Selma Java bean mapping that compiles

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Selma Java bean mapping at compile time !

What is Selma ?

S3lm4 say Selma, stands for Stupid Simple Statically Linked Mapper. In fact it is on one side an Annotation Processor that generate Java code to handle the mapping from field to field at compile time. On the other side, it is a Runtime library to instantiate and invoke the generated Mapper.

How does it work ?

First add selma-processor as a provided dependency and selma as a compile dependency to your build. Then, define a Mapper interface describing the mapping you want:

public interface SelmaMapper {

    // Imutable mapping
    OutBean asOutBean(InBean source);

    // Update graph
    OutBean updateOutBean(InBean source, OutBean destination);


Then ? Well just use the generated Mapper:

    SelmaMapper mapper = Selma.mapper(SelmaMapper.class);

    OutBean res = mapper.asOutBean(in);

    // Or
    OutBean dest = dao.getById(42);

    OutBean res = mapper.updateOutBean(in, dest);
    // res is the updated bean dest with in values

And voilà !

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  • Generate code for mapping bean to bean matching fields to fields ** Support for nested bean ** Bean should respect Java property convention
  • Custom field to (embedded)field name mapping
  • Maps Enum using identical values with default value
  • Maps Collection any to any
  • Maps Map any to any
  • Use strict memory duplication for all fields except immutables
  • Support for SourcedBeans to instantiate beans is out of the box
  • Support Type to Type custom mapping using custom mapping methods
  • Gives full feedback at compilation time
  • Break build when mapping does not work Say good bye to mapping errors in production


First add selma and selma-processor to your pom dependencies:

        <!-- scope provided because the processor is only needed for the compiler -->

        <!-- This is the only real dependency you will have in your binaries -->

Then, as I said earlier, build your interface with @Mapper annotation and enjoy.

Checkout the example module to have a deeper look.

Help needed, please report issues and ask for features :)

  • Lombok


    How can I use Selma together with Lombok? It seems that Selma does not see the getters/setters generated by Lombok.

    Failed to generate mapping method for type ..OtpData to .....resources.OtpDataResource not supported on ....model.OtpData --> Add a custom mapper or 'withIgnoreFields' on @Mapper or @Maps to fix this ! If you think this a Bug in Selma please report issue here
    opened by robertmircea 11
  • NullPointerException



    I encounter the following error while generating mappers:

    An annotation processor threw an uncaught exception.
    Consult the following stack trace for details.
        at fr.xebia.extras.selma.codegen.CustomMapperWrapper.collectCustomMethods(
        at fr.xebia.extras.selma.codegen.CustomMapperWrapper.collectCustomMappers(
        at fr.xebia.extras.selma.codegen.CustomMapperWrapper.<init>(
        at fr.xebia.extras.selma.codegen.MapperWrapper.<init>(
        at fr.xebia.extras.selma.codegen.MapperClassGenerator.<init>(
        at fr.xebia.extras.selma.codegen.MapperProcessor.generateMappingClassses(
        at fr.xebia.extras.selma.codegen.MapperProcessor.process(

    It happens in v0.13 and v0.14-SNAPSHOT (last master).

    Trying to debug it I can see that this line:

    final TypeElement element = context.elements.getTypeElement(customMapper.replace(".class", ""));

    located in the private void collectCustomMappers() method is null.

    I really don't know what to do to solve my problem, please help !

    Thank you

    opened by denouche 11
  • Mapper declaring  source don't use correct constructor

    Mapper declaring source don't use correct constructor

    I try to use a mapper with source. But in generated class this method called no args constructor and not constructor with my source.

    In documentation the sourced field is public final, is it a constraint ? why ?

    May be I'm doing something wrong ?

