⚡️ Capacitor plugin for Firebase Authentication.


⚠️ Deprecated repository

This project has been moved to the following monorepo: robingenz/capacitor-firebase.

Firebase Authentication


Capacitor plugin for Firebase Authentication.


Maintainer GitHub Social
Robin Genz robingenz @robin_genz


npm install @robingenz/capacitor-firebase-authentication firebase
npx cap sync

Add Firebase to your project if you haven't already (Android / iOS / Web).

On iOS, verify that this function is included in your app's AppDelegate.swift:

func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
  return ApplicationDelegateProxy.shared.application(app, open: url, options: options)

The further installation steps depend on the selected authentication method:

Attention: Please note that this plugin uses third-party SDKs to offer native sign-in. These SDKs can initialize on their own and collect various data. Here you can find more information.


These configuration values are available:

Prop Type Description Default
skipNativeAuth boolean Configure whether the plugin should skip the native authentication. Only needed if you want to use the Firebase JavaScript SDK. Only available for Android and iOS. false
providers string[] Configure which providers you want to use so that only the providers you need are fully initialized. If you do not configure any providers, they will be all initialized. Please note that this does not prevent the automatic initialization of third-party SDKs. Only available for Android and iOS. ["apple.com", "facebook.com", "github.com", "google.com", "microsoft.com", "playgames.google.com", "twitter.com", "yahoo.com", "phone"]


In capacitor.config.json:

  "plugins": {
    "FirebaseAuthentication": {
      "skipNativeAuth": false,
      "providers": ["apple.com", "google.com"]

In capacitor.config.ts:

/// <reference types="@capacitor/firebase-authentication" />

import { CapacitorConfig } from '@capacitor/cli';

const config: CapacitorConfig = {
  plugins: {
    FirebaseAuthentication: {
      skipNativeAuth: false,
      providers: ["apple.com", "google.com"],

export default config;


A working example can be found here: robingenz/capacitor-firebase-authentication-demo


import { FirebaseAuthentication } from '@robingenz/capacitor-firebase-authentication';

const getCurrentUser = async () => {
  const result = await FirebaseAuthentication.getCurrentUser();
  return result.user;

const getIdToken = async () => {
  const result = await FirebaseAuthentication.getIdToken();
  return result.token;

const setLanguageCode = async () => {
  await FirebaseAuthentication.setLanguageCode({ languageCode: 'en-US' });

const signInWithApple = async () => {
  await FirebaseAuthentication.signInWithApple();

const signInWithFacebook = async () => {
  await FirebaseAuthentication.signInWithFacebook();

const signInWithGithub = async () => {
  await FirebaseAuthentication.signInWithGithub();

const signInWithGoogle = async () => {
  await FirebaseAuthentication.signInWithGoogle();

const signInWithMicrosoft = async () => {
  await FirebaseAuthentication.signInWithMicrosoft();

const signInWithPlayGames = async () => {
  await FirebaseAuthentication.signInWithPlayGames();

const signInWithPhoneNumber = async () => {
  const { verificationId } = await FirebaseAuthentication.signInWithPhoneNumber(
      phoneNumber: '123456789',
  const verificationCode = window.prompt(
    'Please enter the verification code that was sent to your mobile device.',
  await FirebaseAuthentication.signInWithPhoneNumber({

const signInWithTwitter = async () => {
  await FirebaseAuthentication.signInWithTwitter();

const signInWithYahoo = async () => {
  await FirebaseAuthentication.signInWithYahoo();

const signOut = async () => {
  await FirebaseAuthentication.signOut();

const useAppLanguage = async () => {
  await FirebaseAuthentication.useAppLanguage();



getCurrentUser() => Promise<GetCurrentUserResult>

Fetches the currently signed-in user.

Returns: Promise<GetCurrentUserResult>


getIdToken(options?: GetIdTokenOptions | undefined) => Promise<GetIdTokenResult>

Fetches the Firebase Auth ID Token for the currently signed-in user.

Param Type
options GetIdTokenOptions

Returns: Promise<GetIdTokenResult>


setLanguageCode(options: SetLanguageCodeOptions) => Promise<void>

Sets the user-facing language code for auth operations.

Param Type
options SetLanguageCodeOptions


signInWithApple(options?: SignInOptions | undefined) => Promise<SignInResult>

Starts the Apple sign-in flow.

Param Type
options SignInOptions

Returns: Promise<SignInResult>


signInWithFacebook(options?: SignInOptions | undefined) => Promise<SignInResult>

Starts the Facebook sign-in flow.

Param Type
options SignInOptions

Returns: Promise<SignInResult>


signInWithGithub(options?: SignInOptions | undefined) => Promise<SignInResult>

Starts the GitHub sign-in flow.

Param Type
options SignInOptions

Returns: Promise<SignInResult>


signInWithGoogle(options?: SignInOptions | undefined) => Promise<SignInResult>

Starts the Google sign-in flow.

Param Type
options SignInOptions

Returns: Promise<SignInResult>


signInWithMicrosoft(options?: SignInOptions | undefined) => Promise<SignInResult>

Starts the Microsoft sign-in flow.

