A fabric mod and api that lets you change player gravity direction



A fabric mod and api that lets you change player gravity direction.


This mod adds 6 items that let you change your gravity to any of the 6 axis directions.
These items are currently uncraftable and can be found in the tools tab of creative menu.
This mod can also be used as an api to let other mods change player gravity.

Required Dependencies

Fabric Api
Cloth Config

Optional Dependencies

Mod Menu


This mod has a config located in .minecraft/config/gravitychanger.json. You can edit it manually or in game using modmenu.
The config has 2 categories: Client and Server.
Client category contains options that only take effect on the client and need to be set on the client.
Server category contains options that only take effect on the server and need to be set in the server config. If you are playing in singleplayer your server uses the same config as your client and you can change it from modmenu. If you are playing on a server the server config is not updated when you change it on your client, it can only be edited using the server config file.


/gravity get <player> - gets player's gravity, returns direction index(0-5)
/gravity set <direction> <players> - sets gravity for selected players
/gravity rotate <direction> <players> - rotates gravity for selected players relative to their look direction
/gravity randomise <players> - randomises gravity for selected players


To import the mod you can use modrinth maven.
Add the following to your project:


gravitychanger_version = 0.3.0

Replace 0.2.0 with the version you want to use from here.


repositories {
    maven {
		name = "Modrinth"
		url = "https://api.modrinth.com/maven"
		content {
			includeGroup "maven.modrinth"

dependencies {
    modImplementation "maven.modrinth:gravitychanger:${project.gravitychanger_version}"


"depends": {
    "gravitychanger": "^0.3.0"

Replace 0.3.0 with the lowest version of the mod your mod works with

Now you should be able to use methods in me.andrew.gravitychanger.api.GravityChangerAPI class to manipulate player gravity.

  • Weirdness of movement handling

    Weirdness of movement handling

    I found that this mod handles movement in a weird way, causing the velocity to be "wrong". When the player's gravity direction is up and the player is moving towards positive x direction, the velocity's x value is negative. This will cause many issues because the velocity is deemed as in the world coordinate, not the player's self coordinate. With this, Immersive Portals mod cannot transform velocity correctly if the player crosses a portal with rotation transformation.

    I see that you are modifying the argument in Entity#move. https://github.com/Gaider10/GravityChanger/blob/master/src/main/java/me/andrew/gravitychanger/mixin/EntityMixin.java#L210 The better way is to not change move but change the velocity update code Entity#updateVelocity.

    opened by qouteall 5
  • Player gets stuck when joining a server with another player until gravity is changed

    Player gets stuck when joining a server with another player until gravity is changed

    When joining a server/Lan world, if there a player already in the server the player that joins gets stuck and can't/doesn't move, if gravity is changed movement becomes normal. if the player dies, instead of resetting its gravity it keeps it but there is weird collision bugs until gravity is updated

    opened by Ch1216 3
  • Camera works strange

    Camera works strange

    Camera shouldn't save its previous state in the gravity direction but instead pick the closest possible one in the current gravity direction and apply it after gravity changing

    opened by ImSpaceLover 3
  • Strange movement while gravity is set to Up.

    Strange movement while gravity is set to Up.

    While the gravity is set to Up, movement while facing directly east/west is swapped (i.e. pressing W to moves you backward relative to your perspective instead of forward). Facing between north/south and east/west also alters movement, and changing the config file has no effect on this ("keepWorldLook", "client", and "server" have all been changed to no avail).

    My current version of each required mod includes: GravityChanger-0.3.0-1.18.1 cloth-config-6.1.48-fabric fabric-api-0.44.0+1.18 fabric-loader-0.12.11-1.18.1

    By the looks of it, #19 also mentions this. Something must have happened with the latest update that messed with this fix. I'm not that great at coding, so I likely won't be much help in that regard.

    opened by Limesar 2
  • API request

    API request

    I am considering integrating Immersive Portals (ImmPtl) mod with Gravity Changer mod. To accomplish that, I need GravityChanger to provide some sets of API:

    • Get the offset of the player's eye pos from the player's feet pos.
    • ~~Set a player's gravity direction without changing the camera position. (currently, the API keeps the feet pos and change eye pos when changing gravity)~~ Turns out not needed
    • ~~Get the camera rotation quaternion~~ Turns out not needed

    (this list may change) I can implement these API on ImmPtl's side. But it would be better that gravity changer provides these API.

