An advanced, multi-purpose Discord bot


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An advanced, multi-purpose bot for Discord
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Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Contributing
  4. License
  5. Contact
  6. Acknowledgments

About The Project

TechnoBot is an advanced discord bot built to provide a wide array of features, including a leveling system, economy, starboard, suggestion board, moderation commands, fun commands, utility commands, auto roles, and so much more! It's purpose is to make your life easier and replace other bots as the main source of your guild's engagement! This project runs entirely on donations, so please consider supporting at

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Built With

Below is a comprehensive list of the frameworks and libraries used to build the TechnoBot website.

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Self Hosting

To get a local copy of TechnoBot up and running, follow these simple steps.


You must have Java JDK 17 installed on your machine.


Below are the necessary steps needed to run this project.

  1. Clone the repo:
    git clone
  2. Create a .env file in the root project folder and populate it with all the variables in .env.example.
  3. You can now build and run the application using maven or the provided docker file.

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Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated. You can also contribute monetarily at

If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request

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TechnoBot is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International ("CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0"). Commercial use is not allowed under this license. This includes any kind of revenue made with or based upon the software, even donations.

The CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0 allows you to:

  • Share -- copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
  • Adapt -- remix, transform, and build upon the material

Under the following terms:

  • Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
  • NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes.
  • ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.

More information can be found here.

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Thomas Peters - @tomm__peters - [email protected]

Project Link:

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Below are some resources that have been instrumental in making this project a reality!

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  • Add more replies to economy interactions

    Add more replies to economy interactions

    Replies include:

    • 32 work replies
    • 7 successful crime replies
    • 7 failed crime replies Add support for replies with the amount of money mentioned multiple times. Fix typo: McDonalds -> McDonald's
    opened by adex720 0
  • Add


    This PR adds a file that documents how to contribute to the project in more detail. It will include information about using Docker containers, code style, and other various things we determine to be important. This is currently a draft, and more will be added.

    opened by MetalTurtle18 1
  • v1.2.2(Jul 7, 2022)


    In this minor update we have added 3 new casino games, which includes crash, coinflip and slots! We've also added some additional economy admin commands to control user balances, alongside some bug fixes for blackjack and other casino games.

    New Features

    • New casino game commands

      • /crash <bet> - Bet against a growing multiplier from 1x-30x that could crash at any minute.
      • /slots <bet> [theme] - Spin the slot machine with the theme of your choice to win 15x, 20x, and even 25x!
      • /coinflip <choice> <bet> - Bet on heads or tails and watch a coin flip to double your money.
    • New admin economy commands

      • /economy add <user> <amount> - Add money to a user's balance.
      • /economy remove <user> <amount> - Remove money from a user's balance.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed issue blackjack dealer not taking advantage of the Ace 1/11 rule.
    • Casino games will no longer accept a bet of 0.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    TechnoBot-1.2.2-withDependencies.jar(30.12 MB)
    TechnoBot-1.2.2.jar(2.35 MB)
  • v1.2.1(Jul 2, 2022)


    Minor update with our first casino game and some major economy bug fixes. Casino games allow you to gamble your virtual server currency in hopes of winning big, including classics like blackjack, slots, coinflip, roulette, etc. Expect many more games to be added in the next few updates!

    New Features

    • /blackjack <bet> - Play a game of blackjack to gamble your server currency.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed issue with economy currency symbol not working with custom emojis.
    • Fix bug with item search algorithm not ignoring capitalization.
    • Removed some unused emojis from EmbedUtils.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    TechnoBot-1.2.1-withDependencies.jar(30.10 MB)
    TechnoBot-1.2.1.jar(2.33 MB)
  • v1.2.0(Jun 30, 2022)


    Welcome to the SHOPPING update! Yes that's right, the long awaited economy shop system is finally here! In this update, server owners can create their own unique items (with over 11 options to play with) and then list them for sale in a server shop, where users can spend their currency points to access exclusive roles or get special messages. We have also built out the framework for some major economy customization, which you will see more of in the following updates. See the changelog below for more details, because this update is a BIG one!

