A java api and command line tool for scanning, reporting and fixing a git repository's InnerSource Readiness based on a supplied specification which defines the files and file contents necessary for a repository to be considered ready for InnerSource contribution.


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InnerSource Repository Scanner

A java api and command line tool for scanning, reporting and fixing a git repository's InnerSource Readiness based on a supplied specification which defines the files and file contents necessary for a repository to be considered ready for InnerSource contribution.

Table of Contents
  1. Features
  2. Motivation
  3. Usage
  4. Configuration
  5. Local Development
  6. Contributing
  7. Support


  • Determine if a local git repository is InnerSource ready
  • Determine if a remote GitHub hosted git repository is InnerSource ready
  • Determine if a remote Enterprise GitHub hosted git repository is InnerSource ready
  • Customize using declarative json what documentation is required for a repository to be considered InnerSourceReady
  • Automatically fixup your local repositories to make them InnerSource ready
  • Automatically fixup your remote GitHub hosted repositories to make them InnerSource ready
  • Automatically fixup your remote Enterprise GitHub hosted repositories to make them InnerSource ready


  • Your medium to large sized organization has decided to adopt InnerSource development practices.
  • In order for contributors to feel confident contributing to a repository, the repository should demonstrate a minimum level of InnerSource readiness; such as having a CONTRIBUTING.md describing the expectations of the maintainers, or having a README.md with Usage and local development instructions.
  • You and your organization have defined what it means for a repository to be InnerSource ready in terms of the expected repository documentation.
  • Your organization would like a report on the InnerSource Readiness of its most depended upon repositories.
  • You would like to automatically fixup repositories that are not InnerSource ready, so that maintainers know which documents are required and what the most important sections in the documents are for them to fill out to help external contributors.


The two main operations supported by this library are scanning a repository for InnerSource readiness and fixing up the InnerSource readiness of a repository. First decide if you would like to use the standalone command line interface (CLI) or the Java API. The primary difference between the two interfaces is that you can use multithreading in the Java API to concurrently scan repositories, whereas the CLI requires multiple processes.

Command Line Interface Usage

Download the Runnable Jar CLI

  • Download the latest release version of the runnable jar CLI from either GitHub Packages or Maven Central.
  • Rename the downloaded runnable jar to innersource.jar for convenience. The examples below will assume this filename.

NOTE: Java 1.8+ must be installed in order to execute the runnable jar and follow the examples below.

Use CLI to Generate InnerSource Readiness Report

If your repository is checked out locally:

java -jar innersource.jar -c REPORT -r /path/to/checked/out/repo

If your repository is hosted on GitHub (public or enterprise):

java -jar innersource.jar -c REPORT -r https://github.yourorg.com/repo-org-name/repo-name -a yourGithubAccessToken

After running the report command, you should see a json report output similar to the following:

