🚀flink-sql-submit is a custom SQL submission client



🚀 flink-sql-submit is a custom SQL submission client This is a customizable extension of the client, unlike flink's official default client.


yarn-session.sh -jm 1024 -tm 1024 -s 16 -nm '告警流计算应用' -yd


help [options]" Available Commands job 提交job作业 sql-parser 解析sql文件 help 帮助命令 hive-catalog hive-catalog的相关 Global Options: --app.force.remote bool 是否启动远端环境变量: false --app.config.debug bool 是否打印用户参数: false # job root@41c5967b5948:/www# flink run target/mc-flink-sql-submit-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar job help 提交job Usage of "flink run <.jar> job [options]" --sql string 执行的sql (*) --plan string 选择执行计划器: flink-streaming flink-batch blink-streaming flink-batch Global Options: --app.force.remote bool 是否启动远端环境变量: false --app.config.debug bool 是否打印用户参数: false # sql-parser root@41c5967b5948:/www# flink run target/mc-flink-sql-submit-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar sql-parser help SQL解析器 Usage of "flink run <.jar> job [options]" --sql-file string 包含sql的文件 (*) Global Options: --app.force.remote bool 是否启动远端环境变量: false --app.config.debug bool 是否打印用户参数: false # sql-parser root@41c5967b5948:/www# flink run target/mc-flink-sql-submit-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar sql-parser help SQL解析器 Usage of "flink run <.jar> job [options]" --sql-file string 包含sql的文件 (*) Global Options: --app.force.remote bool 是否启动远端环境变量: false --app.config.debug bool 是否打印用户参数: false # hive-catalog root@41c5967b5948:/www# flink run target/mc-flink-sql-submit-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar hive-catalog help hive-catalog Usage of "flink run <.jar> hive-catalog " --hive-conf string hive的配置文件 Child-command: create_database 创建数据库 list_database 列出数据库 drop_database 删除数据库 list_table 列出数据库的所有表 Global Options: --app.force.remote bool 是否启动远端环境变量: false --app.config.debug bool 是否打印用户参数: false # hive-catalog create_database root@41c5967b5948:/www# flink run target/mc-flink-sql-submit-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar hive-catalog create_database help hive-catalog create_database Usage of "flink run <.jar> hive-catalog create_database" --hive-conf string hive的配置文件 --db_name string 数据库名字 (*) --db_comment string 数据库注释 --catalog_name string catalog名字 Global Options: --app.force.remote bool 是否启动远端环境变量: false --app.config.debug bool 是否打印用户参数: false # hive-catalog list_database root@41c5967b5948:/www# flink run target/mc-flink-sql-submit-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar hive-catalog list_database help hive-catalog list_database Usage of "flink run <.jar> hive-catalog list_database" --hive-conf string hive的配置文件 --catalog_name string catalog名字 Global Options: --app.force.remote bool 是否启动远端环境变量: false --app.config.debug bool 是否打印用户参数: false # hive-catalog drop_database root@41c5967b5948:/www# flink run target/mc-flink-sql-submit-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar hive-catalog drop_database help hive-catalog drop_database Usage of "flink run <.jar> hive-catalog drop_database" --hive-conf string hive的配置文件 --catalog_name string catalog名字 --db_name string 数据库名字 (*) Global Options: --app.force.remote bool 是否启动远端环境变量: false --app.config.debug bool 是否打印用户参数: false # hive-catalog list_table root@41c5967b5948:/www# flink run target/mc-flink-sql-submit-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar hive-catalog list_table help hive-catalog list_table Usage of "flink run <.jar> hive-catalog list_table" --hive-conf string hive的配置文件 --catalog_name string catalog名字 --db_name string 数据库名字 (*) Global Options: --app.force.remote bool 是否启动远端环境变量: false --app.config.debug bool 是否打印用户参数: false">
# help
root@41c5967b5948:/www# flink run target/mc-flink-sql-submit-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar help

Usage of "flink run <.jar> help [options]"

Available Commands
   job          提交job作业
   sql-parser   解析sql文件
   help         帮助命令
   hive-catalog hive-catalog的相关

Global Options:
   --app.force.remote bool
       是否启动远端环境变量: false
   --app.config.debug bool
       是否打印用户参数: false