    @Mapper(withSources = Date.class)
    public interface PersonMapper {
        PersonDto personToPersonDto(Person person);
    public class PersonDto {
        private String firstName;
        public final Date birthDate;
        public String getFirstName() {
            return firstName;
        public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
            this.firstName = firstName;
        public PersonDto(Date birthDate) {
            this.birthDate = birthDate;
        public PersonDto() {
            this.birthDate = null;
    public class Person {
        String firstName;
        public String getFirstName() {
            return firstName;
        public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
            this.firstName = firstName;
        public Person (String firstName) {
            this.firstName = firstName;

    generated code :

    public final class PersonMapperSelmaGeneratedClass
        implements PersonMapper {
      public final model.external.PersonDto personToPersonDto(model.internal.Person in) {
        model.external.PersonDto out = null;
        if (in != null) {
          out = new model.external.PersonDto();
        return out;
       * This field is used as source akka given as parameter to the Pojos constructors
      private final java.util.Date source0;
       * Single constructor
      public PersonMapperSelmaGeneratedClass(java.util.Date _source0) {
        this.source0 = _source0;
    opened by gderboux 8
  • Eclipse integration issue

    Eclipse integration issue

    Hi Séven,

    My projects work fine with gradle, but I couldn’t get them work with Eclipse 4.4:

    • I checked all the box under JavaCompiler/Annotation Processing
    • I had the 3 jars in Factory Path:
      • myProject/lib/selma-processor-0.8.jar
      • myProject/lib/selma-0.8.jar
      • myProject/lib/javawriter-2.2.1.jar
    • "Clean and Build All" projects just to be sure

    ==> no generated class and when I deploy it in Tomcat 8, I obviously have a nice "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException"

    It's really important for me that it work under Eclipse. What am I missing here ?


    PS : My projects works fine with gradle, except selma generates the class at the root, it's a bit weird, it's not an issue but is it possible to choose the location ?

    opened by guillaumBrisard-zz 7
  • Generate method to map Collection of object directly

    Generate method to map Collection of object directly

    This is not a bug, but a feature request (Didn't find where to add correct label) Not talking about collection attribut but collection of object.

    public interface MyMapper {
    	// Handle this kind of method
    	List<MyDto> convertToListMyDto(Set<MyEntity> source);
    	MyDto convertToMyDto(MyEntity source);

    To convert from my Set of source, Selma would just loop and call the singular convert method convertToMyDto. Would save a bit of code on the service side, not having to instanciate the collection; loop, and call convert for each item, then adding them to the result list.

    Not a big deal, but i'd be nice and not very hard to implement I think ?

    opened by TehBakker 6
  • Need workaround for bugs in Eclipse JDT

    Need workaround for bugs in Eclipse JDT

    There is a bug in the Eclipse JDT where it Types.asMemberOf does not work properly with methods on interfaces or superinterfaces:

    bug wontfix 
    opened by facboy 6
  • Api to update an existing instance from the mapped object

    Api to update an existing instance from the mapped object

    This is a feature request :)

    Here are some examples of what the api could look like (to provide context of use cases)

    immutable (create a new instance from the information in the dto , defaulting missing values to the corresponding values in the provided instance)

    private User chuck = new User("Chuck Noris", -1, "Chuck Noris");
    public static Result updateChuck() {
            JsonNode json = request().body().asJson();
            UserDTO userDTO = Json.fromJson(json, UserDTO.class);
            UserMapper userMapper = Selma.getMapper(UserMapper.class);
            chuck =, chuck); 
            return ok(Json.toJson(userDTO));

    mutable api which copies fields from the dto to the target instance leaving alone unknown fields (and conversely)

    private Double chuckId = Double.NaN;
    public static User updateChuck(UserDto chuckDTO) {
           User chuck = UserDao.find(chukId);
           UserMapper userMapper = Selma.getMapper(UserMapper.class);
 , chuck);
           return chuck;

    Both apis should be bidirectional with regard to the mapping.

    new feature 
    opened by jeantil 6
  • Using interceptor with withIgnoreNullValue = true