    And I prefer the API of another style. For example, currently setting a player's gravity direction is done by

    ((RotatableEntityAccessor) player).gravitychanger$setGravityDirection(direction, false);

    I want this kind of API:

    GravityChangerAPI.setGravityDirection(player, direction)


    opened by qouteall 2
  • Invalid injection crash on startup with latest Pehkui

    Invalid injection crash on startup with latest Pehkui


    Latest of all 4 mods. (Cloth Config, Fabric API, Pehkui, and GravityChanger)

    Related information seems to be: Specified index 0 for @ModifyArg is invalid for args (Lnet/minecraft/class_238;DDD), expected D on net/minecraft/class_1657::onTickMovementExpandXProxy

    opened by stormdirus2 2
  • Suggestion: Some way of death after Y=450

    Suggestion: Some way of death after Y=450

    A survival player with no way of changing its gravity, would get stuck if it fell while being on up gravity, I suggest some kind of way to reset player position / just kill them some way after Y=450, like just death after y=450 or start taking damage like the void since your running out of oxygen, it would be great if this could be a gamerule or config

    opened by Ch1216 2
  • Suggestion: /gravity command

    Suggestion: /gravity command

    Note: I used my minecraft username instead of [player].


    /gravity set [direction] [player] - sets players's gravity direction

    Example: /gravity set North I_like_Space


    /gravity get [player] - returns player's gravity direction

    Example: Executed command: /gravity get direction I_like_Space Console/chat output: Gravity direction of I_like_Space is East


    /gravity reset [player] - sets player's gravity to Down

    Example: /gravity reset I_like_Space


    /gravity persist [direction] [player] - makes player's gravity stay the same after death or /gravity persist [player] - does the same thing but uses current gravity direction instead of [direction]

    Example: /gravity persist North I_like_Space or /gravity persist I_like_Space


    /gravity invert [player] - inverts player's gravity depending on their current gravity

    Example: Previous direction: East Command: /gravity invert I_like_Space Current direction: West


    /gravity randomize [player] - changes player's gravity to a random one

    Example: /gravity randomize I_like_Space


    /gravity rotate [forward/backward/left/right] [player] - changes player's gravity relative to their current gravity.

    Example: Previous direction: Down Was looking at: North Executed command: /gravity rotate forward I_like_Space
    Current direction: North

    Previous direction: North Was looking at: East Executed command: /gravity rotate left I_like_Space
    Current direction: Up

    opened by ImSpaceLover 2
  • Optifine causes camera issues

    Optifine causes camera issues

    First off, it's about time someone made a rotational gravity mod since 1.12!!!

    The mod works great when I tried it out on 1.18.1. Then I decided to install optifine for 1.18.1 and things started to go whacky. The gravity still worked as intended, but the camera is no longer orientated correctly to the gravity direction. Its orientation stays as if my gravity is normal (down), but the camera does some freaky stuff when I look around, and it's way more apparent when I switch to 3rd person.

    Is this mod not compatible with optifine? Hopefully this is just a bug with this version and I don't know if this bug exists in the 1.17 version or not. Haven't tried it yet.

    Also, since I'm speaking here, I got a couple of suggestions: -Is it possible to extend this mod's behavior to items, or more importantly all mobs? For example, using commands, all entities (@e) within certain coordinates or a certain radius will have their gravity direction changed to whatever is specified. -And can you make a smooth camera transition switching between gravity directions like in the Starminer or Up and Down and All Around mods? The sudden camera switch is kinda nausea-inducing for me at least.

    Other than this issue, and my suggestions, I'm loving this mod so far. Keep up the great work!

    opened by XDCam15 1
  • "3d vine" blocks only work when your standing on top of them

    by 3d vine blocks i mean, Cave vines/Glow berries, Twisting vines and Weeping vines, by standing on top of them I mean relatively on top (image for example) (https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/68875386/146688871-4142ee7e-5483-4342-b732-fa5f5be21089.png) If you try to use them from beneath they don't work

    opened by Ch1216 1
  • About dependency management

    About dependency management

    According to the ReadMe https://github.com/Gaider10/GravityChanger/blob/master/README.md , you recommend configuring dependency using the dev jar. The normal way that Fabric proposes is to publish the mod jar (not dev jar) into maven and use Maven for dependency. You can publish this mod to Modrinth https://modrinth.com/ then we can use the maven repo provided by Modrinth.

    The dev jar dependency has these drawbacks:

    • If the other mod's dev env uses a different version of yarn mapping, it may break. If that dev env use Mojang mapping, it cannot work
    • If I don't put that jar into git, then other people forking my project can't compile. If I put that jar into git, the git file will swell if I upgrade the dependency (it's hard to fully delete things from a git repo)
    opened by qouteall 1
  • Gravity resets, but perspective doesn't on death

    Gravity resets, but perspective doesn't on death

    Dying while in a different form of gravity causes the player to respawn with standard gravity, but whatever perspective the player was rotated to on death

    opened by AwwShoot 1
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