    New Features

    • New guild shopping system and commands

      • /shop - View a list of items available to buy on this server.
      • /inspect <item> - Display details about an item in the shop.
      • /buy <item> - Purchase an item from the shop.
      • /inventory [user] - Display the items in your inventory or another user's inventory.
      • /use <item> - Use an item to gain/lose roles and receive special messages.
    • Server staff can build their own shop with the /items command

      • /item create - Create an item for your store with 11 customizable options.
      • /item edit - Edit an item in your store with 11 customizable options.
      • /item remove - Remove an item from your store (Members that have the item in their inventory can still use it).
      • /item erase - Erase an item entirely from the store and from all member inventories.
      • /items info - Display details about an item in the shop.
      • /item options - View details about the 11 customization options available for editing an item.
    • New economy customization commands to make your server unique

      • /economy currency <symbol> - Set a custom currency symbol using any emoji or text.
      • More subcommands will be coming in the next update!

    Item Customization Options

    • The /item command allows you to create custom shop items and customize them with these 11 attributes:
      • Name: The name of the item
      • Description: The text description of the item
      • Price: The amount of currency required to purchase 1 of this item
      • Inventory: Whether or not this item is immediately used or sent to the user's inventory
      • Duration: The amount of hours that this item will remain in the shop (expiration date)
      • Stock: The amount of units of this item for sale.
      • Required Role: A role required to buy or use this item.
      • Role Given: A role given to the user when they use this item.
      • Role Removed: A role removed from the user when they use this item.
      • Required Balance: A minimum networth required to buy or use this item.
      • Reply: A custom message sent when the item is used (Works with member and server placeholders)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    TechnoBot-1.2.0-withDependencies.jar(30.09 MB)
    TechnoBot-1.2.0.jar(2.32 MB)
  • v1.1.2(Jun 26, 2022)


    Another minor update bringing some fun new commands and an AFK system. We have also reworked the Top.GG integration to update bot statistics every hour so that we don't have to restart the bot to get an accurate count. Contributors should know that the presence intent was removed in this update, as we have no plans to use it in the future. See the changelog below for more details.

    New Features

    • New AFK system

      • /afk [message] - Sets a custom AFK status message to be sent to users that ping you.
      • AFK is guild specific, so while you're in one server you can let others know you are away.
      • Your AFK status will reset as soon as you send a message in that guild.
    • New fun commands that interact with APIs:

      • /inspire - Display an inspiring quote generated by an AI.
      • /wouldyourather - Create a game of "would you rather" for your friends to play.
    • Added the /support command to get quick access to the TechnoBot support server.

    • Bot statistics on https:/ will now update every hour.

    Bug Fixes

    • The /user command works again.
    • Fixed an issue with /stop not disconnecting TechnoBot if the music queue is empty.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    TechnoBot-1.1.2-withDependencies.jar(29.51 MB)
    TechnoBot-1.1.2.jar(2.30 MB)
  • v1.1.1(Jun 25, 2022)


    This minor update brings a redesigned music system, spotify/apple music support, some fun utility commands, API integrations, and lots of major bug fixes! We wanted to make sure our systems were fully patched up before moving full steam ahead with economy customization. If you're a contributor, make sure to check your .example.env file, as there are now several API keys required as environment variables, including YouTube, Twitter, Spotify, and Top.GG.

    TechnoBot is also now officially on Top.GG! Be sure to check visit our page at and vote every 12 hours. You can also leave a rating if you so desire. I appreciate all the support and thank u for choosing TechnoBot.