    Using interceptor with withIgnoreNullValue = true

    Usage of interceptor and withIgnoreNullValue = true result in NPE

            withImmutables = {Calendar.class, Byte.class}, withCyclicMapping = false, withIgnoreMissing = IgnoreMissing.ALL,
            withIoC = IoC.SPRING, withIgnoreNullValue = true)
    public interface MyMapper {
        @Maps(withCustom = {CustomDateTimeInterceptor.class})
        Validation asValidation(ValidationJson in, Validation out);
    public class CustomDateTimeInterceptor {
        public void intercept(ValidationJson in, Validation out) {

    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException at fr.xebia.extras.selma.codegen.SourceNodeVars.isOutPrimitive( at at fr.xebia.extras.selma.codegen.MapperMethodGenerator.buildMappingMethod( at at at fr.xebia.extras.selma.codegen.MapperProcessor.generateMappingClassses( at fr.xebia.extras.selma.codegen.MapperProcessor.process( at at at$1800( at$ at at at at ... 29 more

    Fix it using withIgnoreNullValue = false

    opened by cbeaujoin 5
  • Mapper IoC.SPRING and custom mapper

    Mapper IoC.SPRING and custom mapper

    Hello, In the specific case of Mapper declared "withIoC = IoC.SPRING" and with a custom mapper for Money conversion in a SpringBoot project, I got a problem about Spring Autowiring beans:

    No qualifying bean of type 'com.***.converter.mapper.MoneyToMoneyCustomMapper' available: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate. Dependency annotations: {@org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired(required=true)}

    In fact I don't know if there is is a solution but it seems obvious that Spring tries converting a native object into bean whereas the Selma documentation doesn't specify modifications for this use case.

    Any idea ? Thanks in advance

    opened by surdsey 5
  • Issue with mapping 'enum' to 'String'

    Issue with mapping 'enum' to 'String'

    I'm not sure whether it is an issue or a feature (expected behavior). I'm trying to map data from one object to another where a property of source class is of enum type where as destination property is a String.

    // source class
    class Entity {
    	enum Status { ACTIVE, FAILED, PENDING }
    	private Integer code;
    	private String description;
    	private Status status;
    	// + getters / setters
    // destination class
    class SimpleEntity {
    	private String numericCode;
    	private String text;
    	private String statusCode;
    	// + getters / setters
    // mapping spec
    interface EntityMapper {
    	@Maps(withCustomFields = {
    		@Field({ "code", "numericCode" }),
    		@Field({ "description", "text" }),
    		@Field({ "status", "statusCode" })
    	}, withIgnoreMissing = IgnoreMissing.DESTINATION)
    	SimpleEntity toSimpleEntity(Entity entity);
    // unit test
    class MappingTest {
    	void mapping() {
    		Entity entity = new Entity();
    		entity.setDescription("active entity");
    		EntityMapper mapper = Selma.getMapper(EntityMapper.class);
    		SimpleEntity result = mapper.toSimpleEntity(entity);
    		assertEquals(result.getNumericCode(), "5");
    		assertEquals(result.getText(), "active entity");
    		assertEquals(result.getStatusCode(), "ACTIVE");

    The execution of unit test fails:

    Tests run: 1, Failures: 1, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.268 sec <<< FAILURE! - in test.MappingTest
    mapping(test.MappingTest)  Time elapsed: 0.011 sec  <<< FAILURE!
    java.lang.AssertionError: expected [ACTIVE] but found []
    	at org.testng.Assert.failNotEquals(
    	at org.testng.Assert.assertEqualsImpl(
    	at org.testng.Assert.assertEquals(
    	at org.testng.Assert.assertEquals(
    	at org.testng.Assert.assertEquals(
    	at test.MappingTest.mapping(

    I also noticed that code generated by processor for mapping has an interesting implementation of enum -> String:

      public final String asString(Entity.Status inStatus) {
        java.lang.String out = null;
        if (inStatus != null) {
          out = new java.lang.String();
        return out;

    why that? why not something like:

        if (inStatus != null) {
          out = String.valueOf(inStatus);

    or simply use toString() or name() method of enum? Is there any hidden meaning of current implementation?

