The place to come for pair programming practice problems in your language, designed for new and old developers alike.

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GUI CodingDojo

Coding Dojo


The Coding Dojo is a project and weekly meetup hosted by Code Connector to offer opportunities for learning, mentoring, and practicing coding and problem-solving. Each week, one of our new developers will "drive" a coding challenge with support and guidance from one of our more experienced members.

We are committed to upholding the Code Connector Code of Conduct, so please review before hopping on. This will be a safe and supportive environment focused on growth and learning, and moderated by active community members.


During each meetup, we will have folks fulfilling the following roles:

  • Host: An active community member. This is the person who will welcome guests, introduce the challenge, and moderate discussion during the meetup.
  • Driver: The primary learner. This is the person who'll be typing code, with input from the Navigator and the Mob.
  • Navigator: An experienced developer. This is the person who'll be guiding the Driver towards the solution, offering advice and support.
  • Mob: Everyone else. This group is focused on learning from the Navigator and the Driver, while offering suggestions and support of their own.

Coding Challenges?

Coding challenges are an important part of growth as a developer. We would like to use them as a way to foster growth in both coding ability and software engineering methodologies. Challenges will be added as directories in the root of this project and we will have mobbing sessions as a group for anyone able to join. There will be an effort to work in as many different languages as there is interest in learning.

  • Directory structure

    Directory structure

    We need to decide on a directory structure. There is a proposal by @drkennetz that we separate challenges from solutions

    from Slack

    Format could be:

        ./03-26-2021/, answer.js,, answer.rb
        ./03-26-2021/, answer.js,, answer.rb

    (edited to properly display format)

    help wanted question 
    opened by xanderyzwich 10
  • [Hacktoberfest] Java | Sum of Squares

    [Hacktoberfest] Java | Sum of Squares


    All Hacktoberfest solutions should be provably correct. That is, solution submissions should either include the unit tests from the original challenge (implemented in your language of choice) or at least print out the expected answers when run by the maintainers. Solutions that do not meet these criteria may be rejected, or flagged as 'invalid' or 'spam' in egregious cases. This can result in your PR not counting towards your Hacktoberfest participation or becoming ineligible to participate in Hacktoberfest. Violations of our Code of Conduct will be reported, and will also render you ineligible to participate in Hacktoberfest. Please be respectful of the maintainers' and other participants' time by doing your best to submit real solutions to the puzzles. Thanks, and welcome to our learning community!


    Sum of Squares




    Check out some of our Java-based challenges for an IDE-agnostic unit-testing setup, or use the tools built in to your favorite IDE.

    good first issue hacktoberfest 
    opened by ericwburden 9
  • Longest Peak

    Longest Peak

    Longest Peak

    Write a function that takes in an array of integers and returns the length of the longest peak in the array.

    A peak is defined as adjacent integers in the array that are strictly increasing until they reach a tip (the highest value in the peak), at which point they become strictly decreasing. At least three integers are required to form a peak.

    I will make this abundantly clear in the examples.

    Business Rules/Errata

    1. A peak must increase and then decrease.
    2. The input can be an empty array, and must be an array of integers.
    3. If equal value numbers appear in the run of a peak, the peak is stopped and restarted.
    4. A peak must contain at least 3 numbers, such as 1,2,1
    5. Numbers can be positive or negative.
    6. Bonus: Optimal time and space: O(n) time | O(1) space - where n is the length of the input array.


