Adds value to towns, by giving each one a unique set of automatically-generated resources.



TownyResources adds value to towns, by giving each one a unique set of automatically-produced resources which can be collected by players (e.g. Emeralds, Coal, Oak Log, Wheat etc.).

The plugin also has an optional feature to protect resource value, via daily player extraction limits. This can be enabled in the config if required.


  • 🏙️ Encourages Town Building.
  • 🇺🇳 Encourages Nation Building.
  • 💰 Encourages Trading.
  • 💤 Reduces Grind.
  • 🧚‍♀️ Assists Roleplaying.
  • ⚔️ Improves the SiegeWar experience, by adding a new non-toxic reason for war: Capturing Resources.

(details in the FAQ section below)

Installation Guide

  1. Download the latest TownyResources Jar from here, and drop it into your plugins folder.
  2. Restart your server.
  3. Edit the TownyResources config.yml file, and set surveys > enabled to false (this stops players from discovering resources until your settings are ready).
  4. Run /tra reload.
  5. Edit the TownyResources config.yml file, and change any settings you would like.
    • Note: Do not add Eggs, Honeycomb, or Honey Bottle to the daily-limits list, as these limit types are not yet operational.
  6. Edit your townyperms.yml file, and add the following perms:
    • Mayor / Assistant / Treasurer:
      - townyresources.command.towncollect
    • King / Assistant / Treasurer:
      - townyresources.command.nationcollect
  7. Using your permissions plugin, give this to any admins who are not already OP:
    - townyresources.admin.command.*
  8. If you want to show town production on the Dynmap (Recommended), first ensure you have the Dynmap-Towny plugin installed, then add the following to the 'infowindow' section of your Dynmap-Towny config file:
    Resources: %town_resources% ">

    Resources: %town_resources%
  9. If you want to use the Slimefun plugin with TownyResources:
    • Town Production:
      You can add Slimefun items to the offers list, simply by using Slimefun item ID's. See here for Slimefun item ID's. Example:
    ...{BUCKET_OF_OIL, 100, 1 BUCKET_OF_OIL}...{Valuable_Dust, 100, 1, COPPER_DUST, TIN_DUST}...
    # F.Y.I. the first category name can translate to non-english as it is a vanilla Slimefun item ID, however the second one cannot, unless you add a translation string.
    • Daily Player Limits
      Due to technical limitations, it is currently not possible to have daily-limits for Slimefun resources. However, a reasonably good extraction-control configuration can be achieved by first adding the small few raw Slimefun resources to the Town Production offers (Sifted Ore, Oil Bucket, Uranium, Salt, Nether Ice), and then disabling the small few machines which directly extract these (gold_pan, oil_pump etc.).
  10. If you want to translate material names into a non-english language, first ensure you have the LangUtils plugin installed, then set your preferred language in the TownyResources Config.yml file.
  11. Edit the TownyResources config.yml file, and set surveys > enabled to true.
  12. Run /tra reload, then /ta reload.

Player Guide

Town Production

  • Town production information is shown on the town screen. Example:

    > Daily Production: 64 Oak Log, 32 Emerald

  • Before resources can be be produced by a town, they must first be discovered.
  • Resources can only be discovered by doing Surveys.
  • Each Survey discovers a resource of a new level and type:
    • Survey 1: Reveals Level 1 Resource. Cost 250. Minimum num townblocks 10.
    • Survey 2: Reveals Level 2 Resource. Cost 1000. Minimum num townblocks 50.
    • Survey 3: Reveals Level 3 Resource. Cost 5000. Minumum num townblocks 100.
    • Survey 4: Reveals Level 4 Resource. Cost 20000. Minimum num townblocks 200.
  • To do a Survey, enter the target town and run: /tr survey.
  • If the Survey succeeds, a global success message will be generated. Example:

    Goosius1 has discovered coal deposits at Rome!. Daily Production: 64 Coal.

Daily Production
  • On each new Towny New Day, towns automatically produce resources.
  • Production is modified by the resource level:
    • Resource Level 1: Production bonus N/A. Minimum town level 2.
    • Resource Level 2: Production bonus +100%. Minimum town level 4.
    • Resource Level 3: Production bonus +200%. Minimum town level 6.
    • Resource Level 4: Production bonus +300%. Minimum town level 8.
  • After resources are produced, they are shown as available for collection on the town screen. Example:

    > Daily Production: 64 Oak Log, 32 Emerald
    > Available For Collection: 64 Oak Log, 32 Emerald

  • If a town is not high enough level to produce a resource, the amount shows as zero. Example:

    > Daily Production: 64 Oak Log, 0 Emerald

  • For each resource, a town can store a maximum of 5x the production amount. When stores are full, subsequent production is lost.
Collecting Town Resources
  • To collect town resources, as a mayor/assistant/treasurer, enter your town and run /tr towncollect
  • The available resources will then be dropped at your position.

Nation Production

  • Nation production & collection information is shown on the nation screen. Example:

    > Daily Production: 64 Oak Log 64 Coal, 32 Emerald
    > Available For Collection: 128 Oak Log 128 Coal, 64 Emerald

Daily Production
  • If a town belongs to, or is occupied by, a nation, then 50% of the town production is diverted to the nation.
Collecting Nation Resources
  • To collect nation resources, as a king/assistant/treasurer, enter your capital and run /tr nationcollect
  • The available resources will then be dropped at your position.

Daily Extraction Limits

Resource Categories
  • Extraction is limited per resource category.
  • Example: The resource category of "Common Rocks" contains both STONE and COBBLESTONE. Extracting either of those items counts towards the daily limit.
Limit Schedule
  • Extraction is limited per Towny day.
  • The daily extraction limits of all players are reset at Towny New Day.
  • When a player hits their daily extraction limit for a particular category of material, they will see an information bar message. Example:

    Daily extraction limit reached for Beetroot (64)

Limit Mechanisms
  • Resources can only be extracted in the following circumstances:
    • Block Drops:
      • Before a player's daily limit is reached, if they break a block and it drops an item, this counts towards their daily limit for that item's category.
      • After a player's daily limit is reached:
        • Ancient Debris: Block does not break; Warning message is sent.
        • Dirt, Rock, Cobblestone: Block breaks; No warning message is sent.
        • All other blocks: Block breaks; Warning message is sent.
    • Mob Death Drops:
      • Before a player's daily limit is reached, if they kill a mob and it drops an item, this counts towards their daily limit for that item's category.
      • After a player's daily limit is reached, if they kill a mob which would otherwise drop an item in that category, it does not and a warning message is sent.
    • Fishing:
      • Before a player's daily limit is reached, if they catch an item while fishing, this counts towards their daily limit for that item's category.
      • After a player's daily limit is reached, if a fishing action would catch an item in that category, it does not and a warning message is sent.
    • Sheep Shearing:
      • Before a player's daily limit is reached, if they shear a sheep, this counts +2 towards the player's daily limit for the wool category.
      • After a player's daily limit is reached, if they try to shear a sheep they cannot, and a warning message is sent.
    • Egg Laying:
      • Before a player's daily limit is reached, eggs dropped within their owned town plots, count towards their daily limit for eggs.
      • After a player's daily limit is reached, chickens will not drop eggs in their owned town plots.

Admin Guide

  • Resource Offers
    • Resource Offers are configured in the TownyResources config.yml file.
    • WARNING: If you reconfigure the offers list, it will change not only future discoveries, but also existing discoveries. Take particular care if removing an offer category, as this will remove the correponding discovery from any any towns towns which have already paid for it.
  • Daily Extraction Limits
    • Daily Extraction Limits are configured in the TownyResources config.yml file.
  • /tra reload - Reload TownyResouces.
  • /tra reroll_all_resources - Reroll all already-discovered town resources.



How will TownyResources benefit my server ?


