Checkstyle is a development tool to help programmers write Java code that adheres to a coding standard. By default it supports the Google Java Style Guide and Sun Code Conventions, but is highly configurable. It can be invoked with an ANT task and a command line program.


Checkstyle is a tool for checking Java source code for adherence to a Code Standard or set of validation rules (best practices).

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Verification of code quality

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The software uses the Picocli Library ( Its license terms are in the file named "LICENSE.apache20" in this directory.

  • FOR_EACH_CLAUSE variable is not declared final

    FOR_EACH_CLAUSE variable is not declared final

    ...69939c84cd69cd/src/test/resources/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/coding/ should be declared final. is not checking for this variable (because it is not checking for FOR_EACH_CLAUSE variable). following is the line of code:
    so, I remove this line. as there is not any conflict with removing this line.
    now there are many places where FOR_EACH_CLAUSE variable is not declared final in source code. so I changed it.
    opened by Bhavik3 78
  • Add support for the Java 8 syntax

    Add support for the Java 8 syntax

    The upcoming Java 8 has a new language syntax that Checkstyle needs to support. The developer preview is quite stable and language syntax changes are not expected.

    Besides that, the new language features might be an opportunity for new checks.

    From RomanIvanov: please do "1 question" survey about Java8 support, without registration -

    approved high demand 
    opened by pellaton 77
  • Issue #7504: New Check UnusedLocalVariable

    Issue #7504: New Check UnusedLocalVariable

    Partially Resolves #7504: New Check UnusedLocalVariable

    Diff Regression config:

    Diff Regression patch config:

    Final Report: ~

    Diff between above mentioned reports(clean) -

    Diff report for FullIdent(Clean) :

    opened by Vyom-Yadav 74
  • Issue #3203: Adding new property enforceWhitespaceAroundArrayInit

    Issue #3203: Adding new property enforceWhitespaceAroundArrayInit

    Resolves #3203 : Added new property enforceWhitespaceAroundArrayInit Diff Regression projects: Diff Regression config: Diff Regression patch config: Changes proposed for WhitespaceAroundCheck Adding new property enforceWhitespaceAroundArrayInit Created new UT and its input file InputWhitespaceAroundArrayInitWithProperty image image

    opened by Vyom-Yadav 70
  • Issue #9010: Refactor TrailingComment implementation to be completely AST based

    Issue #9010: Refactor TrailingComment implementation to be completely AST based

    Fixes #9010

    Diff Regression config: Diff Regression projects:

    opened by anhminhtran235 67
  • Add lambda support to indentation check

    Add lambda support to indentation check

    This is a first pass for lambda support in the indentation check. All unit and integration tests pass. The test case is based on the test case in this branch: Not all cases will be covered in this commit, but at least it's a start. I ran checkstyle against a codebase I'm working on and all the lambda related warnings disappear with this commit.

    Also see #281.

    opened by pietern 61
  • Issue #4022: Removed shouldStartLine property for RightCurly

    Issue #4022: Removed shouldStartLine property for RightCurly

    Issue #4022

    Some Test cases borrowed from a comment in #3775

    Behavioral Changes:

    1. This, This, and This (column '9') are now violations

    2. This is no more a violation

    3. All the MSG_KEY_LINE_NEW in errors replaced by MSG_KEY_LINE_ALONE

    DO NOTE:

    Unlike to what was mentioned in the comments in Issue 3775, this results in violation for both option=ALONE and option=ALONE_OR_SINGLELINE

    opened by voidfist 60
  • Indentation properties not applied properly to lambdas

    Indentation properties not applied properly to lambdas

    (Java 8 - sabaka gsoc branch)

    Indentation properties don't seem to be applied properly to lambdas. For example, if I change indentation to 2, with:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE module PUBLIC
        "-//Puppy Crawl//DTD Check Configuration 1.3//EN"
    <module name="Checker">
      <module name="TreeWalker">
        <module name="Indentation">
          <property name="caseIndent" value="0"/>
          <property name="basicOffset" value="2"/>
          <property name="braceAdjustment" value="0"/>

    It complains for the following code:

    public class A {
      void function(Runnable x) {
        Runnable r = () -> {

    wanting lambda to be 4 spaces indented:

    block child at indentation level 6 not at correct indentation, 8 block child at indentation level 6 not at correct indentation, 8 block rcurly at indentation level 4 not at correct indentation, 6

    bug approved high demand indentation 
    opened by ikabiljo 60
  • Issue #7619: Updated doc for EmptyLineSeperator

    Issue #7619: Updated doc for EmptyLineSeperator

    This is with reference to the Issue: #7619 .