    New Features

    • New utility commands that interact with APIs:

      • /twitter <username> - Display details and stats for a Twitter user.
      • /youtube <channel> - Display details and stats for a YouTube channel.
      • /vote - Display a voting link and check your vote cooldown status.
    • Redesigned music system

      • Embeds for music commands have been redesigned to look nicer and display more info.
      • Music command will execute much faster thanks to some backend changes.
      • The /np command has been renamed to /playing for clarity.
      • Error messages for music commands will now display as ephemeral messages.
    • Spotify and Apple Music support for /play

      • You can now use Spotify or Apple Music links with the /play command.
      • You can play tracks, albums, and playlists (only the first 100 tracks will be loaded though).
    • Added 30+ new responses for economy commands like /work and /crime.

    • TechnoBot will now send statistics to Top.GG on startup, including server and shard count.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed music system commands (cache broke all of them).
    • Fixed issue with /rob that allowed users to rob negative balances as debt.
    • Fixed major issue with /crime that was displaying different fine amounts than were actually being charged.
    • Fixed bug with /ban that prevented you from banning users outside your guild.
    • The /stop command now forces TechnoBot to disconnect from any voice channels.
    • Fixed bug with /youtube that froze the response if channel names included spaces.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    TechnoBot-1.1.1-withDependencies.jar(29.49 MB)
    TechnoBot-1.1.1.jar(2.28 MB)
  • v1.1.0(Jun 17, 2022)


    Welcome to the AUTOMATION update! We are finally starting to get into the more advanced aspects of TechnoBot, with features like auto-role and eventually auto feeds as well. You can now set several roles to be given to members upon joining your server! This update also includes many new fun and utility commands, ephemeral error messages, as well as a major change to the way /mute works (no more mute evasion).

    We have also updated the license to Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International. This is a creative commons license that will better serve our project in the long run by preventing commercial copies from being distributed. It is crucial that you read over the new license or check out our breakdown in the project README if u intend on forking the repository.

    New Features

    • New auto-role automation system:

      • Add auto-roles with /auto-role to be given to new members upon joining your guild.
      • The limit is 1 auto-role per server, but premium users will be able to upgrade to 10 roles!
    • Added 2 new fun commands for roleplay:

      • /emote <emote> - Express your emotions with thousands of possible responses.
      • /action <action> <user> - Similar to emote, but includes another user.
    • New /math <expression> command solves complex math expressions.

    • New /premium command acts as a link to the Patreon page.

    • Muted users will now have their mute role persist if they leave the server, preventing mute evasion.

    • Error messages from commands will now display as ephemeral messages, meaning only you can see them. We have started with staff and economy commands and hope to slowly update all commands over the next few weeks to follow this pattern.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fix issue with leveling messages displaying previous rank instead of current rank.
    • Prevent console errors from missing permissions errors in leveling listener.
    • Update bot invite link to include more permissions.
    • Changed some repetitive wording on some economy responses.

    Code Changes

    • User cache and chunking have been turned off completely to help save memory (we were barely using the cache anyways).
    • The config POJO object is now stored in the ConfigHandler instead of the GuildData itself.
    • Added Javaluator as a dependency to the pom.xml (used in math commands)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    TechnoBot-1.1.0-withDependencies.jar(26.58 MB)
    TechnoBot-1.1.0.jar(2.26 MB)
  • v1.0.0(Jun 14, 2022)


    I am excited to announce the first official, stable release of TechnoBot! This update is a big one, so get ready! With this update comes a new economy system with 7 new commands, a mute system, more paginated menus, a redesigned leaderboard, performance enhancements, and so many bug fixes. See the full changelog below for more details.

    New Features

    • Added 7 new commands to the economy category, including:

      • /work - Work on a cooldown to earn extra money.
      • /crime - Commit a risky crime in hopes of making extra money.
      • /rob <user> - Rob another user (can only steal cash balance).
      • /deposit [amount] - Deposit money into your bank account.
      • /withdraw [amount] - Withdraw money from your bank account.
      • /balance [user] - Check your balance or another user's balance.
      • /pay [user] - Send money to another user.
    • Redesigned /top command to display more detailed, paginated data.