6 Key Benefits:

  1. Assists Town Building:
    • Town resources are automatically produced by the town itself.
    • However it is the mayors / assistants / treasurers who get to actually collect the resources.
    • This dynamic naturally encourages the development of good town governance, to determine how the valuable town resources are to be distributed.
  2. Assists Nation Building:
    • Joining a nation, and staying in it, becomes a much more important decision for a town. Whichever nation they are in will get a good share of their daily resource production. Thus mayors will be much more motivated to be in a nation which is active and helpful.
    • Correspondingly, town loyalty becomes much more important for nations. Nations must work harder to keep their towns, by being more active, more helpful, and developing good governance, including fair and efficient systems of resource distribution.
    • These dynamics will naturally encourage the development of active and competitive nations.
  3. Assists Trading:
    • By turning individual towns into centres for the production of specific goods, trading activities are naturally encouraged.
  4. Reduces Grind:
    • Without TownyResources, a multi-hour grind can grant a player a significant economic advantage over other players.
    • TownyResources puts a hard cap on how much can be gained by each grind, thus facilitating a server a economy where extensive grinding simply has no part.
    • With TownyResources, it is still possible to expend extra effort for a resource advantage over other players, but more varied and interesting activities are required to achieve it e.g. farming multiple varieties of crops, cave explorations, ruins explorations, trading, war.
  5. Assists Roleplaying
    • By giving each town a unique "signature" set of resources, this helps to develop the character of each town.
  6. Improves the SiegeWar experience, by adding a new non-toxic reason for war: Capturing Resources.
    • There are surprisingly few non-toxic reasons to start a war in SiegeWar:
      • Resources: NO, because sieging does not provide resources.
      • Equipment: NO, because SiegeWar does not allow soldiers to steal equipment from killed enemy soldiers (for muliple important reasons as explained here).
      • Full Territorial Control: NO, because sieging does not provide full territorial control of occupied towns (i.e. block breaking/placing etc.).
      • Roleplaying: NO, because most players are not roleplaying to any reasonable standard (making new characters, adopting new personalities while in game, separating in-game & out-of-game conversations, following character-driven story arcs within the gameworld etc.).
      • Personal: NO, because although wars can and do start for this reason, it is generally not good, because it can create toxicity.
      • Automatically-Assigned Military Objectives: NO, because SiegeWar does not have this type of feature.
      • PVP: PARTIAL. PVP is a fine reason for fighting in games like Call-of-Duty or Battlefield, however in Minecraft-Towny, it often upsets players who are trying to treat the game as strategy and/or roleplay-lite, as it "breaks their bubble".
      • Victory Rewards: PARTIAL. The rewards of victory are limited to a one-time plunder money steal, climbing the \n list, coloring the map, and achieving a higher nation claims bonus. This set of rewards has some value, but is often regarded by players as less satifying & less useful than the acquisition of material resources.
    • TownyResources fixes this problem by turning Resources into a viable, non-toxic, reason to start a war.
      • The wisdom of this is demonstrated by the success of the Civilization series of games, which also use generated-terrain & sandbox geopolitical strategy, and in which:
        "Resources are special commodities found in limited quantities on the map....are extremely important in the game, and the main reason for expansion and territorial wars" (Civ V Wiki)


Should I enable the daily-limits feature?

  • It depends on your server.
  • Generally, if you don't enable it, you will have a little more daily work to do in balancing the economy.
  • Generally in long-running gameworlds, players have stockpiles of resources, and indeed some markets may be flooded. Thus if limits are introduced, it will take a while for the cut in production to restore balance to the economy. In the meantime some town resources may be perceived as worthless. Thus, daily-limits are more suitable for new gameworld than long-established ones.
  • Players often have an adverse reaction to the idea of limits.
  • In many ways this reaction is cultural in nature. The idea of "living in harmony" with the environment, and not destroying it by extracting resources at the fastest possible reate, is better established in some cultures than others.
  • In-game, few servers seem to have attempted this so far, but there is theoretical evidence that it can work:
- Consider 2 groups of players:

  - Group A: 
    - Are given daily gifts of money, any blocks they ask for, enhanced mining speed, and the flying ability to help them build faster.
    - Within a few days, manufacture expensive items such as god sets, shulker boxes, and beacons.
    - Within a few weeks, construct gigantic monuments to honour themselves.
    - Within a month, their riches are almost limitless.
    - Trading/diplomacy/sieges are now quite meaningless for them.
  - Group B: 
    - Are given moderate daily limits to extracting resources, slowing down all their activities.
    - Set long term goals to manufacture expensive items such as god sets, shulker boxes, and beacons.
    - Set long term goals to construct gigantic monuments to honour themselves.
    - At first, even minor magical items, such as Efficiency III picks, are a great achievement.
    - Within a month, they are still working towards their goals, improving their governments, trading actively, co-operating with allies, and competing with dangerous enemies who could deal serious setbacks to their goals.   
  Which group of players do you think is more likely to stay on this server ?
  • Keep in mind that whatever the pros and cons of the feature, it is no less Natural than Towny block protections, i.e. Just as Towny magically prevents-block breaking to protect the Architectural value of towns, TownyResources magically prevents block-breaking to protect the Economic value of towns.

  • [Feature Request] Add MMOItems support (Mi)

    [Feature Request] Add MMOItems support (Mi)

    Somehow ItemAdder support was added. Is it possible to make the same support for the MMOItems plugin?

    Spigot (plugin) :

    MMOItems API:

    opened by NeotenySS 14
  • Error occurred while enabling TownyResources v0.1.0 (Is it up to date?)

    Error occurred while enabling TownyResources v0.1.0 (Is it up to date?)

    I got a new error :( the resource offer categories are now loading..

    [16:09:39 INFO]: [TownyResources] Towny version found. [16:09:39 INFO]: [TownyResources] SiegeWar Integration Not Enabled [16:09:39 INFO]: [TownyResources] DynmapTowny Integration Enabled [16:09:39 INFO]: [TownyResources] Slimefun Integration Not Enabled [16:09:39 INFO]: [TownyResources] LanguageUtils Integration Not Enabled [16:09:39 INFO]: [TownyResources] Config Loaded [16:09:39 INFO]: [TownyResources] Lang: english.yml v0.06 loaded. [16:09:39 INFO]: [TownyResources] All Resource Offer Categories Loaded [16:09:39 ERROR]: Error occurred while enabling TownyResources v0.1.0 (Is it up to date?) java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/md_5/bungee/api/chat/BaseComponent at io.github.townyadvanced.townyresources.TownyResources.loadAll( ~[?:?] at io.github.townyadvanced.townyresources.TownyResources.onEnable( ~[?:?] at ~[craftbukkit-1.16.5.jar:2991-Bukkit-f3f3094] at ~[craftbukkit-1.16.5.jar:2991-Bukkit-f3f3094] at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin( ~[craftbukkit-1.16.5.jar:2991-Bukkit-f3f3094] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R3.CraftServer.enablePlugin( ~[craftbukkit-1.16.5.jar:2991-Bukkit-f3f3094] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R3.CraftServer.enablePlugins( ~[craftbukkit-1.16.5.jar:2991-Bukkit-f3f3094] at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.loadWorld( ~[craftbukkit-1.16.5.jar:2991-Bukkit-f3f3094] at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.DedicatedServer.init( ~[craftbukkit-1.16.5.jar:2991-Bukkit-f3f3094] at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.w( ~[craftbukkit-1.16.5.jar:2991-Bukkit-f3f3094] at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.lambda$0( ~[craftbukkit-1.16.5.jar:2991-Bukkit-f3f3094] at Source) [?:1.8.0_301] Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: at Source) ~[?:1.8.0_301] at ~[craftbukkit-1.16.5.jar:2991-Bukkit-f3f3094] at ~[craftbukkit-1.16.5.jar:2991-Bukkit-f3f3094] at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_301] at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_301] ... 12 more

    opened by noisereactz1 11
  • Too Many Resources To Collect

    Too Many Resources To Collect

    Nations and towns produce far more than one inventory worth of resources each day. They are supposed to drop onto the ground, and some of them do, but nations lose more than half of their produced resources oftentimes even when they drop onto the ground. Below are a few potential solutions we have thought of. We are hoping you to get your opinion on which one of these would be the best option to pursue.

    1. Let players collect a single resource at a time instead of all of them at once. (/tr towncollect [resource_name] /tr nationcollect [resource_name]) This way they can collect each resource individually and they really wouldn't ever need more than an inventory worth unless they have occupied a crazy amount of towns. This would require a change either by you or we can have our dev team do it.

    2. Use mythicmobs to create custom "voucher" items so when collecting resources, the player is actually collecting a small number of vouchers that can then be redeemed for the actual resources using a separate shop/plugin. We can do this on our own right now, we are just asking if you see any potential issues doing things this way and if you have any suggestions on how to better pursue this.

    3. let us connect a console command to the resources when they are being collected instead of just the items. Upon collection, the plugin doesn't just throw a bunch of items on the ground. Instead, it runs a command in the console which is set per resource in the config. This would allow users to do almost anything they can think of instead of just being limited to dropping a single inv worth of default items at once.

    opened by EcoSMP 10
  • Code Refactoring

    Code Refactoring

    Code refactoring

    I just made the code smaller & moved to bukkit plugin acces

    • [ ] I have tested this pull request for defects on a server.

    By making this pull request, I represent that I have the right to waive copyright and related rights to my contribution, and agree that all copyright and related rights in my contributions are waived, and I acknowledge that the TownyAdvanced organization has the copyright to use and modify my contribution under the SiegeWar License for perpetuity.

    opened by MoMMde 8
  • Minor issue with LanguageUtils

    Minor issue with LanguageUtils

    First thank you very much for considering my suggestion!

    Just a minor issue to report: the localized material display currently does not work properly - it currently shows the names in English even tho LangUtils is installed.

    Fortunately, I probably have found the reason ... should be easy to fix - may need to double-check:

    The plugin name defined in the plugin.yml of LanguageUtils is "LangUtils":

    But the plugin name specified in TownyResources is "LanguageUtils":

    So it leads to TownyResources not being able to detect whether LangUtils is really installed or not.

