A Spring Boot - React Petshop Application



A Spring Boot - React Petshop Application


In order to install the development environment, please follow below steps to have a working development environment. 1- Java JDK 11 2- Node.js 3- MySql Server80 4- Maven 5- IDE like IntelliJ IDEA Community for backend development 6-In order to start be, go to project folder, mvn clean install. And run Java application. 7- IDE for frontend development(e.g. WebStorm, Visual Studio Code, etc.) 8- In order to start admin panel, go to project folder, npm install and npm start.

  • User service

    User service

    1. Implemented new endpoints and objects in order
    • to get a paged list of users
    • to get a single user
    • delete a user
    1. Added access rule for delete and list endpoints
    2. Implemented user page, details modal and api request for admin panel.
    opened by moustaphastar 1
  • fix: Use mandatory file extensions

    fix: Use mandatory file extensions

    A file extension must be provided when using the import keyword to resolve relative or absolute specifiers. Directory indexes (e.g. './startup/index.js') must also be fully specified.

    This behavior matches how import behaves in browser environments, assuming a typically configured server.

    Ref: https://nodejs.org/docs/latest-v17.x/api/esm.html#mandatory-file-extensions

    (Even if you perhaps using require() and extension-less paths, using extension can help with the migration to esm later)

    Hi, I'm experimenting with a github bot to do quality checks and sending automated pr that could improve your code. Sorry if I'm not helpful.

    opened by modernizer-bot 0
  • User service update implementation

    User service update implementation

    Implemented the update logic for user service, fixed a typo in "delete" endpoint's path string and corrected the role string in authorization check expression. Create user is handled by user signup flow. closes #31 closes #46

    opened by moustaphastar 0
  • Uploading an image file via the Add Product flow fails

    Uploading an image file via the Add Product flow fails

    Description Product images can't be uploaded on admin panel while trying to add a product using the "Ürün Ekle" flow.

    The front end app receives a 500 status code from the back end app which throws a NullPointerException at retrieving Google credentials through the uploadFile method of the FirebaseFileServiceImpl class. Inside this method, getResourceAsStream method call is passed an argument as "zuri-petshop-firebase.json" (non-existent) instead of "firebase.json" (existent).

    public class FirebaseFileServiceImpl implements FirebaseFileService {
    // ...
        public String uploadFile(InputStream is, String contentType, String path, String fileName) throws IOException {
            InputStream serviceAccount = getClass()
                    .getResourceAsStream("zuri-petshop-firebase.json");  // <= Correct filename is "firebase.json"
            Storage storage = StorageOptions.newBuilder()
                    .setCredentials(GoogleCredentials.fromStream(serviceAccount)) // <= Throws NullPointerException
    // ...

    Steps to Reproduce

    • Login to admin panel.
    • Add a category if none exists.
    • Upload an image file for a product using the "Ürün Ekle" flow .

    Expected Result The product image file is uploaded successfully to Firebase.

    Actual Result Upload fails. Admin panel receives a 500 status code from the back end app and the back end app throws a NPE.

    Error Message

    2021-09-09 03:47:24.233 ERROR 6832 --- [nio-8081-exec-4] c.t.p.v.h.ApplicationExceptionHandler    : Exception : class java.lang.NullPointerException: null
    java.lang.NullPointerException: null
    	at com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull(Preconditions.java:892) ~[guava-30.1.1-android.jar:na]
    	at com.google.api.client.util.Preconditions.checkNotNull(Preconditions.java:125) ~[google-http-client-1.39.2.jar:1.39.2]
    	at com.google.auth.oauth2.GoogleCredentials.fromStream(GoogleCredentials.java:151) ~[google-auth-library-oauth2-http-0.26.0.jar:na]
    	at com.google.auth.oauth2.GoogleCredentials.fromStream(GoogleCredentials.java:134) ~[google-auth-library-oauth2-http-0.26.0.jar:na]
    	at com.turkninja.petshop.file.impl.FirebaseFileServiceImpl.uploadFile(FirebaseFileServiceImpl.java:32) ~[classes/:na]
    	at com.turkninja.petshop.v1.FileResource.uploadFile(FileResource.java:30) ~[classes/:na]
    // ... Rest of the error message is omitted
    opened by moustaphastar 0
  • Add user with admin role

    Add user with admin role

    Implemented methods to let the super_admin users to insert admin users. Also, added a resource bundle to keep local settings and updated documentation.

    closes #51

    opened by moustaphastar 0
Ali Turgut Bozkurt
Senior Full Stack Java Developer
Ali Turgut Bozkurt
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