      • Will now show the top 5 for leveling and economy.
      • For more detailed leaderboards, use the /top leveling or /top economy subcommands.
      • Leaderboards are now paginated with buttons.
    • Added 4 new commands to the staff category, including:

      • /mute - Mutes a user in your server, preventing them from using channels.
      • /unmute - Unmutes a user in your server.
      • /mute-role set <role> - Sets a role as the mute role to be used by mute.
      • /mute-role create [name] - Quickly create a mute role with a custom name.
    • Custom economy responses for /work, /crime, and /rob that draw from a public repository.

    • /queue is now paginated when there are more than 6 songs in the queue.

    • New /invite command to easily add the bot to your server or access helpful links.

    Bug Fixes

    • Music commands now format timestamps correctly and account for hours.
    • Fix issue with ban, kick, and warn being able to be used on bots.
    • Fix several bugs found within the warning system.
    • Update several grammar mistakes.
    • Fix bug with /role that threw console errors occasionally.
    • Several staff commands now require different, more strict permissions.
    • Several small tweaks to the README.

    Code Changes

    • Removed the leveling leaderboard cache system in favor for aggregation queries to database (cleaner and faster).
    • Drastically reduced duplicate code by creating button methods in ButtonListener
    • Added an economy system backend run by EconomyHandler.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    TechnoBot-1.0.0-withDependencies.jar(26.54 MB)
    TechnoBot-1.0.0.jar(2.25 MB)
  • v1.0.0-alpha.5(Jun 11, 2022)


    Welcome to the GREETINGS update! This update includes 6 new bot commands in the 'Greetings' category, as well as a new utility command. Like all custom messages, welcome messages also take advantage of our placeholder system, which allows using tags like {mention} or {server} to include relevant data (there are over 30 to play with). The update also includes more bug fixes.

    New Features

    • Added 6 new commands to the greetings category, including:

      • /greet [message] - Set a greeting to be sent to the welcome channel when a member joins.
      • /farewell [message] - Set a farewell to be sent to the welcome channel when a member leaves.
      • /join-dm [message] - Set a private message to sent when a member joins.
      • /greetings channel [channel] - Set a channel to send welcome messages to.
      • /greetings config - Display the greetings config for this server.
      • /greetings reset - Reset all greetings data and settings.
    • New /poll [choices] command for quick and easy polls

    Bug Fixes

    • Fix /meme surreal to use r/surrealmemes instead of r/surreal for content.
    • Fix issues with paginated menus and buttons (can now have multiple active paginated menus per user).
    • Fix bug with /clear sometimes deleting it's own confirmation message or throwing console errors.
    • Fix invalid links in project README.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    TechnoBot-1.0.0-alpha.5-withDependencies.jar(26.50 MB)
    TechnoBot-1.0.0-alpha.5.jar(2.20 MB)
  • v1.0.0-alpha.4(Jun 9, 2022)


    Welcome to the FUN update! This update includes 8 new bot commands in the 'Fun' category, a dockerfile configuration for easy MongoDB setup, various bug fixes, and a patch to a security exploit found in our music system.

    New Features

    • Added 8 new commands to the fun category, including:

      • /joke - Get a random joke.
      • /meme [category] - Get a random funny meme.
      • /cute [category] - Get a cute and cuddly image.
      • /nsfw [category] - Get an nsfw image [18+ only].
      • /8ball <question> - Ask the magic 8ball a question.
      • /google <question> - Ask google a question.
      • /reddit [category] - Browse posts from various subreddits.
      • /surprise - Try it out for yourself and find out.
    • Added a Dockerfile for easy MongoDB setup.

