An efficient, up-to-date reader/writer for Java properties files



Version Issues Pull Requests

JProperties is a small, highly efficient, and extensible library for parsing .properties files.

It is a modern replacement for the java.util.Properties class that utilizes the Java Collections Framework to parse properties directly to a Map<String, String>.

Developer ease-of-use is another priority for this library, and as such, it includes the xyz.maow.jproperties.JProperties class for easily reading properties from multiple supported sources within 1-2 lines.

The supported sources include InputStream, File, Path, byte[], String, Properties, and input streams retrieved from resources via fromResource(String).
All of the above also have a concurrency-safe counterpart that utilizes ConcurrentHashMap.

Other utilities are included amongst the necessities, these include things like PropertiesBuilder, TextUtils, etc.


JProperties is available on Maven Central

Groovy DSL
repositories {

dependencies {
    implementation "xyz.maow:jproperties:<version>"
Kotlin DSL
repositories {

dependencies {


Example: Reading properties from a file

// Properties

Path filePath = Paths.get("");
try (InputStream src = Files.newInputStream(filePath)) {
    Properties props = new Properties();
} catch (IOException e) {
// JProperties

Path filePath = Paths.get(""); 
Map<String, String> props = JProperties.from(filePath); // {"option": "value"}


Benchmark                             Mode  Cnt       Score      Error  Units
PropBenchmark.benchmark_JProperties  thrpt   15  336637.037 � 5804.054  ops/s
PropBenchmark.benchmark_Properties   thrpt   15  612128.919 � 8872.088  ops/s
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