    Sorry for the confusion in the first place as I referred to the language utils plugin as "LanguageUtils" o.o

    Second minor issue is that the latest version of LangUtils is 2.5-SNAPSHOT as can be seen in the maven repo: Could you update the dependency to the latest version? Nothing about the code should need to be changed :3

    opened by Akiranya 8
  • More Resources Than Inventory Can Hold So Produced Resources Are Lost

    More Resources Than Inventory Can Hold So Produced Resources Are Lost

    If a town/nation produces more resources than the player collecting them can hold in their inventory, those resources are simply lost when the player uses the collection commands.

    Need Feedback 
    opened by EcoSMP 6
  • Extraction limit not working

    Extraction limit not working

    I enabled the resource extraction limit but its not working. :(

    when i enter /tr townycollect i will still collect all of the resources and not only one stack as i setted up in the config.

    please help :)

    opened by noisereactz1 6
  • Suggestion: Improve usability of configured materials lists

    Suggestion: Improve usability of configured materials lists

    Hi there!

    Currently the category entries are implemented with JSON like format:

        # This list shows the survey offer categories.
        # Each category is enclosed in curly brackets, and has 4 parts:
        # 1 - The name of the category (used for messaging)
        # 2 - The discovery weight of the category (used during discovery)
        # 3-  The base amount of the offer (in stacks)
        # 4-  The list of materials in the category
        categories: |
          {common_dirt, 25, 2, DIRT}, {gravel, 100, 1, GRAVEL}, {sand, 100, 2, SAND}, {common_rocks, 100, 2, STONE, COBBLESTONE}, {uncommon_rocks, 100, 1, DIORITE, ANDESITE, GRANITE}, {terracotta, 100, 0.5, TERRACOTTA}, {quartz, 100, 0.25, QUARTZ_BLOCK}, {prismarine, 100, 0.125, PRISMARINE}, {obsidian, 100, 0.125, OBSIDIAN}, {clay, 100, 1, CLAY_BALL}, {ice, 25, 1, ICE}, {snow, 25, 1, SNOWBALL}, {coal, 200, 1, COAL}, {iron, 200, 0.5, RAW_IRON}, {gold, 200, 0.25, RAW_GOLD}, {copper, 100, 0.25, RAW_COPPER}, {emeralds, 200, 0.25, EMERALD}, {diamonds, 200, 0.125, DIAMOND}, {redstone, 100, 1, REDSTONE}, {ancient_debris, 200, 0.0625, ANCIENT_DEBRIS}, {wood, 200, 2, OAK_LOG, SPRUCE_LOG, BIRCH_LOG, JUNGLE_LOG, ACACIA_LOG, DARK_OAK_LOG, OAK_WOOD, SPRUCE_WOOD, BIRCH_WOOD, JUNGLE_WOOD, ACACIA_WOOD, DARK_OAK_WOOD}, {wheat, 100, 1, WHEAT}, {carrots, 100, 1, CARROTS}, {potatoes, 100, 1, POTATOES}, {beetroots, 100, 1, BEETROOT}, {pumpkins, 100, 1, PUMPKIN_SEEDS}, {melon_slices, 100, 1, MELON_SLICE}, {cocoa_plants, 100, 1, COCOA_BEANS}, {kelp, 100, 1, KELP}, {bamboo, 100, 1, BAMBOO}, {cactus, 100, 1, CACTUS}, {mushrooms, 100, 1, BROWN_MUSHROOM, RED_MUSHROOM}, {apple_trees, 100, 0.125, APPLE}, {vines, 100, 0.25, VINE}, {fish, 100, 1, COD, SALMON, PUFFERFISH, TROPICAL_FISH}, {wool, 100, 0.5, WHITE_WOOL}, {gunpowder, 200, 0.25, GUNPOWDER}, {string, 100, 0.25, STRING}, {spider_eyes, 100, 0.25, SPIDER_EYE}, {feathers, 100, 0.25, FEATHER}, {leather, 100, 0.25, LEATHER}, {rabbit_hide, 100, 0.25, RABBIT_HIDE}, {rotten_flesh, 100, 1, ROTTEN_FLESH}, {bones, 100, 0.5, BONE}, {pork, 100, 0.25, PORKCHOP}, {mutton, 100, 0.25, MUTTON}, {beef, 100, 0.25, BEEF}, {chickens, 100, 0.25, CHICKEN}, {eggs, 100, 0.25, EGG}, {ender_pearls, 100, 0.125, ENDER_PEARL}

    The whole category entries are squeezed into one line, which is not quite quick to read and edit.

    I would be better if it's the original yaml list format, for example:

        # This list shows the survey offer categories.
        # Each category is enclosed in curly brackets, and has 4 parts:
        # 1 - The name of the category (used for messaging)
        # 2 - The discovery weight of the category (used during discovery)
        # 3-  The base amount of the offer (in stacks)
        # 4-  The list of materials in the category
          - common_dirt:25:2:DIRT
          - gravel:100:1:GRAVEL
          - sand:100:2:SAND

    Or, it would be better if each reload will not overwrite the config file... so that the user can add new lines to the category entries, for example:

        # This list shows the survey offer categories.
        # Each category is enclosed in curly brackets, and has 4 parts:
        # 1 - The name of the category (used for messaging)
        # 2 - The discovery weight of the category (used during discovery)
        # 3-  The base amount of the offer (in stacks)
        # 4-  The list of materials in the category
        categories: |
          {common_dirt, 25, 2, DIRT},
          {gravel, 100, 1, GRAVEL},
          {sand, 100, 2, SAND},
          {common_rocks, 100, 2, STONE, COBBLESTONE},

    But I prefer my first suggestion because it allows the user to comment out some of the category entries in between without breaking the whole "categories" string entry, like so:

        # This list shows the survey offer categories.
        # Each category is enclosed in curly brackets, and has 4 parts:
        # 1 - The name of the category (used for messaging)
        # 2 - The discovery weight of the category (used during discovery)
        # 3-  The base amount of the offer (in stacks)
        # 4-  The list of materials in the category
          - common_dirt:25:2:DIRT
          # - gravel:100:1:GRAVEL
          - sand:100:2:SAND
    opened by Akiranya 6
  • [Server thread/ERROR]: Could not pass event PlayerFishEvent to TownyResources v0.1.1

    [Server thread/ERROR]: Could not pass event PlayerFishEvent to TownyResources v0.1.1

    Hey guys,

    after a few hours of fishing i reached the extraction limit of the fishes. From there no message is showing up just the fishing rod is stucking in the water when i want to pull it out of the water with the next fish.

    My Towny Version is the newest and also townyresources is uptodate. My Server Version is : Paper 1.16.5

    Please help me and fix this <3

    This are my category configs: categories: '{fish, 5.0, COD, SALMON, PUFFERFISH, TROPICAL_FISH},{food, 0.5, PORKCHOP, CHICKEN, BEEF, RABBIT, MUTTON, COOKED_PORKCHOP, COOKED_CHICKEN, COOKED_BEEF, COOKED_RABBIT, COOKED_MUTTON},{food, 10.0, CARROT, POTATO},{food, 0.5, SWEET_BERRIES, BEETROOT},{material, 10.0, WHEAT},{material, 0.5, BROWN_MUSHROOM, RED_MUSHROOM},{material, 0.5, KELP},{material, 0.5, MILK_BUCKET},{food, 0.5, MELON_SLICE}'


    [17:59:33] [Server thread/ERROR]: Could not pass event PlayerFishEvent to TownyResources v0.1.1 java.util.IllegalFormatConversionException: d != java.lang.String at java.util.Formatter$FormatSpecifier.failConversion(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_301] at java.util.Formatter$FormatSpecifier.printInteger(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_301] at java.util.Formatter$FormatSpecifier.print(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_301] at java.util.Formatter.format(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_301] at java.util.Formatter.format(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_301] at java.lang.String.format(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_301] at io.github.townyadvanced.townyresources.settings.TownyResourcesTranslation.of( ~[?:?] at io.github.townyadvanced.townyresources.controllers.PlayerExtractionLimitsController.sendLimitReachedWarningMessage( ~[?:?] at io.github.townyadvanced.townyresources.controllers.PlayerExtractionLimitsController.processPlayerFishEvent( ~[?:?] at io.github.townyadvanced.townyresources.listeners.TownyResourcesBukkitEventListener.onPlayerFishEvent( ~[?:?] at com.destroystokyo.paper.event.executor.asm.generated.GeneratedEventExecutor576.execute(Unknown Source) ~[?:?] at org.bukkit.plugin.EventExecutor.lambda$create$1( ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-788] at co.aikar.timings.TimedEventExecutor.execute( ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-788] at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent( ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-788] at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent( ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-788] at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.EntityFishingHook.b( ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-788] at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.ItemFishingRod.a( ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-788] at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.ItemStack.a( ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-788] at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.PlayerInteractManager.a( ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-788] at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.PlayerConnection.a( ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-788] at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.PacketPlayInBlockPlace.a( ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-788] at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.PacketPlayInBlockPlace.a( ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-788] at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.PlayerConnectionUtils.lambda$ensureMainThread$1( ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-788] at ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-788] at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.IAsyncTaskHandler.executeTask( ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-788] at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.IAsyncTaskHandlerReentrant.executeTask(SourceFile:23) ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-788] at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.IAsyncTaskHandler.executeNext( ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-788] at ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-788] at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.executeNext( ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-788] at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.IAsyncTaskHandler.awaitTasks( ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-788] at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.sleepForTick( ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-788] at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.w( ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-788] at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.lambda$a$0( ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-788] at Source) [?:1.8.0_301]

    opened by noisereactz1 5
  • Suggestion: MMOItems compability

    Suggestion: MMOItems compability

    It would be neat to have compatibility with MMOItems as resources.

