course-project-javajsk created by GitHub Classroom


Project JavaJSK - UofTruck

University of Toronto Food truck ordering system. For more information see our design document.

Problem specification

Our problem that we intend to solve and it's specification can be found here.

RESTAPI information can be found in the endpoints file. This contains important information on how to access the different endpoints and what they require. (Only backend information).

Progress Report

We are constantly updating the progress we make on this program, to get the latest information please view the document listed as progress_report.

Running the System

In order to run the system a few things are required. This system uses Java, Javascript, React and MongoDB. The mongoDB settings can be changed in the config files.


The backend is writen entirely on Java and requires maven, spring-boot, and JSONObject. More specific depednencies can be seen in the github dependency graph. Please ensure Java 11 is used. The spring-boot dependencies can be found in the pom.xml file.

Note: The JSONObject library has caused a few minor issues when running the project. Reinstalling the library usually fixes the issue.

Front End

In order to setup the front end, Node package manager is required and react scripts are required. In addition, the following packages are required for the front end: axios, react-boostrap and jwt-decode. More specifics can be found in package_lock.json.

Simply call npm start on in the uoftruck-front-end folder.

Unit Test

All of our backend java contains unit tests which cover around ~73% of the main methods and functionality used to run the program. These tests can be found in the /src/test folder.

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