☁ Tencent Cloud IM Server SDK in Java | 腾讯云 IM 服务端 SDK Java 版


Tencent Cloud IM Server SDK in Java

maven license prs welcome open-source-organization

The Tencent Cloud IM Server SDK for Java enables Java developers to easily work with Tencent Cloud IM.


  • Java 8 or later
  • Maven

Installation and Getting Started

1. Maven Configuration

Add the Maven dependency:


2. Getting Started

Here is a quick teaser of an application using IM SDK in Java:

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // type your sdkAppId here
        long appId = 1400554812;
        // type your adminUserId here
        String identifier = "test";
        // type your applicationKey here
        String key = "60c6c5925f3ae52c7325ac5a8ec78e44c056d1dd84d54e12ffa39911267a2a70";
        // create ImClient instance
        IMClient client = IMClient.getInstance(appId, identifier, key);

        // import account
        AccountImportRequest request = new AccountImportRequest();
        request.setNick("Doocs Community");
        try {
            AccountImportResult result = client.account.accountImport(request);
        } catch (IOException e) {



Contributions are always welcomed! Please refer to CONTRIBUTING for detailed guidelines.


Apache-2.0 License.

  • 设置用户资料接口中自定义字段设置未生效问题(有时候生效)


    okhttp request:

    Request{method=POST, url=https://console.tim.qq.com/v4/profile/portrait_set?sdkappid=xxxxx&identifier=administrator&usersig=xxxxx&random=2136887377&contenttype=json, headers=[User-Agent:qcloud-im-server-sdk-java/null(Mac OS X/13.0/aarch64;]}

    okhttp requestString: {"From_Account":"xxxxxx","ProfileItem":[{"Tag":"Tag_Profile_IM_Nick","Value":"对对对"},{"Tag":"Tag_Profile_IM_Image","Value":"https:/xxxx.oss-cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com/dams/47ed6184c7ee4ffeb9b6cabd7.png"},{"Tag":"Tag_Profile_Custom_Data","Value":"{"mobileNo":"13311111111","roleNameList":["SA"]}"}]}

    okhttp response:

    Response{protocol=http/1.1, code=200, message=OK, url=https://console.tim.qq.com/v4/profile/portrait_set?sdkappid=dddd&identifier=administrator&usersig=ddddd*&random=2136887377&contenttype=json}

    多次调用接口都是返回成功的,自定义字段实际未生效, 查看入参都没问题,费解 是有什么要注意的吗 im后台设置的用户自定义字段key是 : Tag_Profile_Custom_Data 大小写是注意到了 没啥问题

    opened by heangping 11
  • 创建群组问题


    创建群组时,如果定义了群组自定义字段对象且赋值,im会返回{groupId='null', actionStatus='FAIL', errorInfo='all defined key is invalid', errorCode=10004}参数无效。如果不传自定义字段或者只定义自定义字段对象不赋值则没有问题。将源码的AppDefinedDataItem key字段和value字段改为Key和Value也没有问题。 image image

    opened by gchzz 4
  • 获取群组消息的时候,返回的next超出int最大值报错


    Exception in thread "main" com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException: Numeric value (9040992949) out of range of int (-2147483648 - 2147483647) 这是源代码 public static void init() throws IOException { long appId = xxxxxxx; String userId = "xxxxxxxxxx"; String key = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; ClientConfiguration config = new ClientConfiguration(); config.setExpireTime(7 * 24 * 60 * 60L); config.setAutoRenewSig(false); ImClient client = ImClient.getInstance(appId, userId, key, config); GetAppIdGroupListRequest request = GetAppIdGroupListRequest.builder() .limit(50) .groupType(GroupType.PUBLIC) .next(0) .build(); GetAppIdGroupListResult result = client.group.getAppIdGroupList(request); System.out.println(request); }

    opened by yayanan 3
  • 获取消息列表的接口少了IsPeerRead已读状态字段


    "MsgList": [
               "From_Account": "user1",
               "To_Account": "user2",
               "MsgSeq": 549396494,
               "MsgRandom": 2578554,
               "MsgTimeStamp": 1584669680,
               "MsgFlagBits": 0,
               "IsPeerRead": 0,
               "MsgKey": "549396494_2578554_1584669680",
               "MsgBody": [
                       "MsgType": "TIMTextElem",
                       "MsgContent": {
                           "Text": "msg 1"
               "CloudCustomData": "your cloud custom data"
    opened by eyong4736 2
  • 在设置超时时间的时候,默认都是3s,我上游调用的时候,应该设置多少s才能保证这里sdk一个请求响应已经结束,9s?


    ` public class ClientConfiguration { /** * 默认 UA */ public static final String DEFAULT_USER_AGENT = VersionInfoUtil.getDefaultUserAgent();

     * 默认最大重试次数
    public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES = 3;
     * 默认自动更新签名
    public static final boolean DEFAULT_RENEW_SIG = true;
     * 默认超时时间(毫秒)
    public static final long DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 3000L;
    public static final long DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT = 3000L;
    public static final long DEFAULT_WRITE_TIMEOUT = 3000L;、

    ... //其他code `

    opened by mufeng567 2
  • 发送消息的apns对象属性没有更新


    "ApnsInfo": { "Sound": "apns.mp3", "BadgeMode": 1, // 这个字段缺省或者为 0 表示需要计数,为 1 表示本条消息不需要计数,即右上角图标数字不增加 "Title":"apns title", // apns title "SubTitle":"apns subtitle", // apns subtitle "Image":"www.image.com" // image url } image 字段不一致

    opened by panlin586 2
  • IMClient 没有自动更新 userSig 的过期时间

    IMClient 没有自动更新 userSig 的过期时间

    这里获取 client instance 后, 从 cache 中获取的 client 的话,是不会更新 userSig 的过期时间的.

        public static IMClient getInstance(Long sdkAppId, String userId, String key) {
            String identify = sdkAppId + "_" + userId;
            if (IM_CLIENT.get(identify) == null) {
                IM_CLIENT.putIfAbsent(identify, new IMClient(sdkAppId, userId, key, 24 * 60 * 60L));
            return IM_CLIENT.get(identify);
    opened by vioao 2
  • update IM_BIRTHDAY tencent need int but give a string

    update IM_BIRTHDAY tencent need int but give a string

    // tencent doc Tag_Profile_IM_BirthDay | uint32 | 生日 | 有 | 推荐用法:20190419

    // code profiles.add(ProfileItem.builder().tag(TagProfile.IM_BIRTHDAY).value(birth).build());

    tks for your work. best wishes.

    opened by Asa-Dong 1
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