    Here is the latest API documentation I found.

    opened by kibubek 5
  • Problem enabling Mythic Integration

    Problem enabling Mythic Integration

    14.04 10:02:30 [Server] INFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14.04 10:02:30 [Server] INFO Enabling TownyResources v0.2.2 14.04 10:02:30 [Server] INFO --------------- Goosius' --------------
    14.04 10:02:30 [Server] INFO ╔╦╗┌─┐┬ ┬┌┐┌┬ ┬ ╦═╗┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐┬ ┬┬─┐┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐ 14.04 10:02:30 [Server] INFO ║ │ │││││││└┬┘ ╠╦╝├┤ └─┐│ ││ │├┬┘│ ├┤ └─┐ 14.04 10:02:30 [Server] INFO ╩ └─┘└┴┘┘└┘ ┴ ╩╚═└─┘└─┘└─┘└─┘┴└─└─┘└─┘└─┘ 14.04 10:02:30 [Server] INFO SiegeWar Integration Enabled 14.04 10:02:30 [Server] INFO DynmapTowny Integration Enabled 14.04 10:02:30 [Server] INFO Slimefun Integration Enabled 14.04 10:02:30 [Server] WARN java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: io/lumine/xikage/mythicmobs/MythicMobs 14.04 10:02:30 [Server] WARN at TownyResources-0.2.2(1).jar//io.github.townyadvanced.townyresources.TownyResources.setupIntegrationsWithOtherPlugins( 14.04 10:02:30 [Server] WARN at TownyResources-0.2.2(1).jar//io.github.townyadvanced.townyresources.TownyResources.loadAll( 14.04 10:02:30 [Server] WARN at TownyResources-0.2.2(1).jar//io.github.townyadvanced.townyresources.TownyResources.onEnable( 14.04 10:02:30 [Server] WARN at 14.04 10:02:30 [Server] WARN at 14.04 10:02:30 [Server] WARN at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin( 14.04 10:02:30 [Server] WARN at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_17_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugin( 14.04 10:02:30 [Server] WARN at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_17_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugins( 14.04 10:02:30 [Server] WARN at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.loadWorld( 14.04 10:02:30 [Server] WARN at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.init( 14.04 10:02:30 [Server] WARN at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.x( 14.04 10:02:30 [Server] WARN at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0( 14.04 10:02:30 [Server] WARN at java.base/ 14.04 10:02:30 [Server] WARN Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: io.lumine.xikage.mythicmobs.MythicMobs 14.04 10:02:30 [Server] WARN at 14.04 10:02:30 [Server] WARN at 14.04 10:02:30 [Server] WARN at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( 14.04 10:02:30 [Server] WARN ... 13 more 14.04 10:02:30 [Server] ERROR Problem enabling mythic mobs 14.04 10:02:30 [Server] INFO Lang: english.yml v0.07 loaded.

    opened by Peskdt 4
  • [ BUG? ] Manually set Town Level is ignored.

    [ BUG? ] Manually set Town Level is ignored.

    If you overwrite the town level of a town with /townyadmin town {town} settownlevel {LVL} it gets ignored by TownyResources and it just takes the value the town actually has.

    But Towny itself seems to treat it correctly as pre- and post-fixes are set correctly.

    i can work around with that by adding a bunch of NPCs as residents though I'd like to avoid that if possible.

    Need Feedback 
    opened by spikehidden 5
  • Add nation tax percentage set by players

    Add nation tax percentage set by players

    It would be nice if the country occupying a town could set the % of resources that are delivered to them. The command could be executed by having a permission node to be set in townyperms config. Also have a configuration of the maximum resource tax that can be on the server. Thanks.

    opened by Peskdt 0
  • Add Town Resource Demand

    Add Town Resource Demand

    Currently TR only deals with supply e.g

    • resource extraction limits decrease supply
    • town resource generation increases supply.

    A major feature would be to add demand e.g.

    • each town would demand x goods


    • Collection and delivery could both be done w chests in the homeblock.
    • No player commands for pick up or deposit
    • Resource levels based on num townblocks (by population will lead to cheating to avoid demand).
    • Possibly remove surveys
    • punishment for not having enough to meet demand ........a "shortage" in the town. Maybe town is on strike, can't build? Etc.
    opened by Goosius1 1
  • Progression of production

    Progression of production

    What do I mean?

    For egzample:

    We have 4 levels of production. These 4 levels produce resources: wood, food, ingots, gems You can't survey food if you don't have wood and you can't discover ingots if you don't have food discovered first. Same with gems - you can't discover them before discovering ingots.

    I really hope it's clear to understand!

    opened by lukipukix 4
  • Make production require upkeep

    Make production require upkeep

    When I told my players about this plugin, one of them suggested making it so that towns have to pay upkeep to produce resources. The more they spend, the more resources they get; and vice-versa. This could potentially serve as a nice gold sink, especially if combined with discrete upgrades.

    opened by MilesBHuff 0
  • 0.2.4(Dec 5, 2022)

    TownyResources 0.2.4 is a pre-release of the TownyResources Plugin

    User Guide

    • User guide is here

    Install Guide

    • Install guide is here

    Update Guide:

    1. Download the TownyResources-0.2.4.jar from the assets section below.
    2. Drop the file into your plugins folder.
    3. Delete the previous version of the TownyResources Jar from your plugins folder.

    What's Changed

    • Add ability to use MMOItems in the Offers categories, by @LlmDl in
    • Add ability to reroll the resources of a single town. by @LlmDl in

    Full Changelog:

    ⏬ Download available as a .jar file in the Assets section below:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    TownyResources-0.2.4.jar(139.98 KB)
  • 0.2.3(Sep 26, 2022)

    TownyResources 0.2.3 is a pre-release of the TownyResources Plugin

    User Guide

    • User guide is here

    Install Guide

    • Install guide is here

    Update Guide:

    1. Download the TownyResources-0.2.3.jar from the assets section below.
    2. Drop the file into your plugins folder.
    3. Delete the previous version of the TownyResources Jar from your plugins folder.

    What's Changed

    • Make StatusScreens better. by @LlmDl in
    • Change TownyResources collection to put items directly into a players inventory. by @LlmDl in

    Full Changelog:

    ⏬ Download available as a .jar file in the Assets section below:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    TownyResources-0.2.3.jar(95.34 KB)
  • 0.2.2(Jul 22, 2022)

    TownyResources 0.2.2 is a pre-release of the TownyResources Plugin

    User Guide

    • User guide is here

    Install Guide

    • Install guide is here

    Update Guide:

    1. Download the TownyResources-0.2.2.jar from the assets section below.
    2. Drop the file into your plugins folder.
    3. Delete the previous version of the TownyResources Jar from your plugins folder.

    What's Changed

    • Create spanish.yml by @ElMoha943 in
    • Solve possible NoClassDefFoundError: io/lumine/xikage/mythicmobs/MythicMobs by @LlmDl in
    • Patch for mm break by @Goosius1 in
    • Add support for MythicMobs 5 by @LlmDl in

    New Contributors

    • @ElMoha943 made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    ⏬ Download available as a .jar file in the Assets section below:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    TownyResources-0.2.2.jar(133.22 KB)
  • 0.2.1(Mar 11, 2022)

    TownyResources 0.2.1 is a pre-release of the TownyResources Plugin

    User Guide

    • User guide is here

    Install Guide

    • Install guide is here

    Update Guide:

    1. Download the TownyResources-0.2.1.jar from the assets section below.
    2. Drop the file into your plugins folder.
    3. Delete the previous version of the TownyResources Jar from your plugins folder.

    What's Changed

    • Fix MythicMobs imported item names not displaying correctly by @mcmerdith in
    • Added German Language file by @ConfusedAlex in
    • Add portugues - Brazil language by @owYuriGG in

    New Contributors

    • @ConfusedAlex made their first contribution in
    • @owYuriGG made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    ⏬ Download available as a .jar file in the Assets section below:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    TownyResources-0.2.1.jar(129.13 KB)
  • 0.2.0(Feb 2, 2022)

    TownyResources 0.2.0 is a full release of the TownyResources Plugin

    User Guide

    • User guide is here

    Install Guide

    • Install guide is here

    Update Guide:

    1. Download the TownyResources-0.2.0.jar from the assets section below.
    2. Drop the file into your plugins folder.
    3. Delete the previous version of the TownyResources Jar from your plugins folder.

    Features, Improvements, & Fixes in 0.2.0 Added Since 0.1.0.