    I have updated examples given in the following files:

    1. src/main/java/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/checks/whitespace/
    2. src/xdocs/config_whitespace.xml

    After making the necessary changes, mvn clean verify passed without test failures.


    opened by shubh220922 59
  • Visibility Modifier Check, added option allows public final fields, issu...

    Visibility Modifier Check, added option allows public final fields, issu...

    ...e #61

    According to #61

    Added option which allows final fields to be public for supporting style of immutable classes, added UT and corresponding input, extended javadoc/xdoc

    opened by alexkravin 59
  • New Check: CommentsIndentationCheck, issue #333

    New Check: CommentsIndentationCheck, issue #333

    According to #333

    Not a lot of stuff was here

    But Check controls the indentation inside comments.

    opened by alexkravin 57
  • Resolve surviving sizes mutations for pitest

    Resolve surviving sizes mutations for pitest


    This issue will resolve the remaining suppression and remove the entire file. POM needs to be updated as well.

    approved miscellaneous 
    opened by rnveach 0
  • Resolve surviving annotation mutations for pitest

    Resolve surviving annotation mutations for pitest


    This issue will resolve the remaining suppression and remove the entire file. POM is not at 100% for this profile, so the profile needs to be updated.

    This is blocked by as all the suppressions are basically false positives and cannot be resolved.

    approved miscellaneous blocked 
    opened by rnveach 0
  • Issue #12587: resolves modifier pitest suppression

    Issue #12587: resolves modifier pitest suppression

    Issue #12587

    Report: No differences.

    The old code is more a minor speed up in processing time and we don't lose much by removing it.

    The method is processMethods and the AST given to it is always a METHOD_DEF. Usually we go 1 up on this before starting the loop, so it never starts with METHOD_DEF. However, even if it does start with METHOD_DEF all the cases inside the loop are not METHOD_DEF, so it goes straight to the last case which is the same the code we are removing, which is go up 1 parent.

    Thus, its the same exact processing, except it takes a few more condition checks to realize this. It isn't a big jump in processing time, so I am ok to just remove the impacted code.

    If we care about fixing this so processing time isn't increased (we are talking 4 extra condition checks comparing integers), then the only way is to either keep the suppression or I believe we can use reflection to create a test and kill the mutation the only way possible (direct calling the method).

    opened by rnveach 0
  • Resolve surviving modifier mutations for pitest

    Resolve surviving modifier mutations for pitest


    This issue will resolve the remaining suppression and remove the entire file. POM is already at 100% for this profile.

    approved miscellaneous 
    opened by rnveach 0
  • Optimize testing methods like verifyWithInlineConfigParser to run Check one time over file

    Optimize testing methods like verifyWithInlineConfigParser to run Check one time over file

    identified at


    protected final void verifyWithInlineConfigParser(String filePath, String... expected)
                throws Exception {
            final TestInputConfiguration testInputConfiguration =
            final DefaultConfiguration parsedConfig =
            verifyViolations(parsedConfig, filePath, testInputConfiguration.getViolations());
            verify(parsedConfig, filePath, expected);

    does parsing and execution of Check twice. It was done on purpose at the begining of project on migration to new testing model. as now we are in final stages of migration completion, we see weirdness of design more acute. We need to finish migration to new model. After resolving we need to refactor such verify methods to minimize execution of Check.

    opened by romani 4
  • checkstyle-10.6.0(Dec 31, 2022)

    Checkstyle 10.6.0 -

    Breaking backward compatibility:

    #12520 - Simplify JavadocStyleCheck: remove functionality for missing package-info Javadoc

    Bug fixes:

    #12409 - Inconsistent allowedAbbreviations when a method contains an underscore #12486 - NoWhitespaceAfter false positive on synchronized method #11807 - Null pointer exception with records in RequireThisCheck

    Other Changes:
    Resolve pitest for profile metrics
    Review usages of `BeforeAll` in tests
    Create CI task to lint github actions
    Run regression testing in CI over openjdk19
    Replace backward slash with forward slash while creating `CheckerFrameworkError` object in `checker-framework.groovy`
    Convert sevntu-checkstyle-check to ant run
    doc: remove 'pre' tags from description
    Create YAML linting CI task
    Use Shellcheck to resolve violations code in Shell Script
    All scripts that print example of execution should not have hardcoded name in message
    'R: Push Release Notes' makes xml section version as snapshot
    'R: Push Release Notes' failing on push
    Remove 'releasenotes.xml after commit:'
    'R: Push Release Notes' failing
    Create CI task to enforce '.ci' directory contains only script files
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    checkstyle-10.6.0-all.jar(15.49 MB)
  • checkstyle-10.5.0(Nov 27, 2022)

    Checkstyle 10.5.0 -


    #11644 - Allow 3rd party Check providers to group modules under custom parent module

    Bug fixes:

    #12443 - checkstyle 10.3.3 and newer throws NullPointerException on annotated generic types from IllegalType rule #12345 - False positive in NoWhiteSpaceAfter #12291 - EmptyForInitializerPad: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

    Other Changes:
    doc: releasenotes 10.5.0
    Resolve Pitest suppression for RightCurlyCheck
    Remove new curl parameter from all GitHub actions for release
    Update Tests to use new 'verifyXxxxxx' method or 'execute' that use inlined config in Input files
    Github action "Copy site to sourceforge"
    Issue #11604: separates detail ast from xpath
    PMD warning in execution logs
    failure of update to clone
    Enforce file size on Java inputs
    failure to publish github release notes ' R: Publish GitHub Page'
    Resolve Pitest suppression for AccessModifierOption
    Resolve Pitest suppression for SeparatorWrapCheck
    Re-enable sonar
    Investigate why GITHUB token has no access to issues
    Update doc for MutableException
    Update Test Configuration To Support Adding TreeWalker Property
    Missing Link found on Checkstyle docs
    doc: archive release notes for 8.0-8.34
    add release number validation
    Create instance of regexp check to enforce usage of 'fail-with-body' in curl commands
    Action 'Bump version/Update Milestone' is failing to update milestones
    Specify violation messages in input files.
    'R: Publish GitHub Page' failing at perform curl command but action status is succcess
    Debug documentation is not clear
    Improper text in NewLineAtEndOfFileCheck documentation
    doc: expanded documentation on severities
    Resolve Pitest for Block Profile-2
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    checkstyle-10.5.0-all.jar(15.49 MB)
  • checkstyle-10.4(Oct 30, 2022)

    Checkstyle 10.4 -

    Breaking backward compatibility:

    #12101 - Checker.localeLanguage property work strange with system property user.language #12102 - Remove custom cache in It was extra cache for resource bundle cache for messages.

    Bug fixes:

    #11920 - False Positive: UnusedLocalVariableCheck

    Other Changes:
    Overview Section is quite confusing
    Move codenarc to non GitHub CI
    CI: validate PR number when commit is for PR
    Create CI task to fail PR if merge commit exists
    checker-framework.groovy depends too much on name of repo
    Resolve Switch case mutation for ParenPad
    Rename all 'Checker-Framework / checker-..' actions
    Resolve Pitest suppression for ParenPad
    Resolve Pitest suppression for Javadoc profile
    Resolve Pitest suppression for misc profile
    dependency: bump mockito-inline from 4.8.0 to 4.8.1
    UnusedImports doc: add limitation regarding same-name imports
    Update doc for EmptyLineSeparator
    Update verify-no-exception-configs validation
    Pitest/Checker: Drop New/Unnecessary Displays And Switch to Git Diff
    Add example of custom jars to Ant Documentation
    Resolve Pitest suppression for block profile
    Resolve Pitest suppression for EmptyForInitializerPad-2
    doc: Update SuppressionXpathSingleFilter example (related to #3095)
    doc: remove teamcity badge but keep links in case we will restore it
    Create IDEA Inspections Docker image for CircleCI
    Specify violation messages in input files.
    Resolve Pitest suppression for SeperatorWrapCheck
    Resolve Pitest suppression for EmptyForInitializerPadCheck
    Resolve Pitest suppression for MethodParamPadCheck
    Resolve Pitest suppression for OperatorWrapCheck
    Resolve Pitest suppression for AbstractParenPadCheck - 2
    Resolve Pitest suppression for EmptyForIteratorPadCheck
    Resolve Pitest suppression for AbstractParenPadCheck
    Remove changes needed for PMD Accessor violations from Java 11 improvements
    Minor word missing in checkstyle docs
    doc: fix formatting mistake
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    checkstyle-10.4-all.jar(15.48 MB)
  • checkstyle-10.3.4(Sep 25, 2022)

  • checkstyle-10.3.3(Aug 28, 2022)

  • checkstyle-10.3.2(Jul 31, 2022)

    Bug fixes:

    #11736 - MissingJavadocType: Support qualified annotation names #11655 - Update google_checks.xml to have the SuppressionCommentFilter and SuppressWarningsHolder modules in the config by default (and by extension, SuppressWarningsFilter)

    Other Changes:
    Update releasenotes to use GitHub Pages execution
    Allow SuppressWarningHolder to suppress the violation with NameCheck
    Pitest: Kill all surviving mutations
    Pitest: Activate "ALL" mutator group
    Use Shellcheck to resolve violations code in Shell Script
    pitest: increase mutation coverage for pitest-imports profile to 100%
    Update GitHub Action for
    Solve fb-contrib errors
    Remove pitest mutation checking HTML model
    automate execution by Github action on first day of month
    update code base to have javadoc tag to explain noinspection tag content
    doc: put example of enableExternalDtdLoad to xdoc
    update doc for SuppressWarningsHolder
    releasenotes script generated empty commit
    Include CDG Accelerator Plugin to boost pitest performance
    Enforce file size on Java inputs
    Expand XPath IT Regression Testing
    There are semantic problems in the Chinese error message of keyword `design.forExtension` . fails to create settings.xml
    Use groovy version provided by `apt` in pitest.yml does not check env variables
    download of m2 cache from is slow
    infra: turns off create dependency reduced pom for shade plugin
    Update Tests to use new 'verifyXxxxxx' method or 'execute' that use inlined config in Input files
    Specify violation messages in input files.
    pitest: increase mutation coverage for javadoc profile to 100%
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    checkstyle-10.3.2-all.jar(15.45 MB)
  • checkstyle-10.3.1(Jun 27, 2022)

  • checkstyle-10.3(May 29, 2022)

  • checkstyle-10.2(Apr 24, 2022)

  • checkstyle-10.1(Mar 27, 2022)

  • checkstyle-10.0(Feb 28, 2022)

  • checkstyle-9.3(Jan 30, 2022)

  • checkstyle-9.2.1(Dec 27, 2021)

  • checkstyle-9.2(Nov 28, 2021)

  • checkstyle-9.1(Oct 31, 2021)

  • checkstyle-9.0.1(Oct 3, 2021)

  • checkstyle-9.0(Aug 31, 2021)

  • checkstyle-8.45.1(Aug 8, 2021)

  • checkstyle-8.45(Jul 31, 2021)

  • checkstyle-8.44(Jun 27, 2021)

  • checkstyle-8.43(May 30, 2021)

  • checkstyle-8.42(Apr 25, 2021)

  • checkstyle-8.41.1(Mar 28, 2021)

  • checkstyle-8.41(Feb 28, 2021)

  • checkstyle-8.40(Jan 31, 2021)

  • checkstyle-8.39(Dec 31, 2020)

  • checkstyle-8.38(Nov 29, 2020)

  • checkstyle-8.37(Oct 31, 2020)

  • checkstyle-8.36.2(Sep 27, 2020)

  • checkstyle-8.36.1(Sep 12, 2020)

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