  "isRepositoryInnerSourceReady": false,
  "specificationEvaluated": {...}, // the input specification that was used to generate this report
  "fileRequirementReports": [
      "fileRequirementEvaluated": {...}, // which file requirement defined in the spec does this report relate to
      "optionEvaluated": { // if the file requirement can be satisfied multiple ways, which option is this report evaluating
        "fileToFind": {
          "expectedFilePath": "/README.md"
        "fileChecks": {...}
      "filesEvaluated": [ // what files were found in the repo search directories and evaluated for the defined file checks
      "filesSatisfyingFileChecks": [], // which files met all of the defined file checks
      "fileChecksReports": [ // breakdown of which file check passed or failed for each scanned file
          "fileEvaluated": "/README.md",
          "fileChecksEvaluated": {...}, // what file checks were defined in the spec that we evaluated as part of this report
          "fileCheckReports": [
              "fileCheckEvaluated": {
                "requirement": "FILE_EXISTS"
              "isFileCheckSatisfied": true
              "fileCheckEvaluated": {
                "requirement": "FILE_NOT_EMPTY"
              "isFileCheckSatisfied": true
              "fileCheckEvaluated": {
                "requirement": "MARKDOWN_FILE_HAS_HEADING",
                "heading": "USAGE",
                "synonyms": [],
                "matchCase": false,
                "matchIfSectionEmpty": true
              "isFileCheckSatisfied": false // true if /README.md had a usage heading, false otherwise
              "fileCheckEvaluated": {
                "requirement": "MARKDOWN_FILE_HAS_HEADING",
                "heading": "LOCAL DEVELOPMENT",
                "synonyms": [
                  "LOCAL DEV"
                "matchCase": false,
                "matchIfSectionEmpty": true
              "isFileCheckSatisfied": false
          "isFileChecksSatisfied": false
      "isFileRequirementSatisfied": false
      "fileRequirementEvaluated": {...},
      "optionEvaluated": { // since Pull Request Template can either be a file or a directory, this report assessed whether we found the file variant
        "fileToFind": {
          "expectedFilePath": "/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md"
        "fileChecks": {
          "checks": [
              "requirement": "FILE_EXISTS"
              "requirement": "FILE_NOT_EMPTY"
      "filesEvaluated": [
      "filesSatisfyingFileChecks": [
      "fileChecksReports": [
          "fileEvaluated": "/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md",
          "fileChecksEvaluated": {
            "checks": [
                "requirement": "FILE_EXISTS"
                "requirement": "FILE_NOT_EMPTY"
          "fileCheckReports": [
              "fileCheckEvaluated": {
                "requirement": "FILE_EXISTS"
              "isFileCheckSatisfied": true
              "fileCheckEvaluated": {
                "requirement": "FILE_NOT_EMPTY"
              "isFileCheckSatisfied": true
          "isFileChecksSatisfied": true
      "isFileRequirementSatisfied": true
      "fileRequirementEvaluated": {...},
      "optionEvaluated": {
        "fileToFind": {
          "expectedFilePath": "/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE/"
        "fileChecks": {
          "checks": [
              "requirement": "DIRECTORY_EXISTS"
              "requirement": "DIRECTORY_NOT_EMPTY"
      "filesEvaluated": [
      "filesSatisfyingFileChecks": [],
      "fileChecksReports": [
          "fileEvaluated": "/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md",
          "fileChecksEvaluated": {...},
          "fileCheckReports": [
              "fileCheckEvaluated": {
                "requirement": "DIRECTORY_EXISTS"
              "isFileCheckSatisfied": false
              "fileCheckEvaluated": {
                "requirement": "DIRECTORY_NOT_EMPTY"
              "isFileCheckSatisfied": false
          "isFileChecksSatisfied": false
      "isFileRequirementSatisfied": false

The top level property isRepositoryInnerSourceReady will be true if the scanned repository is considered InnerSource Ready, and false otherwise.

It's handy to pipe the output of the report command to jq to extract just the information you care about.

Checking if your repository is innersource ready thus becomes:

java -jar innersource.jar -c=REPORT -r=https://github.com/your/repo -a=your-gh-auth-token | jq .isRepositoryInnerSourceReady

Which should return the boolean true or false.

There are quite a few additional details included in the report, so you can zoom in on exactly what was missing from the repository.

For example, if your repository is not InnerSource ready you can see which files were evaluated and which file checks were not satisfied with the following command:

java -jar innersource.jar -c=REPORT -r=https://github.com/your/repo -a=your-gh-auth-token | jq '[.fileRequirementReports | .[] | select(.isFileRequirementSatisfied == false) | {optionEvaluated, fileChecksReports: .fileChecksReports | .[] | del(.fileChecksEvaluated) | del(.isFileChecksSatisfied) | del(.fileCheckReports[] | select(.isFileCheckSatisfied == true))}]'

The Default InnerSource Readiness Specification states that a repository is considered InnerSource Ready if the following files are present, and not empty. (NOTE: The files do not actually have to appear in the exact locations as shown; so long as the file is located in either the repo root /, the GitHub metadata directory /.github or the docs directory /docs, the file requirement will be satisfied) Some files have additional requirements such as the README requiring a Title heading, or the issue template expecting yaml front matter. The exact requirements for each file is explained below and in the json spec linked above.