    longest_peak([5, 4, 3, 2, 1]) -> 0 # all decreasing
    longest_peak([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) -> 0 # all increasing
    longest_peak([5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 2, 10, 12]) -> 0 # all decreasing, then all increasing
    longest_peak([]) -> 0 # empty input check mandatory :D
    longest_peak([1, 3, 2]) -> 3 # normal peak
    longest_peak([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1]) -> 6 # peak ends on last number
    longest_peak([2,2,3,2]) -> 3 # repeat at the beginning
    longest_peak([1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 1]) -> 5 # repeat at the end
    longest_peak([1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1]) -> 0 # equality at peak tip, 0 is returned
    longest_peak([1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 10, 12, -3, 2, 3, 45, 800, 99, 98, 0, -1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, -1]) -> 9 # peak in the middle -3, 2, 3, 45, 800, 99, 98, 0, -1
    proposed challenge 
    opened by drkennetz 8
  • [Hacktoberfest] Java | Simple 2D Iterator

    [Hacktoberfest] Java | Simple 2D Iterator


    All Hacktoberfest solutions should be provably correct. That is, solution submissions should either include the unit tests from the original challenge (implemented in your language of choice) or at least print out the expected answers when run by the maintainers. Solutions that do not meet these criteria may be rejected, or flagged as 'invalid' or 'spam' in egregious cases. This can result in your PR not counting towards your Hacktoberfest participation or becoming ineligible to participate in Hacktoberfest. Violations of our Code of Conduct will be reported, and will also render you ineligible to participate in Hacktoberfest. Please be respectful of the maintainers' and other participants' time by doing your best to submit real solutions to the puzzles. Thanks, and welcome to our learning community!


    Simple 2D Iterator


    Lots of Java in the repo already, add some more! Solve this challenge using Java.


    Check out some of our Java-based challenges for an IDE-agnostic unit-testing setup, or use the tools built in to your favorite IDE.

    good first issue hacktoberfest 
    opened by ericwburden 6
  • Program for minimum Sum of Squares in Java

    Program for minimum Sum of Squares in Java


    What language was used for the solution? I used Java


    What is the name of the challenge being completed? Sum of Squares

    Screenshot 2022-10-06 220547 Uploading the Screenshot for the outputs of some test cases.

    opened by divyansh-ag-03 5
  • [Hacktoberfest] Ruby | Sum Arrays

    [Hacktoberfest] Ruby | Sum Arrays


    All Hacktoberfest solutions should be provably correct. That is, solution submissions should either include the unit tests from the original challenge (implemented in your language of choice) or at least print out the expected answers when run by the maintainers. Solutions that do not meet these criteria may be rejected, or flagged as 'invalid' or 'spam' in egregious cases. This can result in your PR not counting towards your Hacktoberfest participation or becoming ineligible to participate in Hacktoberfest. Violations of our Code of Conduct will be reported, and will also render you ineligible to participate in Hacktoberfest. Please be respectful of the maintainers' and other participants' time by doing your best to submit real solutions to the puzzles. Thanks, and welcome to our learning community!


    Sum Arrays


    This challenge was originally set up for Ruby, but it looks like a Ruby solution was never submitted! Yikes! Solve this challenge in Ruby and fix that oversight for us, please.


    Use the original unit tests!

    good first issue hacktoberfest 
    opened by ericwburden 5
  • Add  Meetup info to README

    Add Meetup info to README

    To help with people learning about our repository through Hacktoberfest, we should include a link to the meetup page for people to join us in the future.

    opened by xanderyzwich 4
  • [Challenge] Sum Arrays

    [Challenge] Sum Arrays

    Sum Arrays

    Given an array of values, return the sum of the values.

    Business Rules/Errata

    • Input must be an array.
    • The array may be nested more than one level.
    • All values must be integers.
    • Solutions shall not use built in methods to flatten the array to one-dimension.