    • Fixed a "NoClassDefFoundError" which some servers were getting on plugin load, by @Goosius1
    • Fixed a "NoClassDefFoundError" on plugin load with the latest Slimefun, by @Goosius1
    • Fix a spammy message in the log, courtesy of @LlmDl.
    • Fix NoSuchMethodError introduced with servers running Towny or newer, courtesy of @LlmDl.
    • Re-imagine the SickASCII art closer to the Civilization logo, and make it less wide, courtesy of @LlmDl.
      • Closes #50.
    • Refactor and simplify the code base. by @LlmDl in
    • Make use of TownyMessaging's actionbar method, courtesy of @LlmDl.
      • Closes #42.
    • Fix for spigot 1.18.1 enabling config comments by default. by @LlmDl in
    • Update to use Towny's internal CommentedConfiguration. by @LlmDl in
    • Add MythicMobs item integration by @mcmerdith in
      • Add MythicMobs items to town resources!
    • Bypass extraction limit for admins / other usage. by @ar00n in
      • New Command: /tra bypass - An admin command to toggle bypassing extraction limits.
      • New Permission Node: townyresources.bypass - When given the player is never limited in their extractions.
    • Don't limit creative players. by @ar00n in
    • Always use #formatMaterialNameForDisplay(), even when LangUtils isn't installed by @mcmerdith in
    • FR 67 - Add additional daily resource limit toggles by @Firav in Closes #67.
    • Fix non-residents being able to survey. by @LlmDl in

    New Contributors

    • @mcmerdith made their first contribution in
    • @ar00n made their first contribution in
    • @Firav made their first contribution in

    ⏬ Download available as a .jar file in the Assets section below:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    TownyResources-0.2.0.jar(122.85 KB)
  • 0.1.8(Jan 14, 2022)

    TownyResources 0.1.8 is a pre-release for TownyResources 0.2.0

    Features, Improvements, & Fixes in 0.1.8

    • Bypass extraction limit for admins / other usage. by @ar00n in

    New Contributors

    • @ar00n made their first contribution in

    User Guide

    • User guide is here

    Install Guide

    • Install guide is here

    Update Guide:

    1. Download the TownyResources-0.1.8.jar from the assets section below.
    2. Drop the file into your plugins folder.
    3. Delete the previous version of the TownyResources Jar from your plugins folder.
    4. Restart your server.

    ⏬ Download available as a .jar file in the Assets section below:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    TownyResources-0.1.8.jar(121.88 KB)
  • 0.1.7(Jan 12, 2022)

    TownyResources 0.1.7 is a pre-release for TownyResources 0.2.0

    Features, Improvements, & Fixes in 0.1.7

    • Add MythicMobs item integration by @mcmerdith in

    New Contributors

    • @mcmerdith made their first contribution in

    User Guide

    • User guide is here

    Install Guide

    • Install guide is here

    Update Guide:

    1. Download the TownyResources-0.1.7.jar from the assets section below.
    2. Drop the file into your plugins folder.
    3. Delete the previous version of the TownyResources Jar from your plugins folder.
    4. Restart your server.

    ⏬ Download available as a .jar file in the Assets section below:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    TownyResources-0.1.7.jar(120.70 KB)
  • 0.1.6(Dec 30, 2021)

    TownyResources 0.1.6 is a pre-release for TownyResources 0.2.0

    Features, Improvements, & Fixes in 0.1.6

    • Update to use Towny's internal CommentedConfiguration. by @LlmDl in

    User Guide

    • User guide is here

    Install Guide

    • Install guide is here

    Update Guide:

    1. Download the TownyResources-0.1.6.jar from the assets section below.
    2. Drop the file into your plugins folder.
    3. Delete the previous version of the TownyResources Jar from your plugins folder.
    4. Restart your server.

    ⏬ Download available as a .jar file in the Assets section below:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    TownyResources-0.1.6.jar(119.76 KB)
  • 0.1.5(Dec 23, 2021)

    TownyResources 0.1.5 is a pre-release for TownyResources 0.2.0

    Features, Improvements, & Fixes in 0.1.5

    • Fix for spigot 1.18.1 enabling config comments by default. by @LlmDl in

    User Guide

    • User guide is here

    Install Guide

    • Install guide is here

    Update Guide:

    1. Download the TownyResources-0.1.5.jar from the assets section below.
    2. Drop the file into your plugins folder.
    3. Delete the previous version of the TownyResources Jar from your plugins folder.
    4. Restart your server.

    ⏬ Download available as a .jar file in the Assets section below:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    TownyResources-0.1.5.jar(122.89 KB)
  • 0.1.4(Dec 18, 2021)

    TownyResources 0.1.4 is a pre-release for TownyResources 0.2.0

    Features, Improvements, & Fixes in 0.1.4

    • Re-imagine the SickASCII art closer to the Civilization logo, and make it less wide, courtesy of @LlmDl.
      • Closes #50.
    • Refactor and simplify the code base. by @LlmDl in
    • Make use of TownyMessaging's actionbar method, courtesy of @LlmDl.
      • Closes #42.
    • Bump min Towny version to

    Full Changelog:

    User Guide

    • User guide is here

    Install Guide

    • Install guide is here

    Update Guide:

    1. Download the TownyResources-0.1.4.jar from the assets section below.
    2. Drop the file into your plugins folder.
    3. Delete the previous version of the TownyResources Jar from your plugins folder.
    4. Restart your server.

    ⏬ Download available as a .jar file in the Assets section below:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    TownyResources-0.1.4.jar(119.64 KB)
  • 0.1.3(Oct 10, 2021)

    TownyResources 0.1.3 is a pre-release for TownyResources 0.2.0

    Features, Improvements, & Fixes in 0.1.3

    • Fix a spammy message in the log, courtesy of @LlmDl.
    • Fix NoSuchMethodError introduced with servers running Towny or newer, courtesy of @LlmDl.

    User Guide

    • User guide is here

    Install Guide

    • Install guide is here

    Update Guide: (if you are on 0.1.0 to 0.1.1)

    1. Download the TownyResources-0.1.3.jar from the assets section below.
    2. Drop the file into your plugins folder.
    3. Delete the previous version of the TownyResources Jar from your plugins folder.
    4. Restart your server.

    ⏬ Download available as a .jar file in the Assets section below:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    TownyResources-0.1.3.jar(122.00 KB)
  • 0.1.2(Oct 2, 2021)

    TownyResources 0.1.2 is a pre-release for TownyResources 0.2.0

    Features, Improvements, & Fixes in 0.1.2

    • Fixed a "NoClassDefFoundError" on plugin load with the latest Slimefun, by @Goosius1

    User Guide

    • User guide is here

    Install Guide

    • Install guide is here

    Update Guide: (if you are on 0.1.0 to 0.1.1)

    1. Download the TownyResources-0.1.2.jar from the assets section below.
    2. Drop the file into your plugins folder.
    3. Delete the previous version of the TownyResources Jar from your plugins folder.
    4. Restart your server.

    ⏬ Download available as a .jar file in the Assets section below:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    TownyResources-0.1.2.jar(85.85 KB)
  • 0.1.1(Sep 29, 2021)

    TownyResources 0.1.1 is a pre-release for TownyResources 0.2.0

    Features, Improvements, & Fixes in 0.1.1

    • Fixed a "NoClassDefFoundError" which some servers were getting on plugin load, by @Goosius1

    User Guide

    • User guide is here

    Install Guide

    • Install guide is here

    Update Guide: (if you are on 0.1.0)

    1. Download the TownyResources-0.1.1.jar from the assets section below.
    2. Drop the file into your plugins folder.
    3. Delete the previous version of the TownyResources Jar from your plugins folder.
    4. Restart your server.

    ⏬ Download available as a .jar file in the Assets section below:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    TownyResources-0.1.1.jar(85.82 KB)
  • 0.1.0(Sep 25, 2021)

    TownyResources 0.1.0 is a full release of the TownyResources Plugin

    User Guide

    • User guide is here

    Install Guide

    • Install guide is here

    Update Guide: (only if you are already on a beta versions between 0.0.1 and 0.0.16)

    1. Download the TownyResources-0.1.0.jar from the assets section below.
    2. Drop the file into your plugins folder.
    3. Delete the previous version of the TownyResources Jar from your plugins folder.
    4. In your TownyResources config.yml file:
      • In your offers/limits lists:
        • Remove the "eggs" category from the limits list.
        • Remove the "DIRT_PATH" material from the limits list.
        • Replace "POTATOES" with "POTATO".
        • Replace "CARROTS" with "CARROT".
        • Set the amount value for Ancient Debris to 0.03125.
        • Add a slime category e.g.
        > Extraction Limits Categories: ...{slime, 0.25, SLIME_BALL, SLIME_BLOCK}...
        > Offers Categories:  ...{slime, 100, 0.25, SLIME_BALL}... 
      • Set the first value below to 2:

        "town_resources.production.town_level_requirement_per_resource_level", "2, 4, 6, 8",

    5. If you are using the Slimefun plugin, configure your Slimefun offers/limits, as per the install guide.
    6. If you are using the LanguageUtils plugin, set the material language, as per the install guide.
    7. Restart your server.

