A modular, high performance, headless e-commerce(ecommerce) platform built with Java,Springboot, Vue.


What is Shopfly?

Shopfly is modular, high performance, headless e-commerce(ecommerce) platform built with Java,Springboot, Vue.


Shopfly is built based on spring boot + Vue technology, and the infrastructure is Mysql, Redis, Elasticsearch, RabbitMq





Quick Start


  1. Docker

  2. Docker Compose

  3. Recommended server hardware

    4CPU & 8G Memory

How to run it?

  1. Clone the repository:
sudo git clone https://github.com/shopflix/docker.git
  1. Modify domain name configuration:
cd docker
sudo vi backend.env

Specifies the address of the API service:

API_BASE=your API service address
API_BUYER=your API service address
API_SELLER=your API service address

If you do not specify the API address where the shopflix demo will be used

3.Run the application:

docker-compose up


docker-compose up -d

Will run in the background

Visit address

storefront: yourip:3001

dashboard: yourip:3002

api: yourip:8080

Dashboard Source


Storefront Source


Framework Detail


Core Framework Spring Boot
ORM Spring Jdbc Template
Database connection pools Druid
Cache Redis
Database Mysql
Search Engine Elasticsearch
Mq RabbitMq


Base Framework Vue、Uniapp
Base UI Element UI
HTTP Client Axios
SSR Nuxt.js
Pattern Checker eslint
CSS Extension Sass
Report ECharts

Contact Us

[email protected]



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