|-- /.github
|   |   `-- someIssueTemplate.md
|   |   `-- somePullRequestTemplate.md
|-- SUPPORT.md
`-- README.md
README.md Requirements
  • A file with the base filename README (case-insensitive) exists in either the repository root directory /, the docs directory /docs or the GitHub metadata directory /.github.
  • The README file contains a title heading # that is not named title.
  • The README's title heading is followed by a paragraph text description.
CONTRIBUTING.md Requirements
  • A file with the base filename CONTRIBUTING (case-insensitive) exists in either the repository root directory /, the docs directory /docs or the GitHub metadata directory /.github.
  • The CONTRIBUTING file is not empty.
CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md Requirements
  • A file with the base filename CODE_OF_CONDUCT (case-insensitive) exists in either the repository root directory /, the docs directory /docs or the GitHub metadata directory /.github.
  • The CODE_OF_CONDUCT file is not empty.
LICENSE Requirements
  • A file with the base filename LICENSE (case-insensitive) exists in either the repository root directory /, the docs directory /docs or the GitHub metadata directory /.github.
  • The LICENSE file is not empty.
SUPPORT.md Requirements
  • A file with the base filename SUPPORT (case-insensitive) exists in either the repository root directory /, the docs directory /docs or the GitHub metadata directory /.github.
  • The SUPPORT file is not empty.
CODEOWNERS Requirements
  • A file with the base filename CODEOWNERS (case-insensitive) exists in either the repository root directory /, the docs directory /docs or the GitHub metadata directory /.github.
  • The CODEOWNERS file is not empty.
  • The CODEOWNERS file contains a default match all rule, which is an uncommented line starting with an * followed by a GitHub username or email address.
  • A directory with the filename ISSUE_TEMPLATE (case-insensitive) exists in either the repository root directory /, the docs directory /docs or the GitHub metadata directory /.github.
  • The ISSUE_TEMPLATE directory contains at least one file which has a Yaml Front Matter section containing the properties name and about
  • A file with the base filename PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE (case-insensitive) exists in either the repository root directory /, the docs directory /docs or the GitHub metadata directory /.github OR a directory with the filename PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE (case-insensitive) exists in either the repository root directory /, the docs directory /docs or the GitHub metadata directory /.github
  • The PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE file or directory is not empty.

The default InnerSource Readiness specification can be customized or overridden. See the Customize InnerSource Readiness Specification Configuration.

Use CLI to Fixup Repositories

If your repository is checked out locally:

java -jar innersource.jar -c FIXUP -r /path/to/checked/out/repo

If your repository is hosted on GitHub (public or enterprise):

java -jar innersource.jar -c FIXUP -r https://github.yourorg.com/repo-org-name/repo-name -a yourGithubAccessToken

The Default Fixup Templates for the FIXUP command will create the following files with predefined content if the file does not exist or is empty:

  • /README.md
  • /SUPPORT.md
  • /.github/CODEOWNERS

The default Fixup File Templates can be customized or overridden. See the Customize Fixup File Templates Configuration.

Java API Usage

Install Dependencies

mvn dependency coordinates

Use Java API to Generate InnerSource Readiness Report

If your repository is checked out locally:

InnerSourceReadinessReport report = 

If your repository is hosted on GitHub (public or enterprise):

Add the following optional dependency to your classpath:

<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.kohsuke/github-api -->

Create an instance of GitHubRepositoryPath by configuring a GHRepository instance using your GitHub server and credentials:

GitHub gh = new GitHubBuilder()

GHRepository repository = gh.getRepository("repo-org-name/repo-name");

InnerSourceReadinessReport report =

After running the report command you can inspect the InnerSourceReadinessReport object to find out if your repository is InnerSource Ready or determine which required files were or were not present.

boolean isReadyAccordingToSpec = report.isRepositoryInnerSourceReady();

By default, the InnerSourceReadinessReportCommand uses the InnerSourceReadinessSpecification.PUBLIC_GITHUB_DEFAULT specification which considers repositories InnerSource Ready only if they have a certain set of files, and the files satisfy a set of predefined file checks.

The default specification can be customized or overridden. See the Customize InnerSource Readiness Specification Configuration.

Did the scanned repository contain a README file containing all the expected headers?

FileRequirement readmeFileRequirementPassedToSpec = ...;

boolean foundReadme = report.isFileRequirementSatisfied(

Did any of the scanned README files contain a USAGE heading?

FileCheck usageHeadingFileCheckPassedToSpec = ...;

boolean foundReadmeWithUsageHeading = report.getOnlyFileRequirementReportFor(
    .get() // unwrap the optional
    .getFileChecksReports() // if multiple README files were found, each will be assessed for the specified file checks
    .anyMatch(checksReport -> 

See the javadoc for additional details that you can obtain from the report object.