# job
root@41c5967b5948:/www# flink run target/mc-flink-sql-submit-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar job help

Usage of "flink run <.jar> job [options]"
   --sql string
       执行的sql (*)
   --plan string

Global Options:
   --app.force.remote bool
       是否启动远端环境变量: false
   --app.config.debug bool
       是否打印用户参数: false

# sql-parser
root@41c5967b5948:/www# flink run target/mc-flink-sql-submit-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar sql-parser help

Usage of "flink run <.jar> job [options]"
   --sql-file string
       包含sql的文件 (*)

Global Options:
   --app.force.remote bool
       是否启动远端环境变量: false
   --app.config.debug bool
       是否打印用户参数: false

# sql-parser
root@41c5967b5948:/www# flink run target/mc-flink-sql-submit-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar sql-parser help

Usage of "flink run <.jar> job [options]"
   --sql-file string
       包含sql的文件 (*)

Global Options:
   --app.force.remote bool
       是否启动远端环境变量: false
   --app.config.debug bool
       是否打印用户参数: false

# hive-catalog
root@41c5967b5948:/www# flink run target/mc-flink-sql-submit-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar hive-catalog help

Usage of "flink run <.jar> hive-catalog "
   --hive-conf string

   create_database 创建数据库
   list_database   列出数据库
   drop_database   删除数据库
   list_table      列出数据库的所有表

Global Options:
   --app.force.remote bool
       是否启动远端环境变量: false
   --app.config.debug bool
       是否打印用户参数: false
# hive-catalog create_database
root@41c5967b5948:/www# flink run target/mc-flink-sql-submit-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar hive-catalog create_database help
hive-catalog create_database

Usage of "flink run <.jar> hive-catalog create_database"
   --hive-conf string
   --db_name string
       数据库名字 (*)
   --db_comment string
   --catalog_name string

Global Options:
   --app.force.remote bool
       是否启动远端环境变量: false
   --app.config.debug bool
       是否打印用户参数: false
# hive-catalog list_database
root@41c5967b5948:/www# flink run target/mc-flink-sql-submit-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar hive-catalog list_database help
hive-catalog list_database

Usage of "flink run <.jar> hive-catalog list_database"
   --hive-conf string
   --catalog_name string

Global Options:
   --app.force.remote bool
       是否启动远端环境变量: false
   --app.config.debug bool
       是否打印用户参数: false
# hive-catalog drop_database
root@41c5967b5948:/www# flink run target/mc-flink-sql-submit-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar hive-catalog drop_database help
hive-catalog drop_database

Usage of "flink run <.jar> hive-catalog drop_database"
   --hive-conf string
   --catalog_name string
   --db_name string
       数据库名字 (*)

Global Options:
   --app.force.remote bool
       是否启动远端环境变量: false
   --app.config.debug bool
       是否打印用户参数: false
# hive-catalog list_table
root@41c5967b5948:/www# flink run target/mc-flink-sql-submit-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar hive-catalog list_table help
hive-catalog list_table

Usage of "flink run <.jar> hive-catalog list_table"
   --hive-conf string
   --catalog_name string
   --db_name string
       数据库名字 (*)

Global Options:
   --app.force.remote bool
       是否启动远端环境变量: false
   --app.config.debug bool
       是否打印用户参数: false

flink-stream-sql-mctl 用法



➜  flink-sql-submit git:(master) ✗ ./flink-stream-sql-mctl.sh

  flink-stream-sql-mctl.sh [OPTION] <COMMAND>


    run          [FILE]            运行
    stop         [FILE]            停止
    list         [FILE]            列出FILE所在yid下的所有job任务列表
    drop_table   [FILE]            删除所有表
    rebuild_run  [FILE]            删除所有表,然后重跑(继承savepoint)

    -c, --clientpath  [LEVEL]    flink-sql-submit.jar路径  (Default is '/data/tmp/mc-flink-sql-submit-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar')
    -f   是否强制运行,忽略以往savepoint

    -h, --help              Display this help and exit
    --loglevel [LEVEL]      One of: FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, NOTICE, DEBUG, ALL, OFF
                            (Default is 'ERROR')
    --logfile [FILE]        Full PATH to logfile.  (Default is '/Users/caiwenhui/logs/flink-stream-sql-mctl.sh.log')
    -n, --dryrun            Non-destructive. Makes no permanent changes.
    -q, --quiet             Quiet (no output)
    -v, --verbose           Output more information. (Items echoed to 'verbose')
    --force                 Skip all user interaction.  Implied 'Yes' to all actions.