Param Type
options SignInOptions

Returns: Promise<SignInResult>


signInWithPlayGames(options?: SignInOptions | undefined) => Promise<SignInResult>

Starts the Play Games sign-in flow.

Param Type
options SignInOptions

Returns: Promise<SignInResult>


signInWithTwitter(options?: SignInOptions | undefined) => Promise<SignInResult>

Starts the Twitter sign-in flow.

Param Type
options SignInOptions

Returns: Promise<SignInResult>


signInWithYahoo(options?: SignInOptions | undefined) => Promise<SignInResult>

Starts the Yahoo sign-in flow.

Param Type
options SignInOptions

Returns: Promise<SignInResult>


signInWithPhoneNumber(options: SignInWithPhoneNumberOptions) => Promise<SignInWithPhoneNumberResult>

Starts the sign-in flow using a phone number.

Either the phone number or the verification code and verification ID must be provided.

Only available for Android and iOS.

Param Type
options SignInWithPhoneNumberOptions

Returns: Promise<SignInWithPhoneNumberResult>


signInWithCustomToken(options: SignInWithCustomTokenOptions) => Promise<SignInResult>

Starts the Custom Token sign-in flow.

This method cannot be used in combination with skipNativeAuth on Android and iOS. In this case you have to use the signInWithCustomToken interface of the Firebase JS SDK directly.

Param Type
options SignInWithCustomTokenOptions

Returns: Promise<SignInResult>


signOut() => Promise<void>

Starts the sign-out flow.


useAppLanguage() => Promise<void>

Sets the user-facing language code to be the default app language.

addListener('authStateChange', ...)

addListener(eventName: 'authStateChange', listenerFunc: AuthStateChangeListener) => Promise<PluginListenerHandle> & PluginListenerHandle

Listen for the user's sign-in state changes.

Param Type
eventName 'authStateChange'
listenerFunc AuthStateChangeListener

Returns: Promise<PluginListenerHandle> & PluginListenerHandle


removeAllListeners() => Promise<void>

Remove all listeners for this plugin.



Prop Type Description
user User | null The currently signed-in user, or null if there isn't any.


Prop Type
displayName string | null
email string | null
emailVerified boolean
isAnonymous boolean
phoneNumber string | null
photoUrl string | null
providerId string
tenantId string | null
uid string


Prop Type Description
token string The Firebase Auth ID token JWT string.


Prop Type Description
forceRefresh boolean Force refresh regardless of token expiration.


Prop Type Description
languageCode string BCP 47 language code. Example: en-US.


Prop Type Description
user User | null The currently signed-in user, or null if there isn't any.
credential AuthCredential | null Credentials returned by an auth provider.


Prop Type Description
providerId string The authentication provider ID for the credential. Example: google.com.
accessToken string The OAuth access token associated with the credential if it belongs to an OAuth provider.
idToken string The OAuth ID token associated with the credential if it belongs to an OIDC provider.
secret string The OAuth access token secret associated with the credential if it belongs to an OAuth 1.0 provider.
nonce string The random string used to make sure that the ID token you get was granted specifically in response to your app's authentication request.


Prop Type Description
customParameters SignInCustomParameter[] Configures custom parameters to be passed to the identity provider during the OAuth sign-in flow.


Prop Type Description
key string The custom parameter key (e.g. login_hint).
value string The custom parameter value (e.g. [email protected]).


Prop Type Description
verificationId string The verification ID, which is needed to identify the verification code.


Prop Type Description
phoneNumber string The phone number to be verified.
verificationId string The verification ID which will be returned when signInWithPhoneNumber is called for the first time. The verificationCode must also be provided.
verificationCode string The verification code from the SMS message. The verificationId must also be provided.


Prop Type Description
token string The custom token to sign in with.


Prop Type
remove () => Promise<void>


Prop Type Description
user User | null The currently signed-in user, or null if there isn't any.

Type Aliases


Callback to receive the user's sign-in state change notifications.

(change: AuthStateChange): void


  1. What does this plugin do?
    This plugin enables the use of Firebase Authentication in a Capacitor app. It uses the Firebase SDK for Java (Android), Swift (iOS) and JavaScript.
  2. What is the difference between the web implementation of this plugin and the Firebase JS SDK?
    The web implementation of this plugin encapsulates the Firebase JS SDK and enables a consistent interface across all platforms. You can decide if you prefer to use the web implementation or the Firebase JS SDK.
  3. What is the difference between the native and web authentication?
    For web authentication, the Firebase JS SDK is used. This only works to a limited extent on Android and iOS in the WebViews (see here). For native authentication, the native SDKs from Firebase, Google, etc. are used. These offer all the functionalities that the Firebase JS SDK also offers on the web. However, after a login with the native SDK, the user is only logged in on the native layer of the app. If the user should also be logged in on the web layer, additional steps are required (see here).
  4. How can I use this plugin with the Firebase JavaScript SDK?
    See here.





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