255 Repositories
⚡ A powerful & easy to use chart library for Android ⚡ Charts is the iOS version of this library Table of Contents Quick Start Gradle Maven Documentat
FXForm 2 Stop coding forms: FXForm 2 can do it for you! About FXForm2 is a library providing automatic JavaFX form generation. How does it work? Write
3d Skin Layers Replaces the usually flat second layer of player skins with a 3d modeled version. Will automatically switch to the vanilla 2d rendering
openTCS Homepage: https://www.opentcs.org/ Changelog: changelog.adoc openTCS (short for open Transportation Control System) is a free platform for con
WorkbenchFX The one and only framework to build large JavaFX Applications! Maven To use this framework as part of your Maven build simply add the foll
Among Us Dumpy Gif Maker Made by ThatOneCalculator & Pixer415 With help from twistCMYK, karl-police, and auguwu! Please credit this repository when yo
CalendarFX A Java framework for creating sophisticated calendar views based on JavaFX. A detailed developer manual can be found online: CalendarFX 8 D
CustomStage A JavaFX undecorated stage which can fully be customized Donations If this project is helpful to you and love my work and feel like showin
README-en.md 1. 前言 在很多场景下,如果能够生成Java代码中方法之间的调用链,是很有帮助的。 IDEA提供了显示调用指定Java方法向上的完整调用链的功能,可以通过“Navigate - Call Hierarchy”菜单(快捷键:Ctrl+Alt+H)使用;Eclipse也提供
GemsFX At least JDK 11 is required. Dialog Pane The class DialogPane can be used as a layer on top of any application. It offers various methods to di
JFreeChart Version 2.0.0, not yet released. Overview JFreeChart is a comprehensive free chart library for the Java(tm) platform that can be used on th
😉 Pretty nice Zookeeper GUI, Support Win / Mac / Linux Platform
AnimateFX A library of ready-to-use animations for JavaFX Features: Custom animations Custom interpolators Play/Stop animation Play an animation after
RichTextFX RichTextFX provides a memory-efficient text area for JavaFX that allows the developer to style ranges of text, display custom objects in-li
Keycloak Project Example Introduction This repository contains a project setup for keycloak based projects. This setup serves as a starting point to s
React Native Photo Editor (RNPE) 🌄 Image editor using native modules for iOS and Android. Inherit from 2 available libraries, Brightroom (iOS) and Ph
open-api-demo This project is an example for CloudQuery Community, which can assist community users in code development such as organizational structu
POIKit POIKit 目的是提供一套简单易用且稳定的 POI 获取与处理工具套件,方便 GIS 相关从业者。目前软件处于初步构建状态,希望各位多多尝试,多多提问题(The More Questions,The Better)。 目录 功能演示 安装 技术选型 维护人员 支持该项目 开发路线 L
MNMLKitScanner 基于Google MLKit 快速集成二维码扫描,速度比zxing快 基于Google MLKit 快速集成二维码扫描,速度比zxing快,可配置相册,闪光灯,相机可以调整焦距放大缩小,自定义扫描线颜色,自定义背景颜色,自定义遮罩层,支持同时扫多个二维码和条形码 功能:
Shape 框架 项目地址:Github、码云 点击此处 下载 Demo 进行演示或者测试 集成步骤 在项目根目录下的 build.gradle 文件中加入 buildscript { repositories { maven { url 'https://jitpack.i
Support me joining PI Network app with invitation code AlexKent FX-BorderlessScene ( Library ) 💠 Undecorated JavaFX Scene with implemented move, resi
An Android library that allows you to easily create applications with slide-in menus. You may use it in your Android apps provided that you cite this project and include the license in your app. Thanks!
相关内容 组件化、支持模块单独运行 androidx mvvm kotlin koin jetpack(livedata、viewmodel、lifecycle、viewbinding、...) buildsrc coroutines liveeventbus ... 项目用到的依赖库 APK下载体
MaterialFX MaterialFX is an open source Java library which provides material design components for JavaFX Explore the wiki » Download Latest Demo · Re
JDKMon JDKMon Home JDKMon is a little tool written in JavaFX that tries to detect all JDK's installed on your machine and will inform you about new up
cssfx ⚠ WARNING ⚠ In version 11.3.0 we have relocated & refactored the project. maven groupId has been changed to fr.brouillard.oss java module name h
Charts A library for scientific charts in JavaFX. This is still a work in development, but here are some of the charts being worked on so far. The cha
RXControls RXControls Version 8.x.y need javafx8 RXControls Version 11.x.y need javafx11+ 一个javafx的自定义组件库, 密码可见组件, 轮播图组件, 动态按钮组件等, 音频频谱可视化组件,歌词组件 等...