    ⏬ Download available as a .jar file in the Assets section below:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    TownyResources-0.1.0.jar(85.14 KB)
  • 0.0.16(Sep 21, 2021)

    TownyResources 0.0.16 is a pre-release for TownyResources 0.1.0

    * This pre-release should be considered a beta build, which is safe to use on Production servers.
    * The plugin is currently being tested on multiple servers, and a full release is expected soon.
    * There are no major known bugs at present.

    Features, Improvements, & Fixes in 0.0.16

    • Fixed "NoClassDefFoundError" log error appearing for servers with TownyResources but not SiegeWar, by @Goosius1

    User Guide

    • User guide is here

    Install Guide

    • Install guide is here

    Update Guide: (if already on version 0.0.1 to 0.0.15)

    1. Download the 0.0.16 TownyResources Jar from the assets section below.
    2. Drop the file into your plugins folder.
    3. Delete the previous version of the TownyResources Jar from your plugins folder.
    4. In your TownyResources config.yml file:
      • In your offers/limits lists:
        • Remove the "eggs" category from the limits list.
        • Remove the "DIRT_PATH" material from the limits list.
        • Replace "POTATOES" with "POTATO".
        • Replace "CARROTS" with "CARROT".
        • Set the amount value for Ancient Debris to 0.03125.
        • Add a slime category e.g.
        > Extraction Limits Categories: ...{slime, 0.25, SLIME_BALL, SLIME_BLOCK}...
        > Offers Categories:  ...{slime, 100, 0.25, SLIME_BALL}... 
      • Set the first value below to 2:

        "town_resources.production.town_level_requirement_per_resource_level", "2, 4, 6, 8",

    5. If you are using the Slimefun plugin, configure your Slimefun offers/limits, as per the install guide.
    6. If you are using the LanguageUtils plugin, set the material language, as per the install guide.
    7. Restart your server.

    ⏬ Download available as a .jar file in the Assets section below:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    TownyResources-0.0.16.jar(85.14 KB)
  • 0.0.15(Sep 19, 2021)

    TownyResources 0.0.15 is a pre-release for TownyResources 0.1.0

    * This pre-release should be considered a beta build, potentially un-safe to use on Production servers.
    * The plugin is currently being tested on multiple servers, and a full release is expected soon.
    * There are no major known bugs at present.
    * If you backup your Towny data before installing TownyResources, all should be fine.

    Features, Improvements, & Fixes in 0.0.15

    • Fixed typo with CARROT material, by @Goosius1
    • Fixed typo with POTATO material, by @Goosius1
    • Fixed issue where dispenser-shears were not working even without resource limits, by @galacticwarrior9
    • Added warning message if a discovery cannot be immediately produced, by @Goosius1
    • Reduced default ancient debris offer/limit amount by 50%, by @Goosius1
    • Removed eggs from limits/offers lists (limit not supported yet), by @Goosius1
    • Added new admin feature to Reroll all discovered resources, by @Goosius1
      • Useful if, after multiple player surveys, a server admin finds they have forgotten to include an important offer, or have gotten the discovery weights badly wrong.

    User Guide

    • User guide is here

    Install Guide

    • Install guide is here

    Update Guide: (if already on version 0.0.1 to 0.0.14)

    1. Download the 0.0.15 TownyResources Jar from the assets section below.
    2. Drop the file into your plugins folder.
    3. Delete the previous version of the TownyResources Jar from your plugins folder.
    4. In your TownyResources config.yml file:
      • In your offers/limits lists:
        • Remove the "eggs" category from the limits list.
        • Remove the "DIRT_PATH" material from the limits list.
        • Replace "POTATOES" with "POTATO".
        • Replace "CARROTS" with "CARROT".
        • Set the amount value for Ancient Debris to 0.03125.
        • Add a slime category e.g.
        > Extraction Limits Categories: ...{slime, 0.25, SLIME_BALL, SLIME_BLOCK}...
        > Offers Categories:  ...{slime, 100, 0.25, SLIME_BALL}... 
      • Set the first value below to 2:

        "town_resources.production.town_level_requirement_per_resource_level", "2, 4, 6, 8",

    5. If you are using the Slimefun plugin, configure your Slimefun offers/limits, as per the install guide.
    6. If you are using the LanguageUtils plugin, set the material language, as per the install guide.
    7. Restart your server.

    ⏬ Download available as a .jar file in the Assets section below:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    TownyResources-0.0.15.jar(85.07 KB)
  • 0.0.14(Sep 14, 2021)

    TownyResources 0.0.14 is a pre-release for TownyResources 0.1.0

    * This pre-release should be considered a beta build, potentially un-safe to use on Production servers.
    * To achieve a full release, some assistance is needed where one or two servers could install and test it out.
    * TownyResouces has been extensively tested on a local server, and there are currently no known bugs.
    * If you backup your Towny data before installing TownyResources, all should be fine.

    Fixes & Improvements in 0.0.14

    • Fix to stop low level towns producing resources which should be too high-level for them, by @Goosius1
    • Improvement so that 0 amount resources do not get produced, by @Goosius1

    User Guide

    • User guide is here

    Install Guide

    • Install guide is here

    Update Guide: (if already on version 0.0.1 to 0.0.12)

    1. Download the 0.0.14 TownyResources Jar from the assets section below.
    2. Drop the file into your plugins folder.
    3. Delete the previous version of the TownyResources Jar from your plugins folder.
    4. In your TownyResources config.yml file:
      • Find and remove the following item from the limits categories list:


      • Add slime to your limits/offers lists if you wish e.g

        Extraction Limits Categories: ...{slime, 0.25, SLIME_BALL, SLIME_BLOCK}... Offers Categories: ...{slime, 100, 0.25, SLIME_BALL}...

      • Set the first value below to 2:

        "town_resources.production.town_level_requirement_per_resource_level", "2, 4, 6, 8",

    5. If you are using the Slimefun plugin, configure your Slimefun offers/limits, as per the install guide.
    6. If you are using the LanguageUtils plugin, set the material language, as per the install guide.
    7. Restart your server.

    ⏬ Download available as a .jar file in the Assets section below:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    TownyResources-0.0.14.jar(83.92 KB)
  • 0.0.12(Sep 14, 2021)

    TownyResources 0.0.12 is a pre-release for TownyResources 0.1.0

    * This pre-release should be considered a beta build, potentially un-safe to use on Production servers.
    * To achieve a full release, some assistance is needed where one or two servers could install and test it out.
    * TownyResouces has been extensively tested on a local server, and there are currently no known bugs.
    * If you backup your Towny data before installing TownyResources, all should be fine.

    Fixes & Improvements in 0.0.12

    • Added confirmation message to discovery, by @Goosius1
    • Added separate tax for occupying nations, by @Goosius1
    • Fixed dynmap info window formatting bug, by @Goosius1
    • When a resources has been discovered but is not being produced, shows on town/dynmap screens as amount 0, by @Goosius1

    User Guide

    • User guide is here

    Install Guide

    • Install guide is here

    Update Guide: (if already on version 0.0.1 to 0.0.11)

    1. Download the 0.0.12 TownyResources Jar from the assets section below.
    2. Drop the file into your plugins folder.
    3. Delete the previous version of the TownyResources Jar from your plugins folder.
    4. In your TownyResources config.yml file:
      • Find and remove the following item from the limits categories list:


      • Add slime to your limits/offers lists if you wish e.g

        Extraction Limits Categories: ...{slime, 0.25, SLIME_BALL, SLIME_BLOCK}... Offers Categories: ...{slime, 100, 0.25, SLIME_BALL}...

      • Set the first value below to 2:

        "town_resources.production.town_level_requirement_per_resource_level", "2, 4, 6, 8",

    5. If you are using the Slimefun plugin, configure your Slimefun offers/limits, as per the install guide.
    6. If you are using the LanguageUtils plugin, set the material language, as per the install guide.
    7. Restart your server.

    ⏬ Download available as a .jar file in the Assets section below:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    TownyResources-0.0.12.jar(83.90 KB)
  • 0.0.11(Sep 5, 2021)

    TownyResources 0.0.11 is a pre-release for TownyResources 0.1.0

    * This pre-release should be considered a beta build, potentially un-safe to use on Production servers.
    * To achieve a full release, some assistance is needed where one or two servers could install and test it out.
    * TownyResouces has been extensively tested on a local server, and there are currently no known bugs.
    * If you backup your Towny data before installing TownyResources, all should be fine.

    Fixes & Improvements in 0.0.11

    • Added support for setting offer amounts to zero, by @Goosius1
      • This is useful if you are configuring the plugin, but not yet sure about an offer (e.g. Ancient Debris).
      • Thus, you can now leave that offer in place, and set the amount to zero, allowing you to decide later whether to keep or remove it.
    • Added a missing Chinese translation, by @Akiranya

    User Guide

    • User guide is here

    Install Guide

    • Install guide is here

    Update Guide: (if already on version 0.0.1 to 0.0.10)

    1. Download the 0.0.11 TownyResources Jar from the assets section below.
    2. Drop the file into your plugins folder.
    3. Delete the previous version of the TownyResources Jar from your plugins folder.
    4. In your TownyResources config.yml file:
      • Find and remove the following item from the limits categories list:


      • Add slime to your limits/offers lists if you wish e.g

        Extraction Limits Categories: ...{slime, 0.25, SLIME_BALL, SLIME_BLOCK}... Offers Categories: ...{slime, 100, 0.25, SLIME_BALL}...

