ConsoleSpamFix for BungeeCord



ConsoleSpamFix for BungeeCord.


  • Filter for both BungeeCord and Plugin logger.
  • Regex & Contains two modes support


#Add here the messages you want to hide from your console and logs.
#Each line represents a new message.
#NOTE! You don't need to add the full message!
#The plugin will hide all messages that contain the text added below.
# Messages-To-Hide-Filter:
# - 'WARNING: unlocalizedName'
# To use regex, add "@" prefix in that line
# All messages that will appear in the server console that contain these words 'WARNING: unlocalizedName' will be hidden and they will not appear on logs or console.
# If you have large errors you don'tt have to type the full error. But the more words you add the more accurate will be and will not hide other messages that may contain the words added in the filter.

  - 'WARNING: unlocalizedName'
  - 'look up profile properties for'
  - 'InitialHandler - NativeIoException: readAddress(..) failed: Connection reset by peer'
  - 'Unexpected packet received during login process'


该插件是我在 Bilicraft-Community 任职时编写的插件,起初是为了解决服务器BungeeCord被CC攻击后大面积错误信息的问题。
在离开 Bilicraft 后我决定继续对其维护更新。


不存在,本插件 100% 由我个人编写,没有复制/参照任何来自 ConsoleSpamFix 的代码,没有任何版权问题。
同时,在任职期间 Bilicraft 并未向我支付任何劳动报酬,因此也不存在任何的风险。

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    Welcome to WhiteSource Bolt for GitHub! This is an onboarding PR to help you understand and configure settings before WhiteSource starts scanning your repository for security vulnerabilities.

    :vertical_traffic_light: WhiteSource Bolt for GitHub will start scanning your repository only once you merge this Pull Request. To disable WhiteSource Bolt for GitHub, simply close this Pull Request.

    What to Expect

    This PR contains a '.whitesource' configuration file which can be customized to your needs. If no changes were applied to this file, WhiteSource Bolt for GitHub will use the default configuration.

    Before merging this PR, Make sure the Issues tab is enabled. Once you merge this PR, WhiteSource Bolt for GitHub will scan your repository and create a GitHub Issue for every vulnerability detected in your repository.

    If you do not want a GitHub Issue to be created for each detected vulnerability, you can edit the '.whitesource' file and set the 'minSeverityLevel' parameter to 'NONE'.

    :question: Got questions? Check out WhiteSource Bolt for GitHub docs. If you need any further assistance then you can also request help here.

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