Graph Editor A library for creating and editing graph-like diagrams in JavaFX. This project is a fork of tesis-dynaware/graph-editor 1.3.1, which is n
Java Java version greater than 13 is required. JRE or JDK are both possible. Current Java versions can be downloaded here: https://www.oracle.com/java
HUAWEI 3D Modeling Kit Sample English | 中文 Introduction This project includes apps developed based on HUAWEI 3D Modeling Kit. The project directory is
Tawfekh-Editor A beautiful and customizable text editor. ✨ Tawfekh Editor is simple and easy to use. You can Customize it as you want to get the best
JD-GUI JD-GUI, a standalone graphical utility that displays Java sources from CLASS files. Java Decompiler projects home page: http://java-decompiler.
更新 V1.1 参考冰蝎的代理,添加代理设置,方便走burp调试 优化批量检查逻辑,使用接口,这样每次添加新的漏洞利用时,就不需要修改批量检查的逻辑。 0x01 这是个嘛? 这是一个构建图形化漏洞利用的一个项目,已经写好架子,只需要往里填充exp即可,帮助安全人员快速构建一个图形化的、跨平台的漏洞利
link eye - kuesji koesnu - 8/8/2021 an android app to browse urls before open try to open a link, select link eye and choose always to start using
FXGraphics2D Version 2.1, 3 October 2020. Overview FXGraphics2D is a free implementation of Java's Graphics2D API that targets the JavaFX Canvas. It m
ReactorFX This lightweight convenience library allows for simple integration between Project Reactor and JavaFX. ReactorFX provides fluent factories t
Futurerestore GUI A GUI implementation for FutureRestore written in Java. Installation Download from releases. No Java download required (it's bundled
What is it? Getdown (yes, it's the funky stuff) is a system for deploying Java applications to end-user computers, as well as keeping those applicatio
ChartFx ChartFx is a scientific charting library developed at GSI for FAIR with focus on performance optimised real-time data visualisation at 25 Hz u
GysoTreeView 【中文】【English】 ⭐ If ok, give me a star ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Tree View; Mind map; Think map; tree map; 树状图;思维导图;组织机构图;层次图;树型图 A custom tree view for
TilesFX A JavaFX library containing tiles for Dashboards. Donations are welcome at Paypal Intro The Tile is a simple JavaFX Control that comes with di
PhotoView PhotoView aims to help produce an easily usable implementation of a zooming Android ImageView. [ Dependency Add this in your root build.grad
------------------------------------------- Source installation information for modders ------------------------------------------- This code follows
FXTrayIcon Library intended for use in JavaFX applications that makes adding a System Tray icon easier. The FXTrayIcon class handles all the messy AWT
FormsFX Forms for business application made easy. Creating forms in Java has never been this easy! Maven To use this framework as part of your Maven b
Expo Mega Demo Experimenting with new awesome React Native + Expo features. Work in progress. More info soon. A preview video (click the image): Core
TornadoFX JavaFX Framework for Kotlin Important: TornadoFX is not yet compatible with Java 9/10 Oracle is intending to decouple JavaFX from the JDK. W
animated animated introduces implicit animations, a completely new concept in JavaFX strongly inspired by Flutter's animations and motion widgets. Ind
VWorkflows Interactive flow/graph visualization for building domain specific visual programming environments. Provides UI bindings for JavaFX. See htt
Read the documentation, explore the JavaDoc, or see it in action Create a framework: design the environment and lifecycle (—bootstrap) to make your ow
What you’ve stumbled upon here is a project that intends to make retrieving, massaging, populating, viewing, and editing data in JavaFX UI controls ea
Triggevent Fully event driven trigger + overlay system for FFXIV. Makes triggers easier to develop and test. Allows triggers to have custom configurat
BootstrapFX BootstrapFX is a partial port of Twitter Bootstrap for JavaFX. It mainly provides a CSS stylesheet that closely resembles the original whi