      • Set the first value below to 2:

        "town_resources.production.town_level_requirement_per_resource_level", "2, 4, 6, 8",

    5. If you are using the Slimefun plugin, configure your Slimefun offers/limits, as per the install guide.
    6. If you are using the LanguageUtils plugin, set the material language, as per the install guide.
    7. Restart your server.

    ⏬ Download available as a .jar file in the Assets section below:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    TownyResources-0.0.11.jar(82.96 KB)
  • 0.0.10(Sep 5, 2021)

    TownyResources 0.0.10 is a pre-release for TownyResources 0.1.0

    * This pre-release should be considered a beta build, potentially un-safe to use on Production servers.
    * To achieve a full release, some assistance is needed where one or two servers could install and test it out.
    * TownyResouces has been extensively tested on a local server, and there are currently no known bugs.
    * If you backup your Towny data before installing TownyResources, all should be fine.

    Fixes & Improvements in 0.0.10

    • Added slime to the default config category lists, by @Goosius1
    • Added Chinese translation file, by @Akiranya

    User Guide

    • User guide is here

    Install Guide

    • Install guide is here

    Update Guide: (if already on version 0.0.1 to 0.0.9)

    1. Download the 0.0.10 TownyResources Jar from the assets section below.
    2. Drop the file into your plugins folder.
    3. Delete the previous version of the TownyResources Jar from your plugins folder.
    4. In your TownyResources config.yml file:
      • Find and remove the following item from the limits categories list:


      • Add slime to your limits/offers lists if you wish e.g

        Extraction Limits Categories: ...{slime, 0.25, SLIME_BALL, SLIME_BLOCK}... Offers Categories: ...{slime, 100, 0.25, SLIME_BALL}...

      • Set the first value below to 2:

        "town_resources.production.town_level_requirement_per_resource_level", "2, 4, 6, 8",

    5. If you are using the Slimefun plugin, configure your Slimefun offers/limits, as per the install guide.
    6. If you are using the LanguageUtils plugin, set the material language, as per the install guide.
    7. Restart your server.

    ⏬ Download available as a .jar file in the Assets section below:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    TownyResources-0.0.10.jar(82.93 KB)
  • 0.0.9(Sep 4, 2021)

    TownyResources 0.0.9 is a pre-release for TownyResources 0.1.0

    * This pre-release should be considered a beta build, potentially un-safe to use on Production servers.
    * To achieve a full release, some assistance is needed where one or two servers could install and test it out.
    * TownyResouces has been extensively tested on a local server, and there are currently no known bugs.
    * If you backup your Towny data before installing TownyResources, all should be fine.

    Fixes & Improvements in 0.0.9

    • Fixed issue where error message was not being sent for entity drop daily limit.

    User Guide

    • User guide is here

    Install Guide

    • Install guide is here

    Update Guide: (if already on version 0.0.1 to 0.0.8)

    1. Download the 0.0.9 TownyResources Jar from the assets section below.
    2. Delete the previous version of the TownyResources Jar from your plugins folder.
    3. Drop the 0.0.9 TownyResources Jar into your plugins folder.
    4. In your TownyResources config.yml file:
      • Find and remove the text "DIRT_PATH".
      • Set the first value below to 2:

        "town_resources.production.town_level_requirement_per_resource_level", "2, 4, 6, 8",

    5. If you are using the Slimefun plugin, add any Slimefun offers you like, as per the install guide.
    6. If you are using the LanguageUtils plugin, set the material language, as per the install guide.
    7. Restart your server.

    ⏬ Download available as a .jar file in the Assets section below:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    TownyResources-0.0.9.jar(80.16 KB)
  • 0.0.8(Sep 2, 2021)

    TownyResources 0.0.8 is a pre-release for TownyResources 0.1.0

    * This pre-release should be considered a beta build, potentially un-safe to use on Production servers.
    * To achieve a full release, some assistance is needed where one or two servers could install and test it out.
    * TownyResouces has been extensively tested on a local server, and there are currently no known bugs.
    * If you backup your Towny data before installing TownyResources, all should be fine.

    Fixes & Improvements in 0.0.8

    User Guide

    • User guide is here

    Install Guide

    • Install guide is here

    Update Guide: (if already on version 0.0.1 to 0.0.7)

    1. Download the 0.0.8 TownyResources Jar from the assets section below.
    2. Delete the previous version of the TownyResources Jar from your plugins folder.
    3. Drop the 0.0.8 TownyResources Jar into your plugins folder.
    4. In your TownyResources config.yml file:
      • Find and remove the text "DIRT_PATH".
      • Set the first value below to 2:

        "town_resources.production.town_level_requirement_per_resource_level", "2, 4, 6, 8",

    5. If you are using the Slimefun plugin, add any Slimefun offers you like, as per the install guide.
    6. If you are using the LanguageUtils plugin, set the material language, as per the install guide.
    7. Restart your server.

    ⏬ Download available as a .jar file in the Assets section below:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    TownyResources-0.0.8.jar(80.16 KB)
  • 0.0.7(Sep 1, 2021)

    TownyResources 0.0.7 is a pre-release for TownyResources 0.1.0

    * This pre-release should be considered a beta build, potentially un-safe to use on Production servers.
    * To achieve a full release, some assistance is needed where one or two servers could install and test it out.
    * TownyResouces has been extensively tested on a local server, and there are currently no known bugs.
    * If you backup your Towny data before installing TownyResources, all should be fine.

    Fixes & Improvements in 0.0.7


    • All features are described here

    Install Guide

    • Install guide is here

    Update Guide: (if already on version 0.0.1 to 0.0.6)

    1. Download the 0.0.7 TownyResources Jar from here.
    2. Delete the previous version of the TownyResources Jar from your plugins folder.
    3. Drop the 0.0.7 TownyResources Jar into your plugins folder.
    4. In your TownyResources config.yml file:
      • Find and remove the text "DIRT_PATH".
      • Set the first value below to 2:

        "town_resources.production.town_level_requirement_per_resource_level", "2, 4, 6, 8",

    5. If you want to translate Material names to a Non-English language, click here to download the Jar for the LanguageUtils plugin, and drop it into your plugins folder. The language is configured in the TownyResources Config.yml file.
    6. Restart your server.

    ⏬ Download available as a .jar file in the Assets section below:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    TownyResources-0.0.7.jar(78.88 KB)
  • 0.0.6(Sep 1, 2021)

    TownyResources 0.0.6 is a pre-release for TownyResources 0.1.0

    * This pre-release should be considered a beta build, potentially un-safe to use on Production servers.
    * To achieve a full release, some assistance is needed where one or two servers could install and test it out.
    * TownyResouces has been extensively tested on a local server, and there are currently no known bugs.
    * If you backup your Towny data before installing TownyResources, all should be fine.

    Fixes & Improvements in 0.0.6

    • Fixed a problem where TR would not run on lower Java versions (due to a newer method in Stringbuilder).
    • In default configs, Removed DIRT_PATH from limits. DIRT will validate this correctly, as DIRT_PATH cannot actually drop.
    • In default configs, increased pop minimum for level 1 production, from 1 to 2.


    • All features are described here

    Install Guide

    • Install guide is here

    Update Guide: (if already on version 0.0.1 to 0.0.4)

    1. Download the 0.0.6 TownyResources jar from here.
    2. Delete the previous version of the TownyResources jar from your plugins folder.
    3. Drop the 0.0.6 TownyResources jar into your plugins folder.
    4. In your config.yml file:
      • Find and remove the text "DIRT_PATH".
      • Set the first value below to 2:

        "town_resources.production.town_level_requirement_per_resource_level", "2, 4, 6, 8",

    5. Restart your server.

    ⏬ Download available as a .jar file in the Assets section below:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    TownyResources-0.0.6.jar(77.56 KB)
  • 0.0.5b(Aug 29, 2021)

    TownyResources 0.0.5 is a pre-release for TownyResources 0.1.0

    * This pre-release should be considered a beta build, potentially un-safe to use on Production servers.
    * To achieve a full release, some assistance is needed where one or two servers could install and test it out.
    * TownyResouces has been extensively tested on a local server, and there are currently no known bugs.
    * If you backup your Towny data before installing TownyResources, all should be fine.

    Fixes & Improvements in 0.0.5

    • Made configurable the cooldown time for daily extract limit message.
    • Added validation for Towny
    • Added safety logic to ensure TR works fine without SW or DynmapTowny.


    • All features are described here

    Install Guide

    • Install guide is here

    Update Guide: (if already on version 0.0.1 to 0.0.4)

    1. Download the 0.0.5 TownyResources jar from here.
    2. Delete the previous version of the TownyResources jar from your plugins folder.
    3. Drop the 0.0.5 TownyResources jar into your plugins folder.
    4. Restart your server.