      • Use the docker-compose up command in your terminal to setup a on-device MonoDB database

    Code Changes

    • Fixed a SSRF security vulnerability with the music player.
    • Added Docker file for optionally creating a MongoDB database to allow for easy setup.
    • Renamed to
    • Added Gson and OkHttp as library dependencies to the pom.xml

    Bug Fixes

    • Music log channel now correctly updates after each /play command is run
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    TechnoBot-1.0.0-alpha.4-withDependencies.jar(26.48 MB)
    TechnoBot-1.0.0-alpha.4.jar(2.19 MB)
  • v1.0.0-alpha.3(Jun 7, 2022)

    Bug Fixes

    • Prevent the use of /slowmode in threads.
    • Fix bug with /role that allowed TechnoBot to give bot roles to users.
    • Fix issues with buttons on /help and /suggestion-reset that were throwing console errors.
    • Fix a lot of leveling reward system vulnerabilities (can no longer reward bot roles or roles above TechnoBot).
    • Change the wording of /roles to have better grammar.
    • Display an error message for /help when passing in multiple optional arguments.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    TechnoBot-1.0.0-alpha.3-withDependencies.jar(26.22 MB)
    TechnoBot-1.0.0-alpha.3.jar(2.16 MB)
  • v1.0.0-alpha.2(Jun 6, 2022)


    • Register guild commands onGuildJoin event was moved to it's own class (
    • Add the class for repeat, useful methods used in slash commands.
    • Fix a lot of bugs caught in the first few hours of alpha testing.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fix Starboard console errors when "unstarring" pictures not yet on the board.
    • Fix integer overflows on /respond command input.
    • Ensure staff commands check if a role is equal in position before executing.
    • Prevent console errors when buttons are pressed after restarting bot.
    • Make sure rankcard backgrounds that are too big don't throw OutOfMemory error
    • Prevent TechnoBot from kicking and banning server owners.
    • Prevent users from setting or blacklisting voice channels as starboard, suggestion board, or leveling channel
    • Fix incorrect help message for /suggestions
    • Fix bug causing music system to break when moving TechnoBot to a different voice channel.
    • Fix issue with music commands being unable to be run outside of voice channels.
    • Fix permission errors for all staff commands (now acknowledges administrator privileges as well)
    • Fix issue with Nitro animated avatars breaking /rank (will now just show a snapshot of the avatar)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    TechnoBot-1.0.0-alpha.2-withDependencies.jar(26.22 MB)
    TechnoBot-1.0.0-alpha.2.jar(2.16 MB)
  • v1.0.0-alpha.1(Jun 6, 2022)


    This is the first official release of TechnoBot, with over 60 different commands across 6 different categories! All that is required is a working MongoDB database. As the first of several alpha releases to come, expect a few bugs here and there. Below are just some of the many features that come with this initial release:

    • Staff Commands
      • Full moderation suite with warnings, kick, ban, slowdown, lock channel, etc.
      • Ability to temp ban users on a timer.
    • Leveling System & Customizable Rankcard
      • Automatic leveling system for each guild with a global 2-minute cooldown.
      • Fully customizable rankcard. Choose your own background, color, trim, etc!
      • Dynamic leaderboard unique to each server.
      • Highly customizable config.
    • Music Commands
      • Play music in voice channels and curate a community playlist.
      • Lots of commands like skip, seek, np, pause, etc.
    • Suggestion Board
      • Setup a suggestion board where users can making suggestions and staff can respond.
      • Highly customizable config.
    • Starboard
      • Setup a starboard where users can dynamically upvote content on your server.
      • Highly customizable config.
    • Dynamic Help Menu
      • An paginated help menu that displays detailed information about every category and command.


    1. Download and install Java JRE 17 2. Install and create a MongoDB server 3. Create a .env file that fills in the parameters outlined in .env.example 4. Run the executable file with java -jar executable_name.jar 5. Add the bot to your server and enjoy!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    TechnoBot-1.0.0-alpha.1-withDependencies.jar(26.21 MB)
    TechnoBot-1.0.0-alpha.1.jar(2.16 MB)
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