    Also out.setNumericCode(inEntity.getCode() + ""); implementation for Integer looks incorrect to me, this would be fine for primitive int, but null value of Integer should be converted to null but not a "null"

    opened by darklynx 5
  • Unable to map Nested source attribute to nested Destination Attribute

    Unable to map Nested source attribute to nested Destination Attribute

    I am trying to map 2 Model objects & as part of that using @Field annotation. Whenever I try to map nested source attribute to nested destination attribute, it throws an error giving below message : Bad custom field to field mapping: both source and destination can not be embedded

    Why is this not supported ? For the object transformation I am working on, this is the most important thing.

    Please suggest.

    opened by NitinGadgil 5
  • Intercept final result

    Intercept final result

    Hi !

    It would be nice to have the ability to intercept the final result of a mapping in order to apply some post mapping logics.

    For example :

    @Maps(withCustoms = {MyInterceptor.class})
    DTO asDTO(Entity in)
    class MyInterceptor {
        DTO intercept(Entity in, DTO out) {
            // Do some post mapping treatment, as conditionnal field aggregation for example
            return out;
    opened by naarl 0
  • Question: Could there be an annotation to ignore bean fields from mapping?

    Question: Could there be an annotation to ignore bean fields from mapping?


    if i want to exclude certain common fields across beans, at present, i have to write the following on the mapper

    @Mapper(withIgnoreFields = {"age", "Person.indices", "fr.xebia.selma.Person.tags"})

    But if the properties are common across beans then it becomes boilerplate to do this across mappers


    Common entities/beans

    User { } 
    Employer { }

    Beans that has refs to the common entities

    Work {
        private User user;
        private Employer employer;
        private String name;
    WorkDto {
        private String name;
    Time {
        private User user;
        private Employer employer;
        private LocalDateTime startTime;
        private LocalDateTime endTime;
    TimeDto {
        private LocalDateTime startTime;
        private LocalDateTime endTime;

    Using an annotation at bean field level will help avoid additional need to ignore these fields on each mapper and looks clean. Thoughts on implementing an annotation that ignores the common fields ?

    opened by balachandra 0
  • Selma doesn't map Enum to string

    Selma doesn't map Enum to string


    I notice Selma can't automatically map a String to an Enum or an Enum to a String. We have to create a CustomMapper to do something like that :

        public String enumToString(MyEnum e) {
            return e.toString();
        public MyEnum stringToEnum(String s) {
            return MyEnum.valueOf(s);

    This is useless code, so I suggest to add this as a feature in Selma. I can try to do it, if someone can review PR.


    opened by sebvelay 0
  • Selma Mapper not working between List<ClassA> & List<ClassB> (Java, maven)

    Selma Mapper not working between List & List (Java, maven)

    I've the class "ArticleEntity", "CategoryEntity" and "Article". I've the ArticleEntity:

    public class ArticleEntity {
     private CategoryEntity categoryEntity;
     public CategoryEntity getCategoryEntity() {
    	return categoryEntity;
     public void setCategoryEntity(CategoryEntity categoryEntity) {
    	this.categoryEntity = categoryEntity;

    And a class B

    public class CategoryEntity {
     private String name;
     ...getter & setter
     @OneToMany(mappedBy = "categoryEntity")
     private List<ArticleEntity> articles;
     public List<ArticleEntity> getArticles() {
    	if(articles == null) {
    		articles = new ArrayList<>();
    	return articles;
     public void setArticles(List<ArticleEntity> articles) {
    	this.articles = articles;

