Nifty is an implementation of Thrift clients and servers on Netty

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Networking nifty

Project Status: 🚨 Unmaintained 🚨

This project is archived and no longer maintained. At the time of archiving, open issues and pull requests were closed and tagged with 2018-05-archive. For pre-existing users who need an open source alternative, we recommend taking a look at airlift/drift.


Nifty is an implementation of Thrift clients and servers on Netty.

It is also the implementation used by Swift.


To create a basic Thrift server using Nifty, use the Thrift 0.9.0 code generator to generate Java stub code, write a Handler for your service interface, and pass it to Nifty like this:

public void startServer() {
    // Create the handler
    MyService.Iface serviceInterface = new MyServiceHandler();

    // Create the processor
    TProcessor processor = new MyService.Processor<>(serviceInterface);

    // Build the server definition
    ThriftServerDef serverDef = new ThriftServerDefBuilder().withProcessor(processor)

    // Create the server transport
    final NettyServerTransport server = new NettyServerTransport(serverDef,
                                                                 new NettyServerConfigBuilder(),
                                                                 new DefaultChannelGroup(),
                                                                 new HashedWheelTimer());

    // Create netty boss and executor thread pools
    ExecutorService bossExecutor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
    ExecutorService workerExecutor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();

    // Start the server
    server.start(bossExecutor, workerExecutor);

    // Arrange to stop the server at shutdown
    Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() {
        public void run() {
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

Or the same thing using guice:

public void startGuiceServer() {
    final NiftyBootstrap bootstrap = Guice.createInjector(
        new NiftyModule() {
            protected void configureNifty() {
                // Create the handler
                MyService.Iface serviceInterface = new MyServiceHandler();

                // Create the processor
                TProcessor processor = new MyService.Processor<>(serviceInterface);

                // Build the server definition
                ThriftServerDef serverDef = new ThriftServerDefBuilder().withProcessor(processor)

                // Bind the definition

    // Start the server

    // Arrange to stop the server at shutdown
    Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() {
        public void run() {
  • Add in queueTimeout support to nifty

    Add in queueTimeout support to nifty

    Tuning load shedding via a fixed queue size is difficult, especially in heterogeneous workloads. Adding a queue timeout of let's say 100ms will allow a server to shed work if it is backing up while still being able to perform meaningful work that clients are actually waiting on and haven't timed out already.

    Tasks are expired off the queue in the minimum of queueTimeout or taskTimeout. By default queueTimeout is configured to be 0 which makes this diff a noop.

    CLA Signed 
    opened by tageorgiou 8
  • Add NiftyIODispatcher

    Add NiftyIODispatcher

    Adds a NiftyIODispatcher which serializes downstream messages that come from worker threads to be back on the IO threads.

    This has some benefits for some classes like SSL which otherwise have to take locks on the IO thread to deal with being called from various threads.

    CLA Signed 
    opened by siyengar 6
  • buffer overflow? `Maximum frame size of -2147483648 exceeded `

    buffer overflow? `Maximum frame size of -2147483648 exceeded `

    I'm sending a thrift struct of < 300MB.


    libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
      "com.facebook.nifty" % "nifty-core" % "0.18.0",
      "com.facebook.nifty" % "nifty-client" % "0.18.0",
      "com.facebook.swift" % "swift-service" % "0.18.0",
      "com.facebook.swift" % "swift-codec" % "0.18.0",
      "com.facebook.swift" % "swift-annotations" % "0.18.0"

    Using java8 VM, oracle JDK.

    Thrift Server Setup:

        import io.airlift.units.DataSize.Unit.GIGABYTE;
        import io.airlift.units.DataSize
        val serverConfig = new ThriftServerConfig()
          .setMaxFrameSize(new DataSize(2, GIGABYTE)) // the default is 64MB
        val server = new ThriftServer(processor, serverConfig)
        Runtime.getRuntime.addShutdownHook(new Thread() {
          override def run() = {
            Try(server.close) match {
              case Success(p) =>"Successfully stopped server")
              case Failure(exn) => logger.error(s"Error stoping service $exn")

    The overflow?

    org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.frame.TooLongFrameException: Maximum frame size of -2147483648 exceeded
            at com.facebook.nifty.codec.DefaultThriftFrameDecoder.tryDecodeFramedMessage(
            at com.facebook.nifty.codec.DefaultThriftFrameDecoder.decode(
            at com.facebook.nifty.codec.DefaultThriftFrameDecoder.decode(
            at org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.frame.FrameDecoder.callDecode(
            at org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.frame.FrameDecoder.messageReceived(
            at com.facebook.nifty.codec.DefaultThriftFrameCodec.handleUpstream(
            at com.facebook.nifty.core.ChannelStatistics.handleUpstream(

    Things I've tried:

    • Upgraded everything from 0.15.1 to 0.18.0 nifty & swfit.
    • Regenerated the python structs (client) & swift (with the facebook swift generator)
    • Problem only visible for big structs > 90MB
    • I also tried overriding my own thrift frme codec factory like this:
        import com.facebook.nifty.codec.{
        import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolFactory
        val frameFactory = new ThriftFrameCodecFactory(){
          override def create(maxFrameSize: Int,
            defaultProtocolFactory: TProtocolFactory): ChannelHandler = {
            verify(maxFrameSize > 0, s"Frame size ($maxFrameSize) is negative!")
            new DefaultThriftFrameCodec(size, defaultProtocolFactory)
        import com.facebook.nifty.core.NiftyTimer
        import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TBinaryProtocol
        import com.facebook.nifty.codec.ThriftFrameCodecFactory
        import com.facebook.nifty.duplex.TDuplexProtocolFactory
        val server = new ThriftServer(processor,
          new NiftyTimer("thrift"),
            TDuplexProtocolFactory.fromSingleFactory(new TBinaryProtocol.Factory())),

    However, this fails trying to create teh ChannelHandler

            verify(maxFrameSize > 0, s"Frame size ($maxFrameSize) is negative!")

    I'm using the thrift 0.9.2 compiler for python, the swift 0.18.0 compiler for java.

    Any tips, suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Note that this doesn't happen between a C++ service and the python client.

    Thanks in advance!

    • Alex
    opened by emaxerrno 6
  • NettyServerConfigBuilder instead of NettyConfigBuilder

    NettyServerConfigBuilder instead of NettyConfigBuilder

    There is a small mistake on the

        // Create the server transport
        final NettyServerTransport server = new NettyServerTransport(serverDef,
                                                                     new NettyConfigBuilder(),
                                                                     new DefaultChannelGroup(),
                                                                     new HashedWheelTimer());

    replace by

        // Create the server transport
        final NettyServerTransport server = new NettyServerTransport(serverDef,
                                                                     new NettyServerConfigBuilder(),
                                                                     new DefaultChannelGroup(),
                                                                     new HashedWheelTimer());
    opened by reddragon 5
  • Implemented an SSL config file watcher

    Implemented an SSL config file watcher

    The watcher periodically polls a ticket seed file, private key file, and certificate file for changes, and updates the server configuration when any of the watched files change.

    Also cleaned up some issues in TicketSeedFileParser, and made sure that SslServerConfiguration copies arrays / Iterables instead of storing the provided reference, to make sure they can't be modified by caller later.

    CLA Signed 
    opened by ivmaykov 4
  • Code quality fix - Dead stores should be removed.

    Code quality fix - Dead stores should be removed.

    This pull request is focused on resolving occurrences of Sonar rule squid:S1854 - Dead stores should be removed. You can find more information about the issue here:

    Please let me know if you have any questions.

    Faisal Hameed

    CLA Signed 2018-05-archive 
    opened by faisal-hameed 4
  • Use unresolved address for SOCKS connections

    Use unresolved address for SOCKS connections

    This fixes hostname resolution for SOCKS, which requires that the resolution is done on the remote end by using the hostname and not the IP address when connecting through the proxy.

    CLA Signed 
    opened by electrum 4
  • NettyServerTransport can take a range of ports to start.

    NettyServerTransport can take a range of ports to start.

    Add listen(minPort, maxPort) to ThriftServerDefBuilderBase, and let NettyServerTransport to start from a range of ports. Add a unit test, which try to start from a range of ports.

    opened by qujun 4
  • Maven 3.1 can not mvn install?

    Maven 3.1 can not mvn install?

    Ubuntu 12 clean install nifty using maven 3.1,errors occur: Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.sonatype.aether.version.VersionConstraint at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.strategy.SelfFirstStrategy.loadClass( at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.realm.ClassRealm.loadClass( at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.realm.ClassRealm.loadClass( ... 64 more

    opened by vongosling 4
  • Split read based timeouts.

    Split read based timeouts.

    A Nifty client actually has to deal with two separate timeouts:

    • request timeout - the maximum amount of time that the caller is willing to wait for an I/O request to complete
    • receive timeout - the maximum amount of time that the client is willing for the server to make any progress

    These times can be very different. e.g. a server might trickle a request sending a packet every three seconds for a long time and the caller is willing to wait minutes for a request to complete as long as it makes progress.

    This patch fixes the name confusion around read, request and receive timeouts in the nifty client code, uses consistent naming everywhere and adds a new timeout (requestTimeout) while the existing receiveTimeout now does what the name suggests.

    Existing code should still work fine as both timeouts are set to the same value by default.

    opened by hgschmie 4
  • Channel Statistics

    Channel Statistics

    What is the best way to expose Channel Statistics for gauging metrics (to ultimately log to Graphite)? Ideally, this would be implemented without modifying or duplicating existing Nifty classes.

    opened by ann 4
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