My solutions for the MongoDB for Java Developers course


Welcome to M220J

Disclaimer: The dependencies and versions in this project are not maintained. This project is intended for educational purposes and is not intended to be exposed in a network, so use at your own discretion.

In this course we will be exploring how to use MongoDB in the Java environment.

We will be looking into:

  • Different versions and flavors of the MongoDB Java driver
  • How to express CRUD operations in Java code
  • Using the Aggregation Framework to express analytical queries
  • Building an application backend in Java that interacts with MongoDB

Get Started

For this course we will be setting up an application, MFlix, that will allow users to list and interact with a movies catalog (any similarity with other popular video streaming services is pure coincidence!).

In the finished version of the MFlix application, users will be able to:

  • Perform movie searches with the following criteria:
    • cast members
    • genre types
    • text matches in title or description
    • country of origin
  • Create faceted filters on movie searches
  • Create an account and manage their preferences
  • Leave comments on their favorite (or least favorite) movies

... among other features, typical of any movie streaming service.

Your job, as new team member of the team that builds MFlix, and soon-to-be MongoDB Java developer expert, is to implement the backend component, in specific the Database Access Object (DAO) layer. No worries, your team has already built all the integration and unit tests, you just need to get them all to pass!

Project Structure

MFlix is composed of two main components:

  • Frontend: All the UI functionality is already implemented for you, which includes the built-in React application that you do not need to worry about.
  • Backend: Java Spring Boot project that provides the necessary service to the application. The code is managed by a Maven project definition file that you will have to load into your Java IDE.

Most of what you will implement is located in the src/main/java/mflix/api/daos directory, which contains all database interfacing methods.

The unit tests in src/tests/java/mflix/api/daos will test these database access methods directly, without going through the API.

The UI will run these methods as part of the integration tests, and therefore they are required for the full application to be running.

The API layer is fully implemented, as is the UI. By default the application will run on port 5000, but if you need it to run on a port other than 5000, you can edit the index.html file in the build directory to modify the value of You can find index.html in the src/main/resources/build directory.

We're using Spring Boot for the API. Maven will download this library for you. More on that below.

Database Layer

We will be using MongoDB Atlas, MongoDB's official Database as a Service (DBaaS), so you will not need to manage the database component yourself. However, you will still need to install MongoDB locally to access the command line tools that interact with Atlas, to load data into MongoDB and potentially do some exploration of your database with the shell.

Local Environment Dependencies

There are two main system dependencies in this course:

  1. Java 1.8
  • The java version this course is built against is Java 1.8. You can download the appropriate version for your operating system by clicking here
  1. Maven
  • We use Maven to manage dependencies for the MFlix project. Click here to download Maven

Java Project (MFlix) Installation

The mflix project is supported by a Maven POM file that deals with all the dependencies required, as well as providing the test and run commands to control our project. This means that you can run all the tests and deploy the mflix backend from the command line with Maven.

However, we recommend you use a Java IDE to follow along with the lessons and to accomplish the Tickets assigned to you in the course.

You can use any IDE that you like, as you do not need to have a specific product to complete the course. It would be better if your IDE supports Maven POM files, so it can set the dependencies correctly, otherwise you will need to download and install manually the different libraries and drivers used by the project.

That said, all the lectures and examples of this course have been produced using IntelliJ IDEA CE edition. You will find a lesson dedicated to setting up and exploring this IDE for the course.

Once you downloaded and unzipped the file, you will find the project folder. The project folder contains the application code, the pom.xml file that you would import into your IDE, and the dataset required that you will have to import to Atlas.

$ ls
mflix README.rst
$ cd mflix
$ ls
src pom.xml data

Running the Application

In the mflix/src/main/resources directory you can find a file called

Open this file and enter your Atlas SRV connection string as directed in the comment. This is the information the driver will use to connect. Make sure not to wrap your Atlas SRV connection between quotes:


To run MFlix, run the following command:

cd mflix
mvn spring-boot:run

And then point your browser to http://localhost:5000/.

It is recommended you use an IDE for this course. Ensure you choose an IDE that supports importing a Maven project. We recommend IntelliJ Community but you can use the product of your choice.

The first time running the application might take a little longer due to the initial setup process.