Use Java API to Fixup Repositories

List<RepositoryFilePath> fixedFiles =

By default, the InnerSourceReadinessFixupCommand uses the FixupFileTemplates.PUBLIC_GITHUB_DEFAULT set of templates which will create a set of default files with predefined content.

The Fixup File Templates can be customized or additional templates defined. See the Customize Fixup File Templates Configuration.

Any files that are created or modified are returned as a result of running this command.


Customize InnerSource Readiness Specification

Customize Specification Using CLI

Create a new json file. Filename isn't important but for our example we will use innersource.spec.json.

  "specName": "NameOfYourSpecification",
  "repositoryRequirements": {
    "directoriesToSearch": {
      "directoryPaths": [
    "requiredFiles": [
        "requiredFileOptions": [
            "fileToFind": {
              "expectedFilePath": "/README.md"
            "fileChecks": {
              "checks": [
                  "requirement": "FILE_EXISTS"
                  "requirement": "FILE_NOT_EMPTY"
                  "requirement": "MARKDOWN_FILE_HAS_HEADING",
                  "heading": "Usage",
                  "synonyms": [],
                  "matchCase": false,
                  "matchIfSectionEmpty": true
                  "requirement": "MARKDOWN_FILE_HAS_HEADING",
                  "heading": "Local Development",
                  "synonyms": [
                      "Local Dev"
                  "matchCase": false,
                  "matchIfSectionEmpty": true
        "requiredFileOptions": [
            "fileToFind": {
              "expectedFilePath": "/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md"
            "fileChecks": {
              "checks": [
                  "requirement": "FILE_EXISTS"
                  "requirement": "FILE_NOT_EMPTY"
            "fileToFind": {
              "expectedFilePath": "/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE/"
            "fileChecks": {
              "checks": [
                  "requirement": "DIRECTORY_EXISTS"
                  "requirement": "DIRECTORY_NOT_EMPTY"

This JSON specification states that for a repository to be considered InnerSource ready, there must be a README markdown file containing a USAGE section heading, and a Local Development section heading (alternately titled Local Dev) as well as a non-empty PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE file, or a non-empty PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE directory either located in the repository root directory or the /.github or /docs directories.

NOTE: You can use your JSON spec via the Java API's InnerSourceReadinessSpecification.fromJson() static factory method.

Supply this JSON file to either the REPORT or FIXUP command with the -s, --spec parameter:

java -jar innersource.jar -c REPORT -s innersource.spec.json -r https://github.yourorg.com/repo-org-name/repo-name -a yourGithubAccessToken

java -jar innersource.jar -c FIXUP -s innersource.spec.json -r https://github.yourorg.com/repo-org-name/repo-name -a yourGithubAccessToken

List of Built-in File Check Requirements

Requirement Name Description Parameter Type Required
PATH_MATCHES_EXPECTED If path of the file exactly matches the path specified in the file to find specification - - -
DIRECTORY_EXISTS If base filename of file to find path is found in one of the directories to search and the file is a directory - - -
DIRECTORY_NOT_EMPTY If base filename of file to find path is found in one of the directories to search and the file is a directory and the directory contains at least one file - - -
DIRECTORY_CONTAINS_FILE_SATISFYING If base filename of file to find path is found in one of the directories to search and the file is a directory and the directory contains at least one file which satisfies all of the file checks specified in the fileChecks parameter fileChecks fileChecks object Yes
FILE_EXISTS If base filename of file to find path is found in one of the directories to search and the file is a flat file (not a directory) - - -
FILE_NOT_EMPTY If base filename of file to find path is found in one of the directories to search and the file is a flat file of size > 0 - - -
FILE_HAS_LINE_MATCHING If base filename of file to find path is found in one of the directories to search and file contains a line that matches the specified regexPattern regexPattern String (java regex pattern) Yes
FILE_HAS_YAML_FRONT_MATTER_PROPERTIES If base filename of file to find path is found in one of the directories to search and file contains a yaml front matter section containing all of the properties whose names are defined in the propertyNames parameter propertyNames array of string Yes
MARKDOWN_FILE_HAS_TITLE_HEADING If base filename of file to find path is found in one of the directories to search and file contains a markdown heading element whose text matches the regex specified in the titleRegexPattern parameter titleRegexPattern string (java regex pattern) Yes
MARKDOWN_FILE_HAS_DESCRIPTION_AFTER_TITLE If base filename of file to find path is found in one of the directories to search and file contains a markdown title heading followed by a markdown paragraph element containing some amount of text - - -
MARKDOWN_FILE_HAS_HEADING If base filename of file to find path is found in one of the directories to search and file contains a markdown heading whose text content matches the heading parameter heading string Yes
Alternate heading names that will satisfy this file check synonyms array of string No
If true heading text needs to match heading parameter or synonym exactly, otherwise a case-insensitive match will be performed matchCase boolean No
If true the presence of the heading is enough to satisfy the file check, if false, some amount of text content must appear following the heading before the next heading at the same level is encountered matchIfSectionEmpty boolean No
MARKDOWN_FILE_HAS_IMAGE If base filename of file to find path is found in one of the directories to search and file contains a markdown image element whose alt text matches the altText parameter altText string Yes
Alternate altTexts that will satisfy this file check altTextSynonyms array of string No
If true alt text needs to match altText parameter or altTextSynonym exactly, otherwise a case-insensitive match will be performed matchCase boolean No