  • 模型所在父目录的至少有一个yid文件(取最近的一个父节点的yid)对应所在的应用id
  • 默认情况下,模型启动的时候会取最近一次savepoint的数据进行恢复,如果不存在,则直接启动


for i in $(find /data/flink-stream/mstream_alarm/ -type f -name "*.sql");do /data/flink-stream/flink-stream-sql-mctl stop $i;done


for i in $(find /data/flink-stream/mstream_alarm/ -type f -name "*.sql");do /data/flink-stream/flink-stream-sql-mctl run $i;done


for i in $(find /data/flink-stream/mstream_alarm/ -type f -name "*.sql");do /data/flink-stream/flink-stream-sql-mctl drop_table $i;done


├── flink-stream-sql-mctl
├── inc.sh
├── mc-flink-sql-submit-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
├── mstream
│   └── mstream_19
│       ├── c_log_new_add_account_by_upf_account.sql
│       ├── ...
│       └── yid
└── mstream_alarm
    ├── mstream_alarm_10008
    │   ├── t_log_app_error_alarm_164.sql
    │   └── ...
    ├── mstream_alarm_19
    │   ├── t_log_ban_alarm_157.sql
    │   └── ...
    └── yid


# 每小时检测一下application是否挂了
0 * * * * bash /data/flink-stream/flink-stream-sql-mctl monitor >/dev/null 2>&1



docker run --rm -it -v  ~/.m2:/root/.m2 -v $(PWD):/www -w /www maven:3.6.3 mvn clean package








➜  flinkjob git:(master) ✗ docker run --rm -it -v  ~/.m2:/root/.m2 -v $(PWD):/www -w /www maven:3.6.3 mvn jar:jar@eventSerializer
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] --------------------< org.client.flink:flinkjob >---------------------
[INFO] Building All client Flink job 1.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.4:jar (EventSerializer) @ flinkjob ---
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  2.931 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2021-10-26T03:08:07Z
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


➜  flinkjob git:(master) ✗ docker run --rm -it -v  ~/.m2:/root/.m2 -v $(PWD):/www -w /www maven:3.6.3 mvn jar:jar@eventSerializer -Djar.finalName=flinkjob-1.0-SNAPSHOT-Event
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] --------------------< org.client.flink:flinkjob >---------------------
[INFO] Building All client Flink job 1.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.4:jar (eventSerializer) @ flinkjob ---
[INFO] Building jar: /www/target/flinkjob-1.0-SNAPSHOT-Event.jar
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  8.630 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2021-10-26T03:19:24Z
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------



--------------------- [INFO] Building All client Flink job 1.0-SNAPSHOT [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]--------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.4:jar (eventSerializer) @ flinkjob --- [INFO] Building jar: /www/target/mc-flinkjob-1.0-SNAPSHOT-eventSerializer.jar [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 8.550 s [INFO] Finished at: 2021-10-26T06:09:54Z [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------">
➜  flinkjob git:(master) ✗ EXECUTE_ID=eventSerializer;BUILD_NAME=`docker run --rm -it -v  ~/.m2:/root/.m2 -v $(PWD):/www -w /www maven:3.6.3  mvn help:evaluate -Dexpression=project.build.finalName | egrep -v "^\[" | sed 's/^M//g'`;docker run --rm -it -v  ~/.m2:/root/.m2 -v $(PWD):/www -w /www maven:3.6.3 mvn jar:jar@${EXECUTE_ID} -Djar.finalName=${BUILD_NAME}-${EXECUTE_ID}
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] --------------------< org.client.flink:flinkjob >---------------------
[INFO] Building All client Flink job 1.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.4:jar (eventSerializer) @ flinkjob ---
[INFO] Building jar: /www/target/mc-flinkjob-1.0-SNAPSHOT-eventSerializer.jar
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  8.550 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2021-10-26T06:09:54Z
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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