    One dimension:

    sum_of_array([1,2,3,4,5]) => 15

    Two dimensions:

    sum_of_array([1,2,[1,2,3],4,5]) => 18

    n dimensions:

    sum_of_array([1,[1,2,[3,4],5],[6,7]]) => 29
    proposed challenge 
    opened by parhaml 4
  • [Challenge] Simple 2D Iterator

    [Challenge] Simple 2D Iterator

    Simple 2D Iterator

    Implement a class (or struct, or object) representing a 2-dimensional iterator. This class should be initialized with a 2-dimensional (nested) array, and should implement two methods:

    • next() returns the next element in the array of arrays
    • has_next() returns true/false indicating whether the iterator still has elements left

    Business Rules/Errata

    • Data Structure Required: 2D Array
    • Your class will need a constructor method (or other strategy) to accept a 2-dimensional array and produce an instance of your class.
    • You should not flatten or otherwise copy data out of the 2D array into another data structure.
    • If you call next() on your class, and there are no elements left to return, return null (or some other indicator that the iterator has been exhausted).


    Example 1

    instance = new NestedIterator([[1, 2], [3], [], [4, 5, 6]]);  // 1  // 2  // 3
    instance.has_next()  // true  // 4  // 5  // 6
    instance.has_next()  // false  // NULL

    Example 2

    instance = new NestedIterator([[9], [1, 7, 5], [2, 9], []]);  // 9  // 1  // 7
    instance.has_next()  // true  // 5  // 6  // 9
    instance.has_next()  // false  // NULL
    proposed challenge 
    opened by ericwburden 4
  • Weekly Flow

    Weekly Flow

    Discussion has been going around as to how we handle the flow of week to week tasks in preparation for the next mob session.


    Challenges will be submitted as issues. Voting on these (👍) should be restricted to one vote per person each week.

    Challenge will be posted on Friday (Monday may be tried as well) for the following week.


    • No solutions will be accepted in PR before the mob/meetup.
    • The mob solution will be titled mob.[lang] in the solutions directory for that challenge.
    • Solutions may be submitted by anyone after that solution is merged. Any and all solutions of this type will be named with the person's github username and the lang. My solutions will be submitted as if they are in Python. These solutions will be submitted through Pull Request (PR) from the persons fork of the repository. Code reviewers can/will assist with forming the solution such that it can be understood by others and be displayed for learning purposes.
    opened by xanderyzwich 4
  • [Hacktoberfest] Python | Pascal's Triangle

    [Hacktoberfest] Python | Pascal's Triangle


    All Hacktoberfest solutions should be provably correct. That is, solution submissions should either include the unit tests from the original challenge (implemented in your language of choice) or at least print out the expected answers when run by the maintainers. Solutions that do not meet these criteria may be rejected, or flagged as 'invalid' or 'spam' in egregious cases. This can result in your PR not counting towards your Hacktoberfest participation or becoming ineligible to participate in Hacktoberfest. Violations of our Code of Conduct will be reported, and will also render you ineligible to participate in Hacktoberfest. Please be respectful of the maintainers' and other participants' time by doing your best to submit real solutions to the puzzles. Thanks, and welcome to our learning community!


    Pascal's Triangle


    Name of the language being requested. Choose from the list below:


    good first issue hacktoberfest 
    opened by ericwburden 3
  • Added Solutio for Maximum Non-Adjacent Number Sum

    Added Solutio for Maximum Non-Adjacent Number Sum


    What language was used for the solution? --> JAVA


    What is the name of the challenge being completed? --> Maximum Non-Adjacent Number Sum

    opened by HarshAggarwal1 3
  • [Hacktoberfest] [Placeholder] Any Language | Any Challenge

    [Hacktoberfest] [Placeholder] Any Language | Any Challenge


    All Hacktoberfest solutions should be provably correct. That is, solution submissions should either include the unit tests from the original challenge (implemented in your language of choice) or at least print out the expected answers when run by the maintainers. Solutions that do not meet these criteria may be rejected, or flagged as 'invalid' or 'spam' in egregious cases. This can result in your PR not counting towards your Hacktoberfest participation or becoming ineligible to participate in Hacktoberfest. Violations of our Code of Conduct will be reported, and will also render you ineligible to participate in Hacktoberfest. Please be respectful of the maintainers' and other participants' time by doing your best to submit real solutions to the puzzles. Thanks, and welcome to our learning community!