Customize Specification Using Java API

InnerSourceReadinessSpecification specification = 
            "/", // root is git workspace root   
                "USAGE", // heading text to find
                Sets.newHashSet(), // acceptable synonyms
                false, // case sensitive
                true // satisfied if section is empty?
                "Local Development",
                Sets.newHashSet("Local Dev"),

The specification above states that for a repository to be considered InnerSource ready, there should be a non-empty README file containing 2 headings USAGE and Local Development (Local Dev is an acceptable synonym) as well as a non-empty PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE file or non-empty PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE directory, located either in the repository root directory, the /docs directory or the /.github directory.

Once created, you can supply this custom specification to either of the command builders:

Create a Report Command with a custom InnerSource Readiness Specification:

InnerSourceReadinessReport report =

Create a Fixup Command with a custom InnerSource Readiness Specification:

List<RepositoryFilePath> fixedFiles =

Customize Fixup File Templates

Customize Fixup File Templates Using CLI

Create a json file (we'll use the filename templates.spec.json) containing empty file templates to use when running the fixup command. These file templates will be used to create new files for any files required by the specification but not found in the target repository.

  "emptyFileTemplates": {
    "/README.md": "Default README file contents."

NOTE: The key for the empty file template should exactly match the expectedFilePath string value defined in the specification json.

Supply this JSON file to the FIXUP command with the -t, --templates parameter:

If your repository is checked out locally:

java -jar innersource.jar -c FIXUP -r /path/to/checked/out/repo -t templates.spec.json

If your repository is hosted on GitHub (public or enterprise):

java -jar innersource.jar -c FIXUP -r https://github.yourorg.com/repo-org-name/repo-name -a yourGithubAccessToken -t templates.spec.json

Customize Fixup File Templates Using Java API

List<RepositoryFilePath> fixedFiles =
        "/README.md", // should match path in spec 
        "README contents, when README is not found"

Customize Logging Service

Customize Logging Using CLI

There is no way to customize the logging service using the Command Line Interface. If you need to have the log output redirected or suppressed, please consult your terminal's documentation for redirecting the standard output and standard error streams to either a file or to a null location, such as /dev/null.

Customize Logging Using Java API

The Report and Fixup command builders can also be supplied with alternate LoggingService implementations. The default will write logs to the standard output and standard error stream. In production, you will probably want to supply a different consumer to write to a log file. The library comes with a Slf4j api implementation, however you may supply your own instance of the LoggingService interface as well.

Suppress logging during execution of the Fixup Command:

List<RepositoryFilePath> fixedFiles =

Configure logging to the SLF4J API during execution of the Report Command:

InnerSourceReadinessReport report =

Local Development


To build and run the unit tests:

mvn clean verify

Mutation Testing

In addition to unit tests, this library also performs mutation testing using PITest. After running the verify goal, inspect the generated report at /target/pit-reports/<date>/index.html. Mutation testing provides an indication of how effective your unit testing by modifying your source code and attempting to re-run your test suite. If your tests do not fail, it implies that the mutated source code is not sufficiently tested by your unit test suite. Use the mutation coverage report to guide your unit testing efforts.


Contributions are welcome, please see the CONTRIBUTING.md for details.


