbot, AutoBow, AutoSoup, FastBow, and some other modules.
    [+] Added some Patcher features, some of them can be toggled via Patcher module in Misc category.
    [*] Renamed Aesthetic to Ambience.
    [*] Custom DmgParticle color support.
    [+] New Fade out animation when starting the client, soon new loading screen.
    [+] Added KillAura's AutoBlock mode Hypixel.
    [*] Fix Hypixel bypasses, I guess.
    [+] Custom Disabler where you can fully modify the disabler to your need.
    [+] Only expand some settings if other values required for it are enabled.
    [*] AsianHat alpha thing.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    LiquidBounce-plus.jar(13.97 MB)
  • b250921(Sep 25, 2021)

    there's too much to describe and to fit in a changelog...


    since you guys have waited for too long I have to release it (many suggestions such as verus fast non dmg fly, etc. will be finished in the next update.)

    also for some of you guys wondering why doesn't the TargetStrafe work, it's because we made it only work for hypixel speeds (Speed type Hypixel).

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    LiquidBounce+-250921.jar(12.60 MB)
  • b140821(Aug 14, 2021)

  • b120821(Aug 12, 2021)

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