Running the Unit Tests

To run the unit tests for this course, you will use JUnit. Each course lab contains a module of unit tests that you can call individually with a command like the following:

cd mflix
mvn -Dtest=<TestClass> test

For example to run the ConnectionTest test your shell command will be:

cd mflix
mvn -Dtest=ConnectionTest test

Alternatively, if using an IDE, you should be able to run the Unit Tests individually by clicking on a green play button next to them. You will see this demonstrated in the course as we will be using IntelliJ.

Each ticket will contain the command to run that ticket's specific unit tests. When running the Unit Tests or the Application from the shell, make sure that you are in the same directory as the pom.xml file.

  • Ticket: Principle of Least Privilege

    Ticket: Principle of Least Privilege

    Ticket: Principle of Least Privilege


    For this ticket, you'll be required to add a new user on your Atlas cluster for the MFlix application to connect with.

    The user should follow credentials:

    • username: mflixAppUser
    • password: mflixAppPwd

    This user should have the readWrite role on the sample_mflix database. Use Add Default Privileges to assign the user this specific role.

    After you have created this user, modify the SRV connection string in your configuration file so the application connects with the new username and password.

    Testing and Running the Application

    There are no unit tests associated with this ticket.

    opened by CSalih 1
  • Ticket: Handling Errors

    Ticket: Handling Errors

    Ticket: Handling Errors


    For this ticket, you'll be required to modify the following methods:

    • validIdValue

    • addComment
    • deleteComment
    • updateComment

    • addUser
    • createUserSession
    • deleteUser
    • updateUserPreferences

    Ensure that all of these methods are more robust and account for potential exceptions when executed.

    MFlix Functionality

    Once this ticket is completed, the app will be able to handle incorrect movie id values and various write exceptions without breaking or throwing an error within the application.

    Testing and Running the Application

    If the application is already running, stop the application and run the unit tests for this ticket by executing the following command:

    mvn test -Dtest=HandlingErrorsTest

    Once the unit tests are passing, run the application with:

    mvn spring-boot:run

    or run the from your IDE.

    opened by CSalih 0
  • Ticket: Handling Timeouts

    Ticket: Handling Timeouts

    Ticket: Handling Timeouts


    For this ticket, you'll be required to modify the connection information for MongoClient to set a write concern timeout of 2500 milliseconds.

    The MongoClient in mflix.config.MongoDBConfiguration is initialized in the mongoClient bean method. There are a few other details in the Mongo Client section of the Java Driver documentation for your reference.

    Aside from the write concern timeout, you are also tasked to set the connectTimeoutMS configuration option to 2000 milliseconds. This option should be set in the connection string. Check MongoDB URI options reference for more information.

    The unit test will be asserting that these two configuration options are correctly set.

    Testing and Running the Application

    If the application is already running, stop the application and run the unit tests for this ticket by executing the following command:

    mvn test -Dtest=TimeoutsTest

    Once the unit tests are passing, run the application with:

    mvn spring-boot:run

    Or run the class from your IDE.

    opened by CSalih 0
  • Ticket: Connection Pooling

    Ticket: Connection Pooling

    Ticket: Connection Pooling


    For this ticket, you'll be required to modify the configuration of option that defines our maxPoolSize in the file, and set the maximum size of the connection pool to 50 connections.

    By changing the properties file, the MongoClient should be configured to use no more than 50 connections. Revise the ConnectionString java class api.

    Testing and Running the Application

    If the application is already running, stop the application and run the unit tests for this ticket by executing the following command:

    mvn test -Dtest=ConnectionPoolingTest

    Once the unit tests are passing, run the application with:

    mvn spring-boot:run

    Or deploy the application from your IDE.

    opened by CSalih 0
  • Ticket: Migration

    Ticket: Migration

    Ticket: Migration


    For this ticket, you'll be completing a script that performs field data type migrations. The script main class implementation is src/main/java/mflix/

    Things always change, and a requirement has come down that the lastupdated value in each document of the movies collection needs to be stored as an ISODate rather than a String.

    Apart from the lastupdated field, we also want to clean up the different data types that currently define the field imdb.rating, where in some cases it is set as of Number type, and in other cases set as String. Given that this field represents a numeric value, this field should be set as a number in all documents.

    Complete the script so it updates the values using the bulk API.

    To perform the migration, run the following command:

    mvn clean compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="mflix.Migrator"

    or run the class from your IDE.

    Testing and Running the Application

    If the application is already running, stop the application and run the unit tests for this ticket by executing the following command:

    mvn test -Dtest=MigrationTest

    Once the unit tests are passing, run the application with:

    mvn spring-boot:run
    opened by CSalih 0
  • Ticket: User Report

    Ticket: User Report

    Ticket: User Report

    User Story

    "As an administrator, I want to be able to view the top 20 users by their number of comments."