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    Bump junit from 4.13 to 4.13.1 in /repository-scanner

    Bumps junit from 4.13 to 4.13.1.

    Release notes

    Sourced from junit's releases.

    JUnit 4.13.1

    Please refer to the release notes for details.


    Sourced from junit's changelog.

    Summary of changes in version 4.13.1


    Security fix: TemporaryFolder now limits access to temporary folders on Java 1.7 or later

    A local information disclosure vulnerability in TemporaryFolder has been fixed. See the published security advisory for details.

    Test Runners

    [Pull request #1669:](junit-team/junit#1669) Make FrameworkField constructor public

    Prior to this change, custom runners could make FrameworkMethod instances, but not FrameworkField instances. This small change allows for both now, because FrameworkField's constructor has been promoted from package-private to public.

    • 1b683f4 [maven-release-plugin] prepare release r4.13.1
    • ce6ce3a Draft 4.13.1 release notes
    • c29dd82 Change version to 4.13.1-SNAPSHOT
    • 1d17486 Add a link to assertThrows in exception testing
    • 543905d Use separate line for annotation in Javadoc
    • 510e906 Add sub headlines to class Javadoc
    • 610155b Merge pull request from GHSA-269g-pwp5-87pp
    • b6cfd1e Explicitly wrap float parameter for consistency (#1671)
    • a5d205c Fix GitHub link in FAQ (#1672)
    • 3a5c6b4 Deprecated since jdk9 replacing constructor instance of Double and Float (#1660)
    • Additional commits viewable in compare view

    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot use these labels will set the current labels as the default for future PRs for this repo and language
    • @dependabot use these reviewers will set the current reviewers as the default for future PRs for this repo and language
    • @dependabot use these assignees will set the current assignees as the default for future PRs for this repo and language
    • @dependabot use this milestone will set the current milestone as the default for future PRs for this repo and language

    You can disable automated security fix PRs for this repo from the Security Alerts page.

    opened by dependabot[bot] 6
  • Bump junit from 4.11 to 4.13.1 in /innersource-maven-plugin

    Bump junit from 4.11 to 4.13.1 in /innersource-maven-plugin

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    Release notes

    Sourced from junit's releases.

    JUnit 4.13.1

    Please refer to the release notes for details.

    JUnit 4.13

    Please refer to the release notes for details.

    JUnit 4.13 RC 2

    Please refer to the release notes for details.

    JUnit 4.13 RC 1

    Please refer to the release notes for details.

    JUnit 4.13 Beta 3

    Please refer to the release notes for details.

    JUnit 4.13 Beta 2

    Please refer to the release notes for details.

    JUnit 4.13 Beta 1

    Please refer to the release notes for details.

    JUnit 4.12

    Please refer to the release notes for details.

    JUnit 4.12 Beta 3

    Please refer to the release notes for details.

    JUnit 4.12 Beta 2

    No release notes provided.

    JUnit 4.12 Beta 1

    No release notes provided.

    • 1b683f4 [maven-release-plugin] prepare release r4.13.1
    • ce6ce3a Draft 4.13.1 release notes
    • c29dd82 Change version to 4.13.1-SNAPSHOT
    • 1d17486 Add a link to assertThrows in exception testing
    • 543905d Use separate line for annotation in Javadoc
    • 510e906 Add sub headlines to class Javadoc
    • 610155b Merge pull request from GHSA-269g-pwp5-87pp
    • b6cfd1e Explicitly wrap float parameter for consistency (#1671)
    • a5d205c Fix GitHub link in FAQ (#1672)
    • 3a5c6b4 Deprecated since jdk9 replacing constructor instance of Double and Float (#1660)
    • Additional commits viewable in compare view

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    opened by dependabot[bot] 1
  • Make human readable output default, move json output to --json

    Make human readable output default, move json output to --json

    What would you like the software to do?

    Currently the tool outputs json, but we want to default to human readable format, ideally plaintext but we could also support an html report output. We should not remove the json output; just move it to behind a flag output --json

    opened by mmadson 0
  • Document Plugin SPI

    Document Plugin SPI

    Plugin SPI for adding additional checks is not well documented in the readme. Add additional documentation explaining how users can add their own jars to the classpath containing their own custom checks.

    opened by mmadson 0
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Tool to mass modify R, G ,B values for .png files, useful for making Minecraft Texturepacks

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