    ⏬ Download available as a .jar file in the Assets section below:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    TownyResources-0.0.5.jar(77.56 KB)
  • 0.0.4(Aug 24, 2021)

    TownyResources 0.0.4 is a pre-release for TownyResources 0.1.0

    * This pre-release should be considered a beta build, potentially un-safe to use on Production servers.
    * To achieve a full release, some assistance is needed where one or two servers could install and test it out.
    * TownyResouces has been extensively tested on a local server, and there are currently no known bugs.
    * If you backup your Towny data before installing TownyResources, all should be fine.

    Fixes & Improvements in 0.0.4

    • Important fix so that discoveries are not wiped if server is started with a bad offers configuration.


    • All features are described here

    Installation Guide:


    1. Ensure you have Towny +.
    2. Backup your Towny data.
    3. Edit your townyperms.yml file, and add the following perms:
      • Mayor / Assistant / Treasurer:
        - townyresources.command.towncollect
      • King / Assistant / Treasurer:
        - townyresources.command.nationcollect
    4. Using your permissions plugin, give this to any admins who are not already OP:
           - townyresources.admin.command.*
    1. If you have the TownyDynmap plugin installed, add this to the 'infowindow' section of your Dynmap-Towny config file

      <br/><span style="font-weight:bold;">Resources&colon; %town_resources%</span>

    2. Stop your server.
    3. Delete the previous version of the TownyResources jar from your plugins folder.
    4. Download the latest TownyResources jar from here.
    5. Drop the new TownyResources jar into your plugins folder.
    6. Start your server.

    ⏬ Download available as a .jar file in the Assets section below:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    TownyResources-0.0.4.jar(76.56 KB)
  • 0.0.3(Aug 24, 2021)

    TownyResources 0.0.3 is a pre-release for TownyResources 0.1.0

    * This pre-release should be considered a beta build, potentially un-safe to use on Production servers.
    * To achieve a full release, some assistance is needed where one or two servers could install and test it out.
    * TownyResouces has been extensively tested on a local server, and there are currently no known bugs.
    * If you backup your Towny data before installing TownyResources, all should be fine.

    Fixes & Improvements in 0.0.3

    • Fixed crash bug in 0.0.2
    • Removed nether wart & chorus fruit from offers (they weren't mean to be there)
    • Added nether wart & chorus fruit to limits (they were meant to be there)


    • All features are described here

    Installation Guide:


    1. Ensure you have Towny +.
    2. Backup your Towny data.
    3. Edit your townyperms.yml file, and add the following perms:
      • Mayor / Assistant / Treasurer:
        - townyresources.command.towncollect
      • King / Assistant / Treasurer:
        - townyresources.command.nationcollect
    4. Using your permissions plugin, give this to any admins who are not already OP:
           - townyresources.admin.command.*
    1. If you have the TownyDynmap plugin installed, add this to the 'infowindow' section of your Dynmap-Towny config file

      <br/><span style="font-weight:bold;">Resources&colon; %town_resources%</span>

    2. Stop your server.
    3. Delete the previous version of the TownyResources jar from your plugins folder.
    4. Download the latest TownyResources jar from here.
    5. Drop the new TownyResources jar into your plugins folder.
    6. Start your server.

    ⏬ Download available as a .jar file in the Assets section below:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    TownyResources-0.0.3.jar(76.57 KB)
  • 0.0.2(Aug 23, 2021)

    TownyResources 0.0.2 is a pre-release for TownyResources 0.1.0

    * This pre-release should be considered a beta build, potentially un-safe to use on Production servers.
    * To achieve a full release, some assistance is needed where one or two servers could install and test it out.
    * TownyResouces has been extensively tested on a local server, and there are currently no known bugs.
    * If you backup your Towny data before installing TownyResources, all should be fine.

    Fixes & Improvements in 0.0.2

    • Fixed the bug where the resource_extraction_limits.enabled switch was not working.
    • Added 2 missing resource limit categories (nether wart, chorus fruit).
    • Fixed a typo in the english translation string for the mushrooms category.


    • All features are described here

    Installation Guide:


    1. Ensure you have Towny +.
    2. Backup your Towny data.
    3. Edit your townyperms.yml file, and add the following perms:
      • Mayor / Assistant / Treasurer:
        - townyresources.command.towncollect
      • King / Assistant / Treasurer:
        - townyresources.command.nationcollect
    4. Using your permissions plugin, give this to any admins who are not already OP:
           - townyresources.admin.command.*
    1. If you have the TownyDynmap plugin installed, add this to the 'infowindow' section of your Dynmap-Towny config file

      <br/><span style="font-weight:bold;">Resources&colon; %town_resources%</span>

    2. Stop your server.
    3. Delete the previous version of the TownyResources jar from your plugins folder.
    4. Download the latest TownyResources jar from here.
    5. Drop the new TownyResources jar into your plugins folder.
    6. Start your server.

    ⏬ Download available as a .jar file in the Assets section below:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    TownyResources-0.0.2.jar(76.57 KB)
  • 0.0.1(Aug 23, 2021)

    TownyResources 0.0.1 is a pre-release for TownyResources 0.1.0

    * This pre-release should be considered a beta build, potentially un-safe to use on Production servers.
    * To achieve a full release, some assistance is needed where one or two servers could install and test it out.
    * TownyResouces has been extensively tested on a local server, and there are currently no known bugs.
    * If you backup your Towny data before installing TownyResources, all should be fine.


    • All features are described here

    Installation Guide:


    1. Ensure you have Towny +.
    2. Backup your Towny data.
    3. Edit your townyperms.yml file, and add the following perms:
      • Mayor / Assistant / Treasurer:
        - townyresources.command.towncollect
      • King / Assistant / Treasurer:
        - townyresources.command.nationcollect
    4. Using your permissions plugin, give this to any admins who are not already OP:
           - townyresources.admin.command.*
    1. If you have the TownyDynmap plugin installed, add this to the 'infowindow' section of your Dynmap-Towny config file

      <br/><span style="font-weight:bold;">Resources&colon; %town_resources%</span>

    2. Stop your server.
    3. Download the latest TownyResources jar from here.
    4. Drop the TownyResources jar into your plugins folder.
    5. Start your server.

    ⏬ Download available as a .jar file in the Assets section below:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    TownyResources-0.0.1.jar(76.38 KB)
Towny Advanced
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null 4 Nov 11, 2022
Library which allows the use and rendering of Blockbench models and animations in a Minecraft server by using generated resource packs and armorstands

Hephaestus Engine Hephaestus Engine is a library which allows the visualization of block bench models and animations in a Minecraft server by the use

Unnamed Team 109 Dec 21, 2022
Automatic generated Jump and Run

Project GenJumpAndRun An automatic generating Jump And Run ?? I’m currently working on Nothing ?? I’m currently learning Games developer (Java) ??‍??

quodix 0 Jul 13, 2022
RestAhead - compile time generated REST client

RestAhead - compile time generated REST client This project draws inspiration from projects such as Retrofit and Feign, but with a twist: your service

Žan Skamljič 13 Dec 24, 2022
resetchunks is a tiny fabric mod that re-adds the /resetchunks command, allowing you to regenerate one or more chunks

resetchunks is a tiny fabric mod that enables the /resetchunks command, allowing you to regenerate one or more chunks.

Potassium 5 Jul 25, 2022
Messenger(Chat app) is a real time one to one chat application with Push Notifications made using Firebase...

Messenger If you want a APK then create an issue, i'll send the link.. ChatApp is a real time one to one chat application with Push Notifications made

Tales 14 Apr 30, 2022
Time-Based One-Time Password (RFC 6238) and HMAC-Based One-Time Password (RFC 4226) reference implementations and more.

Crypto Time-Based One-Time Password (RFC 6238) and HMAC-Based One-Time Password (RFC 4226) reference implementations and more. Getting Started TOTP ge

Oliver Yasuna 1 May 12, 2022
A free opensource domain tracker with a breakdown of which countries players connected with for each domain versions 1.13+

A free opensource domain tracker with a breakdown of which countries players connected with for each domain versions 1.13+

Ricky Lafleur 8 Aug 4, 2022
Java For-each Loop

Java-For-each-Loop Java For-each Loop Watch basic code using following link: code Explain publi

JehanKandy 8 Jul 13, 2022
This repository contains Java programs to become zero to hero in Java. Programs related to each and every concep are present from easy to intermidiate level.

Learn Java Programming In this repository you will find topic wise programs of java from basics to intermediate. This follows topic wise approach that

Sahil Batra 15 Oct 9, 2022
Annotation processor to create immutable objects and builders. Feels like Guava's immutable collections but for regular value objects. JSON, Jackson, Gson, JAX-RS integrations included

Read full documentation at // Define abstract value type using interface, abstract class or annotation @Value.Immutable public i

Immutables 3.2k Dec 31, 2022
Replicate your Key Value Store across your network, with consistency, persistance and performance.

Chronicle Map Version Overview Chronicle Map is a super-fast, in-memory, non-blocking, key-value store, designed for low-latency, and/or multi-process

Chronicle Software : Open Source 2.5k Dec 29, 2022