ITI TicTacToe Server project

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GUI java javafx fxml


ITI TicTacToe Client project


  1. Clone project
  2. Create local branch name Development
    1. command git branch Development
  3. Checkout to the Development branch
    1. command git checkout Development
  4. Lat step clone the Development branch to your local Development branch
    1. command git pull origin Development


When developing make sure you are using your local Development branch and when push your changes make sure push top the remote Development branch

To run the project

  1. Install IntelliJ
  2. Install Maven
    1. Unzip downloaded file and copy unzipped folder to C:\Program Files
    2. Edit Environment variable path add new C:\Program Files\apache-maven-3.8.2\bin
    3. New Environment variable with name MAVEN_HOME and url C:\Program Files\apache-maven-3.8.2
    4. open cmd and type mvn --version to test maven
  3. open terminal in intellij and use mvn install
  4. make sure you are using JDK17

Naming convention of project

We are using normal java naming convention for declaring

  • Classes,interfaces and Enums declaration PascalCase
    • Example : class ExampleCale {}
  • methods , local variable and instance variable camelCase
    • Example : int localVariable = 10; public void methodName(){}
  • constants will be UPPERCASE
    • Example int final CONSTANT = 10;

###For UI fields

  • Button field will start its name with btn
    • Example Button btnClick;
  • different Text fields will start its name with txt
    • Example TextArea txtChatArea;

And so on.

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