    For this ticket, you'll be required to modify the mostActiveCommenters method in This method produces a report of the 20 most frequent commenters on the MFlix site.


    This report is meant to be run from the backend by a manager who is very particular about the accuracy of data. Ensure that the read concern used in this read, avoids any potential document rollback.

    Remember to add the necessary changes in the pipeline to meet the requirements. More information can be found in the comments of the method.

    Testing and Running the Application

    If the application is already running, stop the application and run the unit tests for this ticket by executing the following command:

    mvn test -Dtest=UserReportTest

    Once the unit tests are passing, run the application with:

    mvn spring-boot:run

    Or run from your IDE.

    opened by CSalih 0
  • Ticket: Delete Comments

    Ticket: Delete Comments

    Ticket: Delete Comments

    User Story

    "As a user, I want to be able to delete my own comments."


    For this ticket, you'll be required to modify the deleteComment method in Ensure the delete operation is limited so only the user can delete their own comments, but not anyone else's comments.

    MFlix Functionality

    Once this ticket is completed, users will be able to delete their own comments, but they won't be able to delete anyone else's comments.

    Testing and Running the Application

    If the application is already running, stop the application and run the unit tests for this ticket by executing the following command:

    mvn test -Dtest=DeleteCommentTest

    Once the unit tests are passing, run the application with:

    mvn spring-boot:run

    or run the from your IDE.

    opened by CSalih 0
  • Ticket: Create/Update Comments

    Ticket: Create/Update Comments

    Ticket: Create/Update Comments

    User Story

    "As a user, I want to be able to post comments to a movie page as well as edit my own comments."


    For this ticket, you'll be required to implement the addComment and updateComment methods in CommentDao.

    Ensure that updateComment only allows users to update their own comments, and no one else's comments.

    MFlix Functionality

    Once this ticket is completed, users will be able to post comments on their favorite (and least favorite) movies, and edit comments they've posted.

    Testing and Running the Application

    If the application is already running, stop the application and run the unit tests for this ticket by executing the following command:

    mvn test -Dtest=UpdateCreateCommentTest

    Once the unit tests are passing, run the application with:

    mvn spring-boot:run

    Our launch the Application from your IDE.

    opened by CSalih 0
  • Ticket: Get Comments

    Ticket: Get Comments

    Ticket: Get Comments

    User Story

    "As a user, I want to be able to view comments for a movie when I look at the movie detail page."


    For this ticket, you'll be required to extend the getMovie method in so that it also fetches the comments for a given movie.

    The comments should be returned in order from most recent to least recent using the date key.

    Movie comments are stored in the comments collection, so this task can be accomplished by performing a $lookup. Refer to the Aggregation Quick Reference for the specific syntax.

    MFlix Functionality

    Once this ticket is completed, each movie's comments will be displayed on that movie's detail page.

    Testing and Running the Application

    If the application is already running, stop the application and run the unit tests for this ticket by executing the following command:

    mvn test -Dtest=GetCommentsTest

    Once the unit tests are passing, run the application with:

    mvn spring-boot:run

    Or run from your IDE.

    opened by CSalih 0
  • Ticket: User Preferences

    Ticket: User Preferences

    Ticket: User Preferences

    User Story

    "As a user, I want to be able to store preferences such as my favorite cast member and preferred language."


    For this Ticket, you'll be required to implement the updateUserPreferences method in This method allows updates to be made to the "preferences" field in the users collection.

    MFlix Functionality

    Once this ticket is completed, users will be able to save preferences in their account information.

    Testing and Running the Application

    If the application is already running, stop the application and run the unit tests for this ticket by executing the following command:

    mvn test -Dtest=UserPreferencesTest

    Once the unit tests are passing, run the application with:

    mvn spring-boot:run

    or run the from your IDE.

    opened by CSalih 0
  • Ticket: Durable Writes

    Ticket: Durable Writes

    Ticket: Durable Writes

    User Story

    When a new user registers for MFlix, their information must be added to the database before they can do anything else. For this reason, we want to make sure that the data written by the addUser method will not be rolled back.

    We can decrease the chances of a rollback by increasing the write durability of the addUser method.


    For this ticket, you'll be required to increase the durability of the addUser method.

    opened by CSalih 0
Salih Candir
I'm a computer science student at the University of Innsbruck.
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