    Issue Resolved

    If there isn't an issue open that you are interested in then take a look in the Challenges directory for a challenge that you would like to solve.


    Any of the challenges that are posted are up for your contribution, regardless of whether or not there is an open issue for it.


    We do prefer that you solve the challenge in a language that hasn't been completed yet so that others can use the solutions for learning the differences in languages.


    Using a language that has a previously submitted solutions is acceptable if you are using a different approach or algorithm. If you are going to submit a solution on basis of being a new approach, it is most helpful if you can implement both your new approach and the 'standard' approach and demonstrate how they are different based on things like runtime and space usage.

    opened by xanderyzwich 0
  • [Hacktoberfest] Go | Simple DB

    [Hacktoberfest] Go | Simple DB


    All Hacktoberfest solutions should be provably correct. That is, solution submissions should either include the unit tests from the original challenge (implemented in your language of choice) or at least print out the expected answers when run by the maintainers. Solutions that do not meet these criteria may be rejected, or flagged as 'invalid' or 'spam' in egregious cases. This can result in your PR not counting towards your Hacktoberfest participation or becoming ineligible to participate in Hacktoberfest. Violations of our Code of Conduct will be reported, and will also render you ineligible to participate in Hacktoberfest. Please be respectful of the maintainers' and other participants' time by doing your best to submit real solutions to the puzzles. Thanks, and welcome to our learning community!


    Simple DB



    This challenge requires tests in the form:

    func UnsetTest(t *testing.T) {}
    func RollbackTest(t *testing.T) {}
    func NestedCommitTest(t *testing.T){}

    For a reference of the test cases required, visit line 50 of the original

    good first issue hacktoberfest 
    opened by drkennetz 0
  • [Hacktoberfest] JavaScript | Skip Counting

    [Hacktoberfest] JavaScript | Skip Counting


    All Hacktoberfest solutions should be provably correct. That is, solution submissions should either include the unit tests from the original challenge (implemented in your language of choice) or at least print out the expected answers when run by the maintainers. Solutions that do not meet these criteria may be rejected, or flagged as 'invalid' or 'spam' in egregious cases. This can result in your PR not counting towards your Hacktoberfest participation or becoming ineligible to participate in Hacktoberfest. Violations of our Code of Conduct will be reported, and will also render you ineligible to participate in Hacktoberfest. Please be respectful of the maintainers' and other participants' time by doing your best to submit real solutions to the puzzles. Thanks, and welcome to our learning community!


    Skip Counting




    Make sure to include tests to prove your solution is correct. Check out any of our other JS-based challenges to see how. (Example: Search Party)

    good first issue hacktoberfest 
    opened by ericwburden 2
  • [Hacktoberfest] Python | Pragmatic Pipes

    [Hacktoberfest] Python | Pragmatic Pipes


    All Hacktoberfest solutions should be provably correct. That is, solution submissions should either include the unit tests from the original challenge (implemented in your language of choice) or at least print out the expected answers when run by the maintainers. Solutions that do not meet these criteria may be rejected, or flagged as 'invalid' or 'spam' in egregious cases. This can result in your PR not counting towards your Hacktoberfest participation or becoming ineligible to participate in Hacktoberfest. Violations of our Code of Conduct will be reported, and will also render you ineligible to participate in Hacktoberfest. Please be respectful of the maintainers' and other participants' time by doing your best to submit real solutions to the puzzles. Thanks, and welcome to our learning community!


    Pragmatic Pipes




    The solution to this one needs to include the tests, run when the script is invoked. For example:

    import unittest
    class TestStringMethods(unittest.TestCase):
        def test_one(self):
            input = pipe_graph(("S", []))
            result = input.minimum_spanning_tree("S")
            self.assertEqual(result, 0)
    if __name__ == '__main__':
    good first issue hacktoberfest 
    opened by ericwburden 0
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