📬Zola (Extremely) Simple Message Queue for spring, It is the simplest Message Queue you've ever experienced.


It is the simplest Message Queue you've ever experienced.


ZSMQ (Zola Simple Message Queue) is a very simple message queue created in java.

'zola' is a korean slang. It means 'utterly', 'extremely', 'super', 'very'

ZSMQ can be used in a variety of situations (ex, Poc or study), except in the operating environment.

ZSMQ is the best choice if you don't consider performance.

ZSMQ aims to have

  • Simplest
  • Easiest
  • intuitive configuration
  • you to focus on other than message queue

Quick Start

ZSMQ is fast and easy to use, so we aim to minimize the configuration.

Check example to see the detailed configuration; there is a simple example using zsmq.

You can quickly create a great message queue by following these steps!

  1. run messaging server and dashboard
  2. gradle dependency
  3. configure property
  4. Just U.S.E it!!

1. run messaging server and dashboard

ZSMQ provides two components:

Both of the following components must be run

  1. Messaging Server
  2. Message Server Dashboard

The Messaging Server manages the MQ. The destination to publish and subscribe to a message is Messaging Server.

The dashboard provides a view of the server. Describe the message queue and crreate/delete the MQ.

You can easily run Zola (ZSMQ) server using docker

docker run --rm -d -p 8290:3000 dhslrl321/zsmq:dashboard.1.0.1
docker run --rm -d -p 8291:8291 dhslrl321/zsmq:server.1.0.0

messaging server and dashboard's port must be 8290, 8291 ! If you need to change the port, please raise it to issue.

2. gradle dependency

Two dependencies are required to use zsmq.

  1. zola-messaging-core
  2. zola-messaging-spring-sdk

When used with spring framework, You can manually add dependencies one by one.

However, We provide a spring-boot-starter so that you can skip the complicated process and set it up easily.

It can be downloaded from the jitpack repository.

Add the following blocks to build.gradle

repositories {
    // ... other maven repository
    maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.dhslrl321.zsmq:zola-messaging-spring-boot-starter:${version}'

You can manually set bin without using the spring boot starter.

Check the reference guide for more information

3. configure property

Finally, The url of the Zola Messaging Server must be specified in application.yml

  url: http://localhost:8291
  listening: false
  • zsmq.url : The Messaging Server url that manages the MQ.
  • zsmq.listening : Decide whether to register the listening thread automatically or not.
    • The listener thread is used when consuming.

4. Just U.S.E it !

Now you are done with all settings

You have to use it as it is.

1. Open the dashboard, Create a queue. If you are setting properly just go into localhost:8290



2. write the code in your application

  • If you want to publish a message, please use ZolaQueueMessagingTemplate.
  • If you want to consume a message, please use '@ZolaConsumer' and @ZolaMessageListener

publish message

public class MessageProducer {

    private final ZolaQueueMessageTemplate template;

    public void send() {
        template.convertAndSend("MY-QUEUE", "foo");

consume message

The 'zsmq.listening' attribute must be true when consuming a message.

public class MyConsumer {

    @ZolaMessageListener(queueName = "MY-QUEUE", deletionPolicy = DeletionPolicy.ALWAYS)
    public void listen(String message) {
        System.out.println("message = " + message);

Check example to see the detailed configuration; there is a simple example using zsmq.


One day, I tried to use a message queue simply for studying.

It was not relevant to the message queue.

But I spent most of my time setting up message queues(RabbitMQ, SQS) and building infrastructure.

It was a very tough time just to perform convertAndSend.

So I decided to create a server that has low performance but highly productive message queue.

This is the beginning of zsmq.

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