    And a model class:

    public class Article {
     private String categoryName;
     public String getCategoryName() {
    	return categoryName;
     public void setCategoryName(String categoryName) {
    	this.categoryName = categoryName;

    With Selma, I make this mapper:

    @Mapper(withIgnoreMissing = IgnoreMissing.ALL, withIoC = IoC.SPRING) 
    public interface ArticleMapper {
      @Maps(withCustomFields = {
       @Field({"", "categoryName"})
      List<Article> articlesFromArticleEntity(List<ArticleEntity> articlesEntity);

    The result of "List Article" mapping is for example:

    CategoryName: null
    Content: "Hello here my content"
    title: "My title here !"

    Why mapping list with List doesn't work (CategoryName is null) ?

    opened by krabouilleur 0
  • Issue on cyclic mapping with list

    Issue on cyclic mapping with list


    I'm trying to map a bean A which contains a list of beans B which itself contains a list of beans A.

    I have @Mapper(withCyclicMapping = true) annotation on each of interfaces.

    Example :

    public class Person {
        private String firstName;
        private String lastName;
        private Date birthDay;
        private List<Address> residencies;
        // + Getters and Setters
    public class Address {
        private String line1;
        private String line2;
        private String zipCode;
        private String city;
        private String country;
        private List<Person> persons // Cyclic reference here !
        // + Getters and Setters
    @Mapper(withCyclicMappings = true)
    public interface PersonMapper {
        // Returns a new instance of PersonDTO mapped from Person source
        PersonDto asPersonDTO(Person source);
    @Mapper(withCyclicMappings = true)
    public interface AddressMapper {
        // Returns a new instance of AddressDTO mapped from Address source
        AddressDto asAddressDTO(Address source);

    Implementations generated by SELMA from the interfaces do not compile because the mapping methods are duplicated.

    Any idea about what's going wrong ?


    opened by Romain-Alexandre 0
  • How to use selma with maven

    How to use selma with maven

    I have add the libs into pom.iml fr.xebia.extras selma-processor 1.0 provided fr.xebia.extras selma 1.0 But when do a getting start, it not work, just throw exception: Unable to load generated mapper class com.gavrilov.core.mappers.UserMapperSelmaGeneratedClass failed : com.gavrilov.core.mappers.UserMapperSelmaGeneratedClass] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unable to load generated mapper class com.gavrilov.core.mappers.UserMapperSelmaGeneratedClass failed : com.gavrilov.core.mappers.UserMapperSelmaGeneratedClass at fr.xebia.extras.selma.Selma.createMapperInstance( at fr.xebia.extras.selma.Selma.getMapper( at fr.xebia.extras.selma.Selma.access$100( at fr.xebia.extras.selma.Selma$

    opened by lionchi 1
  • selma-parent-1.0(Apr 30, 2017)

    This is the first 1.0 release of Selma coming with bug fixes and many new features. Like custom mappers for field to field mapping, Maps inheritance, Bean Aggregation and CDI support.

    • #106: Add support for custom mapping method on per field basis
    • #108: Add support for abstract custom mappers
    • #100: Add support for aggregated bean mapping
    • #102: Fix default lower bound type resolution for generic types
    • #109: Fix custom mapper call with out parameter
    • #110: Properly match the fieldname when it ends with the name of the class thanks to Fanilo Randria
    • #111: Add support for inner mapper interface
    • #115: Add support for CDI injection thanks to Semiao Marco
    • #118: Filter enum private members to avoid
    • #119: Add support for mapping interfaces instead of beans
    • #120: Add support for abstract getters and setters in mapped beans thanks to @facboy
    • #126: Fix declared bean array mapping
    • #127: Fix any type to String default mapping
    • #133: Fix mapping embedded array of prime
    • #137: Improve CDI support with CDI and CDI_SINGLETON thanks to @Musikolo
    • #138: Add @InheritMaps to avoid @Maps duplication

    We now have a final 1.0 release enjoy it and give us feedback :).

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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